chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Code Geass would've been a certified anti-imperialist anime classic if only it weren't obnoxiously horny
  • besbin besbin 1 week ago 100%

    What killing King Charles actually accomplishes is that merely Lelouch has one less enemy so he can focus on stopping his brother Schneizel, who represents a much more competent threat than his father did, one with the connections to build the Sword of Damocles...

    There is two problems with this conflict though. Firstly, the way that Lelouch built a resistance against his brother was not to win back his old allies and prove to them his trust worthiness, but by magically flip the whole chessboard and turn every Britannian into a mind slave willingly do his bidding. That sounds exactly like liberal fantasy fixing the system and transform it into a force for good. Secondly, Schneizel also did a board flip and get everyone on the rebel group to support him as their leader for a war which essentially is just a fight for the throne of the world. The rebel even complicit in a nuclear first strike attack on the Britannian capital which have unknown number of civilian in it.

    Now, the very existence of geass magic fundamentally divorces the world of Code Geass from ours, but I thought the Black Knight reaction to Zero’s identity and the power of Geass made a lot of sense...

    This plot point however shine the spot light on the structural problem of the whole rebels. They are just a bunch of people with no unified ideology that can let them look pass the fear of the power of geass to even offer Lelouch a chance to explain himself. They don't even offer him a real trial before trying to gun him down in cold blood. While I'm sure there are many example in real life where people flipped out and assassinated their political leaders for less. The story decision here to let Lelouch be saved not by the quality of his ideology, or any of his policies but just purely because another broken and exploited character clung onto him and bailed him out with their life speak a lot for the quality of the rebels leadership and ideology.

    That's my main problem with Code Geass to be honest. Overall, it's an entertaining show with the facade of anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, pretty twisting story line and some awesome mecha battle. However, the show stop short of offering any true solutions to the problems and instead just outright prescript great person theory and enlightenment dictatorship to imperialism. It doesn't even have any representation for communism, anarchism or any more leftist groups. Instead, we had an imperial capitalist monarchism vs a bunch of nationalist monarchist of a different religion vs some liberal democracies in the background.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Code Geass would've been a certified anti-imperialist anime classic if only it weren't obnoxiously horny
  • besbin besbin 2 weeks ago 100%

    I think that kinda reflect the core message of the show, which is pretty libby, though. "society is bad because of bad people, and you can totally just simply wish them away". At the end of the day, all evils can be fixed by magic. From the imperialistic empire, monarchism, fascism, capitalism and classism can be fixed by just magic them away with your command. It smell a lot like the liberal enlightenment centrist idea that everyone but them are know the truth and that the truth will destroy every opposition regardless of material conditions.

    Even before that, Lelouch's comrades who is a pretty mixed group of different nationality just give up on him when he lost his mask and reveal that he had been a Britannian prince all along. Sure there were other mistakes that he made that lead to a bunch of genocide and loses before that, but I don't remember his comrades (outside of Kallen, his lover) even let him explain. This spoke lowly of the capability of revolutions and freedom movements by showing them as a bunch of morons who are just led by conman that's just one revelation away from getting lynched.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Zionist Settler tries to settle in a Vietnamese shop and gets kicked out due to the lack of Genocide Forces backing him up
  • besbin besbin 2 months ago 100%

    Sadly I have heard this types of liberals pacifist both sides comments a lot from my own Viet communities. It's highly concentrated in the new Viet dispora who came to the US after the 90s. Something about not having to pay the price for their freedom and peace and seeing how rich the imperial core is compared to their own country make them speak highly of the people who oppressed and killed their grandparents while shitting on said grandparents for fighting back.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 27
  • besbin besbin 3 months ago 100%

    what are you thinking of training on that AI processor?

  • worldnews World News UN expert: Unilateral sanctions against China are illegal
  • besbin besbin 3 months ago 100%

    Once again the West reminds people that "rules based order" means "you obey my rules and stop asking questions"

  • electric_vehicles Electric Vehicles including hybrids and plug-ins What Falling Sales? Global EV Sales Grow 25% in April! - CleanTechnica
  • besbin besbin 3 months ago 100%

    That table of breakdown in numbers of registration by brand in all models is wild. BYD is nearly more than all of the rest combined I think.

  • anime anime Is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood the Greatest Anime of All Time?
  • besbin besbin 4 months ago 100%

    Isn't Arslan just an adaptation of a much older novel? There were like 2 adaptation for that story before that in the 80s and 90s I think.

    The story is also kinda generic feudal fantasy with return return of the king concept so it's kinda boring.

  • science_memes Science Memes Every base is base 10
  • besbin besbin 4 months ago 100%

    You forgot to count 0. The alien should write 4 as 10, not 4.

  • worldnews World News President and foreign minister of Iran confirmed dead after helicopter crash
  • besbin besbin 4 months ago 100%

    Westoid leaders ride on the cream of the crop aircrafts maintained by blood and sweat of millions of working classes people and billions of exploited global South citizens. Of course they have better quality and less likely to encounter problems. However the tendency to cutting maintenance and decrease parts availability to drive up profit will catch up to them eventually. Blinken already had to delay his tour this year multiple times due to maintenance issues.

