memes memes I think he couldn't
  • x4740N x4740N 3 days ago 100%

    Keep a notepad besides your bed and wrote it down

  • 196 196 CEO of rule
  • x4740N x4740N 4 days ago 100%


  • 196 196 Ragrets rule
  • x4740N x4740N 4 days ago 100%


  • memes memes Some people don't appreciate cold weather
  • x4740N x4740N 5 days ago 100%

    Oh look a great blue breast

  • animeandmanga
    Anime & Manga x4740N 5 days ago 100%
    Looking for manga similar to " Until I Become Me" by Satou Hatsuki

    Looking for manga similar to * "Until I Become Me" by Satou Hatsuki * "Onii-chan Is Done For!" by Nekotoufu Because I really enjoy them and they are wholesome and explores the mc's exploring their own gender identity after they have been transformed I do prefer ones where the mc's become female

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What inappropriate sounding names can you come up with ?
  • x4740N x4740N 6 days ago 100%
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What inappropriate sounding names can you come up with ?
  • x4740N x4740N 6 days ago 100%

    Antone Kroc Wort

  • science_memes Science Memes Slapping Chicken
  • x4740N x4740N 7 days ago 100%

    So the flash could cook a chicken by slapping it

  • x4740N x4740N 1 week ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure I've read men typically avoid going to the doctor for things they absolutely should be going to the doctor over.

    Maybe we should be looking into the cause of this and rectifying the cause instead of just leaving it as some random thing and I mean actually look into the cause and not speculate based on bigoted or misinformed biases

  • x4740N x4740N 1 week ago 42%

    "National militaries and sabotaging the health of their troops to save a buck - name a more iconic duo."

    That literally sounds like america though

  • x4740N x4740N 1 week ago 66%

    Bruh you're supposed to have meat and vegetables as part of a balanced diet

  • news News Republicans threaten a government shutdown unless Congress makes it harder to vote
  • x4740N x4740N 1 week ago 90%

    Shit like thus makes me glad I don't live in america

  • technology Technology Some basic info about USB
  • x4740N x4740N 1 week ago 100%

    Most devices don't have theese symbols and basically say fuck you unless you know how to find the specs

  • news News Former Aurora cop charged with raping daughter remains free as mom is sent to jail
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 92%

    Wtf, also not that reunification bullshit

    Things like this make me glad I don't live in america

  • 196 196 LO Satan rule
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 100%

    Meanwhile me looking up how to use vim everytime I use it

  • 196
    196 x4740N 2 weeks ago 95%
    Theruleac 25
    Tip Of My Tongue x4740N 2 weeks ago 100%
    [TOMT] Word or term used to describe when someone debunks known confirmed facts

    For example the sun is real but Jimmy Bob tries to debunk it What would the word or term for that be

    bertstrips bertstrips A universal experience?
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 100%

    Am I the only one that has never experienced this

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Those poor plants
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 27%

    Well a salad is made of cells that have responses to certain stimuli

    The brain if you where to go and simplify it down to its most very basic layer is just responses to stimili

    The brain is a collection of responses to stimuli that together create a kind of network that can respond to stimuli in complex ways

    Plants are a collection of cells that respond to stimuli

    So they very well will likely to be conscious on some level

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Those poor plants
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 33%

    Yeah that's an obvious troll response you vеgаn's use

    People are well aware of it

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Those poor plants
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 100%

    When talking about the capacity to consciously be aware of themselves (the oysters) how is that actually measured and what do they look for

    How are we sure they are not actually self aware through some other unknown mechanism

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Those poor plants
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 69%

    It always seems lime some excuse in a counter response by vеgаns

    The number of times I've responded to them telling them that plants probably process pain in a different way to us has always been shot down by them

    Tell them that brains extremely simplified are just on and off responses to certain stimuli / information just like plants have specific reponsonses to stimuli and computers having 1's and 0's that respond to information

    A mycelium network could be counted as a brain

  • news News Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • x4740N x4740N 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is why you patch test things, everyone's skin is unique

    But she shouldn't be using them in the first place at that age

    Also is it confirmed that I was a skincare product and not a coincidentally timed medical issue, because medical issues should be ruled out instead of going unnoticed

  • tipofmytongue Tip Of My Tongue [TOMT][Animation] animation with mushroom and pigeon talking about back to work
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 66%

    Thanks but I prefer not to use tiktok

  • tipofmytongue
    Tip Of My Tongue x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%
    [TOMT][Animation] animation with mushroom and pigeon talking about back to work

