meta meta gabe 2 months ago 100%
We have updated! And now have the ability to create local only communities.

The domain was also renewed. Thank you to @Arthur for all you do. Things seemed to have go pretty well. Contemplating what kind of local only community we should make. A local only general forum perhaps?

meta meta gabe 2 months ago 95%
We will be down tomorrow to upgrade and for some general system maintenance.

Private communities will be coming! Woo!

fediverse Fediverse Last Week in Fediverse – ep 76
  • gabe gabe 2 months ago 100%

    Interesting! Look's really cool

  • meta meta gabe 4 months ago 100%
    Update on the state of things (and email problems)

    Hey! We're still here. Just been busy, still checking and resolving reports though. The image server was fixed but unfortunately we are now experiencing email delivery issues, so be aware of that. We will likely need to switch to an SMTP service soon. Hope everyone is doing well :)

    meta meta Updated! And image uploading is still broken.. whoops
  • gabe gabe 6 months ago 100%

    Man I can't wait for Sublinks conversion. I hate this.

  • meta meta gabe 6 months ago 100%
    Updated! And image uploading is still broken.. whoops

    Things seem to be working otherwise. But it's... yeah. I'll take a look as I can but yeah. If you upload images just use imgur I guess. 🤔 Images on remote instance should show up just fine though :-)

    foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 6 months ago 100%

    I migrated over to writefreely, here's the new link.

  • chat chat gabe 6 months ago 100%
    State of things and some upcoming downtime

    Heya, I'm still here. Still working on things in the background and been quite busy. Right now the instance server needs some updates and the pictures backend is a little wonky. Gonna take the instance down for a bit presumably sometime tomorrow for some (hopefully) quick spring cleaning.

    fediverse Fediverse Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • gabe gabe 6 months ago 72%

    The abuse potential this has feels quite concerning. You've just given kiwifarms a decentralized tool to host its stalking profiles on people.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy's Image Problem (Updated 02-06-2024)
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    I wish you the best of luck on this and I truly hope you do this, but this is what the lead dev of Sublinks tried to do. That's the missing piece here. He tried making an external mod tooling system. Maybe you'll have better luck than he did. I really hope you do.

  • chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (March 6th, 2023)
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 93%

    Haven't gotten much reading done, been extremely busy with Sublinks stuff and playing baldurs gate 3. I did make a blog post about my issues with lemmy and why I am focusing on sublinks and the lemmy devs unfortunately dismissed all the criticism I had and then proceeded to tell off the Beehaw admins and told them to leave lemmy. It's unfortunate. I am proud of my blog post though.

    I am still here, paying for the server. Just doing stuff in the background as I can. My DMs are always open too, even if I seem away I promise I'm not. I'm currently working on accessibility auditing the Sublinks frontend, planning on starting a test environment later tonight for that. 😅

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy's Image Problem (Updated 02-06-2024)
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 93%

    Upload somewhere else (theres a bunch of images hosts) then make your post point to that image host. Federated instances just have to host the link, so it’s good for them too.

    Those images are still cached as well as the thumbnails.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    As well, I should highlight the project jgrim was desiring to do was an external mod tooling system for lemmy. Not something within lemmy itself.

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 60%

    That's not the case at all. I have had disagreements with jgrim and will continue in the future. The difference in that differing opinions are open for discussion and are not immediately met with hostility or completely shutdown.

    The lemmy devs are blatantly lying under this post, and I'm not engaging for the reason that I have better things to do than to argue with them and convince them to accept criticism they are clearly never going to be willing to hear. There's more that goes beyond discussing and making github requests on this project, and a portion of this is based on interactions on the backend within matrix admin channels as well as watching interaction within the github repository itself as well. I have engaged heavily in the matrix chats amongst large lemmy instances on this stuff numerous times. My frustration is shared.

    My issue isn't that they aren't doing what I want, it's that they have such opinionated development that they seem truly incapable of taking criticism or feedback from others. Everyone is wrong or the problem except for them. All of the criticism I have laid out has been dismissed under this post as "false criticism" which exemplifies the frustration held. I recognize that this is a large project that requires a lot of energy and time that is difficult for hobbyists to engage in, but they actively push away other hobbyists who try to work on the project with them. I am one of them. All passion and desire to engage in this project is gone.

