movies Movies slow factual documentaries
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 hours ago 100%

    There's s number of excellent documentaries over at ! and !

    I'd recommend Connections by James Burke, which there should be a link to on the .world community.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Yup...i can confirm that
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 5 hours ago 100%

    That sounds similar to this quote:

    "It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration." — Edsger Dijkstra, 1975

    But there's been a good deal of programmers who have said that BASIC, and its ease of use and seeing almost instant results is extremely useful to not turn people off learning to code to begin with. Python is functionally the new BASIC in that regard, and while the language itself may not teach you to become an expert programmer, it may have gotten more people in the door than otherwise would have.

    But that's just my 2 cents.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    In Person Activism ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%
    Cooperation Tulsa Builds ONE GARDEN AT A TIME for a Brighter Future
    artshare Art Share🎨 Spaceship sketch
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%

    As someone who has attempted to draw a lot of spaceships: that's a dam good spaceship.

  • memes memes Oddly accurate...
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%

    Unfortunately didn't apply to the creator of Ren & Stimpy.

  • walkscape WalkScape How do you craft pick axes?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%

    If you click on the crafting menu button, then go to the recipes tab, then search pickaxe, it wil show you what you need, which I believe is stone and a stick.

  • worldnews World News Over 40kg of cocaine found in banana deliveries to French supermarkets
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%

    Ahh, the ol put the rum in the banana shipment from Karamja method. A classic.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 3 days ago 100%

    I also ______

  • videos Videos Tech Billionaires’ Shocking Plot to Go Rogue in Rural America
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 4 days ago 100%

    Title is clickbaity, but its a solid video by More Perfect Union about how a bunch of crypto tech bros are sueing rural land owners in California to force them to sell their land so they can build what amounts to Rapture from bioshock, with the libertarian leaders of the project even using Ayn Rand quotes about it.

    Pretty crazy stuff.

  • energy
    Green Energy ProdigalFrog 4 days ago 92%
    Interior Sec touts 'New ERA' loans to Southern Az electrical coops

    cross-posted from: > > > > Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack highlighed more than $600 million in recent financing to support renewable energy in rural Arizona, including $83.5 million to Trico Electric Cooperative to expand battery storage and increase the reliability of electricity for residents on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation. >

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 5 days ago 100%

    Long is an interesting example, since he definitely did strongman Louisiana politics, but he did seem to have the working class interests at heart, where as Trump only pretends to. We didn't get to see what he would do long term, but its been argued that his presidential run, and more specifically his 'share our wealth' program forced Roosevelt even farther left in his policy.

    Share the wealth proposed to put into federal law a wealth cap of 5 million for every American, with the excess used to fund what amounts to a universal basic income back in the 1930's, and didn't discriminate against minorities. It also advocated for free education, free healthcare, and a 30-hour work week.

    From all the information I've seen, including the excellent Ken Burns documentary, the poor and working class of Louisiana loved Huey for legitimate reasons, while the rich and politically corrupt, who were targeted by him, absolutely hated his guts.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy When is the last time you changed your mind about something big?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 5 days ago 100%

    I grew up in a religious household that eventually became infatuated with what essentially amounts to doomsday cultism after the 2008 financial collapse.

    The religion encouraged a lack of critical thinking development, and I easily bought into the scheme. We became fairly extreme preppers, stockpiling food, planning to move somewhere even more remote that wouldn't be a nukeable target while also not being downwind of fallout from a neighboring target. We purchased plans on how to build various styles of underground bunker on a budget, and guides on how to rear animals and farm for subsistence.

    At some point I came across a video of Christopher Hitchens debating a Pastor. I almost didn't watch it, as I was afraid that to even entertain the ideas of someone trying to tempt you away from the faith would be dangerous, a way for Satan to worm his way into my mind and prevent my soul from being saved during the end times that were right around the corner.

    But I was curious too, very curious. So I watched it. And I couldn't come up with a single logical argument of how he was wrong.

    That was the first glorious crack in the mental armor I'd put up against doubt of any kind. I would think about it frequently, which led me to want to find evidence that would prove him wrong, so I watched a different debate with a different pastor, then another, each one widening the gap, until one day I had to admit to myself that it was bullshit, from top to bottom.

    That opened the floodgates. What else have I not questioned? All this prepping, for what? All the mistrust in others, the seclusion, the countless hours of research on how to (impractically) survive as independently as possible... it was all pointless, or worse, actively mentally harmful.

    Amazingly, when I slowly presented all these findings to my family, they saw reason. I think they were all as worn out from the constant terror we guzzled down from crackpots too, and if anything were relieved that it could come to an end.

    From that point on, I made an effort to give myself a proper education, to finally trust in the scientific process, and to not be so intellectually lazy that I could be tricked into something like that ever again.

    So the last time I really changed my mind in a major way was about a decade ago.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 7 days ago 100%

    At least for steel plate, it should work without any supporting material.

