opensource Open Source Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 weeks ago 100%

    And mine. And probably everyone else's since the only banking app I can find on F-Droid is something called Varengold.

  • technology Technology Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • onlooker onlooker 2 weeks ago 100%

    To be clear, XMPP is the name of the protocol, not the app. If an XMPP app with a Discord-like UI is what you're after, then Converse.js is probably your best bet. Here's what it looks like.

  • memes Memes AI bros
  • onlooker onlooker 3 weeks ago 97%

    "It has a gradient so you know it's AI." <- Uh, what does this mean?

  • not_tim_and_eric Not Tim & Eric Problem at the hunk factory!
  • onlooker onlooker 3 weeks ago 100%

    That cowboy's purse is just fabulous.

  • antiwork Antiwork Gen Z is actually taking sick days, unlike their older coworkers. It’s redefining the workplace
  • onlooker onlooker 3 weeks ago 100%

    Good for them. That's what sick days are for.

  • memes Memes Going places
  • onlooker onlooker 3 weeks ago 100%

    omg, how is this scene still being taken out of context after 10+ years? In the scene mentioned, Tidus, the protagonist of the story, is feeling depressed and Yuna, the summoner who Tidus is guarding, tries to cheer him up. One of her methods is forcing(!) yourself to laugh. It looks ridiculous, it sounds ridiculous, heck, the other characters watching the scene think it's ridiculous and even Yuna herself at some point tells Tidus he should probably stop. The laugh sounds forced, because it is. And intentionally, at that.

  • comics Comics Abduction
  • onlooker onlooker 3 weeks ago 100%

    I wanted to add Invasion of the Booby Snatchers, but then I realized that in this context the aliens aren't the ones doing the snatching.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy I'm working on a screenplay for a remake of Castaway, but I'm considering not using a volleyball this time. Give me your best casting ideas for which inanimate object should play Wilson.
  • onlooker onlooker 1 month ago 100%

    How about a pet rock?

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Text Processing Compass
  • onlooker onlooker 1 month ago 100%

    What, no Microsoft Word?

  • gaming Gaming Borderlands is failing already.
  • onlooker onlooker 1 month ago 100%

    Nah, I didn't forget. It's just that Pitchford's list of screw-ups is so extensive that if I wanted to list of each and every one, we'd be here all day.

  • gaming Gaming Borderlands is failing already.
  • onlooker onlooker 1 month ago 93%

    Good. I hope that sleaze Pitchford loses a mountainload of money on this. I absolutely hate the guy, he's a liar and a thief. And arguably, depending how you look at it, a pedophile.

    As a short reminder: Borderlands was originally meant to look like this. Then, at the MTV Asia Awards 2006, an artist by the name of Ben Hibon premiered a neat-looking animated short by the name of Codehunters. You can see it here. Witchford saw this and wanted to use the artstlye for his new game. He and Ben had a back-and-forth for a while and then, radio silence.

    2009 comes around and Pitchfork's new game Borderlands is released. And to say that it looked familiar to Codehunters would be an understatement. Kitschford, being an upstanding and virtuous citizen that he is, straight-up aped Codehunter's style. No discussions or agreements were made with Ben and as such, despite Borderlands becoming hugely profitable, Ben didn't see a cent. And that is why I will always hope for the Borderlands IP to crash and burn. Or, at the very least, for someone to actually pay Ben Hibon for (unknowingly) creating the game's artstyle. Anyway, rant over, thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  • memes Memes laughing ass off at hacks
  • onlooker onlooker 1 month ago 100%

    omg, you're right! The "hand" on the left looks like a foot.

  • worldnews World News Japan is on the verge of a $400 billion fire sale of U.S. debt. This could break the back of the Treasury market and devastate Americans’ finances.
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Ah, enough said. Thanks.

  • memes Memes Well That's Ironic
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Wasn't this debunked as fake ages ago?

  • worldnews World News Japan is on the verge of a $400 billion fire sale of U.S. debt. This could break the back of the Treasury market and devastate Americans’ finances.
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I'm out of the loop. What did HF do to make you not take them seriously?

