parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    This is the communist festival right? That one is very high on my list of things to do before I die.

  • parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    Interaction with other social/economic classes.

    I like everything you said about travel but want to hone in on this one. I think it's suuuuper important. I grew up in a middle class environment and it took a long time for me to truly "get" that there's so many people who have less than that, just because it's not something I grew up around (and media heavily reinforces this).

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse The parenting comm has the best banner/pfp combo on Hexbear, CMV
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    Likewise, if not for Hexbear I would living in a bubble of people roughly my own age and completely cut off from younger people, who (especially but exclusively comrades here) are very cool and good. I despise when older people hate "the youth" and have promised myself I will never become like that.

  • parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I'm thinking more like little kids (mine are little). When their older yeah, let them listen to their music during their time and your pods on your time (or however you split up what plays when kids are older, idk)

  • parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I strongly suspect that if Pete's dad was like every other college professor I've known, there's a good chance he was violating #1. Most professors I know put the job first and their families a distant second.

  • parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I am a big fan of PBS Kids, not exactly "subversive" but on the whole teaches kids a lot of good stuff.

  • parenting parenting Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I think there's plenty of "serious" podcasts. To name a few: Already Existing Socialism, Cosmopod, The Measures Taken, Rev Left, Varn Vlog. But I do lots of others than are not explicitly commie, like Means Morning News, Electronic Intifada (my kid asks really good questions about Gaza), Red Nation, Citations Needed, Macro & Cheese, and others.

    But like Frank said, I'm not too worried about the crass factor too much. I don't listen to TrueAnon or Chapo. Deprogram I think is more or less fine. I've already played Trillbillies for them and my kid loves them honestly. I think my kid picks up on the fact they are friends and that they have a nice conversational style to them.

  • parenting
    parenting star_wraith 1 month ago 97%
    Let's talk actual tactics for how to raise commie kids

    This topic comes up somewhat regularly here. If you have kids, what can you do to at least give them the best shot at understanding and embracing your communist / Marxist / dialectical materialist views? We usually come up with a couple big picture ideas, but over the last few weeks I've been jotting down very specific, concrete actions you can take. This list is not meant to exhaustive - I'm hoping you all have great ideas to share, too. But this is what I've come up with so far: (And to clarify something, I'm 100% convinced to do need to be somewhat intentional and didactic about your values and views if you want your kids to share them. To think "I'm just going to let them find their own way, I don't want to influence them" is 1,000% lib shit. I'm not even sure most liberals think that way.) **Be a good parent**: This one seems obvious, but it's so important it bears repeating and should be at the top of the list. You should be a good, involved parent for a number of reasons anyway. But, if you want your kids to share your views, being a good parent is the #1 way to encourage that. Or at least, being a shitty parent is a surefire way to make sure your kids rebel against everything you care about **Get organized**: Get involved in an org, even if it's something like DSA. It can be an actual org like PSL or even just helping feed homeless folks in your town. Your kids can see how you have a great grasp of reality thanks to materialism, which might make them inclined to think you know what you're talking about. But if they know you see the problems in the world, but aren't doing anything to change that world... I can see how some kids might see that as kinda hyprocritical. **Learn history, especially from a materialist perspective**: This is easy for me because I love history, even long before I was a Marxist. But if you don't enjoy history, I think you should at least push yourself and try to understand at least the materialist history behind what your kids will learn in school (so for American kids, making sure you understanding things like how the constitution was formed, how African-Americans have been held down throughout history, etc.). Especially if you are American, this is easy because most Americans are dumb as shit when it comes to history, and K-12 history teachers aren't much better. If your kids see that you know what you're talking about, they will largely trust your analysis. So when your kid hears in class that "the US fought the Korean War because the Soviets wanted to take over", they will know to come to you and ask if that's true - because they know you likely have a much more thorough and accurate answer. **For little kids, read history books to them**: Right now my kid loves Nelson Mandela, because we have a couple books about him. I happen to believe that fostering a love of history can definitely help point kids in the right direction (even if by itself it probably won't turn them commie). Just make sure it's "good" history and not just that crap that glazes the founding fathers. **For older kids, engage with them on what they're learning in school**: Good idea for all subjects, but especially for the social sciences. Ask questions. Be genuinely interested. While like said above, you need to be didactic but older kids especially aren't going to want to hear you rant about how Stalin saved the world from fascism for 15 minutes every time he comes up. Know when to just ask and listen with them. **Stay on top of current affairs**: Keep up with the News Mega! All the stuff I said above about history applies to news & current events. **Play some commie podcasts when you're in the car with them**: I feel like I might get push back on this, so let me explain. When I was a kid, my parents had news radio on whenever we were in the car. And even if I didn't understand what was always being talked about, I know for a fact I absorbed a ton of information passively that way. I believe that is a big reason I'm as interested in what's going on in the wider world today. I know we're generally down on leftist podcast but the reality is there's a ton of good content out there. **Try to have answers ready for when kids ask about what you believe**: I think especially for younger kids, it's good to have simple answers ready that they can understand. And don't worry about being precisely correct in your response. When your kid asks “are we republicans or democrats?” or “do you vote for republicans or democrats, keeping in mind they may have a hard time understanding a complicated response. Say something like “I vote for whoever helps poor people or immigrants or people who work for a living”. That's much better than trying to explain the drawbacks of electoralism to a 7 year old. Obviously you can be more detailed and precise with older kids. **Try and have leftist adult friends who also have kids**: Believe me, I get how hard this. It's nearly impossible to find any broadly leftist parents in my area, much less those who have time for socializing. So this is more of an ideal to try and reach, not a concrete action. But I think having some friends around who share your views - and have kids who can befriend your kids - is very effective. Just hard to pull off. **Push back hard against any transphobia or homophobia**: Whether you see it IRL or in media, don't hesitate to be clear with your kids what being LGBTQ is about and that anyone who against LGBTQ rights sucks. I say this because I was raised in an environment very hostile to LGBTQ people. Just the other day, my kid wanted her two Barbie dolls to get married. For a fraction of second, there was that old voice in the back of my head saying "they're too young to understand". But of course they're not, and I explained how of course two Barbies can get married. Kids DO need to understand the validity of LGBTQ identities at a very young age. **If you're white, teaching anti-racism is important**: Because if you're white, it's incredibly easy to fall into the trap of "well I'm not racist and no other white people I know are racist, so racism must be over". It's easy because white society pushes this notion so hard. You absolute have to teach kids about systematic racism and how they actually do need to stand up to racist pricks, because they *will* encounter them. That's the list I have so far, would love to hear your additions.

    chat chat God I fucking hate Chuds you have no idea. Biggest milk drinking cowards in the world.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Earlier today, I was reading an abstract of a paper that showed there was a relationship between being an overly fearful child and eventually becoming a conservative adult.