    There was this video I was watching on Facebook with an animated mushroom ceo talking to a pigeon employee about getting employees back to the office and then the pigeon employee sees through the excuses and the mushroom ceo reveals the real reason Watched the video but Facebook decided to refresh before I could get the video title and creator name

    lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Average game chat censorship
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Either that's genshin impact or honkai star rail or some other mihoyo game

  • adhd ADHD memes Learning to interrupt gracefully is a skill
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    But asking permission to interrupt feels like interrupting

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most painful thing you've experienced ?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    You reminded me of the one time I was visiting my uncle as a child and I ended up puking in the car because the sun was hitting the back of my head in summer, and this was Australian summer where It can get hot and humid

    I don't know if it was a migraine but it was painful as fuck

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most painful thing you've experienced ?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Reminds me of a person in Woodwork class who partially cut into their finger with the table saw

    I also forgot one day to let the table saw get to full speed and was lucky I didn't get wood launched at me because the teacher noticed and stopped me from using the saw

    I absolutely hated myself for forgetting that basic step because I had used the table saw perfectly fine before

  • television Television Aubrey Plaza Never Watched ‘White Lotus’ Because ‘I Had Trouble Opening My Max Account’ and ‘Couldn’t Figure Out the Password … I’d Love a DVD’
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Your hardware needs to support this though and it's typically higher end hardware that can do this reliably

  • television Television Aubrey Plaza Never Watched ‘White Lotus’ Because ‘I Had Trouble Opening My Max Account’ and ‘Couldn’t Figure Out the Password … I’d Love a DVD’
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    What does Australia have to do with this ?

  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    I made this cursed thing inspired by your comment

  • memes Memes YouTube now vs then
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Youtube has been recommending me some videos with small amounts of views lately so that might have changed something with the algorithm

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most painful thing you've experienced ?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    For me personally it was getting some of my arms skin getting shoved between two desks that I had my arm resting on after someone slammed them together tightly during high school

    Left a red line that took a while to go away

    Edit I just remembered something wven more painful then this

    I'm going to copy paste my comment reply to someone else below

    "You reminded me of the one time I was visiting my uncle as a child and I ended up puking in the car because the sun was hitting the back of my head in summer, and this was Australian summer where It can get hot and humid

    I don't know if it was a migraine but it was painful as fuck"

    There was also the time i got rope burn from tug o war in primary school but the car headache that was potentially a migraine was more painful

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If someone pulled a prank on you while you were away for a while, and took your refrigerator door and swapped the hinges and door handle sides, would you even notice?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'd be mad that someone did that to my fridge especially because they could fuck it up and cause damage

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy You're about to be raised as an undead by a necromancer. You have a choice what type of undead you come back as. What do you come back as?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Pedophiles, Rapists and evil people who cannot be reformed

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy You're about to be raised as an undead by a necromancer. You have a choice what type of undead you come back as. What do you come back as?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Can liches shape-shift, if so I want to become one so I can swap my bodies sex

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy You're about to be raised as an undead by a necromancer. You have a choice what type of undead you come back as. What do you come back as?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 75%

    One that can shape-shift so I can change my bodies sex to the one that aligns with my gender identity and be fully conscious and self aware but I'd also line to have free will

    I'd also want to have all powerful magic as well

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Is there a way to check out insane platforms like Telegram and TruthSocial without using their app?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Telegram isn't insane, I just use it for piracy

    Don't go on any right wing media sites, trust me they'll impact your mental health even if you think they don't because they linger in your mind for a while and that impacts you mentally

    Don't waste your mental energy and will only sites like that

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What realistic tech do you think we'll have 10 years from now in 2034?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Pan fried toast is better, you can even toast them with butter

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What realistic tech do you think we'll have 10 years from now in 2034?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    They already have that in Japan

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would you do/how screwed would you be if you woke up in the last game you played?
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Ghost of Tsushima

    I dont know shit about how to fight so unless I woke up as Jin with the fighting experience I'd be fucked

  • whatcouldgowrong What Could Go Wrong Skateboards and trampolines make an excellent combination
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%

    Oh hello me

  • whatcouldgowrong What Could Go Wrong skate down public road
  • x4740N x4740N 3 weeks ago 100%
  • 196
    196 x4740N 3 weeks ago 96%
    Cock Wash Rule


    Ask Lemmy x4740N 3 weeks ago 97%
    What's a thing or item you own that you've named because of a attached story

    For example calling a lego bucket "the forbidden lego bucket" because something horrible happened to said lego bucket like someone puking in it or something

    Ask Lemmy x4740N 4 weeks ago 81%
    What are some double standards in society for men ?