  • linux Linux Linux Desktop reaches New All time high. 4.45%(+0.4) 📈🐧
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Check out mister Mainstream over here. The rest of us snooty OS connoisseurs use Collapse OS.

  • privacy Privacy Anyone got any thoughts on, praises of, and criticisms of Njalla?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Ugh. Then I guess it's time to reconsider my registrar again.

  • portland Portland Concrete planters for calming traffic removed after frequent collisions
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    If drivers couldn't stop hitting the planters, then the planters aren't the problem. But hey, at least Portland is accomodating to maniac drivers.

  • palestine Palestine Boycotts Against Israel Are Hurting Starbucks and McDonald’s Sales Worldwide
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Customers, am I right? When will those selfish assholes realise that yachts and cocktail parties don't pay for themselves? Just no empathy whatsoever.

  • privacy Privacy Anyone got any thoughts on, praises of, and criticisms of Njalla?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I'm on PorkBun now, but I've used Njalla for a few years and had no issues with them. The reason I switched was simply because I wanted to own the domain, because with Njalla the domain isn't actually yours, it's registered to Njalla. Note that this is by design, in the sense that when someone looks up the domain, they won't get your info, but Njalla's instead. After a while, I've gotten less comfortable with the idea of someone else owning the domain I paid for, so I switched.

  • communism Communism Apparently there was a communist march in Philadelphia
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Not ragging on you, OP, but man what a sensationalist title. Before you even begin to read the article, you get "Ideology linked to 100 million deaths" shoved in your face. And no mention of how many deaths have been associated with capitalism, big surprise. The website's design is kind of ass, too.

    Anyway, the muskrat has condemned the whole affair... which I would say means the marchers are doing something right.

  • memes Memes You either die a hero or become the villan
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Okay yeah, true enough. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that people are now much less likely to go see a mediocre to bad superhero movies. To give an example, the first two Thors and Iron Man 3 weren't great, but they were still box office hits. I have to wonder if it would pan out the same way if they were released today.

  • memes Memes I hate it when people just say that a meme is "a repost" and refuse to elaborate
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 66%

    Soooo, would this be a riposte to a repost?

  • memes Memes You either die a hero or become the villan
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Yes, that would be one heck of a twist... if they hadn't revealed Dr. Doom's identity at Comic-Con. And we don't even know what the movie will be called, I might add. I think that if Disney was confident in whatever movie it is they're making, they would have kept RDJ's involvement on the down-low, to surprise the audience. Instead, they made this big hullabaloo about RDJ coming back.

    Far as I can tell, the casting can be explained in one of two ways:

    • This Dr. Doom is an alternate universe version of Tony Stark. But if this is true, why the heck would they spoil the reveal?
    • Second option is even worse: no alternate universe chicanery. This is MCU's version of Doom. But that's just lazy casting.
  • memes Memes You either die a hero or become the villan
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Yes, hello. I recently found out that wikipedia has a whole article about you and the, uh, challenges you have faced over the years. In light of this, have you considered renaming your mascot to Dicky Louse?

  • venting A place to express your frustration These goddamn captchas are getting HARDER and WORSE! WTF?! ALL I WANNA DO IS SIGN INTO MY ACCOUNT FOR FUCK'S SAKE
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I don't know either. But I know it's watching.

  • memes Memes You either die a hero or become the villan
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 96%

    I smell desperation. There's ten of thousands of actors out there and they decide to re-hire RDJ? It feels like they're counting on his star power to save their precious Marvel shows and/or movies. It won't help, of course, because bad casting isn't why people stopped watching. People are superhero'ed out and yet they're pumping out Marvel shit like there's no tomorrow. And I do mean shit, the quality of Marvel movies fell off sharply after Endgame. The talent just isn't there, man. Stop.

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 28th
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I started playing the first Nioh. Send help.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What email provider do you use? Would you recommend it?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Can vouch for Posteo. I've been using them for years and I have no reason to switch anytime soon. They're privacy focused, the price is great, there's IMAP support and CalDAV too and a bunch of other things.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Why aren't millennials and Gen Z having kids? It's the economy, stupid
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    What if you told them your partner is a democrat?

