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  • mbp mbp 3 days ago • 100%

    Basquiat would blush, this is great!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Don’t you DARE come home with the artificial variety!
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%


  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Any good coffee drinker can appreciate tea the same. It's all delicious plant water one way or another 🤩

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Great advice!

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Thanks for including the stats! I'll be looking back on this to improve my AeroPress pulls

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    My local sit-in cafe near Portland has V60 and chemex for about $3.50 but the ones I really love is the whole milk 16oz latte from the tiny 4x12 coffee house but they're like $4

    The sit in place, I tip in but the coffee house doesn't even ask for one if I use my card.

    Lots of coffee here so I've found $8 lattes at places and that makes me retch

  • memes Memes awHell Naw
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Or vet bills 😩

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Realistic take but it sounds like you're enjoying the best coffee in your city regardless of how much you spent initially. $120 is a hell of a steal for a whole year of joe, IMO

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    Chemex is preferred when I'm sharing a pot with my wife/company since we can make 3 cups at once. I know you can make AeroPress for two cups at a time but it seems like it's better when pulling singles. It's nice having the coffee warm for everyone to enjoy at once but I'm now thinking a V60 might be a cheaper alternative for that situation.

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 1 week ago • 100%

    I'd say $3.50 is about the cheapest pour over house coffee here in PNW US. You can find cheaper stuff at like 7-Eleven and other convenience stores - about $1-$2 but the quality is usually lacking. McDonald's was my cheapest/most convenient/tastiest go-to back in Florida. I think it was around $2

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    My man coming in with Aldi love and straight facts ♥

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    Instant coffee occasionally becomes my habit if I happen to find a good looking box at the supermarket. Super hit and miss here in the 'States but I find the most luck at the Japanese supermarket in town!

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    Aldi's whole bean bags are pretty damn good for what it's worth. Those organic yellow bags, I think Panamanian or Peruvian ones were the bomb.

  • coffee Coffee I will not apologise
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%


  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    My first coffee maker is my AeroPress! Had it for about a decade now and it's still plungin'

    Took it out camping a ton over the years! It's been banged up so much and still works perfectly. I usually just bring a stack of paper filters in a ziploc but a metal filter sounds pretty bulletproof now that you mention it...

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    $40 is great! Plus you get plenty of cafe time which is worth a ton in my opinion. I didn't factor in my coffee house budget because that can get pretty high depending on the month 😅

    I've been considering the V60 to get away from the pricey Chemex filters and that figure sounds really great. Thanks!

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    We do have Costco around here! I'll take a look for those Lavazza beans - they sound like a great deal.

    Never tried the metal Aero filters but I found some off brand ones on Amazon that do the job really well. Got like fkn 800 filters for $10 on Amazon so that's WAY cheaper than the Chemex as it is. I worried about the metal filters resulting in oily coffee akin to a french press, did you experience that or are my fears unfounded?

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    That's solid. I figured I'd need a new setup to make the most of it - doubt my cuisinart burr grinder would be able to pull a really mean americano let alone a late. I'll keep that in mind for the next few huge Chemex filters I toss. Thanks!

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    Recently moved to a more coffee-oriented area so I should be able to find green beans way easier now. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    I'm no coffee snob but jfc, I swear they get Folgers and CFoN just to fuck with us lol

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • mbp mbp 2 weeks ago • 100%

    One 12oz bag? Wow, that's efficient. Maybe that'll help me justify forking over the initial cost for a decent espresso machine.

  • coffee
    Coffee mbp • 2 weeks ago • 98%
    How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?

    My wife and I go through about 4lbs a month using mainly Chemex and Areopress. Used to get (decent) crummy coffee at Aldi and Grocery Outlet, occasionally splurging for local roasts at the coffee shops. Still, I calculate that's about $35 or so a month on beans, Chemex filters should probably be calculated with how pricey they can be - napkin maths say $11 roughly for a months supply. $46USD ain't bad compared to my other vices 😪 Curious to hear if I'm around the average spender or how it tracks! Maybe you have some tips on cheap but amazing coffee? I wouldn't know unless I asked y'all

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?
  • mbp mbp 3 weeks ago • 100%

    That's the thing. On one hand I like not being bombarded by the shit opinions but on the other I like being informed at what the talking points are (to a degree) because I find that keeps me sharp against the opposition. When I read or hear about conservative viewpoints, I only think about how obtuse the logic is so it's not something I worry at all about affecting my mindspace so this might not be a solution to everyone.

    I'm still torn on the topic since it's nice to not give a platform to obviously shit ideals since that's how the misinformation spreads but I still wonder if there's an even better protocol out there we haven't been able to even comprehend yet.

  • news News Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news
  • mbp mbp 2 months ago • 100%

    Wasn't one an eight year old?

  • technology Technology Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people after it laid off 700 people
  • mbp mbp 7 months ago • 100%

    Good points!

    The timing is quite important. Other things to consider are tax periods, bonuses, and nature of the markets. That can all be racked up as cost of doing business if the long-term benefits outweigh the long-term costs.

    Especially if they are having a bad year or quarter, performing layoffs can show promise of a better next quarter since severance is basically a fixed cost to the number of employees you have.

    There isn't necessarily one size fits all but the bottom line is dropping employees saves money as human resources are always one of the largest costs of operating.

  • technology Technology Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people after it laid off 700 people
  • mbp mbp 7 months ago • 100%

    Companies will time layoffs to get a better profit in the next couple months to report better quarterly or yearly earnings reports. How those earnings reports turn out directly affects the stock market performance, which in turn makes the shareholders significantly more money.

    This is most effective if somebody's trying to pump the stock value before jumping ship in the most egregious cases.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Whoever is across from someone on the yearbook page kisses them when the book closes.
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 33%

    We have to clarify every time something is American? People don't even realize because, well, it's so normal to an American. It's not like it's done spitefully.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your unpopular flim opinion
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 100%

    The true way to get the unpopular opinions

  • cat cats "One shot, tall and frothy, barkeep"
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 100%

    Absolutely. It's so lively there and with all the people around at all times of the night, I never felt unsafe. Just people out having a good time

  • greentext Greentext Anon works at dominos
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 100%

    Not tipping delivery sucks.

  • greentext Greentext Anon buys a watch
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 100%

    Came out swinging but couldn't handle the punches 😬

  • 196 196 Living on the Edge Rules
  • mbp mbp 9 months ago • 100%

    Incredible story from incredible athletes. It's a feat to do that and, would you look at that, it doesn't diminish anyone else's goals or aspirations either.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What habits or tastes did you keep from your teenage years and that slightly ashame you as an adult?
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some hobbies you have?
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    Same experience with my printer! Gave me some motivation to finish off some of the projects I've disregarded since there's some new shiny light to it. The printer has been going non-stop (while it's not needing to be maintained) and I've made enclosures, costumes, frames, and molds that got me back into programming, crafting, painting, and masonry. Glad to have such split attention sometimes, lol.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some hobbies you have?
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    Bookmarked in case of deep inspiration, thank you!

  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    Goddammit, now I need to change my fkn VPN, too

  • 196 196 We interrupt your programming rule
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    Fucking, sick

  • linux Linux New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 84%

    Jesus, it's so inconsistent. I suppose that may be beneficial when looking at all of your folders at a bird's eye view but my knee jerk reaction isn't the most positive.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    They could've stopped at step 3 but they gave you 8 more steps to feel like a true hacker.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    Built in sobriety test, how nice!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed
  • mbp mbp 11 months ago • 100%

    08 Toyota FJ so we likely had the same sequence ✊
