retrogaming RetroGaming It's honestly good advice, but I much prefer original hardware when possible.
  • cambionn cambionn 2 months ago 100%

    Agree. There's just something special about doing it the original way. Booting up that old console just like in the past, no matter if I had it back then or not.

    That being said, I don't get the hate on emulation either. To each their own.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a less popular type/genre of movies that you watch ? What makes it interesting for you ?
  • cambionn cambionn 2 months ago 100%

    Historical Chinese drama, especially the palace intreague ones. The better ones are high budget productions with the most beautiful aestethics and well thought out stories. Instead of seasons with set episodes they just have shows of 4 to 100 episodes. Due to that each issue can take the time it needs to be told, without the need of season finals and such, making the pacing very natural. The better ones are also not always predictable and keep you hooked. Most western dramas can't compare, exceptions like Julian Fellowes' shows asside.

    I would suggest watching 延禧攻略/Story of Yanxi Palace (not the spin-off on Netflix!) if you want to give it a try. It's not too old, has a good story, and is quite fast-paced despite it's length, making it a great one for starters. It's also easily available with good subtitles, you can find it on Viki for example.

  • vocaloid vocaloid Favorite vocal synth voice?
  • cambionn cambionn 2 months ago 100%

    For context, I'm not someone who makes music or uses voicebanks. I just listen to a lot of music (both synthesized and not).

    I'm a bit typical I guess, because my all time favourite would be Hatsune Miku. She may not be the best from a technical perspective, but she has a charm to her voice and she has a lot of good songs (which may give me some bias). And the append design is great, I love that type of cyber look.

    Otherwise, I also quite like VY1, Eleanor Forte (SynthV), Ruby, Lily, Cyber Diva/Songman, Mo Qingxian, SeeU, and Megurine Luka. I like Gumi's voice but somehow just can't stand her design. I remember I was quite fond of Ring Suzune's first demos, but they completely changed her sound before release and I kinda forgot about her after that. I also liked Sachiko, especially when used classically like in the demo. Tonio was also quite interesting (altrough I only remember the original version).

    Sinsy is probably the most uncommon one to hear nowadays that's on my list, but the voice is just damn impressive. Even now some of those old songs sound more realistic than those from newer engines. Just listen to Magnolia for example.

    Utau I never liked to be honest. The output quality is just too low for me, even on well made voicebanks. I rather go all-in bad like using Microsoft Sam, or have more fluency. Utau is too much in between for me. But then, that's just personal taste really.

    But to be honest, within certain limits production matters more to me than voicebanks itself. I rather have a meh voice in a well produced song that's my taste than my favourite voicebank in a meh produced song. Perhaps that's also why I can't pin down to 1 voicebank that easily.

    I preffer proffesional productions, and am not very fond of things that sound too hobby-istic. In terms of songs I tend to like the classics (like Miku Miku Ni Shite Ageru), or very electronic upbeat songs (with that I mean songs like Hibikase, 39 Music!, Sweet Devil, Party Junky, and Cosmonauts).

    It also doesn't help that I stopped following releases somewhere during Vocaloid4 (maybe early Vocaloid5, it's been a while) and the very beginning of SynthV.

  • privacy Privacy Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • cambionn cambionn 5 months ago 100%

    Average Joe wants an easy all-in-one solution. That's what Google, Apple and Microsoft offer. An ecosystem. If you want to fight that, you need to be able to offer that. So that's what Proton is doing.

    Of course it's better to have it seperated. And the security and privacy nerds will likely keep doing that anyways. But Average Joe doesn't want to take a hassle and rather looses privacy than do that.

    Issue is, things are only as secure as the least secure point. Average Joe using Google and Microsoft means your data also goes there when interacting. When Average Joe is swayed by a place that is privacy-friendly ánd convinient, it makes your weakest link also stronger.

    Meanwhile, Average Joe is also more save then when he was using Google or Microsoft services. Even when he would be less save than if he had his stuff seperated.

    It helps everyone.

    With that in mind, I applaud it. But I won't use it. I use Proton for mail, Joplin for notes (encrypting them in Joplin and syncing with NextCloud), and my passwords are also elsewhere than ProtonPass.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you Lemmings like your tea?
  • cambionn cambionn 5 months ago 100%

    Good leaves on the right temperature. Nothing added. Tasty, healthy, and calorie free.

    Unless making very specific a milk tea, then add milk. Don't do it too often, it ruins the last 2 points mentioned before.

