imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 50] The Space Race
  • thelsim thelsim 8 hours ago 100%

    Prompt: high-angle, sci-fi movie, a cluster of colossal aerostats, drifting above menacing purple lighting clouds in a violent alien atmosphere, a spacecraft is on approach to land at the aerostat, dramatic lighting, shot on 35mm film --ar 3:2 --v 6.1

    In the violent upper atmosphere of a gas giant, aerostat research outposts allow scientists to observe weather patterns up close and collect gas samples. Supply runs are a lethal endeavor and can only be performed when lightning activity is at its lowest.

  • greentext Greentext Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • thelsim thelsim 12 hours ago 100%

    and straight

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 49] Fabulous Fiends Fashion Show
  • thelsim thelsim 2 days ago 100%

    Time is up and here are the scores:

    Name Upvotes Upvote points Last two Prompt Bonus Penalties Total 11 3 0 1 4 9 2 0 1 3 5 1 1 1 3 5 1 0 1 2 5 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 4 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0, you can choose your favorite and select a winner.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Brutalist Palace Interior [Midjourney]
  • thelsim thelsim 5 days ago 100%

    You’re welcome :)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you have trouble explaining your job to people?
  • thelsim thelsim 6 days ago 100%

    I have two ways of explaining. The first one is just saying “I work with data” followed by some hand waving and shrugging.
    The other is where I really go into detail and explain everything. Going gaga over some minute aspect that I find awesome but couldn’t even interest one of my coworkers.
    Neither seems to really work, but I don’t get follow up questions which suits me just fine :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a low technology you really love ?
  • thelsim thelsim 6 days ago 100%

    Maps and compass. I like the reliability of finding my way no matter where I am. Plus it’s fun!
    Especially the trick of using two landmarks to pinpoint my location on a map makes me feel like an old-fashioned navigator :)

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 1 week ago 97%
    Head of Complaints [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *Photograph, A cat with a tie, sitting behind a desk, a sign on the desk reads "Complaints" --v 6.1*

    imageai AI Generated Images Brutalist Palace Interior [Midjourney]
  • thelsim thelsim 1 week ago 100%

    So nice to hear that someone used it as a wallpaper! :)
    I made it in Midjourney so thankfully it's still around. I think it's this one, right? I've upscaled it for you.

    Oh and here's the original, if the upscale is not to your liking. I just noticed that it makes it a little too clear and neat.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 49] Fabulous Fiends Fashion Show
  • thelsim thelsim 1 week ago 100%

    Prompt: colossal scale, godzilla wearing a pink suit with lots of bling and fur trimming, strutting through a destroyed city with a fancy cane, ultra low angle shot --ar 3:4 --v 6.1

    Somewhere on Skull Island sits a miserable shaved giant ape :)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?
  • thelsim thelsim 1 week ago 100%

    This really creepy Czech Alice in Wonderland movie. It used stop motion with animal skeletons, fish heads, and tons of other things.

    My mom put it on when I was little in an attempt to keep me occupied.
    “Would you like to watch Alice in Wonderland, Thelsim?” She’d ask.
    “Yea!” I would shout enthusiastically, thinking she meant the Disney movie.
    Half an hour later I’m crying and hiding under the blankets.

    I never did watch that movie again. Maybe it’s not so bad now, but the screenshots still make feel very queasy.

    :::spoiler A sample 🫣 :::

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 48] AI Jank
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    Time's up!

    Name Upvotes Upvote points Last two Prompt Bonus Penalties Total 21 3 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions 6 10 0 1 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions, Most original 5 20 2 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions Post within 24 hours 4 14 1 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions Post within 24 hours 3 13 0 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions 3 7 0 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions 3 6 0 1 1 AI Jank present 3 4 0 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions 3 10 0 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions Post within 24 hours 2 6 0 0 1 AI Jank present, No explicit instructions Post within 24 hours 2 6 0 0 0 AI Jank present 1 13 0 0 0 AI Jank present Post within 24 hours 0

    Congratulations to for an awesome entry and a very well deserved first place! I really love it, it's just perfect.

    And a special mention to for the original misuse of tropes :)

    Actually, all of you did great, thanks so much for participating!

