science science Pregnancy completely rewires mothers' brains — study
  • riskable riskable 1 day ago 100%

    I've used this term before in a different context: It's what happens when someone is about to do something that both scares and excites them at the same time. Like when a person suddenly finds themselves extremely attracted to someone and they want to make a good impression. That's when their brain seems to be both there and not there at the same time.

    When observing someone in this sort of situation you quickly come to the conclusion that the brain has gone but then later--upon reflection--it may seem like it may have actually been present. The only way to know for sure is to find out how the events eventually concluded; opening the box as it were.

    That's when you find out whether or not the person was a pussy.

  • politics politics Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
  • riskable riskable 2 days ago 100%

    Use a robot to secretly paint "Kamala" on his lawn. For bonus points use AI to generate an image of him kissing Kamala and use that as the image (wonder what kind of resolution one can get on a lawn? 🤔)

  • politics politics Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
  • riskable riskable 2 days ago 100%

    Two of our (gay couple) neighbors said something similar to me a while back: They're too afraid to put up a sign or flag.

    My house doesn't have any LGBTQ people living in it but we have a HUGE fucking LGBTQ flag right across from the American flag. It's been such a blessing too! Now the most annoying of my neighbors don't try to smalltalk with me anymore about their absolutely batshit insane conspiracy theories 👍

  • news News RFK Jr says he faces federal investigation for beheading whale
  • riskable riskable 3 days ago 100%

    Just your average dead whale beheading to bring home the trophy. Nothing special!

  • news News Florida hospitals ask immigrants about their legal status. Texas will try it next
  • riskable riskable 3 days ago 97%

    Conservatives: This is how the zombie apocalypse starts... With one person refusing to let medical professionals know about their problem.

    I'd use a very real scenario of immigrants and "merely visiting" foreigners who get sick spreading any given disease (e.g. How do you think we ended up with Zika in Florida?) but I know conservatives aren't interested in reality. Even JD Vance knows that in order to get conservatives attention you need to promote fiction.

  • news News ‘Appalling And Indefensible’: Elon Musk Incites Rage Online After Claiming No One Is ‘Trying to Assassinate Biden/Kamala’
  • riskable riskable 3 days ago 98%

    The correct response is for thousands of people to respond on Xitter with, "And no one is even trying to assassinate Musk 🤔"

  • memes memes I could make a great PC for that...
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    Mechanical Keyboard Community:

    "I need to see these $233 switches!" (Drools)

  • houseplants Houseplants What is happening to this plant?
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    Check for sap-sucking bugs. Not all of them hang out in easy-to-see places all day. They could be down by the soil or under perfectly healthy looking leaves.

    Even if you don't see them it won't hurt to spray some insecticidal soap here and there on to the plant. Sometimes it takes care of bugs you can't see.

  • gaming Gaming Video Game Developers Are Leaving The Industry And Doing Something, Anything Else - Aftermath
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    This article could've been written any decade since the 1990s. It's nothing new: The big game companies haven't changed a bit and continue to exploit workers.

    The only way to change things is via stronger worker protections/regulations.

  • cheaphealthyfood CheapHealthyFood 12 Proven Benefits Of Consuming Dates Every Day
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    Headlines that also appeared in Cannibal Magazine.

  • firefox Firefox Results from the Browser Features Survey
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 9%

    As expected, nobody cares about "reader mode". Only once in my life has it ever come in handy... It was a website that was so badly designed I swore never to go back to it ever again.

    I forget what it was but apparently I wasn't the only one and thus, it must've died a fast death as I haven't seen it ever again (otherwise I'd remember).

    Basically, any website that gets users so frustrated that they resort to reader/simplified mode isn't going to last very long. If I had my way I would change the messages:

    "This website appears to be total shit. Do you want Firefox to try to fix it so your eyes don't bleed trying to get through it?"

    I want an extension that does this, actually! It doesn't need to actually modify the page. Just give me a virtual assistant to comiserate with...

    "The people who made this website should have their browser's back button removed entirely as punishment for erecting this horror!"

  • news News Texas grand jury indicts Catholic priest on three felony sexual assault charges
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    Don't ever change, Catholic Church. More and more people are starting to catch on. In 100 years there might not be a Catholic Church anymore and the world will be better for it.

