

LGBTQ+ alyaza 1 year ago 99%
ANNOUNCEMENT: introducing the Beehaw LGBTQ+ Community Wiki

hey folks, we're pleased to report the public release of the Beehaw LGBTQ+ Community Wiki! this is a fairly-comprehensive and ever-growing list of community resources and LGBTQ+ research you can refer to as needed. the community wiki is hosted on our documents page with all of our site philosophy documents and is written in markdown. #### some quick ground-rules on contributing: - suggested additions can be made two ways currently. - way one: making a pull request, if you have the technical know-how to make those. this can be done both on the repository itself and via the Edit this page button at the bottom. **please describe the nature of your edits when you do this so we don't have to look over your entire edit.** - way two: you can provide a suggestion in the comments below which we'll manually synthesize as we can. - for resources, **please try to provide a brief description of what your suggestions do and what communities and countries/regions they serve.** this will make it easier to categorize them. - for research, we're a bit more picky: **provide a summary of the research's significance and its basic findings.** we generally want the research section to be as to-the-point and bulletproof as possible. - if you find a dead or rotted link, **please make a pull request to remove it (with a replacement if possible) or flag us here**. we'll continually review the links as we possibly can, but actual users are going to be our main first line of defense here. as we note on the top of the page itself, parts of the page have been adapted from the [Global Transgender Resources Registry](, the Tildes [~lgbt wiki]( (to which i was a previous contributor), and [Emi’s]( thread. we hope to build off of all of that work that's already been done at those places. enjoy! more additions to the document will also be made throughout the day, so be on the lookout for those.

LGBTQ+ Gormadt 3 days ago 100%
Basically my Bi experience in a nutshell

I'm a Bi dude and literally get so tongue tied sometimes I sound like Porkie Pig

LGBTQ+ hellfire103 1 week ago 100%
How safe is Edinburgh for LGBTQ+ people?

I [18NB] am starting uni in Edinburgh, Scotland tomorrow. Since I'll be living a good distance away from home, I was thinking of buying some pride merch and stuff. However, it has crossed my mind that safety could be an issue. I wouldn't have thought that Edinburgh would have issues, but I think it's best to ask Lemmy: **On the whole, is Edinburgh a safe place to be myself?**

LGBTQ+ SpectralPineapple 1 week ago 100%
Will & Harper | Official Trailer | Netflix

"Will Ferrell and his close friend, former head writer at SNL, Harper Steele embark on a cross-country road trip together after Harper comes out as a trans woman. Watch Will & Harper on September 27 on Netflix." (from the YouTube description)

LGBTQ+ StevenSaus 3 weeks ago 100%
Death threats, legal risk and backlogs weigh on clinicians treating trans minors

Dr. Kade Goepferd, medical director of Children’s Minnesota Hospital’s Gender Health Program, like many providers who treat transgender youths, has received death threats. Goepferd said the growing waitlist, which has expanded due to surrounding states' bans on gender-affirming care, is more concerning. The program has seen a 30% increase in calls, leading to a waitlist of at least a year. NBC News found that clinicians in states like Connecticut and California are similarly overwhelmed by the influx of out-of-state patients. Legal risks and logistical challenges, such as insurance denials, are straining providers. Shield laws are "a tenuous protection," according to Dr. Molly McClain of the University of New Mexico’s Deseo clinic. A "majority of gender-affirming care providers NBC News interviewed had received threats, ranging from angry calls and emails to arson."

LGBTQ+ rosethornRangerTTV 1 month ago 97%
video on how "biological sex" is a social construct

alt-text for thumbnail: The words: ""biological" sex is the gender binary" on a 2d digital art wooden background next to the non-binary flag

LGBTQ+ theangriestbird 1 month ago 100%

[alt text: an illustration depicting a triceratops, a tyrannosaurus rex, and a human boy. The triceratops is dressed in shorts and a sweater vest, wearing headphones, and giving a thumbs-up. The t-rex is dressed in a leather jacket and sunglasses, and is giving the human a high-five. Below the illustration is stylized text that says, "It's totally cool to be GAY AS SHIT".]

