• breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 hours ago 100%

    Mmm I love my packs of GGARETTA

  • horrormovies Horror movies ‘The Crow’ remake ends its theater run. how much did it make?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 9 hours ago 100%

    with a gross of $9,528

    Is that a mistype or did it literally take less than 10k on that specific time period?

  • technology Technology How OpenAI Can Transform the Future of the Internet and Become a Global Tech Giant
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 10 hours ago 100%

    weird spam ad for openai?

  • ukraine Ukraine Cruise missile strike, possibly "Palyanytsya", on a military unit headquarters in the Bryansk region of Russia.
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 day ago 100%

    sounds like they shout “yeah boi!” at the start

  • chatgpt ChatGPT When having a meal with classmates or colleagues, someone takes photos of everyone and shares it in a group chat without notifying beforehand. How can I politely decline
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 day ago 100%

    why is this in chatgpt community?

  • firefox Firefox Is "copy link without tracking" working for you?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 day ago 100%

    Do you have examples to compare? As in, does the URL even contain tracking information in the first place?

  • technology Technology Is it fair to ask individuals to make significant changes to their lifestyles to combat climate change?"
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 2 days ago 93%

    If only international companies who produce the most issues for the climate made significant changes to their business first.

    We should all “play our part”. But assuming everyone in the world got rid of their cars and solely relied on bicycles, for example, how much impact would that really have? Compared to huge lorries on the road and shipping companies burning bunker oil?

  • news News New details of Trump family crypto project released, including who can buy in
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 2 days ago 100%

    convicted felon releases new crypto scam for his smoothbrained supporters

  • news News Meta bans RT days after U.S. accused Russian outlet of disinformation
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 2 days ago 100%

    meta happy to ban their disinformation competitor

  • memes memes Craaaawling in my skiiin
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 2 days ago 84%

    Why are you embarrassed?

  • memes memes Craaaawling in my skiiin
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 2 days ago 87%

    who hurt you?

  • theonion The Onion Kamala Safe And In Stable Condition After Attempted Interview
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 3 days ago 95%

    babylonbee is the onion without humour

  • technology Technology Amazon is making its employees come back to the office five days a week
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 3 days ago 98%

    cutting head count without “firing” people. standard capitalism bullshit.

    stop using amazon. let it rot.

  • privacy Privacy How big threat do you think Intel ME is in reality, not in theory?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 3 days ago 15%

    Why do you think the NSA is targeting you?

  • goodlongread goodLongRead What Sounds Like Pseudoscience, But Actually Isn’t?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 3 days ago 100%

    literally just a reddit link. no thanks.

  • politics politics Live updates: FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt of Trump in Florida | CNN Politics
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 66%

    .. ok? Im sorry you dont understand I guess

  • politics politics Live updates: FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt of Trump in Florida | CNN Politics
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 75%

    Ah. I think you have entirely missed my sarcasm of “good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun”.

    Most countries have armed security/police without also having a heavily armed population. Plenty of comments of “if you ban guns only bad guys have guns” nonsense.

  • politics politics Live updates: FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt of Trump in Florida | CNN Politics
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 54%

    I literally said excluding professionals.

  • politics politics Live updates: FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt of Trump in Florida | CNN Politics
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 89%

    “let an entire country have guns. what could go wrong?”

    where was the “good guy with gun” to save the day? excluding professional trained security members

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Create Games for Dreamcast & PS1 with Retro Game Designer | Kickstarter
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 100%

    A kickstarter for said tool. Feel the headline should have included that

  • programming Programming How to see a graph of open/closed issues & PRs on GitHub?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 100%

    The tools on the page, or the page itself? this is the example repo graph.