  • privacy Privacy Hardware Chinese & USA trackers?
  • cambionn cambionn 6 months ago 93%

    For one, USA isn't actually much better than China when it comes to tracking and privacy. They just have better PR about it. But in reality they equally suck.

    That asside. There isn't some secret tracking chip, but any kind of wireless network will be used to track you by different parties. Cellulair, Wi-Fi (including Wi-Fi signaling when it's "off"), Bluetooth, etc. This is a fact regardless of OS or where the phone is made, as tracking often already starts to occur by catching the signals you send out.

    As such, just degoogling won't resolve tracking issues in and off itself, it's just one of many steps to get less tracking.

    Phones physically in China, regardless off where it's made, tend to get tracking software installed. Just take a burner if you ever go there. But that's not hardware. And most "USA" phones are also made in China anyways...

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your secret ingredient that makes your version of a common dish better than anyone else's?
  • cambionn cambionn 6 months ago 100%

    Wijko saté sauce. It goes with almost anything. I'll have no shame in it. My Asian partner does.

  • technology Technology Microsoft force-upgrades Mail app to Windows 11’s new Outlook web app
  • cambionn cambionn 6 months ago 50%

    TPM on my motherboard is forever disabled

    If that's just to stop W11 that's stupid. TPM chips are security related. Disabling them has some serious drawbacks.

    Now there are discussion on if you'd even want a TPM chip or not, and if you choose not to use it for such reasons it may be a well thought out decision. Then you won't hear me complain. But to trow out security components just to prevent an update, without looking at the possible consequences, is stupid. There are better ways to prevent that anyways.

  • technology Technology Microsoft force-upgrades Mail app to Windows 11’s new Outlook web app
  • cambionn cambionn 6 months ago 100%

    Funny. My grandpa has been using Thunderbird and Libre Office for years, and he never realised it until recently (and he uses it a lot). He recently had an issue for the first time and asked me as he was trying to fix it with Microsoft but didn't get anywhere, and I had to break the news to him it wasn't their product.

    I'm not the one who set it up for him btw. But whoever did so made it look as much as to make it easier for him to switch. Which worked as he had no clue and thought he got some free version or so.

    I do also use it, but my setup isn't Microsoft-like per se. I'm rather happy with it tho.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If I'm over 25, is it still too late for me to "learn" French or can I just watch French sitcoms for like a year and be up-to-speed?
  • cambionn cambionn 11 months ago 100%

    No and no. It's not too late, and just watching sitcons won't teach you enough to start speaking. But if you just start actual studying and practicing you can learn it just fine. Watching TV can be used to practice listening, but on it's own it's not enough unless you're a wonderkid.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do washing machines prevent opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe that's your machine being oddly programmed. Every machine I've seen unlocks right after it finishes it's cycle. It can also be stopped and unlocked anywhere halfway, but it takes some time to drain the water (usually a few seconds, not a full minute like you mentioned originally).

  • signal The Signal messenger and protocol. Is it (still) worth trying to switch my family and friends from WhatsApp to Signal? (Read all of it, please.)
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Yes. WhatsApp metadata is not E2EE, Signal's is. So while Zuck can't read your message, he knowns when you're online, who you talk to, how often you talk to them, where you are when chatting, who are contacts in hour phone, etc. Honestly that E2EE is there more as a fake safety feeling than to protect you. Not even speaking about the closed source E2EE that you can't check they don't store a copy of keys from or scan before encrypting. Neither I would put above Meta.

    And even if those people still use WhatsApp with others, if they don't with you Meta looses a lot of data about you.

    I would suggest not asking people to switch, but just telling people you don't have WhatsApp anymore and they can reach you on Signal or send an SMS. If you keep it on the side while asking to switch barely anyone will. If you switch, well... after a year pretty much all my friends and family had switched, last few sending SMS. Sending photos en having group chats tend to get people to come over slowely one by one once they can't fall back on WhatsApp. And while SMS isn't encrypted, it also isn't full of trackers. So for most regular people, they are better off as trackers are a bigger threat to them than a possible man-in-the-middle reading your messages.

    And in my experience, if you bring it with some tact and put the issue with you (i.e. I'm the crazy privacy guy") instead of them ("i.e. you shouldn't use WhatsApp. You are stupid for not caring about privacy") you won't loose friend or get into fights about it.