    This headline could've appeared every month for the past 2000 years. It's just that only in modern times are priests and pastors facing actual consequences.

  • facepalm Facepalm Working from home
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 82%

    Nonsense! Calum is doing what Calum does at home. If the company doesn't want to see it they shouldn't be watching him like that when he's at home.

    Remember: Calum isn't feeling well. Any doctor would say Calum is doing his part to get better and stay healthy!

  • news News Company bans parents from taking leave for sick children: 'We don't employ your children',
  • riskable riskable 4 days ago 100%

    Clearly the company wants the employees to bring their sick children into the office. Bring the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, wipe-their-snot-on-everything child right into the boss's office and proudly proclaim your support of the sick leave policy!

    "Give my boss a hug, sweetheart!"

  • jerboa Jerboa I kinda really like the Jerboa UI changes
  • riskable riskable 5 days ago 100%

    It doesn't work in comments

  • politics politics MAGA pastor claims Kamala Harris deployed "witchcraft" in Trump debate
  • riskable riskable 5 days ago 100%

    I'm glad you left out, "thoughts" because we all know that was never a factor in this.

  • politics politics MAGA pastor claims Kamala Harris deployed "witchcraft" in Trump debate
  • riskable riskable 5 days ago 100%

    He's trying to counter witchcraft with whiney removedcraft.

  • politics politics Trump Threatens the NASDAQ After Exchange Halts Trading on His Media Company: ‘What’s Going On?’
  • riskable riskable 5 days ago 100%

    Lying liar lies about his stock liquidation plans.

    Everyone that still holds stock after Trump is allowed to sell is a sucker. A sucker that absolutely will deserve those losses. It'd be like investing in Bernie Madoff at this point... After he's proven to the world that he's a fraud a thousand times over, people are still throwing money at Trump's bullshit.

    Future news: "I invested almost all my savings into this!"

    Who could've known he was lying about selling it all as fast as he could‽

    Everyone with half a brain, that's who.

  • politics politics 'Embarrassing faux pas': Trump confuses male singer for a 'hot' woman at his rally
  • riskable riskable 5 days ago 100%

    Now maybe Republicans can understand how it feels to be misgendered? Nah, that would require empathy!

    You'd think everyone would've caught on by now with so many of them being misidentified as real men.

  • politics politics The Foundation Behind Project 2025 Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 100%

    The writers of Happy Birthday are still cracking their whips from the grave!

  • jerboa Jerboa I kinda really like the Jerboa UI changes
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 100%

    Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring: I like them too.

    Now we just need inline looping gifs/videos and I'll have every feature I've ever wanted👍

  • politics politics "Appalling and extremely racist": Trump's embrace of Laura Loomer is blowing up in his face
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 100%

    declared that the White House would “smell like curry” if Vice President Kamala Harris were to win in November,

    I can't be the only one who thinks that would be a welcome development. More Asian dishes in the White House would be fantastic. Why does the right hate Asian food? 🤔

    I say this a white American, "What's wrong with curry‽"

    I'll come out and say it: If you elect this white guy (me) as president I would make the White House smell like curry from time to time 🍛

    Wait: Do they expect me to eat like some British dude during WW2‽ I mean, that's how the British are still eating (rose water? No thank you!) but still...

    Maybe those on the right need a DEI food program.

  • technology Technology “Fascists”: Elon Musk responds to proposed fines for disinformation on X
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 100%

    It'd be one thing if X didn't actively promote disinformation but they are doing that. They're picking what and who to promote via their algorithm.

    If they had a hands-off approach to free speech (like any given Mastodon instance) I'd agree with you. Since that's not the case I can't see how it's a, "slippery slope". They're actively promoting disinformation in order to push a political agenda that actively hurts the Australian people.

    It's basic liability, not really related to freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want but there can also be legal consequences for what you say. It's always been like that. Even in the US.

  • news News Delivery company sues Mike Lindell's MyPillow to put shipping debt to bed
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 100%

    Is there a "consequence news" Lemmy community? Seems like this would fall under that category.

  • politics politics The Foundation Behind Project 2025 Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud
  • riskable riskable 6 days ago 97%

    Never trust any organization with "heritage" in its name.

