asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9 hours ago 100%

    Excessive overnight caffeine intake and adhd hyperfocus. Part of it was also before the bus arrived since I get out of work riiight after the previous bus leaves and have to wait 30min for the next one with nothing better to do.

    I also do a lot of stuff like this so I've gotten pretty quick on my swype keyboard.

    You should see my nursing notes when the bullshit happens. I've gotten a lot of praise for the amount of detail I add to explain why I had to do whatever I had to do to get a situation back under control.

  • workreform Work Reform Just a reminder...
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    13 hours ago 100%

    tbh I might not have bothered getting licensed if not for the pay (and getting ditched out on the unit w/ violent pts & no meds or restraints).

  • workreform Work Reform Just a reminder...
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    15 hours ago 100%

    Friendly reminder to people in similar positions that the fact I barely make a living wage as a nurse doesn't mean the techs with less education than me that I supervise shouldn't. In fact, if they're making a living wage, that leaves room for me to advocate to make even more myself. This fight is about us taking from the rich, not from each other, and I refuse to let them control the narrative like that.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    16 hours ago 100%

    I always wanted to be an interesting person when I grew up but now I'm here I rarely find it fulfilling. It turns out 98% of the things that result in an interesting person are highly unpleasant to do or experience.

  • til Today I Learned TIL what an Ortholinear Keyboard is
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    20 hours ago 100%

    It probably really helped people who learned to type on a typewriter make the first changeovers, and now it's what everybody learns to type on for the most part so it hasn't budged. I've noticed at work that my gen z coworkers often struggle to type out a solid nursing note (most of them learned to type on a phone screen) so I wonder if this is maybe an opportunity for more of those alternative layouts to start taking hold as typing becomes a less common thing people need to learn early on.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    20 hours ago 100%

    The short version is, as a pseudo-trans person, being born female makes a lot of it ok to most people. People born male who act more female get a looooot of backlash.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 day ago 97%

    I LOVE comments like this from people who clearly cared enough about what I said to interact with my comment TWICE in two different ways (downvote PLUS comment) JUST to try to convince me they don't care, and right below another commenter who has emphatically expressed the opposite. It's fascinating both in the sense that they might actually internally believe it AND that they're deluded enough to think I might as well.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 day ago 85%

    Oh hey I'm AFAB but more or less NB at this point and let my gender presentation flux with both people's perceptions and whatever seems to be working best in the moment, especially career-wise so I actually have a LOT of thoughts on this. A looot of this discusses societal stereotypes on gender, so while I think it's shitty, the fact that a lot of people (wrongly) perceive trans people as their birth sex is of relevance to my perspective on this discussion. So, trigger warning: prejudice / transphobia.


    • I'm AFAB so most of my upbringing was femme oriented

    • I also come from an autism / ADHD HEAVY family so I still missed some of the social aspects of gendered upbringing

    • my parents WERE fundies however, so my attempts at more feminine presentations (makeup, heels, etc) resulted in a lot of sex-shaming from my parents, but there was also a looot of pro-birther nonsense and everything about pregnancy just freaks me out. There's probably a looot to unpack there as to how I wound up nonbinary, but ultimately I am what I am now, so it is what it is.

    • I spent the first few years of my career working on a psych unit for criminally insane men so the formative years of my young adulthood were spent learning how to speak from my chest and not look like a target

    • my current presentation is that sort of "no gendered features" / look like a clean shaven young man / lesbian (vs the beard AND boobs / "aaaall the gendered features" look). The only surgery I've had is my tits chopped off + tubes out. So I don't look ooobviously trans, but a lot of people also can't really tell what genitals I have at a glance which some people find ...distressing. for some reason.

    • I'm also white which I think lets me "get away with more" than others.


    • I usually use the women's bathroom. Sometimes I bring a she-wee to work but all the unit bathrooms are singles so it's more just because I work with animals (male and female) who don't know how to put the seat up when they pee standing / squatting. This is mostly because whether it's reality or trauma based (see above work history) I don't trust most men around me with my pants off vs women will be socially awful but I likely won't have to come to blows over it. I do get some weird looks though, and some have stopped me, but then they just get this really confused / uncomfortable expression and ultimately leave me alone. But as far as your question goes, I do think I would get less backlash as a AFAB going into the men's room than an AMAB gets doing the reverse, so there's definitely an aspect of my vagina being inherently less threatening in vulnerable contexts... somehow?

    • sexually, I can be a top or a bottom (penatrator OR penatratee) and pussy vs bussy doesn't matter too much to me other than that fitting things in the backdoor takes a lot more prep work (but I'll talk more further down about how that flexibility is convenient for me personally). As far as gender relations go, I feel like I get more "girl power" brownie points for strapping on and pegging my male partner vs how men who receive anal penetration are perceived despite the fact that I'm essentially letting him do almost the exact same when he fucks my ass. I even typically use a "strapless" strapon (they still realistically need a harness to stay in) so I am actually being physically stimulated by the act, it's not even (necessarily) a dominance thing.

