
No Stupid Questions

No Stupid Questions jet 1 week ago 96%
Filling the Solar System with AIR - What would happen?

Let's suppose we could dump enough "breathable" air (whatever that means for humans) into the solar system that it filled the spaces between planets. What would happen? A - I imagine it would then become possible to fly airplanes between planets, perhaps balloons? Would space travel become easier or harder? B - According to another lemmy post, we would start to hear sound waves from the sun (A constant jackhammer sound - delightful) C - Each each planet become the center of some mega cyclone (like the Jupiter storms, but bigger)? D - At some point the air above us wouldn't be pushing down onto the earth at sea level, could we survive the additional pressure?

No Stupid Questions jet 3 weeks ago 80%
Desalination in a freezer?

If freezing salt water produces freshwater ice, why is desalinization such a difficult problem? I was watching the above minute physics video, and they indicated in a brief one sentence line that saltwater freezes into freshwater ice. That got me thinking. Under what circumstances could you actually freeze salt into ice? To make salt ice?

No Stupid Questions acetanilide 4 weeks ago 100%
[USA] Moving to a colder climate soon (Denver or Minneapolis-ish), how do I prepare my car?

Hello, I have never lived in a snowy place. Where I am now we usually get enough ice to make it slick and it shuts the region down. We live in the center of the country so depending where exactly we end up we probably won't have an entire mountain to drive over...probably. I am moving to be either in Denver area or Minneapolis area. What do I do with our cars? I have a small 4WD SUV (I don't know how to drive in areas that actually require 4WD). Our other car is a slightly larger SUV. Both have pretty low clearance. We currently have all season tires. Do we need to get special tires or chains? How do I learn to drive with the chains? Also, does everyone just have 2 sets of tires laying around? What about vehicle fluids? IIRC viscosity is different in different climates, is that just oil I'd need to worry about? And are you supposed to heat your car or whatever? I know they do that in super cold places but not sure about Minneapolis. The areas we are looking at are in and around the major cities, although if we end up in Minnesota there's a chance we will be in a more rural area or in a place where we need to drive a long distance because housing is expensive. If anyone knows how much longer we have to get there before the roads become treacherous this winter that would be helpful. I think we have til end of September to be safe, is that usually true? Any other tips are much welcomed and appreciated. I don't really have anyone I can ask and the internet is pretty full of AI BS now.

No Stupid Questions jet 1 month ago 91%
Parachute maximum limits? ISS parachute to earth?

The astronauts on the ISS that are stuck and can't parachute back to Earth... but why not? The highest jump I could find was 39km ([Stratos jump]( Is it the height from the planet? The speed of the ISS? If we wanted to design ISS escape pods, what would be required?

No Stupid Questions CanadianCabbage 2 months ago 95%
Do people at Lush get to make their own little avatars for the products they make?

For context there are stickers on Lush product containers that have a cartoon photo of the people who made it. I'm wondering is there one person who just makes them? Are they made using preselected features? Do employees get to design them? No clue but I'm curious.

Is there a reason that mobile devices are considered more "trusted" than desktop/laptops?

I keep interacting with systems-- like my bank, etc.-- that require (or allow) you to add one or more trusted devices, which facilitate authentication in a variety of ways. Some services let you set _any_ device as a trusted device-- Macbook, desktop, phone, tablet, whatever. But many-- again, like my bank-- only allow you to trust a mobile device. Login confirmation is on a mobile device. Transaction confirmation: mobile device. Change a setting: Believe it or not, confirm on mobile device. That kind of makes sense in that confirming on a second device is more secure... That's one way to implement MFA. But of course, the inverse is not true: If I'm using the mobile app, there's no need to confirm my transactions on desktop or any other second device, and in fact, I'm not allowed to. But... Personally, I trust my mobile device much _less_ than my desktop. I feel like I'm more likely to lose it or have it compromised in some way, and I feel like I have less visibility and control into what's running on it and how it's secured. I still think it's _fairly_ trustworthy, but just not categorically better than my Macbook. So maybe I'm missing something: Is there some reason that an Android/iOS device would be inherently more secure than a laptop? Is it laziness on the part of (e.g.) my bank? Or is something else driving this phenomenon?