  • imageai AI Generated Images Foxy Boxing [Midjourney]
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yes, that was kind of the entire joke :)

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 weeks ago 94%
    Foxy Boxing [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** _Sport photography, Two burly fox mutants, fighting in a boxing match, a crowd is watching in the background, action shot, ambient lighting, shot on dslr 70mm telephoto lens --no cgi --ar 3:2 --v 6.1_

    showerthoughts Showerthoughts It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    In Dutch it’s called a trouwring, which as a verb literally translates to wedding ring, but as a noun also to loyalty ring.
    Which I find rather sweet.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 48] AI Jank
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    That could be an alternative, but it would make the whole process a lot more involved.

    Maybe a new post could be made after the seven days are over with all the entries added as replies for people to vote on? Then after 24 hours a winner can be declared. It would at least give everyone an equal chance as far as exposure to the Lemmy algorithm goes and everyone can submit their entry at their own speed.

    1. Open submission post
    2. Let participants add their entries to the post as replies
    3. Close submission post after 7 days
    4. Create voting post with all entries as replies.
    5. Wait 24 hours
    6. Tally upvotes and other points to declare winner.
  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 48] AI Jank
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    That would basically be an instant disqualifier, I don't want to kick people out of the challenge altogether.

    But I realize this -1 doesn't work that well either when a lot of people post anyway. Maybe the whole upvote system just doesn't work that well.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Neighborhood Watch [Midjourney]
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    I was wondering where those came from, well it adds to the image so I'm not complaining :)

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 weeks ago 95%
    Neighborhood Watch [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *cat wearing an army helmet, driving in a large cardboard tank with threads and a gun turret made from a cardboard tube, down a busy sidewalk, natural lighting --ar 4:3 --v 6.1*

    imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 48] AI Jank
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    I can see why you're no fan of the 24h thing. My reasoning was that the first 24 hours always gets most of the views, and a lot of people vote on whatever image is already posted and don't check back again afterwards.
    The idea was to level the playing field a little for those who need a bit more time to post, whether it's because they're not free or because they might be living in a different time zone.

    Anyway, like I wrote in my previous challenge, it's an experiment. If you and others think it works better without the 24h rule, then of course we can always change things back to how they were.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's strange, I've added you in. The script I use should have shown you properly but for some reason you got filtered out.

    I think it's the regular expression that searches for an image, maybe it's something in the alt-text you used that didn't flag it properly? I'll keep an eye out for it with next week's score.

    Sorry for the mistake!

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 weeks ago 97%
    [Community Challenge 48] AI Jank

    **Prompt:** *A woman showing off her multiple fingers --ar 4:3 --v 6.1* ## Theme It's time to forget all you've learned on how to make believable images and go back to the jankiness of older AI images. We have all seen it, the weirdness AI can create when you least want to. But for this week's theme, try to create an image with the AI mistake (extra fingers, weird posture, you name it) as it's main attraction. Embrace the jank and turn it into something beautiful! :) A bonus point can be earned by anyone who can make their image without explicitly describing the weirdness they want to see in the prompt. Just like when you *don't* want to see these kinds of fails. For example: If you try to create a man with multiple legs, then *a man with three legs* wouldn't count, but *a man running really fast with his legs* would. Consider it an extra challenge to see how well you know your model and if you can push it exactly to the desired breaking point :) **As before, take your time!** Some of you can be super fast (me included) and I've noticed that the early bird usually catches the worm. So for this challenge I'm subtracting a point for anyone who posts within 24 hours. ## Rules * Follow the community’s rules above all else * One comment and image per user * Embed image directly in the post (no external link) * Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning) * Posts that are tied will both get the points * The challenge runs for 7 days from now on * Down votes will not be counted ## Scores At the end of the challenge each post will be scored: | **Prize** | **Points** | |---|---| | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +2 point | | Third most upvoted | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | AI jank present | +1 point | | No explicit AI jank instructions in prompt | +1 point | | Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point | | **Post within 24 hours** | **-1 point** | It's a bit of a different challenge, but I hope you'll enjoy it! The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone! [Previous entries](

    imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 2 weeks ago 100%

    Ok, I'll make one instead then.

