libertyhub Liberty Hub How She-Ra teaches Monarchism to children
  • Grail Grail 1 month ago 100%

    Here are some other people discussing why monarchy in children's cartoons is weird and bad:

    The writing of She-Ra just doesn't make sense with regards to the whole "princess" thing, and it's bad. I'm not the first, tenth, or hundredth person to think about this. There's a lot of anarchists who have complained about the monarchy thing being apologism, and a lot of nerds who have complained about the writing of the political systems being illogical and confusing.

    Like, they even have an anarchist character in the show. Swiftwind, the talking unicorn. He spends his free time freeing other horses from slavery at the hands of humanoids. He spouts communist propaganda every chance he gets. And yet he never ever criticises the monarchy. It's weird!

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub How She-Ra teaches Monarchism to children
  • Grail Grail 1 month ago 50%

    So, just to clarify, you think that being against the monarchy is suspicious? I thought this was a progressive community where anarchist opinions like "kill monarchs" were taken as normal. But if you want the mods to take action against users for being against the monarchy, I'm sure you can suggest a rule change. Because your conspiracy theory that every anti-monarchist is the same person sure seems like the kind of liberalism that this community was created to get away from.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub How She-Ra teaches Monarchism to children
  • Grail Grail 1 month ago 100%

    Of course there's lots of australians who hate the monarchy. Australia is a very progressive country. My university has a socialist club, a marxist club, and a soulist club. My city has protests for Palestinian liberation that hundreds of people attend every two weeks. I don't mean to say that our government is very progressive (Although our right wing party are called Liberals and they have the same platform as US Democrats). I mean to say that progressive movements in Australia are very strong. Last election I voted for the socialist party, the legalise weed party, the piracy party, and the environmentalist party. We have multiple different major socialist orgs that show up at every major protest to hand out merch, and are often working together with the various groups running the various protests. Not to mention all of the smaller action groups like the drummers and of course the antirealists.

    Americans might not be used to the level of progressivism you encounter in Australia, so it can be a bit of a culture shock. For example we had a few Proud Boys over from America a few years ago. HAD. They gave up because every time they showed up to counterprotest, thousands of australians would call them Nazis and tell them to fuck off. They needed a wall of police around them or they would have been beaten up, and they were sure scared shitless. On a more mundane note, if you go to ANY professional or academic or hobbyist meeting, they will tend to open with an acknowledgement of country, talking about systemic racism against aboriginals and the legacy of whatever land the meeting takes place on. Everyone does it, it's completely normal here.

    So yes, you're going to see a lot of us australian anarchists about if Lemmy continues to be an international forum of discussion. This isn't Reddit, you're not going to be insulated from the rest of the world in your Americube. And no, I am not any of those other people. I'm not even My partner.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 1 month ago 100%
    Donald Trump must surely be a bottom
    libertyhub Liberty Hub Why “just block them” is bad advice for abuse victims
  • Grail Grail 1 month ago 66%

    Well, I'd like to be able to say you should fight for victims. When I was alone and felt isolated by the abuse, that was the worst My trauma got. When I had friends who were willing to stand up to My bullies, I felt empowered. But, see, My abusers had friends standing up for them, who thought they were helping victims. So knowing who's the victim and who's the abuser is just as important as having that drive to help others. The message of the #metoo movement is only half the equation. People who want to do the right thing but won't think critically and learn the truth are worse than bystanders.

    Thinking like a scientist is a good way to find the truth in any situation. I've helped other victims of harassment and rape. I always started out by thinking like a scientist. A good first test is: "Is the supposed victim actually making concrete claims?" I had an abuser who said I abused her, but it never told a single soul how. One of its partners stayed friends with Me and tried to figure out how, and never got a straight answer. Didn't think the abuser even had one itself. It believed I had abused it, but there wasn't a how. The dozens of people who believed it, they were operating on vibes and trust. They didn't even try to verify the claims, because they didn't hear the claims. There were no claims. So if you think like a scientist and try to verify the claims, you might find there's nothing to verify and your friend is a liar. That's a good way to do it.

