completeanarchy Anarchist Memes Don't use scary words
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 100%

    Generally speaking, from a layman's pov(which I am), the theory kinda holds water IMHO.

    Both right and left have a common thread. Humans.

  • greentext Greentext Anon reflects on the most prosperous time in human history
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 96%

    That's why I became a failed musician and writer addicted to drugs, bummed around a while, got clean and now I just work for myself doing something I can stand, while being absolutely mesmerized by how awful people are. 😢

  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 100%

    I'd just be glad to finally return to monke

  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 100%

    I feel like I definitely read that in middle/high school

  • memes memes Maybe try a salad every so often
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 87%

    Wtf is a doctor?

  • brainworms BrainWorms Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 100%

    Jfc I am ashamed of my species

  • workreform Work Reform Saw this on Facebook 😍
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 11 months ago 100%

    I've been working at a rich ladies house the last few weeks.

    If you used her money to feed an entire town for a month, she wouldn't even know.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes 50% right is still a failing grade
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    I'm not the most politically savvy but after having spun thru a few leftist thought circles, this has been my experience as well.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy what did your government do well in the near past?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    Let me out of jail

  • politics politics Cornel West, Dropping Green Party, Will Run as an Independent
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    Choose your flavor of charlatan

  • memes Memes UBI works too
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    8000 a year? That would be a huge help. Like it would alleviate almost all of my burdens.

  • memes Memes UBI works too
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    Scrip is kinda low key a thing again. My SO works for wawa and there is definitely some scrip vibe. They have a company store, a points reward system, they will put you through school if you take classes that benefit the Corp, and the only way to move up is to basically bootlick management at weird company festivals.

    It all has this very dystopian vibe of "everything within the corporation eco system" and my SO is a very principled women who is shy and kind and she refuses to take a step to elevate herself within the Corp, but getting a union going is pretty hard where we're at, everyone is very much of the boot tasting, welfare queen bad variety.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Wholesome shitpost
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    I can confidently say I'm cringe af

  • world World News More than one-third of millennials believe they won’t get a dime of Social Security when they retire, so they’re taking matters into their own hands
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 12 months ago 100%

    Not having children is my retirement. I will probably work till I'm old and gray so I just tuck what I can away, buy things that hold value, and live my life.

  • politics politics Targeting Trans Kids, Florida School Board Requires Parental Approval for Nicknames
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    That's not how nicknames work

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If I don't have references for a job, how can I work around that?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 95%

    Tbh...just lie. Base it firmly in reality though and get your story straight. Astroturf the entire reference with people you know, who may or may not have been involved with the reality. Make it believable to the rest of the application. Chances are your references will be passed over entirely anyway while whoever is doing the bare minimum to get through their work day checks over your application.

    This may or may not be good advice. 🤷

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Did humans, at some point, believe that the universe is 18 billion years old, prior to the 13.8 billion estimate?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    My geology teacher told me is was 6000 years old though! Dragons = dinosaurs!

  • memes Memes “Both sides”, am I right? 😂
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 85%

    I'd imagine you'd want a constant state of revolution to keep the party honest. I don't know much theory and this is my limited understanding.

  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    One piece gang! Sucks the anime gets butchered with filler. Still good imo. Manga is better ofc.

  • communism Communism Protestation
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 75%

    +1 political insight

  • asklemmy Asklemmy [Serious] How can a person "rejection-proof" their life?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 75%

    Just come to terms, probobly through traumatic events, that all life is is rejection. Then there is no rejection. There all done!

  • memes Memes That's unfortunate
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    What were we talking about?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy in a general sense, how would you feel about people having their pet dog(s) in the workplace?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    One dog in my current line of work is too much already usually. However I always love it and makes me happy to give my attention to a pup. But I'd say in general no. Too many cooks.

  • canada Canada Shoppers upset over lack of cashiers as self-checkout use soars | CBC News
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    They even give you the nice handheld scanner.