  • worldnews World News Famed economic historian, Adam Tooze, notes in his recent piece that, "$61 billion is not enough. Why the Biden administration needs a ceasefire strategy in Ukraine."
  • besbin besbin 4 months ago 100%

    Probably the "you stop resisting while we steal your stuff" type.

  • anime anime worlds most terrifying jeopardy prompt
  • besbin besbin 4 months ago 100%

    Which anime depicted a nuclear weapon usage?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse shirt that goes hard
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    On the one hand the design is cool, on the other hand I played the game this picture is from and it is deeply brain rot liberal bullshit so 🤷‍♂️

  • memes memes worldbuilding
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    Are you sure you don't have a kink for puritan no fun story?

  • futurology Futurology US and other G7 countries to phase out coal by early 2030s
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    I will trust it when I see it. The track record of the G7 in solving global warming is atrocious.

  • technology Technology FCC votes to restore net neutrality
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    You gotta enjoy it for less than... Check calendar... 7 months at least

  • news news China’s Prices Are Just Too Low for Buyers to Sweat About Tariffs
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    That would require the total lost of political power of the capitalist running the US automakers which can be pretty tough.

  • news news EU parlament vote for ban of products made with forced labour on the European market
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    So total isolation, right? Or are they only counting forces not applied by their Daddy and themselves?

  • worldnews World News If Ukraine loses war, it will be 'end of Western hegemony', warns UK's Boris Johnson
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    Don't you threaten me with a good time.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How to deal with problematic construction workers?
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    Sorry if you already move on from this. I don't know much about Nicaragua to say if you will have any luck with trying to ask the local government for help. However, I lived in a third world country before where if you escalate to the local government, all they do is shrug their shoulder and ask you to move on. Unless you are rich and powerful enough, which would negate all of these problem from even happening from the beginning, to have somebody in the "local government" to help then that road is typically a dead end.

    Other stuff you can try is directly appealing to the working crews. Just a little bit of food and some greetings would sometimes give you a lot of information regarding who they are, who they are working for and what they are doing. If you know who they are working for, you can then go and appeal to them, which might solve your issue (or make it worse), but try to asset before reaching out just in-case. Knowing the crew might also reduce the annoyance since people tend to be more considerate around people they know. However, it might not help much if the crew is also under pressure and constraint from their contracts and workload.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How to deal with problematic construction workers?
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    Can't offer help without important details like where you are currently living and who hired the construction crew? Is that under construction building owned by your landlord? Is it some public funded projects? Are you living in Europe or Asia?

  • worldnews World News Iran offers not to attack Israel if Gaza ceasefire reached
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    Well, the last time Europe was super unstable was WW2 where they burnt the whole thing down by themselves. That led to the US ascension. The USA would be super happy for another chance like that.

  • technology Technology Chinese gov't pushes Huawei's HarmonyOS hard, sets adoption targets to beat Windows, Android, and iOS
  • besbin besbin 5 months ago 100%

    This read like some local region scheme to boost development. I still think it's a better plan to establish a central fund for open sources and maybe even run a bureaucracy unit just dedicated to developing softwares for the public.

  • news news Chinese GDP will be more than double that of the US in under a decade, if recent growth rates persist.
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    It would be a great future. But we must not be complacent and stop. The USSR was also projected to surpassed the empire before.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 1 in 5 Wisconsin Democrats Said Gaza War Will Impact Their Primary Vote
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    So... 4 out of 5 Wisconsin Democrats are genocide supporters.

  • genzedong GenZedong What deindustrialization does to a country
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    Wouldn't be surprised if all the worst stuff that people drumming on about the Saudi's world cup stuff start happening down there. They also have semi legal immigrants working for the lowest bidders with no quasm about sacrificing humans for profits.

  • memes Memes Pokemon - US Edition
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    The fee is just to "challenge" the gym master for your badge. You still have to pay the subscription to even get into the door.

  • games games Dragon Dogma 2 is a horrible game
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    Even a 5/10 is extremely bad in video games standards cause aren't nobody got time for that.

  • memes Memes Are we the baddies?
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 75%

    The earth nation exists with a whole theme about being the great stagnant central state empire getting overshadowed by an upstart nation going through industrial revolution first doesn't give you any hints? Not even the queues and qibao?

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 13
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    Good, how are you comrade

  • games games Hello fellow gamers. Heads up, is shutting down very soon.
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    First time hearing about this website. What do they do?