  • politics politics Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • riskable riskable 7 days ago 100%

    Nothing says, "normal" and, "sane" like typing up a long rant in ALL CAPS declaring, "I WON!" while your opponent holds the gold.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Do Not Tap the Glass [beetlemoses]
  • riskable riskable 1 week ago 100%

    Only one I know about is Donald Trump but it wasn't a fish tank... It was a golden toilet.

  • usauthoritarianism US Authoritarianism American Imperialism
  • riskable riskable 1 week ago 88%

    The dead don't care either way.

  • 196 196 Rated R rule
  • riskable riskable 2 weeks ago 100%

    Kissing? Try watching True Blood with the fam 👍

    "It's a horror show"

  • riskable riskable 2 weeks ago 100%

    Back to the old days where only employees will get away with stealing.

  • games Games Ayaneo officially enters the U.S. gaming market — $399 Next Lite and $999 Kun now available at Best Buy
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 70%

    The thing runs Windows so it's not a Steam Deck competitor... It's a has-been at launch.

    Windows is absolute garbage for a handheld gaming device. When are these manufacturers going to learn and just ship the things with Linux? Many Chinese devices (made for running emulators) ship with some customized Linux so why aren't more mainstream manufacturers doing it? Seems like a no-brainer to make a better device and save money on licensing costs.

  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's the WiFi password

  • globalnews Interesting Global News Swedish church leaders seek to ban fathers giving the bride away
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 22%

    Of all the insignificant, immaterial, inconsequential things to be removed about.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes A dog is not the opposite of a cat
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    The opposite of cat is >

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election?
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    Rich people believe that no matter how rough the world gets they will be fine as long as they remain rich. History has shown repeatedly that this is a false assumption, demonstrating that the rich in America really are just as dumb as poor conservatives who get suckered into voting against their own interests every election.

    Also many of the absurdly wealthy are sociopaths and narcissists (because our economic system allows people like that to succeed by stepping on everyone else). To them, all that matters is how they look among their "in group." So if they think they'll look better by being a few billion richer they do whatever it takes to get there... No matter the long term consequences. Either to them or anyone else.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How different would the world be if school never ended but you could leave and come back anytime you elect to?
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's already like that except the funding part. There's free online learning for basically anything available to everyone in the world, 24/7. And people do take advantage of it.

    You can learn whatever TF you want from reliable, trusted sources it's just that all you get from it is the knowledge. You don't normally get a degree or a certificate or anything like that. Because those things are for traditional institutions (and how they make money).

    If you really want to learn something, go learn it. What's stopping you?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How different would the world be if school never ended but you could leave and come back anytime you elect to?
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 91%

    It's already like that except the funding part. There's free online learning for basically anything available to everyone in the world, 24/7. And people do take advantage of it.

    You can learn whatever TF you want from reliable, trusted sources it's just that all you get from it is the knowledge. You don't normally get a degree or a certificate or anything like that. Because those things are for traditional institutions (and how they make money).

    If you really want to learn something, go learn it. What's stopping you?

  • news News The federal courts are full of judges who could retire but won’t. There is little to be done about it.
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    That's not really a good idea... Just because life expectancy could go up doesn't mean that a person's cognitive function will remain the same if they live longer.

    A senator could have the mental capacity of a toddler at 110 even if the life expectancy at the time were 150.

    Even if we have super geniuses at 150 we should still be giving control of the government to people under 70. Let the "young" run the country.

  • politics politics Kristi Noem's dog killing used as retort to Maga's latest Tim Walz attack
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's not in her back yard she lives in the gravel pit.

  • technology Technology Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
  • riskable riskable 3 weeks ago 72%

    They officially don't care about running .NET applications on Linux anymore. They never really did before but so few people fell for that trap Microsoft is finally ready to turn in the towel

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy riskable 1 month ago 46%
    Imagine a "woke mob": Who's in it? What do they look like? What would they do?

    I've heard this phrase used often by those on the right but every time I hear it I can't help but laugh because of what **I** picture in my head. But perhaps my image is wrong! I want to read everyone else's depictions. So as to not influence the responses I will not be sharing what I imagine a "woke mob" looks like.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes riskable 2 months ago 93%
    Thanks Obama!

