world World News Boeing workers vote overwhelmingly to strike, halting aircraft production
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 4 days ago 100%

    From what I've heard, Boeing weapons that don't get built are even safer!

  • world World News Boeing workers vote overwhelmingly to strike, halting aircraft production
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 4 days ago 100%

    Would this endanger national security? I was going to say so, but I'm not sure about the details.

  • facepalm Facepalm America's #1 Cult
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 54%

    Unless you shoot them first. Edit: please don't shoot anyone. This is not a call for violence

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts It's best to judge people by their actions more than their words, but on social media, you only see people's words.
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    And the reason things are so bleak is because most people only have words to go off of, rather than actions.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts It's best to judge people by their actions more than their words, but on social media, you only see people's words.
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    Showing up to a protest is also an action. So is smashing someone's car. Do you think you can feed the hungry purely by posting thoughts on social media?

  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 84%

    Why, though? His supporters will believe anything he says. Is something going to magically snap them out of their hypnosis? Will somebody actually say, "yeah, I think Trump, who raped a 13-year-old and can't spell out the truth for shit, is someone I want for president!"? I know she "defeated" him in the debate, but what will change?

  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 40%

    I don't care. The United States has been the main perpetrator of countless war crimes across the world. It has been born out of slavery, its land is built on the Natives that were once thriving, it has forced territories under its laws without representation, it has been an apartheid state with white people ruling over colored people, it has installed countless dictatorships to protect its economic interests, its "democracy" is a sham and the Netherlands did it first, it is chiefly responsible for crimes against peace and humanity in Vietnam and Iraq, its citizens are subject to total surveillance while many of them have a lack of water, food, and shelter, its government is bribed constantly by price-gouging corporations, it will gladly use military equipment on its own citizens, and it has strived against democratic elections that are inconvenient. The United States ought to be split up into all of its independent states so the world may be free of its tyranny.

  • showerthoughts
    Showerthoughts VerbFlow 1 week ago 97%
    It's best to judge people by their actions more than their words, but on social media, you only see people's words.

    I know this sounds pretentious (which is quite ironic), but this is something I've noticed about the internet. You never read about what someone does, only what they say. You hear politicians claim that they'll fix the economy, or celebrities make speeches about what they feel like, or what "message" a fictional movie has being discussed over and over, but none of that matters, because it's all saying and no doing!

    enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam Context: "cisgender" will get you banned on X
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    Oh fuck, I forgot

  • memes memes Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    I can't wait to type out all this stuff! DOPG Nd;oGNB [AJNGO[RFOHG[APFNH]GJSsahlitnolbn;'s

  • technology Technology Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    I blame the attempt to make devices user-friendly. Convenience kills skill.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    I hate it, but it's preferable to Anarcho-Capitalism.

  • enoughmuskspam
    Enough Musk Spam VerbFlow 1 week ago 93%
    Context: "cisgender" will get you banned on X

    I made this myself on GIMP with some wallpaper

    enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam Jesus what a burn
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    It wasn't a burn, it was just the obvious truth.

  • news News Trump and Vance have no plan to fix one of America's biggest crises
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah, Drumpf is too old for office and can't understand how money works imo. It's not even the Dictatorship On Day One deal. Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte could, at least, solve a great many of their people's problems. Drumpf and Vance aren't even doing that. It's a bit exhausting having almost every U.S. politician cramming into the D-Party, but after this whole fiasco, it'll split up.

  • reddit Reddit Goodbye, Reddit: How the Internet’s Front Page Is Eating Itself
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Nah, just fucking draw it you cowards.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Who the fuck is disliking? This is it. We need to apply the pressure after Drumpf is taken care of.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Look, I will tick the Kamala box. I do indeed believe that Trump is a bad candidate and will oppress many people. But I don't want people to feel like this shit is normal. Back in the late 1970's to the 1990's, nobody would have thought that both parties would end up supporting the same genocide, with one being a little less pumped. Or maybe even the 2000's, when the War on Terror was thought to be conducted humanely. We have lived in an imperfect world before, along with millions of people, and politicians self-selecting for ambition and ego, and there was nobody calling to wipe an ethnicity off the face of the Earth. I'm not surprised at the Dem party, I'm surprised that there are fascists in the White House and I'm supposed to just accept it as a normal part of democracy. Well, I won't! Both parties in the United States supporting a genocide requires voting to solve, but it's purely abnormal! I'm not wanting a world any better than a world we used to have, one where the United States did not conduct ethnic cleansing!

