sports Sports MLB playoff tracker: Who can clinch next, current bracket and games to watch
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 weeks ago 100%

    The M's have been dead in the water for a while now; the only reason I have not completely checked out is that the White Sox are so historically bad.

  • gaming Gaming Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 weeks ago 100%

    oof. Yeah, they did the right thing pulling the plug on this for now. You'd probably spend more time waiting for a match to queue up than actually playing the game.

  • gaming Gaming Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 weeks ago 100%

    Wow, this is absolutely wild. From launch to delisting in two weeks. Yeah, there's a good chance that this is temporary while they pivot to a free-to-play model, but holy crap. Guess the PS5 player count must not be substantially higher than the abysmal Steam player count.

  • politics Politics Supreme Court Blocks, for Now, Another Biden Student Debt Plan
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 3 weeks ago 100%

    Kids were pushed for decades to take large loans at age 18 because they were told constantly that if they didn't go to college, they'd be stuck flipping burgers, digging ditches or whatever. Of course they'd take the loan at that point. Honestly, they've been set up to fail. This is just another tool used to trap people in wage slavery. Forgive the damn debt. I don't care if it's "unfair" to those who don't have college debt. I don't, but I still want it to happen.

  • gaming Gaming I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, hopefully the inclusiveness trend continues.

  • gaming Gaming I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 4 weeks ago 100%

    Then we'd be going back to having the vast majority of games having a cis male protagonist. No thanks. I don't mind playing as them from time to time, but I want a choice, especially if the main character is one of those blank slate types.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 4 weeks ago 100%

    I'm headed back into the office today after having had COVID last week. Yaaaaaaaay

  • chat Chat Why I think people should consider using different pronouns in different spaces
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    For me, anyway, they/them is in its own category, where they aren't my pronouns, but I have no issue with someone using them for me. I wouldn't get upset unless someone is blatantly trying to use it to misgender me for whatever reason. In your situation, if it makes you feel more comfy to use gender neutral pronouns for me, I'm fine with it.

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    thanks! bee happy emoji

  • chat Chat Why I think people should consider using different pronouns in different spaces
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Interesting idea, but I don't think that'd work for me. I only have one set of pronouns (she/her), anything else feels like a misgender to me.

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks, this should be really helpful! bee party emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the rec! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Oh, yes I absolutely plan to play around with some looks. bee happy emoji

    The past day has been full of near misses because I still haven't that I have something on my face I need to account for.

    Thanks! Also, I've seen you around before, but I love your username!

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    It's not a chain, so unless you live right by me, it wouldn't help. The brand is "Reid Bransen", which I've absolutely never heard of, but the only actual result when googling points to the facebook page of my optometrist's office. So, yeah, can't help you much.

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Oh, I got this pair from my local optometrist's office.

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Haha, noted! I am absolutely the sort of person who would do that. I'm probably just going leave them on most of the time.

    Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    I'm glad this thread has helped!

    I'd say I do have have sensory issues, but they're mostly audio/feel/taste related, not visual. That being said, I've been indoors most of the time so far, so we'll see how the sun affects me.

    I have a pair of over ear headphones that I haven't tried with these on yet. I put them on and at first, anyway, they seem to be comfy enough. Does seem a bit quieter than usual, though.

    Thanks! bee party emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Between work and home, I spend almost all my time on the computer! I never even considered that a separate longer distance pair could be helpful. Good to know.

    My current glasses are plastic. This was me mostly cheaping out, but I did worry me a bit that metal would be uncomfy. I might get a metal spare just to see if I prefer that instead.

    Thanks~ bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    I'll look into that, thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, I imagine it gets pretty nasty. Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, I saw some of the prices online, and yeah, going to buy some spares there. Thanks! bee party emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    I got fortunate that with my first pair, they seem to fit on all those criteria. Will definitely keep that in mind when buying spares. Thanks! bee emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Well noted, thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, they seem to be sitting well on my face now... at least I haven't felt any discomfort. Not sure if I got lucky, though. Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    All good stuff! thanks! bee party emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, this was part of the reason I made this post. Like, I was really afraid that I'd stupidly scratch up my glasses because I didn't know how to clean them properly. Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, the prices there are def better than the clinic's were. I bought one of the cheaper pairs they had and it was still $60. Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Ooh, neat, good to know. Thanks! bee happy emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    That's actually really good to know. My glasses came with a magnetic sunglass attachment, so I'll make sure to make use of that. Thanks! bee party emoji

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%

    Check the screws and whatnot on the hinges periodically. Sometimes they go loose. Depends on the glasses.

    I did buy rather cheap glasses, so I suspect I'll run into this issue eventually. Thanks! bee emoji

  • askbeehaw
    AskBeehaw UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%
    People who wear glasses, what are some things someone new to glasses should know?

