

Technology xelar 3 days ago 97%
Threads is trading trust for growth

Ben Werdmuller, a tech leader at ProPublica, discusses the trust crisis in Meta's Threads app after his comment about the Internet Archive's legal issues unexpectedly attracted a hostile audience. He was surprised by accusations of engagement farming, prompting him to question the assumptions behind such claims. Werdmuller discovered that Meta has been paying certain creators up to $5,000 for viral posts, leading to a climate where all content is viewed with suspicion.

Technology Makan 2 days ago 50%
Ladybird browser update (August 2024) (Makan: What does everyone think of this browser?)

cross-posted from: > A new browser with a "new engine" apparently ("that being chromium, gecko and webkit" according to one comment). > > Your overall thoughts on it? The video is less than 20 minutes so far. Looks 'ight so far too, afaik. But I'm no expert.

Technology CyberSanitizer 4 days ago 88%
Finally resolved: Recovering data after wiping metadata is actually possible, but I need you help with some info

I need to ask a small favor from the good people of Community. In short, I accidentally wiped the `metadata` partition on my `Poco F3` and now I can't boot into the OS and access my data. I have a lot of pictures, videos and other stuff that I would hate to lose, because of a mistake. But all that is still on the phone, I just can't boot the phone to access it. Thankfully, there is a way to fix this by creating a full backup of the phone with `adb`, then using a **HEX Editor** to manually look through that gigantic file and try to find the files that were in that metadata partition. A huge thanks to [bluet33th](, a user from [XDA Forums](, without whom I would be helpless and couldn't do any of this. It might be a bit complicated and manual process, but it is possible. He explained everything in great detail here, so check it out, especially if you are facing the same problem, this will help you tremendously: In order to find these files and put them back where they belong, I need your help, because I have to know their names, exact sizes and at least part of their content, so that I can search for it. Because I'm searching for a specific text in a text file that is 128 GB in size. I have already tried this on another Xiaomi phone, to make sure this procedure works on Xiaomi phones and it does, but that phone had `HyperOS` with `Android 14` and since every phone and android version is probably different, in order to be sure, I need this information specifically for `Poco F3` with `Android 13`. It doesn't take long, but if you don't have the time to look inside your `metadata` partition and tell me which files are inside of that partition and their sizes in bytes, you can just make a backup of the `metadata` partition and sent it to me, and I'll do the rest of the work. Here are the steps on how to create a backup: 1) Turn on your phone and boot into `TWRP`, then connect your phone to a PC, type `cmd` inside Windows search and run cmd, then position cmd into your `platform-tools` folder (if you flashed your ROM, you should already have the necessary drivers installed for the next steps to work). For example, if your `platform-tools` folder on Windows is inside `C:\platform-tools`, all you need to type into cmd is: `cd C:\platform-tools` You can also just go inside your `platform-tools` folder and type `cmd` in the address bar and the cmd will start already positioned inside that folder. 2) Then type `adb devices` and you should see your device, if you do, that means that all the drivers are successfully installed and your phone is detected. ![]( 3) Type `adb pull /dev/block/by-name/metadata` ![]( 4) After that, you should see a file named `metadata` inside `C:\platform-tools`. That is the file that I'm looking for and as you can see, it takes just a few minutes to get it. You can skip the next steps (5 and 6), but I'll explain them, just in case someone wants to extract these files for themselves, so that you have them in case something like this happens to you. Of course, you can also proceed to extract the files and tell me their names and sizes. Here is what you need to do: 5) Extract the content of the `metadata` file, you can use a software like `7-Zip`. Go inside that extracted folder, then into `vold > metadata_encryption > key` 6) Inside of that `key` folder, you should see a few files. These are the important files and save them somewhere safe in case you ever need them. Since I don't have them anymore, in order to recreate them, I need to know their exact names and sizes in bytes. You can check the size of every individual file by right clicking on the file and choosing `Properties`. Then look under `Size`, **not** `Size on disk`, and in parenthesis, you should see the size in bytes. ![]( Please, if you could check the size of every file and write down which file has what size. I would really appreciate it. I'm specifically looking for someone who has a `Poco F3` with `Android 13` and `MIUI`, because I'm not sure if `HyperOS` changed something, so maybe the number of files or their size is different. But feel free to post the information even if you have `HyperOS`, but please mention that, so that I am aware of it. Thanks a lot for your help, it really means a great deal.