  • news news Pentagon finds accounting error worth 2$ billion under the cushions for Ukraine
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    And on top of that, they can always write down the value further due to “impairment” like obsolescence. For example, maybe a specific missile costs $1 million and it is straight-line depreciated for 5 years. After 3 years the book value is $400k. However, they can just say “we have a new missile that’s better so this old missile is obsolete, the value should only be $100k” then they can write down the book value even further.

    Also, if they use FIFO inventory accounting, only the oldest stuff on record is used EVEN IF IT ISN’T physically the oldest stock. So if the costs of the equipment get more expensive every year then what’s counted as being given to Ukraine has the lowest value, even if in real terms they are giving them the newest stock.

  • news news Pentagon finds accounting error worth 2$ billion under the cushions for Ukraine
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    8.9k upvotes. If there was ever a comment that convinced me Reddit is astroturfed / an op, this is it. Because they are objectively wrong. Or at least intentionally misleading.

    They’re focusing on the fact that the valuation equipment changed and ignoring what that actually means. Sure, by itself it doesn’t affect US taxpayers. But the point is, the military says they overvalued it by $2, so that allows them to send $2 billion more worth of equipment. That’s additional stocks of weapons that ostensibly have to be replaced, which is paid for by tax dollars.

    And while it’s not provably corrupt, it strains credulity to think this was not done in order to ship more weapons. Revaluations of this kind are much much more likely because someone wants it revalued, i.e. corruption.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Happy Anniversary Hexbear!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%


    I don’t remember why it took me a like a week to sign up. I kept checking the lifeboat discord for news. I think I missed it by a couple days. I made an account but didn’t like the name so I came up with this one.

  • memes memes Pictured: Biden 2024 Electoral Strategy
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    This was Obama’s slogan, because he would always call out issues but then act like he was powerless to do anything.

    Biden’s strategy is to act like problems don’t exist and actually it’s the people who are wrong, the economy is doing great. To say otherwise is to imply you actually support Trump.

  • theory theory Das Kapital reading group, Week 21, May 20-26. From Volume 2, we are reading Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Part 1 of Chapter 8
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    It’s honestly impressive how well Marx understands accounting. People who aren’t involved in accounting may not think it’s important but accounting is how you can understand how money flows within and without a capitalist enterprise. The whole idea about how fixed capital adds value proportional to its “wear and tear” is essentially the same thing as how we calculate depreciation on equipment. Cost accounting is how costs are allocated to things that don’t directly incur a cost that can be measured per item produced, and Marx uses that conceptually throughout Vol 1 & 2.

  • theory theory Das Kapital reading group, Week 21, May 20-26. From Volume 2, we are reading Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Part 1 of Chapter 8
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    Absolutely. Maybe I can just scan them to text and share, might be a bit disorganized since I just did it free form to help my knowledge but if it’s helpful I can share them.

  • theory theory Das Kapital reading group, Week 21, May 20-26. From Volume 2, we are reading Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Part 1 of Chapter 8
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    I haven’t been involved in Vol 1 since it had been a while but I wanted to follow along still. But, I just finished Vol 2 so I really want to get involved there. I missed ch 1-4 but here I am.

    Ch 6 is an absolute beast. It’s confusing and Marx isn’t clear in a number of areas. Even David Harvey I think got some conclusions wrong (no fault of his own, he’s never worked in accounting in a manufacturing setting like I have so it’s understandable).

    That said, I think it might be one of the most important if not the most important chapter in the book, certainly in its relevance for modern capitalism. The idea that value is created only in the production sphere is ground breaking and the implications for an economy that has hollowed out its own productive capacity (like the US has) are profound.

    Ch 6 is a struggle. I read it through and was really confused, so I sat down and took like 20 pages of notes (I write big though) and committed to not moving on until I finally grasped it. It was a ton of work but I’m at the point now where I think I get it.

    If you’re struggling to understand what kinds of cost add value and which do not, I found that thinking about modern production is only going to confuse you. Instead, think about a grain farmer. For a grain farmer, storage adds value because grain, by its very nature, MUST be stored. Otherwise you can’t just have everyone eat grain for a month and starve the remaining 11 months. Likewise transportation costs must be productive because farms are far away from cities.

    I highly recommend checking out Ian Gough’s paper Marx’s Theory of Productive and Unproductive Labour in conjunction with chapter 6. I’ll try and summarize my notes as best I can but probably easier if I try and answer questions as they come along.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Beating the market
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    Because the market processes all information at a speed that makes regularly beating the market impossible; and literally every investor on earth is looking for an “edge” at the same time. The stock market is “efficient” from the standpoint of, any profit you can make by trading on new information vaporizes in a nanosecond.

    I use quotes around the word “efficient” because I’m NOT implying the stock market is efficient from a Marxist or resource allocation perspective. Just that today’s stock prices reflect the sum of all information that we have about a given stock up to the moment.

    The outperformance of index funds is largely due to their lower expenses and the fact that money managers, just by trying to beat the market, often do the wrong thing.

  • vegan vegan 9% of women in the U.S. identify as vegan compared to 3% of men
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    So about 2X more women are vegan than men? Honestly I would have thought the ratio to be a lot higher.

  • news news Supreme Court appears to side with an Oregon city's crackdown on homelessness
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    I would call them “workhouses” but Americans have no idea what “workhouses” are and how horrific they were.

  • technology technology Biden signs bill criticized as "major expansion of warrantless surveillance"
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    grossly mismanaged the pandemic (killing a lot of people), did horrible stuff for the environment, passed a bunch of shit laws, including repealing net neutrality, deported a bunch of ppl for no reason, and he supports isreal

    All that is literally and precisely what Biden has done, too (except net neutrality I guess, but you’re also leaving out Biden signing off on the biggest expansion of the surveillance state since the Patriot Act).

    He fucked over queer people in the us

    Lots of queer people on Hexbear, ask them if the barest crumbs Democrats throw to queer people (i.e. doing nothing to stop anti-queer actions, but not being the ones to propose the laws) is worth supporting genocide.

    increased the federal debt by 7 trillion

    Imaginary number doesn’t matter.