    And then it says this at the bottom,

    #### Why authorize?
    For unauthenticated requests, Github sets a requests rate limit up to [60 requests per hour](https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting). In case the number of requests to collect data is bigger than the rate limit you'll have to authenticate yourself via Github OAuth and authorize our application. After authorization your requests rate limit will be 5,000 requests per hour. Enjoy :)
  • steamdeck Steam Deck There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 4 days ago 80%

    how does this work if you live close to another state? As in if you live in a state with sales tax but down the road is a state without sales tax- why ever shop in your state?

  • programming Programming How to see a graph of open/closed issues & PRs on GitHub?
    usa United States | News & Politics 'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 days ago 100%

    She blew the racist dog whistle too hard

  • vanitypl8s Vanity license plates Is this plate cool or hot?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 days ago 100%

    Id assume this is one of the crypto scam celsius fraudsters

  • libertarian Libertarian Discussion Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 days ago 75%

    really austria? Forgot who you managed to produce?

  • news News Brazil judge withdraws $3.3 million from Musk's Starlink and X to pay for social media fines
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 days ago 100%

    While they are separate entities, its not like musk treats them as such when it benefits him. he redirected a ton of GPUs from tesla to twitter, for example

  • politics politics Orange fact checked by Germany
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 5 days ago 100%

    i cant even imagine how smooth brained you need to be to believe the things trump says

  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is this real?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 80%

    ban this MF posting untagged nsfw

  • linux Linux WSL vs. Dual Booting vs. virtualbox
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 75%

    Windows as a daily driver, want to do some development / docker usage based on Linux - WSL. Also you can if I remember correctly only run windows containers on windows as well as linux containers. You cant run windows containers on a linux host

    You want to daily drive Linux but sometimes swap back to windows for some specific purpose (like specific games or applications that proton doesnt work with), Dual Boot

    Only reason I would use virtualbox over WSL is if I need to work with a fully fledged Linux OS. I havent needed to do this since WSL though

    To prep for dual booting, simplest is to have windows installed first then use the graphical installer from Linux distro which lets you select a partition to split, resize and setup GRUB etc. Very easy to do. BACK YOUR SHIT UP THOUGH

  • gaming Gaming Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 100%

    Easy solution - I just wont be buying games the deck cant run.

    Optimise your games for lower end hardware. Problem solved.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME 100st drawing for the stonk, it's been a long time and a lot of pens and paper. I'm still hoping the DOJ is quietly building a rock solid case and we get to keep our word; no cell, no sell.
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 0%

    When I first glanced at this image I thought it was a crazy floorplan

  • politicalmemes Political Memes The emperor has no clothes. He never did. 9 years of this crap.
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 6 days ago 100%

    claims to win debate

    refuses to ever do another debate

    the clowns who support this felon wont see the hypocrisy and lies. literally refuse to accept reality and refuse to realise trump is not working in their best interests.

    republican voters want to give huge tax breaks to billionaires. for some reason. I guess they enjoy paying even more for their goods and services?

  • news News Trump Says He's Done Debating: 'THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!'
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 7 days ago 99%

    hes finally realised the world is actually laughing at him. its not just an insult people say. Everyone is literally laughing at how stupid and incompetent this weird felon is

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Weirdo who clearly lost the debate throws a hissy fit.
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 7 days ago 100%

    Refused to say he supports ukraine and “would end the war in 24 hours”

    When asked if he had a healthcare plan, he said he had a “concept of a plan”. and “when we think of one itll be the best.”

    So no, he doesnt support ukraine.

    And no healthcare plan.

    The guy is an idiot.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How can I find out why one of my accounts is banned?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 week ago 100%

    find the account in the modlog


  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Who else is an adult that still lives with their family?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 week ago 70%

    get a job?

  • politics politics Elon Musk breaks debate silence with bizarre offer to impregnate Taylor Swift
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 week ago 100%

    a vile human.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • breadsmasher breadsmasher 1 week ago 100%

    Sure. But my reply was specifically to OP about doctors being paid more than nurses for doing “less work”.

