
Shitty Movie Details

Shitty Movie Details whaleross 1 month ago 92%
You can tell if somebody has been through your home if everything is torn out and your wall decorations are hanging crooked

Because what monster of a henchperson would not hang the frame back up after checking it out.

Shitty Movie Details UnfunnyDummy 1 year ago 100%
A post credit scene in Dear David (2023) shows Adam Ellis pausing when he saw Elon Musk tweet about buying Twitter. This is actually teasing the next movie in the Twitter Cinematic Universe (TCU)

Adam Ellis saw this tweet during the Christmas season in 2017, the same year he was haunted by the ghost boy. This is infact a canon event that is all part of the TCU: ![]( ::: spoiler spoiler this is fake of course, the movie didn't come out yet and I am not watching it 💀 :::

Shitty Movie Details Crackhappy 1 year ago 100%
What Dreams May Come is a sequel to Hook

He's got two kids, the daughter is younger and idolized him. The son is older and a bit surly. He flies and is devoted to his wife. He took everything that happened after he learned about being Peter and quit being a corporate lawyer and became a pediatrician.

Shitty Movie Details GabrielBell12fi 1 year ago 100%
Ready Player One -- A Treasure Trove of Shitty Details

The entire film is a bit of a mess, but there are three specific parts :- The Zemeckis Cube : how does this work in an multiplayer online game? People running round streets with VR helmets : how do they not get run over more? Shutting down The OASIS two days a week : people get married without meeting. Does this mean for two days a week you don't get to see your spouse? Isn't that a truly shitty thing to do to someone?