Technology CyberSanitizer 2 days ago 35%
How to dump RAW Data from Android to PC?

I'm looking for a way to dump raw data from an entire phone or at least the `sda` block to a PC, using a method other than `adb pull`. When I run `adb pull /dev/block/sda sdaDump.img`, it creates a dump file. To find what I need, I have to search through this raw data using a `Hex Editor`. If the dump comes from a fully functioning phone, I can usually find what I’m looking for because all the data is still intact. However, I accidentally wiped the `metadata` partition on my phone, so the decryption keys/files are gone. Now, because of that, some folders appear empty when checked with TWRP's File Manager, even though the actual files are still there. If I create a dump now, the raw data in the file won't be the same as when the `metadata` was present, and those folders weren't showing as empty. Running `adb pull /dev/block/sda sdaDump.img` now results in a dump where the `Hex Editor` shows zeroes (no data) where these files should be. Is there any alternative method to create a raw data dump of the `sda` block or entire phone storage, that will capture that data as it is (not empty folders, but the data in them), even if it's encrypted? I don't want to create the raw data dump onto the phone storage and then transfer it to a PC, but something that works like `adb pull`, in the sense that it pulls the data from the phone directly onto a PC. Thanks a lot in advance to everyone!

Technology Cataphract 1 week ago 94%
DuckDuckGo starting to give more "personal" search results

Been slowly running into more results from DDG that seem to have some "personal parameter" or difference in search results. I had a search saved from some months ago, went to check it for some references and got new hits involving local organizations that had nothing to do with the search. Opening up a private browser I see that the searches aren't 100% matching up either. I see this as only getting worse, I want to be able to enter a search and it searches for my query. Not based on my personality or whatever info is being collected. Does anyone know a search engine that's reliable and focuses on giving the same results and doesn't try this "personalized" crap?

Technology yogthos 1 week ago 85%
Blacklisted Huawei posts record profits despite U.S. sanctions — Chinese tech giant raked in $7.7B in net profit in 1H 2024

This demonstrates the waning relevance of Western influence upon the world's economic landscape. The success of top-tier technology firms is now attainable without necessitating involvement within the confines of the United States marketplace.

Technology emergencyfood 1 week ago 90%
Leading smartphone vendor in each country

Across the world, the biggest smartphone manufacturers are Apple (28%), Samsung (24%), Xiaomi (12%), Oppo (6%) and Vivo (5%). However, there are geographic patterns in popularity, with Apple dominating North America and East Asia, while Samsung leads in South America, Europe, Africa and West Asia in addition to its home turf of South Korea. Xiaomi is the most popular phone brand across South Asia, Spain, Venezuela, Ukraine, Madagascar, Kyrgyzstan and Palestine, while Tecno is popular in West and Central Africa. Oppo, Vivo and Huawei lead in Indonesia, Bhutan and Togo respectively.