    We live in a nation with the Internet, fast food wherever you go, products that arrive at your door when ordered, touchscreens, full 3D videogames, V-Tubers, the Moon Landing, nuclear reactors, and the White House lighting up in rainbow colors to support LGBT+ rights--yet when asked to stop a genocide, it's suddenly too much to ask. I would give up so much of these fleeting pleasures to protect human lives. Should I just become a lotus-eater, and neglect the outside world to "act humane"?

  • politicalmemes Political Memes The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 80%

    ...without Israel Iran will run roughshot over the middle east killing loads of people.

    Israel is, as of 2024, running roughshot over the middle east, killing 40,000 people.

    Then we can go back and forth, I'll ask two questions, you'll answer one of them with some bullshit.

    This sounds oddly like the debate surrounding Vietnam during the war, and comprises a lot of debate on the United States of America being the "world police". As for me, the United States has failed to be any sort of world police. There is incredible polarization in its political parties, several territories that are governed yet cannot vote, the last two presidents both lying and suffering from old age, and a well-known problem of candidates being paid off. If the U.S. cannot be run well internally, it has no business meddling with foreign affairs, which includes giving weapons and troops to Israel. Despite the cruelty of Israel, there remains a bigger problem to solve--that being an incompetent nation having an excessively high military and an interventionist outlook.

  • technology Technology The air begins to leak out of the overinflated AI bubble
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Like my second, albeit braindead, systems administrator on my shoulder

    I think the more important part is that your systems administrator is braindead. I know it's hyperbolic, but you can certainly learn coding (Link 2) and Spanish (Link 2) yourself.

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    I think Generative AI should just be scrapped. Nobody needs hyperrealistic photos and videos, or chatbots, or any of that shit. The main problems of the world are not technological, but legal. Too many laws are enacted for the benefit of robber-barons, and unless they are scrapped, I have no faith in my legal system.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    The guitarist in the fourth panel... is that Rock Against Communism? I've never actually seen bands, especially good ones, go "Yeah, fuck Communism! Gold for the gold god!" A lot of the best concerts were like those at Woodstock, or they'd be underground punk shows, or large arenas where the singer is sick and tired of record companies. If the fourth panel were really happening, it'd probably be Bumfuck-Nowhere, U.S.A.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    There have been plenty of Capitalist dictatorships to stop Communism. The deal with dictatorial states has less to do with their internal economic policies, and more to do with world superpowers intervening to advance their own interests. You can see this with the Eastern Bloc having strong ties to the U.S.S.R. instead of having their Communist ideas being brought up within their own state, and the Deng being Soviet-influenced. Yugoslavia is a very good example of a Communist state done right, as is Vietnam; the former was deemed false Communism by the U.S.S.R., and the latter was left alone. There's also Cuba, which again, is not under the U.S.S.R. You can also see Capitalist satellite states being given arms support by the United States, which really makes it far less about the nation's own choice to be Capitalist or Communist, and more about their status within the Cold War.

    I do agree that Communist economies aren't perfect, but it's not as simple as G.I. Joe.

    TL;DR No economic system exists in a vacuum; nations act and are acted upon each other like cogs in a giant machine.

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    You should look at the energy cost of AI. It's not a miracle machine.

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 83%

    There are a few problems, tho. 1 2 3 4 5 6

  • politicalmemes Political Memes The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 75%

    I'm still going to tick the Kamala box, but I'm ashamed of how little she's trying to be a good candidate. After Nov4, I'll get going with direct action.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh. Well then, replace "AI" with "generative AI". I may have been a bit confused there. In that case, we are perfectly fine without generative AI, and it has guzzled resources and manpower. For such a cost, what is the return? You can look at this Hill article, or you can look at fake studies, or other ways GenAI has been harmful. Stuff like the A* search algorithm didn't require jumbo subsidies for it to work properly, and it isn't making the internet as it is worse.

