asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would make you happy?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 4 hours ago 100%

    Never needing to work again and actually having energy to do things would probably do the trick.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 days ago 100%

    It was a beanie and also quite some time ago. I don't really like to wear hats.

  • memes memes A little hyperbolic, methinks
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 days ago 93%

    He and his party want to make people like me not exist. I'm not respecting shit about him.

  • dadjokes Dad Jokes How do you fit an elephant in a refrigerator?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 4 days ago 100%

    The lion, king of all the animals, holds a meeting for all the animals and everyone shows up but one. Who's missing?

    The giraffe! They're still in the refrigerator.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How to deal with exhaustion?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 100%

    Definitely echoing the talk to a medical professional comments. I have pretty severe depression and that sounds a ton like the fatigue I've been dealing with. Especially if youve also been feeling hopeless, irritable, had problems with appetite (too much or too little), problems with sleeping too much or too little, or anything like that.

  • 196 196 I still can't post images so imagine that I posted something really funny
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't know what I expected, but it definitely wasn't that!

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 100%

    I could probably take down two, but when the third enters the picture I'm toast

    I checked with hubs too and he thinks he could handle forty while wearing jeans and good boots

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 5%


  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 38%

    Considering all the links posted in the last circlejerk thread were dismissed out of hand as "pro vegan" I'm not surprised nobody is wasting their time here.

    Not sure the people arguing against this are aware how much corn, rice, soy, and supplemental taurine is in the meat based foods they give their cats already anyway, so it hardly seems worthwhile to go back to square one every fifth post.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 2 weeks ago 58%

    "Not my opinion = bad"? As opposed to the vegan bad circle jerks you spawned with two separate stickied posts due to your emotional outbursts that the entire admin team has allowed to fester? You're right, vegans are definitely the problem.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 25%

    If you haven't done the smallest iota of research into what vegan pet foods entail, declaring them an improper diet as a knee jerk reaction is, quite frankly, not a good look for you.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 19%

    Caring about animal abuse is cultish behavior?

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 83%

    Cats are carnivorous, which is why I feed mine a steady diet of filet mignon. Nothing but the best for my snookums!

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 63%

    Haha sorry, it's definitely sarcasm. I'm just tired of people who have no idea what they're talking about using any opportunity to try to dunk on vegans with the same old tired arguments we've heard and refuted to deaf ears hundreds of times before. It gets real old.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 57%

    Well, animal abuse is okay as long as it's done to an animal you don't care about. That's just the circle of life.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 66%

    Exactly, you approve of animal abuse when you want to eat them, and oppose it only when you don't. It's a violent, sickening, and childish outlook. Goodbye.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 31%

    Ah, an animal abuser. Cute.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 41%

    Simplest answer is if you eat meat, you don't give a fuck about animal abuse. You care about pet abuse, and only just enough so you don't have to research it or try. If you liked kitten steaks you wouldn't care what they were being fed because circle of life, bro. Keep on dumping meow mix into your little chonk's food bowl and telling yourself how moral you are, you brave ethical champion you.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 41%

    I love the strong emotional takes on what is animal abuse from all the meat eaters in here.

    My goodness.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the worst video game you've ever played?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 90%

    Quest 64. It wasn't even funny bad, it was just boring.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your motto?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 100%

    Two outta three ain't bad is my other motto

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your motto?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 3 weeks ago 100%

    Live hard, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Did you accomplish your goals for today?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 4 weeks ago 100%

    All the ones I wanted to do, yeah. I made noodles, did dishes, drank cider, took a nap, and played board games. I was supposed to go for a walk and play my drums too, but oh well. There's always tomorrow!

  • shittyasklemmy Shitty Ask Lemmy How long does it take poop to turn into earth?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 4 weeks ago 100%

    1-2 cycles, faster if it's particularly watery or you run over it in a car

  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 4 weeks ago 100%

    Wait what's fromunda cheese?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you get motivated in the morning?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 90%

    I don't experience motivation hardly ever, but I sure have plenty of obligations to keep me moving. It's a matter of forcing yourself to do the thing until you break apart and die as far as I've discerned.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation I'm doing mind numbing grinding in a JRPG for almost 2 hours... What could I play on YouTube in the background that isn't music?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    I'm not saying you should mind you, just that you could :)

  • cooking A community for people who love to cook! Tasty dishes where chickpeas are the main ingredient?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Chickpeas are probably my favorite bean!

    Chana masala is one of my favorites, it's basically chickpeas in a spiced tomato sauce and its absolutely delicious

    I also make a salad that's chickpeas, shredded carrots, celery, green onion, and dill that's lovely

    Last one, but falafels are outstanding, and not that hard to make. I always start those from dried chickpeas though, I'm not sure if canned would hold up as well tbh

  • politics politics Trump: ‘I’m Better Looking than Kamala—and Don’t Say I Ramble’
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    That was some weird ass rambling, ngl

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What android keyboard app do you use and why?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Sorry, to clarify, swiping left is like backspace a word, if I swiped after now it'd delete "now", then "after" if I did it again. If you typed our and it changed to out, you could swipe up and it'd revert back to our.

