technology Technology The Firefox browser now has a built-in page translator that works even without the Internet
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 100%

    I can't seem to find the setting. Is it not available for Firefox for Android (Fenix), do you know?

  • sciencefiction Science Fiction What I felt after reading "All Systems Red" by Martha Wells
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 100%

    Ive read the first few so far. The next book on my list looks to be a full length novel.

    I find your reference of "her humans" is interesting. I never thought of muderbot as a her. Perhaps I missed an important line somewhere in the story?

    I think your review is right on. You captured exactly what it's like. I look forward to reading the next book.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Where the hell does wind begin??
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 94%

    To add to others, wind also is generated when a rain "microburst" occurs.This happens frequently in the southwest U.S.

    A microburst is when a very large amount of water is dropped out of the clouds. The gaining rain speed pushes the air below it out of the way. The air is pushed outward horizontal to the ground, which in essence is a massive wall of wind.

    Often in the Sonoron desert a microburst causes the wind to push a lot of dirt from the ground surface to be blown out with the wind. When this happens it's called a haboob. The wall of thick dust and particles can be up to a mile high and as wide as a city.

    Below is a link to an image of a haboob over Phoenix, Arizona.

    Haboob over Phoenix AZ USA

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion I Don't Like Bleps
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 100%


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions The Chinese calendar is 4721 years old. Did it have the same problem as the Julian calendar with an imprecise number of days per year?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 100%

    Very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to contribute your knowledge. I appreciate it.

  • technology Technology Amazon restricts authors from self-publishing more than three books a day after AI concerns
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 80%

    Not if they are regulated to put an "In Full or in Part AI Generated" label on it.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion I Don't Like Bleps
  • JoeClu JoeClu 12 months ago 100%

    I'll ask. What is a blep?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do you use firefox?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Doesn't seem to be available for Android.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do you use firefox?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Fennec Scan:

    2 trackers = 1157 Classes

    598 tested signatures on 21823 classes
    Mozilla Telemetry
    *Mozilla Telemetry
    MD5sum: 392619da4257fda7f9fd888afedba8b5
    SHA1sum: 8781f7d8b48ee92af264af324362719bddcff56f
    SHA256sum: 06151ec252361697a743388911ea571a145a7e32996b8a9affb59d1e1c609075
    CERTIFICATE fingerprints: 
    md5: 344552de69704d24e09dba05230df2c8
    sha1: f5545ec2f9681d40ba4211a0967a3bbd4f4bf54b
    sha256: 06665358efd8ba05be236a47a12cb0958d7d75dd939d77c2b31f5398537ebdc5
  • technology Technology YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 80%

    I think we're there. The future is today.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you think about Lemmy, so far?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Bingo. This is exactly the issue for me. The militant and intolerant attitudes and name calling. It's deeply disappointing.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you think about Lemmy, so far?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 71%

    And this is exactly what s/he's talking about. The whole name calling thing if someone has a differing viewpoint. It's militant and intolerant. I'm just so sick of this kind of attitude here, I'm close to ditching Lemmy because of it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do you use firefox?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Privacy? Firefox [at least on Android] has Trackers.

    6 Trackers = 1747 Classes

    598 tested signatures on 23677 classes
    °Google Play Install Referrer
    Google AdMob
    Google Firebase Analytics
    Mozilla Telemetry
    *Google AdMob
    *Google Firebase Analytics
    *Mozilla Telemetry
    *°Google Play Install Referrer
    MD5sum: 898c5776bd4ae16ccbf3a17b463d55d1
    SHA1sum: 045059895e3b387343c00ae2d80d85e1ef24b37d
    SHA256sum: e63240e437b73c64991c27a23d3ffe1fb3b7e8d3b49346b6dcd8a43cc782b75e
    CN=Release Engineering,OU=Release Engineering,O=Mozilla Corporation,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US
    CERTIFICATE fingerprints: 
    md5: b1e1bcee2733025ece9456e419a814a3
    sha1: 920f4876a6a57b4a6a2f4ccaf65f7d29ce26ff2c
    sha256: a78b62a5165b4494b2fead9e76a280d22d937fee6251aece599446b2ea319b04
  • apple_enthusiast Apple Long hold the + in imessage to bring up photos quickly
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 50%

    Too bad apple refises to provide a manual with these kinds of features in it. That'd be useful. No, it's not intuitive, clearly.