    So that's what I'm saying. I have yet to find an argument proving, successfully, that generative AI is worth the cost.

  • atheism Atheism They really posted this with no irony
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    I mean, this is Catholic, a specific branch of Christianity. Fundamentalists like Jack Chick think that Catholicism is devil-worship, but I'm sure these people would be like, "yeah, he's a weirdo, but I wanna laugh at atheists, not actual crackpots!"

  • politics politics Tucker Carlson accused of airing ‘pro-Nazi propaganda’ on show
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

    Are these the same people who claim opposing Israel is "antisemitism"?

  • news News Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 100%

  • news News Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 94%

    This worldwide obsession with anti-aging is a plague. It has to fucking stop. Everytime I hear someone calling women over 30 "old hags", I can't help the feeling that they're pedophiles. Just let girls age normally, for fuck's sake!

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 2 weeks ago 60%

    I don't care about Trump being a felon; I care about him lying over 20,000 times, saying to people that they'll "never have to vote again", and him being part of P2025. This is why I don't care about Biden's laptop or whatever. I'd rather have a criminal as President than be hunted down as a criminal.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 3 weeks ago 50%

    AI has existed for less than a decade. We are fine without AI. You can't just look at something still being built, with loads of problems, and call it irreplaceable. Nobody depends on AI for their survival, they depend on water, clean air, and other resources that AI is taking away. It's also taking people's jobs that, again, they need for their survival.

    Stop emulating Elon Musk and get some sleep.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI With the next generation of AI photo editing tools built into the Google’s flagship Pixel 9 family, our basic assumptions about photographs capturing a reality we can believe in are about to be
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 3 weeks ago 100%

    And what's the point of developing this technology, anyway? What problem does destroying the veracity of photographs solve?

  • fuck_ai
    Fuck AI VerbFlow 3 weeks ago 97%
    Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report

    cross-posted from: > [RAND Report - The Root Causes of Failure for Artificial Intelligence Projects and How They Can Succeed](

    politicalmemes Political Memes I envision a wonderful future with this happening.
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 4 weeks ago 100%

    Finally, a fan of proper journalism.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Brands Are Beginning to Turn Against AI
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh, it didn't actually link to It's still very useful for overcoming paywalls, tho.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Brands Are Beginning to Turn Against AI
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 4 weeks ago 100%

    Make sure to use to get over the paywall.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Defining usage of AI better
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 month ago 100%

    I'm should add b12 "It is used to impersonate celebrities" and b13 "It is used to sell scams" next draft. Found this thanks to Flying Squid

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Defining usage of AI better
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 month ago 100%

    I mean, I doubt that an organization dedicated to shifting public perception would use AI for pornography lmao

  • fuck_ai
    Fuck AI VerbFlow 1 month ago 66%
    Defining usage of AI better

    I recieved a comment from someone telling me that one of my posts had bad definitions, and he was right. Despite the massive problems caused by AI, it's important to specify what an AI does, how it is used, for what reason, and what type of people use it. I suppose judges might already be doing this, but regardless, an AI used by one dude for personal entertainment is different than a program used by a megacorporation to replace human workers, and must be judged differently. Here, then, are some specifications. If these are still too vague, please help with them. a. What does the AI do? 1. It takes in a dataset of images, specified by a prompt, and compiles them into a single image thru programming (like StaDiff, Dall-E, &c); 2. It takes in a dataset of text, specified by a prompt, and compiles that into a single string of text (like ChatGPT, Gemini, &c); 3. It takes in a dataset of sound samples, specified by a prompt, and compiles that into a single sound (like AIVA, MuseNet, &c). b. What is the AI used for? 1. It is used for drollery (applicable to a1 and a2); 2. It is used for pornography (a1); 3. It is used to replace stock images (a1); 4. It is used to write apologies (a2); 5. It is used to write scientific papers (this actually happened. a2); 6. It is used to replace illustration that the user would've done themselves (a1); 7. It is used to replace illustration by a wage-laborer (a1); 8. It is used to write physical books to print out (a2); 9. It is used to mock and degrade persons (a1, a3); 10. It is used to mock and degrade persons sexually (a1, a3); 11. It is used for propaganda (a1, a2, a3). c. Who is using the AI? 1. A lower-class to middle-class person; 2. An upper-class person; 3. A small business; 4. A large business; 5. An anonymous person; 6. An organization dedicated to shifting public perception. This was really tough to do. I'll see if I can touch up on it myself. As of now, Lemmy cannot do lists in lists.

