leftymemes Lefty Memes Make it happen
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 hour ago 100%

    CIA document
    considering most of the world is capitalist and a lot of the world live with food scarcity i don't think capitalism is doing very well.

  • technology Technology AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 day ago 80%

    and here's me learning C programming language from a selfhosted AI :/

  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 day ago 100%

    ribbed for flavor?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    Jami, a p2p zoom replacement I am looking to use.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion There are too many damn anime communities on Lemmy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    Isn't this instant dependent though?

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion There are too many damn anime communities on Lemmy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    Dude I got ya, I'll post some.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion There are too many damn anime communities on Lemmy
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    I like browsing all / scaled to find new community 🫠

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Ewww brother ewww
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    and they've probably been inside each other O.o

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Ewww brother ewww
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    you have won my vote.

  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    /s..? O.o

  • 2balkan4you 2balkan4you Albanian virus 🇦🇱
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    have we got a link? i feel sorry for the thing :3

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter The dark arts
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    Something that has me feeling old as shit is youngsters use loud speaker in public, on the bus, in city centre, now this would make sense to me if they were in a group but nope its just one person and I hear the entire conversation from both sides.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes What's your radical opinion?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 57%

    the truth!

  • shermanposting Fire Memes for Traitor Haters You don't get to be a Confederate and a 'proud American'
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    looks like a neurodivergent elbow. no breading for you.

  • actualsocialism Socialism Socialist Claudia De La Cruz presidential ballot access by state so far
  • squid_slime squid_slime 2 days ago 100%

    as a non american can Op explain this please?

  • memes memes Lemmy right now
  • squid_slime squid_slime 3 days ago 100%

    I found him, only because I had this book as a child.

  • actualsocialism Socialism Socialist Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz: "The people deserve better than the two-party system."
  • squid_slime squid_slime 4 days ago 100%

    the test isn't complete till the revolution. you've not failed yet. /s

  • actualsocialism Socialism Socialist Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz: "The people deserve better than the two-party system."
  • squid_slime squid_slime 4 days ago 100%

    soomer a reformist than a socialist? enough said.

  • actualsocialism Socialism Socialist Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz: "The people deserve better than the two-party system."
  • squid_slime squid_slime 4 days ago 100%

    So what is it you want, the left to unite, inherit reformist ideas then play catch for the next 50 years while the right erode society again?

    Socialist disagree for good reason its conducive to a healthy society.

    I for one want to see this blind support for democrats to end, I want to see the US fight for a third party instead most of you are defeatists. Dogmatically in support of a right wing party. Let's not get liberal and socialist confused. My party on the UK cautiously support corbyns labour. We showd no support to labour under starmer.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 5 days ago 100%

    GTA 4 in game TV series.

    Carl's lock.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 days ago 100%
  • news News Trump falsely claims children are being forced into gender transition ops at school
  • squid_slime squid_slime 6 days ago 94%

    Its ridiculous, my British uncle is convinced Critical Race Theory is tour is in school. I asked him what critical race theory is and he didn't know. People are being lied to and then they tie it to ego and become talking heads for shit they have no idea of beyond surface level.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    Worlds still hasn't evolved past the 1960s

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    this sounds very involved initially but hands off after the fact.