    I am truly despondent about lemmy as a platform and simply login and engage when I feel the random spurt of energy to do so. Outside of that, I just monitor and moderate in the background. This blog post simply explains why. Take with it what you will. 🤷

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 83%

    I removed the plugin causing the issue and cleared the cache.

  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 91%

    I will be migrating as soon as I can on here, and am making plans to start the "first" full sublinks instance when it reaches somewhat stability for production ( For transparency though, I am contributing to the project within the capacity that I am able to so I'm probably biased.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 90%

    It especially leads to harassment of vulnerable people. There's many aspects of moderation that is done here that if implemented in other fediverse software would become a vector for Kiwifarms level harassment.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 70%

    The thing is, sublinks lead developer tried to work with development team of lemmy. It was like pulling teeth constantly and his experience was overall negative.

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 62%

    It is unfortunate that this is what you have decided to take away from the blog post instead of reflecting on the criticism I have provided. Instead of reflecting on my list of legitimate criticism you have decided to call me entitled and hone in on small aspects of the blog post in attempt to dismiss it completely. Per usual, it is everyone else that seems to be the problem but you. I outlined my own issues with lemmy after a LOT of patience and goodwill. That's lost, and this comment solidifies further why I will switch away from lemmy as soon as I get the chance. Whether you decide to accept the points I have made is on you but ultimately your refusal to recognize the issues I have outlined will cause this project to fade away completely. And that's really sad. I love lemmy as a project and an idea.

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 60%

    Do you run an instance or have you ever ran a fediverse instance before?

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 50%

    I deleted the activitypub plugin because of how wonky it is, try again and let me know if you have any issue now

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 80%

    You aren't, it's a weird issue with the activitypub plugin I am having. I'm contemplating removing the plugin itself due to this.

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 40%

    It can be a source of harassment to not be able to anonymize actions.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 66%

    Interesting. I might have to remove the activitypub plugin regardless then.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 93%

    It can become a source of targeted harassment, as it has on the rest of the fediverse before.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    I couldn't find their pronouns listed anywhere, but it was my bad to assume regardless. Fixed it, my apologies.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 92%

    I will migrate it to sublinks as soon as I can.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 88%

    It might be an issue with the activitypub plugin, try this shortlink version instead

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 93%

    I agree quite a bit with your second point, as someone who used to run a Minecraft server long long long ass it was quite bad.

    And yeah, I think there will be solid reasons to get users to migrate. But for the most part it wont really be needed as instances themselves will be able to convert lemmy instances to sublinks instances eventually. It wont require much effort from users unless they want to switch instances entirely.

  • fediverse Fediverse My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 80%

    The front end is a work in progress but making significant headway. The lemmy frontend it has on the demo instance is just a placeholder, but the work has been progressing rapidly. I've thankfully been able to be there for it and provide input as I can.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you *do* online these days? Where do you spend the most time?
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    Reading, discord, mastodon, crocheting are my main things at this point. Lemmy occasionally.

  • fediverse
    Fediverse gabe 7 months ago 76%
    My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > I made a blog post discussing my biggest issues with Lemmy and why I am kind of done with it as a software.

    Fediverse gabe 7 months ago 83%
    My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog

    cross-posted from: > I made a blog post discussing my biggest issues with Lemmy and why I am kind of done with it as a software.

    Free and Open Source Software gabe 7 months ago 98%
    My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog

    I made a blog post discussing my biggest issues with Lemmy and why I am kind of done with it as a software.

    technology Technology PSA: You can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 96%

    For context, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to lemmy admin stuff especially in the matrix channels. There is a significant frustration and lack of confidence in the lemmy developers at this point. Even those who try to contribute to the project get eventually feeling pushed out.

  • technology Technology PSA: You can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 97%

    Welcome to the hell of being a lemmy admin. There's a reason why lemmy admins are fed up with the developers.

  • chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (February 21st, 2023)
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    Haven't gotten around to reading that much, been busy unfortunately.

  • chat chat gabe 7 months ago 93%
    Did you get any good books for the holidays?