  • gaming Gaming Are there any voxel-rendered (if that's the term) game like Voxatron?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I know, I would love to see more games using that style! Then again, I completely understand that it might be easier for some devs to use skeletal animation on voxel models instead of making a static voxel model for every frame of animation.

  • memes Memes E M I T G U I N N E S S
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 80%

    So, horrendous clock design aside, when is Guiness time? At U o'clock or is it at like half past E or something?

  • worldnews World News Sharks in Brazil test positive for cocaine, say scientists
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Like so:

    Cocaine pollutes the sea due to sewage discharges from humans who use the drug, as well as the illegal laboratories that produce it, study co-author Enrico Mendes Saggioro, an ecotoxicologist at the foundation, told CNN on Tuesday.

    And as a side-note: cocaine being dumped at sea was considered as a possibility, but was ruled out:

    Previous research suggested that cocaine dumped at sea by traffickers could be responsible for contamination, but that is not the case here, said Mendes Saggioro. “We don’t usually see many bales of coke dumped or lost at sea here, unlike what is reported in Mexico and Florida,” he said.

  • worldnews World News Sharks in Brazil test positive for cocaine, say scientists
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Coming soon to a theater near you!

  • transgender transgender Elon Musk’s anger over trans daughter triggered mission to ‘destroy the woke mind virus’
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Could you call this cognitive dissonance? It's no secret that Musk is a control freak and once he learned his child changed genders, his first reaction was to make up a "mind virus" (whatever the fuck that means) to blame.

  • gaming Gaming Are there any voxel-rendered (if that's the term) game like Voxatron?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    I loved Picross 3D 2 (or Round 2 or whatever it was called) on the 3DS! As you surmised, it's not what I'm looking for, but I'll try to snag it the first chance I get. Thanks!

  • gaming Gaming Are there any voxel-rendered (if that's the term) game like Voxatron?
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    It definitely qualifies! Alas, I've already played it. It still astounds me that the game wasn't ported to other platforms, it was good!

  • comics Comics Quitters winners
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Counter-point for the redshirt: The Shadowland Prophesy.

  • usa United States | News & Politics GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president'
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 100%

    Agreed. It just means they have nothing else to attack her with.

  • communism Communism Protestation
  • onlooker onlooker 2 months ago 63%

    The truth is... three tanks and a dude?

  • gaming
    Gaming onlooker 2 months ago 100%
    Are there any voxel-rendered (if that's the term) game like Voxatron?

    Lately I've been thinking about Voxatron, an incomplete yet fun little top-down-ish shooter game from 2011. I love the way it looks and plays, so I've been wondering if there are any other games with the same aesthetic? It's a bit hard to explain, but what I liked specifically about Voxatron was how the characters and the environment were animated. Everything seemed to snap to an invisible three-dimensional grid, or in other words, voxels didn't rotate. Here's [an example]( What I'm not looking for is a game that is made of voxels, but is animated like polygons, if that makes sense. Like [this]( I'm not really sure what term to use, because searching for "voxel games" was not very fruitful for me. Search results encompassed everything from Minecraft to Severed Steel. I imagine animating a game in such a way would be super time consuming, but I still have to ask: are there any games that fit this criteria?

    Gaming onlooker 4 months ago 100%
    Microsoft's payment to Bobby Kotick would cover the salaries of Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin employees for over 17 years.

    FYI, the article is in Spanish:

    Gaming onlooker 5 months ago 100%
    List of every game trailer from The Triple-i Initiative

