UK leftists squid_slime 3 months ago 100%
Exeter: BMA Junior Doctors Strike

Today on Barrack Road, Exeter, medical professionals lined up out side Exeter hospital to demand better. Our NHS is failing. Nurses, NHS carers, and doctors have been vocal, shining a light on our failing NHS, which has been left to rot by the likes of Tories and Labour government. As socialists, we also demand better. We call for a full restructuring of our NHS, offering incentives such as bursaries, retention schemes for junior doctors and nurses, adequate equipment, and hospital beds to meet demand. We also demand the removal of the corporate rot that has parasitically sucked our taxes out. We stood in solidarity with our junior doctors today, we stood with our NHS carers last week, and we will continue to stand in solidarity demanding meaningful change for all workers.

UK leftists squid_slime 3 months ago 93%
Plymouth Pride and the Insidious Corporate White-Washing

Another beautiful venture to Plymouth with Plymouth branch [Socialist Party *formally militant*]( Today I had got together with comrades, about 8 to show solidarity at the Pride March. It was a truly amazing turn out and Plymouth branch were well organised through-out. moving with the march. We mostly went to show solidarity but also to speak with peraders about the strange [sponsor's Pride]( had. One of which is a military contractor [Babcock]( who have been [vying for Israeli]( contracts. Another [BT who are planning to lay off 55,000]( workers over the next 6 years as it pivots to ai automation. A somewhat unholy partnership. Most pride goers find irritation in this like myself, its purely monitory influence to elevate their ethical legitimacy whist being corpates bastards.

uk_leftists UK leftists Climate change solutions must resist colonialism
  • squid_slime squid_slime 3 months ago 66%

    How can we make renewable energy profitable? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • uk_leftists
    UK leftists squid_slime 3 months ago 87%
    WEEKLY:: Plymouth Branch: NHS and G4S Strike Action.

    My second venture to Plymouth. More door knocking and speaking with Plymouth's working class in the lead up to the general election. We had a few people say they will vote [tusc]( the party we support. we also heard a few say [reform]( A bosses party dressed up to entice the workers. As revolutionaries, we must educate our brothers and sisters, read the parties' manifestos, Labour, Tory, and Reform. In doing so, we can show people the true nature and present a socialist alternative. Later in the evening, the Plymouth branch held an open meeting in the industrial corner of the city, [LeadWorks]( A full room listened to an older lady and long-time member who read from papers to the Plymouth branch. She shared concise facts about our NHS spanning from its birth to the caucus and how it came to be such. The atmosphere shifted from informal to electric as members raised their hands, eager to speak next. Each one slammed the NHS harder about how the capitalists have sold it bit by bit from under our feet or how the NHS has failed us. Emotions were rightfully high, almost as if mourning a loss and a deep betrayal. * [NHS Documentry]( Today I woke up at another comrades house who'd kindly put me up in their spare room, we quickly made our way to a picket line outside Plymouth's hospital. [NHS worker]( about a hundred stood clutching signs along a busy T-junction. Horns beeping and chants echoed, the energy was high and outlook promising. I was also able to visit the [g4s strike]( outside the job centre. A slightly different energy from that of the NHS care workers, [g4s is owned by an american company]( and it is doubtful that they will yield. We are currently seeing the beginnings of class consciousness awakening from its slumber and now we must push with determination, be active members as funding isn't enough, We have to be revolutionaries! Solidarity, squid.

    youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • squid_slime squid_slime 3 months ago 66%

    Currently we are witnessing a capitalist genocide in Gaza were children are starving to death and the working class are powerless to stop this. But yea denial on both sides certainty is problematic, the issue is though "tankie" communists will argue propaganda as well as the libs and conservatives. We have been bombarded with fictitious narrative that its a real struggle to find comprehensive and honest reporting of previous events.

    Last month I read a "tankies" recap on Tiannamen Square protests, it went as far as to say there was no massacre and quoted creditable journalist that had reported a peaceful evening on the night of the massacre, but I equally saw photos of piled up buddies, bloodied police officers and alike. There's also a conspiracy that the CIA staged the massacre or played some rule within it.