    I got a few, but mainly just stuck to the library.

    fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama LemmyWorld forced to close shitposting community due to CSAM spammers
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    Yeah, unfortunately took a rapid shift away and my optimism is gone. A hard fork is being made from scratch in a new programming language, that I am actively involved in whatever way I can be.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s with the recent spam here?
  • gabe gabe 7 months ago 100%

    Just a bunch of Japanese script kiddies targetting the fediverse and its network for some reason. There's active measures being taken and thankfully many instances are monitoring it pretty well.

  • fediverse Fediverse The Mastodon groups now federate into Lemmy
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%


  • meta meta This is the best instance to scroll by local on.
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    I hope whenever local only posts come it can be even more chill with some casual local only community conversations

  • fiction Fiction Books What book that everyone seems to love do you dislike?
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    A big aspect of it is likely nostalgia and the influence it had on many people who were learning to solidify their literacy. I think that's also why it is so hard for people to break from it as well today.

  • harrypotter Harry Potter On the sensitive topic of being a Harry Potter fan while acknowledging JKR's transphobia
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    To be honest, I don't really engage in this community because of the discomfort Harry Potter generally brings me now. I was honestly a bit relieved when it died as I knew when it was created it would eventually spell trouble. I want to preface this as I say all of this as a queer Jewish man.

    I was a big fan of Harry Potter as a kid. It was the one of the big book series' I enjoyed and it connected me with my mother. I had difficulty picking up reading and Harry Potter was a pathway to solidifying my literacy. I understand why people enjoy it, and in many ways the memories I have of it with connecting to my mother is something I will never forget. But at the same time... there's a big difference between consuming public domain work made by awful people who no longer receive profit whilst consuming work by a woman who is actively engaging in political campaigns to make trans peoples lives worse with the profit she still receives.

    I am not trans and I cannot speak from that perspective, but what I can speak on is that I don't really talk about Harry Potter amongst my friends who are as a sign of general respect. It's hard to really emphasize just how much pain JK Rowling has brought people. It's horrendous. There is obvious nuance here and I get that and whenever people talk about Harry Potter I try my hardest not to to pass judgement in spite of the fact I cannot help but think of all the awful shit that's happened. It is extremely difficult for people to break from the cultural hold that Harry Potter has held. It is one of the most iconic media franchises of the early 2000s for a reason.

    When it comes to the antisemitism aspect of it, it brings me frustration as it is often an after thought in the discussion of her stuff. TERF shit and antisemitism tends to be best of friends for some reason. Most likely since TERFs are often embraced by fascists who are already antisemitic and they pick their talking points up, but I digress. Antisemitism is a big thing across most media in general and that did leak heavily into Harry Potter at first, but her antisemitism in her work is more jarring knowing that she is now openly associated with public antisemites as well.

    I don't know. The whole thing just upsets me honestly. Seeing the conflict it creates is painful.

  • fediverse Fediverse Announcement of Sublinks
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    Will there eventually be a means of converting lemmy instances over to sublinks? I know that inter instance software migration is a nightmare though.

  • meta meta Exploding-heads appear to be back again with an allowlist instance, preemptively defederated.
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    They probably thrive off pissing people off and harassing people. So, when they left lemmy they couldn’t really do that.

  • meta meta gabe 8 months ago 92%
    Exploding-heads appear to be back again with an allowlist instance, preemptively defederated.

    They seem to be primarily linked to a nostr relay right now, but knowing them I doubt theyll stay allowlist only for long. Immediately defederated cause fuck that shit. (brain rot warning)

    chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (January 17th, 2023)
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    The first book is AMAZING. I 100% suggest it. So far the sequel is awesome too.

  • newcommunities
    New Communities gabe 8 months ago 91%
    ! - For discussion of the Percy Jackson series & other books in its universe (and its adaptation)

    not strictly a new community per se, but yeah. it exists! with the new show out, theres some discussion to be had over there if you wanna join :) !

    chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (January 17th, 2023)
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    Listening to Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of the otherlands! It's so good so far.

    Also, we may need to scale up the instance soon. Oof.