  • cars
    Upgrading In Car Entertainment System / Screen

    Hope this is ok to ask here - apologies if not. tldr - my car has tire pressure senors, oil monitor sensor etc all controlled via in the car display system. If I had this changed with a non-oem aftermarket display, do I need to specifically look for one that supports vehicle status sensors? Or is it a matter of just connecting it all and the display will have that information? And will the built in controls still function? additional context - I have a Mini Cooper S 2020 F55 with what I believe is a BIS entertainment/in car system. I want to change it out for one that has carplay. When I look online, read any forums, they’re all discussing how to swap the BIS with an OEM mini headunit etc (NBT/EVO whatever). Replacing them looks incredibly expensive - nearing £1000 for everything. I want to retain all existing functionality - the vehicle status like oil and tire sensors etc. I have looked at the wireless carplay interrupt units which can add carplay without replacing the display/head unit **_however_** it doesn’t seem there is one available specifically for the BIS unit. Does anyone have any experience or advice? Thanks!

    Voyager breadsmasher 4 weeks ago 100%
    UI QoL Suggestion - Instance blocking "add" button at the top

    Currently in filters and blocks, all the “Add instance/community/user” are at the bottom of the list. I have a large filter list requiring a lot of scrolling to reach the bottom. Would it be possible to have this at the top instead? Alternatively, when selecting a community to block (vis the `…` menu) is there a way to block the whole instance that community is hosted on? Primary use to block instances that are non-english.

    No Stupid Questions breadsmasher 1 month ago 100%
    Does a list of lemmy instance and main language exist?

    Seemingly the functionality for setting languages is never used, and a large portion of my new feed is from instances that are language specific (and not the language I speak). I have set my language to English + Undefined, but it seems no one else can/will set their languages for their posts (leaving them as undefined). I would like to bulk add these to my blocked instance. I know how to do this. My question is just - is there a list of instance + language covering the main federated instances?

    AssholeDesign breadsmasher 2 months ago 97%
    WAPO "gift" articles now require signing up

    Gift articles previously were accessible just with the link. The latest article I attempted to read now requires me to first sign up **edit** The article in question <https://wapo.st/4fp62oH> I am well aware of many work arounds. The point of this post was to show wapo has _changed_ the way gift articles work, which previously _**didn’t**_ require a workaround

    dailygames breadsmasher 3 months ago 77%
    Strands #111 www.nytimes.com

    As someone who is not american, I massively struggled with this one One. Single. Word. exists in the UK, and the rest are entirely nonexistent afaik ``` Strands #112 “Fine diners” 💡🔵💡🔵 🔵💡🔵💡 🔵🔵🟡 ```

    United Kingdom breadsmasher 3 months ago 87%
    Life Wirral School - Post Panorama Airing www.lifewirral.com

    Im watching the Panorama airing, decided to check out what this scumbag school had to say for themselves. Their statement is _infuriating_ > An undercover investigator failed in her basic safeguarding duties to report significant concerns and had she have done so on day one there would be no television programme _You have ran this school for years, what the fuck_ > As a team of highly respected education specialists we see no justification whatsoever allowing such incidents to continue; the safeguarding of the children should have come first rather than a television show _YOU ONLY CARE BECAUSE IT WAS ON A TV SHOW_ had it been reported like you say, _it would have been brushed under the rug_ Shut this school down. Jail these cunts.

    Lemmy.world Support breadsmasher 6 months ago 80%
    Requesting unmoderated communities?

    This community https://lemmy.world/c/conservativememes2 had recently had its only mod banned for hatespeech/transphobia. I would like to request moderation control of this community. thanks

    Brexit breadsmasher 8 months ago 95%
    UK halts trade negotiations with Canada over hormones in beef ban www.bbc.co.uk

    Im so glad we left the EU so we could negotiate trade deals. We’re so good at negotiating! 🤡🤡🤡

    Lemmy.world Support breadsmasher 12 months ago 57%
    Lemmy.world instance policy towards obvious troll user?

