technology technology Taiwanese capitalists versus Israeli fascists
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 2 hours ago 100%

    Maybe they've assessed that they're economically fucked anyway

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank what wtf is DEI chin?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 hours ago 100%

    This is full on detachment from reality stuff, I feel like I'm looking at a chair that someone's insisting is a fish

  • askchapo askchapo "dog" or "dawg"
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 9 hours ago 100%

    Extra important because if I start a sentence with dawg, I'm already annoyed at someone and trying to get through to them.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "My son can be a bit of a creep, I'm so sorry"
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 9 hours ago 100%

    Between this and the multiple fistfight challenges, Elon is a rare person who's life is being saved by their mother well into their 50s

  • vegan Vegan Banks Urged To Stop Funding Animal Farms In New Open Letter
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 22 hours ago 100%

    Me checking the 1984 animal farm market report: 19stonks-down

  • covid covid Anecdotally, it feels like people around me are being affected by COVID
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 1 day ago 100%

    Thread has convinced me to go get the latest shot right now, because it sounds like I've been absurdly lucky putting it off this long

  • usa United States | News & Politics GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 1 day ago 100%

    Vibrating towards ever higher frequencies of JB-shining-aggro

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 1 day ago 100%

    Mineshaft Consulting LLC

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 1 day ago 88%
    1. Being told we're gonna kill your Nan for the economy
  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 2 days ago 100%

    This holiday season, be on the lookout for the new album Crooning & Gooning: songs for a white Christmas by Crank Sinatra

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Most progressive Harris supporter
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 2 days ago 100%

    Quick question, are kids in cages acceptable to you or are they not?

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 2 days ago 100%
  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 2 days ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 3 days ago 100%

    Worked for me, I naturally align with chill people who dunk on bigoted nerds

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 3 days ago 100%

    Dorkass concern troll spotted, nuance up a better hobby

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Liberal techno-fascists are utterly deranged
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 3 days ago 100%

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 3 days ago 100%

    Irony poisoning

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Incredible thread started by 'Liberal Hegemony Enjoyer' 🥲🫡
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 3 days ago 100%


    Oh, they mean "least morally ambiguous" in a GOOD way. Lol, lmao

  • news news Trump is ‘safe following gunshots in his vicinity,’ campaign says in statement | CNN Politics
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 4 days ago 100%

    "Train harder than you play"

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse erm akshually my genetically superior soul prevents me from being born into such a mongrel caste. ☝️🤓
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 4 days ago 100%

    We're all the same liquid poured into different glasses, as I like to say

  • antifascism Antifascism Klan trying to recruit in Springfield
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    The vandalism, the bomb threats, now this. We gonna see Bleeding Ohio soon?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I literally KNEW exactly what response will be before I clicked the reply button
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    Derogatory use of the specific term bolsheviks is such an immediate tell that the person using it is a pretty specific kind of nazi

  • electoralism electoralism Fuck the Green Party
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    On the contrary, we would be counting on it. The sooner this charade of bourg electoral politics is totally publicly disgraced, the sooner average people will warm up to the idea of using other means to improve their lives. But first they have to get utterly shit on for trying to do it by the book, so that nobody has any illusions about the necessity of what comes next.

  • globalnews Interesting Global News NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 96%

    I'm sorry, but I've seen a lack of refutation on your part that you have sex with couches, which is confirmation of that being the case in my eyes

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Zelenskyy: Red Cross is afraid to blame Russia for strike on humanitarian mission
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 77%

    You're talking about the ten year ethnic cleansing campaign the ukranian nazis embarked on in the Donbas region, right? anakin-padme-2

    You'll be happy to know someone stopped itlea-finger-guns

  • globalnews Interesting Global News US rejects claims of CIA involvement in alleged plot to kill Maduro after Venezuela arrests six
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 90%

    If I had a nickel for ever failed US coup of Venezuela in the last 5 years, 2 nickels, weird happened twice etc.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank No words are powerful enough to express how much I hate these people
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    If these people all spontaneously caught fire in front of me I would feel complete apathy

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    Literally a cancer in terms of prostate cancer

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank No words are powerful enough to express how much I hate these people
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 5 days ago 100%

    They talk about anywhere black people live like it's Innsmouth

  • chat chat It must be said again: Hexbear is one of the few good spaces on the internet
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    hexbear-retro I'm the old Norm, I want to have a normal time online

  • globalnews Interesting Global News North Korea reveals images of uranium enrichment facility for the first time
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 88%

    What was that Blinken said? "If you're not at the table, you're on the menu"?. The detached arrogance it takes to think that those who you sneeringly rejected from the table would just sit around waiting to be eaten is remarkable.

