Ecology Clodsire 4 days ago 100%
Marine ecosystems still overlooked in Indonesia’s new conservation law, critics say

cross-posted from: > by Basten Gokkon > > - Indonesia’s recently revised conservation law retains a heavy focus on terrestrial protection and largely ignores marine and fisheries issues, experts say. > - Despite improvements such as clearer authority for managing marine and coastal conservation areas, critics argue the law still falls short in addressing urgent marine conservation needs. > - The law strengthens penalties for illegal activities and outlines responsibilities for protecting fish species and marine life, but many fear the minimal inclusion of maritime conservation will worsen illegal fishing and environmental degradation. > - Indigenous groups have also slammed the new law, citing its failure to include Indigenous participation and protect their rights over customary lands and forests. > > >JAKARTA — Indonesia’s recently updated conservation law continues to prioritize terrestrial protection, raising concerns over much-needed improvements to the management of the country’s rich marine ecosystems and resources. > > >Parliament passed revisions to the 1990 conservation law this past July, seven years since it was submitted for legislation. The update introduces 24 provisions that modify or expand provisions in the 1990 version, while also repealing some provisions from the 2019 law on water resources. > > >And while the 2024 conservation law now adopts provisions on protection of coastal areas and small islands, it continues to focus for the most part on forestry and land-based conservation, said Arisetiarso Soemodinoto, an adviser at the NGO Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia. > > >“Two-thirds of Indonesia’s territory is waters, the rest is land,” Arisetiarso told Mongabay. The few mentions in the law of marine, coastal areas, small islands and fisheries thus comes across as the bare minimum, he added. > > >Indonesia is home to some of the most diverse marine life on the planet, especially in its eastern region that falls within the Pacific Coral Triangle, an area renowned for its richness of corals and reef fish. The country’s maritime sector also holds untapped potential as a vast carbon sink. > > [Full article](

fediverse Clodsire 1 week ago 100%
Map of 2000+ lemmy communities

cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > This is my first try at creating a map of lemmy. I based it on the overlap of commentors that visited certain communities. > > > > I only used communities that were on the top 35 active instances for the past month and limited the comments to go back to a maximum of August 1 2024 (sometimes shorter if I got an invalid response.) > > > > I scaled it so it was based on percentage of comments made by a commentor in that community. > > > > Here is the code for the crawler and data that was used to make the map: > > > >

Memes Clodsire 2 months ago 91%
Isnt there someone you forgot to ask?

Crossposted from : > Its really funny how many international chuds act like they are US born > > [Tweet](

"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
What is Blue MAGA? Joe Biden's vocally online defenders

>Some supporters of Joe Biden have been accused of being "Blue MAGA" for their staunch defense of the president in the wake of the CNN debate. >While there is no official definition for the term, Blue MAGA has been used to describe those who are fierce advocates of the so-called "vote blue no matter who" initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way. >The term has reemerged on social media in the wake of 81-year-old Biden's languishing and stumbling debate performance against Donald Trump on June 27. This has led to many, including Democrat figures, calling on Biden to end his 2024 campaign in order to allow a new candidate to face-off against 78-year-old Trump in November.

genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 26
  • Clodsire Clodsire 3 months ago 100%
  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 26
  • Clodsire Clodsire 3 months ago 100%

    Hexbear has fallen, millions must post

  • latam latam Haitian Revolution - New General Megathread for the 29th to 31st of December 2023
  • Clodsire Clodsire 9 months ago 100%

    New Megathread Nerds!!!

    france-cool over-your-head

    No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:

  • latam
    latam Clodsire 9 months ago 100%
    Haitian Revolution - New General Megathread for the 29th to 31st of December 2023