    You seem well-meaning, so let me put my cards on the table: I don’t believe in validating the invalid dictatorship of the bourgeoisie by voting for anything beyond the local school board and various propositions, so it’s not like I’d be voting for Biden anyway. But what I don’t get about when libs push leftists to vote for Biden is… at what point does someone committing heinous acts mean that not voting for them is the only moral action? If Joe Biden murdered my daughter, would I not be in the right to say I wouldn’t vote for him? Even if in this weird scenario Trump also would have murdered my daughter… at what point do we measure someone by what they do and not what the other person would have done? And it doesn’t matter if my kid isn’t actually involved, I have seen enough death and sadness from parents and children in Gaza that the fact that it’s not my kid is totally and completely immaterial to me.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse BREAKING: Jew 'doesn't feel unsafe' at Columbia University Campus
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    I, as a German-American, feel very unsafe when people around me say things like “Nazis are bad” or “The Third Reich was genocidal”.

  • podcasts podcasts For Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast, how is the Russian Revolution season(s)?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    It’s fine, you could do a lot worse. I think it’s unreasonable to think that he’s going to give the precisely correct line on it all the time, but you can usually tell when the lib brainworms are talking. Probably won’t find a better source to learn about it in audio form. It’s 97% sticking to the facts.

  • news news libs move on from harry potter to LOTR
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    While I do like the LotR movies, the worst thing about them is one very specific directorial choice made by Jackson that isn't in the books: to show the "good guys" as being reluctant to fight and downplaying the threats faced.

    Theoden is portrayed as unwilling to fight at first. I can't count the number of times I've seen reactionaries on Twitter reference Aragorn's line about "open war is upon you, whether you would have it or not" when talking about tRaNsGeNdEr iDeOLoGy or something. Theoden has to be convinced to fight. Likewise, Treebeard and the Ents initially refuse to fight until Merry delivers his Sorkin-esque speech about how they're a part of the world, so they have to fight for it.

    But none of that is actually in the books!

    Theoden and Treebeard are not indecisive. They immediately join the fight without hesitation. Everyone recognizes the threat posed by Sauron and they join in. The Hobbits, while they are Little Englanders, are more in an isolated bubble far away from trouble, so it's more that their courage is never tested until the Scouring. They are unaware of what's happening in the world, not that they know about it but don't want to fight.

    This seemingly small change has been latched onto by liberals and chuds alike for 20 years now. Because no one reads books anymore, we just assume the movies are the books. I doubt Ferguson has read the books any time recently.

    And for as long as LotR has been published, everyone wants to interpret their own allegories into the story. It was very popular to read Mordor as Nazi Germany, which Tolkien had to always push back against. While Tolkien was the first to say things like his experiences in war and his religious faith influenced the books, he absolutely and in no uncertain terms was NOT writing anything to be allegorical to the real world. And to any fan of the books, it's offensive to try and read allegory into it when you understand that act of story telling and world building - and not allegory making - was central to the writing process for Tolkien.

  • hexbear hexbear So it seems like people have started noticing Hexbear/Lemmy's "backend" (corpo term) doesn't actually enforce that you have pronouns and that you don't change your username
    hexbear hexbear So it seems like people have started noticing Hexbear/Lemmy's "backend" (corpo term) doesn't actually enforce that you have pronouns and that you don't change your username
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    I was there when it all happened, “revisionism” is absolutely the word for it. So many cissies trying to weasel out of just doing one little thing to support trans comrades here. 100% behind patching this.

  • memes memes China if it was a democracy and not an autocracy oppressing all its citizens
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    The typical American probably thinks that, outside of Hong Kong, everyone lives in extreme poverty in shacks. Or at best, in very small apartments in massive plain concrete buildings that look like prisons.

    Just last week, I was talking with a coworker who didn’t realize South Africa had paved roads.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
    news news Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    I really feel like my knowledge of Algeria is lacking, given their successful anti-colonial fight, and that at least at one point they were a socialist country in some regard.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse The annual salary a single person needs to live comfortably in the US is $89,461 (median across all states).
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    Yes, though where I live that number isn’t relevant due to both state laws and market conditions. There are entry level jobs at places like Target, Amazon, McDonalds, etc that pay around $17-$18 per hour.

    But even that is still about HALF of the minimum salary needed to live comfortably. Incredible because it doesn’t feel like it was that long ago where there was the push for $15/hr as a living wage (because it was back then).

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse star_wraith 5 months ago 100%
    The annual salary a single person needs to live comfortably in the US is $89,461 (median across all states).

    Well over $100k in the higher cost of living states, too. And as the article states, that’s typically about double what the median salary is for a single person in most states. I’d like to point out that AES states - while maybe they didn’t have all the same quality or quantity of consumer goods - were able to able to to provide a comfortable life for *everyone* without all the predatory that US workers currently have. And don’t take my word for it, take it from the neoliberal queen herself, Angela Merkel. When asked about life in the former GDR, she described it as “almost comfortable”. Now before you mention that “almost” is an important qualifier, note that the context of her quote was her trying to criticize the former GDR but she grudgingly conceded the comment above.

    games games This ad for Interplay from 1999
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 months ago 100%

    Maybe I’m thinking about this too hard, but is this actually a bit self-deprecating? Like, the gamers and the women both have their backs to each other. The women seem to be completely oblivious to the presence of the men, and vice versa.

  • parenting parenting Am I teaching my kid about race the right way?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 months ago 100%

    Yeah, my original intention was to not bring it up at this age. But she’s really curious and asks a ton of questions about everything (even for a kid her age, at least it seems that way to me), I don’t bring it up proactively but what I described above is what I say when she asks questions about skin color. And I’m trying to do the Captain Fantastic thing where I give her as honest of an answer that I can to any questions she has.

  • parenting
    parenting star_wraith 6 months ago 100%
    Am I teaching my kid about race the right way?

    I’m white. My daughter is also white. She’s 3 years old, almost 4. Up to this age, my approach to teaching her about race has been to focus exclusively on skin *color*. Meaning, we talk about how people can have all different colors and tones to their skin. Talking about skin color on a spectrum. But always emphasizing that people are all the same and that everyone should be treated the same. In isolation, this all sounds lib. I of course want to get all into structural and institutional racism et al. But… she’s 3. Up until a few months ago she was still pooping and pissing in a diaper. My thinking is that emphasizing this more lib understanding of race is more age-appropriate now, and we can get into the real stuff a little later on when she has the mental and emotional maturity to handle it (that said, I have told her that the cops aren’t very nice to people who don’t look like us. Whatever, the daycare has pigs come over and talk to the kids even at her age, so fuck em I’m gonna counter that shit now). Is this the right approach? Is there more I should be doing? If you all have any age-appropriate books on this topic you can recommend, definitely let me know.