    Ive also dealt with american denying the genocide in Vietnam, or Americas rule in creating North Korean.

    Solidarity comrade

  • politicalmemes Political Memes "Actually, sweatie, mass unrest is caused by the CIA, not discontent with Dear Leader!"
  • squid_slime squid_slime 4 months ago 66%

    I like the dichotomy. Fuck power structure and you may be misremembering the dialogue prier, definitely inflating it though 1000001981

    You delete these comments :/ but this is what I said.

    Someone had said how communism has caused much suffering, I wanted to add context to the history of communist revolutions.

  • tutanota
    Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 5 months ago 87%
    while its not great when service goes down i have to commend Tuta with this gesture

    >In the beginning of April, you were not able to use your Tuta account for multiple hours due to a technical issue >we have automatically credited your account with a compensation worth one month of your paid plan (of all affected users of your account)

    politics politics Our Trump reporting upsets some readers, but there aren’t two sides to facts: Letter from the Editor
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 98%

    Being British but having to talk american politics ive started looking to Wikipedia for somewhat non bias information, or more so I am able to easily follow the source which often leads to first hand testimonials, court documents and some such information.

    I find doing so gives me an advantage when combatting misinformation.

    My uncle who seems to get all his insight from Ben Shapiro or as I say dry muff man, and Russell brand/Howard which ever is doing a pod cast theses days.

    Anyway a lot of the right wing ideologs tend to side on conspiracy, hearsay. So be well informed and hopefully we can pull the working class away from these grifters.

  • politics politics Our Trump reporting upsets some readers, but there aren’t two sides to facts: Letter from the Editor
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 50%
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy how to see which instances have blocked/defedorated other content/instances?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    This is perfect thank you

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy squid_slime 6 months ago 98%
    how to see which instances have blocked/defedorated other content/instances?

    i want to find an instance where meta is blocked and allows most content to be viewed, and disallows community creation and media hosting. looked on fedidb and either not smart enough to work it out or they dont show that type of information. anyway thanks in advance

    technology Technology White Label WordPress Development Services
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Anyone hear that hackers have been embedding password crackers into WordPress. Turns non assuming visitors into password cracking botnet

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is that movie you saw at too young an age that still haunts you to this day?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    the exorcist. At age 8

    My Catholic church going up bringing has made possession into a genuine fair even though I'm atheist now.

  • reddit Reddit Now that Reddit's IPO is done, what is the over/under on when gets killed?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    on browser you could use libredirect or on android theres geddit these both are front ends like invidious is to youtube

  • priest_arrested Paragons of Virtue Arrested Former Elmore police officer sentenced to 13 years in prison on child porn charges
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    hoping he find plenty of trauma

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    24 random letter upper and lower case, numbers and special characters. that is more than enough to stop brute force cracking. unless someones nuts and uses a server farm

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    got reddit front ends, no accounts needed same for redgif lol

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    cant say this was something i gave any thought to, guess deleting reddit seemed like the default

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Stealth your way into reddit HQ, find the server 🫠

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    I used powerdeletesuite, worked incredibly well

  • reddit Reddit bye bye :3
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    I did on both accounts 🥲

  • reddit
    Reddit squid_slime 6 months ago 93%
    bye bye :3
    reddit Reddit After eight years, i resigned as a moderator of my community
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    deleting my my account solidarity and just something i keep meaning to get around to

  • general General Discussion Koala lover here with posts that has been removed and was not notified as to the reason of it.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    that does seem quit unfair to delete a fairly innocuous post, have you reach-out to moderators of that group

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Sadly I am on both, discord for friends and projects and matrix for social and projects

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost But I want to meet the White Queen!
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Mirrors are a conspiracy.

    They think they can hide the shadow realm from us!!

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion AI is stupid and the crazy is infuriating and it doesn't add as much value as corps push that it does.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Ah yes the self deprecating model

  • greentext Greentext Anon has a power fantasy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 87%


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Hey Lemmy, what do you think of my new Wallpaper?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    But it is a fait worse then death!