    The Haitian Revolution has often been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Enslaved people initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803 they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony. The Haitian Revolution, however, was much more complex, consisting of several revolutions going on simultaneously. These revolutions were influenced by the French Revolution of 1789, which would come to represent a new concept of human rights, universal citizenship, and participation in government. In the 18th century, Saint Domingue, as Haiti was then known, had become France’s wealthiest overseas colony, generating more revenue for France than all 13 North American colonies for Great Britain. This wealth came largely because of the island’s production of sugar, coffee, indigo, and cotton generated by an enslaved labor force. When the French Revolution broke out in 1789 there were five distinct sets of interest groups in the colony. There were white planters—who owned the plantations and the slaves—and petit blancs, who were artisans, shop keepers and teachers. Some of them also owned a few slaves. Together they numbered 40,000 of the colony’s residents. Many of the whites on Saint Domingue began to support an independence movement that began when France imposed steep tariffs on the items imported into the colony. The planters were extremely disenchanted with France because they were forbidden to trade with any other nation. Furthermore, the white population of Saint Domingue did not have any representation in France. Despite their calls for independence, both the planters and petit blancs remained committed to the institution of slavery. The three remaining groups were of African descent: those who were free, those who were enslaved, and those who had run away. There were about 30,000 free black people in 1789. Half of them were mulatto and many of them were wealthier than the petit blancs. The slave population was close to 500,000. The runaway slaves were called maroons; they had retreated deep into the mountains of Saint Domingue and lived off subsistence farming. Haiti had a history of slave rebellions; the enslaved were never willing to submit to their status and with their strength in numbers (10 to 1) colonial officials and planters did all that was possible to control them. Despite the harshness and cruelty of Saint Domingue slavery, there were slave rebellions before 1791. One plot involved the poisoning of masters. Inspired by events in France, a number of Haitian-born revolutionary movements emerged simultaneously. They used as their inspiration the French Revolution’s “Declaration of the Rights of Man.” The General Assembly in Paris responded by enacting legislation which gave the various colonies some autonomy at the local level. The legislation, which called for “all local proprietors…to be active citizens,” was both ambiguous and radical. It was interpreted in Saint Domingue as applying only to the planter class and thus excluded petit blancs from government. Yet it allowed free citizens of color who were substantial property owners to participate. This legislation, promulgated in Paris to keep Saint Domingue in the colonial empire, instead generated a three-sided civil war between the planters, free blacks, and the petit blancs. However, all three groups would be challenged by the enslaved black majority which was also influenced and inspired by events in France. Led by former slave Toussaint l’Overture, the enslaved would act first, rebelling against the planters on August 21, 1791. By 1792 they controlled a third of the island. Despite reinforcements from France, the area of the colony held by the rebels grew as did the violence on both sides. Before the fighting ended 100,000 of the 500,000 blacks and 24,000 of the 40,000 whites were killed. Nonetheless the former slaves managed to stave off both the French forces and the British who arrived in 1793 to conquer the colony, and who withdrew in 1798 after a series of defeats by l’Overture’s forces. By 1801 l’Overture expanded the revolution beyond Haiti, conquering the neighboring Spanish colony of Santo Domingo (present-day Dominican Republic). He abolished slavery in the Spanish-speaking colony and declared himself Governor-General for life over the entire island of Hispaniola. Haitian control of Santo Domingo lasted until 1844. By 1802 the Haitian Revolution had outlasted the French Revolution which had been its inspiration. Napoleon Bonaparte, now the ruler of France, dispatched General Charles Leclerc, his brother-in-law, and 43,000 French troops to capture L’Overture and restore both French rule and slavery. L’Overture was taken and sent to France where he died in prison in 1803. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of l’Overture’s generals and himself a former slave, led the revolutionaries at the Battle of Vertieres on November 18, 1803 where the French forces were defeated. On January 1, 1804, Dessalines declared the nation independent and renamed it Haiti. France became the first nation to recognize its independence. Haiti thus emerged as the first black republic in the world, and the second nation in the western hemisphere to win its independence from a European power. [The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo revolution - C.L.R. James ]( ![louverture-shining]( "emoji louverture-shining") [Haiti’s Forced Payments to Enslavers Cost Economy $21 Billion, The New York Times Found ]( ![france-cool]( "emoji france-cool") [Invade Haiti, Wall Street Urged The U.S. Obliged. ]( ![amerikkka]( "emoji amerikkka") [Revolutions Podcast S4: Haitian Revolution ]( ![revolutionary-army]( "emoji revolutionary-army") **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - ❤️ Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 💖 Come talk in the [New Weekly Queer thread]( - 💛 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - ⭐️ [September Movie Nominations]( ⭐️ **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 💚 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Is Venezuela actually gonna invade Guyana?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 10 months ago 100%
  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I think I'm leaving for a bit
  • Clodsire Clodsire 10 months ago 100%