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Front page of Reddit openly fantasizing about genociding Russians
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 months ago 100%

    I remember seeing a couple conclusions that some nuclear scientists came to recently:

    1.) 100 Hiroshima-sized nukes (the nuke dropped on Hiroshima was tiny compared to current nukes) going off could cause catastrophic climactic results across an area the size of a continent, i.e. a continent-wide nuclear winter that would potentially lead to hundreds of millions of deaths outside of lives lost to the immediate blast + fallout.

    2.) If the US and Russia both unleashed just 5% of their total nuclear stockpiles, you are definitely wiping out civilization and getting humans down to close to extinction levels.

    IIRC a lot of this is worse than previously understood because past models didn’t account for just how much dirt and debris are kicked up in nuclear blasts.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Is Hexbear dying?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 months ago 100%

    Though keep in mind just because a user doesn’t post here, doesn’t mean the person themselves aren’t still here. After 7k comments I’m concerned about how much info I’ve posted, so I plan on not using this account anymore and using a new one. I know I’m not the only one, either.

  • main main My East German grandma mailed us a bunch of her and my late grandpa's DDR memorabilia 💪
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 months ago 100%

    Political repression is obvious not ideal - political openness and free expression are objectively preferred over limiting political expression. But… this is the ideal. The practical reality is that, in times of war every country represses political expression. In the US, UK, and France, for example… in WWI or WWII, what happened to you if you spoke out against the war? Spoke in solidarity with workers in the “enemy” country? What if you expressed that you wanted your country to capitulate to the German Empire/Third Reich?

    And make no mistake, for the entirety of the existence of the DDR, it was in a state of war. The capitalist west poured as many resources into toppling socialism in the east as they would a real shooting war. Allowing complete free expression would have opened the door to complete manipulation by the west. To do otherwise would be to betray the very workers - the great majority of the people - who built the DDR. You’re in a workers state and the state is entrusted with the protection of those workers. Anyone who is acting in a way that betrays those workers should be dealt with. Political repression isn’t great but as you saw what happened in the 90s in the former DDR, the workers suffered immeasurably from “losing” the Cold War.

    There is very strong relationship between how much political expression a government allows and the level of existential threat that same government faces. In the US or Germany today, sure you can express your politics all you want. Because any form of political expression poses ZERO threat to the powers that be. If we were ever in a situation where in the US, the left posed a real threat, I guarantee you all our free speech protections would go out the window. By the way, in the free, capitalist Germany of today, what would happen to you if you went into the town square and openly expressed solidarity with Hamas - an organization which poses zero threat to Germany or Germans?

    And to another point… I am more familiar with USSR than the DDR, but I think it’s fair to say the former was more repressive of speech. And the reality is that, at least after Stalin, in the USSR you could fit the number of people jailed for political crimes in any given year into one-half of a basketball court (that’s in a country orders of magnitude larger than the DDR). That’s for several reasons, but a big one is that the USSR had a policy of prophylaxis. First off, if you were just complaining about your representative or if you were a capitalism enjoyer, you were generally left alone. You actually had to do enough to get on the radar. And if it got to that point, someone would approach you and tell you to knock it off, or there would be consequences. And lots of people who were brought to trial weren’t convicted because they weren’t a big enough threat, and plenty more similarly had convictions overturned. The point of all this is to say, in much of the Eastern Bloc, it took quite a bit to actually get in jail for political expression. If you’re at the point where you are in jail, there’s likely a long road that brought you there. So when you say “my grandfather was jailed for speaking out against the government”, I am going to apply a hefty dose of skepticism that he was just expressing his displeasure to friends at the local cafe or whatever.

  • memes memes good response to 'vote blue no matter genocide'
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 100%

    Angela Davis is very cool, I wish I knew more about her. Apparently one of her heroes is Joseph Weydemeyer, my all time favorite obscure communist.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from February 26th to March 3rd, 2024 - Breaking The Siege Of Omdurman - COTW: Sudan
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 100%

    Was looking at some of the “no party affiliation” candidates in CA senate primary election. I came across a questionnaire that Laura Garza filled out for the OC Register (link). It first mentions she was “Former vice presidential candidate on Socialist Workers Party ticket in 1996”. I’m thinking hmmm… that’s sounds kinda Trot-y, but maybe not. Let’s see what her positions are. First question was about Palestine, “israel”, Ukraine, and Russia… and this was the response:

    I defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews and condemn the Jew-hating pogrom organized by Hamas with the backing of the Iranian regime. The capitalist regime in Tehran and the reactionary forces it backs in Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad are enemies not only of Jews but of working people of all nationalities. So long as capitalism exists, in times of crisis, the rulers will turn to scapegoating Jews to smash the working class as they did in Nazi Germany. The fight for workers’ power and socialism is the only solution to end the anti-working class poison of Jew-hatred.

    I stand with the people of Ukraine in their battle for independence and sovereignty over all of Ukraine and against Moscow’s reactionary invasion.

    I don’t support the policies of the U.S. capitalist class and their military, which is used worldwide to defend U.S. profits and imperialist domination, not the interests of working people here or elsewhere. I am for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Korea, the Middle East and Europe. I defend the Cuban Revolution and call for an end to the U.S. embargo on Cuba, which is used to suffocate the Cuban population for their decision to reject living under Washington’s boot.

    What a fascinating mix of leftist language and absolute dogshit, sprinkled with some good takes (but also ones that even normal libs support, like ending the blockade on Cuba). Honestly, her takes on “israel” sounds like what an actual neo-Nazi would come up with if they were trying to make a caricature of a leftist.

