
Ask Lemmy

Ask Lemmy ChilledPeppers 1 day ago 86%
How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?

I have been seeing plenty of guillhotine and mollotov jokes here, and as the title says, punching nazis. I've been reading [a book]( about nonviolence and anarchism, and he basically shows how we shouldn't use violence, even in extreme cases (like neo nazis). The main argument is that the means dictates the ends, so if we want a non violent (and non opressing) society, punching people won't help. And if it is just a joke, you should probably know that some people have been jailed for decades because of jokes like these (see: avoiding the fbi, second chapter of the book above). Obviously im up for debate, or else I wouldn't make this post. And yes, I do stand for nonviolence. (english is not my first language, im sorry if I made errors, or wansn't clear.) (if this is not pertinent, I can remake this post in c/politics or something) (the book is The Anarchist Cookbook by Keith McHenry, if you are downloading from the internet, make sure you download it from the correct author, there is another book with the same name.)

Ask Lemmy LaunchesKayaks 6 hours ago 97%
Does anyone else here have lupus? Just got diagnosed and I am really scared/upset

I got a diagnosis today after trying to figure out what's wrong with me for twenty years. My grandmother died at a relatively young age of lupus complications and she had to end her whole career at 36 because she was so sick. I'm 27, and I am terrified I'm going to end up like her. Her quality of life was absolutely awful for the entire time I knew her. I don't want that for myself.

Ask Lemmy Tracked 20 hours ago 83%
Are adults really not supposed to financially helps their old parents?

I've seen clip of that financial advice show "The Ramsey show" on YouTube and the things that old man say are shocking to me. According to him I shouldn't give a single cent to my parents... That's so against my culture. I would be seen as downright evil if I do that. Hell I'm unemployed for like a year by now and still sent 200 euro a few months ago to my father that still lives in my home country that I haven't seen in 17 years. Are you really Americans like that? Don't get me wrong, I don't see it as cold hearted but I see it as unnatural, and I'M a "socialess" cold person in essence.

Ask Lemmy Clinicallydepressedpoochie 7 hours ago 82%
People who stuck around on Twitter; what's it like being force fed conservative social media?

Trying to prep myself for when they foxify all social media platforms.

Ask Lemmy Anticorp 4 hours ago 88%
Why can't I comment or vote on posts?

AFAIK it has always been this way. I don't think I've been banned from an entire instance, but who knows? If I have, I wasn't told about it. Do they only allow interaction from people registered to their instance?

Ask Lemmy piefedderatedd 16 hours ago 87%
Definition of a weapon of mass destruction ?

Reading this I wondered ? I assumed it was only about really large weapons. > > > [Routh]( has a criminal record dating back to at least 2002, when he was convicted in Guilford County, North Carolina, on one felony count of possession of a weapon of mass destruction, according to a review of state court records. > >

Ask Lemmy alphacyberranger 39 minutes ago 100%
Does Lemmy have an active VPN community?

I have a question regarding VPN usage in South Korea and Saudi Arabia. I may go for short term work in either South Korea or Saudi for a few months. Does anybody have any idea, how safe it is to use a VPN as a foreigner in these countries? Worse case scenario, can I use a VPN in a Azure VM and scp torrent downloaded files or something?

Ask Lemmy Tracked 2 days ago 95%
In what videogame you're currently stuck and you gave up or drop it for a while?

Right now: Crash Bandicoot Nsane trilogy, FFX-2, Cyberpunk 2077, DMC V.

Ask Lemmy LifeInMultipleChoice 1 day ago 96%
App Server for phone apps

60 million apps keep getting pushed on us, and everyone wants their own... Every restaurant, gorcery store, etc. Would it not be feasible to install all of those Kroger, Gas Stations, bloat, bloat, bloat apps on an app Server that we just have a remote access to them like a thin client from our phone in a singular app of shortcuts (look like a folder, directory) So all the apps stay installed and don't use resources on the phone. Which keeps storage requirements down on the local device and means when you go into another device you can just log in and have access to all the apps already signed in and how you left them. Does anyone know if there is already such a setup? It wouldn't work well with things like streaming services, but it could still cover a lot of day to day apps I don't really want to have to have on my device.

Ask Lemmy IonAddis 1 day ago 91%
How cheap/expensive is your cost of living in a low-cost area and a small paid off home?