    fuck_ai Fuck AI Almost all arguments defending AI image generation defend stealing
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 month ago 100%

    Although I do not agree with Anarcho-Capitalists (there's no way to really make an AnCap society), intellectual property is indeed a menace.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Almost all arguments defending AI image generation defend stealing
  • VerbFlow VerbFlow 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks. That was a pretty bad argument. I should've stuck with news articles.

  • fuck_ai
    Fuck AI VerbFlow 1 month ago 75%
    Almost all arguments defending AI image generation defend stealing

    I was originally going to put this into the Log, but it might be unwelcome. You want a way to rattle image-generation Boosters? Most of the arguments they use can be used to defend Googling an image and putting a filter over it. - "All forms of media take inspiration from one another, so that means it's fine to Google another image, download it, and apply a filter to call it mine!" - "Artists are really privilieged, so it's morally OK to take their art and filter it!" - "Using filtered images I downloaded from Google for game sprites will help me finish my game faster!" - "I suck at drawing, so I have to resort to taking images from people who can draw and filtering them!" - "People saying that my filtered images aren't art are tyrannical! I deserve to have my filtered images be seen as equal to hand-drawn ones!" AI Boosters use a standard motte-and-bailey doctrine to assert the right to steal art and put it into a dataset, yet entice people to buy their generated images. When Boosters want people to invest in AI, they occupy the bailey and say that "AI is faster and better than drawing by hand". When Boosters are confronted with their ethical problems, as shown above, they retreat into the motte and complain that "it takes tons of time and work to make the AI do what I want". Remember this when you find Boosters. Or don't, since I doubt the sites where they lurk are worth your time.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 1 month ago 94%
    8/12/2024 Log

    First of all, this c has absolutely skyrocketed in the coming years. I made it in a panic. (I was worried that AI would bedazzle everyone, everyone would be onboard, and it would ruin everything forever.) Although a lot of what I feared didn't happen, I'm still glad to have made this thing. I don't know if this sub is going to be brigaded by Boosters like it was early on, or if they'll try some sort of cyberattack, but the reason I appointed so many moderators was because I was worried that Boosters would come in, try some bad-faith tactics, and screw over any resistance against AI. I now realize that having a pro-AI "camp" is misleading. Adopting any new technology must prove itself to be worth its cost. There have been patents, like [Flexplay](, or [Tetraethyllead](, that are not worth their cost. What Boosters are saying is that, if you oppose the use of Flexplay of Tetraethyllead, you are in an "anti-Flexplay" or "anti-Tetraethyllead" camp, and if you can't come up with a convincing argument against it, you should just accept the technology. Since it's been a while since my last log, and the c has changed, I don't think this will be brigaded.