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions When asked a question, what is your first reaction, to answer the question or to defend yourself?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions When asked a question, what is your first reaction, to answer the question or to defend yourself?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    This is beautiful and highly relatable and for that I must thank you.

    Welcome to the salad group.

  • gaming Gaming Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    I'm glad he can see the issue but then part way through the interview he loses it, and jumps to feeding the capitalist system

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Hey Lemmy, what do you think of my new Wallpaper?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    He's should be free not locked in a cage

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting This "Presenting Super Mario Bros." Cheez Whiz Jar from 1989
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    That posting.... Wonder if it'll turn up on one of those weird yt channels where the chug crystal Pepsi

  • games Games No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    beyond the issue of the price, this isnt comparable to a trip to the pictures once a month as movies change... and if someone spent stupid money on a ingame ship you dont think theyll buy another? these companies dont offer consumer friendly deals they instead hunt wales.

  • games Games No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    way to say "im a prick" without saying it

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Licencing, its cheap to print and for consumers easy to find

  • unixporn
    unixporn squid_slime 6 months ago 95%
    Dynamic gaps <3

    python script for sway that will incrementally change the size of gaps as windows are added [my github](

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    That's awful. hope you were able to remove yourself from that situation, ive dropped all communication from my father.

    I speak with my mother as she seems to of turned a leaf but last year I was talking with her about cptsd and she asked if she caused any of it, I was very honest and said she had a small part in (I didn't live with my mother till my teens but when I moved there-was no heating, food or parenting happening as well as her manipulative/abusive partner I soon choose to sleep on a sofa at my grandparents for the next 8 years) I didn't call my mother out on this as she started crying a lot and I took back what I said.

    Trauma usually breeds trauma and her father was an alcoholic gambling Irish man so I understand that she wasn't given the best chance in life and she now recognises this. I'm pretty proud of her tbf

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    I honestly thought the same of mental health in general, but being diagnosed put a lot in prospective.

    Like wise always happy to talk

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    The c denotes that the trauma isn't from one event or small window of events.

    Your last paragraph I feel I had witnessed with someone in a cptsd community who used cptsd as a means to push a racial agender and it infuriated me listening to them, I left due to that person, I felt guilty doubting if they actually had cptsd but after multiple others reaching out about this person I feel somewhat justified

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    I was on r/cptsd for awhile, I found the discord to be very useful

  • youtube Youtube vagrant keeping it classy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Maybe there's something you your settings but glad .world doesn't seem to censor.

    Lol yea I find his critics to be very relatable

  • linux Linux Anyone tried blendOS with microsoft surface?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    If your installing linux on your surface pro 7 you'll also want to follow this repository basically enables a lot of features that won't work otherwise, like touch, pen and other stuff, how this would work with an immutable system I'm not sure, for me arch works perfectly on my surface.

  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Ive felt this same way but then when normal people talk about they're own upbringing I realise how bad mine was lol

  • youtube Youtube vagrant keeping it classy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%

    Lol this is aweful, wonder if its an .ml issue can you read "removed"?

    Guessing you got to the channel?

  • youtube Youtube vagrant keeping it classy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 months ago 100%
  • casualconversation
    PTSD/CPTSD non military

    Something I have stuck in my head and frustrates me, was from years ago news media talking about PTSD in regards to civilians. The conversation felt very dismissive as if it was not possible to suffer from PTSD unless they fought in a war. recently I was diagnosed with CPTSD due to a horrific home life growing up. Anyway all this has compounded to were I feel like an outsider. I know cptsd is somewhat common and I'm wondering if anyone remembers this narrative in the news, and if anyone with PTSD/CPTSD has felt similarly?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Youtube squid_slime 6 months ago 92%
    vagrant keeping it classy

    if you've not heard of this guy then definitely check afew of his videos. hes been offline for a few years but his picture catches my eye when clearing through my subs and i often find myself peeking at his channel just incase hes posted.