So, I ABSOLUTELY know there's massive variation in this. Just want to get ahead of that. What I'm looking for is...what do finances look like, casually, when you have a 100% paid off small (SMALL!) home. When a mortgage is out of the way, what's left to eat up your paycheck? I suppose I'm looking for the sort of casual knowledge of expenses for this sort of life that your kids might pick up if they lived in your area with you in your home. En mass, pulled from multiple lemmy folks, so I can get an idea of general trends. I'm partial for info from the USA, but others reading this might appreciate statistics from other areas. :) (People mistake how valuable this sort of "general idea" info is, I always see people going into the weeds on how every situation is different without bothering even giving a crappy signpost so I can see if I'm looking at a $5 expense or $500 or $5000. Knowing if something is going to be $5 or $5000 is very valuable, even if it's not some exact precise number. But I don't need to know if it's going to be exactly $392.29 if I wiggle my ears and tug my nose to get the right loophole, I just need to know that closer to $500 is correct, or whatever.) I don't have family, so I missed out on "casual learning" opportunities, and don't have anyone to talk to IRL to get this info, so it's really hard to apply my city-living experience to try to extrapolate what life might be like if I make a goal to buy a small home in Nowheretown, USA to retire in 20 years down the line. Anyway. So what do expenses look like if you have a small paid off house? What range do utilities run in for you (in your particular climate), what's home insurance like, what sort of unexpected expenses pop up when you own instead of rent? What's utilities like for sewer and trash, especially? Those have always been rolled into my rent. Is rural internet still limited to DSL or satellite (or Starlink I guess these days), or has better infrastructure been rolled out in places over the past 20 years since I last looked for this info? Edit: to me about well water and well expenses, and septic tanks instead of sewer lines, and oil heating. I promise I'll listen! Edit 2: Also talk to me about how propane works. Thanks everyone. :)

Ask Lemmy ryujin470 11 hours ago 95%
Is the website "Godchecker" a good mythology learning resource?

Link: [Godchecker]( (When I used Reddit, it didn't allow me to post about this site, it always kept removing my posts about it)

Ask Lemmy mesamunefire 2 days ago 96%
Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?

I'm watching "[The real reason algorithms are bad for art](" by Digging the greats and can't remember the last time I asked real humans for recommendations for music. At one point, he is going around asking people of artists/albums that they recommend. I thought that was a cool idea. Then I thought, what if I asked lemmy/mastodon/ect and see what you all recommend? **Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?** I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit. I'll start. There's a local band called the red coats. I think they only have one album. I can't find a Bandcamp link but their music is here should you like to hear them. My wife and I saw them live at tiny little shops.

Ask Lemmy some_guy 3 days ago 91%
When did the Pirate Bay become full of malvertising?

I hadn't been to the Pirate Bay in quite some time. I occasionally pop over to look for old videos. I went today and a big popover for a dubious software upgrade came up. Then, another saying that my system is infected and offering to clean it. That's obviously fake, but it was blocking my access to the user interface so I wasn't able to complete my search. Closed it. That's unfortunate.

Ask Lemmy Paradachshund 3 days ago 95%
Looking for new search engine

I've been using duckduckgo for years now with no issues, but today I opened it and realized there were no longer any search results before scrolling. It was all ads/info cards. So I guess I'm looking for a replacement. Any suggestions? Related: anyone know if there's a way in the Adnauseum Firefox extension to hide ads on a specific trusted site? I like their goal of not punishing ads following the do not track standard, but DDG has crossed a threshold and I now want to blacklist them specifically.

Ask Lemmy eightpix 1 day ago 63%
Request: An image or animated zoetrope that shows the corpo-media-police industrial complex.

At the bottom are the couch-dwelling viewers beholden to all above. I know I've seen this online somewhere, but I can't remember where. It may have been a cut-scene from a video or a standalone .GIF file. I'm not certain. If anyone in the community has seen this same image, I'd love to know the source.

Ask Lemmy andrew_bidlaw 2 days ago 94%
Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?

As I always move fast I have a problem with feeling like I loosely strapped a brick onto myself when I put my phone in my pockets, including waist and knee ones. It chaotically moves at each step and I'm tired of that. To the point I take it in my hand when I'm in a real hurry. I guess, Lemmy has a lot of people who either run or do outdoors activities and labor. What are the best positions on the body to make it move less when you walk or run? Are there some great smartphone holders, straps that you can recommend? Can I use it with casual clothes without it looking weird? I suppose the ones you place on the belt are obvious to suggest first, but I haven't seen them since the death of small button phones and current smartphones are kinda big for that to work. And no, putting it into a bag, a suitcase or a backpack wouldn't work for me for I prefer not to be dependent on carrying them on me.

Ask Lemmy mesamunefire 3 days ago 94%
How much do you all pay for Power?