  • privacy Privacy Do you guys even know of Adblock Plus?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    My issue is more with trackers than ads anyways, altrough ads that block so much that using the site normally becomes a pain in the ass are the other extend which is sadly also getting more and more common. But sadly most websites and services that let you pay to get rid of ads will still put everything full of trackers...

    Also, there are quite some sites that just copy content or or have an AI write content, made to rank high in searches, then is putbfull of adds to make money. Those are automated money-farms, and deserve blockers.

    I block everything, ads and trackers alike. Somewhat regularily I'm on the web without and it's always a great reminder why I normally do use them.

    But I also pay for multiple websites and services I use regularily despite them working fine without paying or having "free" alternatives. After all, nothing is free and I rather pay with money than with data. And I also want to be paid for my work, and I can only imagine so do others. So I do agree with you there, and I highly encourage people to pay for stuff.

    But I won't feel bad for blocking that shit, also not on the websites I don't financially support. Because most of the time they are the ones that made it impossible to use their website privacy-friendly without blocking stuff anyways, even if I'm willing to pay.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Does Coca Cola and Pepsi taste different from the 1970s to today and do they taste different from country to country?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    I generally drink Zero. If the sugar is the different, could that be why?

    Zero taste the same as regular to me but less sweet, but since I rarely drink regular I don't have the exact taste of that in my mouth.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Does Coca Cola and Pepsi taste different from the 1970s to today and do they taste different from country to country?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    I can only say Coca Cola taste the same in The Netherlands, Germany, and Vietnam. While I can generally tell quite well when I get a different cola then a Coca Cola one. Based on that there should be some kind of international standard?

    I can imagine US being different due to less strict rules around food than EU (much American junkfood is altered in the EU market due to this). But then I'm suprised Vietnam taste the same for that same reason 🤔.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you explore a new city as a tourist?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Last time I was on vacation alone I googled the few things I knew I wanted to see/do, and the rest of the time I just went out and see where I end up. Looking where locals go and do that is also a great trick.

    My experience is that most easily online findable things are very tourist-y. I preffer to see more of the non-tourist stuff. Knowing a local is then the best, but by lack there off, just go with the flow.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your favorite Linux distro?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    About 5 years ago I had some issues with a GPU driver not working out of the box, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. That issue was more Nvidia than Manjaro tho, and by now it does work out of the box. Otherwise no, not really.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your favorite Linux distro?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 78%

    Manjaro KDE. Easier and more stable than Arch, but still able to use Pacman, the AUR, and Arch documentation (obviously, I don't use their support channels, but Manjaro forums are helpful with issues). Been running it for years as main OS on all my PCs here.

  • technology Technology Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it | Engadget
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    I also heared that bit about the secret service owning nodes a few years ago. It was trough a teacher that's also really in the stuff outside of teaching, and has a network of non-teaching proffesionals in the field.

    It's something to keep in mind, at the very least. Tor already has some weaknesses anyways. You shouldn't trust it blindly just because it's Tor. If anything, I think it more has a false rep for how strong it is over struggling with a stigma.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides A question about privacy, health apps and Smartwatches
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    You can try getting your hands on an AsteroidOS compatible watch and flash it with that. It's basically Linux on your wrist. There is a health app here and the required sensor logging is here, which are in early development but work well in what it does, like step counting and heartbeat graph. Past days aren't shown further than a week but they are logged, so you could probably get it by hand in terminal after accessing the watch with SSH if you need to until it's implemented (I think it's on the to do list).

    It's my daily watch for months now, sold my Galaxy Watch4 in favor for it. It works well, is completely FOSS, and works without internet, bluetooth, or phone. Altrough both can be enabled and phones can be connected with GadgetBridge or their own app. Both are in F-Droid. You won't find a more privacy friendly smartwatch solution really.

    There is an issues with the current nightlies tho, so downloads are taken offline for now. So you need to wait for that or see if anyone has old files from before the issue.

    Devs are quite active on Matrix. If you have no patience you can ask there if anyone has the files. Any kind of support is also allowed there, no matter if it's very noob or advanced level.

  • feddit_nl announcements [@feddit\_nl]( Getting 502 Bad Gateway when trying to visit Is it a known issue?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Hey! Ik had gister hetzelfde probleem, maar dan via de apps. Via de browser kon ik bij de website, maar dingen posten werkte niet en alle afbeeldingen op de server waren foetsie.

    Had via Mastodon berichtje gestuurd gezien ik hier nergens meer in kwam 🥲.