    • work / patient care: I work high-acuity psych so every patient has to have their skin checked for injuries and contraband (particularly weapons). I usually count as female for the purposes of keeping things same-sex. As far as your specific question though, it's also usually fine for me to count as female when searching men, even if the other person is also a woman. I usually try to have a male staff member with me as well, but nursing is pretty female dominated and I've noticed both in terms of patient comfort and working policy, two women searching a man is NOT as frowned upon as two men searching a woman. Do with that what you will. Same also goes for care / cleaning of genitals / breasts when patients require that.

    • In terms of responding to violent patients: it depends and I'll change my demeanor as needed. If a patient seems like they'll respect a man more I'll stand taller, drop the pitch of my voice / speak from the chest, and be more directive. If I think they'll respond better to me being more gentle / nurturing I'll do that (although I'm not as good at it) but again as far as your question goes, I don't think an AMAB person would be trusted the same way were they witnessed going back and forth like that.

    • That said, this raises the most important advantage to looking / acting masc - the high violence patients who respond better to gentleness are fairly few and far between. Patients who perceive me as more masculine are far, FAR more likely to cooperate with me being directive when I need to be. It's also in most cases not a fear thing in that they perceive me as stronger / more powerful, it's that they perceive me as more equal and worth listening to. I've had (usually boomer age) dementia patients in particular who gave every female nurse before me absolute hell for every single part of their treatment plan including the stuff the nurse has 0 control over but just went along with me saying the exact same things, then halfway through the shift they tell my coworker that "oh yes that nice young man has been so helpful!" It happens a lot actually, and I have a muuuch easier time with the sexist patients than most of my female coworkers. I recently did have one patient with homosexuality related delusions who targeted me a little, but that's pretty rare (they commented on him mostly going after men in report last night and I was like "hey he came after me the other night!" and one of my coworkers actually turned to me and was like "I don't think that counts as him targeting a woman...")

    I guess my ultimate statement on it is thus: my particular combination of transness (including my race) is highly favorable considering, and I've heard that's often true for transmascs which I think is highly reflective of societal prejudices based on birth sex. I still get the weird looks and called mean names, but I'm sitting in exactly the least taboo combination where most people can assuage their prejudices by categorizing me as a "tomboy." People also often assume I'm a lesbian which is a little less favorable, but much more favorable than being trans (which is closer to the truth, I'm surgically confirmed and actually tend to prefer men).

    I've actually arguably been able to use my gender presentation to avoid violence in many cases, which almost universally cannot be said for transwomen or AMAB NBs or men or any other AMABs who find themselves with any kind of femme aspects in their gender presentation. I'm also fortunate that the dysphoria I did have tended towards removing gendered aspects vs adding them because that also gets a lot of backlash.

    I'm also almost entirely uniquely fortunate in that I don't have any dysphoria that causes me inherent distress based on how others perceive me or how I'm personally acting outwardly. That makes my ambivalence an asset almost, since I can just do whatever seems to make any given situation go smoothest, and I don't experience any emotional distress from doing so. I've noticed that lack of omnipresent dysphoria is almost unheard of in trans communities, especially for someone who got surgery (to the extent that I'm often actively unwelcome for expressing my unusual combination of lived experiences; I've actually felt far less welcome in trans spaces than pretty much anywhere else; and that includes on lemmy, a lot of my comments like this get removed with transphobia cited as the reason).

    Anyway that's my garbled post 12-hour-night-shift stream of consciousness that I wrote and re-wrote a couple times on the bus ride home. Hope it was interesting but imma tap out and go nap before I have to go back tonight.

  • superbowl Superbowl Talons and Claws
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 days ago 100%

    Oof I was way off! See this completely changes what I'm looking at for me! Looks like the racoon is much more similar.

  • superbowl Superbowl Talons and Claws
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 days ago 100%

    I trim my cats claws every few weeks, she gets a treat for every paw she sits still for. I can tell she needs it done again when she can't knead on me without it feeling prickly. It's been a minute this time because I think I misplaced the trimmers. For a while I had to restrain her in one of those mesh bags, which was an upgrade from an old towel, but at this point she's learned there's food in it for her and she's very food motivated, so as long as I'm firmly holding each paw and go quick it's pretty straightforward. Haven't had to use the sack in years.

    I accidentally traumatized the dog at a young age because I had difficulty visualizing the quick through her darker claws, so we've been having a groomer do them for a while to help her understand that it doesn't usually hurt before I try again. She thrashes and howls every time I try (she's part husky), so it's also important to have someone who knows exactly how to snatch her up and get it done quick.

