canada Canada Canada’s Far-Right is Planning a Convoy to Toronto to ‘Save the Children’. It’s Already Spinning Out of Control.
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    My fucking father in law is gonna eat this shit up. We're going out to his family gathering next weekend and my son has a really cute rainbow and pink outfit he's been dying to show off. For context, this extended family has an ex-in law who came out as trans and whom they violently hate, so my kiddo won't be exposed to them too much as he grow up. Alas, the old G-pa in law doesn't have much longer so we gotta go hang out with peeps.

  • politics Politics Corporate Cash Derails Train Safety Bill
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    This shit is fucking BROKEN.

  • antiwork Antiwork Coworkers irl if I mention the u word (union)
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    If that's the vibe in your workplace, then you for sure need to unionize.

  • antiwork Antiwork Visualizing Annual Working Hours in OECD Countries
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Yet another reason to want to move to the Netherlands

  • technology Technology Twitter To Rebrand As X
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Its because they signed up for Twitter

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The last words I had with someone at Pride tonight, someone who I thought was maybe a new friend was - "well, you're not a real woman anyways".
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I'm in BC

  • politics Politics The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood.
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Tbf, I'm an anarchist/antifascist (aka non-Trump voter), and I definitely have strong opinions on manhood. They just happen to be the opposite of what the MAGA nuts would believe.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The last words I had with someone at Pride tonight, someone who I thought was maybe a new friend was - "well, you're not a real woman anyways".
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I'm glad you have a wife that is supportive.

    I hear you about platonic friends. Its really hard to make friends as an adult. I'm in the same boat. My wife has friends because she's lived in this town for decades, but I'm an immigrant who's only been here since 2019 and 80% of the other people in our town drive pickup trucks and think vaccines kill people. The struggle is real. Whatever its worth I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there. I dont have the courage to try that so much myself.

  • politics Politics Teamsters Launch Massive Effort to Unionize Amazon
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Fuck yes!

  • canada Canada 'Biblical proportions': 3 months' worth of rainfall floods Nova Scotia, forcing evacuations as crews search for missing people
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Ive heard a handful of Christian leaders say things like, "I know its all gonna end in flames eventually, so I'm happy driving my massive SUV thank you very much".

    Assuming you'll get captured before having to pay the consequences for climate breakdown, while knowing fully that your actions are causing the destruction of the world, should result in legally having all of your property confiscated and given to a refugee family.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The last words I had with someone at Pride tonight, someone who I thought was maybe a new friend was - "well, you're not a real woman anyways".
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I am so so so sorry that happened to you. That is so incredibly fucked up and not okay. The fact this happened at Pride is heartbreaking. I am a cis-het male, but I inevitably cry tears of joy every year at our local Pride festival because there are so many people from across the entire LGBTQ2IAS+ community in our very conservative/religious city who get so much shit from judgmental bigots, every day of the year, but Pride is a time when they are not just accepted, but fucking CELEBRATED! Friend, if the hater who spewed those lies to you won't celebrate you, I sure as hell will. Such_lettuce7970, I dont know you IRL, but judging from your post history you use Linux, and youre here on the threadiverse, and you have seem to have a heart for sharing vulnerability with others which is such an incredible gift for all of us to be blessed by. You're a fucking cool-ass woman, and I hope you are able to find people IRL who are able to validate that about yourself. Sending a handful of soldarity tears and many, many loving vibes your way (and if you're cool with it, some WiFi hugs as well). Youre a fucking treasure, and your cats are lucky as shit to be able to hang out with you.

  • worldnews World News Blinken says Ukraine has taken back 50% of territory that Russia seized
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Does this include Crimea or just territory seized since 2022?

  • canada Canada Pierre Poilievre drops the glasses as part of an image revamp
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I actually disagree - the glasses were kind of his thing...

  • canada Canada Pierre Poilievre drops the glasses as part of an image revamp
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, tbf, he's pretty racist himself

  • socialism Socialism We Need a Library Economy
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I literally just bought one yesterday for $100 😄

  • socialism Socialism We Need a Library Economy
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    You can buy a cargo ebike for about $2500 (RadWagon 4).