    Take care catra, hope you feel better soon

  • indigenous
    indigenous Clodsire 11 months ago 100%
    The U.S. Promised Tribes They Would Always Have Fish, but the Fish They Have Pose Toxic Risks

    > Series: Broken Promises: Salmon Disappear From the Pacific Northwest Before building dams on the Columbia River, the U.S. guaranteed the tribes of the Pacific Northwest salmon forever. But the system it created to prevent the extinction of salmon has failed, and a way of life is ending. >Salmon heads, fins and tails filled baking trays in the kitchen where Lottie Sam prepped for her tribe’s spring feast. >The sacred ceremony, held each year on the Yakama reservation in south-central Washington, honors the first returning salmon and the first gathered roots and berries of the new year. >“The only thing we don’t eat is the bones and the teeth, but everything else is sucked clean,” Sam said, laughing. >Her mother and grandmother taught her that salmon is a gift from the creator, a source of strength and medicine that is first among all foods on the table. They don’t waste it. >“The skin, the brain, the head, the jaw, everything of the salmon,” she said. “Everybody’s gonna have the opportunity to consume that, even if it’s the eyeball.” >Sam is a member of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. They are among several tribes with a deep connection to salmon in the Columbia River Basin, a region that drains parts of the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, Canada, southward through seven U.S. states into the West’s largest river. >It’s also a region contaminated by more than a century of industrial and agricultural pollution, leaving Sam and others to weigh unknown health risks against sacred practices. >“We just know that if we overconsume a certain amount of it that it might have possible risks,” Sam said as she gutted salmon in the bustling kitchen. “It’s our food. We don’t see it any other way.” >But while tribes have pushed the government to pay closer attention to contamination, that hasn’t happened. Regulators have done so little testing for toxic chemicals in fish that even public health and environmental agencies admit they don’t have enough information to prioritize cleanup efforts or to fully inform the public about human health risks. >So Oregon Public Broadcasting and ProPublica did our own testing, and we found what public health agencies have not: Native tribes in the Columbia River Basin face a disproportionate risk of toxic exposure through their most important food. >OPB and ProPublica purchased 50 salmon from Native fishermen along the Columbia River and paid to have them tested at a certified lab for 13 metals and two classes of chemicals known to be present in the Columbia. We then showed the results to two state health departments, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials and tribal fisheries scientists. [full article](

    indigenous Clodsire 11 months ago 100%
    Preserving Our Culture and Our Land Through Climate Action

    > Every day, we see dramatic examples of how climate change is affecting the world around us. This trend is threatening to the livelihoods and economies of Indigenous Peoples everywhere. As we are deeply connected to our land and sea, we are among the first to feel the actual effects of climate change. >One of the greatest repercussions of climate change is the significant impact on the availability and quality of crops that are traditionally grown, as well as those that are cultivated for subsistence. In several regions, global warming has been associated with an increased level of disease and mercury in shellfish due to the rise of sea surface temperatures. This poses a threat to our families above and beneath the waves. >Beyond sheer physical damage, climate change also impacts our culture. It leads to direct material losses, displacement of tribes, as well as loss of territory, cultural heritage, mobility, local knowledge, and language elements. With the rise of sea levels and storm erosion, coastal tribes also experience concern for cultural resources. This affects Indigenous people more than any other group, and we are doing something about it. >As a direct result of this significant impact, Tribes like Samish now take on a pivotal role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, demonstrating a proactive approach towards safeguarding their communities and natural heritage. The Samish Indian Nation's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) began to combat climate change in 2016 with the creation of our Climate Adaptation Program, created to better understand Samish citizens' concerns about climate change impacts and develop mitigation strategies to address them. >This work has included conducting several studies, one of which is a regional GIS-based (geographic information system) survey of habitats that support Samish First Food, First Medicine and Cultural Use plants. The survey focuses on working with landowners to be aware of these species and advocate for proper land management to create climate refugia, thus allowing these species of cultural significance to persist for future generations. Our DNR is also active in kelp forest monitoring and restoration efforts in Samish Traditional Territory throughout the San Juan Archipelago. Samish DNR employs a dive team to monitor temperature and ocean acidification in these critical keystone habitats and are working to restore areas where kelp has disappeared. >Furthermore, Samish DNR is very active within Skagit County, partnering with a variety of entities to replant riparian zones for stream cooling, salmon habitat and carbon sequestration. Samish also has lands enrolled in the Skagit Valley Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and is dedicated to riparian planting and healthy streams on their own property. >A comprehensive survey of all the beaches in Samish Traditional Territory is underway to better understand the risks posed by sea level rise and storm erosion to cultural resources of concern. This information will be used to identify potential restoration areas with soft shore and living shoreline techniques, identify areas where Tribal Archaeology staff need to monitor or take action, and develop a comprehensive plan to protect those cultural resources at risk. We are not the only Tribe in the country doing this work. Tribes across the United States are contributing impactfully to keep culture alive while preserving land for future generations. Through collective action and shared knowledge, we are fostering a legacy of environmental stewardship, ensuring that our land continues to thrive. >Given the tribe's unique history, we have come to realize that we cannot do this alone, and we all must work together in sharing the responsibility and, at the same time, doing our own part to make a difference for all our generations to come.