    Got a "smart" monitor, my first

    Samsung g8 monitor, ive been pining to upgrade my 1080p monitor and thought id go full hug with oled, 4k and higher frame rate (170hz apposed to my previous 144hz), first cardinal sin: polystyrene packaging. Second: its apparently smart which I'm taking to mean they added pointless software to it so to extract long term profit from users, have brand deals with streaming company's and to artificially age a product. I can see a smart TVs making sense, its essentially the evolution of the TV, in general, they started with big antennas and now they have smaller internal antennas, changes to broadcasting has allowed for this. But a monitor something that has always relied on a secondary system to function now has smart features, why the fuck call it a monitor? Its surely a tv at that point. Although my disappointment goes further than just the smart aspect, I'd be okay if there was a non intrusive app store, but no the controls have 4 dedicated buttons I will never use, prime video, netflix, Disney plus and Samsung TV plus. If I were to ever use these services I would do so through my PC, or if I had a games console (media centre) I would use that, which then posses the question of what's the point? Did they have old android PCBs laying about the factory and thought fuck it,.. Next issue is how Samsung want me to connect to the internet, its easy to press no to connecting, the issue come from hardware maintenance which is especially important with oled. Oleds degrade quite fast, if I left the monitor on for a day with windows desktop white theme constantly displaying I may run into burn in, so most oled monitors/TVs have corrective software that'll run on command or scheduled, most of these monitors also report its history of corrective operations but Samsung demands I download an app on my phone to view this information. Why can't tech just be one thing, now everything has to be some kind of Swiss army knife. Edit: thought I'd look at this app (SmartThings) to see how good/bad it is, download the app and permissions aren't too bad although I dont like that Samsung wants my location, anyway ive two option: top right sign in, centre get started, I click get started and get pulled from the app to my browser met with a message > "Browser not supported > Samsung account can only be used with the following browsers: > - Samsung Internet > - Chrome > - Firefox > - QQ Browser > - UC Browser > - Sogou Browser > - 360 Browser > - Safari > - Chromium > - Brave > - Microsoft Edge" I am using chromium on android... This is just ridiculous. Plus a redflag to Samsung needing me to be connected to the internet whilst using the application which uses Bluetooth to connect to the monitor. Another edit: multi screen is locked, I can't use two inputs simultaneously to create a split screen unless I connect to the internet. Ridiculous. I had this capability back in 2016 with my old lg ultra wide and now my hardware functionality is locked because I am choosing to stay offline. Who can I go to in the UK for anti consumer practice's?

    Just watched Devotion 2022. Its pretty great

    If you've seen it what's your thought, if you've not seen devotion then watch it. Great camera work, characters and intense action scenes.

    Ask Lemmy squid_slime 6 months ago 100%
    orange pi one project ideas

    got an [orange pi one]( kind of like a raspberry pi, initially was for hosting zonemider (self hosted video surveillance) so what projects would lemmy recommend?

    Arch Linux squid_slime 6 months ago 92%
    Anyone else uninstall ncurses and realise how important of a package it is...

    Well I did, wanted the git version so uninstalled ncurses to then blissfully install ncurses-git and low and behold my system shat. Pacstraps my hero

    unixporn squid_slime 6 months ago 97%
    swayfx <3 i wasn't able to code other than bash and a tiny bit of python but learning json and css through waybar has been an enjoyable experience. all thats left is a notification daemon that uses css, recommendations are welcome

    Socialism squid_slime 6 months ago 84%
    I'm surprised openai's chatgpt is pro socialism

    I asked this same question on 3 different instances and render the same result

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    [Resolved (i hope)] in need of help with udev rule