    For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

    196 x4740N 4 weeks ago 97%


    Ask Lemmy x4740N 1 month ago 91%
    What are some interesting channels from Japan with English subtitles ?

    I've loved watching [Minivanlife]( and [Japanese natural beekeeping]( I'm looking for more youtube channels from Japan and want ones with English subtitles because I know some Japanese but I'm not Fluent in it yet

    Anime & Manga x4740N 1 month ago 100%
    Looking for manga where magical girls learn magic by themselves

    I'm looking for magical girl manga where the girls discover and learn magic by themselves instead of it being granted through some contract Also I don't like ones where they have to give up the magic when they grow up because that trope is stupid and I hate it

    Anime & Manga x4740N 1 month ago 100%
    Looking for non-isekai reincarnation manga where a boy gets reincarnated as a girl

    Preferably one where they come to accept being female or where trans in their past life Posting here as well because I posted in the ml instance manga community and I don't know how friendly they are to trans related stuff

    Manga x4740N 1 month ago 88%
    Looking for non-isekai reincarnation manga where a boy gets reincarnated as a girl

    Preferably one where they come to accept being female

    Skyrim Mods x4740N 1 month ago 47%
    Looking for outfit mods that can replicate this manga outfit

    Why is this being downvoted, I'm just asking for mods that can replicate or get close enough to this outfit What's the problem? I have found matching boots from "[The Fancy Witch Armour]("

    patientgamers x4740N 2 months ago 100%
    looking for game recommendations

    Hello lemmy users I'd like game recommendations that * match the feeling of a fantasy isekai anime and world * A sandbox JRPG or sandbox Japansse game that is moddable kind of like skyrim It can be both of those things listed or separately on their own

    Tip Of My Tongue x4740N 2 months ago 100%
    [TOMT]What if the Japanese figure in this image ?

    I've forgotten it's name and I also think it might be referenced in one of the super Mario odyssey levels as well iirc

    196 x4740N 2 months ago 100%
    Bread Rule
    Linux x4740N 3 months ago 86%
    Questions about installing linux on dual boot on a single drive ?

    Just want to ask some questions as I am considering installing linux as dual boot on a single drive in its own partition * what partitions do linux distros need to function ? * what linux distros support secure boot with nvidia drivers ? * is it bad idea to install linux on a single drive in its own partition ? * what precautions should I take other than backing up my hard drive before doing dual boot ? * I have heard some linux distros like linux mint and ubuntu have a habit of touching other efi partitions when being told not to, are there any other distros that do that ? * Expanding on the previous question qre there any distros that touch or corruption windows partitions ? * How can I ensure my dual boot linux install won't touch my windows partition at all if I install dual boot linux ? * Is there anything else I should be aware about ?

    Linux x4740N 3 months ago 76%
    How to achieve this audio setup in linux ?

    Hi linux folks I'm considering installing linux as dual boot on a second partition and want to achieve the same audio setup I have on Windows using software to get better quality audio than defualt Windows audio The setup is: Audio > Vb-Audio Hifi Cable Input > Vb-Audio Hifi Cable Output > VST host with plug-ins for equalisation > Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO Input > Voicemeeter WASAPI output to headphones with equaliser apo eq on the voicemeeter output for hesuvi virtual surround sound I have tried searching online and have only become aware of ALSA but not how to implement the setup I have above and I'd rather it not go through port audio because I heard it messes with audio quality

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Learn Japanese x4740N 3 months ago 96%
    Where does this extra stroke come from in the kanji for cicada?

    I'm wondering where this extra stroke came from in the kanji for cicada that I have highlighted and would like an explanation since it doesn't match up with the kanji radicals on kanshudo

    Ask Lemmy x4740N 3 months ago 77%
    People who started learning a second language, how has it made you aware how broken English is ?

    Clarification Edit: for people who speak English natively and are learning a second language

    196 x4740N 3 months ago 100%
    Tip Of My Tongue x4740N 3 months ago 100%
    What is the game being played in this Facebook video ?

    Yuri x4740N 3 months ago 95%
    Looking for wholesome yuri where they both have a crush on each other but don't know it

    Of course I Do eventually want them to end up in a relationship but I'm looking for this kind of yuri manga and want recommendations.

    196 x4740N 4 months ago 96%
    Kiss Fish Rule


    What are some good lemmy communities that aren't all doom and gloom ?

    I want some fun communities to browse after being tired of seeing bad news most of the time when I scroll through lemmy

    196 x4740N 4 months ago 100%
    Karaoke Rule

