cats shish_mish 2 weeks ago 97%
Misha is going for a spin
asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you love about Lemmy, compared to Reddit?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think it is only techy nerds, I am a granny and much prefer Lemmy. I no longer feel nervous when posting here at all as people are polite and are actually interested in discussion rather than simply arguing. And the premise that there can never be only one person in control is refreshing.

  • world World News Israeli soldiers besiege Jenin on fourth day of West Bank assault
  • shish_mish shish_mish 3 weeks ago 100%

    It has,this is a land grab. Israel is creating hard infrastructure for a prolonged occupation and to create more settlements. They are quite open about it.

  • world World News Zuckerberg expressed regret for not being more vocal about "government pressure" to censor COVID-19-related content
  • shish_mish shish_mish 3 weeks ago 96%

    Asking them to take down stuff that is clearly false and can endanger people is not censorship.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Imagine a "woke mob": Who's in it? What do they look like? What would they do?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 1 month ago 86%

    A woke mob, aka a bunch of people who think everyone should be treated with decency and respect People who will make sure everyone is comfortable and included in their woke mob .

  • technology Technology Microsoft 'temporarily' pumps the brakes on its intrusive Windows 11 ads after receiving constant backlash from Windows 10 users
  • shish_mish shish_mish 1 month ago 100%

    Thank you :)

  • technology Technology Microsoft 'temporarily' pumps the brakes on its intrusive Windows 11 ads after receiving constant backlash from Windows 10 users
  • shish_mish shish_mish 1 month ago 97%

    I am switching to Linux, and I am not all that techy and am a really old lady. You know Windows is bad when your grandparents are jumping ship. And it is not because I have a burning desire to learn a new operating system, or have taken on a side hustle as an international spy that mandates a more secure system nor did I decide I needed to supplement my pension with some drug deals and Linux was a safer system to coordinate my new worldwide cartel. No I am switching to Linux because every time Windows updates there is a not insignificant chance it will brick my laptop the way it happened to my daughter. Or how after one update my sound stopped working after another, the microphone. There is always something. So yeah the old ones are jumping ship even though I am not exited about it.I really hope it is not too techy...

  • news News ‘You feel like you’re suffocating’: Florida outdoor workers are collapsing in the heat without water and shade
  • shish_mish shish_mish 1 month ago 100%

    I think that those in power really don't care about the people working in our fields and roads.

  • uk_politics UK Politics For those attending UK counter protests, bring a Bust Card
  • shish_mish shish_mish 1 month ago 100%

    This is exellent advice.Write the number of a solicitor on your arm. Because if you are arrested and searched,they will often hold on to your bags and things found in pockets,so having the number written on your arm can help a lot.

  • politics politics "Old and quite weird": Democrats finally discover new effective attack — and Republicans hate it
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    Oh, they are dangerous alright because they consider themselves righteous and having God and "Tradition" on their side. People who consider themselves righteous have no doubts that everything the do ,regardless how vicious, is meant to be by God. So all logic goes out the window. I think not all are like that, but they are a huge useful pool of people who can be used and manipulated with ease. Just like a cult, none of the decisions their leaders make are questioned.

  • politics politics "Old and quite weird": Democrats finally discover new effective attack — and Republicans hate it
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 99%

    Laughter is a great weapon, as even the Irish Bards of old knew. And the plus point is that it is true, they are old and weird. They want to go round inspecting children's genitals.....definitely weird. They rather mothers die than get medical treatment in an event of a dangerous pregnancy. Likewise, they think child marriages are OK. They think forcing women to have babies is OK but passing laws to help those babies live is not. They want to go back in time and roll back all the progress society has made in being kinder, fairer and more inclusive. They love conspiracies and think they have special secret knowledge . There is so much more,I hope someone turns it all into a catchy song that goes viral.

  • memes memes Where are the old (30s) granpa gamers?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    Nearly 60 and a grandma.

  • parenting Parenting Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    The dark. She is 27 and still sleeps with the bedside lamp on. I suspect everyone is still afraid of certain things, well into adulthood.

  • scotland Scotland Fancy owning an old Glasgow subway carriage? Yours for £5000
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    Turn them into homes for the homeless.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy It's time again, What are some cool things you've saved on the fediverse?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    Yes/ I am glad they are gone. This piece was so fascinating to me because their kind and their way of thinking is so alien to me. How, how can these brilliantly educate people not able to see what they have done to this country?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy It's time again, What are some cool things you've saved on the fediverse?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    I saved this article by a Tory politician where he is wondering if they might be the bad guys. He nearly gets it, but then...... Fascinating insight in how their minds work. Article:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where can someone post original writing works for others to read?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    I read a lot of self-published stuff here

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could design your own body and hit a button and have it immediately implemented, would you keep your natural self or would you make changes?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 90%

    I would dial the clock back 35 years and fix my teeth. A tail would be nice too and a sot pelt and maybe cat ears to go with the tail.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Women of lemmy - do you feel like you watch more or less porn than men, generally?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    I prefer to read Erotica :)

  • news
    News shish_mish 2 months ago 98%
    ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza

    The six sources — all except one of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity — recounted how Israeli soldiers routinely executed Palestinian civilians simply because they entered an area that the military defined as a “no-go zone.” The testimonies paint a picture of a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals; the army only hides them from view ahead of the arrival of international aid convoys, so that “images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out.” Two of the soldiers also testified to a systematic policy of setting Palestinian homes on fire after occupying them.

    politics politics Biden tells Netanyahu: It's "time to close" Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal
  • shish_mish shish_mish 2 months ago 100%

    I think there is little to no trust between the parties. I imagine that even with a ceasefire there is a real risk that as long as Netanyahu and his right wing government are in power. They will break it whenever they please. They will make up some reason. Maybe a three-year-old gave them a nasty look or picked up a rock. There will need to be neutral observers allowed in and journalists, to create transparency and trust. I can't see it holding unless both parties are made to follow international law and participate in reconciliation, like they did in Rwanda.

  • unitedkingdom
    United Kingdom shish_mish 3 months ago 100%
    Rishi seems confused

    He seems to be having a moment therre.

    news News Palestinian Authority to pay reduced salaries as Israel blocks funds
  • shish_mish shish_mish 3 months ago 100%


  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia This stuff about the price reductions after 4 years of blatant gouging is really freaking me out
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    There are at least three of us...but probably more.

  • globalnews Interesting Global News North Korea floats more rubbish-filled balloons to South Korea
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    That is a creative way of diplomacy, but it won't progress your cause very much.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts You kinda have to believe in real magic to study science in-depth
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    Oh, magic is real, alright. I love science, but am also not very smart. I left school at 16. But despite that I have continued to follow and learn to the best of my abilities. And there have been so many things over the last 40 years but anything with the word quantum in it looks like black magic to me.

  • world World News New Israeli attack today (Tuesday) on Rafah evacuation zone
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    They said that last time it was a "tragic accident" so what was it this time?

  • reddit Reddit The level of engagement on Reddit these days
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    It's not just the memes.I used to hang out in several political and news subs and it is dire.

  • world World News ‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 94%

    Yeah, I just finished reading and I don't understand why the world is not acting. Why can Israel act with impunity. The Western nations have clearly shown that the rules are different for non-white people and that their lives are not as valuable. The hypocrisy is shameful. These are people with dreams and hopes just like us. The language used by the government, describing Palestinians as vermin and animals emboldens the settlers. There seem to be few repercussions for killing a Palestinian, if any. Israel keeps saying ups this was a mistake and ups we bulldozed entire villages and ups, a mass grave. They say they will investigate but when they do, they find no wrong doing or just a misdemeanour or an error. The whole situation is a clusterfuck, any other country would be sanctioned at the least, and ostracised. And why are the other Arab nations not helping Palestine more? I understand the situation is complicated, but there are many diplomatic measures to put pressure on Israel without getting involved in the fighting.

  • privacy Privacy Does VPNs even work against Big Brother apps? Using one really protects our privacy? (masking our location)
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 50%
  • news News ‘FUCK the LAPD’ Shirt Maker's Entire Shop Sold Out After Cops Threaten Him
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 75%

    It's paywalled.

  • startrek Star Trek Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x09: “Lagrange Point” (SPOILERS)
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    Thank you for all that extra info.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Using Google whilst Duck Duck Go is down. How long has Google been this bad?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    I use Swiss Cow and it works fine

  • technology Technology DuckDuckGo is down. Is there any info about it?? [EDIT: IS BACK]
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 100%

    Swiss Cow is down as well it sees.

  • news News World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target
  • shish_mish shish_mish 4 months ago 98%

    We are so fucked unless we force "all" the big corporations to pay for the pollution they caused while making trillions in profit over the decades they polluted and hid the scientific knowledge showing climate change. And even then,if we stop polluting right now, we still might not Make it as a civilisation.

  • protonprivacy Proton April updates for Windows 10 and 11 break some VPN software, Microsoft says
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 100%

    Thank you.

  • protonprivacy Proton April updates for Windows 10 and 11 break some VPN software, Microsoft says
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 100%

    Thank you.

  • protonprivacy Proton April updates for Windows 10 and 11 break some VPN software, Microsoft says
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 100%

    Mullvad seems to be working, but some people have reported that it is possible, it silently drops a connection but appears to be connected. I don't know how to check for that, though. Time to learn.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Liz Truss endorses Donald Trump to win US presidential election
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 83%
  • news News A mission of mercy, then a fatal mistake: How an aid convoy in Gaza became Israel's target
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 66%

    Thank you for posting the link, that was every interesting read.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use?
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 98%

    They will give the poor credit, buy now pay later, till there is nothing left to squeeze out of them/us.

  • news News Trump is booted off Bloomberg’s Billionaire list after Truth Social stock price dives
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 98%

    I like the lists of Billionaires, they will be handy come the revolution.

  • world World News David Cameron warns of Gaza famine as UK sends Royal Navy ship to boost aid effort
  • shish_mish shish_mish 5 months ago 95%

    Yes, many countries have sent food, but Israel has been throttling the supply by not letting trucks through at the crossings. Hence, the air drops and trying to build a pier.