LGBTQ+ sleepybisexual 1 month ago 100%
Normativity is so annoying. A (smol) rant

So, I'll start with heteronormativity Is annoying. Like whya re any 2 people of opposite genders evoected to be interested in each other romantically, do cishets not know what friendship is? To cisnormativity I don't really have that much to say apart from please stop being transphobic Monogamy normativity also pisses me off to no end. No idea how to write this down but waow, stop having love < s and just do polyamoury in your fiction. The option is right fucking there The cishets(tm) are strange and confusing, why am I so angry lol

LGBTQ+ theangriestbird 1 month ago 100%
is it so much to ask?

[alt text: a tweet by @Rae_HV on Twitter. The tweet says, "sorry but as a nonbinary person I'll never feel comfortable using the men's room or the women's room; i only feel truly safe in the...". Below the text is a photo of a printed, laminated paper sign on a wall, which says, "Fiction, Sci-Fi, Philosophy, New age, Unexplained, Fantasy, Restroom", and has an arrow pointing to the left.]

LGBTQ+ alyaza 1 month ago 100%
The Cass Report: The Strange Report Fueling the War on Trans Kids

> Social conservatives welcomed the [Cass] report. But it has also been heralded in some liberal quarters in Britain, where even the Labour Party has supported its conclusions, and around the world as a model of open-minded rationalism, of well-intentioned — progressive, even — unbiased scientific inquiry attempting to provide information in young people’s best interests. This, they declare, is what following the science and the evidence looks like. > > But is it? In an effort to evaluate the Cass report’s findings and recommendations, I spent the months since it was released poring over the document, researching the history of transgender medicine and interviewing experts in gender-affirming care as well as epidemiologists and research scientists about the role of scientific evidence in determining care standards. **What I have come to realize is that this report, for all its claims of impartiality, is fundamentally a subjective, political document.**

LGBTQ+ rosethornRangerTTV 1 month ago 100%
Video on how we should make puberty about choice, and how choosing things for people isn't better

alt-text: [yellow words saying "abolish cis puberty" next to a trans flag on a digital art wooden background]

LGBTQ+ rosethornRangerTTV 1 month ago 100%
saying that homophobes are just "secretly gay and trying to repress it" is homophobic itself

It is victim blaming, we are not the reason homophobia exists or that people become extremely homophobic. It is not oppressed people that cause their own oppression, we don’t in some way “deserve” it. Some aspects of the identity of sexuality may be related to physical and things we cannot control, but at the end of the day it is an identity. If they do not see themselves as gay, they are not. It is not for you to assign an identity to someone, even someone you don’t like. Even if someone might identify as gay outside of these power structures, in here they aren’t. Even if they would be gay, they participate in our oppression because being straight is beneficial to them, not because they “are secretly gay”. If they did homophobia because they were “ashamed” it wouldn’t be helping so many of them get into positions of power

LGBTQ+ rosethornRangerTTV 1 month ago 100%
Puberty must be a choice if we are to abolish oppression

yo, one thing about actually abolishing oppression towards us trans people: it requires not putting any specific puberty above another. All puberties are permanent, not just trans ones. We have the ability to sit every person down before puberty and talk them through what it entails, and then let them choose what exactly they want to go through. Making it an explicit choice places trans and cis people into the same situation. Even with zero medical barriers to transition once someone realizes they are trans, the social barrier of what you are "expected" to be is an issue, for multiple reasons. People who want to make big changes are often questioned and forced to prove that what they want is what they “actually want”, because it deviates from what is expected. People who deviate in smaller ways are punished in their own ways, with those deviations being treated as mistakes or failures, because another major role can't be easily assumed. They are pushed to drop everything that is not perfectly aligned with the role to not be constantly torn apart. We have the technology to provide agency, not allowing its use is oppression. The only way to abolish the hierarchy around puberty is to abolish expectations around puberty. If you think a child doesn’t have the ability to decide what puberty they want to go through, forcing them into a random one isn’t better. If they can’t say no, then they definitely can’t say yes. People will always know themselves better than others do.