  • pokemon Pokémon I guess I should begin my time here with a classic: what's everyone's favorite Pokemon game(s)?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah same here. I grew up playing Ruby on an old non-backlit GBASP. Those good old days where i had to hang against thevwindow in the car, playing by only the flashes of the street lights. Having that back in modern technology and some modern tweaks (like XP-share no longer being an item that can be knocked-off and lost forever) and with 3D graphics is great.

    Soul Silver is second for me simply for allowing me to have my pokémon walk behind me.

  • vpop
    Vpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Vpop CDs

    Last year I picked these up on my trip to Vietnam. In the whole of Saigon, we could only find 1 record store 😳. Can't wait to pick up some new CDs when we go back next year to expand the collection!

    fediverse Fediverse is the mastodon instance federated with threads?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    I think ActivityPup isn't even integrated into Threads yet? On release they said soon, a week later they said it was long-time planning. Haven't heard about it since.

  • thesims The Sims Update 07/18/2023
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    I'm most of all happy with the ceilings! Finally no more boring plain off-white ceilings! I missed this feature do much, you have no clue. The extra colour swatches are nice too. Freecam for build mode seems cool as well.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What kind of music or fashion do you make or dress like?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Nowadays I just wear boring old tees and jeans, with most tees being merchandise of games, computer stuff, or music. But nothing too out of the ordenary, just your average nerd. And I'm happy that way.

    When I was younger I was deep into heavy metal, especially underground black, and dressed the part. Those days, while I hold them dear, are long gone. Now I listen to nearly anything depending on my mood. Beside hardcore and related stuff, as that'll give me a migraine. Club EDM is cool tho. My taste is now going from that old underground black metal all the way to K/J/C/V-pop with nearly anything in between. Springsteen gotta be my all time favourite artist.

  • privacy Privacy Chinese keyboard for Android?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Fcitx5 for Android has decent Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese. I don't think it has handwriting tho. Otherwise you have Trime, which is Rime for Android but I've never got it to work properly (unlike Rime on Linux which works fine).

    I mainly use simplified, so don't pin me on traditional options. I use Florisboard for English.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy During travel, what can I prepare beforehand as meal, which can be eaten without access to fire or microwave?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Tfw you're an Dutchy and simple home-prepaired sandwitches (read two slices of bread with some butter and cheese between them, nothing fancy), are the countries national breackfast and lunch. Warm food is for dinner traditionally 🤣.

    Either way, sandwitches (no need to limit to peanut butter, a lot can be put on bread!), salads (pasta or normal), fruit, veggie, cheese, and certain type of meat (like smoked or dried sausage, or beef). They all make great parts for cold meals you can keep in your bag till lunch (speaking from experience). Some cheese & meat are even packed per small packages for easy take along as snack usage.

    I would suggest you do go to restaurants a few times, just to try the local cuisine (or their variation of other cuisines). But it probably will be expensive for you indeed. Whenever I'm in Asia, I feel rich (and I'm really not). Even Japan, who is often said to be expensive, is cheaper than my country. Especially when it comes to food.

  • signal The Signal messenger and protocol. Refusing to use Signal: "I have too many messaging apps"
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Yup, did the same but suggested SMS instead of email.

    Never told them to stop using things like WhatsApp (that's generally counter productive anyways), just that I did due to privacy reasons. Most where fine with SMS, it's on everyone's phone and nowadays so cheap most phones plans include it unlimited (it's all about data bundles and speed here). A year later almost everyone is on Signal after all. Easier with group chats and sending pictures, or when someone is abroad. As as soon as they got some convinience from it they installed the app. A few I still SMS. Also fine.

    As long as you're not a jerk about it, my experience is that it's not thát big of a deal.

  • thesims The Sims What console versions of the Sims did you play and what did you think of them?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    • PS2: Bustin Out, Urbz, Sims 2, Sims 2 pets
    • PS3: Sims 3 Pets
    • GBA: Sims 2 Pets (as a kid, but I don't own it anymore).
    • 3DS: Sims 3 Pets

    Of these The Urbz was most fun to me, Sims 3 Pets the best for PC-like experience, both on 3DS and PS3. But I haven't played TS4 on console as I only use older consoles or PC, it seems that those would obvious be better.

    Resently been feeling like playing GBA games again, so got the GBA Bustin Out coming in the mail. Should arrive today really. Urbz and Sims 2 are still on the wishlist, but I wanna play them chronological. I love their weirdness!