No Stupid Questions cheese_greater 3 months ago 82%
Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?

It would be nice to have a pair of glasses I could use to tune out and blur my surroundings or what I watch but I'm not sure exactly if its a thing...

No Stupid Questions pelespirit 3 months ago 96%
How can we get these rights (GDPR) in America and Canada

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to find out what information the government and other organisations store about you. These include the right to: * be informed about how your data is being used * access personal data * have incorrect data updated * have data erased * stop or restrict the processing of your data * data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services) * object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances You also have rights when an organisation is using your personal data for: * automated decision-making processes (without human involvement) * profiling, for example to predict your behaviour or interests Plus more at the link.

No Stupid Questions TiffanyTeal 4 months ago 68%
Are Apple Airpods capable of producing 165 decibels of sound?

Inspired by this article, where a Texas family claim that an "Amber Alert" on their son's Airpods caused his eardrum to rupture. At least some parts of the case have been dismissed: According to this, sound levels starting from 165 decibels would cause eardrum rupture:,also%20rupture%20the%20tympanic%20membrane Question: Are the Apple Airpods physically capable of producing 165 decibels of sound?

No Stupid Questions TiffanyTeal 5 months ago 90%
Is a sound level of 105 decibels for a few seconds enough to rupture a person's eardrum?

In 2022, a Texas family filed a lawsuit against Apple for damaging their son's hearing after an Amber Alert went off while he was wearing Airpods. According to Google, the maximum volume of phone headphones is around 105 decibels. The family are claiming that the son now requires hearing aids after his eardrum ruptured. Is this plausible?

No Stupid Questions ALostInquirer 5 months ago 96%
Do others feel somewhat conflicted talking positively about commercial goods/services?

Sometimes I feel like if I do so I'm basically serving as an ad, and I don't really care for that, especially if later I find that the business was scummy in some ways (which is often the case, especially later as it changes leadership/ownership). If you do, how do you deal with it?

No Stupid Questions ALostInquirer 5 months ago 94%
Where does the money from sales of products of defunct companies tend to go...?

I know this will vary a lot with each product, but I'm curious about all the different weird ways this goes down in different industries. Whether we're talking movies/music/books/games/shows, random toys or as seen on tv things that there must be a bunch of failed companies involved with or whatever else, I'm curious to know!

No Stupid Questions Oneeightnine 5 months ago 72%
Does blowing on our hot food before we put it into our mouths actually make a difference to how hot it is?

I'm thinking that no, it doesn't. Which begs the question of why we do it? Is it a psychological thing?

No Stupid Questions otter 6 months ago 98%
So what's wrong with `webp`? Who is driving/opposing the adoption?

It seems like either - I get a `.webp` file when I don't want it (downloading images) - I try to use a `.webp` format, but it isn't allowed (uploading images) So who is trying to encourage people to use it, and who is trying to prevent adoption? I'm constantly converting it with imagemagick and other tools

No Stupid Questions JoshuaSlowpoke777 6 months ago 92%
If nuclear fusion were to become useful for residential heating, could the plasma be useful for fake fireplaces?

When I say “fake fireplace”, I mean something like those structures fueled by fossil methane that produce flame and heat but obviously don’t burn actual wood

No Stupid Questions elegie 6 months ago 91%
this royal family stuff sure seems like a manufactured distraction, but from what?

My feed is filled with this stuff and all I can think of is the conspiracy seems like it should be focused more on the attention it's taking vs whatever crazy takes are floating around. Is this all to distract from the multiple wars going on? Or is there something else that should have our attention but doesnt?

No Stupid Questions Alice 7 months ago 97%
Is there a nice way to tell someone they need more friends?