    ::: spoiler Script

    cd ~/ || exit
    LATEST_KERNEL=$(curl -s https://www.kernel.org | grep -Po 'linux-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.tar\.xz' | head -1)
    echo "Latest Kernel: $LATEST_KERNEL"
    echo "Kernel URL: $KERNEL_URL"
    DIR_NAME=$(echo $LATEST_KERNEL | sed 's/\.tar\.xz//')
    mkdir -p ./$DIR_NAME
    wget -O ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL "$KERNEL_URL" || exit
    tar -xf ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL -C ./$DIR_NAME || exit
    EXTRACTED_DIR=$(tar -tf ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")
    cd ./$DIR_NAME/$EXTRACTED_DIR || exit
    zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
    echo "Kernel config copied."
    if [ -f "drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/link_dpms.c" ] && [ -f "drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/protocols/link_dp_training.c" ]; then
        echo "Files found, proceeding with modifications..."
        sed -i 's/#define LINK_TRAINING_RETRY_DELAY 50 \/\* ms \*\//#include <linux\/module.h>\nstatic int link_training_retry_delay = 50;\nmodule_param(link_training_retry_delay, int, 0644);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(link_training_retry_delay, "Delay between link training retries (ms)");\n#define LINK_TRAINING_RETRY_DELAY link_training_retry_delay/' drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/protocols/link_dp_training.c
        sed -i 's/#define LINK_TRAINING_ATTEMPTS 4/#include <linux\/module.h>\nstatic int link_training_attempts = 4;\nmodule_param(link_training_attempts, int, 0644);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(link_training_attempts, "Number of link training attempts");\n#define LINK_TRAINING_ATTEMPTS link_training_attempts/' drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/link_dpms.c
        echo "One or both files not found in the kernel source directory."
    echo "Kernel modifications complete."
    make olddefconfig || exit
    #make || exit
    echo "Compiling the kernel..."
    make -j16 || exit
    echo "Building modules..."
    sudo make modules_install || exit   
    echo "Installing the kernel..."
    sudo make install || exit   
    echo "Backing up existing kernel files..."
    sudo cp /boot/vmlinuz-linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux.bak
    sudo cp /boot/initramfs-linux.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img.bak
    echo "Moving new kernel files to /boot..."
    sudo cp ./arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-fix
    sudo mkinitcpio -k $(make kernelrelease) -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-fix.img
    if [ -f /boot/vmlinuz-fix ] && [ -f /boot/initramfs-fix.img ]; then
        echo "Kernel and initramfs moved to /boot successfully."
        echo "Failed to move kernel or initramfs files to /boot."
        exit 1
    echo "Kernel compilation, installation, and file replacement completed successfully."


  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    thank you and no dejection taken. you're actually very helpful :D

  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    I'm on antidepressants :D depression has been on the rise along side the decay of society, theres correlations between social media and mental health :P

  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    I'm there with you, useful for me was joining community projects. they give me meaning

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    I followed your advice, Github my edit link_dpms.c, - Github my edit link_dp_training.c how do i submit as RFC. total noob with github lol.

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    not looked in to pacman hooks but will need to now lol any i made a script that downloads, unzips and patches then compiles so mostly hands free.

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    cheers, I'm using sed to patch the files then auto mated compiling

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    thank you i will read up on how to submit this kind of stuff.

  • linux Linux Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    set LINK_TRAINING_ATTEMPTS from 5 to 10 in drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/link_dpms.c and set LINK_TRAINING_RETRY_DELAY from 50 to 100 in drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/protocols/link_dp_training.c.

    i doubt this will be added to kernel as its a fix for an issue that isn't wide spread.

  • linux
    Linux squid_slime 1 week ago 100%
    Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.

    been using Arch for years but i am still a novice, yesterday i had found that in order for something to work on my system i will need to edit a few lines in kernel which i did, then removed unnecessary modules > intel, > nvidia, compiled. it worked great but with Arch and its rolling release i am dreading the next update and having to go through this again. what methods are there to automate this process?

  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    this illustrates what i have been telling my therapist so well!

  • relationshipmemes Relationship Memes Married people, where do you land?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    I don't like your tone Mr

  • relationshipmemes Relationship Memes Married people, where do you land?
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    :'( i can read

  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    this is nuanced. in the UK after ww2 our army's returned without housing, without long term health care which we did fight for and Britain had an NHS and housing within 5 years but we had to struggle to get it. now in current, we've slowly been selling our NHS, council housing isn't built at the necessary speeds. our towns and cities as well as education are on the brink of bankruptcy. capitalists are far better at small incremental changes then we are.

    where incremental action does work is strike action, anti war movements as they empower the working class to fight but we wont get the world we want without a revolution. speaking of cause a classless society.

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad NATO apologism
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 0%

    the conversation had mentioned the US, western powers and derailed to an extent from the original post.

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad NATO apologism
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 100%

    sadly there are many stalinists and moaists. the Russian revolution ended when stallin took power.

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad NATO apologism
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 25%

    calling something whataboutism is such a cop-out. what has the user said that distracts from the greater debate?

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad NATO apologism
  • squid_slime squid_slime 1 week ago 33%

    The world was deeply afraid of Marxism. When Russia experienced a workers-led revolution in 1917, Western powers were terrified of the spread of Marxist ideas and the potential threat they posed to the capitalist world order. In response, several Western states, along with their client states, sent their armies into Russia, aiming to overthrow the newly established worker-run government under the Bolsheviks. We attacked first, in an effort to suppress a system we feared.

    This antagonism continued and evolved over the decades, culminating in the Cold War, where tensions between the Soviet Union and the West defined global politics. The Cuban Missile Crisis stands out as a key moment in this conflict. In fact, it was the United States that, in violation of international norms and against the Geneva Convention, installed nuclear launch sites along Russia's borders in Turkey, heightening the threat and contributing to the Soviet response of placing missiles in Cuba.