  • canada Canada Shoppers upset over lack of cashiers as self-checkout use soars | CBC News
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    I agree. Most of those computers are buggy af, and I tend to opt for live person when possible. But scanning grapes as bananas is worth it sometimes. 💁

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Did the "American dream" change over time, or was it just my interpretation of it?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Well said.

    Took me a while to recognize the instilled behavior, and even longer to unwind the tendrils and it's effects on my life in general. Capitalism has instilled a martyr complex into us.

    I am a go where the wind blows kind of person and settled on working for myself. Much out of necessity as well, cause a company would absolutely not hire me anymore. I am still "poor", but I make my own schedule at least. If I'm gonna get fucked, I'd like to choose how.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy favourite unknown artist?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Would it make sense for a person in a "privileged class" to move from a red state?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Hey you sound just like me. If your going to move, perhaps somewhere like PA? It's got the benefit of being a battleground state, and there's more than enough rural areas, even relatively close to the cities, where you can continue your hermitage. I'm doing something similar (:

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s a painful experience you haven’t had in years?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Active addiction and the hopelessness of hunger, legal trouble, and flexing my principles in order to function.

  • 196 196 RULElight yourself
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    I'm at the "I'm actually glad I experienced all that crazy traumatic stuff" stage of the gas lighting.

  • atheistmemes Atheist Memes When a theist becomes an atheist...
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    It's about perspective for me. How appreciative am I feeling of my experiences? When I think of God I don't think of something mystical. I think of the thing that science is fleshing out in every direction and every detail. I just don't see a genuine difference between the two, for my uses.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some conspiracy theories you absolutely believe to be true?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 37%

    I believe money is used to replace God so a select few can have unlimited access to the "source". A false "god" is then permitted to be pushed on the people for further oppression.

  • memes Memes What do you choose?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 80%

    It'd be Jesus for me. I love a highly principled man telling me what to do.

  • memes Memes What do you choose?
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Look it's a commie! Get that dirty hippy!

  • worldnews World News Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 22%

    China is the high-water mark of human governance!!

  • worldnews World News Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 66%

    Don't forget to collect your college credits on the way out!

  • reddit Reddit Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Where the jewels?!

  • politics politics The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 96%

    It's already extremely easy for LE to drum up basically whatever charge and stick it to you, for the majority of citizens with no funds for a lawyer.

    We've already got the plate scanners. Everytime I drive by one, my file pops as a red flag and a stop is more than likely, just to "check in" with me, usually with some false pretense like "i thought your window was cracked, my bad, but where you going tonight?" I'm not technically on paper, but I am treated as such. Easy arrest potential with some bs probable cause.

    The fact that it will continue to go further doesn't surprise me. Makes the job even easier for them. If you aren't a good consumer, you will be prosecuted.

  • technology Technology The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China.
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    It's actually all my fault, everyone.

  • memes Memes The Whole Fediverse is Wholesome [fixed]
  • MiddleWeigh MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 87%

    The wheels fell off this one for sure

  • hiphopheads
    HipHopHeads MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    Deep Puddle Dynamics - The Candle

    [lyrics]( Just thought I'd share. This song makes me cry.

    Guitar Pedals MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    need some guidance on MUFFs

    So I'm relatively new to fuzz. So far I have a Ge fuzz face, and an EQD hizumitas. I play mostly low gain, but I actually prefer the sound of the hizumitas, especially when I roll the guitar volume way way back. I pretty much have it set to a tad above unity, everything on 0. I'm thinking there has to be a muff that will let me reach those lower gain tones that are just out of reach with the hizumitas, without having to roll back to 4 on guitar, and turn off some other drives, as it's sort of impractical with my current set up. I'll probably be pushing it with a ts9, if I must. But if there is one that has a bit more clarity and note definition, then perhaps I won't need to? I'll be using it for rhythm, alot of major/minor 1 5 8 3 arps, with some analog delay. Maybe some lead tones. With the hizumitas rolled back, I get this really nice woofy, smooth, "controlled" smooth woolyness that sits behind my playing, rather than the usual wall of fuzz or straight smooth distortion. So far I have done a bit of research on the green russian, civil war muff, eqd hoof, and the frantone peach fuzz. I'm just a bit overwhelmed, and not too versed in muff circuits, or fuzz in general. I'll prob end up copping a clone of whatever I decide. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated...perhaps I'm not even looking for a muff? Lol I'm running humbuckers(85/15) into a clean fender (HRD) Thanks for reading!

