

Showerthoughts KellysNokia 3 hours ago 75%
If Reddit users are Redditors, are Lemmy users Lemurs?

Fediverse users are femurs?

Showerthoughts solidgrue 2 days ago 90%
When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?

Now that I think about it, it was probably before the pandemic. 🤔

Showerthoughts whoisearth 3 days ago 89%
Tablets should be called Megaphones

Should be self-explanatory. They essentially have all the same apps as a phone now.

Showerthoughts Melatonin 2 days ago 34%
Although incorrect, I believe I have better etymologies for the words "shooting the shit" and "horseshit" or "bullshit," rooted in the old west.

When cowboys would be sitting on their front porch or at the local bar outside talking with nothing to do, they would sometimes take their pistols and shoot at cow pies or horse poop lying in the street or across the way. This became known as "shooting the shit." When they were hunting fur, a hunter might point out what they thought was a beaver or another valuable small animal, but upon further inspection would sometimes say, "Aw, that's just bullshit."

Showerthoughts VerbFlow 6 days ago 97%
It's best to judge people by their actions more than their words, but on social media, you only see people's words.

I know this sounds pretentious (which is quite ironic), but this is something I've noticed about the internet. You never read about what someone does, only what they say. You hear politicians claim that they'll fix the economy, or celebrities make speeches about what they feel like, or what "message" a fictional movie has being discussed over and over, but none of that matters, because it's all saying and no doing!

Showerthoughts Boozilla 1 week ago 95%
I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising.

We mostly watch news and sports in my house. So unfortunately, live TV. Occasionally we watch other things. I mute the commercials and browse my phone when they're on. But I would love a TV that is smart enough to auto hide & mute every kind of ad. Even little logos on the athletes' uniforms. Hide the ads on the pitcher's mound. Hide the billboards and signs in the stadium. Show some cool little generic animation, music video, or slide show during commercial breaks. Hide the damned popup window ads and scrolling ads that some channels do. Remove product placements from movies and shows. Basically make all ads completely vanish.

Showerthoughts AbouBenAdhem 1 week ago 98%
Non-language-using animals must think humans are the worst songbirds ever.

To clarify: I’m not suggesting animals think all sounds are songs—just that songbirds and humans are the only common animals that combine sounds into arbitrary sequences where each individual sound doesn’t have a single fixed meaning.

Showerthoughts paraphrand 5 days ago 52%
"Shut Down" is redundant.

Shut it down. Shutting down. (Shutting up?)

Showerthoughts Mwallerby 2 weeks ago 87%
It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring

Like engagement rings denote the engagement... Maybe it's just English being its usual mess

Showerthoughts Interstellar_1 2 weeks ago 85%
Any observation can be turned into an interesting question.

I frequently post in AskLemmy so I think about questions a lot. For example, I was thinking about this in the shower and I was thinking "I really like this handmade soap. It's much better than the usual stuff we get" and then I came up with a related question: "What is something that you would rather buy handmade instead of mass-produced?"

Showerthoughts Subnet64 2 weeks ago 40%
random that after watching too many crime shows

If you ever come across a skull without an incision line, you can be damn sure there's a brain in there.

Showerthoughts misericordiae 2 weeks ago 93%
Black and white are condensed rainbows

Mixing every color using light = white Mixing every color using pigments (paint, ink, etc.) = black

Showerthoughts ContrarianTrail 2 weeks ago 97%
Discussions are like a game of telephone; you're converting idea into language and expecting the recipient to flawlessly translate it back into an idea.

I can only imagine the difference it would make if instead of telling about your idea you could show it

Showerthoughts MajorSauce 2 weeks ago 93%
Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand

All we have are scriptures and texts that could have been a series of meme that built/improved from eachother but lost the common knowledge between the generations that it was fictional.

Showerthoughts andrew_bidlaw 2 weeks ago 25%
Weird links between the Tower of Babyl myth and the Twin Towers

+ Babylon is in modern Iraq, one of the countries invaded by the US in the aftermath of 9\11 + Both claimed to be the highest towers in the world + Both are in populated influential trade centers + The Babylon myth with different languages VS the War on Terror, affecting policies worldwide, growing tensions and fear in the post-USSR world, now - post 9\11 world + The pronounced reasoning behind the 9\11, told as a fatwa by Osama, starts as follows: *All these American crimes and sins are a clear proclamation of war against God, his Messenger, and the Muslims.* Not that far from what caused the abrahamic god to prank Babylon. This connection is loose, lacks context and mixes very different things together, but I haven't got a pleasure to shower any longer than that to think things out. How BS is it?

Showerthoughts OopsOverbombing 3 weeks ago 95%
the cyber truck has to be the easiest vehicle to wrap

I'm sure the wrap shops love getting those calls

Showerthoughts owenfromcanada 3 weeks ago 93%
The culinary opposite of ice cream is pepperoni.

I won't be taking questions.

Showerthoughts Today 4 weeks ago 33%
Who do they think they are?

If you use "they" to describe a nameless group of people and you mean anyone other than The Man (That's how they get you.), you're probably the one who's wrong. Looking forward to reading some fun exceptions.
