map_enthusiasts Map Enthusiasts 2024 Indian Parliament election results - Maharashtra
  • kazerniel kazerniel 3 months ago 100%

    my brain is melting from these colours 🥴

  • technology Technology Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • kazerniel kazerniel 3 months ago 100%

    Switching to Linux means you might have to say goodbye to certain proprietary software and games. Applications like Adobe Creative Suite

    as someone whose job mostly involves Adobe programs and whose many hobby is gaming, I think I'll stick with a Windows with all the AI crap disabled via group policies and O&O Shutup 😐 For now...

  • technology Technology Messaging Service ICQ To Shut Down Next Month After Nearly 30 Years
  • kazerniel kazerniel 4 months ago 100%

    damn, that was the first IM service I used, I still remember its logo from ~2001

  • games Games Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 8 months ago 100%
    • Abzu - hated the underwater movement controls
    • Deponia & MechaNika - the protagonist is an asshole
    • Papers Please - too stressful (works well as a piece of art, but wasn't an enjoyable experience)
  • Buttcoin
    Study suggests 95% of NFT collections are worthless

    > Of the 73,257 NFT collections we identified, an eye-watering 69,795 of them have a market cap of 0 Ether (ETH). > This statistic effectively means that 95% of people holding NFT collections are currently holding onto worthless investments. Having looked into those figures, we would estimate that 95% to include over 23 million people who’s investments are now worthless.

    firefox Firefox Stop using Brave Browser
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Tbh the homophobia was just the last straw on the hill of crypto nonsense they piled on the browser over the years. I've been increasingly uncomfortable with Brave the more "fluff" they added, so going back to bare Ungoogled Chromium has been pretty good.

  • technology Technology Why are people hyped about RSS regaining relevance?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I used Feedly for many years, but recently switched to Newsblur, and I love that it lets me filter out posts by tags or keywords, finally don't have to use external tools for it.

  • firefox Firefox Stop using Brave Browser
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 83%

    it was a similar article that made me switch from Brave to Ungoogled Chromium a few weeks ago, as a backup browser for the handful of sites that don't work in Firefox.

  • hungary Hungary külföldről
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Üdv! Bár én sem élek Mo-n, de azért vannak azért még független, magas színvonalú médiumok, pl.: hírekre Telex vagy, mélyebb oknyomozó anyagokra Átlátszó vagy Direkt36.

    Mo-n élő családtagoktól is azt hallom, hogy az ország egyre menetel a fasizmus irányába, Orbán bandája már minden állami intézményt kifosztott, a szegényekre és kisebbségekre pedig nagyon rájár a rúd. És nem tűnik úgy, hogy ez akár középtávon is változna.

  • memes Memes It's very old but if I ever get a tattoo, this will be it
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    this meme was my Facebook profile cover for a while 😁

  • memes Memes I don't need it... 👀
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Why not? I still look up information there too, but I use an adblocker, so it's not like Spez is profiting from me.

    If you don't want to give them traffic, you can always visit the search result URL through the Wayback Machine or

  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Sorry, I misread the situation 😅

    Lemmy is really wonky for me today, but I think I managed to change the title and update the description.

  • technology Technology The world's first colour e-ink monitor is essentially a 25-inch Kindle
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I'm a graphic designer, and it could be interesting for working on CMYK files and actually see them as they would look on paper.

  • technology Technology [Discussion] Threads and Tumblr are working on implementing Activitypub. How do you think this will affect fediverse
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I also have limited understanding, but these are huge corporations with huge userbases. If they start giving "helpful" input on how the ActivityPub protocol should develop, it may exert a strong pressure/influence due to their sheer size.

    I know it's not the same situation, but it reminds me of how Google keeps trying to push shady stuff into Chromium, even though it's supposed to be free, open-source software.

  • technology Technology [Discussion] Threads and Tumblr are working on implementing Activitypub. How do you think this will affect fediverse
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 90%

    I think this is their attempt to EEE (Embrace, Extend, Extinguish) the Fediverse, so I'm strongly in favour of immediately defederating corporate instances as soon as they are created.

  • hungary Hungary Hallgattok rádiót (akár online vagy offline formában)? Ha igen, melyiket?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 0%

    elektronikus is akad:

    Az tetszik AccuRadioban, hogy lehet számokat v előadót bannolni, és azt sosem adja onnantól. Elvileg néhány számonként lennének reklámok, de az uBlock Originnal egyáltalán nem kapok, viszont a mobil appon elég zavaró volt.

    Szerk.: ja meg a testreszabható csatorna-mixelés is elég pöpec

  • hungary Hungary Hallgattok rádiót (akár online vagy offline formában)? Ha igen, melyiket?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 0%

    csak AccuRadio-t :)

  • longreads
    Excellent Reads kazerniel 1 year ago 100%
    The Balkans’ alternative postal system: an ad-hoc courier’s tale

    I admittedly don't know much about its historical background, but I found this a fascinating read about the legacy of the nineties' Bosnian war that is still acutely felt throughout the region.

  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I'm using whichever is the freshest version BakaBT allows (v4.5.4 right now).

  • openstreetmap OpenStreetMap community Linux Group Shares Its First Open Dataset for Creating Real Google Maps Alternatives
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    OpenStreetMap is a joy to behold and fun to edit too, but for me where it really falls behind is its route planner :/ Google Maps lets us plan with public transport, shows multiple route options with journey times, and lets us edit walking paths by just dragging the line. OSM desktop doesn't seem to have any of these features.