  • til Today I Learned TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 98%

    It's pretty scary how media can influence us so much, even when we think they aren't, and even when we think "only dumb people fall for it." No my friend, the majority fall for it. Not cause they're dumb, but because they've scienced the hell out of human nature and know precisely how to do it right under our noses. It started with marketing and advertising that works well, unfortunately. They've cracked the psyche code. Media adopted it. Big tech improved it. Gah... this is turning into a rant about capitalism; I didn't intend to go there. Eek.

  • linux Linux YSK how to get your IP address from the command line
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you for being kind in explaining that to me.

  • linux Linux YSK how to get your IP address from the command line
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Is 'ifconfig -all' no longer a thing?

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Can you recommend one with a short window title bar? I've tried numerous ones that appear in the Main Menu -> Preferences -> Themes: Add/Remove Tab. None of them thus far has made any difference regarding the height of the title bar. Or are you suggestions to get these gtk themes from elsewhere?

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    How does one do that? Through the Themes icon in the menu bar, under Preferences, I was able to double click on the following themes. Adapta-Nokto, CBlack, and Windows 10 Light Theme.

    There is a checkmark to the left of them indicating they are installed. But I can't seem to activate them. I double click on them and nothing happens. Right mouse button and middle mouse button does nothing.

    When I go back to the Themes tab under Simplified Settings, they do not appear in the Style drop down list.

    How do I activate these themes I downloaded? I see they are in ~/.themes as expected.

    ~$ ll ~/.themes
    drwxrwxr-x  5 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:49 ./
    drwxr-x--- 26 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:55 ../
    drwxrwxr-x  9 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:48 Adapta-Nokto/
    drwxrwxr-x  7 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:48 CBlack/
    drwxrwxr-x  9 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:49 Windows-10/

    So I found an option under Themes Tab called Desktop. When I click it, the downloaded themes are available to select, along with a million other ones. I selected each of my themes but really didn't notice much difference. The Start Menu changed a little bit. Very underwhelmed. Is theming only available for the Start Menu? No title bars, windows, background, icons, mouse looks different at all.

    I must be doing this wrong. ??? The Mouse Pointer, Applications, and Icons buttons don't list the new theme as an option to select. ?? I guess I mistakenly thought a "theme" impacted most aspects of the GUI. ??

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Still couldn't find anything in Cinnamon Spices. Oh well.

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    the font you had before you changed it may have already been hitting the minimum size of your gtk theme

    I don't understand what that means.

  • linuxmint Linux Mint Tips for a new user
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Hi. I've seen a lot of peeps post images like this. I'm behind the times. What app is that?

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Font size did not affect change.

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Okay thanks. May try it. Or may juts switch to i3 or xfce. I installed i3 the other day. Took a few hours of playing with it before I became comfortable with it.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Earth got an update. What small features have been improved, added or fixed?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    All vegetation is now edible and extremely healthy.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What was the best burger you've ever had?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    It was a burger I ate when the chef was going to kill us all.

  • linux Linux title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Tried. No go. It doesn't change with the font size of the title bar.

  • linux
    Linux JoeClu 1 year ago 93%
    title bar on linux mint cinammon windows - how to resize?

    I recently installed Linux Mint Cinammon on an old laptop to try it out. The Title bar on windows is too tall for me preferences. I poked around in settings but couldn't find a way to make the title bar shorter. Is this not possible or is there some CLI-fu config to force it?

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do I tame my frustration toward my aging parents?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 98%

    Treat them how you would wish to be treated when you are old, forgetful, stubborn, deaf, and slower. Getting old can suck. It's angering. It hurts. They are humans with emotions. Don't forget that.

  • fediverse Fediverse What are your favorite Lemmy instances?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    The one that doesn't allow advertisements or rampant bots.

  • technology Technology The US Air Force wants $5.8 billion to build 1,000 AI-driven unmanned combat aircraft, possibly more, as part of its next generation air dominance initiative
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 91%

    Oh okay. I didn't realize that. Wow.