Technology jaromil 1 week ago 99%
Bypassing airport security via SQL injection

cross-posted from:

Technology JRepin 1 week ago 85%
No Tech for Apartheid with Mohammad Khatami & Gabi Schubiner - Tech Won’t Save Us

Paris Marx is joined by Mohammad Khatami and Gabi Schubiner to discuss the complicity of Google, Amazon, and Microsoft in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and how tech workers are organizing to stop it. Mohammad Khatami and Gabi Schubiner are former Google software engineers and organizers with [No Tech for Apartheid](

Technology JRepin 1 week ago 96%
AI generates covertly racist decisions about people based on their dialect

Hundreds of millions of people now interact with language models, with uses ranging from help with writing1,2 to informing hiring decisions3. However, these language models are known to perpetuate systematic racial prejudices, making their judgements biased in problematic ways about groups such as African Americans4,5,6,7. Although previous research has focused on overt racism in language models, social scientists have argued that racism with a more subtle character has developed over time, particularly in the United States after the civil rights movement8,9. It is unknown whether this covert racism manifests in language models. Here, we demonstrate that language models embody covert racism in the form of dialect prejudice, exhibiting raciolinguistic stereotypes about speakers of African American English (AAE) that are more negative than any human stereotypes about African Americans ever experimentally recorded. By contrast, the language models’ overt stereotypes about African Americans are more positive. Dialect prejudice has the potential for harmful consequences: language models are more likely to suggest that speakers of AAE be assigned less-prestigious jobs, be convicted of crimes and be sentenced to death. Finally, we show that current practices of alleviating racial bias in language models, such as human preference alignment, exacerbate the discrepancy between covert and overt stereotypes, by superficially obscuring the racism that language models maintain on a deeper level. Our findings have far-reaching implications for the fair and safe use of language technology.

Technology JRepin 1 week ago 98%
Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges

Researchers have documented an explosion of hate and misinformation on Twitter since the Tesla billionaire took over in October 2022 -- and now experts say communicating about climate science on the social network on which many of them rely is getting harder. Policies aimed at curbing the deadly effects of climate change are accelerating, prompting a rise in what experts identify as organised resistance by opponents of climate reform. Peter Gleick, a climate and water specialist with nearly 99,000 followers, announced on May 21 he would no longer post on the platform because it was amplifying racism and sexism. While he is accustomed to "offensive, personal, ad hominem attacks, up to and including direct physical threats", he told AFP, "in the past few months, since the takeover and changes at Twitter, the amount, vituperativeness, and intensity of abuse has skyrocketed".

Technology geneva_convenience 2 weeks ago 100%
A Surprise Hardware Bug in Raspberry Pi's RP2350 Leads to Unexpected Pull-Down Behavior

Raspberry Pi has confirmed a bug in the new RP2350 microcontroller family, which causes pins to freeze outputting 2.15V when configured as inputs using the internal pull-down resistors — tied, it seems, to changes made by a vendor to an off-the-shelf fault tolerant pad IP block. "[I] found a silicon bug," Dangerous Prototypes' Ian Lesnet explains of the issue, which has been confirmed as an erratum in Raspberry Pi's official documentation for the newly-launched dual-architecture RP2350 microcontroller family. "When a GPIO [General-Purpose Input/Output] pin is an input with the pull-down resistor enabled, it acts like a bus hold. We use the pull-down on the button, which connects to 3.3V when pressed. During the self-test pressing the button works, but then it never goes low again, it sits at 2.15V…"

Technology JRepin 2 weeks ago 95%
Silicon Valley’s Very Online Ideologues are in Model Collapse

The ideologues of Silicon Valley are in model collapse. To train an AI model, you need to give it a ton of data, and the quality of output from the model depends upon whether that data is any good. A risk AI models face, especially as AI-generated output makes up a larger share of what’s published online, is “model collapse”: the rapid degradation that results from AI models being trained on the output of AI models. Essentially, the AI is primarily talking to, and learning from, itself, and this creates a self-reinforcing cascade of bad thinking. We’ve been watching something similar happen, in real time, with the Elon Musks, Marc Andreessens, Peter Thiels, and other chronically online Silicon Valley representatives of far-right ideology. It’s not just that they have bad values that are leading to bad politics. They also seem to be talking themselves into believing nonsense at an increasing rate. The world they seem to believe exists, and which they’re reacting and warning against, bears less and less resemblance to the actual world, and instead represents an imagined lore they’ve gotten themselves lost in.