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides Introducing the Proton Drive Windows app
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Article says:

    We’re also beginning the beta for our upcoming macOS desktop app for Proton Drive. [...] Once the macOS app is released, we’ll also work on our planned Linux version.

    Based on Proton's trackrecord in development times I'ld say a far future, but I must admit they've been making meters lately when it comes to releasing stuff. It may be sooner than expected (or it might take years, we'd have to wait and see).

  • privacy Privacy Noob Question: If you aren't willing to deal with custom OSes like Linux (for computers) and Android Custom Roms (for phones), do you just not have any privacy at all?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Privacy is not a black & white thing. Every step you take matters. And being entirely private without digital footprint is impossible unless you isolate yourself from the internet entirely.

    To answer your question. Yes, they spy on you. To what degree depends on the OS and your settings. But they always cost you some privacy.

    But it's never useless to take other steps just because you don't want to or can't switch OS. Because you'll still give them less data if you do. They might still have info on you. But the less, the better.

    Taking easier steps like switching mail provider and other services you use to privacy-minded ones are a good and easy start anyone can do. Replacing apps/programs on your system with FOSS or privacy-minded ones is another good one.

    Even the biggest noob can make a Proton account and use it instead of Gmail/Outlook. Use 1Password instead of your device/browser's password manager. Use LibreOffice instead of MS Office. Check F-droid for apps before Google Play (and perhaps even use Aurora when you do need it). Use FireFox instead of Edge or Chrome. Install a FOSS keyboard on your phone. Get rid of Social Media. Use Signal instead of WhatsApp. Those are just some example of easy my-grandpa-can-do-this level of difficulty options that already greatly improve your privacy (in fact, after I installed it for him, my grandpa does many of these!). Is it as private as an extremely hardened custom device by a security expert? Nah, but it's definitly much beter than a default device full of big-tech apps. Even if you just do 1 of them!

    Since every step counts, I think we should apploud people for caring and starting to take steps instead of deminish them for not going in to the max. Changes like this are slow, especially with a big mass of people. The more people show they care, the more privacy-minded alternatives grow and show up and the more normal it becomes to care about privacy.

  • equestrian
    Horses cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Horses are coming to The Sims 4!

    Less than 10 days until release. A [gameplay trailer]( also got published a few days ago. Opinions from the perspective of horse-folk?

    equestrian Horses Lola, singing her favorite song
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Love it!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Not sure which game was first, but I have early memories of Tomb Raider, COD2 and Larry on a Win95 PC. My first used console was an PS2 while the first I owned was an original Xbox. My first used handheld an original GameBoy, with the Advance SP being the first I owned myself.

    The oldest ones I used are different tho. I'm not that old but I went back to try a few older devices over the years.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming at what point do you draw the line for "retro"?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Well, I also have both atm. Altrough I need to admit my DS Lite is only used as GBA console and for stuff that requires the GBA slot because of weird accesouries (like Guitar Hero On Tour).

    I think it's because of that. I play the old DS games on my new 3DS. And while the games did improve, the games on 3DS still wheren't that advanced even for most of the time it was alive, since it laster quite long. So it easily feels more "backwards" than "last gen”. I also don't see as much difference between them as the jump from PS1 to PS2 to PS3. Or the jump from GameBoy to DS serries, and 3DS to Switch for that matter. For the most part, the different DS' feel more like different models than different consoles.

    While the 3DS was released in 2010, the DS is only 6 years younger releasing in 2004. The hardware isn't thát far apart. And while the last game for the 3DS was released in 2021, that still was made for at that moment 11 year old hardware (and by now 13 year old). And while the size of games may have quadruppeld between the first DS and the last, 4GB games where nothing in 2021. They bassically kept making games with restrictions of old hardware longer, rather than having a huge improvement.

  • feddit_nl announcements Tijdelijk defedereren met
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    willen geen details geven over wat nu precies de vulnerability.

    Inmiddels wel beschikbaar:

  • retrogaming RetroGaming at what point do you draw the line for "retro"?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    Personally, for me PS2 era and older is retro for sure. There is a clear distinction where many PS3 games share similar feeling with modern games, while my PS2 ones feel from a past time. We also still had things like memory cards, altrough obviously not all consoles in that generation do. Still, I would put generations on one line, as most console games where ports of the same game across consoles of the same generation, so then that's the last generation with these kinda old ways of storing. PS2's gen is also the last generation console games where completely different from PC, and in my childhood gaming up to then wasn't mainstream but a nerd hobby, causing it to have a very different community. With the generation of the PS3, all of that changed to modern standards.

