Technology onlooker 3 years ago 100%

[Answered] Trying to remember an IP-KVM-like device

This is going to sound rather vague, but less than a week ago, I was reading a forum post somewhere about a device that lets you control a machine remotely, allowing you to do stuff like remotely access a machine's BIOS. Pretty sure it was Linux-based.

I thought it was super neat, so I bookmarked it. Or so I thought, because I can't find the bookmark anywhere and for the life of me I can't remember the name of the device.

I do remember it being really small, about the size of a Raspberry Pi. In fact, I remember reading the "recipe" for the device on the manufacturer's website that would allow you to make your own and I distinctly remember one of the components being an RPi. There was also a pre-assembled model available.

Does this ring any bells for anyone or am I just talking nonsense?

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