    Enjoy your vacation! :)

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    I hosted the last one as well. I'm happy to pass the next challenge on to considering they ended up 2nd and the other two already hosted a challenge more recently.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    That's really weird..

    I still see it pinned on as well. Must be a federation issue?

    Let me know if you see this happen again with the next challenge and I'll hit that sticky button a couple of times. Other than that, there's not much else I can do.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    Seven days are up. Here are the scores so far:

    Name Upvotes Upvote points Last two Prompt Bonus Penalties Total 14 3 0 1 Hero 5 5 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 12 2 0 0 Post within 24 hours 1 4 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 Comic book cover 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 can assign the other points and choose a winner.

    Edit: Added the bonus points
    Edit 2: Added Merde

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes whats ur record girlies(and non-girlies)?
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    About 14 hours I think? I once went on a long distance 12 hour flight and couldn’t sleep at all. It was a discount ticket (my dad used to be a pilot) and I had to sit on one of those fold out benches for the entire flight. VERY uncomfortable.

    Anyway, I arrived at around 7 am local time and because my stay was limited I decided to just stay awake and sleep at a normal time. To get used to the new time zone and get the most out of my trip.
    The moment when I finally hit my bed I completely shut down. I slept at around 10 and didn’t wake up until noon.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    Hmm.. I guess we can give that a try. Personally I've never had any problems with multiple stickies, but I can imagine that different people on different instances with different apps might get different results.

    I'll move it to the side bar. We still reference it in every challenge post as well, so it should remain easy to find.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    Oh thanks for letting me know!

    I re-stickied the post, does it show properly now?

  • news News Reports that Capri Sun is phasing out pouches for bottles is ruining childhoods everywhere
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don’t know about over there, but here they’ve started selling them with paper straws. Making it even more impossible to puncture that stupid little hole while ruining the straw in the process.

    And of course it’s the only thing my daughter wants to drink. I’ve had to resort to using a nail file to open those things.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    I love the aspect ratio, like a children’s story time book.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks :)

    It's a bit strange there's so few votes this time around though, usually it's a bit more active. I wish there was some way to let this post get the attention it needs while still preventing this from becoming a race to submit as quickly as possible to get the most votes.

    Maybe a rethinking of the scoring is in order.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Here I am, trying to visualize my username
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 83%

    Oh we're doing these again? Fun!

    Stylish as ever :)

    Here's yours according to Midjourney:

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    In my head the stories would be about a 70/30 division of mostly other heroes trying to save the day and the Procastinator dealing with some mundane problem or obsession, knowing that he'll probably need to help but he still has plenty of time.
    The story would escalate with the heroes fighting the big bad guy of the day. While the Procastinator is aware that he really should be stepping in soon, but postponing it to deal with whatever is in front of him at that moment. Figuring he still has time, as long as he really rushes later on.
    The climax will end with the heroes almost defeated and the Procastinator swearing and running to do the thing he needs to do. He'll end up getting there just in time (usually), to do some really simple thing that will -in an almost Rube Goldbergesque manner- ruin the bad guy's plans, and save the day.
    The heroes will be pissed off, because of course the Procastinator could have solved this hours ago if he just managed to get off his ass a bit sooner. Maybe Mr. Awesome Beam's cape will be shredded, or the Bucktooth Wombat's WomTruck will be completely smashed because of his late appearance. And they'll act like a bunch of thankless assholes, as usual.
    The Procrastinator will take their behavior as an excuse so he won't have to learn anything about time management and the story will repeat next week/issue.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    The worst part? I thought I made magnetic dentures up for fun, turns out they're real and now I'm stuck reading about dental CAD/CAM in wikipedia 😭

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 47] Superhero Comics
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    Prompt: Comic book cover, of a super hero in a dirty costume, lounging in front of the tv, drinking a beer, piles of trash litter the floor, the title "The Procrastinator" is written in bold font on top, 2d illustration --ar 3:4 --v 6.1

    "That's me, Marcus Fleet. A.K.A. The Procrastinator, A.A.K.A. Mr. Took-You-Long-Enough. I never amounted to much. Graduated high school with mediocre grades, got a boring office job that barely pays the rent, and basically scraped by in life.