  • technology Technology The US Air Force wants $5.8 billion to build 1,000 AI-driven unmanned combat aircraft, possibly more, as part of its next generation air dominance initiative
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 88%

    6 million dollars apiece is cheap?

  • android Android Samsung shows system storage correctly in Android 14
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    This is exactly right. Divergence was small when sizes were small. Good point.

  • firefox Firefox [Android Firefox 116.3.0] about:config returns nothing, says Connection is not secure
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    Ah, that's why. I did not know that. Thank you.

  • android Android Samsung shows system storage correctly in Android 14
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    I wasn't talking about HDD sizes, but I know the person to which I was replying was talking about HDD's specifically. I shou,d have clarified I was talking in more general terms (CPU RAM, NVM sizes, etc.)

    I remember being miffed about the advertising of the HDD sizes. So I think you are correct there. Wish I could go back to the mid 80's and do some research on my old HDDs and floppies. I honestly just can't remember, so thank you.

    I hate the new prefixes, not just because they aren't the older nomenclature, but because they feel ridiculous to speak out loud. If a less silly sounding prefix was chosen, I probably wouldn't be tainted about it.

  • firefox
    Firefox JoeClu 1 year ago 90%
    [Android Firefox 116.3.0] about:config returns nothing, says Connection is not secure

    How do I get to the about:config page? It says Connection is not secure. There is no popup which asks "if I am sure". What I tried already: * Disabled all extensions * Disabled all system wide tracker and ad blockers * Turned off HTTPS only mode * Turned off Enhanced Tracking Protection Didnt know how to enter Safe mode in Firefox for Android. So couldn't try that. * Wiped cache and all app settings using Android Settings:App menu. * Uninstalled Firefox. * Reboot Device. * Reinstalled Firefox. * about:config does same thing; no change. This happens on both my Android Tablet and my Android Phone, both Samsung. Any ideas?

    android Android Samsung shows system storage correctly in Android 14
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    I agree with you. A long time ago, those of us "in the know" techies could parse the difference like it was a native language. When talking anything but computers, it was always the SI of 1000. When talking about computers, it was always 1024.

    I think the masses were confused and the SI purists felt their SI prefixes were being corrupted. So they made a distinction/standard between binary numbering system prefixes and decimal numbering system prefixes.

    I hate it. Feels wrong because I'm old and set in my ways. People like me are confused because we still use the old nomenclature, and when someone else uses the old nomenclature (when talking about computers), it's ambiguous to us because we don't know which numbering system they are using (e.g., binary as opposed to decimal). I still have to ask and half say binary and half say decimal.

    I suppose if they're teaching it in high school and college it'll become native soon enough, if it hasn't already with the next generations.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Reddit users who switched to Lemmy, what is the most annoying thing you have seen about Lemmy users?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 73%

    Most annoying for me is calling for or defederating from instances which have diverse points of view. This is inclusivity hypocrisy. Ignore or block what you don't want to hear. Don't speak for me. You may have supporters that think the way you do, but there are multitudes who think differently. It's the antithesis of equity to silence different opinions, no matter how offensive they are to you and/or to those who think like you. Simply block them so you do not have to endure differing, offensive speech [even if you consider it "hate" speech]. What I hate, others may adore. So just block it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's a scam that's so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 87%

    Marketing and advertising. They show a huge, juicy, scrumptous nice quality burger. You go to buy it and it's a cold, limp, tiny, frail nothing burger.

    There used to be a law about false advertising. But it doesn't seem to be enforced anymore. Marketing and advertising can lie straight to your face. Its not right and shouldnt be tolerated.

    And Americans are so complacent about it, they say things like, "It's , what'd you expect?" Instead of demanding what was advertised. It's soul crushing. It's like we've given up.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Have you ever been under general anesthesia? What was it like? Did anything strange happen?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    It isn't like anything. One moment you are counting down, the very next moment you are waking up. Time does not pass for you. It's one instant (counting down) to the next (waking up.) It's very strange. Like you skipped through time. Like you magically moved forward in time instantaneously. You will never have memories from when you are under.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite quote of all time?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    I like the last one. Interesting to think about.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite quote of all time?
  • JoeClu JoeClu 1 year ago 100%

    You make choices, but in the end, choices really make you.