    fediverse Fediverse With down, where should we host the new movies community?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 11 months ago 100%

    Interesting, you have a point! I guess we could start with a common community, but named “” and allowing both movies and tv content.

    its a good idea to be ready, i think admins can change the name of comms, also you should probably claim the TV comm name even if you arent going to use it at the start just to make sure.

  • fediverse Fediverse With down, where should we host the new movies community?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 11 months ago 100%

    i think its better to start with a join movies&tv comm, you probably want to grow it fast and managing two new comms may get to confusing/tiring for the mods, plus it will be the mods the main posters there until it gets big enough

    since its a general comm, it a good idea to have it on an instance that its federated to most big intances so lemme and are good choices, with lemee being a bit better because of lax moderation and i think making comms there is easier

  • theonion
    The Onion Clodsire 11 months ago 96%
    Confused Elon Musk Accidentally Kills Female Employee and Impregnates Monkey

    >SAN FRANCISCO — Claiming he had accidentally swapped his schedule for the day, Twitter CEO and Neuralink founder Elon Musk shocked fans and shareholders by killing a female employee and impregnating a monke

    The Onion Clodsire 11 months ago 93%
    Biden Urges Americans Not To Let Dangerous Online Rhetoric Humanize Palestinians

    >WASHINGTON—Upon returning from his brief diplomatic trip to the Middle East, President Joe Biden urged the nation Thursday not to let dangerous online rhetoric humanize Palestinians.

    The Onion Clodsire 11 months ago 94%
    Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital

    >GAZA CITY, GAZA—Following conflicting accounts of a horrific attack on a Gaza hospital, officials from the Israeli Defense Forces released a new statement Wednesday that claimed it was you, the reader of this very article, who committed the act of terror.

    politics politics Palestine Liberation Organization - New General Megathread for the 12th of October 2023
  • Clodsire Clodsire 11 months ago 100%

    New Megathread Nerds!!!


    No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:

  • politics
    politics Clodsire 11 months ago 97%
    Palestine Liberation Organization - New General Megathread for the 12th of October 2023

    Translation: >Palestine Liberation Organization >We are all for the resistance >From the Palestinian National Covenant - Article 26 >The Palestine Liberation Organization, representative of the Palestinian revolutionary forces, is responsible for the Palestinian Arab people's movement in its struggle - to retrieve its homeland, liberate and return to it and exercise the right to self-determination in it - in all military, political, and financial fields and also for whatever may be required by the Palestine case on the inter-Arab and international levels. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was established in 1964 and has been the embodiment of the Palestinian national movement. It is a broad national front, or an umbrella organization, comprised of numerous organizations of the resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations, and independent personalities and figures from all sectors of life. The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the “sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people” and since then the PLO has represented Palestine at the United Nations, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and in many other fora. In addition to its broad national and political goals, the PLO has dealt with numerous tasks with regard to the life of the Palestinian people in their main communities and throughout the world through the establishment of several institutions in such realms as health, education and social services. As such, the PLO is more than a national liberation movement striving to achieve the national goals of the Palestinian people, including the independence of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. [PLO: History of a Revolution - Episode 1 - 13 Jul 09 ]( **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - ❤️ Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 💖 Come talk in the [New Weekly Queer thread]( - 💛 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - 💚 Come and talk in the [Daily Bloomer Thread]( - ⭐️ [September Movie Nominations]( ⭐️ **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 💚 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](

    news news Palestinian uprising on a scale not seen in 50 years just started
  • Clodsire Clodsire 12 months ago 100%