  • history
    history star_wraith 7 months ago 100%
    Looking for books/papers re: Soviet economic history post-NEP up to 1991

    (Specifying “post-NEP” since think the war communism economy and the NEP should be viewed as it’s own thing) Trying to get into the real fine details regarding the Soviet economy - either the total period from Stalin to Gorbachev, or segments of that period. Really want to understand what went wrong, and what went right. The problem I’m having is when I go to the bourgeois economic historians, they unsurprisingly shit on the economy under Stalin (or rather, emphasize the unsustainability of it long term) and praise Khrushchev and Gorbachev. Obviously that’s a biased route I’m not interested in going down. However, whenever I go in the opposite direction, I feel like I’m reading sources that are maybe a bit too uncritical of the Stalin era economic policies. And you know what, maybe Stalin *did* actually get everything about the economy right. I’m open to that possibility. Obviously the track record is there. But idk, I haven’t found one source yet who has sufficiently shown their work on that (that I’m sure is due to me not finding the right sources yet). Like, when it comes to economic history, I don’t feel an overwhelming need to defend Stalin or criticize Khrushchev and Brezhnev, just trying to find a sober analysis from a Marxian source. I have a background in econ so I would feel comfortable handling something that’s a bit more technical, if such a resource exists. Any suggestions welcome!

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 9 months ago 99%
    On it’s worst day, Cuba is a better country than the USA will ever fucking be

    ![amerikkka]( "emoji amerikkka") Death to America and viva la revolucion! ![diaz-canel-troll]( "emoji diaz-canel-troll") ![fidel-bat]( "emoji fidel-bat") ![che]( "emoji che") Was just thinking about this since I’m wearing my Cuba WBC cap around town (from the most recent WBC when Cuba was actually “allowed” to be in charge of their own team).

    askchapo star_wraith 9 months ago 100%
    Do you all know any leftist jokes?

    I don’t have any myself, but thought you all might know some.

    askchapo star_wraith 9 months ago 100%
    Why is it called “Das Kapital” and not just “Kapital” in German?

    I’m not a native German speaker obviously, but doesn’t “Das Kapital” translate to “THE Capital”? Also, English-speakers should call it just “Capital”. Calling it “Das Kapital” is just propaganda to make the title sound more menacing than it is.

    askchapo star_wraith 9 months ago 100%
    Does most of the improvement in global quality of life just come down to improvements in medicine and agriculture?

    Liberals will point to how improvements in quality of life have occurred in capitalist countries in recent centuries (debatable, and certainly not true for the entire world, but let’s assume they are correct for now). What is usually implied is that it’s all thanks to capitalism that we have the quality of life that we do, thus capitalism should be allowed to continue. The thought I had was, do most of the quality of life improvements come down mostly to how agriculture and medicine developed? Meaning, famines were a harsh reality of life for much of human history, and modern agriculture has allowed us to now be in a position where globally, we can produce more than enough food consistently for the whole planet. Likewise in regards to medicine… in the past just getting sick could be a death sentence. People had to live with incredibly painful conditions their whole life that we now have cures for. Honestly modern medicine is the one reason why I would rather live in 2023 than any other time. What I’m getting at is… though these advances did occur under capitalism, I don’t think I would give capitalism the “credit” for them. Obviously socialism was not possible 200 years ago. I’m not denying standard Marxist historical progression. What I am doing though, is trying to attack the liberal narrative of treating capitalism as some god who has bestowed his mercy on us - that everything good we have is from Him, and thus we must give Him our praise and continue on His economic system into eternity. The Soviet Union and China were/are both able to be incredibly productive in agriculture and ended their historic, periodic famines. The Soviet Union (and Cuba!) were/are renowned for their advances in medicine. I think the only things you can give capitalism “credit” for is developing the productive forces, allowing for high levels of commodity production, and increasing levels of wealth (though not equally shared).

    movies star_wraith 9 months ago 100%
    Trailer, “The American Society of Magical Negroes”

    This looks kinda fun. The trailer kind of assumes you’re familiar with the “magical negro” trope, but I’m sure the movie fleshes it out. Of course, white folks are getting in a tizzy over it, lots of comments about “well I don’t ask any black folks to make ME feel comfortable!!!” and “this is divisive!”, entirely oblivious to both the trope and broad social implication: that in 2023, black folks are not allowed to bring up historical injustices (much less they look for them to be remedied), be angry about *anything*, express displeasure with the current state of this, etc lest the white folks be made to feel uncomfortable.

    chat star_wraith 9 months ago 100%
    Whatever happened to Lee Carter?

    Wherever he is, I hope he’s doing good. I don’t remember if he was an open communist when he was in the Virginia legislature but probably the least lib politician in America in a generation. Seemed like a pretty genuine dude, too. Feels like he dropped out of politics and has been pretty quiet since.

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 10 months ago 100%
    After 25 years I’ve switched from boxers to boxer briefs, AMA

    Had always been a boxers enjoyer, until a friend made a devastating insult: “You wear boxers? What are you, like 80 years old?” Completely bodied and no way to recover. So I decided to try out boxer briefs. I always hated that constricting feeling on my thighs, so I avoided them. Decided to buy a slightly loose, larger size and I’m liking it.

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 10 months ago 100%
    I think I've figured out what bugs me so much about Christmas

    Never really been a huge fan of Christmas. Something has always bugged me about it, but I've never been quite able to figure out what. I've thought about all the reasons people - especially leftists - don't like Christmas. Like, the consumerism aspect can be annoying. But tbh I don't know anyone who actually is focused on spending money on people. I really only see people I know worry about gift-giving because they want to give something meaningful, myself included. It can be stressful and overall I kinda wish gift-giving wasn't a part of Christmas, but it doesn't really bother me. Stores obviously push you to buy stuff but really, when isn't that the case under capitalism? There are other aspects of Christmas I really don't like - the music and how long the season drags out in particular. But those are admittedly just "me" things. There are a lot of people who like that part of Christmas, and I'm firmly in the "let people enjoy things" camp. So while these aspects might bug me *personally*, there is something else - something *social* - that feels off with Christmas. But then a couple weeks ago, I was watching another "Christmas special" kids show that emphasized "Christmas is special time with the people we love" message, and I started thinking through something: I think what bothers me about Christmas is that it seems there is this massive social effort to resuscitate a sense of social belonging that capitalism itself has killed. In order to survive, capitalism has completely and totally obliterated our social fabric and has turned us all into individualistic atoms. It *had* to do this. The social fabric is what allows us to experience not only common humanity, but common struggle. We are social creatures and we need some sort of social connection. But social connections are a threat to capitalism, so it must be destroyed. We need to be mobile workers who move away from the family and social connections we form. We spend all our time working so we can't form social bonds. The single family residence is considered the only way to live if you have the means. Unionizing or even just viewing our co-workers as group that should collectively act has been demolished. So capitalism rips apart our social fabric in order to reproduce itself. But... we are social creatures. We all *know* something is missing. So to help assuage that angst, capitalism has "invented" modern Christmas. Modern Christmas involves telling people that for one day or one season, yes everything is totally fine. Having social connections is good. Of course, we are not actually given anything that helps improve our social connections. But our rulers deem that for a few weeks, we can have the *vibes* of a functioning social life, as a treat. They take the corpse of a healthy social fabric and prop it up and pretend it's alive, a la *Weekend at Bernie's*. That's really the point of the Hallmark movies. That the point of the news highlighting feel-good stories about the holidays. Of every TV show having a "Christmas special" once a season that emphasizes that caring about others is what matters. I mean, of course those things are *good*. But it's an effort to create something artificial in place of something real. Christmas is capitalism's social [MacGuffin]( We supposed to think about our loved ones this one time of year because it's Christmas and that's what Christmas is. But Christmas I think is just what's evolved into our release valve. Put all our energy in making one day matter so we don't think about the other 364 where we are alienated from each other. It's why every time we hear platitudes about "Christmas is a special time of the year" in the media, it rings hollow.