    Historically, it's clear that we have been antagonistic towards Russia, driven by a fear of communism and a desire to maintain Western dominance. This pattern of confrontation has had long-lasting effects on the geopolitical landscape, contributing to the strained relations that persist today.

    Dont take my word for this stuff, you can easily find information online, in text books.

  • actualcommunism
    Communism squid_slime 3 weeks ago 66%
    Any good pod casts?

    need something to listen to, i enjoy [Srsly Wrong](https://podverse.fm/podcast/vVjFpgRr) [Alphabet Boys](https://podverse.fm/podcast/vxeGeb2v44) [Socialism](https://podverse.fm/podcast/IvQ0QOMlR) by [The Socialist Party Formally Militant](https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/129345/28-08-2024/east-london-fire-fuelled-by-profits-and-cuts/) of whom i am a member to be transparent. [Ripple](https://podverse.fm/podcast/psPStOz6U) a journalistic story form which delves into the shell oil cover up. [Blowback](https://podverse.fm/podcast/Sag6XzS44) my absolute favorite. [This Machine Kills](https://podverse.fm/podcast/yZQWqLVMan)

    Socialism squid_slime 3 weeks ago 58%
    i want to have a deeper understanding of stalinism

    i'm a socialist more aligned with marxism trotskyism leninism. anyway im looking for resources to better understand stalinism. anyone got recommendations?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Left Books squid_slime 3 weeks ago 100%
    Marxist Archive. https://www.marxists.org/

    Ebooks, audo, and snipping all in one place.

    UK leftists squid_slime 4 weeks ago 84%
    Farrage charging £1k for a photograph and to share champagne.

    > Nigel Farage “man of the people” is charging his supporters £1,000 for a photograph and to share a glass of champagne with him. > > Farage is the highest earning MP and represents nothing but the establishment. Reform UK is the party of millionaires not ordinary people Stand Up To Racism aka Socialist Workers Party posted to twitter this absolute [gem](https://x.com/antiracismday/status/1826518204073619820?s=46&t=5P29KLPVUmRz6bepdyoH9w).

    Linux squid_slime 4 weeks ago 98%
    What is the most duct-tape thing you've done to Linux?

    tell me the most ass over backward shit you do to keep your system chugging? here's mine: sway struggles with my dual monitors, when my screen powers off and back on it causes sway to crash. system service 'switch-to-tty1.service' ``` [Unit] Description=Switch to tty1 on resume After=suspend.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/switch-to-tty1.sh [Install] WantedBy=suspend.target ``` 'switch-to-tty1.service' executes '/usr/local/bin/switch-to-tty1.sh' and send user to tty1 ``` #!/bin/bash # Switch to tty1 chvt 1 ``` .bashrc login from tty1 then kicks user to tty2 and logs out tty1. ``` if [[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]]; then chvt 2 logout fi ``` also tty2 is blocked from keyboard inputs (Alt+Ctrl+F2) so its a somewhat secure lock-screen which on sway lock-screen aren't great.

    movies squid_slime 1 month ago 100%
    Requiem For a Dream

    One of the best films I've seen, especially the psychosis scene where the room it torn apart to show a film set. films that can tell a story through minimal explanation or make a point without saying it. Enter the Void and Under the Skin are both similar and both do fantastic jobs of this too, glad to add Requiem of a Dream to this list! recommendations for similar please :) Also i have compiled a list of my top films if you wish to look: ::: spoiler Squids List of Films ___ films i like: requiem for a dream. enter the void. withneil and i -- one of my favourites. they live -- its good in consept but suffers the age fulling for trends that aren't well received now. Dr. strangelove -- timeless. The Rum Dairies -- amazingly writen and photography. shutter island. Rosmeries Baby. the man who wasn't there. lawless. the gardener -- a film that brings me much joy. a man called ove. cape fear. jacobs ladder. missery. the irishman. the road. the banchees of inisheran. the death of stalin. the wale. the lighthouse -- my kind of horror. in burges -- fantastic. swiss army man. fight club. devotion. Take Shelter. under the skin. -- another horror that i love. Birdman. the single shot and jazz made for an intense expirence! The Machinist. -- not a favourite as the film feels slow, to slow for its context. The Witch. There Will Be Blood. Oldboy. -- its good, its one i would wwatch with friends but lacks what i often want from a film. gone girl. ___ films i dislike: deep impact. Armageddon. poseidom. Memento -- failed to fully capture me and this i am sad for as i can tell its a good film. :::

    movies squid_slime 1 month ago 98%
    watched Dr. Strangelove for the first time!