    It probably would've stayed that way if fate hadn’t decided to sucker-punch me right in the metaphorical groin. Through a series of unlikely events—mostly thanks to my general lack of commitment—I ended up with the power of foresight. Yeah, I can predict when a crime’s about to go down before it happens.

    The thing is, I just can’t muster the energy to actually do anything about it. Do you know how many heroes there are in this city? Most of the crimes I foresee will get handled anyway by Mr. Awesome Beam, The Bucktoothed Wombat, The Harmonica Twins, or one of those other glory hogs.

    So, I just relax until I’m really needed. You’d be amazed how much binge-watching and doom scrolling you can get done when you wait until the absolute last moment. Then, I show up, push the button, punch the bad guy, cut the wire—whatever quick fix is needed—and save the day. Sure, a few things have gone sideways when I got distracted, but hey, nobody’s perfect! Sometimes you just get caught up reading about magnetic dentures, fall down a Wikipedia rabbit hole, and next thing you know… well, oops.

    ...Anyway, that's my life. And I’ll keep telling you more after I shove The Viscous Violin into a vat of vittles in, like… 10 minutes?! Fu-"

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy You're about to be raised as an undead by a necromancer. You have a choice what type of undead you come back as. What do you come back as?
  • thelsim thelsim 3 weeks ago 100%

    A vampire. Since it’s a necromancer raising me, instead of another vampire, I won’t be enthralled and will have free will.
    Then there’s all the wonderful abilities and the fact that I’ll still look good for an undead (it’s a pretty movie vampire, not one of those creepy ones)

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters
  • thelsim thelsim 4 weeks ago 100%

    Time's up! Sorry about the delay, I had a birthday to deal with (not mine)

    Name Upvotes Upvote points Last two Prompt Bonus Penalties Total 10 2 0 1 3 13 3 0 0 Post within 24 hours 2 10 2 0 0 2 8 1 0 0 OP Favorite 2 8 1 0 1 2 5 0 1 1 2 4 0 0 1 Most original 2 2 0 1 1 2 7 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1

    Congratulations Deceptichum on winning this week's challenge!

    A special price to Retrogade for "Tactical Reckoning, Tactical Santa", I'd love to watch it :)
    And Most Original to Cloudless for "Kung Fu vs Alien", for taking Hong Kong movies as an inspiration.

  • 196 196 Actually asking (rule)
  • thelsim thelsim 4 weeks ago 100%

    Data corruption, it’s a bunch of garbled stuff that I can’t make heads or tails off.

    Miraculously, everything keeps working. So I don’t dare to interfere because it might crash the system :)

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    Prompt: An 90s style Hollywood movie poster, of a dinosaur and a detective, wearing mirrored shades and an open shirt with singlet, posing with a gun, a city skyline can be seen in the background, the title "Rex P.I." is written in bold letters, vaporwave, movie poster --ar 2:3 --sref --sw 60 --stylize 75 --v 6.1

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    It looks great as it is!

    I included the option for photo editing because text generation can be a bit of a gamble. You got the perfect image and then the text is all screwed up. I just didn't want it to hold people back from posting a maybe otherwise awesome image.

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    lol, the flying puppy heads are my favorite part :)

  • imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    I love it, The little blurb at the bottom right really completes it :)

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 1 month ago 98%
    [Community Challenge 46] B-Movie Posters

    :::spoiler Prompt: *A 80's style Hollywood movie poster, of a cowboy ninja on a pirate ship, the title "Lone Star Ninja" is written in bold letters --ar 2:3 --v 6.1* ::: ## Theme It's movie time! For this challenge I dare you to create the cheesiest B-movie poster you can think of. Some photo shopping is allowed if you have trouble with the title. I think by now most models should be able to generate text, but I get how frustrating it can be when it doesn't cooperate. **As an extra rule, take your time!** Some of you can be super fast (me included) and I've noticed that the early bird usually catches the worm. So for this challenge I'm subtracting a point for anyone who posts within 24 hours. It should hopefully level the playing field a little bit. Consider it an experiment, whoever wins is free to get rid of this rule if it doesn't work out. ## Rules * Follow the community’s rules above all else * One comment and image per user * Embed image directly in the post (no external link) * Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning) * Posts that are tied will both get the points * The challenge runs for 7 days from now on * Down votes will not be counted ## Scores At the end of the challenge each post will be scored: | **Prize** | **Points** | |---|---| | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +2 point | | Third most upvoted | +1 point | | OP’s favorite | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point | | **Post within 24 hours** | **-1 point** | The winner gets to pick next theme! As always, have fun everyone!\ [Previous entries](

    imageai AI Generated Images [Community Challenge 45] 20X6 Olympics
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    Ok, thanks for letting met have this one!
    I'll get working on a new challenge.