    One Piece MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    [Episode 1068] Moon Princess Echoes! The Final Phase of Wano Country!

    That was a really good episode. A ton happened, I think it was a whole chapter. Gum gum hydra looked awesome. I'd imagine g5 would look similar, but more. Who ever directed this, I'm a fan of, for sure. The source material is not particularly strong in some spots here(big mom), but it was still handled pretty well imo. With battles winding down, and the amount of ground covered, this episode felt like classic one piece 👌 I absolutely love the dumb little slapstick clown horn music they use for gag parts. Cracks me up everytime.

    Guitar Pedals MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    ABY pedal, set up reccs.

    So I am getting a synth to do some basslines etc, and want to run it through my chain with minimum fiddling. I'm thinking about grabbing 2 aby boxes, one for the front to switch between guitar and synth, and another to go between the pedals and my rc5 looper, to switch between one input for guitar, and the other input to get the synth into my bass rig. Is this an appropriate solution? My chain is about 10 pedals, no tuner. Should I get one w a buffer? Doesn't matter? Any ABY reccs would be appreciated, on a budget. If you have another idea, I'm all ears (: Edit: also it is worth noting, or stating, that I'd rather not have to power these, as there is only one port left on my psu, but if the active boxes are way better, I guess I would not mind. I'm not too familiar with ABYs obviously, but I know they're fairly simple they add any noise? Thanks for reading!

    aww MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 97%
    Who needs dishes

    I got duck. Buddy's first big swim

    Jerboa MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    Issues after installing ver .35

    OK so I am fairly tech illiterate, and would like some guidance. I had been using ver. .33 up until today, very happily I might add, and I decided to try .35 out. I know there were some issue with the .18 ver of lemmy and compatibility so I just wanted to try. I Uninstalled .33, installed .35 from github. I immediately got an error message about compatibility and ver .18. OK whatever. Uninstalled. Went back and got .33 , but now the app just crashes. I much prefer and am used to jerboa over the web browser. Any thoughts ? Edit: lemmy is pretty unusable right now on web browser, it was working fine until I no longer have the app, the constant refresh is pretty bad, every second there is 100 new posts regardless of how I sort.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Mods MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    new mod, please help [half way solved]

    So I'm probably just stupid and I've never done this before, but I have a few problems. 1. How do I give another user mod permissions for my community? Is this possible yet? 2. How come I'm not able to see my own posts? I want to mess with the mod tools, but none of my own posts are showing unless I log out. I have tried on web browser on my phone, on a chrome book, and jerboa which has zero mod tools AFAIK I may be missing something and any help appreciated. Thanks. Edit: yea I was missing something stupid. I had Show Read Posts unchecked so none of my posts were showing up. I've still yet to determine how to grant permissions

    guitarcirclejerk MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    can you help me identify this guitar I found

    So I was called to my grandfathers house last week. The police were there. Apparently he was running some weird hardware in his attic, there was a secret radio antenna running up inside the chimney. I'm thinking the two are related. He died but I'm hoping I have something special here.

    General Discussion MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 60%
    shameful plug, sorry if this doesn't go here.

    I'm terrible at self promotion. In fact, it has been a detriment to my human so far. Here is a shameful plug of a story I'm *trying* to write, true events, about addiction, criminal justice in America, human relationship, and the soul. I don't have any platform but this, I don't even want any platform, I just want to collect my thoughts, and perhaps in the process, you'll find it interesting.. maybe you can leave your own story there, for posterity. <3 [part 1]( [part 2]( Part 1 is mostly a bit of set up, but I think it's necessary to understand the context and character of the author (me!)