  • chat chat how to meditate?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    It seems like lots of people have their own approaches and ideas. The way I do it, and I don't do it nearly often enough, is like this:

    I close my eyes, and begin to take in a slow, full, deep breath.

    As I inhale I think about everything in my mind, consciously tagging every worry and idea floating around my head. I stimulate them into noise

    By the time my lungs are full, my mind is a cacophony. I linger before i exhale, savoring this moment of anticipated release, a brain full of sound and thought, all of it about to die a temporary death. It's like being on the top of a roller coaster.

    Finally I exhale, and it's like pulling the plug of a bath or blowing out smoke. Everything held in my head (or just some of it, and thats okay too) flows out of me and is carried away on the wind. For one sublime moment, nothingness reigns. New thoughts crop up almost immediately of course, it's like digging a hole in sand; it fills in quickly, but you get momentary glimpses of what lies beneath.

    Then I start inhaling again, stoking my worries to louder and louder self-expression to heighten the pleasure of their purging.

    I'm audhd, and when I get super focused in on something for many hours until my head feels too heavy, this helps lighten it up again.

    After some predetermined number of breaths (I hate the idea of trying to meditate with a ticking time waiting to removedme) I open my eyes feeling renewed

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    Idk but it's easy to fulfill. Here's a picture of one square meter in a world-historical hurricane

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Matt Christman update
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    It's inspiring honestly, imagine if theorists of the past had access to this kind of medicine

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse On tankies and online discourse about them
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    I'm actually not familiar, I'll check em out!

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse On tankies and online discourse about them
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    Phanstasmagoria 2: A game about a little office door and nothing else

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse On tankies and online discourse about them
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    I read the title and saw an outside handle and rubbed my hands together for a feast of bad opinions, but then I noticed that it was posted here and your opinions are good, actually. So I'm at a bit of a loss now

  • music
    music ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%
    I need more of this vibe- Atlas Air by massive attack

    As soon as that synth kicks in I am transported to grimy hazy pill popping yet strangely optimistic british trip hop scene of the 90s. I can't atop listening to it, it's been days

    gaming Gaming Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    The most reddit response possible

  • chat chat How did an easily debunked story of immigrants abducting cats and dogs become a bigger source of outrage than neverending school shootings?
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    Lol, there really was a period of a few years where the hollywood line on asian )mostly japanese) stuff went from "this character is eating sushi because they are sinister and foreign" to " this character owns a bansai tree because they are cultured and well-travelled and not afraid of the sinister foreigners, one or two of whom might even be his friends."

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Nightmare blunt rotation
  • ShimmeringKoi ShimmeringKoi 6 days ago 100%

    I never realized how much Matt Tiabi looks like a perfect cross between Billy Zahn and the Adoring Fan

  • chat
    chat ShimmeringKoi 2 months ago 100%
    I come back from getting groceries, there are some guys installing 25 new cameras all around the building at the behest of landlord

    There are less than 30 units in the whole place, and there are already cameras everywhere on all floors. I don't even know where you'd *put* 25 additional goddamn cameras, but evidently Landlord Madness finds a way. This same landlord apparently just spends their days driving past their properties all the time just looking for anything out of place, as this is just the latest in a long pattern of almost comically on the nose 1984 bullshit. Real social rot vibes too, like couple weeks ago when I saw my first rent-a-cop with a real gun at the grocery store. I think this is it, I think this is where I learn to drone.

    memes ShimmeringKoi 3 months ago 98%
    (CW SA) Blue Maga brainrot coming along nicely

    There's something Garrison-esque about this comic that I can't quite place. Something about the combination of panicked naivite and the apparent relish the subjects were drawn with, and the random unnecessary ass, is evoking something both ham-fistedly performative but also somehow truly sinister around the edges. No wait, I got it. The art style reminds me of a Grimms fairy tale book, this is a german-style fairy tale threat about how we better support genocide or else, delivered with classic German smugness and an barely-hidden excitement at the prospect of seeing these threats come true against the communists and immigrants who deserve it for being too stupid to give you the support you deserved. Oh also when the turbofash take over, there will be no more 4ths of July for some reason. Nationalists hate nationalist war holidays. Also, it's weirdly sexual?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner


    music ShimmeringKoi 4 months ago 83%
    House of the Dead 2 ost-level 2 (the speedboat level)