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ I just came out to my cousin!
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%


  • technology Technology Bluesky allowed people to include the n-word in their usernames | Engadget
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I'm actually shocked and not shocked at the same time...

  • politics Politics Democratic jitters grow over Cornel West’s third-party bid
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Perhaps the Democratic Party should understand that this is what happens when you campaign on social justice and then govern like a Republican from the early 2000s, and then adjust accordingly. For many on the left, the prospect of having a Republican president in 2024 may be less frightening than letting the center-right Democrats get bullied around by the GOP and Fox News for another 4 years while actively targeting/destroying actual progressive movements. I'm not necessarily saying I'm on that side of the fence myself, but the Dems have spent the last few years deeply undercutting a lot of the progressive base that got Biden across the finish line and into the White House.

  • technology Technology The Release Date and Key Features of Windows 12 Unveiled
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Remember when Windows 10 was "the last operating system"?

  • fediverse Fediverse Help understanding the peertube P2P system
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I follow a bunch of the stuff on but would love to see more content get shared on cool instances

  • news World News Macron's call to 'cut off' social media during riots sparks backlash in France
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    This is the point at which the left-wing in France needs to step the fuck up and convince the centrists that the best way to beat the Nazis is not to vote for Diet Nazi.

  • politics Politics LGBTQ conservatives say they feel misled by DeSantis
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Not to be an asshole but I feel like he's been crystal clear the entire time about his anti-LGBTQ crusade.

  • technology Technology So where are we all supposed to go now?
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    As someone who works in IT, I can tell you that ive witnessed firsthand so many people who get viruses because when someone gives them a URL, they dont just go to that site. They go to, search for the URL, and blindly click on the first result, which is almost always an ad, and which sometimes is a link to malware. Fun times.

  • technology Technology So where are we all supposed to go now?
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Well we went from an era where only a small portion of the population congregated online in forums and chats, which basically required you to either be a kid or a techie of some kind, to a world where your grandma was on Facebook because FB made it hella easy to signup and adductive as hell to stay. The Grandma (or even Parent) on Facebook types have never interacted with the internet in the ways we (rightly) romanticize

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ [CROSS POST] LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Welp, we've already beaten the Italian fascists before. Let's do it again!

  • politics Politics Should political extremism, far-left or far-right, be an allowed part of Lemmy's Fediverse?
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Fuck the far right in all venues and platforms.

  • technology Technology Goodreads was the future of book reviews. Then Amazon bought it.
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    It doesn't do algorithmic recommendations like GoodReads or Storygraph. Its much more of a feed-based system of finding books via observing what others are reading. It takes some work to curate a following list that fits your tastes, but if you go to your favorite books and actually follow the people who feel similar to you, then over time you will start to get some wild recommendations by seeing the stuff they are picking up or marking as "to read". I much prefer it to algorithmic recommendations because it adds a human level of complexity - for instance, an algo isnt going to recommend a book that was published 40 years ago that has almost 0 online data about itself, but a person I really respect could say its one of their all-time favorites and now I have a new book that I literally never would have heard about anywhere else except for that one person.

  • technology Technology Goodreads was the future of book reviews. Then Amazon bought it.
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    To be honest, I freaking love bookwyrm so much. One of my favorite ways to burn time online is to find books that come across my feed that are missing info like cover art, description, etc. and to fill it all in. I've spent hours doing this and it feels so cool, like I'm actually part of maintaining the system.

    Also, Ive found that the people on Bookwyrm tend to like books that I really love that are also potentially kind of niche, so Ive found a lot of really great book recommendations that I never would have found from Goodreads or an algorithm.

  • politics Politics The Supreme Court Just Axed Student Debt Relief. What Happens Next?
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    People could start setting shit on fire, that might be a good start.

  • technology Technology 🤦‍♀️ It's over, boys, the Twitanic has sunk
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    So unless you pay Elon Musk $8/month, you can only load 600 tweets per day. That's some fucked up shit right there man.