    PS3 and DS I'm a bit in dubio about. Whenever I feel bored with modern games, PS3 and my (3)DS are on the list of "old" consoles I grab back to (together with PS2, PS1, and recently GBC/GBA which I'd consider retro for sure). On the other hand, at least half the games released on it are games I still play on my PC as "modern games". DS is extra hard, as I barely distinct between 3DS as DS in my mind, unless it's using the GBA port for stuff. After all, I play them on the same console and the transition was quite smooth between the DS models making it not feel like a huge gab, unlike the PS2 to PS3. But at the same time, early DS is much older than late 3DS, which I would consider too new for sure.

    Anything after that, modern for sure.

    (One of) the biggest tech sites in my country uses "at least two generations old" as definition, making PS3 the last retro generation currently. I like it because it fits my usage, but as said I'm a bit in dubio about actually calling the PS3 retro. It doesn't feel old fashioned enough. I mean, that would technically make Skyrim retro. But that's definitly one of those games that are in my "modern gaming" list on PC and Switch...

    I can at least personally attest that PS3 is currently the newest gen where people either think you're awesome for buying it now because they get the fun of old stuff, or stupid because they think the old stuff is crap and only the new is cool. For that reason I would agree to allow it on retro places, as modern gaming places just wouldn't appriciate it at all while people who are already into older stuff do on a somewhat regular basis. But that doesn't make it truly retro per se, and it really should take over or be all you use.

  • privacy Privacy Signal is Private. Why do people think so?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    it would be possible to bypass the correct accounting of funds. Financial fraud

    Well, sure but it'll be quite difficult to hide a large increase in revenue still. Large unussual transactions generally have to be flagged by banks, so receiving and moving around revenue of sold data from your non-profit wouldn't be thát easy unless they only allow crypto or cash. Surely it's possible, but financial fraud on that level is quite difficult and often falls trough sooner or later. Or, the other option is that they don't earn that much from it making it easy to hide, but that sounds like a lot of effort and potential risk for little gain.

    Either way, the financial numbers is just one of the reasons. But trust is never build on one thing, it's built on the combination of them. With all things I mentioned, I don't exactly get the feeling it's all hanging on finacial fraud.

    The question is also how to check the traffic on the iPhone, if there are even no monitoring tools there.

    Use a network you controll (like your home WiFi) and check in- and outgoing traffic network wide instead of on-device.

    You cannot check other peoples stuff all the time, but I'd suggest not sending sensitive information to people you don't trust as they could leak it (be it on purpose or not). And depending on level of sensitivity, just speak face-to-face in a private place. There is always a form of digital footprint when doing stuff digital. In the end, you should always assume that nothing is 100% safe, and anything cán be hacked. Trusting digital communication to be 100% safe is foolish. Look at situations like the Encrochat debacle for example. The question is more, which risks are worth it in your threat model. For most people, Signal is good enough as the risks it does have aren't in their threat model at all.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Linux users, what desktop environment do you use?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    KDE Plasma

  • privacy Privacy Signal is Private. Why do people think so?
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 99%

    Well outside of the general open source and E2EE stuff, there are a few more things.

    They're under a non-profit foundation and charity to which donating is tax-deducatble. That means they have to publicice their financial numbers. Selling data would generate a sudden revenue, which would draw attention.

    They also regularily do external audits, both from external audit organisations as individuals. This list was made in august 2022, you can likely find a newer list somewhere. I just did a quick search for you.

    Signal also runs perfectly fine without anything Google btw. It uses PlayServices only if you have it on your phone (otherwise it just uses WebSockets), as it preserves battery life. However, it doesn't actually send data to Google over PlayServices. Instead it sends an empty notification, which wakes the phone and is recognised by Signal as a trigger to make it connect to Signal servers to grab data directly from there. If you wish, you can check this in the code yourself. I guess you may also be able to confirm this looking at network traffic from and to your phone.

    Also a note on the E2EE. Another important thing is that not only the message is encrypted, but also the metadata. Unlike most other chatapps like WhatsApp; who knows where you are, who you talk to, how often, etc. You could theoretically also check this by checking outgoing traffic if you wish.

    This also means that unless they somehow secretly have a copy of your private key, there is no data for them to sell anyways. The fact that even in court they've didn't have data to show, them passing many external audits without this being a point (sometimes issues are found, which is normal. If audits are always perfect I'd be more warry. But never on this point afaik), and that nothing in the code nor internet traffic points to them possibly having this, makes me not that worried about the idea that they secretly got a copy of peoples private keys.