    For those unaware, The Triple-i Initiative is a group of indie studios whose purpose is to highlight fan-favorite games and hype up established indie classics as well as new IPs. So, without further ado, here are the trailers. Names in bold are new releases, the rest are updates to existing games: - **Slay the Spire II ([Reveal Trailer](** - Risk of Rain 2 ([Free Content Update ft. Dead Cells Crossover Skin & More]( - **KILL KNIGHT ([Announcement Trailer](** - Shadows of Doubt ([Console Announce + Sharpshooter Assassin Launch Trailer]( - My Time at Sandrock ([Cross Platform Multiplayer Announce Trailer]( - **Dinolords ([Teaser Trailer](** - **Gestalt: Steam & Cinder ([Release Date Trailer](** - Vampire Survivors ([Operation Guns DLC feat. Contra + Playstation Announce]( - **Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn ([Composing Vengeance Trailer](** - **Never Alone 2 ([Game Reveal](** - **Cataclismo ([Hogar's Hope Trailer](** - Death Must Die ([Act II Reveal]( - **Endzone 2 ([Gameplay Trailer](** - Dyson Sphere Program ([Free Content Reveal]( - **UnderMine 2 ([Announcement Trailer](** - **Norland ([Early Access Release Date Announcement](** - **WHAT THE CAR? ([Steam Date Announcement](** - Darkest Dungeon II ([New FREE Game Mode 'Kingdoms' Coming in 2024]( - **RKGK ([Developer Intro & Game Reveal](** - **Broken Roads ([Official Launch Trailer](** - Ravenswatch ([Fall of Avalon Update]( - **Cat Quest III ([Opening Animation Reveal](** - **Hyper Light Breaker ([Mini-boss Reveal Trailer](** - The Last Spell ([Dwarves of Runenberg DLC]( - **Laysara: Summit Kingdom ([Surprise Launch Trailer](** - **Wizard of Legend 2 ([First Look at Gameplay](** - **Let's School ([Beloved School Management Sim Announced on consoles](** - Brotato ([Abyssal Terrors DLC & Local CO-OP Update Announcement Trailer]( - **Tchia ([Nintendo Switch Release Date](** - **Streets of Rogue 2 ([Official Gameplay Trailer](** - Old World ([Behind The Throne DLC Announcement]( - Palworld ([Arena Trailer]( - **33 Immortals ([Beta Gameplay Trailer](** - **MOUSE ([Spike-D Gameplay Teaser](** - V Rising ([Legacy of Castlevania Gameplay Trailer]( - **The Rogue Prince of Persia ([Reveal Trailer](**

    Gaming onlooker 6 months ago 96%
    I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"

    Not to say I hate the genre, I actually love me some Dusk or Turbo Overkill, but why, oh why are they called **Boomer** Shooters? These games clearly took inspiration from 90s FPS games, which 👌, but they were played mostly by Gen Xers and Millenials, not Boomers. When games like Duke Nukem 3D or Quake were out, Boomers were what? 30 to 50 years old? I'm sure some of them played FPS games, but there is no way they were the majority. Whenever I see the term Boomer Shooter, my mind goes to games like [Shootout! for Magnavox Odyssey]( Can't we call them something else, like Retro FPSes or something? Anyway, rant over. Thank you for your time.

    techsupport onlooker 7 months ago 98%
    [RMA] What is this lump on my friend's CPU?

    EDIT: We decided not to pursue further diagnosis, because we wouldn’t know what the hell we’re doing anyway, and decided to start the RMA process instead. It might not even be the reason why the PC won’t turn on, but I’m not comfortable with putting that CPU back into his PC again. Once we get a replacement, we’ll see what happens. If it’s still busted, we’ll just take it to a local shop. Thank you everyone for your for your suggestions and insight, they are very much appreciated. My friend called me to take a look at his PC that wouldn’t turn on. Upon inspecting his CPU, I noticed a silver bump at the bottom. I’ve never seen this. Can anyone tell me what it is?

    Gaming onlooker 1 year ago 92%
    Unity bosses sold stock days before controversial repricing announcement mirror: This shit can't be legal. Do we have any lawyers on here?

    Asklemmy onlooker 1 year ago 98%
    Where did this HAARP nonsense I keep hearing about come from?

    So, I heard several people now mention HAARP as the cause for all the natural disasters that have been happening lately. And here I thought the cause was rampant pollution and global warming! But seriously, I'm looking at the HAARP page on wikipedia and it seems to be an array for studying the ionosphere? How in the hell do you go from "we're using this to see what's happening way up there in the sky" to "this causes tornadoes"? Who even started this garbage?

    Antiwork onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    Optimal stress levels.

    This is an email I came across at work. I seriously can't believe they're trying to justify being stressed. It may not be as caustic as other posts you see on here, but it still kinda pissed me off.