  • superbowl Superbowl Talons and Claws
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 days ago 100%

    I wish domestic housecat was on here as a scale example most people would have seen in person but I would think the smallest lynx bobcat or the fox is maaaybe comparable if perhaps a bit larger?

    Edit: I had meant to say bobcat, not that it made me much closer. Sounds like the raccoon is much more comparable.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 days ago 100%

    Me fucking around in chat gpt until I had something good to repeat to myself in times like this. It turns out it's actually pretty good at common meter rhyme, the trick is to ask for 5 iambic pentameter couplets at a time, then split them at the eighth syllable into those 4 8686 syllable lines. I also usually specify "casual language" and "natural word order." You ask for five or so options for each verse so you have some ideas for words to swap around until something sounds good. I've been thinking I need to write a proper ballad about some characters at some point but I haven't got round to it.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 days ago 97%

    Forgive yourself for past mistakes,

    and things you did not know.

    Your errors guide your victories;

    they ache so you can grow.

  • facepalm Facepalm It's called public transport?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 days ago 100%

    the part that really wows them is that I do actually have a car that I use for other things, I just avoid using it as a daily thing because I find that too stressful. I still use the car for large grocery trips or taking the dog to the vet, but using it for a daily commute sounds like a lot of stress to me.

  • facepalm Facepalm It's called public transport?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 days ago 100%

    People at my job are SHOCKED that I take the bus to work even after we had a ten minute discussion one night about increasing road rage incidents. I just wanna get on the commute box and zone out until I get there, LOL.

  • greentext Greentext Anon works the phones
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 days ago 100%

    Honestly just paying people $25/h to literally just do this would actually do some great things for the mental health crisis. The most you would need to do is maybe throw in an 8hr "mental health first aid" class and give them a line to refer out to if the person expresses anything more severe than a passive death wish. I would totally support my tax dollars paying for this on a WIDE scale.

    Edit/btw: the official term is a "warm line" as opposed to a "suicide hotline" for people who aren't in crisis but just need to talk to another human for a bit, possibly to even help avoid a crisis developing in the first place.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    I have never heard the term "don't name your gods" but it's my new favorite phrase of possibly the whole fucking year. Thank you.

  • firefox Firefox Say NO to AI in the #Firefox browser - have your say here;
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    I'm one of those that sees a purpose for AI in doing some of the grunt work of information processing and some creative tasks (like an old school painters apprentice, put some grass over in that corner while I work on this face, upscaling images without blurring, or making sure all the formatting and pronouns / perspectives match in a written work), or in increasing accessibility by describing images for the blind or audio for the deaf, but what in tf does it need to be in a browser for? It definitely has some uses but they'll really slap that label on anything these days!

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    Yeah like. They're already covering up enough stuff that is both stupid AND awful all at once you don't need to make up extra shit.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 92%

    I remember reading somewhere that while a western audience would perceive this as utterly farcical, a Chinese citizen is at least more likely to perceive it as the government taking their safety and security seriously enough to be thorough about it. While I'm sure there was some person somewhere in the chain of command who thought this was a good and important idea and that they needed to check the pigeon butts for explosives, there's no way all of the people involved in doing those searches thought it was likely to uncover an actual weapon, but the cultural context makes it important to err in that direction. Meanwhile in the US, the government is more successful in hiding abuses by "protecting freedoms." Powerful people all around the world have basically the same playbook, but a big part of that strategy is knowing their audience.

    You can also utilize the somewhat covert bribery and diversion systems to this end. As long as everybody thinks everybody ELSE is following the guidelines, and that they're the only ones really getting away with things / reporting that they're following guidelines when they're not, you can get the same result and all you have to do is not look too closely, which is probably what you're doing with most other things already. In the US you don't even need to bother doing that because aside from not culturally having enough shame to do so, actively hiding our idiocy in any way would be considered a restriction on freedoms. Around these parts its your god given right to be a dumbass and the gubmit can pry that from your cold dead hands.

    We're stupid, but at least we're honest about it. They're stupid, but at least they have the decency to not act like it out in broad daylight. Neither is better and both can easily be a tool of the bourgeoisie.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    Well you can't not do that, especially not if you're already known for doing that kind of thing anyway for other things.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 91%

    I once heard of a pediatrician who successfully convinced a concerned mother that anti-vax ideology was likely a psyop by the Russians to weaken the health of the American populace starting with our children. Doesn't hurt that it's probably true.