    New Communities MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 80%
    The Deep End: Philosophy, Spirituality, and the Human Experience -

    The only god is our own intent. Dive deep into the Obvious !the_deep_end (I've never done this before lol)

    General Discussion MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    [Part 1] My Journey Through the American Legal System

    I want to forward this by saying thank you to everyone for making this community into a place where I feel at ease enough to share. [part 2]( can be found here. Thanks. ~~~~~~~ I'm going to attempt to tell my experience in the American criminal justice system. I'm going to try to have fun writing this, and attempt to make it as interesting as I can while portraying it as close to how I remember as possible. Warning: this may contain offensive or touchy social subject matter and while these views and opinions may not be my mine, they are the experience of the people I met, and I think it's important not to sugar coat these things, for posterity sake. This story will need a bit of background, so bear with me. Up to the start of this journey, I was addicted to heroin and subsequently fentanyl, as well as benzodiazepines for 12 years. Prior to this, I have been charged and plead guilty to multiple misdemeanor possesion charges, all of which carried no jail time due to being charged in a large city, where petty drug use is not a priority, and my privilege as a white cis male. I moved out of that city into a more rural setting, where I was, imo, immediately targeted, due to my history, by law enforcement. I have never committed a violent crime. I have never even been in a fight. I know my experience is not unique. In fact it is all too common these days, but I do believe it can still be valuable in someway. I hope you can find something to take with you. I am not college educated, but I think for all intents and purposes, I could be considered an "intellectual". I have deeply spiritual and philosophical tendencies. I enjoy history, science, art, and especially music and literature. If you were to meet me, you'd never expect me to end up in jail. The same can be said for far too many of our fellow humans. I am not a writer, if i was, id be a shitty poet. Narrative usually escapes me, as I'm not as detailed oriented of a person as I'd like to be. Thanks for reading. ~~~~~~~~ Arrest, Probation, Processing I was pulled over about 20 min after swerving on a country road. Apparently someone called the police. I'm not sure I believe this one bit, but it's possible. They got me right by an on ramp to the highway. I was intoxicated by legal definition. I have accepted my actions and I would have been responsible for any and all suffering if anything were to have happened. I was guilty. Every police interaction I've had here, I was a red flag on their computer screen. A city boy, king pin, drug smuggling, scum bag, criminal. When in reality, I was sick. Desperate. During this stop the cop asked me "so how did you cheat the last blood test?" referring to the last time I got pulled over and taken for drug test. I passed that one. I don't know how, but it was obvious they wanted me this time, and they would have me. I, naively, complied with their request for roadside sobriety test. The test was highly subject to police discretion, as most of the things looked for, only a doctor could point out as some sign. Can you count to thirty, in seconds, eyes closed, and land right on the hand of a watch? Well, if not, thats probable cause. Don't take roadside tests. The cop gave me an extremely rushed run through of the tests, and refused to go over the directions more than once, and me asking for further explanation was considered probable cause on its own. My biggest takeaway from this is that the point of police contact is ambiguous and ripe for corruption, largely on the onus of the officers bias and mood. This is made worse by the fact that the average person doesn't know any of their rights or how to deal with police. They decided to take me in, as expected. I was released, put on probation, and fined. 