    Asklemmy onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    I don't want to talk about work with my friends, mine or theirs. Am I being rude?

    I **hate** talking about work. I also listening about work. I don't exactly enjoy my job, so I try not to waste my free time thinking about work, talking about work or, heaven forbid, doing something for work. However, my friends talk about their jobs all the time and it's painful to listen to. I told them as much, but the topic keeps popping up. I'm just not that invested in the specifics and minutia of their workday. I either lack the knowledge to understand their work process or, more often than not, just don't care. That is, unless something bad happened and they want to vent, I'm okay with that. But I still get looks, as if I should be interested about their job. Which, I'm sorry, I'm just not. Am I being unreasonable in trying to steer the conversation into a topic that isn't work-related?

    Memes onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    You can't buy this product if your name is Anish Kapoor.

    This is probably not a meme, so apologies for that. I do find it funny, though. Here's what the cookie selection window looks like: ![]( ![](

    Gaming onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    Games publisher PQube Games accused of exploiting developer Mojiken Studio's heritage for funding

    Steam post: Tweet:

    Linux Phones onlooker 2 years ago 92%
    Why I left PINE64

    Post was not made by me, by the way. I didn't leave (or join) PINE64, it's just the title of the article.

    Antiwork onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    Are there any good alternatives to Glassdoor?

    Because according to [this]( they must now reveal user details.

    Gaming onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    Learn and play Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (it's a card game)

    So I recently got this board game. It's sort of, kind of like Magic: the Gathering. You play as a so-called Phoenixborn and you have a set number of hit points. When they reach zero, you lose. There's a bit more to it than that, but that's the gist of it. Alas, it's kind of hard to get a match going with my friends. Then I came across this neat webpage dedicated to the game. It is: What I find neat about this page is that it links to not one, not two, but THREE resources where you can practice playing! - Option 1 (free): [Ashteki]( Play against a human - Option 2 (free): [Felt Table]( Play against an AI (what I mostly use) - Option 3: [Ashes Reborn for Tabletop Simulator]( The mod is free, but like the name implies, you need to own Tabletop Simulator on Steam first. As for the rules, they're near the bottom of the page at the Files section. There are also other resources like youtube tutorials and premade decks and stuff. Anyway, just thought I'd share.

    Gaming onlooker 2 years ago 80%
    Diablo Immortal is now banned in China

    This is hilarious. Blizzard created Diablo Immortal with the express purpose of getting their foot into the Chinese market. Then some genius at Blizzard had the brilliant idea to make a post on Weibou (a social network in China) to make fun of Xi Jinping: [Picture of post]( Welp, there goes that Tencent money. Couldn't have happened to a nicer company, too.

    Gaming onlooker 2 years ago 100%
    Dragon's Dogma II has been announced

    Source: I was very impressed with how Dragon's Dogma handled battles with huge enemies. The combat was so good. Instead of hacking away at their ankles, you could climb them and hack away at their weakspots. Or, if you prefer solid ground beneath your feet, you could also impale them with an icy spike three times your size using magick. Speaking of, the some of the spells were insane. I mean just [look]( [at]( [this]( [madness]( And those aren't even the most powerful versions. Very excited for this.

    Antiwork onlooker 2 years ago 87%
    Elon Musk praises Chinese workers and says Americans try ‘to avoid going to work at all’

    “They won’t just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they won’t even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.”

    Open Source onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    Thoughts on repositories such as this?

    The repository in question: All it has is a file and they want 8€ for anyone to use this app. I mean, sure, but why host something like this on github? Or am I missing something?

    Gaming onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    Ubisoft VP says players 'don't get' NFTs, but can't explain what there is to get

    Original article:

    Piracy onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    Does anyone else dislike Bluray discs?

    For me, they're more trouble than they're worth. For wanting to support your favorite artists, I'm rewarded with unskippable trailers and FBI warnings, and if you want to play Blurays on PC, well... Just take a look at [this]( Keydb files? BD+ decryption? What happened to just putting the stupid disc in the machine and hitting play? With pirated movies and shows, I just double-click on a file and away I go. Why would I ever want to go back to Blurays?