I have a relative who I don't want to cut off, but it's obvious they need me more than I need them and it's exhausting. They want me to drop everything and spend time with them at a moment's notice, usually eating out which is super expensive, and they constantly have mental health crises and text me that they "need" me. I can say no to them, that's not the problem, but they haven't gotten the hint and are just as clingy years after years of it. It's really unhealthy for me to be their only friend when I don't feel the same way. Is there any way to encourage them to expand their social life without sounding like a dick? I have no social grace and sound like a dick a lot.

No Stupid Questions IronKrill 7 months ago 97%
Is there any real benefit to getting mentally diagnosed?

Title, basically. I know I have issues, but I couldn't say if it's depression, ADD, or just general problems. Is the only reason to have a diagnosis so you know what to work on, or are there other benefits such as easier access to therapy? My question is meant specifically for Canada, but feel free to chip in from other countries. :)

No Stupid Questions Oneeightnine 7 months ago 92%
How long does a dream take?

I had a pretty vivid dream last night. It felt like it went on for a good while, but obviously that's not right...right?

Why is american cheese?

What purpose does American cheese serve? What problem does it solve?

No Stupid Questions LemmyKnowsBest 8 months ago 72%
Why do some electronics charge quickly, while other electronics take DAYS to charge??

I've got this little discreet orgasm vibe, it's still blinking "in the process of charging" after being plugged in for TWO DAYS. Once it's fully charged the light will glow solid white. This is the only electronic device I've ever had that takes so long to charge. Why is it like this??

No Stupid Questions LemmyKnowsBest 8 months ago 93%
Why are we required to sit down when getting our blood pressure taken? Would the results be affected if we were standing?

when patients get their blood pressure taken at the doctor's office, the doctor requires you to sit, legs uncrossed. But what would happen if we stand up to get our blood pressure taken? can we stand? or do we have to sit? And why?

No Stupid Questions NataliePortland 8 months ago 92%
How do you address a letter to an army soldier or even a navy sailor on a ship?

I was watching Band of Brother and wondering how those paratroopers got letters from home. Did their family need to know their nearest base? Or could they simply write their name and battallion? If I want to mail a package to a sailor do I just the ship's name? Or a port? I'm not actually mailing anything I'm just curious how that works. How much postage do you need to mail to a ship overseas?

No Stupid Questions Oneeightnine 8 months ago 88%
Does taking my glasses off to 'let my eyes rest' actually have any meaningful effect? Or am I just making my eyes work harder?

Started wearing glasses full-time a few months ago and I usually take them off during my lunch break because, well I'm mainly looking at my sandwich and I've been told it's good to let your eyes 'relax' as such. Is this BS, or does it actually have some value?

No Stupid Questions Papanca 8 months ago 80%
US: No mention of other political parties, other than republicans and democrats?

First off, i live in Europe, so i honestly don't know too much about politics in other parts of the world, other than what i sometimes see in the news. I hope my innocent question doesn't trigger any nastiness. My question is; in discussions i see only talk about democrats vs republicans, for instance discussions only about Biden and/or Trump. But my understanding is that there are other political parties one can vote for. However, i never see any mention of them. So, is it that most people are not interested in those? Or maybe they don't get enough media time? Or are they seen as too extreme? Are the US basically a two-party system? And does it change over time? There are a lot of worries in the world - i don't need to name all of them - but this seems to trigger more extreme views. Does this mean that those other parties attract more voters nowadays?

No Stupid Questions LemmyKnowsBest 8 months ago 84%
How wealthy are those elderly people who hire someone to be with them at all times, instead of moving into a nursing home?

I guess I don't care how wealthy they are, my question is how much would it cost to hire someone to be your caretaker 24/7 and go with you everywhere you want to go like the grocery store etc

No Stupid Questions Lafari 9 months ago 73%
Is it illegal to charge insane prices for things?

Is there a law preventing me from for example selling a baseball hat for $20,000?