technology Technology Wikipedia is gauging interest for an extension that uses AI to see if any claim is cited on Wikipedia
  • dukethorion dukethorion 5 months ago 90%

    How would this be different from any browser that has Wikipedia search built in?

  • support Support Application to mod Asexual
  • dukethorion dukethorion 5 months ago 22%
  • privacy Privacy Tired of lame search engines? And don't have friends to share your instance?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    Did you try changing the timeout time value? I think the default is 3 seconds...

  • apple_enthusiast Apple iOS 17.5 Lets EU iPhone Users Download Apps From Websites
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    Seems like they stonewalled anyone that would want to develop an app.

    EU: Allow users to download outside your Store.

    Apple: Ok. They just have to register with us two years ago, comply to every spec and be approved by us, and they must have a million installs on our Store last year to qualify.

    EU: ...that's not what we meant.

    Apple: 😎

  • privacy Privacy What are the risks of sharing DNA?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    100% this. They already got caught sharing your health data with Facebook. Don't think they (insurance companies)won't buy DNA data en masse.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts There was a time when the entirety of the internet would have fit onto the device you're currently browsing on.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 75%

    And they still recommended two 256mb sticks instead of one 512...

  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    That's gonna pull right out...

  • privacy Privacy Replacement for Firefox?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    OP wanted a Chromium browser that wasn't a massive privacy invasion. With Google stuff removed, it'll be good enough. Add uBO and ClearURLs.

  • privacy Privacy Replacement for Firefox?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 75%

    What's wrong with ungoogled-chromium?

  • aicompanions AI Companions [Other] A Psychologist Explains The New Concept Of ‘Robosexuality’
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    Do you have something like Lucy Liu?

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    We're making soup now.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    Someone should invent one for the oven.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    You have to plug it in

  • privacy Privacy Degoogling - can someone ELI5 how certain apps work on Graphene OS?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    Maybe TOR uses FF because it's easier to modify for their purposes.

    Others would call that "insecure"

  • monero Monero Buying Monero with Litecoin
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 100%

    You're wasting your time. Internet Commies skipped/haven't read the source material

  • privacy Privacy adguard vpn selling user data to third-parties?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 90%

    The VPN isn't generating the requests. Other apps on your device are. Run a VPN for a while and look at data usage by app. I guarantee your VPN app will be the highest (all the other apps data gets funneled through the VPN).

  • support Support blocks VPNs
  • dukethorion dukethorion 6 months ago 92%

    I disagree with the VPN ban, but I understand the purpose.

    Isn't there a better way? Is there a back end that can be added to scan uploads for matching CSAM hashes?

  • privacy Privacy Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • dukethorion dukethorion 7 months ago 88%

    Nobody in this entire thread of FUD has posted a single link to support any claim of Russian data intrusion.

  • ukraine Ukraine 7 more Indians release video, say forced to fight Ukraine war by Russian army
  • dukethorion dukethorion 7 months ago 100%

    Tomorrow's news:

    7 Indians killed "under mysterious circumstances"

  • politics politics Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden
  • dukethorion dukethorion 7 months ago 24%

    Young progressive activists still believe Biden gives a shit about them?

    He doesn't even remember where he is half the time, and the other half he's making sure the military-industrial machine keeps rolling.

  • monero Monero The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof
  • dukethorion dukethorion 7 months ago 100%

    I disagree with the idea that one commenter opined: "Monero is not a savings account".

    Who are you to tell me what to do with my XMR?

    That being said, I am not opposed to the idea of implementing some kind of condensing/snapshot that some have outlined here.

    The question I'd ask is if it would ever be possible for someone to use that data maliciously?

  • support Support dukethorion 7 months ago 88%
    Can't post on LW with LW account

    I can't create posts or comments on a community that I created, on LW, while logged in on my LW account. I can post just fine from my lemmy dot one account to the same LW community?

    privacy Privacy If you use Graphene OS, what web browser do you use?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Stop using the DDG Browser.

  • privacy Privacy Firefox is not as privacy-friendly as everyone says
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Librewolf updates all the time, probably weekly (I don't watch it that closely).

  • privacy Privacy "Decentralised VPN"-is it bullcrap or not?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Sentinel dVPN does/did the same thing. You'd connect to their network, pay a Node operator directly with the network's coin, and you'd use their connection. Don't know how safe it was, with respect to seeing the through-traffic, but it did work.

    These people are definitely not "the first"

  • selfhosted Selfhosted How do you organize your DHCP clients?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    I do the same for desktop machines, just to identify immediately without hostnames.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts With lab grown meat we could see the advent of ethical cannibalism.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 82%

    Why would we eat lab-grown human when there are so many delicious animals to be had?

    Secondly, A1, Heinz 57 or Lawry's?

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts anyone know why water coming from shower is white?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%


  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts anyone know why water coming from shower is white?
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Do you live anywhere near a natural gas extraction (tracking) site?