    Kevlar around it would help catch spalling from a bullet flattening out and spraying little bits of shrapnel out across the surface, but since these ones aren't actually stopping the bullets, there is no spalling to catch.

  • gaming Gaming Would you recommend any of the Star Trek games?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    It's shorthand for The Original Series, which a lot of trekkies use when talking about the first show with Kirk and Spock.

    Kudos for inventiveness, though! Thoracic outlet syndrome got me 😂

  • gaming Gaming Would you recommend any of the Star Trek games?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Never played that one, but I gotta admit it looks pretty fun on youtube

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    If it is for hand guns, then it's almost completely a waste, since the only pistol caliber guns I've seen in this war are only issued to Civil guard there, way behind the frontlines.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Ah, didn't think of that, probably so.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 96%

    Interesting to think that the U.S. has spent so much money to develop and test a new bullet and rifle combo specifically to beat Russian body armor, all for naught.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    That steel plate in the vest should absolutely be stopping those rifle rounds, that is their main purpose (shrapnel can be stopped with much lighter and more flexible Kevlar).

    The fact that these are failing to stop those rounds shows that the steel is likely not heat treated correctly to the proper hardness. Considering how much weight those add to a loadout, if the rest of the vest is Kevlar, those soldiers would likely have a higher survival rate by ditching the ineffective plates entirely in exchange for better mobility.

  • gaming Gaming Would you recommend any of the Star Trek games?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    The Voyager Elite Force games are pretty excellent if you enjoy FPS games, and the TOS point and click games, 25th anniversary and its sequel are extremely well made too.

  • electricvehicles Electric Vehicles Zion becomes first national park with an all-electric shuttle bus service
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%
  • videos Videos Benny Harvey RIP
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Which part? He does have an extremely heavy Scottish accent, it took me a bit to become fluent, lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy With all the bad stuff happening in the world like politics war racism homophobia etc. What is some good news that isI happening that we don't read or see about?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Regarding decentralized internet, your idea is being enacted! I posted a couple short docs about that over on !

    Here's the first one, I'll go hunt down the second.

    Edit: found it!

  • breadtube
    BreadTube (Solarpunk) ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%
    What a Solarpunk Economy of the Future Looks Like

    [Alternative Invidious Link](

    mealtimevideos MealtimeVideos How insulated glass changed architecture | Vox [7:42]
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Oh lord, if it's single pane with those temps, I can see why you'd be willing to try it 😬

    I was able to find a video that does a decent job of showing roughly what you might be able to expect from the cellular shades. For his house, the shades were able to reduce the inside temp by 3 degrees fahrenheit, with a 15% reduction in energy used by his AC. His house had double-pane windows already, so he had a decent starting point to begin with, and you may experience slightly higher reductions since you're starting with single pane.

    If you end up going that route, I'd be interested to hear how much they helped in your apartment!

  • hardware Hardware Kind (and therefore trustworthy) mini PC manufacturers
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 88%

    I don't see that as any more desirable than a US or Russian CEO doing the same. It's all wage slavery for the people generating those profits, and it's all gravy for the CEOs to funnel into offshore accounts. Only funding a worker coop would make it more ethical and desirable, regardless of geographic location/regime, IMHO.

  • hardware Hardware Kind (and therefore trustworthy) mini PC manufacturers
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Wouldn't the surplus profit just go to the CEO of the company? I can't imagine there's much difference for the average worker in China between mass manufacturing PC's for direct sale vs. Mass manufacturing for another brand.

    I don't believe there are many worker coops building PCs, unfortunately.

  • fullmoviesonyoutube Full movies on YouTube Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001) [480p]
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Great movie, great find!

  • technology Technology Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Matrix is the closest replacement, and XMPP can replicate some functionality too.

  • mealtimevideos MealtimeVideos How insulated glass changed architecture | Vox [7:42]
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    I believe the effects would stack. A tint will reduce heat transfer somewhat (though can be damaging long term to a double-pane window, so be sure not to tell your landlord you're using them if you have double-pane), but it won't be as effective as a low-e window. The cell shade's additional insulation should still provide a noticeable improvement, and help keep the cool air inside, making the AC more effective.

    If you have an IR thermometer gun, you could buy just a single shade and test how much it reduces the temperature of a single window compared to a non-shaded one.

    Alternatively, since I think you may have to permanently install a cellular shade, you may want to opt for a heavy insulated curtain if you don't plan on staying in that apartment long-term.

  • mealtimevideos MealtimeVideos How insulated glass changed architecture | Vox [7:42]
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Also &

    As a cheaper stopgap until you're able to move or motivate your landlord adequately to replace your windows, installing cellular window shades would add significant r-value (insulation ability/thermal resistance) to your windows. A good brand can nearly double the r-value of a single-pane (or failed double-pane) window. Keeping them closed in the summer on sun-facing windows will drastically reduce heat intrusion, and keeping them closed on non-sun facing windows in the winter will help retain the heat inside the home (you'd want to close them on the sun-facing windows after the sun goes down too).