  • 196 196 Tarot Networks Rule
  • thelsim thelsim 1 month ago 100%

    Hey, it's that thing I made/generated/whatever.

    I thought you guys had a rule against AI stuff?

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images thelsim 1 month ago 97%
    Tarot cards [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *woodcut print, tarot card style, frame, panoramic shot, thick lines, vector, displaying a mushroom cloud, monochrome, the inscription "The Atom" is written at the bottom of the card. --ar 3:5 --sref --sw 50 --v 6.1* I'm not a tarot enthusiast, but I like the style. So I tried to create a few more modern-day themed ones. #### Climate change ![]( #### Social networks ![]( #### Capitalism ![]( #### Influencers ![]( #### Surveillance ![]( They're not very subtle, I know :)

    AI Generated Images thelsim 1 month ago 97%
    Cats With Hats [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *panoramic shot, cats wearing hats, super cute --ar 3:2 --niji 6*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 92%
    Corn dog [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *Photograph of a hybrid creature that is a cross between corn and a dog --ar 4:3 --stylize 75 --v 6.1*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 90%
    XOXO [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *boudoir photoshoot, of a xenomorph, wearing a flower wreath on its head, posing on a sofa, Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens, studio lighting, wide angle --ar 3:2 --stylize 175 --v 6*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 100%
    Animal Mecha Bestiaries [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *hand-drawn meiji-era bestiary codex sheet showcasing various mecha-animal hybrids --ar 3:4* Just letting the AI run crazy. It's fun to lean into the madness it creates :) ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 83%
    Yeti Summer Vacation [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *street photography, of A yeti in a cream linen summer suit with a hat, sitting at a beach cafe, legs crossed, a delicious cocktail is standing on his table, contrasted lighting, cinematic angle --ar 4:3* Taking a well earned vacation from... erm.. whatever it is Yetis do.

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 95%
    Fastest paw in the west [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *western movie still, a Monkey cowboy wearing a cowboy hat and a bandolier, aiming a banana at the viewer, high noon, dramatic lighting --no gun --ar 4:3 --style raw --stylize 75*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 89%
    Thatfish [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *photo of a lot of fingers pointing, at a very confused fish, symmetrical composition* Yes, that one.

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 96%
    Dragonfly [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *fantasy film, A hybrid animal that is a cross between a dragon and a house fly, with a fly's body and a dragon's head, flying above water --ar 4:3 --stylize 75* :::spoiler And some extras: ![]( ![]( ![]( *For some reason a lot of them seemed to breathe fire through their tongue :)* ![]( ![]( :::

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 95%
    Butterphant [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *Macrophotography, a cute tiny elephant with colorful fuzzy fur and huge black eyes, with butterfly wings, on a branch --ar 4:3*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 95%
    Bumblecat [Midjourney]

    **Prompt**: *A hybrid animal that is a cross between a cat and a bumblebee*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 2 months ago 92%
    Three Little Pigs [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *Three little police pigs, with ugly faces, wearing mirrored shades, standing in front of a police car, in down town, low angle, realistic anime style --ar 4:3 --sref --niji 6* I mostly posted this one because the sleaze factor really shines through. They give me the creeps.