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides Google DRM / WEI
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Not only browsers, but operating system as well. Using GrapheneOS, eOS, or whatever?

    Denied. Stock OS only on OUR internet, sorry.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides Google DRM / WEI
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Here's another large discussion:

  • privacyguides
    Privacy Guides dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Google DRM / WEI

    With Google's proposed DRM / Web Environment Integrity project looming, will there be any change to PG's recommended browsers? I'm sure it's on everyone's radar, but this seems like the absolute antithesis of privacy. There will be nothing private about anything chromium-based if this goes through...

    privacy Privacy Google is already pushing WEI(DRM Webpage) into Chromium
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    For now. This is a near-future thing.

  • privacy Privacy This is Depressing
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Why would they sell you something for $50 one time, when they can charge you $9.99 / month forever?

  • support Support I'd like to talk to the instance moderator who removed my community without talking to me first.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 66% is run by the guy who runs privacy That being said, if you look at the small list of communities he created, I guarantee that he won't allow any conservative views there either. There's one privacy community and 4 or 5 alternative lifestyle communities.

    Better off making your own instance at this point. Most of Lemmy is liberal/left wing regardless of what their sidebars say.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Hopping and running are the same thing. Except alternating feet.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    Alternating feet requires that each leg's muscle groups work in complete opposite to each other. Your brain has to process doing two different things at the same time.

    Hopping is probably closer to whatever the first fish to flop up on land and breath air did.

  • support Support I'd like to talk to the instance moderator who removed my community without talking to me first.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 16%

    "You appear to think abortion is the act of killing the fetus. This is wrong. Abortion is the act of removing the fetus from the womb."

    So what typically happens when you remove a fetus (with a heartbeat, brain activity, and arguably, a functioning CNS) from the womb? It dies.

    While I believe you are almost completely wrong, it's your right to discuss it. It's mine to disagree. However, one side can't discuss their beliefs if the other side who controls the button says no.

    You're saying that abortions are used to end non-viable pregnancies. I'm saying that there are millions of people who do it because they just don't want the product of their intercourse. Some abortions I can accept, in very specific circumstances, but we will still never agree.

  • support Support I'd like to talk to the instance moderator who removed my community without talking to me first.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 16%

    Are there pro-choice communities?

    Pro-choice ranges anywhere from using contraceptives and real reproductive health, to murdering babies just because they aren't wanted.

    Your opinions are as valid as theirs. It doesn't matter which one of you are wrong.

  • thunder_app Thunder App Notifications
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    If they didn't build it in to work without Google Play Services like Signal does, it's a 99% chance they never will.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If Lemmy and Mastodon continues to get popular, we will eventually get Instance wars.
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 92%

    I'm gonna host my own instance, with blackjack, and hookers!

  • support Support SERIOUS posting issues, IMO...
  • dukethorion dukethorion 1 year ago 100%

    You're on the largest instance which is under severe load. Hundreds of other instances are running just fine.

  • futurama
    Futurama dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Crimes of the Hot

    Once I realized that the global warming was only a problem for Earth, I had a few followup questions: Why were Earth's robots simply not exiled to the Robot Planet (name escapes me)? Why did robots from other planets/galaxies attend the Earth's robot party? Was it mandatory for non-Earth robots, and why would that be necessary?

    VPN dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Favorite VPN?

    I don't see any other posts so I'll start. What's your go-to VPN service? Why? For me, currently it's Mullvad. Good speed, easy to use, and I can pay for it privately. Second choice would be Proton. Third is my VPN on my VPS. Very secure, not at all private.

    Jerboa dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Search Button

    What's wrong with a magnifying glass instead of three hard to see lines?

    Lemmy dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Instance Req's

    cross-posted from: > If anyone here is running an instance on Lemmy, I'd like to know the system requirements recommended. I want to run an instance on a VPS, probably just as an account server. > > What type of VPS can I get by on, for just accounts on an instance? How much storage space would I need to do just an "account instance", and how much would I need for a full instance with maybe a few small communities?

    Jerboa dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Community Syntax

    Anyone know why the devs went with the exclamation point for communities, instead of the hashtag/pound sign? @ is usually for users, # for grouping, IRC rooms, and other platforms 'channels' Just an odd choice in my opinion, probably too late to change now.

    Chat dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Logged In vs Not

    When I'm logged in, I see very few posts on certain Local communities. When I log out, there's several more topics in that same community. What am I doing wrong? For example, there's a thread on the PrivacyGuides community that disappears when I log in, and reappears upon logout.

    Chat dukethorion 1 year ago 100%
    Instance Req's

    If anyone here is running an instance on Lemmy, I'd like to know the system requirements recommended. I want to run an instance on a VPS, probably just as an account server. What type of VPS can I get by on, for just accounts on an instance? How much storage space would I need to do just an "account instance", and how much would I need for a full instance with maybe a few small communities?