    EDIT: My personal conspiracy theory is that the Chinese government did engineer (or at least selectively cultivate) COVID, but not to kill Americans. In the early days of the pandemic there was some speculation that it affected some blood types more than others, particularly type A. While no link to blood type specifically was found, type A is a more common genetic trait as you move out of Asia and towards the middle east. China has been heavily persecuting the Uyghurs (Chinese Muslims), and those who have managed to get out of the camps have reported medical experimentation and being injected with unknown substances. In addition, the virus would also kill a significant number of the older population, which is important because of the population crunch they're about to experience due to one-child policies resulting in a high amount of female-specific infanticide. They're about to have a bunch of old people and a massive shortage of able bodied young people to care for them. Even if they didn't directly "engineer" the virus in a gene-sequencing manner, they have a lot off motive to just generally cultivate and spread (you can't really "breed" a virus) an infectious disease targeting people of middle eastern descent and elders.

    Thank you for coming to my tinfoil-hat Ted Talk.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    Shit rolls downhill; profits roll up. Source: fellow nurse.

    My psych unit is having a pretty severe pants-in-the hall deficiency tonight and I'm definitely not getting paid enough for any of it.

  • sciencefiction Science Fiction Renew The Orville!!!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    They did have arcs, but more in that way older star trek did where you get a blurb about it during the rest of the episodes self contained content then a dedicated episode at the beginnings and ends of the season with 1-2 dedicated episodes somewhere in the middle. Well balanced for multiple watch styles.

  • sciencefiction Science Fiction Renew The Orville!!!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 96%

    A better star trek than anything released in the 2010s onward. I'm not even kidding, they handled many more current sociopolitical issues and with far more wit and a frankly shocking amount of tact considering its a Seth McFarlane comedy.

  • xkcd xkcd 2982: Water Filtration
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 98%

    The number one thing I love about Randall Munroe's particular brand of nerd humor is how genuine he is. His fascination with the natural laws of the universe is just that. It's not something he uses to hold himself over other people or to create in-groups and out-groups of people who know and people who don't. Even when his content is too complex for the average person it never has that subtextual "well you just wouldn't get it because you're not smart enough" vibe that so much other nerd humor has (looking at you big bang theory). He's genuinely inviting the reader to learn about whatever it is, whether they ultimately do or don't. He doesn't have that weird inferiority complex people get sometimes where people feel the need to defensively push others away from their interests to feel better about the fact that their interests happen to be niche in some way. He doesn't use it as a vehicle to fuel his ego. I've joked before that he's my "celebrity crush" but it's really just that he truly, genuinely wants to show you something he thinks is cool (and at least a little humorous) and as someone who's met a LOT of snobby nerds, I've always deeply respected that he isn't one. - sincerely, a professional vibe-checker (like, actually).

  • science_memes Science Memes Cucumber 🥒
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    History joke I heard once: if a history book says an object was used for "ritual purposes" that means they haven't got a clue, unless they specify "fertility rituals" which means they know exactly what it was used for but can't write that in a highschool history textbook.

  • science_memes Science Memes AI Artefacting
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    It just occurred to me a few days ago that AI could make for a pretty trippy fae dream world game of some kind.

  • pics pics I'm crocheting the bags from under my sink into a tote bag.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    Probably not ever, but hopefully enough that their accumulation doesn't outpace their use picking up dogshit.

  • pics pics I'm crocheting the bags from under my sink into a tote bag.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    Well they're still macroplastics for now. I'm delaying their conversion into microplastics by about 5-10 years in a way that will prevent the need for more of them.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 93%

    It also helps clearly define the key interventions for each. All of these kind of apply to all of them but there's a few key points for each it can help to focus on.

    "Disappointing:" don't brag about it but also don't try to undersell yourself either - focus on your pregame:

    • actively listen for what your target finds appealing, particularly in terms of "the five love languages," touch, praise, gifts, service, and time. Identify the target's preferred top two (ideally top 1) and focus your efforts there. 90% of the average woman's sexual satisfaction is going to occur before her pants even come off anyway and most men completely ignore that so you have the opportunity to really stand out by making that your strength.
    • also work on your fingering and oral game.

    Average: nail down "the motion of the ocean" (roll your hips) and learning to slow it down.

    • if your dick has a curve to it, try to pick positions that will poke the tip of your dick into the g-spot in the front wall of her vagina. If your dick curves up towards your head, you want her facing you, so missionary or cowgirl. If your dick curves down towards your feet, you want doggy or reverse cowgirl (but be careful with reverse cowgirl if she's taking you all the way out and back in too fast / hard she can actually damage your dick. The side curves are a bit tricky so what you wanna do is get her on her side facing the direction your dick curves while you straddle her bottom leg and put that top leg up around your hip on the side she's facing. (y'all gonna get me breaking out the dolls LOL). That said, this is just gonna be your "classic" position. Make sure you still mix it up a bit; variety is the spice of life, and obviously listen to your partner FIRST, if she tells you she's got a fave try to stick with that and just try this one once or twice to see if it does it for her.

    • stop masturbating as much except for rubbing one out about 24h before you anticipate having sex. (12h if you're a premature ejaculator, 36-48h if you have ED / difficulty orgasming, although less masturbation should help with that, if you have both, see a doctor). You'll last longer and seem less desperate and have better focus in the leadup.