    marxism star_wraith 10 months ago 100%
    Has anyone here read Søren Mau’s “Mute Compulsion”?

    It seems highly regarded and well reviewed. Reading some synopses of it, seems like it would be something I’d be really interested in. However I’m also pretty allergic to philosophy, it usually goes over my head. But then again, a lot of reviewers say Mau keeps things very “practical”? (Also, being respectful of my Danish comrades with the ø, which I have always liked anyway because I thought it looks cool).

    askchapo star_wraith 10 months ago 100%
    What’s it like reading Marx in your first language (assuming it is not English)?

    I’m curious about the experience of reading Marx from our users for whom English is their second language. For me as a native English speaker… I love reading Marx but the language feels so arcane at times. I mean, he rarely uses words I don’t understand, but the context in which he uses them often eludes me. It’s almost like he uses to many words when a briefer sentence would be more effective, at least to a modern audience. It’s nowhere near the experience of say reading Shakespeare, which I can’t do without some sort of modern guide. But I feel like the language is challenging enough that it’s a barrier to some people. So I’m curious if the experience is similar in other languages (especially curious about German).

    games star_wraith 10 months ago 100%
    Looking for suggestions for my second playthrough of Disco Elysium

    I played DE for the first time a year ago. I played it pretty “straight” because I wanted to learn as much about the world of Revachol and it’s history as possible (I avoided most spoilers but I had some vague notions there was some sort of communist revolution in the past). So on my skills, I loaded up on Psyche and Intellect with a focus on Encyclopedia and Visual Calculus. I didn’t do a lot of drugs or drink, either. So for my second play through, I’m looking for a different experience. I’m thinking about loading up on Physique and Motorics - Physique in particular. I’ve heard Shivers and Half Light can be fun. I kept Interfacing, Hand Eye Coordination, etc pretty low so I might want to try it with higher levels there. But I wanted to ask you all and get your thoughts and suggestions. Also, I’m torn if I should try the Moralist vision quest or go back to the Communist one. I didn’t have quite enough Communism points to get the “best” ending (didn’t internalize The Suicide of Kras Mazov) so I kinda want another shot. But the moralist one does seem kinda interesting and apparently you learn more about the Pale. Anyway would love to hear your ideas.

    podcasts star_wraith 11 months ago 100%
    Matt Christman’s commentary on “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte” (Age of Napoleon podcast)

    Our beloved Large Adult Son went on the Age of Napoleon podcast and gave his thoughts about Marx’s *The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte*, which I saw somewhere that Matt said it was his favorite book. It’s a pretty great rundown of the book; I especially enjoyed the insight he had into Marx’s “sack of potatoes” comment. Happy Eighteenth Brumaire, comrades!

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 11 months ago 99%
    Let’s get a BDS list going

    While I’m generally skeptical of boycotts, BDS scares the *shit* out of Israel. Because I do believe if BDS becomes a global movement it really could change things. I’ll start with the list from and then add to the list as people list other companies to boycott in the comments: Hewlett-Packard (computer hardware) Siemens (tech conglomerate) AXA (banking & insurance) Puma (clothing) Israeli fruits and vegetables (usually labeled) SodaStream (idk that garbage home soda) Ahava (cosmetics) Sabra (hummus)

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 11 months ago 100%
    Of course I don’t condemn Hamas

    And you know who I also don’t condemn? The IRA The Viet Minh John Brown Haitian slaves who revolted Native American fighters Black Panthers National Liberation Front (Algeria) Nelson Mandela The 26th of July Movement Every one of them were called “terrorists” or something equivalent at some point. Now think about who’s on the opposite of this list. Apartied South Africa, slavers, settlers, Zionists, the US government… There is only one moral and just side to be on and it’s not even a discussion.

    podcasts star_wraith 11 months ago 100%
    Between Market and Plan: the Soviet Union in the Era of the NEP - Cosmonaut

    First 13 minutes is the introduction. From about 13:00 to 23:00 they cover the extensive bibliography, discussion follows after that. More about the economics of the USSR in the 1920s than just the NEP.

    history star_wraith 12 months ago 99%
    The myth of "they've been fighting over that land for thousands of years"

    If you grew up in the United States, it's likely that you have often heard Americans - when referring to conflict in Palestine - say something to the effect of: "Well, Jews and Muslims have fighting over that land for thousands of years. They hate each other and there's no way we'll ever have peace there." I think you all be surprised to learn that Americans are complete dumbasses when it comes to history, because this notion of Jews and Muslims struggling in eternal conflict over a piece of land is an absolute myth. Up until the last hundred years or so, then stretching back to Roman Empire times, Jews and Muslims (and Christians) have lived together in Palestine. From the third or fourth century CE until the emergence of Islam, Jews and Christians both lived there (oftentimes it was Jewish people who converted to Christianity). After Islam emerges then you had three groups living there, in various proportions, with the Muslim proportion steadily getting larger over the centuries; and there really doesn’t seem to be intra-group conflict beyond a sort of baseline for humans. Of course there was conflict and war. You had Turks and Crusaders and others fighting plenty of wars in the area. But it doesn't seem to me like there was any *more* amount of war in Palestine during that time than there was, say, in the Rhine Valley. And also, just because there are wars doesn't mean that there is conflict between groups of people. In general, it seems like for centuries, Jews, Muslims and Christians occupying the same space in relative peace seems to be the norm. Even up until before the Balfour declaration, there were a number of Jewish people living alongside Muslims in Palestine. But importantly, the Jewish people in Palestine didn't seek to dominate, but to either mind their own business quietly in their community, or even with a sort of shared Palestinian identity with their Muslim neighbors. Co-existence has been the historical norm there, not conflict. As best as I can tell, this whole notion of "they've been fighting forever" comes from one specific source: Evangelical Christians. It's because that group believes that roughly 4,000 years ago, the only humans alive were Noah and his family. Then in a few generations, Jacob and Esau fought over a birthright and then those two literally became the first ancestors of Jews and Muslims, respectively. There's some verse in there about "always struggling against each other" or something. These Evangelicals then go on to believe everything else in the Old Testament - despite the overwhelming historical evidence - is literally true. That the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt and then conquered Palestine (there's no evidence for Jews being slaves in Egypt and most historians believe the Jewish people emerged out of the larger Canaanite people, not as something separate from them). These Evangelicals can then excuse genocide if not encourage it since it’s inevitable anyway (and in that they side with Israel, because they’re all racist pieces of shit). Once again, Evangelicals making the world worse for everyone.