    So overal while it's perhaps technically possible they secretly run something else on their server and build a back door to read your messages, they are many things that show they don't, and literally nothing that would say they do. And neither does there seem to be any reason why, since they can't sell it nor give it in court. So unless you believe they have some evil bigger plan, I don't see the reason to doubt.

    And a little note. Privacy people can be crazy, and I say that in a positive way! If you can check it, people no doubt have, and issues would've been found. Yet many people deep into it still vouch for it. That says something. And the less crazy people profit of this. This is similar to why many big FOSS projects are considered safe even if you didn't check all code yourself. And before you say "but if everyone thinks like that", realise that the craziest don't trust other people either. While smaller projects could hide perhaps, the real big/famous projects like Signal, Linux, LibreOffice, etc would fall trough as soon as they start doing shit.

  • privacy Privacy Private search engines.
  • cambionn cambionn 1 year ago 80%

    It depends on your goal.

    If you just want privacy for your daily not-to-weird usage and ease in both in the sense of setting it up and in that of good results and that's it, DDG is probably fine for you.

    I use Brave, simply because unlike most others, it has it's own crawler. For me it's results have been slightly better than DDG too, but I also hear people claim the opposite so I guess it really depends. DDG uses Bing's results, and many others are also more like privacy front-ends for Bing or Google. If you want to totaly leave Big Tech, be it to not help with their power or because of principle, that's likely the one that's the most easy with the best results that fits.

    SearXNG is self hosted and less accurate, but the most privacy friendly and not attached to any company as you host your own instance, while with Brave you still rely on Brave's goodness. If you want total control, you want something like this.

    I don't use anything else from Brave, and default search engines are easy to change, so I'm personally not too worried about Brave's power over me. I do preffer to stay away from Google and Microsoft, and only access them (prefferably trough privacy front-ends) if no other option works decent enough for me. I also prefer not to self-host due to the time and knowledge needed to do so securely. Well, I have knowledge, but I don't want to worry about those things for my peivaye stuff all the time. Hence the choice of Brave.

  • feddit_nl announcements cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Server versie update

    Sinds Jerboa's update gister krijg ik de volgende melding. Alles lijkt nog te werken. Maar gezien de officiele app dit aangeeft, wellicht dat server admin een kijkje wil nemen naar het updaten van de server 🙃

    New Communities cambionn 1 year ago 100%

    ! Community to discuss riding, horse ownership, and other horse-related things.

    New Communities cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Vietnamese (pop)music

    find it on ! Community to share and discuss Vietnamese pop music

    Horses cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Do you have a favorite breed, and why?

    Title says it all.

    Vpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Hoàng Thuỳ Linh - See Tình

    Quite a popular song nowadays in Vpop, with quite some remixes available too!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    kpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Do you listen to Kpop in multiple languages?

    Obviously the main language for Kpop is Korean. But with many songs also having Japanese versions, more and more English ones releasing nowadays, and even some Chinese versions existing. Do you listen to those? And do you only do so if there is no Korean version, or do you preffer a certain language? I often like Japanese versions as I can speak it a bit while I can't speak Korean, so it's easier to follow along in my head. I guess there being some similarities between the languages' grammar and stuff make it easier to translate, and most sounds are quite doable to learn to pronounce, making it work easier to make a more natural sounding translation. Next to the amount of Japanese members ofc. But I personally don't like most English versions of Korean songs as it just really sounds like it was clearly not meant to be in English giving it an odd flow. Most exceptions to that are songs that are completely rewritten instead of translated, like Weki Meki's Cool/100 Facts and songs that are originally made in English. Chinese has been hit or miss as it really depends on if the idol can pronounce it well. It really seems to stand or fall with if the artist already speaks Mandarin or not. Of course Korean versions are always good.

    Japanese Music cambionn 1 year ago 92%
    What got you into Japanese music?