    We're flying over the Sunset bridge. Something, or someone, has taken the city Now that I'm hearing this without all the zombie and gunfire sounds I can appreciate how hard this actually goes

    guns ShimmeringKoi 4 months ago 98%
    So much of US gun culture is deeply unserious

    I saw a reddit post of someone who put pulsing RGB light strips inside their gun safe, and while I don't hate the look (they should have slowed down the speed though) I just had to have a little dread-laugh at the idea of trying to find what you want in there hungover at 3 AM by gamerlight. Rushing through the dark to a gun safe in fear of your life while the sounds of pursuit draw near already sounds like a level of terror bordering on the psychedelic. If I was experiencing that primordial state, and I got my safe open and it suddenly filled the room with a glaring rainbow light that said: ::: spoiler spoiler ![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob")![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob")![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob") ***HEWE'S YOW WEAPONS UWU, KIWW OW BE KIWWED***![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob")![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob")![party-blob]( "emoji party-blob") ::: I actually think I might puke. It would feel like some mocking hallucination. I might wonder if I was already dead. I certainly would not feel more prepared for anything. I feel this way when I look at a lot of gun things online. Obviously there's a representation bias there, where people without opsec needs, people who like to share their cool stuff, and people with too much money -or all of the above- are more likely to post online. Therefore the most prolific gunposters are also the ones most prone to doing epic internet shit to their guns, I get that. And I also get that there's serious guns and there's fun, weird range toys. Not everything must be serious at all times, we can sometimes wash our ushankas. And I will first say that I'm not in regular contact with any part of the gun world that isn't online. I'd like to be, but ammo is expensive. So this is a largely vibes-based analysis with an internet skew. That said, my opinion is this, so much of the gun culture I see online, in stores and at ranges is deeply frivolous (whatever) and childish (troubling). Yeah I know, ![astronaut-1]( "emoji astronaut-1"), but it feels like theres been a qualitative shift in the vibe. I'm not sure how to encapsulate it other than by saying that American gun culture, being mostly a consumer culture with military and police crossover (which brings *extra* brainworms from the Micheal Bay movie slop propaganda sphere) was ripe for Marvelization, and it has Marvelized to an intense degree. Maybe I'm just applying a new label to a timeless dialectic: some people have always done silly shit to their weapons, and some people have always scoffed at it for reasons of solemness or something, like I am now. It just seems like the level and style of dumb shit that we specifically are doing now could only come from a culture so enamored with living vicariously through fictional warfare but so generally insulated from the real thing. All this shit could only *exist*, be sold in the zero-gravity environment of the boring suburbs whose numb inhabitants nurse more and more fevered dreams, are subjected to massive media campaigns of psychological conditioning to make them dream, to sell more stupid gun shit. The second you subject it to the gravity of a real life and death struggle, it become absurd. When you're menacing a drag story hour with your rifle and your bros, all your fascist meme patches are doing their job: instilling in all decent people the fear of being murdered by a fucking loser, which is worse than just regular getting murdered. But in an actual shootout, how are those baby yoda pepe patches gonna look covered in your friend's offal? How are you gonna look then? Like a toddler. Like a big, out of your depth baby, which is what you are, and do you really wanna die looking like that? Be immortalized in crime scene photos as the corpse wearing an IFAK labeled "emergency bacon"? Don't get me wrong, while this is mostly a right wing/centrist/apolitical dumb guy who thinks he's the boondock saints phenomenon, nobody is immune to it. It's seductive, you find a cool thing and you want to put it on your cool thing, and then smash cut to the slim but real chance of you fumbling with your 12 pound rifle in the middle of the night, half-remembering how to operate 6 different attachments and praying the little Mechanicus incense brazier you hung from the barrel doesn't clank against anything in the dark. I don't really have a conclusion, other than the obvious one in the title. I guess my conclusion is "know your toys from your weapons, and keep them seperate". With the way everything has been accelerating, I feel a special kind of disgust that such an unprecedented moment of omnipresent crisis be met with the fucking tired, stale, insipid, *oafish* symbology of the gun-as-toy collecting, chemtrail fearing moviebrains who accuse everyone *else* of being sheep and not taking the responsibility of self-protection seriously.