    music star_wraith 12 months ago 100%
    Sigur Rós - Untitled #1 - Vaka

    Sigur Ros is so good, my go-to band (along with Sea Power) for just playing their entire catalog for hours on end. Listening to them while driving around Iceland was an incredible experience.

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 12 months ago 100%
    I’m starting an “Over 40 Years Old” Hexbear club

    Who wants in? We can talk about what is was like to write a letter to your grandma or having no other way to ask someone out other than by calling them on the phone. Or checking out movies at Blockbuster or whatever your national equivalent was (we usually checked out videos at the grocery store, actually). We’re cool because we can actually remember the USSR and “East” Germany. Although not as cool, I can remember when homophobia and transphobia was so much more widely accepted and the “default” position for most Americans. Not as cool.

    askchapo star_wraith 12 months ago 97%
    How would you explain why cops are bad with a single one-liner?

    I was chatting with an acquaintance earlier today. I said something to the effect of “I would consider it the worst parenting fail if my daughter became a cop”. This acquaintance then asked why that was, probably with about 50% indignation and 50% genuine curiousity. Honestly, I kind of drew a blank. Like, I know how to explain it in a long post or like a missive, but I really couldn’t think of how to explain to someone who probably isn’t a leftist in just a quick comment. So I just went with: “Well all they do is beat up on black kids” Which… is of course correct. But tbh I fell that answer is just missing a lot. A beat later I almost said something about how cruel they are to homeless folks around here but by then moment had passed. **How would you all explain - in the span of a single one-liner - why cops are bad?** I’m not looking to knock someone over with my impressive rhetoric or whatever. Not looking to convince them. Just so I can feel I articulated my position correctly. Just got my own sense of pride. Help me out here.

    chat star_wraith 1 year ago 98%
    Americans are absolutely convinced their narratives about Soviet history are correct despite never actually learning anything about Soviet history

    I’ve spent the last few years devouring Soviet history. Books, papers, blog posts, podcasts, all of it. I can’t get enough. Not to brag, but I do feel as though I’ve achieved a certain level of understanding about the USSR, its history, and eventual collapse. But I’ve also put the work in. And yet, whenever I engage people I know IRL or online, I’m amazed by how doggedly people will defend what they just inherently “know”: that the Soviet Union was an evil totalitarian authority dictatorship that killed 100 million of its own people and eventually collapsed because communism never works. None of these people (at least the people I know IRL) have learned anything about Soviet history beyond maybe a couple days of lectures and a textbook chapter in high school history classes. Like, I get that this is the narrative that nearly every American holds in their heads. The fact that people believe this isn’t surprising. But what is a little surprising to me is that, when confronted with a challenge to that narrative from someone they know has always loved history and has bothered to learn more, they dig their heels in and insist they are right and I am wrong. This isn’t about me, I’m just sharing my experience with this. I’m just amazed at how Americans will be completely ignorant about a topic (not just the USSR) but will be utterly convinced their views on that topic are correct, despite their own lack of investigation into that topic. This is the same country where tens of millions of people think dinosaurs and humans walked around together and will not listen to what any “scientist” has to say about it, after all.

    history star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    Book recommendation for a Marxist history of the 1848 revolutions?

    Since I’m an American, I never learned one bit of history about the 1848 revolutions in Europe in school. Are there any good Marxist histories of those revolutions you all could recommend? Preferably something written well after the events to give some more historical perspective than someone like Marx may have had.

    podcasts star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone here listen to all of Mike Duncan’s history of the Russian Revolution?

    If so, how was it? Would you recommend listening to it? I know Mike has some liberal brainworms that come out at times but from what I’ve listened to, I feel like he mostly sticks with the facts. I liked his series that came before this one (English Civil War, French Revolution, Haiti, etc).

    askchapo star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    What do you all think this watch is about?

    Got this for $10 at a flea market. I’m guessing the word in the center is “Democracy”? The guy I bought it from says he got it from a guy who emigrated from Russia in the 90s. A little googling says it’s from 1987. Just trying to figure out if it’s “pro-USSR” or given when it was made it’s not some pro-perestroika, pro-Gorbachev statement. It’s got the hammer & sickle so I think it’s the former but not 100% sure. Basically… based or not based?

    urbanism star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    The automobile versus public transportation is proof of how inefficient free markets and capitalism are compared to central planning and socialism