    "Awesome" - you're not allowed to do doggystyle, either of the cowgirls, or put her legs over her head unless she looks like a literal Amazon or has explicitly told you that she is a size queen. You only get to do missionary, reverse missionary (her on top but laying down over you) or lotus (you sitting with her on your lap with legs around your hips). And if you're REAL big, avoid even putting it in all the way if you can.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy Apytele 2 weeks ago 100%
    What are your favorite funny, sarcastic, and at least slightly chaotic quotes and / or unconventional advice?

    One of my favorites is: "Never lie, never tell the whole truth, and never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom."

    news News How a Leading Chain of Psychiatric Hospitals Traps Patients
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    Yes that's ideal. I would argue most of the "lost causes" you're describing are victims of the current system and we owe then something akin to long-term secure units until they're sick enough of the restrictiveness of even a non-abusive containment system to put in the work to recover, but that's semantics. At the end of the day everywhere should be doing it like that and housing and rehabbing these people, emphasis on the housing since it's a prerequisite to the rehab.

  • 196
    195 Apytele 3 weeks ago 99%
    Ran into this over on Reddit

    "Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened." - Dwight D. Eisenhower 1945 The image is a black and white photo of a large pile of human skulls and bones in front of a barbed-wire fence.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    critique of capitalism Apytele 4 weeks ago 78%
    I'm not even sure why this bothers me so much.
    Mental Health Apytele 1 month ago 100%
    A replacement for negative self-talk that rolls off the tongue well / is catchier.

    Most of my negative self talk is self-injurious in nature so I won't trouble you further with the exact content, but I've had difficulty finding a good substitute because I have a pretty strong aversion to the more flowery language a lot of positive self-affirmations use, but I still wanted something that rolled off the tongue as well as poetry so it sticks in my head better. I really like common meter (think "because I could not stop for death") and it turns out you can easily get it out of chat gpt by asking for 14-syllable couplets in iambic pentameter with natural word order, then splitting the lines at the 8-syllable mark and mixing and matching as-needed with a little supplementary help from a thesaurus. I asked for a few different versions and after some mixing and matching I got to: ``` "You make mistakes but take a breath and let your torment go. Forgive yourself for stuff you did, and things you didn't know." ``` I'm gonna give myself a good ol' cognitive-behavioral thought restructuring and try to at least repeat it after each self-abusive thought, then hopefully be able to replace them entirely. I'll let you all know how it goes, but I wanted to share in case any of you wanted to try it with me!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes Apytele 1 month ago 98%
    Ask Lemmy Apytele 1 month ago 99%
    What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?

    ...ideally one that was both genuine and that you had the confidence and self awareness to interpret as kind. And for bonus points, what's one you've given? I'm thinking back to the guy in group therapy years ago who told me he always thought of people who swore as not knowing any better words, but that I obviously knew better words and just also swore and even used them artistically and that's just really stuck with me. Sometimes I wonder how much of my self esteem has suffered not just because I've been told not to brag, but also because I'm extremely weird so the compliments I do receive often reflect that. My bonus one (and I'm not sure how well he was able to take it) was that one of my fellow psych nurses was frequently and obviously terrified any time shit hit the fan, but that somehow still he'd never once failed to have my back. He'd be stuttering the whole way through an incident but I'd walk out of the med room with both halves of a B52 and he'd take one of the syringes without a second thought. He was literally the epitome of "courage isn't not being scared, it's being willing to face it." I should find a nice presentation of that quote somewhere to send him because I'm not sure I phrased it well at the time.

    Dogs Apytele 2 months ago 99%
    Moved into a 5th floor apartment and found out our dog is terrified of elevators.

    Right now we're at the "sitting in the lobby and watching people get on and off" stage of desensitization.

    196 Apytele 2 months ago 100%
    Underconsumption Rule

    They're dishwasher safe! (At least so far) I throw the caps in the utensil basket.

    Shitty Life Pro Tip Apytele 2 months ago 89%
    If you're constipated and happen to have a vagina, you can press the back wall of your vagina with your thumb and squeeze the poop out like squeezing a tube of toothpaste.

    Going literally shitty on this one. This will probably also be a decent survey of lemmy's demographics; every man I've shared this with reacts in abject terror while all the women who didn't know you can do this look like a divine revelation had struck them. 🤣

    Asklemmy Apytele 2 months ago 64%
    Would it count as cheating if you tatooed the answers to an exam on your body?

    Looking for both philosophical and real world examples including situation-specific ones like one field of study that it would versus another where it wouldn't. Idk I'm bored as shit and wanna discuss something.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender Apytele 2 months ago 92%
    One of many live-action gripes: everyone is so damn afraid of Zuko looking "ugly."