    Just Post VerbFlow 2 months ago 100%
    Really Old Font Site (TypOasis)

    It's really cool seeing all this old stuff. These are still downloadable, by the way.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 3 months ago 89%
    Older Articles (A lot might've been sabotaged)

    After seeing the enormous attention that has been given to this community, I'm glad to present this list of articles lost in the early years. I'm not sure if it has been purposely sabotaged, or if people just didn't like it. Some of it shows a lot of hope. Just like the bourgoise attempts to get a surplus value out of the proletariat without compensation, so too does the AI Prompter attempt to get a similar surplus value out of an artist. Maybe it is the same thing! The articles marked by a letter M (for Marx) will describe this process. [Adam Savage's Issue With A.I.-Generated Art]( [Tech Bros Have Built A Cult Around AI | BEHIND THE BASTARDS]( [Law enforcement struggling to prosecute AI-generated CSAM]( [(M) In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From]( [AI Hype Wall of Shame]( [(M) The AI Revolution is Rotten to the Core]( [(M) AI Is a Lot of Work]( [How much electricity does AI consume?]( [(M) OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game (Archived)]( [Meta’s ‘set it and forget it’ AI ad tools are misfiring and blowing through cash]( [Cory Doctorow: What Kind of Bubble is AI?]( [(M) AI Startups Are Suddenly In Big Trouble]( [(M) Artists Sue Google Over Its AI Image Generator]( [Now the Humanities Can Disrupt “AI”]( # If you have any missing articles, comment it for a second version of this post. # P.S. If the Invidious link doesn't work, switch the instance. P.P.S. After searching for the best articles to include, I noticed that the pagation for Lemmy needs a "back button", tho, I'm pretty busy with other stuff.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 4 months ago 97%
    Fuck AI VerbFlow 4 months ago 50%
    Artificial Intelligence Isn't Real

    Video by Adam Something. Sponsor ends at 3 mins 7 secs.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 5 months ago 50%
    Downvotes I Want To Understand

    I just want to say that, for some reason, there's been a lot of downvotes on articles, and no comments. Why is this? What is bothering people about the Operations Log? I can help people who criticize a post, but not people who simply downvote it. Everyone opposed to image theft is allowed here, and your opinion *will* be listened to. Please say something instead of just downvoting. Upvotes without comments are a similar problem, but I want to fix things that are wrong. And if you're downvoting this because it shows up in your feed and you don't want it, just say so. I have a hunch that it's Boosters fueling their agenda, or Doomers having nihilistic fun, but you can't trust hunches.

    Software Gore VerbFlow 5 months ago 65%
    Bro what the fuck happened to Reddit?

    I was trying to browse the site, and I think it might be faced with a few problems.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 5 months ago 50%
    AI In Terms Of Marxism - Discussion

    So I've talked in an Operations Log about defining AI, and I'm glad we're getting close to defining what the "AI" in "Fuck AI" is more specifically, because I see that, in programs like MdJ, StD, and ChatGPT, there is an element of class warfare in it. I really want tech workers to pile in here, because the entire success of these programs -- those in which a prompt is written, and an uncannily detailed image is made, or a long yet coherent passage is typed -- **is built entirely on the efforts of workers.** The reason I want to delineate AI from other things is because programs like the [A-star algorithm](*_search_algorithm), autocorrect, 3D modeling programs, and Vocaloids do not require an absurd amount of data to operate. [This article here]( most certainly explains why everything works so smoothly, [as does this,]( and there is a book called [Ghost Work]( that I'm going to read after my current one which illuminates a massive, hidden proletariat beneath the Silicon Valley bourgoise. If you are an artist whose work has been scraped, you can probably add to this testimony. I had a hunch about AI being not as mighty as it seemed, and altho it's not wise to trust hunches, those articles, along with ones I sent to this community daily, prove thus: No technological capability of AI can exist without the labor-value of countless workers, whether taken from previous commodities (scraped images and text), or taken from workers continually (the business investigated by Dzeiza). If you are an illlustrator, photographer, author, or other artist whose work was scraped, or someone else whose field is going to be "replaced with AI", this means *you!* Yes, *you* are the proletariat! Just like how a factory worker is only paid by how little the robber baron can get away with, so too are you only paid by how little a tech-bro can get away with.^n1^ And when there's a machine that a tech-bro can use to pay you nothing at all for your work, they will gladly use that machine. I know that Marxism may be misappropriated by regions across the world, or that there are Tankies who champion Marxism but do not advance worker's rights. Well, if a Booster claims to be a Marxist, I will not believe them. AI has allowed people to pluck the labor-power from the proletariat as easily as one would click a mouse. I'm certain that Marxism is an ideal way to discuss why AI can and should be opposed.