    Take a moment to consider all the resources used in the United States regarding automotive transportation since 1945. Think about all that metal that’s used on something that becomes obsolete and junked after only a decade or two. Think of all the labor involved in manufacturing them. And think of all the time individuals must spend on long commutes where they can’t do anything other than drive (because our time is a resource too). Think about [how many more automobiles are needed than trains and buses]( And then think about all the oil that’s needed to run those cars. Now think about how little resources are needed for public transportation vehicles. How they last a lot longer, are more fuel efficient, and allow you to spend your time doing other things. It’s truly amazing how *wasteful* automobiles are. The automobile is the product of the free market and “individualism” run amok. A socialist country run by central planning wouldn’t dream of creating a society that’s based around the car because it’s so needlessly inefficient. Let’s expand this a little further. The modern capitalist culture around cars is largely a post-WW2 invention. Look at a map of where you live. Try to figure out what your metro area looked like in 1945 and what it looks like now. I know for my hometown, the post-1945 part is several times larger than what was there before. And that all was built around automotive infrastructure. It boggles the mind the resources involved in that. All the concrete used for highways. All the land paved over for parking lots. All the inefficient single-family homes and strip malls. It’s hard to wrap your head around how much resources were used to build that. Now think about the alternative: how few resources would be used in building housing for need with space efficiency in mind. How you need so much fewer roads and how you can connect cities with rail instead of highways. Think about how much less commercial areas you need under socialism. The later is just so much more efficient. But in the debate of free markets versus central planning, all this seems to get skipped over in favor of “but socialism means no bananas in the winter” or “how will I be able to get the exact color iPhone case I want if it’s all centrally planned?” But the sheer waste of capitalism is overlooked because there was profit made the whole time. People never consider how those resources could have been better used. I think if you took the US post-WW2 and made it socialist with central planning, we’d truly be living in a post-scarcity society by now. Even acknowledging how much of a “boost” the capitalist US economy gets from imperialism and environmental destruction, with socialism and just the resources within the US, we’d have so much that our society would have no choice but to massively reduce work hours. How wasteful capitalism is gets ignored because the waste is dealt with by a willing buyer and willing seller at a market clearing price (ignoring overproduction, I mean). The anti-communists don’t want to think about in terms of finite resources, and how those resources are used. Idk, just something to think about.

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    This list of fake Jazz musicians / albums is absolutely perfect

    This was posted by Chapo producer Chris Wade.

    chapotraphouse star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    Chris Wade (Chapo producer), I know you lurk on this site

    A few years ago, you tweeted out how your friend worked on “The Slap” TV show, and how he was responsible for coming up with a list of fake jazz artists albums for the show. That list you tweeted was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. But when I go back through your twitter account I can’t find it. Please retweet. Thank you kindly.

    music star_wraith 1 year ago 100%
    This “Rich Men North of Richmond” song encapsulates how the right weaponizes the idea of “working class” for reactionary purposes

    Song is blowing up in popularity. Of course the media is just uncritically referring to it as a “working class anthem”, because of the fundamentally reactionary nature of this country. It’s not “working class” in the true sense. It just reinforces the idea that conservative white men with jobs in the trades *deserve* a good life because of the settler mentality and white supremacy. Capital has always “taken care of” these white men - they buy off their allegiance in exchange for exclusive economic and social privilege. Now that capital has been less generous to them under neoliberalism, they’re big mad they’re not getting the same deal (at the expense of others) as they used to. Some selected lyrics: >It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to / For people like me and people like you Right out of the gate, Anthony is making his screed exclusionary. For a country music song, already the audience is gonna skew white and reactionary. The rest of the lyrics of this song just highlight how the world sucks now for “people like him”, and fuck everyone else. >These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just wanna have total control Of course politicians suck. But notice how capital isn’t the target. The target isn’t even say corrupt politicians who take bribes. It’s the politicians who want to “control” you. In conservative circles, this always means things like “they want to force you to accept that LGBTQ folks are valid” or things like that. >’Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end Sure, inflation and taxes suck but I’ve never known anyone outside of the top 10% of earners who complains about taxes who wasn’t doing so from a deeply anti-poor reactionary stance. >I wish politicians would look out for miners Ahh, the beloved white miners of conservatives dreams. The mining industry employs way fewer people than Walmart, but funny how a “working class anthem” from a white man doesn’t include any solidarity with retail workers… >And not just minors on an island somewhere *Sound of Freedom noises intensify* cw: fatphobia ::: spoiler spoiler >Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds / Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds Wow, a regular ol’ working class man taking time in his song to slam the racist Reagan-era notions of welfare queens. Just wonderful. ::: This song sucks but it really captures white grievance politics and how they steal our correct notions of class to further their own agenda.

    parenting star_wraith 2 years ago 100%
    Advice for parents-to-be: if you enjoy the personal time you have when you poop, make the most of that time now

    Because once you have kids and they become mobile, it will be *years* before you get to take a private, undisturbed poop at home again.

    parenting star_wraith 2 years ago 100%
    It's shocking how masc-coded toys for boys are

    With my kids, we tend to stick to more gender-neutral toys, wood blocks, that sort of thing. Get a lot of toys from Hapé, that sort of thing. Went to a kid's birthday party today. Family has 2 boys. Played with the toys in the basement. And jfc, damn near every toys was heavily masc-coded. i swear to god, there was a toy fire engine that had literal muscles on it. Every vehicle had big chunky wheels and seemed to be designed with a certain masculine aesthetic. There was this cop car designed like a tank that shot out discs. Every toy just seemed overly aggressive and bought specifically to signal MY SON IS NOT GAAAAYYY! Like, I was raised with "boy toys" like Tonka trucks. But those just seemed more like realistic representations of real thing. Even something silly like Transformers, their vehicle forms were like boring-ass sedans and shit. So many toys today seem like they have to crank up the gender coding to 11 (boys and girls); while at the same time there are a ton of toys that aren't problematic at all. I feel like this says a lot about the social reproduction of gender and capitalism.

    parenting star_wraith 2 years ago 100%
    How do I talk to my white kids about the cops?

    Maybe an odd question, so I'll unpack it a bit. Back during the time of the Michael Brown shooting, I remember hearing about how black parents often have "the talk" with their kids about the pigs. About how they aren't there to help, about how to stay safe around them, etc. I'm white, my kids are white, and I realized I need to have my own ACAB talk with them eventually. This weekend, my older toddler said to me "the police keep us safe". I'm guessing she picked it up from day care teachers because I don't let her watch any TV that glorifies pigs and I live in a kinda reactionary area. When she asked, I kinda fumbled and just said "not really, the police don't keep people safe". I knew that wasn't a great answer but she's little so she just sorta heard it and then moved on to her next unrelated topic. I've been thinking about it. I have some time, but at some point I need to talk to her and tell her the truth about cops. **Do you all have any advice about how to explain the reality of policing in America to white kids?** I'm making that "white" qualifier for a reason. In white spaces and communities, the copanganda kids face is *intense*. The cops are portrayed as these kind, benevolent peacemakers who are only there to help. And frankly, the cops themselves do a great job propagandizing white kids. They make sure to have all these positive interactions with them when they're young. That's what I have to fight against. I know because that was my experience as a white kid growing up. I never really had negative interactions with cops myself. Shitting on cops was very much socially forbidden among my Mayo-American social circle. And the last mental domino to fall in me becoming a leftist was realizing how absolutely shitty cops are and their real role in the system. I really want my kids to be able to see the cops for who they are, even though I know how much of an uphill battle that's going to be for me.