  • technology Technology Twitter is down, users getting Rate limit exceeded errors
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I've been really intrigued by the developments coming from the Web0 / small web train of thought.

  • technology Technology [VERGE] Twitter has started blocking unregistered users
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    This feels like a big milestone in their enshittification journey, and also in the maturity of the fediverse. Part of what made Twitter so widely popular I think is that tweets were available to everyone, not just the few people who were online enough to actually have an account. To lock things behind a wall after so many people have left seems like a bad idea.

  • technology Technology Twitter is down, users getting Rate limit exceeded errors
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I've been feeling a significant amount of sadness at the feeling like I've now fully lost the 2 places that were my havens for safety and community during the pandemic (Twitter and Reddit). I mostly disconnected a few weeks/months ago, but this weekend feels like the full, official breakup. I wonder if anyone/everyone else is feeling the same?

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I am supremely jealous of your ability to take time and have no idea what to do. I have a 7 month old kiddo and a partner who plans our calendar months in advance. I dont think I'll ever have a weeklong stretch of unspoked for time ever again in my whole life.

  • technology Technology OceanGate CEO Bragged About Using Expired Carbon Fiber to Build Doomed Sub
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    *Late / recently deceased CEO

  • technology Technology Decentralized Twitter alternative Bluesky has published a moderation manifesto. - The Verge
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    There's already a shared public commons - it's called ActivityPub, and they refuse to use it because it would impact the shareholder value of their private company. Bluesky is as full of shit as my constipated toddler.

  • technology Technology Mastodon's Eugen Rochko in talks with Meta?!😱
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    Eugen is proof that the fediverse requires distributed (not just decentralized) ownership.

  • technology Technology Unclassified FBI Document: Ability to legally access Secure Messaging App Content and Metadata (January 2021)
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    I'm curious what/if any info can be retrieved from Matrix servers?

  • chat Chat *Permanently Deleted*
  • arcticpiecitylights arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%

    That's concerning and I'm not saying they're perfect. They've been very clear that they're overwhelmed by all of the new folks here and the unexpected workload. Perhaps already being overloaded with content moderation om Beehaw was reason enough to defed from instances that would only make that problem significantly worse?

  • bikecommuting
    Bike Commuting arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 94%
    TIL that Portland's bike share program is sponsored by Nike

    Nobody will ever convince me that this is not pronounced "Bike-ee town".

    Why did/do people refer to TV as "boob tube"?

    I've heard this phrase so many times in my life I dont even think about it, but the more I dwell on it, I dont really get it

    Bike Commuting arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%
    My daily driver minivan of an ebike

    Its a RadWagon 4 that I bought last year to haul my kiddo around (before he was even born lol). The bike's name is Clementino. I found the berry flat on the side of the road and then zap strapped it to the front for extra grocery carrying capacity. Its a beast of a bike for sure, but hopefully not too ugly 😄

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Cycling arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%
    Riding my first gran fondo tomorrow morning

    I'm a ball of nerves because I've never actually gone 120km before, and I'm worried about my bike, and I'm worried about not being able to maintain the 20km minimum speed. I'm going to bed now to get a good nights rest but here's to grinding it out on the bike! See y'all on the other side!

    Bike Commuting arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%
    Bike Mechanics Basics: How to use barrel adjusters for brakes and gear shifting

    Understanding barrel adjusters is really important if you want to tweak or make minor adjustments to your brakes or gear shifting. This is always the first place to start before getting involved with other more impactful methods of adjusting brakes/shifting. Essentially, barrel adjusters are a great way to fix problems without needing to use tools or take your bike into the shop.

    Bike Commuting arcticpiecitylights 1 year ago 100%
    Bike Commuting Masks for Pollution: Do they ACTUALLY work? (Sort of + Why) | The Bike Commuter

    With all of the wildfire smoke in North America right now, it's important to revisit the topic of masking. Turns out, COVID isn't the only thing that will fuck up your lungs. TL;DR - They say N95 masks work alright, but N99 masks are preferable.