    I think it looking good, marxist groups like the PFLP and DFLP are really involved in the offensive and will grow inside the unified palestinian resistance, i think the decolonization of palestine will lead to a revolutionary movement

  • news news Palestinian uprising on a scale not seen in 50 years just started
  • Clodsire Clodsire 12 months ago 100%

    Moreover, if the revolution demands violence, authority, discipline, I am all for violence, authority, discipline. I accept them in block form, with all their horrors, without any cowardly reserves


  • indigenous
    indigenous Clodsire 12 months ago 100%
    In the line of fire: Indigenous brigades battling forest blazes in the Amazon

    >Preserving the world’s largest tropical forest poses an immense challenge for the governments of Latin America. This task is exacerbated by the inefficiency of public policies and the escalating land conflicts that plague various Brazilian biomes. >In response to these threats, Indigenous peoples have taken matters into their own hands, rallying to oversee and protect their territories. >Independent self-defence groups are cropping up in Amazonian communities across the region, taking on the role of preserving vast areas that should be under the state’s protection. >These Indigenous communities feel they are ultimately responsible for safeguarding the forest. ::: spoiler Full Article >In collaboration with a federal agency, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the Paiter Suruí community in Rondônia state established the country’s third Indigenous brigade to tackle blazes during the fire season, which typically lasts from July to November. >Rondônia state once had 208,000 sq km of forest (51.4m acres), an area nearly the size of Romania, but over the past three decades has lost an estimated 68,000 sq km of rainforest. >Scientists predict that this year’s season of forest fires – and arson – will be even more intense due to the El Niño weather cycle, the sporadic climate pattern that increases global temperatures every three to seven years. So far, the number of hotspots in 2023 has already exceeded that of last year. >The brigade has attracted dozens of Paiter Suruí committed to preventing blazes and firefighting within the Sete de Setembro Indigenous territory, located around Cacoal. >As part of the selection process, candidates undergo assessments of their physical fitness and skills during the initial training. A week later, they take part in an intensive week of practical and theoretical brigade instruction. >The training covers safety protocols, fire management strategies, training in how to use equipment and tools, understanding how blazes can develop, and specific techniques for combating forest fires. >Indigenous communities are increasingly using technology in their efforts to protect their ancestral lands in the Amazon. The integration of satellite images on the internet is poised to revolutionise the brigade’s work, giving a huge boost to the Paiter Suruí people in their fight against forest fires. >I am in close contact with the Lakapoy Collective, a group of Indigenous photographers who include Ubiratan Suruí, the young activist Txai Suruí, and Gabriel Uchida, representatives of the Paiter Suruí people. >After securing legal recognition of their Indigenous territory, these dynamic people have undergone comprehensive training in using technology to document their cultural narratives. Their mission is clear: to strengthen the Paiter Suruí heritage. >Paiter Suruí long ago embarked on sustainable development through tourism in their village, where they produce coffee and chestnuts (what are known as Brazil nuts in the west). They are now directly involved in reforestation initiatives, monitoring the biome, and surveillance of their territory, as well as organising the fire brigade. This collective effort underscores their dedication to fostering sustainable practices. >“We previously operated an informal Indigenous brigade. Now we have trained our members, equipping them to protect our territory, especially during wildfire seasons,” says Ubiratan Suruí. >“Their primary responsibilities include combating fires along our territorial boundaries and managing controlled burns in the traditional fields of our Indigenous communities.” >In the past few decades, the degradation of Brazil’s ecosystems has been steadily worsening. The problem escalated during the tenure of two former presidents, the conservative Michel Temer and the far-right Jair Bolsonaro. >A study in the journal Nature led by Luciana Gatti, a senior researcher at the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (Inpe), highlights the devastating consequences of the “relaxation” of environmental regulations under the far-right administration of the former president Jair Bolsonaro, showing how the south-east Amazon, in particular, has become a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. >A Guardian investigation found that fires were three times more common in beef-farming areas of the Amazon. >Environmental experts and a few political leaders acknowledge the imperative to create job opportunities and increase income levels in the Amazon region, home to more than 28 million Brazilians. >Involving local communities in preservation is a crucial strategy to reduce the economic allure of deforestation, cattle ranching and other large-scale agriculture, which often lead to environmental degradation under the banner of economic development and wealth accumulation. >The Paiter Suruí and other Indigenous firefighting brigades are just one way in which these communities are taking steps to secure their future. :::

    theonion The Onion ‘The Onion’ Looks Back On 90 Years Of Dianne Feinstein Dying
  • Clodsire Clodsire 12 months ago 100%

    probably too many lobby groups backing them, which pushes them to stay until death intead of just picking a succesor and retiring