    Edit: Go to bottom to read resolution: am trying to make a stable link to read t-sensor ```bash $ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/t_sensor-temp-stable-path.rules ``` ```bash ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="hwmon", KERNEL=="hwmon*", ENV{HWMON_NAME}=="asusec", SYMLINK+="t_sensor_temp", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'ln -s /sys/class/hwmon/%k/temp2_input /dev/t_sensor_temp'" ``` ```bash $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules $ sudo udevadm trigger ``` expected result, t-sensor temp2_input file is now linked in /dev/t_sensor_temp actual result no link in /dev ```bash $ cat /dev/t_sensor_temp cat: /dev/t_sensor_temp: No such file or directory ``` even after rebooting,and running ``` $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules ``` ``` $ sudo udevadm trigger ``` its still failing to create link. i have stable links in /dev for gpu and cpu which work perfectly Edit: so i may of resolved the issue and am adding this to maybe help others in the future worth noting i preface "may of" as im not sure if when a hardware change acures that udev will continue to link to hwmon* temp2_input i first changed the rule ```bash ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="hwmon", ATTRS{name}=="asusec", SYMLINK+="t_sensor_temp", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'ln -s /sys/class/hwmon/%k/temp2_input /dev/t_sensor_temp'" ``` kernel is now not present, "ENV{HWMON}" is now "ATTRS{name}" but with these edits the link still was not created. once i ran the command ` sudo udevadm trigger --action=add --subsystem-match=hwmon --attr-match=name=asusec ` then the symbolic link was created. its been frustrating but glad we got the in the end. if someone can shine a light on the strange behavior that would be great.

    Feddit UK squid_slime 7 months ago 100%
    Lost access to account

    Good to see this instance is back up Last year I asked for assistance with account recovery, I enabled 2fa by mistake, instantly disabled it but alas I was met with the 2fa prompt after attempting to log back in. At the time this instance wasn't being maintain and I didn't get assistance or comment when I originally asked for help so now that this instance is active I am asking again. If its irretrievably then no worries but if I could regain access then that would be awesome User: squid.feddit I can give other information to the instance maintainer.

    unixporn squid_slime 7 months ago 100%
    my minimal sway-waybar desktop

    the workspace icons flash between the two ascent colors /waybar/style.css ``` } #workspaces button:hover { color: #CCCCCC; border-radius: 15px; animation: urgentFlash 1.5s infinite alternate; } @keyframes urgentFlash { 0% { color: #ff00ff; } 100% { color: #00ced1; } } ```

    Linux squid_slime 7 months ago 83%
    proud :')

    my tech savvy friend has caved under my undying admiration of Linux

    Mildly Infuriating squid_slime 7 months ago 90%
    My graphics card BIOS chip malfunctioning coincided with my Wayland desktop glitching out

    I have a 6900 xt GPU of which had random crashes for a month, I then decided to load a new BIOS on to the board and found that the chip was not reading at all. Dual BIOS so no issue. I did some soldering to remove the faulty chip then turned on my PC to find all applications that used electron to render were crapping out making several applications unusable. With this I disassembled and reassembled the card several times over several days its also connected in a custom water cooling loop. Was a stressful week and found no issues with the card other than the now removed BIOS chip, I then decided to load up another linux Wayland os and found all electron applications worked perfectly. Back to my main os I uninstalled wayland, electron24 and a few other dependency's and reinstalled. Lo and behold the system was fine.... Love you linux but holy. Had be freaking out over repairing a fairly expensive card.

    Asklemmy squid_slime 7 months ago 32%
    Tech and subscription services are getting worse and should we blame the consumer

    Is the onus on the consumer? As much as I hate to say it I am pretty judgemental when it comes to people paying for subscriptions. While its wholly negative to have this mind set in the modern world is it such a bad thing. Like if we were all in a Lemmy community swimming pool and 80% of lemmys where pissing in that pool would I be unjust to be mad, my thought pattern here is by people supporting the subscription model will impacts everyone and it goes further than just more subscription only content, it impacts hardware where a lot of iot device and gaming device are less about serving the enjoyable media/useful features and more offering a portal to subscription services which impacts usabilities like rooting, custom ROMs, emulation, general tinkering, now every modern console, shady iot device has some kind of encrypted lock or circumventing that lock will also attract negative attention from corpos. At what point will consumer PCs start running locked down software with a locked bootloader. Should we as consumers stop buying game pass, Disney plus, vibrating massarg rings, mill kits, cable TV. As to not incentives corporations. I hope I'm not doom saying just general frustration and concern for what the future will hold. And I'd like to see what the general concus is on the subject

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    [resolved] Set custom "appid"&lt;(actually meant process) in wayland.