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 87%
    Mecharoni and Cheese

    **Prompt:** *A mecha, made from macaroni, shooting a cheese sauce --ar 4:3* My one and only entry to this madness :)

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 95%
    My Old Enemy [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *back view of A woman in office wear, in an alarmed pose, a colossal list with the words "To Do" written on top is on the horizon, the list has evil eyes and a feral grin, surrounded by smoke and fire, low angle view --ar 4:5 --stylize 76 --niji 6*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 100%
    Final Boss [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *Back view of A rat knight with a sword and shield, facing a scary gigantic cat demon with flaming eyes and wings, the cat demon is wearing a collar with a bell, in a dark cave, low-angle view --ar 4:3 --niji 6*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 90%
    Knight of Fairweather Glade [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *fantasy movie still, of a tiny insect-like knight in armor, riding on a beetle, on a blade of grass --ar 3:2 --stylize 75*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 89%
    Her Eminence's High Admiral of the Outer Rings [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *Sci-fi low-poly scene, of a grizzled naval officer in their forties, wearing an armored space suit with sash and epaulets, striding towards the camera with grim determination, a large intimidating android guard made from black and gold plates and spikes, follows behind the officer, in a palace hallway with windows, cinematic angle, contrasted lighting, shot on 35mm vistavision film --ar 3:2 --style raw --stylize 75* I kind of like the low-poly cloth waving behind him, like it's a futuristic material or distortion.

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 92%
    [Community Challenge 39] Hybrid Animals

    :::spoiler Prompt an animal that is a hybrid crossing of a badger a mushroom and a snake, in a green field --ar 4:3 ::: ## Theme This week’s theme is hybrid animals! Anything goes, as long as it's a mix of an animal and some other organism (humans don't count :) ## Rules: * Follow the community’s rules above all else * One comment and image per user * Embed image directly in the post (no external link) * Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning) * Posts that are tied will both get the points * The challenge runs for 7 days from now on * Down votes will not be counted ## Scores At the end of the challenge each post will be scored: | Prize | Points |---|---| | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +2 point | | Third most upvoted | +1 point | | OP’s favorite | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point | The winner gets to pick next theme! As always, have fun everyone! *[Previous entries](* *I’m currently enjoying a day out, so I will judge the entries a day later*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 3 months ago 98%
    End of a long day [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *sci-fi movie still, of A person relaxing with a drink, on top of a parked agricultural spider mech, at dusk, in a farm field, two alien moons hang low in the sky, cinematic lighting, panoramic composition --ar 16:9 --stylize 75*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 98%
    Happy Cake Day!

    Like the title says, happy cake day! Thank you for being so awesome! Looking forward to another great year!

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 96%
    Pirate Pup and Dino [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *Super cute pirate shiba puppy, wearing a pirate hat and wielding a sword, talking with a dinosaur pirate, chibi style --ar 4:3 --niji 6*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 92%
    Unholy Audience [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *fantasy style photograph, of A giant with mutated tendril limbs, wearing a hooded robe, sitting on an altar, inside a temple decorated with red tapestries and obsidian statues, low angle, diffuse lighting --ar 4:3 --stylize 75* And some extras: ![]( ![]( ![](

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 96%
    On A Pilgrimage [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *a papercraft panorama, of a monk wanderer carrying a backpack and a staff, standing on a path on top of a hill, in the background below can be seen a winding road, leading through a dense forest, ruins can be seen on the horizon, pastel colors, natural lighting*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 97%
    Evil has awakened [Midjourney]

    **Prompt:** *EGA pixel drawing, of a medieval wanderer standing on a wooded hill, in the background below can be seen rolling forest hills with a wizard's tower in the distance, a fierce vertical pillar of evil green energy erupts from the tower and pierces the cloudy night's sky, causing stark contrast with the peaceful surroundings --ar 4:3*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 92%
    Bath Buddy [Midjourney]

    **Prompt**: *horror movie, over-the-shoulder view of a man taking a bath in foamy water, an alien eye on a tendril pops out from the water, shot on disposable camera, moody lighting --ar 3:2 --stylize 75* Getting an eye on a tentacle is a lot harder than I thought it would be. You often get a tentacle and an eye somewhere, but combining the two seems to be difficult for some reason. :::spoiler Some of the horrors I've seen while making this image. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( :::

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 96%
    Lemmy! [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt**: *A lemming holding a banner, the banner reads "Lemmy!", illustrated in Yuru-chara style --niji 6* [Link to an upscaled version](

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 93%
    Don't worry, Computer Bug will solve your problem [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt:** *chibi style Ant wearing a hard hat and hi-viz vest, repairing hardware components, inside a computer --ar 4:3 --stylize 75 --niji 6* She never listens, no matter how many times you tell her she's only making things worse. 🙄