  • indigenous
    indigenous Clodsire 12 months ago 100%
    'I just don’t want it to die in front of me' | One Ho-Chunk Man's Mission to Save Ho-Chunk Language

    >Rock Greendeer (Ho-Chunk Nation) remembers what his parents taught him in his youth. Centuries-old traditions and the Ho-Chunk language are just a few of the lessons he carries with him. >For generations, Wisconsin’s Native American children were shipped to one of eleven boarding schools in the state where children were not allowed to speak Ho-Chunk, the root language of what is now one of the 11 federally recognized tribes in the state. >Language is at the core of what it means to be Ho-Chunk. With fewer than 30 first-language speakers left, Ho-Chunk is now considered an endangered language. >The passage of the Native American Language Act in 1990 repudiated past government policies of eradicating Indigenous languages, but by then, the damage was done. > “I am worried about our Ho-Chunk way of life dying out from under us,” Greendeer told Native News Online while walking around his family’s 150-year-old homestead. >Greendeer hosts Ho-Chunk language feast classes, one of several efforts to save the language and culture of the tribe. Greendeer has put together different teachings intertwined with Ho-Chunk, English, and phonetic Ho-Chunk words and phrases spoken in traditional ceremonies. [full article](

    indigenous Clodsire 12 months ago 100%
    Coalition Gets $4 Million to Fund Collection of Oral Testimonies of Indian Boarding School Survivors

    The Department of the Interior today announced nearly $4 million in funding to the Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) to support their work of collecting oral testimonies from Indian boarding school survivors and descendants. The project will focus on gathering first-person survivor narratives and establishing an oral history collection. Survivors will have the opportunity to make their interviews available to federal partners, Tribal governments, policymakers and researchers, and the public, according to a press release from the Interior Department. “This historic project is a lifeline to preserving the voices and memories of Indian boarding school survivors," said NABS Chief Executive Officer Deborah Parker (Tulalip) in a statement. "Many of our ancestors did not have the chance to share their experiences, so NABS is grateful to Secretary Haaland and the Department of the Interior for this support. This will allow us to continue our work in seeking truth and justice, ensuring survivor's stories are never forgotten, and bringing healing to future generations.” [full article](

    history history Battle of Poitiers - New General Megathread for the 19th of September 2023
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    love reading the mega and seeing the huge emotes, i dont see what the libs dont like about them, they are probably just jealous their admins dont add emotes for them

  • history history Battle of Poitiers - New General Megathread for the 19th of September 2023
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%


  • history history Battle of Poitiers - New General Megathread for the 19th of September 2023
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    New Megathread Nerds!!!

    hexbear doesnt load for me 😢

    Remember nerds just like in the old site, no current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:

  • history
    history Clodsire 1 year ago 100%
    Battle of Poitiers - New General Megathread for the 19th of September 2023