    You can add or remove words from the dictionary by opening the app separately too, but most settings are accessed from the keyboard.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the worst restaurant you’ve ever been at?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Probably the Indian restaurant in downtown. I love Indian food, and there's so many other delicious places to eat I have no idea how this place is still open. The one time I went it was so dirty I could see the dirt on the bathroom door from a distance. The food was spiceless, bland, and generally tasted like trying to make American flavored Indian food. I, and everyone I've talked to who's eaten there, got food poisoning afterward.

    It's almost comically bad. I'm convinced it's a front for some other operation because this place has been open for years.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What android keyboard app do you use and why?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    I use Fleksy, probably not as popular because it doesn't have swype typing but I find the autocorrect works really well, and it's easy to change the word if you don't like what it corrected to by swiping up or down to different options, and you can swipe left to delete words. Built in gif support too, and there's an extension to make the number row always show.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are the best beans for a blind date?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 94%

    Chickpeas, as long as you're into that

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you get over the fact that not everyone will like you?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    I go in assuming no one will like me and then I'm just pleasantly surprised whenever they do. Like, only 5% didn't like you? Not too fucking shabby, well done!

  • aiop AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND Idaho's new anti-trans law shields pedophile parents — doctors are prohibited from using rape kits on children *without parental consent*
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 92%

    Conservatives love fucking kids, it's kind of their thing.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Anyone else like to fall asleep when they're extremely tired?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    No, I'm really bad at falling asleep at that point. I'm much better at falling asleep when I'm sorta awake and still have things I need to do before I fall asleep.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Did you expect to be here, now?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Nope, I expected to be dead no later than four years ago

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy When choosing a partner, how important is intelligence to you?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Super important. I'm an idiot, and if we both are stupid we'll be in serious trouble.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What languages do you speak?
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    I only speak two languages: English and bad English.

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Unvaxed [sic] unicorn hunters seek bang maid.
  • toomanypancakes toomanypancakes 1 month ago 100%

    Well, hubs and I would love another man to want to come in and just be in charge of both of us, but we're also not looking, so...

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 1 month ago 97%
    What's the oldest picture you have saved on your device?

    Meme, photo of something, whatever! Bonus points if you're brave enough to share it.

    Asklemmy toomanypancakes 2 months ago 98%
    What made you laugh most recently?

    Not like just a smile or a puff of air out your nose, but a full on laugh?

    Vegan Circlejerk toomanypancakes 2 months ago 85%
    When does Elwoods have their usual sales?

    I've been needing to pick up a couple gallons of golden retriever milk but as you're probably aware groceries have gotten so expensive lately. Anyone know if there's a sale coming up soon?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 3 months ago 98%
    It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?

    My weakness is tiramisu, it's so frickin good. Hook me up with a piece of that and I'm in heaven. But what about you, what dessert item really moves your meter?

    Vegan Home Cooks toomanypancakes 4 months ago 100%
    Aloo Mutter

    Served it over rice, turned out pretty tasty

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 6 months ago 94%
    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    I just put on an album, The Eminem Show, and I'm curious what everyone else has on. Music, a video, the television, some mystery noise from next door? What's gracing your ear holes as you read this?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 7 months ago 98%
    What's a small, silly thing you and your partner like to do?

    Using my husband and me for an example, when one of us is going to the grocery store, the other person often adds something like "Love!" and "More love!" to the grocery shopping list. What's a silly thing you and your partner do?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 7 months ago 96%
    What's the dumbest nickname you've ever given one of your pets?

    I have a lot of runners up, like Amrito for Amy, or Bradinglesmirch for Briar, but I think the dumbest has to be Scott Von Scott of the Scottsdale Scotts Who Did Scott So Scottily in the Battle of Scotteen Twelve. So I ask you, what's the stupidest thing you've ever called your furry friends?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 8 months ago 94%
    What's your hobby or pursuit that influences how you like to identify yourself?

    For example, I play the drums and tend to think of myself as a drummer. Do you love games, consider yourself a gamer? Are you a chef, a bodybuilder, maybe an artist? What is it that you love to do?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 8 months ago 79%
    Pet parents of Lemmy, what's their annoying habit(s)?

    Animals are great! They're adorable, they're fun, they're cuddly, and they just bring a lot of positives to our lives. But sometimes, they can do things that drive us absolutely nuts. For example, my cat likes to announce whenever she's doing anything. Needs water? Meow loudly her whole way to the water dish, meow at the water dish, meow when she's finished drinking, and meow the whole way back to her bed as loudly as she can. So, what obnoxious thing does your companion do that you really wish they didn't?

    Ask Lemmy toomanypancakes 8 months ago 95%
    Other than Lemmy, what are you doing tonight?

    Im buzzed and looking for inspiration, whatcha up to?