    I am trying to set waybar to launch with appid=waybar-touch using ``` WAYLAND_APP_ID=waybar-touch waybar -c /path/to/custom/config ``` But waybar fails to launch with expected appid.. Edit : when I said app ID I actually went process The way to launch with custom process name is by ``` exec -a foobar-custom foobar ``` For anyone interested.~~~~

    Linux squid_slime 7 months ago 92%
    [Resolved][Help] steam is rendering strange

    Xwayland was borked. Reinstalled all graphics drivers and mesa, Xwayland has fixed the issue, now all CEF windows render normally. ################################# Og post a few applications that use [CEF]( to render applications have serious artifacting (main install of arch with sway), i dont believe this is a gpu issue as i installed arch with sway minimal config and the issue was resolved. anyway i am hoping someone smarter than me could direct me on where to start with debugging this issue :) system: OS: Arch Linux KERNEL: 6.7.3-arch1-2 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT (radeonsi, navi21, LLVM 16.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.7.3-arch1-2) GPU DRIVER: 4.6 Mesa 24.0.0-devel (git-95ad0c750c) RAM: 32GB

    Arch Linux squid_slime 7 months ago 84%
    At what point is your system bloated?

    I feel my system is perpetually bloated, and try to maintain what applications I have installed but always seem to veer off into new applications or python modules and what ever else. Just wondering how does one keep a lean daily use system?

    Curious where the game is from before being cracked, repacked

    So I know the easy answer is from steam/gog/epic or what ever else but I can't imagine all game repackers are doing this for financial or ethical reasons. I do remembered one group in matrix telling me about a Russian site that uploads untouched games but can't remember the name. Any links to trust worthy sources?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ARMA squid_slime 7 months ago 100%
    Sure people have more time than me

    Let's see what everyone else has got

    made a script to launch jc141 releases

    jc141 is a linux game repacking group that use .sh scripts to configure wine prefixes but also includes native releases allowing users to easily play games on linux. the script is bash and must be run with [dialog]( and from within the directory where jc141 games are stored. make a .sh file called `` or whatever else. paste the bash script, save to the dir that has jc141 releases and launch in terminal. personally i set an alias in bashrc that links to the .sh script [mozila paste bin](

    Linux squid_slime 7 months ago 40%
    I'd like to get away from "arch bad for new users"

    When I say arch I mean the arch distro and all of its offspring. Endeavouros Arch-gui ~~Manjaro~~ Artix --maybe not though My first enjoyable distro was manjaro, the manjaro element less so but using arch clicked for me. But even so if my first experience was using arch and archinstall then yes its not the easiest but its also not that difficult, arch is treated like a boss battle in darksouls. So when a pre configured GUI arch is recommend I would like to see less scar mongering.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Mullvad VPN squid_slime 7 months ago 85%
    Anyone else dealing with random drop out?

    Ive noticed over the last week that my connection with randomly drop, probably around once and hour.

    EscapeFromTarkov squid_slime 8 months ago 75%
    Is there a way to get escape from tarkov for cheap?

    I'd love to start playing EFT but I'm also frugal when it comes to purchasing, how often is there a sale and what is the expected sale price?

    Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 8 months ago 100%
    Not being able to delete aliases makes little sense

    I'd understand if there was an inactivity wait period but strait up not being able to delete is backwards.

    Android squid_slime 8 months ago 93%
    Calyxos, health-connect doesn't work

    Using pixel 6a with calyx ROM and I play pokemon go, I'd like fitness tracking but ive not been able to get health connect to work.

    Linux squid_slime 9 months ago 86%
    Looking for a voice command/macro program

    Basically as title states. In need of software that takes simple spoken words/sentence and runs a macro

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    watercooling squid_slime 9 months ago 75%
    My first T-junction split
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    depression_now! squid_slime 9 months ago 86%
    Single again.

    Thought she'd be the reason I turn my life around

    Ask Lemmy squid_slime 9 months ago 95%
    Who doesn't use an adblocker and why?

    Wondering how much of the Lemmy user base wouldn't use an adblocker. If you do use one what other blocking do you use to circumvent data collection, YouTube and reddit front ends and things alike?