1st offense DUI. I failed my blood test for fentanyl analogs. The court proceedings were a sham, imo. My first court date I didn't have a lawyer. The judge told me to turn myself in because I showed up with no counsel. I was taken aback, as i always thought i had the right to defend myself, not that i wanted to, but I don't think one should be sent to jail for something that could be as small as not receiving the right paperwork, or even ones ability to understand said paperwork. [Side note: I once watched a slew of non English speakers get brought into the city jail cause they were "trying to pay for sex". From what I could gather, an undercover officer essentially said "say how much". When the man replied "how much?" In broken English, they were swarmed by uniformed officers] ...anyway: Like a good boy, I went to the jail. I spent about 16 hrs in holding till posting bail, it was 25000 dollars! I had to pay 7%... For not having a lawyer! My poor old man wanted to kill me. He didn't have the money, but he did for me. I love you dad. The second court date, my court appointed lawyer didn't know my name, or my case. I signed a plea deal. 6 months probation. $5000+ fine. It was my only option. The only way my lawyer would have actually worked my case would be if I did all the leg work and brought everything to them. But I'm not a lawyer. I was actually relieved to get probation. The month leading up to my first probation meeting was surreal and dream like. I knew I'd be going to jail, too wrapped up in my addiction and despair to make the decision to go to rehab. The benzos, by this point had taken their toll. Seizures etc. I could not stop without medical assistance, and I had no insurance. I had no bank acct. I was in over my head. I made the decision that if I was going to jail, I would at least get the detox rolling. For 6 days, I abstained from using fentanyl, instead taking a large quantity of Xanax to sleep, and get thru the extreme pain and misery. By the time I showed up to probation, I was a wreck. Cuts and bruises from falling all over. Haggard. I didn't care. I was miserable, contemplating just ending it. I kissed my lover and gave her all my passwords, directions, anything I thought she needed, and walked in to meet my fate. My probation officer was a dick. It was clear his only job was to put people in jail to help pay for the new parking complex in town. It was time for me to pee. I couldn't. I tried. I was about to explode, but stage fright got the best of me. I was allowed to run water, drink. Nothing. In my mania and fear I began to literally sprinkle water on my genitals in hopes of sparking some primal urge to piss. My probation officer walked in, flipped shit, and i went straight in cuffs. "You know I could charge you with evidence tampering" The urine test kit wasn't even in the bathroom. They walked me out of the court house, put me in the back of the car, and drove me 20 minutes to the county jail. I knew I was smoked. I was faced with what I could only describe as freedom thru disassociation. It was bleak and outside of my control. So I dug deep, knowing i was in for quite an experience, if nothing else. My only pain came from my lost lover, and the knowledge I was about to detox for the first time in 12 years, in a cell. Beyond that I knew nothing. I could see nothing but the squad car dash, automatic rifle, and the rolling gate at the entry point of county jail. On intake, where I was processed, I was sat down. Finger printed, searched, scanned, photographed. I was given another chance to pee. I could actually go this time. I watched the dipstick light up bright orange. I failed miserably…for weed. I hadn't smoked weed in years at this point, go figure. It didnt matter because I had already told my PO that I'd probably fail, in hopes of leniency, instead I was given a statement to sign stating that I used drugs. Evidence to convict. I signed, like the gentle idiot I tend to be. My probation was violated. I was no longer a person, I was property of the state, filtered out and down to the place where society thought I fit best. Fair enough. I was made to turn over my clothes, my smashed up obama phone, everything, nothing.. I was given 1 pair of whitey titeys, 1 white t shirt, 1 old and holy pair of socks, and a crusty mismatched orange canvas uniform. All brought to you by Bob Barker, the manufacturer of every product within the jail, from soap to shoes. It was a running joke among the inmates, "yo I got these fresh Bob barkers!" While strutting about in the ever present self depreciating manner with which we all handled ourselves. I was brought to male intake later that night. It was Thursday, Commissary day, in the middle of a pandemic. The cell block was Male Intake, the place you go before you get classified according to race, religion, criminal history, gang affiliation, education and occupation. It is by far, the worst place in the jail, outside of isolation areas for predators, and disciplinary action. It smelled like sewage and testosterone. It was bright and loud. I was sick. ~~~~~~~ I'm gonna work on part 2, and ill post it later. Ive never tried to write like this before, I'm not much of an editor, and I'm trying to streamline as much as I can while touching on some personal detail. Sorry for my mistakes. It's been a while since 12th grade English. I know my bias is showing thru, in my contempt, and I'm sorry. Please feel free to comment, or anything at all.