    The Battle of Poitiers on 19 September 1356 CE was the second great battle of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) after Crécy (1346 CE) and, once again, it was the English who won. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE), son of Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), masterminded victory largely thanks to the continued domination of the powerful longbow weapon, Edward's excellent defensive positioning, and the outdated reliance of heavy cavalry by the French leadership. A major consequence of the battle was that it allowed Edward III to keep 25% of France under the 1360 CE Treaty of Brétigny. The Hundred Years' War In 1337 CE Edward III of England was intent on expanding his lands in France, and he had the perfect excuse as via his mother Isabella of France (b. c. 1289 CE and the daughter of Philip IV of France, r. 1285-1314 CE), he could claim a right to the French throne as nephew of Charles IV of France (r. 1322-1328 CE). Naturally, the current king, Philip VI of France (r. 1328-1350 CE) was unwilling to step down and so the Hundred Years' War between France and England began. The name of the conflict, derived from its great length, is actually a 19th-century CE label for a war which proceeded intermittently for well over a century, in fact, not finally ending until 1453 CE. The English had won the first major battle of the wars at Crécy in August 1346 CE and then captured Calais in July 1347 CE. The Black Death plague pandemic arrived in Europe from 1347 CE and England the following year but the Hundred Years' War would resume in the middle of the next decade. As preparation for another major confrontation, Edward III's eldest son, Edward of Woodstock, aka Edward the Black Prince, was charged with torching as many southwestern French towns, villages and crops as possible in 1355-6 CE, just as he had done before the Battle of Crécy ten years before. Gascony was raided and Bordeaux captured which the Black Prince thereafter used as his base for further destructive sorties. This strategy, known as chevauchée, had multiple aims: to strike terror into the locals, provide free food for an invading army, acquire booty and ransom for noble prisoners, and ensure the economic base of one's opponent was severely weakened, making it extremely difficult for them to later put together an army in the field. The region Edward attacked was a major contributor to the French king's coffers, and this brutal form of economic warfare weakened the enemy and obliged the French king to ultimately engage the enemy in a large-scale battle. Battle Following his ravaging of southwest France, the Black Prince had intended to link up with a second English army coming down from Normandy. This northern army, which had also been ravaging the towns and countryside, was led by Henry of Grosmont, the Duke of Lancaster. However, John II saw the danger and positioned his army around Chartres between the two enemy forces, obliging Edward to move back down to Gascony. Then the French army swept southwards and surprised the Black Prince's mixed force of English and Gascon troops on 18 September 1356 CE. Both sides used the breathing-space to strengthen their position: Edward by digging trenches and forming barricades with his supply wagons, John by assembling more troops. At this stage, some of the French commanders pushed for a more cautious but guaranteed strategy: surround the English and starve them out. King John, though, was confident in his numerical supremacy and opted for an all-out attack on Edward's position. The next day a mighty battle ensued 6.5 km (4 miles) from Poitiers in the mixed terrain of vineyards, woods, hedges, and marshes. Just as at Crécy, the French outnumbered their opponents, in this case perhaps by 35,000 to 7,000 (or 50,000 to 8,000 according to higher estimates favoured by some historians). In another repeat of Crécy, the English had taken up the better position on a small hill protected in the rear by a wood and in front by hedges and marshland. The French would have to narrow their battle lines and attack in waves uphill, tiring their knights and nullifying their numerical advantage. The battle began around 8.00 a.m. and was over by lunchtime. Yet again the French commanders proved to be ill-disciplined and wilful, making any sort of strategic troop movements impossible. Various French cavalry charges, which were often uncoordinated between commanders, were broken up by the tight defensive lines of the English, arranged in the now customary three divisions (two at the front and one at the rear), and the terrain dotted with thick hedges. A feigned retreat led by the Earl of Warwick tempted another rash cavalry charge while Captal de Buch, the captain of the Gascon troops, raced around to the rear of the French causing still more confusion. Sir Geoffrey de Chargny, the standard-bearer of the French flag the Oriflamme - a signal to give no quarter - was cut down as the battle descended into vicious hand-to-hand combat. Besides being repeatedly outmanoeuvred, once again the French could not find an answer to the range, power and accuracy of the English longbow. Another repeated English strategy was to have knights fight on foot for greater mobility in the confined terrain. The French followed suit, with King John himself leading his men on foot, but then an English cavalry reserve swept in and won the day. Edward's army suffered only a few hundred casualties compared to the thousands of fallen Frenchmen. King John Captured Around 2,000 French knights were captured or killed, including the constable of France, both of the country's two marshals, 13 counts, five viscounts, 21 barons, an archbishop, and Prince Philip. Even John himself was captured, the king having surrendered by giving his right glove to Sir Denis de Morbecque and then reassuring the victors that he would fetch a tidy ransom. Indeed, all of these nobles provided a huge potential for cash returns but John's was astronomical, truly a king's ransom at 4 million gold écus (triple David II of Scotland's ransom, another captive king held by Edward III). So massive was this figure John was released in order to raise it from his kingdom while his son Louis was kept hostage in Calais. When Louis escaped, King John voluntarily handed himself back over for confinement, such were the unwritten rules of medieval chivalry. Aftermath After Poitiers, France, without its leaders, descended into the abyss of chaos. Most immediately, the disbanded French mercenaries who had fought so poorly caused havoc as they raided the surrounding area. Then King Edward pressed his advantage by marching on Rheims in 1359 CE, fully intending to have himself made king of the French where their monarchs were traditionally crowned. Rheims proved impregnable, though, and a harsh winter so reduced Edward's army he was obliged to start peace talks. In May 1360 CE a treaty was signed between England and France. Under the Treaty of Brétigny, Edward's claim to 25% of France (mostly in the north and south-west) was recognised and, in return, he gave up any ambition for the French crown itself. The Hundred Years' War carried on as Charles V of France, aka Charles the Wise (r. 1364-1380 CE) proved much more capable than his predecessors and began to claw back the English territorial gains. Edward III was now too old to campaign and was showing signs of senility. The Black Prince died, probably of dysentery, in June 1376 CE and so England's martial prowess suffered a serious setback. Now, the only lands left in France belonging to the English Crown were Calais and a thin slice of Gascony. During the reign of Richard II of England (r. 1377-1399 CE) there was largely peace between the two nations but under Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE), the wars flared up again and witnessed the great English victory at the Battle of Agincourt in October 1415 CE. Henry was so successful that he was even nominated as the heir to the French king Charles VI of France (r. 1380-1422 CE). Henry V died before he could take up that position, and the arrival of Joan of Arc (1412-1431 CE) in 1429 CE saw the beginning of a dramatic rise in French fortunes as King Charles VII of France (r. 1422-1461 CE) took the initiative. The weak rule of Henry VI of England (r. 1422-61 & 1470-71 CE) saw a final English defeat as they lost all French territories except Calais at the wars' end in 1453 CE. **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - ❤️ Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 💖 Come talk in the [New Weekly Queer thread]( - 💛 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - ⭐️ [September Movie Nominations]( ⭐️ **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 💚 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](