    Sorry about the awkward title; I had a lot of trouble trying to word it. Anyway, I got my first pair of glasses yesterday. I went in for my first eye exam in nearly a decade, and apparently I have mild astigmatism. So for the past day I've been getting used to the sensation of having glasses on (I never cared for sunglasses, personally; I've always found them hard to see in) and getting a touch of euphoria about how they conceal the brow somewhat. But then it kinda hit me that I don't really know anything about glasses, having not used them until age 36. I probably should have asked some questions about it when I picked them up, but I was kinda sick and didn't want to stick around there too long. I know I could just google it, but google sucks now, plus, I may as well use the AskBeehaw platform, it's pretty quiet.

    Technology UngodlyAudrey 1 month ago 100%
    Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO - 9to5Mac

    “I think the existing, altruistic, free version of Reddit will continue to exist and grow and thrive just the way it has,” Huffman said. “But now we will unlock the door for new use cases, new types of subreddits that can be built that may have exclusive content or private areas, things of that nature.”

    technology Technology 4 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people (DRAFT!)
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    Yikes. Well, at least we have something easy to point to when we're asked why we're defederated from

  • socialism Socialism One of the Most Shameful Moments in American History
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    I agree completely. Our collective minds in the U.S. have been warped by decades(if not centuries) of propaganda by the rich and powerful. Things aren't exactly going to change overnight. Change needs to come from the bottom up, and that's not going to happen until we start working together to build a culture of compassion.

  • politics Politics Biden, 81, pulls out of presidential race, will serve out term
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 98%

    I hope that this ends up being the right decision. The Dems must really, truly think they can't win with Joe Biden. Kudos to Joe for setting his ego aside, I know that can't have been easy. Let's unite behind whoever gets picked and beat Trump.

  • politics
    Politics UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%
    President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 at pivotal moment in reelection campaign | CNN Politics

    I swear that if Biden dies of covid so soon after Trump survives an assassination attempt, we are never going to hear the end of it. The MAGA folks already have been crowing about how God saved Trump. Get well soon, Joe.

    Gaming UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 97%
    Here's 3 reasons I'm actually pretty optimistic about Dragon Age: The Veilguard despite being an old school RPG sicko

    As a long time Dragon Age fan, I've been really, just iffy about Dragon Age: The Veilguard, especially since the very first trailer that they put out. The vibes were way off, like they were making a trailer for a Fortnite crossover rather than a dark fantasy game. The gameplay trailer afterward did seem to be more of what I was expecting, so I am more cautiously optimistic now. Guess we'll see.

    gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    I'm doing a replay of Dragon Age Origins. Slogging my way through my least favorite part of the game(the Deep Roads) right now. I'm not that good at the game, so for the harder encounters, I've cheesed them by having one member of my party run forward to aggro one group, then run back to where the rest are in order to deal with them one group at a time. If I let my party fight normally, they accidentally aggro multiple groups and they get overwhelmed. That plus saving after every difficult encounter is helping me get through it.

    My warden is an elven mage; she's mostly built for casting ice magic and healing. I usually use Alistair as a tank, Zevran as a dual wielding damage dealer and Leliana as an archer/support unit.

  • politics Politics Live Election Updates: Trump Rushed Off Stage at Rally After What Sounded Like Shots
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    The crowd just stood around bewildered throughout the whole thing. I mean, I do kinda get it, that weird pop sound in the video sounds too faint, unlike gunfire. Funny how he had time to mug for the camera after the "shooting".

    The last fucking thing we need is Donald Trump the living martyr.

    EDIT: Apparently a shooter is dead and one of the rally attendees died, too. Guess this was indeed legit.

  • gaming Gaming 98% compatibility
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    Just so you know, you're commenting in a Beehaw community, and we expect that people be(e) nice here. Being gatekeepy isn't nice.

  • politics Politics Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    This is anecdotal, but the vibes I'm getting in offline conversations make me think that his low approval rating is accurate. There's a lot of "Biden is too old, and hasn't done much(which isn't entirely true), but I'll vote against Trump." That's great and all, but I live in a deep blue city(Seattle) and, honestly, I am deeply concerned about people who are more moderate, who aren't as vehemently anti-Trump. I think the disconnect here is that we differ greatly in our faith that the Dems will turn out. They responded well in 2020 to kick Trump out, but I don't know how much that fire still burns in the voting populace. Some people respond better to carrots than sticks, and while the threat of Trump is a hell of a stick, Biden is not much of a carrot. Not to say that Biden hasn't done some good things, but I feel that the media and Russia have hammered Biden enough that I think the damage is done.

    That being said, however, I'm going to disengage here, and try to refrain from advocating that Biden step down going forward. Posting this thread was a mistake on my part, and I'll take full responsibility for it. Anything that dampens enthusiasm for the Democratic nominee should be avoided at all costs, and by posting this thread and suggesting that Biden should be replaced, I was simply doing Russia's job for them, and for that, I'm sorry. It's not like we have any power over the situation to begin with. The party will decide whether to stick with Biden or not, and it's our job to help make sure they defeat the fascists.