LGBTQ+ usernamesAreTricky 1 month ago 100%
Gay student says "Coach" Tim Walz protected him from homophobic bullies

Headline undersells how he did this during the 90’s during the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell era. Was not nearly as socially or politically acceptable then as it is now in the US to do that. And not just for one person, he was the facility adviser of a gay-straight alliance club

LGBTQ+ StevenSaus 1 month ago 100%
Trying to reduce stigma, Mayo launches LGBTQ-focused breast cancer clinic

People who identify as LGBTQ can face major disparities and stigma when it comes to cancer care, often resulting in later-stage diagnoses and poorer outcomes than other patients. Dr. Elizabeth Cathcart-Rake, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, is determined to change that. This summer, Cathcart-Rake and a team at Mayo launched Rainbows, a cancer clinic tailored to meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender-diverse and intersex patients. Rainbows will initially focus on supporting patients with breast cancer, with the goal of eventually expanding to include other types of tumors already treated at Mayo.

LGBTQ+ SweetCitrusBuzz 1 month ago 100%
Queer: A Term from/of the Global South

LGBTQ+ SageMountain 2 months ago 100%
Maine school district votes to reinstate transgender and gender expansive policy

> The purpose of the policy is to “foster a learning environment that is safe and free from discrimination, harassment and bullying; and (2) assist in the educational and social integration of transgender and gender expansive students.” Some good news for once!

LGBTQ+ Grail 2 months ago 100%
How Twitter can ruin a life

Isabel Fall’s sci-fi story “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” drew the ire of the internet. This is what happened next.

LGBTQ+ StevenSaus 2 months ago 100%
West Virginia is asking the US Supreme Court to consider transgender surgery Medicaid coverage case

cross-posted from: > West Virginia is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review rulings that found the state’s refusal to cover certain health care for transgender people with government-sponsored insurance is discriminatory, Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said Thursday.

LGBTQ+ theangriestbird 2 months ago 100%
delicious and nutritious!

[alt text: a screenshot of a web search result, showing an article from and the web search provider's attempt to summarize the article. The article is titled, "Genderqueer: What Does It Mean?", and the summary seems to turn into a recipe halfway through. The recipe text says things like, "Ingredients: 1 pound Small Red Potatoes, 2 pounds Extra-Large Shrimp, 6 ears Corns...." and "Nutritional: 710 Calories, 106 g Carbohydrates, 14 g Total Fat...."]

LGBTQ+ ByteOnBikes 2 months ago 100%
TIL that in the Wild West, men had "bachelor marriages" and half the men wore bandanas on their arm to signal they're playing the feminine role

He surmised that the isolation of such places may foster a “make do” attitude. “There is a fair amount of sexual contact among older males in Western rural areas, the type of homosexuality which was probably among pioneers and outdoor men. Today it is found among ranchmen, cattle men, prospectors, lumbermen, and farming groups in general that are virile and physically active. These are men who have faced the rigors of nature in the wild. They live on realities and on a minimum of theory. Such a background breeds the attitude that sex is sex.” What was perhaps most shocking about homosexuality in the Old West was not that it was so common but that it wasn’t a big deal. In fact, miners and cowboys settled into convenient partnerships called “bachelor marriages.” When the miners in Angel Camp in northern California had dances, half the men wore bandanas around their arms to signal their feminine role. It was also very common and accepted for same sex bed mates to sleep together in small beds.

LGBTQ+ alyaza 2 months ago 100%
Same-Sex Couples in South Korea Win Landmark Rights Ruling

> In a landmark ruling for gay rights in South Korea on Thursday, the country's Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples qualify for the national health insurance's dependent coverage, a decision that rights activists hoped could pave the way for legalizing same-sex marriage in the country. > > The decision would allow same-sex couples in the country to register their partners as dependents in national health insurance coverage like married couples or couples in a common-law marriage can. It was one of the numerous benefits denied to same-sex and other couples living outside of the traditional norms of family in South Korea. > > In its ruling on Thursday, the country's highest court ruled that denying a same-sex couple national health insurance dependent coverage "just because they are of the same sex" constitutes a serious discrimination that infringed upon citizens' "dignity and values, their rights to pursue happiness, their freedom of privacy and their rights to be equally treated by the law." > > In its final say on the case on Thursday, the Supreme Court endorsed the appeals court ruling. It said that same-sex couples formed an "economic cohabitation tantamount to" married and common-law couples.