  • fediverse Fediverse Wafrn is a tumblr clone that connects to the fediverse
  • gabe gabe 8 months ago 100%

    i hope it is due to my library or cat posts and not my occasional cursed shitposts

  • meta meta gabe 8 months ago 91%
    We quietly updated to 0.19.2

    It was a relatively quick update, seems to have a fixed a multitude of issues that 0.19 caused. Also, local only communities are in the pipeline. Local only communities will not federate and will be only seen by those with an account. As soon as it's implemented as a feature, I'll make a local only casual chat community for the instance if that sounds like a good plan?

    meta meta gabe 9 months ago 100%
    On the state of things, an update, regarding threads, etc

    Hey yall, just wanted to pop in for a quick update. I'm here and very much alive and well. Things have been kinda dead off and on, just been recovering from medical stuff and just tending the server and occasionally popping in for the auto scheduled bot post. Basically, I took a break from being super active here for my own well being to prevent from fully burning out. I'm feeling a bit better and am ready to dive back in to lemmy. --- So, the elephant in the room. As some of you may already know, Meta's twitter clone thread's is actively making steps towards federation with AcivityPub. At baseline this doesn't really affect lemmy anyway since content is very broken out from lemmy into the outside world, and facebook is explicitly building with microblogging in mind. Lemmy is still in its infancy, and it likely will not work with threads when they fully federate anyway. With that aside, **we will not be federating with Facebook or any of its platforms.** Beyond all the clear issues such as meta being an active danger human society (reading list can be provided if there's any interest about the evil of Meta/Facebook), I'm here to read and talk about books not mop up after Facebook. Moderation tools in Lemmy aren't up to par as is and the idea of federating with an instance nearly triple the current user count of the entire fediverse makes me feel ill. I hope yall understand. --- That's about it, any questions? Thoughts? Concerns?

    New Communities gabe 11 months ago 97%
    NaNoWriMo - a community for national novel writing month! (which starts today!)

    ! is the community, if you plan on participating in the challenge feel free to post over there about it :D

    meta meta gabe 11 months ago 95%
    What are our feelings on mirrored Reddit content?

    we are defederated from as the bots there was just far too much already but I'm curious about whether we should do the same for and or its sister instances (there's a lot). If you aren't aware of what that is, it's a site ran by another instance that mirrors reddit content over into ghost subs and mirrors the comments as well. Personally? I'm not a fan. Like, at all. I understand the desire but I feel like its not only asking for Reddit to throw down with a legal fit but also feels just... annoying. We don't need a critical mass of content, we need QUALITY content. More does not equal better.

    meta meta gabe 11 months ago 100%
    Temporarily defederated from

    The amount of spam is far too much, and the fact mod actions between software is busted right now does not help. It's unfortunate but the amount of spam is just absurd and annoying. :( I'm keeping an eye on their development updates, hoping they can fix inter software mod actions sooner rather than later. Sorry yall, it's clear that deleting some of the communities from there isn't enough right now :/

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Ebook Deals gabe 11 months ago 81%
    This community is not spam nor are any users advertising here. Please block it and move on if it is not your kind of community.

    As this community has grown I've been getting more and more reports regarding spam from other instances. If you don't like this community, you can just block it? It's pretty easy? Or since all the reports are from remote instances... you don't have to subscribe to it either? Reports of ACTUAL advertising and spam will have action taken, obviously. But we have had none so far. I don't know what it is about this community that a small handful of people feel is spammy but there's things built into lemmy to prevent this community from being visible to you if it isn't your thing...

    meta meta gabe 12 months ago 100%
    We now have automated daily secure remote backups

    I was taking backups daily and encrypting them myself (yeah....) but thanks to @Arthur we got it automated now. It seems to work, but we are gonna test a restore in a controlled environment just to be sure soon. Also, sorry for being a bit dead since this weekend. Have had to disengage for my own well-being a bit due to the giant uptick in antisemitism and horrific violent content being posted without any warnings whatsoever pretty much across everywhere online right now. I'm here, checking reports and stuff. I'm also here and my DMs are always open for any questions or concerns. <3

    chat chat gabe 12 months ago 95%
    Should I do some more book spotlight threads (not just for banned books)

    I can do a 13 days of horror books highlighting some horror books in ! if there's any interest in that. It seems that making highlight posts made a lot of people engaged and started a lot of conversations. Thoughts? I'm willing to do like daily to weekly themed book highlights. I can even do nonfiction book highlights as well. I have a shit ton of books I know of.