    Technology VerbFlow 5 months ago 86%
    The Computer As A Brain Metaphor

    This was originally going to be posted on Fuck AI, but it really applies to technology far more generally.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 5 months ago 91%
    Some changes, and Boosters vs Doomers

    I want to apologize for changing the description without telling people first. After reading arguments about how AI has been so overhyped, I'm not that frightened by it. It's awful that it hallucinates, and that it just spews garbage onto YouTube and Facebook, but it won't completely upend society. I'll have articles abound on AI hype, because they're quite funny, and gives me a sense of ease knowing that, despite blatant lies being easy to tell, it's way harder to fake actual evidence. I also want to factor in people who think that there's nothing anyone can do. I've come to realize that there might not be a way to attack OpenAI, MidJourney, or Stable Diffusion. These people, which I will call Doomers from an AIHWOS article, **are perfectly welcome here.** You can certainly come along and read the [AI Hype Wall Of Shame](, or the [diminishing returns of Deep Learning.]( Maybe one can even become a Mod! Boosters, or people who heavily use AI and see it as a source of good, ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE! I've seen Boosters dox, threaten, and harass artists over on Reddit and Twitter, and they constantly champion artists losing their jobs. They go against the very purpose of this community. *If I hear a comment on here saying that AI is "making things good" or cheering on putting anyone out of a job, and the commenter does not retract their statement, said commenter will be permanently banned.* FA&FO.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 5 months ago 66%
    Opinion Piece On AI that I Agree With

    I agree that the "fruits" of neural networks come from the proletarian artist, because without them, there cannot be any content made of this magnitude. The stunning images created by AI *inherently rely on the labor of artists, so its commodity-value---its visual appeal---is thus identical to the labor-value that was scraped into its dataset.* In layman's terms, the artists made the art, and AI imagery looks good because it was taken from that art.

    Fuck AI VerbFlow 5 months ago 50%
    Operations Log: Wants, Needs, And So On

    OTHER SITES: I want to say, right now, that there will be no more discussion of Reddit. I am sorry for those four posts. I hope won't be any Twitter posts; despite AI users posting on Twitter, I'm just as sick of it as you guys are of Reddit (maybe even more so). I've heard, long before Musk bought the site, what people are "doing on Twitter". I'd hear this site *on the AM radio, on TV, on news articles *complete with an embedded link to the tweet,* and in physical books from 2018 onwards.* It isn't just the awful users, it's the mechanics--you can only have 280 characters;you cannot "dislike" a post or comment; and there is a constant loss of tweets that are too old; and the bottomless scrolling. It's as if the site wants you to forget what you saw after a month. WHERE THIS COMMUNITY IS GOING: Still, I've not been having a lot of traffic for this community. I've always thought about making sure everyone knows how awful AI is, and why there should be legal action against it. So, here's what I want to ask: - What kind of posts aren't allowed? Sitewide rules, like "no bigotry", are redundant. - What counts as a good post? Should posts make fun of AI, or should it just be the facts? - Should a more general community, like "Fuck Big Tech", be created? - Should a more narrow community, like "Fuck AI Imagery" or "AI Circlejerk", be created? - What technology counts as AI? Is it the entirety of neural networks, or just some part of it? - How should we deal with people that like AI? MY STANCE: My stance is that the development of Artifical Intelligence, by which I mean digital neural networks designed to perfectly mimic photographs, sounds, and human behavior, should be shut down, paused, or sabotaged as much as possible. I know that some people think that it's going to completely upend society. However, due to the heavy energy costs of the technology relative to the realism and quantity of its output, an ideal start should be shutting down the servers of large developers like OpenAI and Midjourney. Any small-scale project involving AI will have all sorts of telltale signs, so thus its output will be noticeable as AI, and thus cannot fabricate pornography, legal evidence, or steal from human artists. If you have any criticisms, please tell me, but I won't be *liking* AI at all.