    Wondering if theres a policy for users who are clearly here to troll and stoke/create drama?

    Dachshund breadsmasher 1 year ago 88%
    Doggy Parton https://i.imgur.com/7ohJHng.jpg

    She wore it just long enough for me to take a photo

    Lemmy.world Support breadsmasher 1 year ago 80%
    c/technology mods are inactive

    It seems all the mods for technology@lemmy.world are inactive, and are not making any effort to combat spam. How to go about requesting to mod the community myself?

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 50%
    Trump counterclaim against E. Jean Carroll dismissed https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4141818-trump-counterclaim-against-e-jean-carroll-dismissed/

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2829747 > A federal judge Monday dismissed former President Trump’s claim that E. Jean Carroll defamed him in May after a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing the writer. > > The day after the verdict, Carroll appeared on CNN and indicated Trump had raped her. The jury had not found Trump liable for rape under New York’s definition, but instead found him liable for sexual abuse. > > Trump then claimed Carroll’s insistence on CNN amounted to defamation, filing a counterclaim in Carroll’s other lawsuit that has not yet gone to trial. > > U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan on Monday dismissed Trump’s argument, ruling Carroll’s statement on the cable network was substantially true and that “[t]here would have been no different effect on the mind of an average listener.” > > “The difference between Ms. Carroll’s allegedly defamatory statements — that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as defined in the New York Penal Law — and the ‘truth’ — that Mr. Trump forcibly digitally penetrated Ms. Carroll — is minimal. Both are felonious sex crimes,” Kaplan ruled. > > Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, separately rejected Trump’s defense that he has “absolute presidential immunity” in the case. # Are ya tired of winning, redhats?

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 25%
    Grand jury charges Trump in 2020 election probe www.nbcnews.com

    cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/politics@lemmy.world/t/279955 > Trump has been charged by the Department of Justice with the following four counts: > > * A conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election," according to the special counsel's office. > * A conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified. > * A conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted. > * Obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote.

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 25%
    Donald Trump’s Attorneys Are in the Pants-Shitting Phase of Criminal Investigation Process: Report - Vanity Fair www.vanityfair.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1913154 > [archive.is](https://archive.is/ZwWam/again?url=https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/07/donald-trump-lawyers-jack-smith-election-indictment)

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 40%
    Trump says he expects indictment in 2020 election probe www.bbc.co.uk

    Could career grifter tr*mp finally face justice?

    Unpopular Opinion breadsmasher 1 year ago 90%
    Celeb specific communities are cringe

    Continuously blocking these communities for me as they come up. Posting tons of random celebrity photos (mostly women celebs) and simping is so cringe

    Community blocking is getting ridiculous https://i.imgur.com/BOAlb4j.jpg

    I find this the most frustrating part of federation. So many more communities to block when so many instances can have the same sorts of community

    [BUG] Search communities for a term and end with @ causes hard crash

    I’ve submitted the logs via email report as well. Version 0.0.2 (17) Reproduce - 1. From app bottom bar select Search 2. Type a string ending with @ (for example lemmy@) 3. Click Search Communities 4. Hard crash

    Lemmy.world Support breadsmasher 1 year ago 66%
    Banned user with a ton of generic community names?

    User @Kombuchawow is banned for whatever reason but they are the sole mod (owner?) of a bunch of communities. Is there a process to remove them? A lot of the names are old subreddits. They are clearly unused.

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 25%
    US investigators zone in on Trump election-plot lawyer John Eastman www.theguardian.com

    Fuck around? Find out. cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1037408 > Experts say Eastman, faces possible disbarment in California, under increasing scrutiny in federal and state inquiries.

    the_donald breadsmasher 1 year ago 25%
    Pro-Trump Lawyer (Lin Wood) Cowardly Quits Rather Than Face Disbarment Trial newrepublic.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1064512 > Good riddance.