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 11
  • besbin besbin 6 months ago 100%

    Pretty much, to get green lighted for broadcasting you need to be at least non-committed to communism and socialism. If you want to have funding to even get your idea put into movies then the more anti communism and pro reactionary you go the better. Extra funding and help from the imperial core governments if you just out right makes propaganda for capitalism, imperialism and willingly sells out your fellow proletariats.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Modern cars are boring and ugly. Capitalism sucks at art.
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    If they are at least cheap and reliable then it's at least acceptable. However, besides from boring and fugly these new monstrosity are also chocked full of proprietary parts and software that are impossible to fix and is a privacy nightmare.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 9
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    Or maybe you can start a single page website with all the links and just add one link from that post there

  • genzedong GenZedong Stay toxic, comrades
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    Can confirm, I'm a programmer and all we do is pray to the machine spirit and hopefully our next human sacrifice intern will please it.

  • technology Technology Chinese researchers shrink data centre storage capacity into DVD-sized disk
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    Always practice 3-2-1 if you really want to be safe. 3 copies, 2 different mediums, 1 off-site.

  • anime anime char aznable is much like myself
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    It was my bad to do generalization for a whole country like that. There are definitely still some anime out there with a good message. The problem is just like every other medium out there from a capitalist country anime is deeply entrapped in neoliberal realism. Majority of works will have liberation movements collapse into fascism, majority of them will have the message that the current system is good actually and we just need to remove a few bad apples.

    If you have good example of a show that went otherwise, share it. Cause they are much harder to find than the typical show from Japan. I haven't watched all the Gundam shows nor am I a fan of it so I don't know if they had any prominent example of a functional liberation movement like you said. So if you can provide an example of that then it would be much appreciated.

  • anime anime char aznable is much like myself
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%
  • privacy Privacy Signal Finally Rolls Out Usernames, So You Can Keep Your Phone Number Private
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 25%

    You still need to put in your phone number to use their increasingly limited service though. Either go full bare sms/RMS integration or go full anonymous username only. This half ass approach please no one.

  • animemes Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics "Modern Villainess" a demonstration of liberal brain rot in Japanese LN
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    There’s limits to how much an individual investor can make with their genius foresight (or literal foresight in the case of this LN I guess) due to the limits of the market when you become a truly big player.

    That would happen in real life with actual market that can responds to input and not a scripted simulation where all your gains doesn't affect how the market moves. The MC might as well have unlimited wealth cheat code cause she's throwing billion dollars around at this point.

    Why not just have her reincarnate and become the PM or something if she actually wants to save the Japanese economy in this fantasy. Which would still be structurally impossible as America will force onerous terms on you, and one woman cannot force fundamental restructuring of the country even if they have power.

    The Doyleish answer is the author doesn't want to change the system and just want to write a story about how an already privileged individual in such system benefit from it. But the in story Watsonian answer is: the FMC is still a kid since it's a story taking place between 91 and 08 and the FMC was born in 1990.

  • animemes Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics "Modern Villainess" a demonstration of liberal brain rot in Japanese LN
  • besbin besbin 7 months ago 100%

    Isn't that the book about a guy who tried to save a mismanaged feudal monarchy with Japanese food and culture?

    I tried reading the first manga volume and all I could remember was the MC tried to promote idol culture and Japanese soba to fix some food issues in a starving country. For a "realist" his plans feel really unrealistic to me so I just dropped it.

  • animemes
    "Modern Villainess" a demonstration of liberal brain rot in Japanese LN

    This work caught my attention a few months ago with the premise of having a 'realistic' economy based villainess type of story but as the story progress, it's getting more and more blatant with it classical liberal wish fulfillment bullshit The original message of "I will save Japan lost generation by making the economy better" got turned into "how I exploited future knowledge to make profit for myself (and Japan) while screwing everyone else". The FMC basically just use her future knowledge to siphon America economic might to bail out Japan's economic burble while encouraging the worst aspect of America capitalist system. War profiteering, political corruption, racism, stealing personal freedom and privacy, every tricks in the book is fine as long as it's done outside of Japan. Of course, the main character have to a be a super beautiful genius white girl from a rich and noble family that is only barely down on their luck right now cause of bad management by other people. It was totally easy to turn the ship around with future knowledge and a million dollar in seed capital. She was also super talent in singing and easily became an idol if her business fail. To make the matter worse, to justify a world where the MC can be a blue blood noble in modern Japan, the author basically created an alt history where all other nations' agency is erased and the Allies just decided to give Japan everything they wanted in WW2 cause they surrendered earlier. Japan got to keep Manchuria, Japan got to keep the Zaibatsu, Japan beaten the Soviet and got stopped by the USA cause the Soviet got the A-bomb etc. Finally, the books were pretty blatant about the anti communism message. The author have many characters in story repeating the same cliches "my country bad when it was under socialism, we are so rich now under capitalism, praise capitalism" or "communist stole my grandpa slaves, they were bad people". The more I read the worse I feel so here is just my thought to easy my anger and grief of wasting time on such a piece of trash.

    Gaming besbin 1 year ago 65%
    Your favourite depictions of communism in video games

    Communists in video games are typically either depicted as faceless goons for target practice or evil baby killers. Have you guys found any fair and balance or at least interesting depiction of communist in video games? Since this is a lemmy instance for ML after all. Is there any games that you think fellow comrades should checkout?