    badposting ShimmeringKoi 4 months ago 92%

    Big Audio Dynamite (later known as Big Audio Dynamite II and Big Audio, and often abbreviated BAD) were an English band, formed in London in 1984 by Mick Jones, former lead guitarist and co-lead vocalist of the Clash. The band mixed various musical styles, incorporating elements of punk rock, dance music, hip hop, reggae, and funk. After releasing a number of well-received studio albums and touring extensively throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Big Audio Dynamite broke up in 1997. In 2011, the band embarked on a reunion tour.

    chat ShimmeringKoi 5 months ago 97%
    An underdiscussed economic indicator

    I've come across drastically fewer pieces of sidewalk furniture in the past year than before

    chat ShimmeringKoi 5 months ago 95%
    My silent hill arc is accepting that these pans need actual scrubbing

    I don't think a fifth round through the dishwasher is gonna do it guys ![agony-deep]( "emoji agony-deep")

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ShimmeringKoi 5 months ago 95%
    Urgent landleech question, advice needed

    My roommates are surprise moving out and they said the landlord told them that they have to get their part of the deposit from me, ie "no fuck you if you want your part of the deposit you paid me, get it from ShimmeringKoi." When asked, he just said "California law" and also said we have 24 hours to decide if we're still on the lease or not. I can see the 24 hour thing maybe being official, but the deposit thing immediately scans as bullshit, what can I do about it?

    badposting ShimmeringKoi 5 months ago 94%
    This week, Spiderman faces off with his stickiest nemesis yet

    Don't miss Spiderman Versus the Gooning Goblin, only on toonami or w/e

    memes ShimmeringKoi 6 months ago 91%
    A New Emotion! (James Sunderland)

    Get in tormented wanderers, we're Sunderposting

    guns ShimmeringKoi 6 months ago 96%
    Super happy to finally build my AR-47

    Maybe this will be a bit on the identifying side, but I've been wanting to build my first ar-15 for like 6 years now. Once I finally had the money and was looking at the parts though, I thought: ![de-encyclopedia]( "emoji de-encyclopedia"): The primary advantages of the 5.56 cartridge is that it's small size and light weight allow you to carry lots on your person, and pack many rounds into one magazine. ![de-volition]( "emoji de-volition"): Since you live in a place with a 10-round magazine limit and are not a soldier on the march, neither of these benefits particularly benefit *us*. Perhaps a caliber less hampered by the laws of man would be more suitable. ![de-endurance]( "emoji de-endurance"): If we are to be limited to ten bullets, they should be ten of the biggest bullets you can stuff into a magazine ![de-logic]( "emoji de-logic"): Well, the biggest round that's both controllable and affordable, of course ![de-endurance]( "emoji de-endurance"): Yeah, yeah... ![de-encyclopedia]( "emoji de-encyclopedia"): One such caliber comes to mind immediately. An icon of the last century that survives, dinosaur-like into this one. Portable-ish, light enough, renowned for it's killing power, and extant in vast surplus war staches throughout the world. The 7.62 by 39. ![de-drama]( "emoji de-drama"):Comrade bullet! That 230-grain pencil lead that has signed countless uprisings and revolutions! Millions have carried it like a companion on the path to total human liberation; now it's your turn. ![de-visual-calculus]( "emoji de-visual-calculus"): It may not have the same velocity as the 5.56, but it's twice the weight and has better terminal ballistics. Which is to say, a more dramatic and horrifying effect on a target. ![de-physical-instrument]( "emoji de-physical-instrument"): And the kick! We've fired an AR-15 before, remember? It was like a baby space gun, hardly any kick! You need something bigger, something that'll remind you you're alive!! ![lt-dbyf-dubois]( "emoji lt-dbyf-dubois"):Okay, sounds like the big bullet is for me. Aren't AKs pretty expensive though? ![de-encyclopedia]( "emoji de-encyclopedia"): These days, there are all sort of things you can do with hybrid parts. We can build an AR15 that fires AK47 rounds and feeds from AK47 magazines. ![de-conceptualization]( "emoji de-conceptualization")Conceptualization-Easy (success): An AR-47, if you will. ![de-hand-eye-coordination]( "emoji de-hand-eye-coordination"): If we make it from parts, we'll have to make the grip and stock ourselves. We can practice our woodworking and engraving! ![de-encyclopedia]( "emoji de-encyclopedia"): I'm pretty sure they have those things for sale too ![de-hand-eye-coordination]( "emoji de-hand-eye-coordination"): Nope, we must. It will be beautiful and custom, or we will not do it. ![de-savoir-faire]( "emoji de-savoir-faire"): Lasered wooden furniture, hybrid appearance, brass fittings...people are going to wonder why and how some sort of 1920s vampire hunter has made it onto a modern day range. Best wear your most stylish coat. ![de-conceptualization]( "emoji de-conceptualization"): A beautiful mutant for a beautiful mutant: how fitting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So now I'm waiting to pick up my hybrid AR lower that takes AK mags, and slap it on the upper I got. Then it's woodshop time baybee