    asklemmy Asklemmy What made you choose your instance?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100% federates both world and beehaw and i have seen a few users from there so its probably fine

  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is Hexbear and how its story intertwines to Lemmy's?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    its going to be cool when hexbear federates with others instances, for like 2 years we have been a small socialist reddit

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is Hexbear and how its story intertwines to Lemmy's?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    they are gonna do a whitelist intead of a blocklist like other instances, they will probably federate with lemmygrad and lemmy since they have good relations with the modteam of both, any other is a bit of a hard tell

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is Hexbear and how its story intertwines to Lemmy's?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    undefined> The process was very chaotic, and as a result, the fork of Lemmy used for will likely never be capable of federating with the wider network of Lemmy instances

    actually hexbear is currently on Lemmy v0.17.0, when they update to version 0.18.0 they will be able to federate

  • lemmy Lemmy and getting hammered with traffic because of spez ama
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    a month ago it was like around 400-500 online users, today is 2300

  • gaming Gaming Why does China's government hate video games so much?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 93%

    they dont hate video games, they hate multiplayer games and its effects on childrens/minors, china like japan and korea has had problems with minors getting very addicted to online games and living in online cafes

    now to you and me its looks kinda weird right, but you need to keep in mid that those regulations only target kids under 18, also it only affects online so a teen could play all Legend of zelda he wants but only 2 hours of games like league of legends or dota.

    see it like how in the west they ban selling cigarettes to minors but people over 18 can buy as many as they can.

    this article tries to explain why do they have a negative view over online games

  • twobestfriendsplay Two Best Friends Play Rebuild of r/TwoBestFriendsPlay 1.0
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    its at least nice to have a lifeboat if reddit does die

  • chat Chat Is anyone else beginning to mourn reddit?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    its sucks to see a site you used to like slowy becoming worst and worst, but its always better to look for alternatives over sinking with the ship

  • lemmy Lemmy Everyone here keeps talking about lemmy this, lemmy that. Why doesn’t Carl get any love?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    when are we getting

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What niche reddit community do you want to see find a place on the fediverse?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    I would like to see r/stunfisk, its the main pokeon subreddit of the smogon single battles format, but it would be really cool if the pokemon subs would get together and make their own lemmy instance

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How has ur lemmy experience been so far?
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 100%

    its been great, i been posting in the Hexbear instance for like 2 years, i decided to make an account here while i wait for HB to federate with the rest of lemmy

  • dankmemes Dank memes FREE cognitive dissonance for liberals RIGHT HERE!!!
  • Clodsire Clodsire 1 year ago 88%