    I want to hear how you got into listening Japanese music! For me, I can barely remember where it started. I knew about the existance of girlgroups like AKB48 and anison since I was a kid due to my sister being into anime but it never clicked much with me. But somewhere 2017~2018 I somehow started to listen to [Chanmina](, who I still like. I have no clue how I got there anymore. Around that time, I also started listening to [TeddyLoid]( and a few others. 2021 was the real turning point. I was mainly listening to Kpop at the time and releases where a bit dissapointing lately. Then [Koda Kumi]('s [Doo-Bee-Doo-Bob]( got recommended on my YT list and I was hooked. 2 years later she's my 2nd most-listened artist of all time, with only [Bruce Springsteen]( above her. Having a 20 year long discography really gives you a lot of stuff to listen to 😅. But it also showed me a whole other side of Jpop that was quite clicking with me. Up beat, high attitude, and not-cute. I got into more singers like [Ayumi Hamasaki](, [Namie Amuro](, [Mika Nakashima](, [Tomomi Itano](, [Faky](, [Happiness](, and more. Jpop has become a common genre I listen too, and a big part of my CD collection. How about you guys?!

    The Elder Scrolls cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    The Elder Scrolls 6 Announcement Trailer is Officially Five Years Old - Beehaw

    5 years already, and we still k ow nothing... I wonder how sharing between communities works as there is no boost option like on Mastodon 🤔.

    The Elder Scrolls cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Still the best game ever made

    This game never get's old. Somehow I only found out about NorthernUI adding proper controller support earlier this month, despite playing and modding this game since before OBMM and BOSS where a thing. Used to be a Darnified fan but this won me over 🙃.

    Japanese Music cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Koda Kumi - Trigger

    Great song she released last January. After 20 years Koda is still going strong 🤩.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    kpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    KARD - Cake

    This has got to be the best KARD song to date. My favourite used to be Dumb Litty, but I find myself putting this on repeat way too often. Reminder to never skip the B-tracks. Not just for KARD but in general. They tend to have the some real gold.

    Vpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Chi Pu - Sashimi

    Everyone I know who grew up in Vietnam hates this song. Everyone I know who grew up in the west loves it 🥴. What team are you on? Love or hate?

    The Elder Scrolls cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Did you know

    The Elder Scrolls was originally Bethesda's take on a digital Dungeons and Dragons. If you read Arena's manual, it'll explain that they wanted a game that steers you into one dirrection, but if you want to say "fuck it" and go the other way, the story should support that. Similar to a DnD session where players don't do what the Dungeon Master planned so he has to make up sonething else on the spot. To this day, that's why the main storyline is relatively short. But a storyline for alternative ways of life than "the hero who saved the world" exist, no matter if you're a warrior, mage, thief, or assassin. Arena's manual also explains all calculations with oddly numbered dices to link further to DnD, by explaining calculated chances with D[number] for a change of one in [number]. Many of those "dices" don't exist in real life however. Another funfact is that it was the first open world RPG, inventing the genre. Originally, Arena was meant to be an arena fighting game. But the developers went a bit wild with the area's in between the arenas resulting in the game that was released in 1994. Now, the game is most infamous for proving chainmail bikini's are lore-friendly.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Community seems cut of from

    I've made two communities: ! ! At the creation of Vpop I accidentally set the language to something else. After creation, I put this back to undetermined. When I try to visit I get the following message: ```404: couldnt_find_community``` Whereas opens just fine. Both communities do load when loaded trough my home instance ( and Furthermore, while posts from the horses one show on when filtering on new, posts from the vpop one don't. All post where set with the language button left on "Select language". Here also counts that on I do see them. Do these issues have to do with the language setting? And how can I fix it so the community is properly findable/federated? Since I already changed the setting back I doubt that's enough...

    Vpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Đông Nhi - Người Ôm Pháo Hoa

    The Moon In The Sun by Vietnamese singer Đông Nhi

    Horses cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Little reminder that sometimes, some change is good

    Little reminder that sometimes, some change is good. I used ride the same horse twice a week. The idea was to get some time to grow together and so I can really focus on our improvements instead of getting used to each other. But I was getting a bit stuck with my riding lately. For unrelated reasons, I got a chance to ride another horse one of the two days which rides completely different. Turns out that was exactly what I needed! My riding with both horses improved again and I'm no longer stuck.

    Vpop cambionn 1 year ago 100%
    Tóc Tiên x Tlinh - Like This Like That

    Currently the newest song of Tóc Tiên

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    kpop cambionn 1 year ago 88%
    favourite releases this year so far?

    Community seems dead but maybe it'll get back to live with the current Reddit drama, so in good hope! I've been into Kpop since 2nd gen, and so far 4th gen hasn't been my fav era. But, that doesn't mean there is no good music! There have been some absolute bangers too, so wondering what are some of your fav releases this year so far? For me it's between: - Le Sserafim - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife - Ive - Blue Blood - KARD - Cake