    badposting ShimmeringKoi 6 months ago 92%
    Is Hexbear oxidizing?

    I've noticed lately that a bluish-green patina has formed around the parts of the website most prominently exposed to airflow

    memes ShimmeringKoi 7 months ago 95%
    Disco meme
    music ShimmeringKoi 8 months ago 87%
    Music for drawing a thing to exorcise my fevered mind

    Pretty dang good for the adaptation of a 19th century poem

    games ShimmeringKoi 8 months ago 96%
    We gonna rock down to concussion avenue

    And then we *KJOUUM!*

    podcasts ShimmeringKoi 9 months ago 100%
    Wasteland 2000 Episode 1: A Very Hellboy Christmas (Increasingly Drunk Edition)

    I did a podcast with my friend. Being as impartial as I can, I would put it at about 35-40% of a Kill James Bond, but you get almost twice as much of it so it's like the grog to their ale. Mostly riffing, solid background noise/10 with Shrieking Shack characteristics. In terms of audio quality I made every rookie mistake, so if you make it through you're officially a troop![dprk-soldier]( "emoji dprk-soldier") Honestly pleased as punch to have this as my first attempt. I needed something that could keep my attention while I quite smoking (the severe ADHD doesn't help either) and not only did I find it, but now I have an entire new skillset to hone.

    chapotraphouse ShimmeringKoi 9 months ago 97%
    Qhha god why did i drink this sorghum liquorr from my local chinese suppermarked

    56% alcholhol by volume, 10$ a bottle This was a good idea economically buy a bad ide for every other reason Did you kno2 sorghum is an ancient grain in the grass family, first domesticated 5,000 years ago in what is now Sudan?

    videos ShimmeringKoi 10 months ago 100%
    The Techno Union

    10/10 editing

    videos ShimmeringKoi 10 months ago 100%
    In honor of all the genocide-loving voooters coming out of the woodwork

    The problem with always chasing the lesser evil is that at some point it lures you into it's den, where it's family lives.

    videos ShimmeringKoi 10 months ago 100%
    Black friday strangeposting

    Never found a better guy for fever dream content, I've unironically fallen asleep to this several times

    games ShimmeringKoi 10 months ago 100%
    murder is ok
    music ShimmeringKoi 11 months ago 100%
    Viagra Boys - Troglodyte (Official Video)

    Someone put /pol/ face in a claymation video

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    shitposting ShimmeringKoi 12 months ago 77%
    Megadeth sings about CBT
    shitposting ShimmeringKoi 12 months ago 100%
    Hayao Miyazaki Announces Return To Filmmaking After Big Time Fuckup At New HVAC Installation Job

    >“While I was eager to move on to the next phase of my career, it appears I must go back to cinema, because I sure as shit can’t show my face at Koganei Heating and Plumbing anymore,” said the 82-year-old creator of My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away, who explained that until yesterday he had no idea “every goddamn AC unit” needed to have a condensate drain line installed to release built-up moisture and prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

    chat ShimmeringKoi 1 year ago 98%
    My favorite interaction so far since federation...

    Was the baby leftist who was like "I'm not a communist, I have my disagreements with them, but *fuck libertarians*." And when someone asked him about it he was like "I just think everyone should hate libertarians, it's not just for communists." Funny as shit, made my day. Folks, ![hst-gun]( "hst-gun") ![libertarian-approaching]( "libertarian-approaching") ![xi-gun]( "xi-gun")

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    antifascism ShimmeringKoi 2 years ago 100%

    What do I win