    General Discussion MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    looking for appropriate community for a post

    So I'm typing up a multi part piece on my experience in the american criminal justice system. Where would I put that? It's sort of just me retconning my run in with addiction, the law, and jail into imbedded journalism lol. I have part 1 done, and I can't quite find a community for it. It could fit into multiple areas like addiction, politics, recovery, criminal justice reform, etc but I'm not quite sure it would be appreciated to spam a community with a 4 part series focusing on my dumb ass decisions. Thanks in advance.

    One Piece MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    Anyone here? I can't see any posts. Feels like I'm calling in the dark, and that's kinda cool ngl. 🙃

    One Piece MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    ONE PIECE | Official Teaser Trailer | Netflix

    Guys, I actually got the feels from this trailer. I know we are all skeptical cause we love the series so much, but I'm here for it.

    Showerthoughts MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 72%
    stupid person

    I'd like to think im not a stupid person, but sometimes I'm not too confident. Perhaps most of my "stupid moments" stem from this.

    mirrored reddit posts

    So I see people are starting move stuff over from reddit. But now my feed is clogged with r/nosleep mirrors, and due to the sorting bugs and lack of a hide read thread option, I think it's worth discussing best way to go about this. I'm not tech savvy, just thought I'd bring it up. I'm all for the idea, but it feels spammy, especially when sorting by all>new is currently our best browsing experience. Thanks for reading. Edit: they said they're dumping them into a defederated instance first as a work around. Thanks to everyone doing their part!

    General Discussion MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    mirrored reddit posts

    Hi, I just noticed people are starting to move content over from reddit. But now my feed is clogged with mirrors from r/nosleep. Due to the sorting bugs and lack of an option to hide read posts, I think we should think about what the best way to do this is, without all>new being spammed. I'm not tech savvy so I have no idea. Not sure if this is the best place for this, but worth a discussion among the community. Thanks for reading.

    Hardcore punk community MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 80%
    hi everyone

    So me and my old man are taking my 4 yr old Lil sister to see a circle jerks/descendents/adolescents show pretty soon. I'm most looking forward to seeing the adolescents set. I grew up on punk. Thanks to my father. The first show he took me to was circle jerks when I was about 13 or so. We're just passing the gift along I guess. (:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ramblings of [removed] redditor

    So I was commenting on another post when I found myself rambling so decided to just make it a post. Not sure if this is a good place for it, sorry. As far as redditors go, I'm probably more removed from the situation than some of you. I have no dealings with mods, admin, and I've only been active for the last year, and really only in super niche communities. I didn't feel too strongly about this whole thing tbh. But as I've followed this topic, and the more I interact with the feddiverse, the stronger I feel about reddit based on principal. Thought is such an invaluable resource for the common people, which is, and always has been, monopolized by a system that exploits us. It divides us. Look at what reddit is doing trying to get mods to turn on each other. It's just nasty capitalist tactics to make a buck off of....thought itself? Oh hell no. That just feels too convoluted to me from a pure logic standpoint. And from a principals standpoint, and I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel too strongly about many things, the dude can't abide. Why do we need a thought middle man? There is no real need to take that out of our hands to begin with, when we have awesome people willing to take up that mantle for the sake of progress. Thanks to the people who are contributing by running servers, developing the software etc. You are seemingly on the edge of the ever expanding human understanding, of itself and its place in the world. Thought should always be free flowing and uncontrolled. It is what makes us human. And I think, more and more, humanness is something innately missing in our everyday lives. I'd like for my community to be a community. For the sake of community. As a basic biological need for happiness in this life, that has far too much needless suffering as it is. So in the end, this is really an appreciation post, for getting to experience something like this with everybody. Thanks for reading. Sorry for some of my clunky wording. Brain moves faster than my weary bones sometimes, and I'm not nearly as smart or refined as I'd like to be. Let's keep working to making this something to take pride in. Love yourselves. and feel free to discuss.