    Gaming onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick expected to leave once Microsoft deal closes

    No way I can be objective about all of this, so here I go! After months, if not years of enabling sexual harrassment and doing jack shit about it, Kotick is walking away without repercussions. What he IS walking away with is hundreds of millions. Check out the tweet near the bottom of the article to see just how much. Don't get me wrong, it's good that the Tick is finally dropping off its host after all the horrible things he's done, but man. No repercussions? At all? Just a big, fat paycheck?

    Asklemmy onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    Can anyone tell me what the heck web3 actually is?

    I mean specifically, what criteria does a webpage have to fulfill for it to be considered web3 compliant? Because all I see around the web are people waxing poetic about freedom, ownership and whatnot without really saying anything. There's no consensus, there's no whitepaper, just... vague, nondescript ideas.

    Gaming onlooker 3 years ago 95%
    Square Enix wants in on the NFT action

    Here's the original letter. It's as dry as it is depressing: Some choice quotes for you: > I realize that some people who “play to have fun” and who currently form the majority of players have voiced their reservations toward these new trends, and understandably so. However, I believe that there will be a certain number of people whose motivation is to “play to contribute,” by which I mean to help make the game more exciting. Translation: I realize that the majority of people play games to have fun, but I only care about the people who will continue to give me money after they've bought the game. And I don't know about you, but "play to contribute" sounds a lot like work to me. > Traditional gaming has offered no explicit incentive to this latter group of people, who were motivated strictly by such inconsistent personal feelings as goodwill and volunteer spirit. Yeah, fuck those feelings. > It is precisely this sort of ecosystem that lies at the heart of what I refer to as “decentralized gaming,” and I hope that this becomes a major trend in gaming going forward. If we refer to the one-way relationship where game players and game providers are linked by games that are finished products as “centralized gaming” to contrast it with decentralized gaming, then incorporating decentralized games into our portfolio in addition to centralized games will be a major strategic theme for us starting in 2022. He keeps throwing that phrase around, "decentralized gaming". Does he even know what decentralized means? If it's made and controlled by his company, then it's by definition centralized. Sorry if this was a bit long, but corporate drivel such as this really gets my goat.

    Technology onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    What's the cheapest hardware that can playback videos at 1080p?

    There are so many options out there, it's kind of dizzying. I'm looking for a cheap solution that I could hook up to a TV and ethernet, so it could run a flavor of Linux (or BSD) and play videos at 1080p. Bonus points if it can handle 1080p@60 FPS. Other than that, it would be used for light web browsing. I was looking at Raspberry Pi 4, but is there anything else you would suggest?

    Technology onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    [Answered] Trying to remember an IP-KVM-like device

    This is going to sound rather vague, but less than a week ago, I was reading a forum post somewhere about a device that lets you control a machine remotely, allowing you to do stuff like remotely access a machine's BIOS. Pretty sure it was Linux-based. I thought it was super neat, so I bookmarked it. Or so I thought, because I can't find the bookmark anywhere and for the life of me I can't remember the name of the device. I do remember it being really small, about the size of a Raspberry Pi. In fact, I remember reading the "recipe" for the device on the manufacturer's website that would allow you to make your own and I distinctly remember one of the components being an RPi. There was also a pre-assembled model available. Does this ring any bells for anyone or am I just talking nonsense?

    Emulation onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    What's the best way to emulate a PC at a specific processor speed?

    The game I'm trying to run is Legend of Heroes 3: Prophecy of the White Witch for Windows XP. I installed XP in VirtualBox, but unfortunately, the game logic seems to be tied to the processor speed, which makes the game run at a blazing speed, making it unplayable. Same when I tried running it with Wine. I should probably mention at this point that my host OS is Linux. The game was originally meant for a Pentium II at 300 MHz or higher (specs [here](, so that's what I'm aiming for. VirtualBox doesn't seem to offer me the option of setting the processor speed, so that's out. Are there any other options available, outside of running out and buying a 20-year old PC?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Two Sentence Horror onlooker 3 years ago 100%
    How about a scary story in one sentence?

    The last man on Earth hears a knock on the door. (Not mine, but I remember hearing it somewhere)