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 100%
    As banned books week comes to a close, know that this fight is not over and included are resources to advocate against book bans and challenges for those in the US. Stay vigilant, keep reading - PEN America - banned books week official website - American Library Association And of course if you have a local public library system, **get a library card and support them**. This goes beyond just going to the library as well, go to budget meetings and council meetings if you can. Stay vigilant to local ongoing funding plans within your city and county, and show up to defend libraries to make it clear you aren't there to fuck around. As well, if you are a parent **go to your local school board meetings and stop fascists from taking your board over.** Get involved in your childs PTA, do activism work, and push back against Moms for Liberty. If you have the time, your kids public school needs you to show up and support them. And obviously, keep reading. Thanks for the awesome comments and discussions this past week. I'm considering more book highlights in this community too beyond banned books week, especially on the more obscure banned/challenged books. Would there be any interest in that at all?

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 97%
    Banned Books Week Spotlight Day 7: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

    Kicking off this week with a bang of a nobel prize winning author, and for good reason. This book was deeply disturbing to read but extremely important. It was such a beautifully upsetting piece of literature. The book was intense, yes, but it felt like I was reading thru a beautifully crafted painting. Big warning though for child sexual abuse in this story, if you picked it up and have not read it yet. Of course, this book is very contentious. Not only is it written by a black woman talking about race, but has the above content as well. Have you read it? Any thoughts or feelings? Here's the Wikipedia page regarding it's censorship and bans in the US:

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 100%
    Banned Books Week Spotlight Day 6: Sold by Patricia McCormick

    This award winning book is about a young Nepalese girl who is sold into sexual slavery in India. I've read it, and it was extremely touching and horrifying. It was incredibly necessary to provide a glimpse into a world that many kids suffer thru every day around the world. Of course, the book has been banned or challenged 24 times this year in the US. Have you read this book? There was also a movie made about it as well.

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 100%
    Moms for Liberty is taking over Banned Books Week

    cross-posted from: > It’s the American Library Association’s annual Banned Books Week, a tradition that started in 1982. This year, the theme is “Let Freedom Read!” in honor of record-breaking efforts to censor books now sweeping the nation’s libraries and schools. Yesterday, I published a story about Wyoming’s Cambell County Public Library, which, after a controversy over sex-ed books, last year became the first library system in the country to officially break ties with the venerable American Library Association, leaving its staff without opportunities to apply for grants, attend conferences, and fulfill their profession’s continuing education requirements. > > Not to be outdone, Moms for Liberty, the crusading parents’ rights group whose annual conferences I’ve covered for the last two years, has declared this is “Teach Kids to Read Week.“ Here’s how the group’s founders explained it in a statement to the conservative website Post Millennial: > > > “When…those pushing for so-called ‘Banned Book Week’ continue to try to keep porn in schools we must fight back. America’s kids no longer know how to read and rather than highlighting that issue, these groups want to allow kids to access pornographic materials and other inappropriate materials. This is unacceptable, and we are proud to continue to fight for America’s children and encourage kids to learn how to read.” > > Moms for Liberty’s attempt to connect literacy instruction to “pornographic materials” is part of a relatively new campaign to capitalize on the failure of a progressive movement in the teaching of reading. A spate of recent reporting has revealed that a popular approach called “balanced literacy,” which encouraged children to use context clues and guess when they couldn’t decode a word, didn’t actually help many kids learn to read. Moms for Liberty claims now that teachers are focused on in LGBTQ and anti-racist lessons instead of teaching kids how to decode words. I explained in a piece a few months back: > > > [Moms for Liberty] charges that schools have overstepped their bounds by teaching students progressive values—acceptance of all sexual and gender identities, for instance, or how to fight against racism—instead of focusing solely on academics. Now, these groups have taken up the failure of balanced-literacy instruction as further evidence of the utter failure of progressive education in perhaps the most important skill a child learns in school. In the process, they’ve launched the latest version of an age-old political fight over reading. Basically, the argument from parents’ rights groups can be boiled down to this: Don’t believe us that public schools have sacrificed education at the altar of progressive educational schemes? Just look at how miserably they’ve failed in teaching our kids to read. > > “There is a lot of time being spent on ‘social-emotional learning’ and not so much time being spent on effective reading instruction in the classroom,” the Moms for Liberty account tweeted on May 21. “Why is literacy not being prioritized like sexual education is currently? Why does a 5yo need to learn about gender identity?” > > What is the exact scenario in which an inclusive curriculum somehow replaces phonics-based reading instruction? Moms for Liberty has yet to explain exactly how this happens. Meanwhile, if you’d like to celebrate Banned Books Week by reading a few of the most censored, there’s a list [here](