  • games Games Denmark is the 5th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total!
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    You'd probably enjoy his normal content then! He makes great stuff.

  • games Games Denmark is the 5th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total!
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 98%

    If you're not sure what StopKillingGames is about, the creator of the campaign, Ross Scott (of Freeman's Mind fame) made this short video to give the rundown.

  • games
    Games ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 97%
    Denmark is the 5th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total!

    Link to sign EU initiative: Guides on how to sign EU initiative:

    asklemmy Asklemmy What books do you consider must reads?
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Fahrenheit 451 is certainly worth a read. I read it late in life, and could see immediately why it's so often read in schools. Very well written, and a compelling story.

    Another book that you may find quite personally compelling is The Chrysalids by John Wyndham ( has a free audio book version), due to the themes it covers.

  • videos Videos Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Anecdotally, my Pixel 4a which I have dropped multiple times still looks and works like new, even the battery is great!

    I too had an otterbox case, which I think helped with those falls.

  • recipes Vegan Recipes I don't know who needs to hear this but pre-made stock and bouillon is a scam. It is made from nutritional yeast, onion powder, salt, and dry parsley. Turmeric if it's yellow.
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Marmite (another yeast based thing, I think) tastes as good or better than most beef bullion I've tried, a good replacement if you need a beefy flavor!

  • godot Godot Learn Godot 4.3: Complete Course Bundle
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 1 week ago 100%

    Looks like I was duped by this article, which claims its using Godot. I can't find anything on the web about them switching away from Unity besides that, so I think you're right.

  • godot Godot Learn Godot 4.3: Complete Course Bundle
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    Cheers for the info! I saw someone in the comments of a video on this bundle that someone mentioned Zenva's youtube channel has a 4 hour Godot course for free, so probably best to just hit that instead.

  • godot Godot Learn Godot 4.3: Complete Course Bundle
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hollow Knight: Silksong and Slay the Spire II are being made in Godot, along with a bunch of other indie games. So far it hasn't been used for a AAA or AA game yet, AFAIK. They have a showcase on their website.

    Personally, I'm excited for Road to Vostok, which was ported to Godot after the Unity debacle.

  • godot Godot Learn Godot 4.3: Complete Course Bundle
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    Anyone have any experience with Zenva courses?

  • movies movies A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    Those are pretty terrible options to surpress, since once they are made subsonic to avoid the supersonic crack, they have little energy to actually inflict wounds due to how light the bullets are (still deadly, just very underpowered). He would've been better off with a 9mm or a 45, but both would've been a little harder to conceal.

    A British gun nut wrote to Fleming about how terrible the .25acp is ballistically, which is why Fleming later made bond use a Walther PPK in a .32acp. The gun nut also inspired him to create Q.

  • news News German far-right party wins a state election for the first time since the Nazis
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    If your main value is small government, have you looked into classical anarchism?

  • movies movies A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • ProdigalFrog ProdigalFrog 2 weeks ago 100%

    A big enough surpressor combined with a subsonic bullet actually can make a gun movie-like whisper quiet, and even can be ultra quiet on a pistol.

    But most of the ones used in movies are small enough, or used on a semiautomatic, to where they would be louder than portrayed.

    So myth half busted!

  • abolition
    Alabama Is Generating Billions by Trapping People in Prison

    [Alternative Youtube Link](

    LinuxHardware ProdigalFrog 3 weeks ago 100%
    Linux Gaming Mouse Recommendations, with a focus on repairability and/or longevity

    My current mouse, a Logitech G600, is starting to double-click after a couple years of use. Apparently this has become a common issue for the mechanical switches of modern Logitech mice, and gives me an excuse to search for a new mouse that better suits me. The G600 has 12 buttons on the side of it, which I thought would be useful in certain programs, but I hated using the mapping software on Windows, and ended up never mapping those extra buttons to anything. So now, I'd like to focus on a simpler mouse that has good Linux support, or alternatively, doesn't require any form of additional software. I'd also rather get something that won't become e-waste (I plan to solder a new switch into my old mouse and sell it on to fund the new mouse, to prevent it becoming e-waste as well), something that is highly repairable with plentiful replacement parts (aftermarket or OEM). I'm good with either a wired or wireless mouse, but if it is wireless, Ideally it would use a AAA or AA battery, or a non-proprietary replaceable Lithium battery. If you know of anything that fits those two bills, I'd certainly appreciate your recommendation! :)

    Albuquerque, NM ProdigalFrog 4 weeks ago 100%
    ABQM.NET - A group dedicated to creating and expanding a Meshtastic (decentralized SMS style radio) network in Albuquerque

    For more information on Meshtastic, check out [this sweet Hackaday article](! Also be sure to check out [NMMDC](, which is a similar Meshtastic project with a Matrix chat and a Discord!