    cats MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%

    IntheShadows (blind)

    cats MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    trash cat

    blind trash cat

    Ask Me Anything MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    I was addicted to IV heroin/fentanyl for 12 years AMA

    Never thought it'd happen to me. It did. Been Clean a bit over a year. I got a couple crazy stories for sure. AMA Edit: this is pretty personal, the answers kinda long, and I can't touch on everything, but I'll try my best. Thanks for reading.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Bad Music MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    Linda Finkle (hall of fame)

    The namesake of the Linda Finkle Hall of Fame. [(] [(] Gotta watch the music video too lmao

    guitars MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 95%
    the state of my messy ass studio

    OK so for the sake of content, here is my current guitar area of my living room. It's a hot mess. I kinda went on a bender with some psychoactive substances last week and was writing and playing alot, moving pedals around, getting tangled in cables lol. My current signal chain: Prs custom 24 se into CMC Germanium Sunface fuzz clone > wampler mini ego compressor > eqd grand orbiter phaser > CMC effects King of Tone clone > strymon deco double tracker > dod rubberneck delay > strymon flint reverb > boss rc5 looper. All into a fender hot rod deluxe that needs repairs, I mic it up with a sm57, and whatever condenser mic I feel like using, I've got a akg c3000 on there now, then they run to some decentish preamps(Isa one and wa12) then into the line in on my interface. I'm running reaper on a shitty home made PC that's like 12+yrs old with expired windows. Jammed it with ram and it runs great. It sounds pretty damn good. I blend the two signals together, or just use one, sometimes I'll use 1 mic and do a direct in and blend those. I like the results. I'll refine my process once I get down to really recording. I've been in writing mode for a while. I bought that carpet recently and I kinda dig it. My first carpet purchase, I must be a real person now. If you have any questions or recommendations or anything at all please feel free, thanks for reading. Perhaps I'll make another post with some other stuff later. But for now, if you care what it sounds like. I recorded this a while ago in spring, I have a more done version now but this is just guitar bass and drum for this post. No harmony or vocals or anything. Real rough. I have this and about 6 other things I'm working on right now. I'm trying to get an album done before I am too old and broken to hold a guitar. (: [I don't do this for money](

    Nature and Gardening MiddleWeigh 1 year ago 100%
    Honeycrisp! my new "farm", and keeping clean and busy. (first lemmy post)

    This is my first post on lemmy! I'm new to this whole gardening thing. I got clean off hard stuff about a year ago, and have been adding to my "farm" in the yard. My SO is super happy in the dirt too, she's realizing how green her thumb is, and it's extremely therapeutic for both of us. So far I have 4 apple trees. Golden delicious, 2 granny Smith, 1 honey crisp. Two of them are new this year. The other two I planted in a drug induced haze 😅. They had rust and wooly aphids last year, but after some preventative measures this year I'm all good besides the few aphids. Luckily there's an abundance of lady bugs here, and neem oil seems to do the trick. The raised beds I put in over the course of this past week. It's just a top soil/compost mix. Right now I just have grape tomatoes in there. We have carrots, broccoli, spinach, romaine, cat nip, and kale all sprouting from seeds were gonna place in there as well. Besides those things we have some potted fruits: blueberry, raspberry, grape, strawberry as well as potatoes all growing really well right now. My next step is to map out the raised beds and plant the sprouts. Then I'll see about maybe transferring some of the potted stuff in there as well. We definitely have to figure out a more permanent fencing solution too, and something for over top cause the birds have been eating each berry one by one right when it ripens. Lol oh well. I'd also like to get some more local plants, especially pollinators, elsewhere in the yard, along the tree line, everywhere. I live in NE PA if you have any reccs! Just realized we have a spotted lantern fly nymph issue on the raspberry. Sucks, they are new to the area /: but neem oil, dawn, apple cider vinegar all kill on contact iirc. Thanks for reading my attempt at adding more content to lemmy! (: If you have any tricks of the trade, please, I'm all ears!