My PGE bill is a little over 50c per kilowatt hour. Its starting to become like a second mortgage or car payment for some. Wondering what other people are paying for their power.

Ask Lemmy Alpha71 3 days ago 93%
Youtube or Spotify?

I had gotten Youtube premium and enjoyed it. My subscription ran out and I find I have 90% use of it for free. I got it to listen to the app on my phone when I was out. However the app sucks ass. I would listen to one song and then the app would just crash. SO I never got to use it for the intended use. So which would you choose? Youtube or Spotify? and how is the Spotify app on the phone?

Ask Lemmy merari42 5 days ago 98%
What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?

Examples: Itchy & Scratchy from The Simpsons, The Scary Door from Futurama, or The Grand Inquisitor from Dostoevsky.

Ask Lemmy ryujin470 4 days ago 96%
What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?

What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?

Ask Lemmy circuitfarmer 5 days ago 98%
Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?

(This post was intended for, but as it seems they don't allow text posts, I'm posting it here) This post will likely not go over well with everyone and some people may not agree with the premise of the question. Mods please remove if not allowed. I am curious if the MAGA-esque approach to politics is new for the US, or if there have been other examples of similar political movements which may be considered "cult-like". To better define what I mean, here are some examples: - Large amounts of signs bearing a candidate's name being shown by single individuals (e.g. big trucks covered in Trump signs everywhere) - Use of a candidate name over the US flag - Use of a kind of supporter uniform (e.g. the red MAGA hat) - The "alternative facts" of MAGA, where debate can be impossible because supporters believe anyone who is a detractor must be lying - In some cases, voter intimidation or coercion from staunch supporters It seems to me that some of this is new but I'd love to hear other thoughts. I have heard and seen many relatively obvious parallels to German politics in the 20s-40s, but I'm specifically wondering if anything similar has ever been seen in the US before.

Ask Lemmy 101 2 days ago 38%
why does some mastodon influencers mislead their followers?

**Context:** I am used to the right wing propaganda/ misinformation that is on Twitter. What is surprising to me is the amount of Mastodon left wing influencers who mislead or say very illogical stuff that please their followers. I had even seen people with high degrees who engage in this misinformation or encourage it, I replied to some of them to tell them the fallacies in their posts and to their credit some of them issued a clarification or deleted their posts, but most of them don't even reply or address the issues in their posts. All of that lead me to the following probable conclusions: - They are just saying what will get them more followers/ publicity. - They are undetected targeted bots. - They truly believe in what they are saying and don't want to discuss it, which is weird considering the context. Does anyone have any insight into this?

Ask Lemmy ryujin470 5 days ago 93%
Why the Linux ecosystem cannot be considered "standardized", unlike Windows and Mac?

Why the Linux ecosystem cannot be considered "standardized", unlike Windows and Mac?

Ask Lemmy Cock_Inspecting_Asexual 5 days ago 90%
If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it

Ima start- I have an interest in both kidcore and Lolita ~(NOT THE BOOK, ITS A JAPANESE FASHION TREND)~ Fashion. I always wanted to combine the two to get this pastel, simple but kiddish style. Lots of baby blues and pinks, A whole lot of overalls and pig tails. Just cutesy and innocent :D It's like Kidcore but minus the Lego brick color themes. I'd probably call it uhhhh... I think Teenybopper would be cute! (Please refrain from insulting me in the comments thank you- I'm hella slow and sometimes may not choose the right words when typing. Thank you ^w^)

Ask Lemmy CraigOhMyEggo 5 days ago 100%
How do you unhear accents?

I'm not sure if this is going to sound strange, but I'm so accustomed to the voices of different kinds of people that my mind at this point just registers the many different accents as different voices within one accent (as in my mind doesn't say "oh that's another accent" anymore, it doesn't register it) and I actually miss being able to appreciate peoples' accents as accents, which sucks when for example you're attracted to them.

Ask Lemmy ryujin470 4 days ago 97%
What ancient musical instruments gained popularity after modern reconstructions? I know that the lyre is one of them, but what others?

What ancient musical instruments gained popularity after modern reconstructions? I know that the lyre is one of them, but what others?

Ask Lemmy CraigOhMyEggo 5 days ago 93%
What's the most revealing small detail you've noticed in a photo or short video?

Question inspired by looking through the photography collection of a very controversial figure, and at one point I spotted her reflection on a spoon at a dinner table, and I thought "wait, is that Anne Hathaway?" It's always fascinating to know when you secretly have a celebrity in your social circle.