    It's canonically important that he's permanently and severely disfigured. I feel like they're trying to go for that dark brooding thing teenage girls go nuts for (I sure as hell did) but don't realize how important the severe injury / disability is to the exact story arc that made him catnip to teenage girls. And they're honestly wildly overestimating how much that affects his "attractiveness"; like I said, it certainly didn't matter to my stupidly horny tween self. It really reflects how shallow these people are. And honestly part of the reason I don't care about that kind of thing as an adult might even be attributable to watching atla at that age, which is a great example of why that representation matters so much. Also tbh the way he the injury looks in the original animation, I'm surprised if he can even see more than maaaybe vague dark vs light shapes out of the damaged eye, meaning he's also disabled. I've had partial blindness in one eye since before I can remember and it can make sports that require depth perception difficult. The fact that he got the injury as a teenager / young adult would be even more disabling because he wouldn't have the neuroplasticity of a toddler / infant to help him adapt like I did. Yet he still competently engages in *ranged combat* on the regular! TLDR network / tv show executives are cowards and don't actually understand what real people who don't essentially live in the hunger games capital city actually find attractive.

    Medicine Apytele 2 months ago 91%
    Discussion: what are your favorite patient recovery moments that aren't too uncommon?

    A big one for me is coming back and seeing my catatonia patient I was giving IV meals to and changing the sheets out from under a week ago now up in the dayroom participating in a few rounds of spades while munching on cookies and soda. I have to shove down that exact excited squeal from the video sometimes. What've y'all got?

    Mental Health Apytele 2 months ago 100%
    (Work in Progress) What To Do If You Can't Access Therapy

    Cliff's notes from the 300+ hours of various talk therapies it took to control my personality disorder and eventually got trained in to pass it forward. It's got some tips on interacting with the mental health system in general as well.

    Life Pro Tips Apytele 3 months ago 98%
    You don't have to be ready to make a change (such as quitting a substance or starting exercise) to start asking yourself what it would take for you to make that change.

    In clinical psychology the technique is called motivational interviewing, and the purpose is to help the person feel ready to make the change they need to by helping them plan out what they will need to change in their environment to make it happen. The trick is to avoid pressuring them in the exact moment and instead help them start imagining a more positive future as a very first baby step. You can do this by yourself right now if you want to, even if you know you're not ready to do what you need to. Examples: - to quit drinking you might need to try to find a less stressful job or leave a shitty partner - to start exercising you might need to lower the energy required to start by leaving your workout clothes next to your bed, or you might need to get a brace for a joint so you can exercise more comfortably. You don't actually have to be ready to do those things to admit to yourself that they're factors holding you back. Step one will always be learning to be honest with yourself, even if you're not ready to do better just yet. So, what do you need to happen in your life to be able to do that thing you know you need to do?

    Ask Lemmy Apytele 3 months ago 92%
    What's a traditional / archaic concept that actually happens to be right, just not for the reason originally thought?

    I've been looking into feng shui lately, specifically the concepts about what makes a person feel more safe or at ease in a space, such as relaxing or sleeping facing the entrance / exit. While reading, I came across the guidance that you should always shut your toilet seat to prevent your good fortune from being flushed. The real reason you should keep it shut is so it can't mist shit-water all over your toothbrush every time you flush. Also so your pets don't drink out of it. What other things did humans throughout history accidentally get right?

    Digital Garden Apytele 3 months ago 100%
    WTDIYCAT (What To Do If You Can't Access Therapy)

    Something a little different but hopefully ok. This is a small digital garden (I tried to keep it small anyway) that gives cliffs note's versions of the various therapies I've been through for my personality disorder (totaling around 300 hours between inpatient and outpatient programs) with overall good effect. There's still a few things I need to fill in here and there, but I think there's enough there that someone really struggling could maybe benefit from, and the skills I didn't get to yet are in the workbooks I linked to.

    Writing Prompts Apytele 3 months ago 94%
    [WP] You're a housepet a person is trying to take a picture of with their smartphone and you have no idea what that is, or what they're doing with it instead of petting you or giving you food.

    Not gonna share my AO3 handle but I get a fair amount of praise for my stream of non-human consciousness bits so (if it's your jam) I really encourage you to take a deep dive into sensory and processing differences between you and the animal you're attempting to depict. Its *fascinating* (or I'm a huge nerd lol). As a semi-related example, a dog can have difficulty seeing a yellow ball against green grass due to red-green colorblindness, so you could also write an angry epistolary to just get a blue fucking ball already because nobody can fucking see that *Jared.*