    A film i have heard of and have been recommended but put off over the years, but honestly so glad to of watched it actually due to a chatgpt suggestion where i put a list of books and films and asked for a recommendation based on those items. anyway im just glossing, in this thread we can recommend other media that relates. Withneil and I - is a classic and a favorite of mine as well as George Orwell's writings.

    Bristol, UK squid_slime 1 month ago 93%
    Bristol Stoond Strong: counter protestors out numbered the populist reactionaries. postimg.cc

    We have seen right wing populist protest **violently** through many cities and towns. Bristol stood strong today outnumbering the few protestors. We witnessed division. That division is made worse. Many of these protestors on the right have been mislead by modern media. Its so much easier to blame our national issues on migrants and look no further, in this way: calling them "fascists" or blindly proclaiming to want fully open borders may seem to be a gotcha but all we achieve is to alienate the confused working class people who we must bring over to our side. Our NHS is fucked from political mishandling, deals with private capitalist. Our homes are in short supply due to private development that build for profit. Our education, utilities and other things aren't businesses and shouldn't profit like them. These are the programme's we must push across. Solidarity Bristol I am proud to stand with you.

    Asklemmy squid_slime 2 months ago 93%
    What are these ball like things on the pipes postimg.cc

    Noticed these strange looking balls that may pass for an art installation but imagine maybe temperature control?

    Arch Linux squid_slime 2 months ago 100%
    [SWAY] Display initialisation crashing.

    Screen on event crashes PC and corrupts journalctl, seems to be an issue with edid. Currently solution has been moving to TTY1 then moving back to sway (tty2) as TTY seems to have no issue handling these events. Where can I start trouble shooting this?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearUN
    Unixporn squid_slime 2 months ago 93%
    [Swayfx] Waybar, Waypaper, foot, waterfox.

    ultrawade oled, lots of custom scripts.

    Firefox squid_slime 2 months ago 100%
    [Linux] Achieve a Clean Desktop with windowed-Fullscreen Firefox and Auto-Hiding Elements Using Cage

    I wanted to share a setup I’ve been using to maintain a clean desktop while using Firefox in *fake* fullscreen mode. This setup allows Firefox to run fullscreen with auto-hiding tabs and search elements that only show when hovered over, without pushing the webpage content down. - Install [cage](https://github.com/cage-kiosk/cage), *can be found for most distros* - Run and test application `-d` removes desktop decorations, firefox command 'firefox -somecommand' `cage 'firefox' -d` - If running correctly edit launch options in de or .desktop file `Exec=cage 'firefox' -d` then install [auto-fullscreen](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/autofullscreen/) extension its a long work around especially when its possible to get a similar result from editing about:config but this way the tab and searchbar act as a seperate element meaning no misclicking. if anyone has cleaner solution chime in please.

    Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 3 months ago 100%
    BUG: deactivated alias unable to activate

    so this is a technical issue that i have already reached out over but to no response or fix. i have used my alias's and have deactivated one of those alias's a year ago, i now and haven't been able to reactivate the alias. i would like to see this issue remedied but the lack of response is disheartening especially after reaching out to technical support months ago and hearing nothing back.

    Socialism squid_slime 3 months ago 79%
    hi comrades, i have made a uk leftist community for anyone who care to join. https://feddit.uk/c/uk_leftists

    I made this community as a reaction to the July 4th general election taking place in the United Kingdoms, to mobilize my fellow comrades in the lead-up to the general elections, the group is party agnostic though there is an obvious bias due in part to my political affiliation but all leftest parties that fight for dignity and the working class are very much welcome. By all means feel free to join where ever you may come from whether for information or solidarity. In solidarity. Squid.

    UK leftists squid_slime 3 months ago 96%
    Wealth shown to scale. mkorostoff.github.io

    Credit to @Zacryon@lemmy.wtf for posting in a comment section of another community. ``` A visual scrolling graph demonstrating wealth in america. ``` This graph can acts as a great example, easily deployable and any sensible person will see the absolute ludicrously that is often misunderstood. I hope anyone out in the field can find utility in this. Solidarity.

    Dating squid_slime 3 months ago 88%
    Shadow banned on tinder

    I made an account and was met with continuous swiping with what felt like no limit, when closing and opening tinder I am met with accounts that have already been swiped. Reading online says ive been shadow banned, maybe due to VPN. When I go to settings and down to account deletion the app returns an error disallowing me to delete. Anyone else dealt with this?