    Another issue is realism. My best friend was raped in the astral plane. Xe has schizophrenia, and experiences text roleplay as real. A lot of otherkin and plural systems I know experience roleplay as real, schizophrenia or no schizophrenia. But in this case xe had no options. Physically tried to extricate ximself from sexual contact, the rapist pinned xim down and kept going. Thinking everything is fine, this is just part of the roleplay. The rapist in that situation made a lot of choices after the fact that turned a misunderstanding into something unforgivable. Never apologised, used DARVO, etc. But a lot of bystanders, even in the otherkin community, didn't care because it wasn't "real". The contact didn't occur on the material plane. A lot of abuse is going to occur in ways that most people aren't used to dealing with. A lot of abuse is going to involve schizophrenia or otherkin or these other "weird" things. You need to adapt your thinking to the context and empathise with everyone involved, understand the motivations from every perspective. Sticking to your preconceptions of realism and denying the pain a rape victim feels isn't productive.

    That's two things I saw that got in the way of the truth, and how to deal with them. But I'm still searching for answers on a lot of the subtler reasons why people side with abusers. I've been getting a lot better at the practicalities of fighting abusers. Recently I exposed a pedophile ring and have been dismantling the pedophile's cult, with a lot of success. But the lessons I learned that helped Me do that are more applicable to victims and journalists than to bystanders.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub Why “just block them” is bad advice for abuse victims
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    If I knew the answer to how to stop indirect harassment, I wouldn't have PTSD. I want to tell you I know how to fix all of this, but I don't. People are too impatient, too loyal, and too impressionable. They don't take the time to tell truth from lie, they just trust whoever their friends are or who spoke to them first. I only know what doesn't work, because I've lived it for years.

  • australia Australia Why are Australians in denial about how cold our homes really are? ‘Winter stoicism’ is partly to blame | Reena Gupta
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    A new study published in The Lancet shows 6.5% of deaths in this country are attributed to cold weather, compared with 0.5% from hot weather. Most deaths will be from cardiovascular and respiratory disease, as it’s the heart and lungs that struggle when we are outside our comfort zone.

    Cold weather causes twice as many deaths (proportional to population) as in Sweden. Australia's cold weather problem is, when measured in deaths, twice as bad as Sweden's. People DO die from extreme cold here in Australia, much worse than they do in Europe.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Why “just block them” is bad advice for abuse victims
    libertyhub Liberty Hub How She-Ra teaches Monarchism to children
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 85%

    Medium is a blogging site, not a news site.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 66%
    How She-Ra teaches Monarchism to children
    libertyhub Liberty Hub New Moderators needed
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 40%

    That screenshot is in reply to the very first comment of yours that I clicked on. Did you report those people for their transphobia?

  • lgbtq_plus
    LGBTQ+ Grail 2 months ago 100%
    How Twitter can ruin a life

    Isabel Fall’s sci-fi story “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” drew the ire of the internet. This is what happened next.

    libertyhub Liberty Hub New Moderators needed
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%
  • libertyhub Liberty Hub New Moderators needed
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 40%

    My gods, I clicked on your link and the instant transphobia on Hexbear hit Me like a brick in the face

    :::spoiler transphobia :::

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 66%

    I do believe in erasing the experiences of minorities. If I were living in Germany in 1939, I'd erase the experiences of the Jew living in My basement while talking to the Gestapo. I erase My own experiences all the time. I misgender Myself to stay in the closet to avoid violence. Never been out as goddessgender at work or school.

    If what you are advocating is total exposure of all information having to do with minorities, you're talking about actions that will get people killed. That's why Republicans are trying to pass laws to require ID for Pornhub, you know. They want to know all about the lived experiences of gay and trans people by analysing our porn habits, so they can do violence against us. What you're speaking in favour of is genocide.

    I am glad it was just a mistake, but it was a mistake that you prevented Me from fixing the easy way. I couldn't report the comment, couldn't reply. So I made this post, and had to put up with being grilled on My pronoun usage and told My identity is evil by various people. I didn't defend any oppressive systems, I outlined a strategy to just shut up for a few months until it's safe to act again without causing a genocide. I didn't break rule 2. But you did break rules 5 and 8. Shouting down leftism. No open discussion. I did everything I could to play by the rules and disagree with you politely. Maybe instead of making an exception for Me, it's time to actually enforce your community's rules by not being so ban-happy with everyone. What happened today was bound to happen eventually and it's going to keep happening as long as nobody's allowed to have an open discussion about the election on your community. Everyone who disagrees being banned is not an open discussion.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%


  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%

    Cool, thank you for the pronoun support and also I'm reporting you for saying My gender identity shouldn't exist. Your comment is simultaneously very inclusive and not at all accepting.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
    main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%