    AI Image Shitposts Apytele 3 months ago 79%
    Y'all just using it wrong

    I'm actually not kidding I needed some help constructing some "highbrow humor" (I was making a childish poop joke in the nursing station) and was actually pretty impressed with the results. When I double checked there weren't a lot of search results for horse apples referring to poop (although there were some). Apparently that term usually refers to a specific fruit that isn't even an apple??? But that was the only one that didn't follow. I've actually found AI pretty good at doing background work for my creative endeavors, but it certainly lacks that special mix of optimism and deep bitterness that most human creatives can convey with ease. **Here's the complete list for the curious:** ----- Sure, here's a list of words that refer to feces, both formal and colloquial: 1. Feces 2. Stool 3. Excrement 4. Bowel movement 5. Poop 6. Crap 7. Dung 8. Manure 9. Droppings 10. Turd 11. Number two 12. Waste 13. Poo 14. Doo-doo 15. Shit 16. Scat 17. Guano (for bird or bat feces) 18. Cow pie 19. Cow patty 20. Plop 21. Logs 22. BMs (short for bowel movements) 23. Dumps 24. Ca-ca Let me know if you need more specific terms or regional variations! ----- Certainly! Here are some more specific and regional variations of words referring to feces: 1. **British English:** - Poo - Poo-poo - Bog roll (toilet paper, indirectly referring to feces) 2. **Australian English:** - Poo - Turd - Droppings 3. **American English:** - Poop - Doody - Dookie 4. **Informal/Slang:** - Crap - Dump - Load - Logs - Brownie - Mud - Nugget - Bomb - Chunks - Dirt - Sludge - Stink 5. **Medical/Scientific Terms:** - Fecal matter - Fecal matter - Stools - Bowel contents 6. **Childish Terms:** - Poopy - Poopsie - Tootsie - Number two - Doo-doo - Poopy-doo - Poo-poo 7. **Animal-Specific Terms:** - Scat (wild animals, particularly carnivores) - Guano (birds and bats) - Cow pie (cattle) - Horse apples (horses) - Litter (cats) - Rabbit pellets (rabbits) - Sheep droppings - Goat pellets 8. **Regional Variations:** - Caca (Spanish) - Merde (French) - Scheisse (German) - Shite (Irish/Scottish) - Kaka (Filipino/Tagalog) - Tahi (Maori) If you have any particular region or context in mind, let me know!

    Life Pro Tips Apytele 3 months ago 96%
    LPT: Try to catch your landlord doing tours with potential new tenants and mention things they refuse to fix or improve.

    Every single time whatever I needed fixed was done within the week!

    Asklemmy Apytele 3 months ago 95%
    When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

    I'm trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they're in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like "do you prefer to work sitting or moving around," "do you want to not work weekends" etc.

    Asklemmy Apytele 3 months ago 97%
    What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?

    Mine is fresh highschool graduates getting 2 weeks of training to go work acute, all-male forensic psychiatry. We're taking criminally insane men who are unsafe to put on a unit with criminally insane women. ...and they would send fresh high school graduates (often girls because hospitals in general tend to be female-dominated) in the yoga pants and club makeup they think are proffessional because they literally have 0 previous work experience to sit suicide watch for criminally insane rapists who said they were suicidal because they knew they would send some 18y/o who doesn't know any better to sit with them. It went about how you would expect the hundreds of times I watched it happen. My favorite float technician was the 60 year old guy who was super gassy and looked like an off-season Santa. Everybody hated that guy because they said he was super lazy but he would sit suicide watch all fucking shift without complaining and he almost never failed to dissapoint a sex pest who thought they were gonna get some eye candy (or worse). What's your example?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Psychology Apytele 3 months ago 94%
    I've had almost this exact conversation numerous times: an excellent example of why you avoid arguing with delusions in clinical practice.

    This is Nurse Apy with some quick practical tips on communicating with someone who has a serious mental illness! (SMI) (Obviously the video is not a real patient, but I can't show you a real patient and I stg this is actually pretty spot on.) Delusions have a tendency to strengthen themselves when confronted. Instead of new observations or information weakening the belief, they're usually incorporated into the delusional belief system. This means that when the person encounters that information or situation in the future, that information/situation will actually continually *strengthen* the belief. Don't confront delusions; instead, redirect! Try to redirect the conversation towards things that reconnect the person with the wider human community. Ppl with serious and ongoing delusions have a tendency to become progressively isolated from those around them. They want to talk about delusional topics, and most people only know how to confront them about something they can clearly see is untrue. This pushes the person further into their delusions to avoid conflict with those around them. This isolation also often leads to suicidal ideation, behavior, and completion, ppl w psychosis are some of the highest risks of suicide. Ways you can try to connect with the person are as varied as humans themselves. As the person who actually knows and interacts with a given person, you are likely the most knowledgeable about what the best topic to do that is in a given situation. Common examples include sports, popular media, and hobbies like sewing, woodworking, or gardening. Bonus points if it's related to a communal activity of some kind. As an aside, this is a big reason q-anon rose to popularity during the pandemic and has remained entrenched ever since. It provided community where people were missing it, and we have a very confrontational and argumentative culture that often serves to strengthen ingrained belief systems like this. TLDR: if you want to get your aunt off her q-anon roll, try to get her to go back to gardening club instead (preferably one that is not also q-anon-ers, a lot of people pushing it also understand these concepts).