    Edit, since folks don't seem to get the joke: Obama's campaign slogan was "Hope"

    Wikipedia riskable 2 months ago 94%
    List of eponymous laws

    This is the page you can learn about things like Cunningham's law which states that every program attempts to expand until it can read mail

    Wikipedia riskable 2 months ago 96%
    Wilhelm scream

    If you watch movies and TV shows you should learn about this to maximize your obscure knowledge of every day things 👍

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes riskable 2 months ago 96%
    On this special day we must remember what Trump said about gun control

    > “...this is not a gun problem. This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem." -Donald J Trump in April 2023

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes riskable 2 months ago 99%
    Project 2025 aims to eliminate the US Forest Service (USFS) powers to prevent forest fires and to increase logging on Federal lands which makes sense because it's trees that are the problem
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes riskable 2 months ago 98%
    Project 2025 aims to eliminate the Department of Education which makes sense because you don't need an education to become President
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Political Memes riskable 2 months ago 98%
    Project 2025 aims to eliminate NOAA which makes sense because all you need to track a hurricane is a sharpie

    A simple reminder of the incompetence, idiocy, and insanity that was the Trump presidency. Here's the original story, in case you forgot:

    Stick Enthusiasts riskable 3 months ago 97%
    Sticky aftermath
    AI Generated Images riskable 10 months ago 75%
    Trying to get the hang of segmentation

    It's really hard to get SD to output something like a cat girl hugging a fox girl so I decided to learn how to use the "segment anything" extension for a1111. The first results were great! ![Fox girl hugging bunny girl being hugged by cat girl]( Got the trifecta: A fox girl hugging a bunny girl who was also being hugged by a cat girl. But now I wanted to take it further: Can I get five different anime beast people's hugging? No, LOL. Now *yet* anyway 🤣 That's supposed to be a a fox girl, a bunny girl, a cat girl, a frog girl, and a horse girl (like Pretty Derby).

    AI Generated Images riskable 11 months ago 90%
    The heart of artificial intelligence

    Generated by Bing DALL-E 3

    AI Generated Images riskable 11 months ago 96%
    I asked DALL-E 3 "What happens when the cat is let out of the bag"

    We should generate images for other metaphors

    Baldur's Gate 3 riskable 12 months ago 82%
    Texting my wife while she's traveling... 🧐

    I have since learned that this "fact" isn't true... Turns out the source of that info wasn't understanding how tags work. There's actually just a lot of fanfics that *include* Astarion. Not necessarily for romance 🤷 It's still hilarious though 😁

    Mechanical Keyboards riskable 1 year ago 97%
    Garage door opener now uses Cherry MX Blues

    Manufacturer wanted $25 (+shipping) for a replacement garage door opener wall switch. 13 minutes of printing + 5 minutes of soldering + two leftover Cherry MX Blue switches (that I'll be use) and the problem is solved 👍 Note: The wiring was slightly more involved than I thought... needed a resistor for the light (there's only two wires but it's got two functions: Light on/off and garage open/close. If folks are interested I could make a much fancier PCB-based version with screw terminals and whatnot. It's a very trivial schematic.

    Linux riskable 1 year ago 91%
    NTFS turns 30 years old today! I hear it's still in use by some crufty old legacy operating systems 😁

    Happy 30th Birthday "New Technology" File System! Thanks for 30 years of demonstrating Linux superiority with a gap that widens with every new kernel release 👍

    Technology riskable 1 year ago 72%
    NTFS turns 30 years old today! I hear it's still in use by some crufty old legacy operating systems 😁

    As a full time desktop Linux user since 1999 (the actual year of the Linux desktop) I wish all you Windows folks the best of luck on the next clean install 👍 ...and Happy 30th Birthday "New Technology" File System!

    Technology riskable 1 year ago 89%
    NTFS turns 30 years old today! I hear it's still in use by some crufty old legacy operating systems 😁

    As a full time desktop Linux user since 1999 (the actual year of the Linux desktop, I swear) I wish all you Windows folks the best of luck on the next clean install 👍 ...and Happy 30th Birthday "New Technology" File System!

    Lord of the memes riskable 1 year ago 98%
    Looking for cool Fediverse communities

    I wasn't expecting to be joining a LotR meme community when I started this journey but I must say it *does* feel like you are my people. Maybe some day we will draw swords together.

    Memes riskable 1 year ago 95%
    Reality sets in