  • technology Technology Musk rushes out new Twitter logo—it’s just an X that someone tweeted at him
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    the similarity is more striking in night mode though:

    just a very slightly narrower font

  • technology Technology Musk rushes out new Twitter logo—it’s just an X that someone tweeted at him
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Not only copycats, but there's an Indian musician who has apparently been using almost 100% the same logo for the past two years.

  • newcommunities New Communities Terrible Estate Agent Photos (badrealestate) - estate agent/realtor photos that are so bad they’re funny.
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    SYP hasn't been updated since March, this seems to be an up-to-date alternative:

  • memes Memes Old Memes
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    check out the other posts in the right sidebar, there are so many great ones :D

  • memes Memes Old Memes
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    btw the source of this is a fucking brilliant webcomic/blog thing:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    This illustrates really well why word filters are a terrible idea; they have no regard for the conversational context.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Interesting that this sir/ma'am thing is very location-dependent. I've been living in Scotland more more than a decade now and I probably heard someone address me as "sir" a grand total of twice. I remember because it always felt so jarring, like why was this random shop assistant speaking to me so subserviently O.o

    But I heard in some places (USA?) it's very commonplace.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    My high school class was in mid-'00s, and there was one girl who very much had that butch/tomboy vibe going on. I drifted away from the class, so only heard rumours after graduation, but I think she never actually came out as anything. On the other hand three others of us (two of whom, including myself, I never would have guessed back in high school) eventually came out as various shades of queer :D

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    It's probably specific to my social circles, but in the late '00s some of my family and acquaintances started using certain vegetable and food names as synonyms for stupid person. E.g. "you carrot", "you cake". I guess this was a less openly offensive way of disparaging someone's intelligence.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I'm happy for your realisation, OP!

    For me it was homophobic and ableist slurs as general words for "bad". It's very common in my native society, so after I started learning more about social justice issues, it took a few years to wean myself off.

    Also, looking back, I realise now that in middle school I was lowkey cruel to some classmates, manipulated them for my own amusement. I was never one to bully others, but I was often a bystander entertained by others being bullied. (Even though I was being bullied myself by the same people on other occasions. But I somehow never made that connection with their other victims, I guess my empathy wasn't fully developed back then. Or maybe it was a mental self-defence mechanism, idk.)

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Youtube added shorts to the subscriptions page, pushing the subscriptions almost entirely off the page...
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%
  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    thanks :)

  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I... didn't expect the way this ended up 0.0

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Yea, iirc I went IE -> Mozilla -> Firefox.

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Are their Windows binaries safe to use? I don't have the knowledge to compile it myself.

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    thanks, I'll look it up

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    Yea, I remember when it was just Mozilla browser. (I've been an internet user since around 2000-2001-ish.)

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I've been a Firefox main since before it was even called Firefox :D

    As much as it lagged behind in speed in the early days of Chrome, back then Chrome didn't have anywhere near to Firefox's amazing selection of addons, many of which were essential to my workflow.

    That also meant that I hated Firefox's switch to WebExtensions, as it gutted most of the addons I used at the time, and it took them many years to get back as many features as possible (which of course has never been all the original features).

    I even switched to Firefox ESR, then when that dropped support too, to Waterfox for a few years to retain the ability to use classic addons. But eventually it became too much hassle, and I have been a Firefox mainbranch user again since 2021 :)

    For the handful of websites that only work in Chrome (or when I need to test my own websites), I've been using Brave in recent years. It's weirdly into crypto nonsense, but at least those features can be disabled. But if anyone knows a better Google-less Chromium browser, pls let me know!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    My main game for the last 1-2 years has been Genshin Impact, and a cursory googling says that it does use kernel level anti cheat.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows?
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 100%

    I never tried Linux, but I consider it every few years. However if I weigh that

    • O&O Shutup10 and group policies can remove all the telemetry and intrusiveness from Windows +
    • most of my work involves Adobe products +
    • my main hobby is gaming, with the vast majority of my games not having a Linux port

    there are simply too many factors that would make Linux to be more hassle, have less performance or downright impossible to serve as a substitute for Windows, while for me personally not really offering any practical benefits over Windows.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Cats *and* anticapitalism? Sign me up!
  • kazerniel kazerniel 1 year ago 50%

    As a somewhat contrary opinion, while I agree that Le Guin is a fantastically good worldbuilder, sadly her stories and characters often barely reach mediocre quality. I still strongly recommend The Disposessed - it shifted my politics massively towards anarchism and I re-read it every few years.

    Otoh many of Le Guin's works feature strong misogyny, and The Word for World is Forest is one of the worst examples. ::: spoiler spoiler Lots of sexual violence, and one of the PoV characters being a rapist. ::: While the depicted native culture is interesting, we see very little of it in proportion to all the violence and destruction.

    Then there's The Left Hand of Darkness which I'm quite on the fence about. I'm fascinated by the gender and sexual dynamics of its society, but sadly we experience the whole story through the thoughts of a very sexist cishet guy. Imho that spoils it a lot.

    My second favourite Le Guin novel after The Disposessed is The Telling. Here, too, we see very oppressive societies, and as symptomatic of Le Guin's works the pacing is uneven and the plot feels unfinished - but in its entirety the novel still feels like a beautiful poem about cultural and personal resilience in face of oppression.