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 98%
    What vital task did you not realize someone was doing regularly until they suddenly stopped?

    Could be a partner, roommate, coworker, or somebody you volunteered with. They could have stopped for any reason from leaving, getting sick or hurt or even dying to just getting sick of doing that one thing and stopping.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    DIY Apytele 4 months ago 100%
    Idea for heavy glass beads?

    I'm trying to clear out my crafting supplies before moving in a few months. Anyone know any cool patterns? I don't even know if they could all be in one jewelry piece; they're very heavy.

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 96%
    When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?

    When I got hooked on Morrowind in middle school it occurred to me to quicksave before a test at school. What's yours?

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 100%
    What hobbies or volunteer work require creative problem solving from lots of different areas?

    I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. When I work on a project I use anything from woodworking and sewing to chemistry and physics to human physiology and psychology. I also like reading up then chatting about random science and history and art stuff. I like working with computers occasionally, and I'll just randomly throw some basic geometry or algebra into a project, but I was also an art student so I'm not half bad at making things visually appealing either. I have a job where I often get a chance to use my various areas of semi-expertise when I pick up a side project, but that's led me into getting waaay overinvolved in my work and neglecting my outside relationships. What hobbies or other non-professional things could I get involved in that would give me that same opportunity to flex my creativity when solving a problem?

    Avatar: The Last Airbender Apytele 4 months ago 90%
    Anyone else find the decision to code Raava as femme and Vaatu as masc an interesting (although not necessarily bad) choice?

    I've been doing a lot of reading into various spiritual concepts and practices from around the world and typically light/order/yang is masculine and dark/chaos/yin is usually feminine. Is there another concept that's being referenced or is this just a minor but interesting artistic decision? I was a little disappointed that they played Raava as "good"; I've always preferred media like Babylon 5 where it turns out the vorlons are fucking with humanity too, but I can see why they might not put all that in a kids show. [Link to the FanArt](

    AI Generated Images Apytele 4 months ago 83%
    The Four Evangelists

    Sampler: k_dpmpp_sde Model: AlbedoBase XL (SDXL) Model version: 2.1 Kudos cost: 109.00 Seed: 1534325563 Steps: 45 Guidance / cfg scale: 7 Embeddings: Deep Negative V1.x   Strength: 1 Height: 1472px Width: 640px ‌Karras: true Hi-res fix: false CLIP skip: 1 tiled: false

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 97%
    Best advice columnists?

    Like in the same vein as Ask Amy or Dear Prudence. I'm trying to get away from Best of Redditor Updates but I'm not ready to quit my "oh no she didn't!" addiction just yet.

    Science Memes Apytele 4 months ago 97%
    A demonstration of the USA's latching mechanism

    cross-posted from:

    Showerthoughts Apytele 4 months ago 33%
    Can we all agree to look up a local third party candidate and mention their name to someone you know who is also local?

    I like but am very open to other resources or suggestions for how to get good info. Honestly half the reason I'm posting this is to start a solid thread of resources. Whatever other affiliations or beliefs you have, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that we're not getting them out by starting at a national level. We need to get people back into talking about politics that don't involve Trump or Biden and people suck and are also just very depressed right now so we need to make it easy. So today's social health challenge is to find a local candidate to start namedropping online or in person at least once or twice a week for the next six months. Encourage others to do the same. Get people talking about literally anyone third party. I don't even care if they're even actually a good candidate or whatever just stop letting them make the conversation about Trump and Biden!

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 85%
    Most unique looking celebrities?

    I'm working on a side project studying variations in human facial features. It's been helpful to study celebrity faces because it's easy to find numerous reference photos. I've actually got a fairly good range of weird looking white men, turns out Hollywood is pretty flush with those, but it's been harder to find unique looking women or darker skinned people of any gender! Idk if I just don't know as many actors in those demographics, or if it's just harder to break into Hollywood as a weird looking person without also being white and male, but it's probably some combination of the two. What're y'alls suggestions?

    Asklemmy Apytele 4 months ago 98%
    If you had to give one piece of advice that is pretty much universally applicable, what would it be?

    I wouldn't dare defile Douglas Adam's memory by not mentioning that you should keep a towel with you at all times, but my second contender is a surprisingly short three-parter: 1) never lie. 2) never tell the whole truth. 3) never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom.

    ShowerThoughts Apytele 4 months ago 100%


    Ask Lemmy Apytele 5 months ago 97%
    Would suction cups work in space?

    You know like the kind that go on a window or bathroom mirror or on the wall or in the shower. They need the atmosphere pushing down on them to work, right?