    meta meta gabe 12 months ago 100%
    Hey, here's the current lemmy dev update for this week! Some cool info about whats coming. (10/6/2023)

    cross-posted from: > Here is our regular update that explains what we have been working on for the past two weeks. This should allow average users to keep up with development, without reading Github comments or knowing how to program. > > We are slowly getting closer to the 0.19 release, although there is still a lot of work left. Client developers should read [this post]( with information about breaking changes to update their projects. > > Edit: You can test the latest 0.19 code on [](, or by installing `0.19.0-beta.8` on your server. Be sure to report any bugs on Github. > > @nutomic has closed over 100 issues, most of them duplicates, invalid or already resolved ones. He also made [numerous pull requests]( to fix minor bugs and implement small enhancements. This includes a bug fix for federation of admin actions which was released as [0.18.5]( He is also [changing the way HTML escaping is handled]( to avoid broken texts. > > @dessalines is working on [redesigning the website](, adding the apps and instances pages. Also worked on [rewriting the Docker images]( to use Debian as base instead of Alpine. Additionally he is adding support for new backend features to lemmy-ui ([scaled search]( and [cursor-based pagination]( > > @SleeplessOne1917 has implemented support for new [block instance feature](, finished implementing the [remote follow feature](, and updated [2-Factor-Auth]( to account for a backend rework. He also implemented some bug fixes. He has also been working on adding authentication to [lemmy-ui-leptos]( > > ## Support development > > @dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations. > > If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider [donating to support its development]( Recurring donations are ideal because they allow for long-term planning. But also one-time donations of any amount help us. > > - [Liberapay]( (preferred option) > - [Open Collective]( > - [Patreon]( > - [Cryptocurrency]( (scroll to bottom of page) >

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 97%
    Banned Books Week Spotlight Day 5: Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe

    I read this book per a local book club who reads banned books exclusively, and I was unfortunately not shocked to hear that it was the most challenged book in the US in 2022. This touching graphic novel about the authors lived experiences and journey with their gender identity was **challenged a total of 151 times last year**. This book was specifically one of the catalysts last year that propelled the book challenges to the national mainstream as it was used to amplify their platform. It was surreal reading before it reached national attention as well. I've been copying over Wikipedia censorship info, but there is legitimately too much to copy over to here that I would likely go over the post word limit. Don't believe me? [See for yourself here. (some artistic sexuality depicted in the Wikipedia article, you'll get what I mean)](

    Banned Book Club gabe 12 months ago 98%
    Banned Books Week Spotlight Day 4: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

    I have this book on my bookshelf.... but I am ashamed to admit I have yet to read it due to the intensity of it. (Yes, it was required school reading but I was sick when they read it) I will pick it up someday, but unsure when. What are you thought's on this book? I know it's iconic as hell for obvious reasons, and the irony of banning it is honestly quite funny. Per Wikipedia: >In the years since its publication, Fahrenheit 451 has occasionally been banned, censored, or redacted in some schools at the behest of parents or teaching staff either unaware of or indifferent to the inherent irony in such censorship. Notable incidents include: > - In Apartheid South Africa the book was burned along with thousands of banned publications between the 1950s and 1970s.[77] > - In 1987, Fahrenheit 451 was given "third tier" status by the Bay County School Board in Panama City, Florida, under then-superintendent Leonard Hall's new three-tier classification system. Third tier was meant for books to be removed from the classroom for "a lot of vulgarity". After a resident class-action lawsuit, a media stir, and student protests, the school board abandoned their tier-based censorship system and approved all the currently used books.[78] > - In 1992, Venado Middle School in Irvine, California, gave copies of Fahrenheit 451 to students with all "obscene" words blacked out.[79] Parents contacted the local media and succeeded in reinstalling the uncensored copies.[79] > - In 2006, parents of a 10th-grade high school student in Montgomery County, Texas, demanded the book be banned from their daughter's English class reading list.[80] Their daughter was assigned the book during Banned Books Week, but stopped reading several pages in due to what she considered the offensive language and description of the burning of the Bible. In addition, the parents protested the violence, portrayal of Christians, and depictions of firemen in the novel.[80]