    AI Generated Images thelsim 4 months ago 89%
    [Community Challenge 34] Fashion

    :::spoiler Prompt a fashion photo shoot, of an orc in a colorful zoot suit, full-body shot —style raw —ar 3:4 —stylize 75* ::: ## Theme This week’s theme is fashion! Create a fancy suit, beautiful dress or whatever weird or original piece of clothing you can think of and have the model of your choice show it off to the world. ## Rules: * Follow the community’s rules above all else * One comment and image per user * Embed image directly in the post (no external link) * Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning) * Posts that are tied will both get the points * The challenge runs for 7 days from now on * Down votes will not be counted ## Scores At the end of the challenge each post will be scored: | Prize | Points |---|---| | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +2 point | | Third most upvoted | +1 point | | OP’s favorite | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point | The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone! *[Previous entries](*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 5 months ago 97%
    Another day at the infernal bureaucracy [Niji Journey]

    **Prompt**: *An overweight demon, wearing a spencer and glasses, sitting behind a desk, the demon is looking depressed, the desk has a small sign reading "have a hell of a day" --ar 3:2 --stylize 150 --niji 6* The sign turned out to be a bridge too far, but I love the expression on his face. Also, I have no idea why he’s sweating :)

    I Made This thelsim 5 months ago 100%
    Crochet flower

    A little crochet flower I made before going to bed.

    AI Generated Images thelsim 5 months ago 91%
    On Vacation [Midjourney]

    *Neat! \*click\** Prompt: *a tourist demon in an hawaiian shirt, a camera is hanging from its neck, holding a map, at the golden gates of heaven --ar 4:3 --v 6.0*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 5 months ago 96%
    Underground Expedition [Midjourney]

    #### Prompt: *comic book illustration, sideview of A group of cat knights and a wizard, walking in single file while looking warily in all directions, the cat in front is a wizard and holds a glowing orb, black dungeon background --ar 7:3* #### Extras: ![]( ![]( ![](

    AI Generated Images thelsim 5 months ago 98%
    Belles of the Ball [Midjourney]

    Prompt: *1800s romanticism style, a female skeleton wearing a blue dress and crown, dancing with a skeleton prince, at a ball --ar 4:3* Not my original intention, but so much nicer. Then again, could be the prince on the left :)

    AI Generated Images thelsim 5 months ago 98%
    [Community Challenge 30] Your Dream Home

    :::spoiler Prompt Midjourney: *a cozy little cabin with a colorful roof at the top of a cloudy peak, a long twisting slide leads down the side of the peak, a small garden is planted around the house --ar 4:3* ::: ## Theme This weeks theme is your dream home. Where would you want to live if your imagination is the only limit? A cozy cabin in the middle of nowhere? The gigantic pillow fortress you dreamed of when you were little? Or maybe a majestic tower on an asteroid drifting through space? Go with whatever you, or your inner child, would love to live in :) ## Rules: * Follow the community’s rules above all else * One comment and image per user * Embed image directly in the post (no external link) * Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning) * Posts that are tied will both get the points * The challenge runs for 7 days from now on * Down votes will not be counted ## Scores At the end of the challenge each post will be scored: | Prize | Points |---|---| | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +2 point | | Third most upvoted | +1 point | | OP’s favorite | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point | The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone! *[Previous entries](*

    AI Generated Images thelsim 6 months ago 98%
    Get Ready for some Revolutionary Action! [Midjourney]

    *Ok, so I'm not French. And my knowledge of the revolution is limited to what I learned during my bachelor in history. So please don't get offended if I got anything wrong. It's all meant in good fun :)* ##### New! NEW! **NEW!** Get the French Revolution action figures! Fight as the Bourbons! Or take on the plight of the Revolutionaries! Who will win? You decide! ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ------------------ Images were made using the character reference parameter. The source image is in the upper right corner. In almost all cases the prompt was *product photo of a muscled action figure*. Except for Charlotte, that one was *product photo of a muscled action figure holding a bloody knife*. The texts and corner images were, poorly, photo-shopped by me :)