    UKCasual squid_slime 4 months ago 100%
    Off to the DSP conference in bristol

    Will I see any Lemmy comrades at the event?

    Ask Lemmy squid_slime 4 months ago 97%
    Favourite word and why?

    Mine is insidious as it sounds cool and is apt in our modern world of fast news

    Ultrawide squid_slime 4 months ago 88%
    4 months g9

    10 years ago i had a 2k LG ultrawide monitor, no need for software, account, internet it was an excellent monitor able to display two video inputs side by side. Now i own a Samsung Odyssey G9, it was the best value i could find with the panel type (4k+240hz Oled) cheep as i bought returned stock from Ebay, monitor is practically new with film over the screen and not even a finger print, all accessories were included. turn the monitor on once all is connected find half the settings are greyed out, clicking on them brings up a connection screen, i have no intention to connect this device to the internet, i was wanting to use the monitor as a dumb monitor. anyway i looked for the dual input setting but could not find it, checked manual and i must use multi-view, multi-view demands networking :/ being too stubborn i will forgo the feature. this is a kind of PSA and general *removed* but if your looking for a full featured ultrawide dumb monitor then its not the g9 as for whatever reason key features are locked behind networking, others are inbedded in a mobile companion app which needs an account maybe even a mobile number IIRC- as having this app on a SMART MONITOR would make little sense.. one feature that is in the companion app is a statistical screen displaying screen calibration information, something that is necessary for Oled screen and is included and easily accessible in most other brands monitors as it allows the user to have a rough idea of the monitors life span. another nagging issue with the G9 is the screen off and on, it takes awhile about 5 seconds from powering on pc from sleep, secondary monitor is almost instant so its a G9 issue and once the monitor is on a big bar takes up a large portion of the screen for a further 5 seconds displaying useless information, FPS, FreeSynce, picture mode, hdr, virtual aim point and game settings. it just awkwardly sits there defiantly in its vulgarity, ugly "gamer" design cooked up by some boomer. i will begrudgingly use the g9 whilst keeping an eye out for an off brand dumb monitor like AlienWear's offering with the same panel tech.

    Casual Conversation squid_slime 4 months ago 100%
    Reading books can be world changing

    Reading is a recent development for me in the grand scheme of things, dyslexia meant I was hindered till I was about 18, picking up my first actual book 1984 at the age of 24. 10 years later I read roughly 3 books a year. Currently reading Manufacturing Consent and whilst I knew news media is often misleading, to what extent was not clear sadly I now know the extent. I'd like to have a conversation about Manufacturing Consent and what people have come away with. Other books too like Bullshit Jobs and Ordinary Men were big shift for my world view, so talking about and recommendations of similar books as well please.

    Gaming squid_slime 5 months ago 98%
    kingdom come: deliverance II reveal yt.drgnz.club

    i avoid hype but as a massive fan of the original kcd and the honesty of this reveal, im hyped! wont be pre-ordering though, never pre-order its bad for the industry and consumers.

    Unpopular Opinion squid_slime 6 months ago 74%
    Web browser have extended way passed what was necessary

    Web browsers were very limited compared to today's offerings but still very extensive when compared to other applications. Now, browsers on desktop are at a point where they're equivalent to an OS in scope. This frustrates me as it's led to stagnation, where very few companies can hold their position. Firefox can only keep up due to preexisting groundwork and the large amount of funding from Google. Chrome had billions thrown at it to quickly enter the market. The thing that kills it the most for me is there is no way to fix the massive amount of effort needed for a web browser. It's extensive because it has to deal with thousands of situations: image rendering, video rendering, markup language support (HTML), CSS support, JavaScript support, HTML5 support, security features, tabbed browsing, bookmarking and history, search engine integration, cross-platform compatibility, performance optimisation, developer tools, accessibility features, privacy controls, codec support, to name a few. Now, for my unpopular opinion: stripping back a general-purpose browser to its core, forcing web redesign, and modularising the browser. Rather than watching videos in the browser, an instance of VLC would be started where the video will be streamed. Instead of an integrated password manager and bookmarks, we have something akin to KeepassXC with better integration. Markup documents and articles automatically open in word processing applications. I know this idea seems wholly impossible now, but it often crosses my mind.

    Arch Linux squid_slime 6 months ago 23%
    Need help campaigning

    I am going to request arch and the greater linux community replace xz with winrar.exe This is a community effort.