  • android
    Android JoeClu 1 year ago 92%
    Text editor with sort functionality

    I tried acode, quickedit, markor, squircle CE, and numerous others. Isn't this like a basic thing, to sort?

    Ask Android JoeClu 1 year ago 100%
    Suggest a Textra replacement

    Tired of all the tracking in app. 9 trackers found. Any suggestions? # 9 Trackers Detected in Textra 598 tested signatures on 20976 classes (11813031) Amazon Advertisement °Google Play Install Referrer Google AdMob Google Firebase Analytics IAB Open Measurement Inmobi Moat Smaato Tappx *Amazon Advertisement *Google AdMob *Google Firebase Analytics *IAB Open Measurement 266com.iab.omid.library *Inmobi 621com.inmobi *Moat *Smaato 994com.smaato. *Tappx 67com.tappx.sdk. *°Google Play Install Referrer file:///data/app/~~Bnb2y4Sqi5K-c5PwsGsCDA%3D%3D/com.textra-jD9SCwu5EPoq5Aae3cLjMA%3D%3D/base.apk MD5sum: 38a2df184b2009cb5c0d48daee7f900b SHA1sum: a27f0974518b56d55a29629520b773321f61f296 SHA256sum: b25224621825637f652c58905b1cd83350944d8dd5ab0d8188bd82f782f30f07 CN=chompSMS SHA1withRSA CERTIFICATE fingerprints: md5: f0f1ea75d97096771c5056d741836541 sha1: 1ba23faa58443e811f8352118377846149efd5c7 sha256: f6176da5770d5348bf95aad29dcbc0561dc0d3d384337f0bd22f2afda241b92e

    Hardcore JoeClu 1 year ago 100%
    what kind of music is Brutus?

    Hi. I'm not into punk (sorry), but I like this band called Brutus. It sounds kinda punkish to me, but I'm not sure what all the different genres of punk sound like. I don't want to insult punk if Brutus doesn't fit the category. What does Brutus sound like to you? Is it punk? Some examples: * [War]( * [All Along]( * [Drive](

    Connect for Lemmy App JoeClu 1 year ago 93%
    Remove Save Settings button; just save them when user presses the back button.

    Remove Save Settings button; just save them when user presses the back button. Easier. User doesn't have to remember to press Save Settings. Do it automatically. You can even add a cancel button if user doesn't want to save changes.

    support Support JoeClu 1 year ago 57%
    Remove Save Settings button; just save them when user presses the back button

    Remove Save Settings button; just save them when user presses the back button. Easier. User doesn't have to remember to press Save Settings. Do it automatically. You can even add a cancel button if user doesn't want to save changes.

    Asklemmy JoeClu 1 year ago 84%
    Any Nostr ppl here?

    Been hearing a little about Nostr. Apparently it's a protocol? How did it differ from fediverse stuff like ActivityPub protocol? What is the community size or population of Nostr users compared to Lemmy or Mastodon? Do you use it?

    Books JoeClu 1 year ago 97%
    Highly rated book you DNF

    Here is my embarrassing list. =Noteworthy 1984 by George Orwell Catch-22 Joseph Heller Dune by Frank Herbert East of Eden by John Steinbeck Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbull The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss The Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler =Less Noteworthy Black Sea Gods by Brian Braden Mythos by Stephen Fry Smallworld by Dominic Green The One by John Marrs The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce

    Books JoeClu 1 year ago 95%
    I wish "they" would separate "fantasy" from "romance fantasy" genre.

    I see many 4.5 to 5 star fantasy books. I get excited and read about them only to find out they are really just "romance" or smut type books. Grrr. I really wish these romance novels would separate themselves from the fantasy genre. It wastes my time seeking out highly rated fantasy books only to find out they are actually romance books. I wish I could block the romance and smut books when searching for fantasy novels. It's disappointing that these romance novels are masquerading as fantasy novels. I do understand these romance novels really are, for the most part, fantasy, but I wish I wish there were a separate category either for the romance fantasy or for the traditional non-romance fantasy novels so I could block them in my searches. I've no interest in romance at all.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Television JoeClu 1 year ago 100%
    1883 paramount+

    Anyone been watching this? I wasn't interested but wife asked me to watch with her. It's actually pretty good. I like the narration; it's beautifully poetic.