  • politics Politics Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    American elections, in a nutshell, come down to this. Turnout. Motivate your voters to go to the polls en masse, and you win. There just isn't that many swing voters, especially in an election like this where both candidates have been President. The reason this has been catastrophic for Biden is that appearing to be old and out of touch tends to depress enthusiasm. Combine that with the short memories of the voters and you'll have people not bothering to vote because "both options are bad". As we get further and further from Trump's presidency, people's memories start to fade, they think to themselves, "oh, he wasn't THAT bad, we had more money back then." There's also lots of people who haven't heard about Project 2025, aren't paying attention to Trump saying that he'll be a dictator on the first day, etc. They will naively think to themselves that it can't happen here, that the U.S. is somehow special. Biden's margin of victory in some of the swing states was minuscule, and that was at the height of Anything But Trump sentiment. We absolutely cannot afford to have anyone stay home. Maybe some of the post Roe effect will help spur turnout. I don't know. But presidential elections are unfortunately just a popularity contest. I really do think we need to see if there's someone charismatic that we can roll the dice on. Because "Not Trump" won't be enough, and that's pretty much all Biden ever had going for him.

  • politics Politics Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    Honestly, I don't think this rhetoric is helpful anymore. As vile and disgusting as it is, we don't have a viable anti-genocide option. We need to pick our battles. I'm pretty left-leaning myself, so if you'll indulge me, this is why I feel compelled to grudgingly vote for the Democratic ticket.

    Biden is a garden variety conservative corporate stooge, which has basically been the best case scenario ever since Reagan killed the New Deal. The billionaires that control this country aren't going to allow an administration that pushes back on imperialism and empire. Thus, we never get a chance to elect someone who'd actually stand up to Israel. Just look at what happened to Bernie. I voted uncommitted in the primary because I was furious about the genocide, but, electorally, that's about all I can truly do. The first past the post system actively punishes people who vote third party, and not voting against Trump is not an option for me. I'm a trans woman. I do not have the luxury of ideological purity. I have to vote for whomever the Democrats put up because Trump will institute a dictatorship that could very well have me put to death. After the "Supreme" Court's decision to allow immunity for presidents, I am even more convinced that the Republicans cannot ever be allowed to take power again. If the U.S. goes fully fascist, its influence will be as such that the current right wing wave in the West will be like a tiny ripple.

    I hate the position we're in. It sucks. This country has been so utterly inundated with anti-left propaganda that people think liberalism is far left. We should be organizing and radicalizing everyone we can, 100%. I'm hoping that this late stage capitalist hellscape we're living in will help with that. But, even then, it's going to be a painfully slow process. We have six years olds being forced to swear that they won't betray the country every morning at school. Few people ever seem to stop and think just how fucking weird the Pledge of Allegiance is. When people are that indoctrinated, it'll take a Herculean effort to get them to realize they've been lied to their whole life. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing, but we're not going to be able to snap our fingers, elect a president from the Green party, and everything will be all better. It doesn't work like that. Change comes from the bottom up, by changing hearts and minds. People won't like to hear this, but we need to be patient until our efforts bear fruit.

    So, we need to buy time. Failing to thwart Trump's dictatorship pretty much only leaves the last resort, revolution. Biden is too milquetoast to order purges. However, Trump will have no scruples cracking down on his "enemies". With how open we all are on social media, it would be trivial for someone in control of the three letter agencies to find us all. If this were a normal election, I'd be fine with people voting their conscience. I get it. I'd love to vote for the Socialist ticket. But I have to engage with the world as it really is. I had to set aside my idealism in favor of pragmatism.

  • politics Politics Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 100%

    I did, actually, in another comment further down the thread.

  • politics
    Politics UngodlyAudrey 2 months ago 99%
    Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"

    Seriously, Joe, do you not know the stakes? "Sure, America fell to fascism, but I tried my best." For fucks sake, Trump has straight up said he was going to be a dictator, and the Supreme Court will back him all the way. It's unbelievable that all that stands between us and the fall of the republic is a man in his 80s who isn't fully cognizant of the situation.

    Technology UngodlyAudrey 3 months ago 100%
    Opinion | Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

    I dislike linking to the NYT, but it seems to be the original source. I'm kinda conflicted on this. I doubt it'll really do anything, but if it helps head off crappy laws like SOPA then it'd be good. tbh more social media should be like beehaw, anyway

    Politics UngodlyAudrey 3 months ago 100%
    ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day

    The pillow guy is apparently advocating that people commit election fraud in order to throw doubt on electronic voting machines. It's astounding how brazen they are about trying to steal the election.

    LGBTQ+ UngodlyAudrey 3 months ago 100%
    I Did Not Consent To My Body

    Trigger Warning [discussion of suicide and trauma] This isn't an easy read, but it's a good read.

    Literature UngodlyAudrey 5 months ago 100%
    No one buys books

    Not sure I like the "Netflix of books" suggestion(libraries exist!), but I thought this was interesting.

    Gaming UngodlyAudrey 6 months ago 100%
    60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

    At first I thought "hey, patient gaming is taking off" when I read this headline, but really, what it's saying is that people are spending most of their time on evergreen live service titles like Fortnite. Ugh.

    Politics UngodlyAudrey 6 months ago 100%
    N.Y. appeals court reduces Trump's bond in his civil fraud case to $175 million, a victory for the former president

    Unfuckingbelievable. I'm really starting to lose faith that he'll face any real consequences for any of his actions.
