
Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts BallShapedMan 1 week ago 85%
Our city has dealt with a monster problem for centuries.

They cause havoc, wreck plans, make life just difficult. They frequently disguise themselves as one of us to get to otherwise inaccessible places to cause chaos. And until now nobody has been able to reliably detect them. But you found all monsters when making a PB & J sandwich put the J on top of the PB instead of on two separate slices of bread before eating.

Writing Prompts Crumbgrabber 1 week ago 93%
[WP] You've been tasked with hunting down dangerous people hiding in ordinary houses. You discover a false cupboard, and when you open it you are shocked to discover something much worse.

WP] You've been tasked with hunting down dangerous people hiding in ordinary houses. You discover a false cupboard, and when you open it you are shocked to discover something much worse.

Writing Prompts eezeebee 1 month ago 87%
[WP] indie game developer makes convincing demos, gets funding on Kickstarter then takes off without finishing the games. One day a backer finds and forces them to complete their dream game.

The developer is talented but lacks the confidence to complete their work. Out of desperation they resort to the 'easy way out' and develop demos to scam supporters with no intention of shipping a finished game. Can one supporter whose belief in them/blackmail be enough to change their ways and finish what will undoubtedly be a smash hit?

Writing Prompts A_A 3 months ago 85%
[WP] RCP8.5 scenario → collapse → CO2 decline → world rebuilding

in 2300 ? ... the worst global warming scenario does not say what happens after global population has collapsed. | SCENARIO (for 2300)| PROJECTED GLOBAL WARMING (°C) | CO~2~ CONCENTRATIONS (PPMV) | |--------|----------|-----| | RCP2.6 | 0.0 to 1.2 | 360 | | RCP8.5 | 3.0 to 12.6 | 2000 | i like the book series "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov where he describes rebuilding after collapse.

Writing Prompts Apytele 3 months ago 94%
[WP] You're a housepet a person is trying to take a picture of with their smartphone and you have no idea what that is, or what they're doing with it instead of petting you or giving you food.

Not gonna share my AO3 handle but I get a fair amount of praise for my stream of non-human consciousness bits so (if it's your jam) I really encourage you to take a deep dive into sensory and processing differences between you and the animal you're attempting to depict. Its *fascinating* (or I'm a huge nerd lol). As a semi-related example, a dog can have difficulty seeing a yellow ball against green grass due to red-green colorblindness, so you could also write an angry epistolary to just get a blue fucking ball already because nobody can fucking see that *Jared.*