    If being the only anti-biden community on Lemmy means misgendering trans people then maybe there shouldn't be an anti-Biden community. If somebody is going to host a community like that, it should be someone who can do so without transphobia.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 60%
  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%

    The moderation actions weren't federated to, you can read the comments in the thread from this instance.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 66%

    They do have different limits.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 75%

    Even if it was a mistake, maybe Blahaj shouldn't have mods who shoot from the hip and end up banning trans people they accidentally misgendered. Maybe the position of moderator should entail some more responsibility to trans users. If it was a mistake, it was preventable.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 83%

    When I join a new space, I usually closet about My pronouns and other aspects of My identity on a hard or soft basis until I've made a decision to come out of the closet. Misgendering Myself is a safety measure to prevent harassment and abuse. When I am open about My pronouns, there are certain people who will decide to grill Me about every little perceived inconsistency to try to "gotcha" up an excuse to call Me a fake trans person. I usually only gender Myself correctly once I've decided to accept the risk of running into that kind of person.

    Aside from judging a space to see if it's safe, in some spaces it can help to introduce Myself closeted and then come out, rather than start out being honest about My identity. There's a lot of people on sites like Lemmy that will call a new user who uses neopronouns a troll. Only being honest about My identity after I've proven I'm no troll is safer.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%


  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%


  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 50%

    Weird, I can't see the embeds in your comment either. Maybe just doesn't support them. It doesn't support a very long display name either, maybe I should change instances.

    I've been posting to Liberty Hub every day for around a week, and this mod has been responding to a lot of My posts. They seemed to have a firm grasp of who I was every other time they commented on one of My posts. And the post they commented on here, it was a link to My blog, so if they read it, they should know who I am, right?

    Here are some of their other comments on My posts: - -

    He's never not known who I was before, he's always used My preferred pronouns. If this is a coincidence, it's a bizarre one, and it's one I can't fix without making this post, because the day he suddenly misgenders Me is the day he bans Me.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 75%

    The word "capitalised" brings My display name over the character limit, so the best I can do is "They/You". I can't even change it to "They/Them/You"

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 90%

    Four years ago, I realised I was goddessgender, and My goddess-mother suggested I try out capitalised pronouns. They felt right, so I kept using them. The inspiration for Me to try out the pronouns came from My divinegender identity, but I don't think of the two as equal. I think the statement "Gods are referred to with They/Them" is about as true as the statement "women are referred to with she/her". I have met women who use he/him, men who use she/her, and enbies who use everything. But if your friend is coming out as transfeminine, it's a good idea to suggest she/her, right? I think it's the same with Me. My pronouns and My gender identity are not the same thing, they just happen to align, as most people's pronouns and gender do. I hope that people can respect My pronouns without having to believe everything I believe about My gender. I think the reason we use someone's preferred pronouns can just be "They like it", and it doesn't have to entail any kind of acceptance of a belief system. Likewise, I would immediately respect the preferred pronouns of any two-spirit or Bissu I met, despite not being a member of either religious system.

    I wrote a couple of articles on the subject more broadly:,

  • main
    Blahaj Lemmy Meta Grail 2 months ago 79%
    A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.

    Two hours ago I made a post to [!]( about US politics. I had previously had a good relationship with the head moderator of this community. They've encouraged My political posts, and he's removed comments by people that misgendered Me, and reminded people of My pronouns, like in [this thread]( two days ago: However, an hour ago in [this new thread](, the same moderator who was telling people to respect My capitalised pronouns uses lowercase pronouns to address Me: And he has left up earlier comments which also seemed to misgender Me, and which I specifically pointed out: Even as some users in the thread gender Me correctly: I'm making this thread in the main community because since the mod has banned Me, I can no longer report the comment or leave a reply correcting the pronoun. I would like to gain the attention of []( Misgendering trans people and banning Them at the same time so They can't do anything about it is not the kind of thing I expect to see on Blahaj. This mod is clearly 100% aware of My pronouns, and made a choice here. I suppose they could be using the general "you", but it just doesn't look like that, what with banning Me, telling Me My post isn't welcome, and telling Me to go to a different community. I used to have a good rapport with this mod, they said several times that they valued My posts. I posted something he disagrees with, and now all of a sudden respecting trans people's pronouns isn't a priority anymore. He's misgendering Me and they're leaving up comments that also misgender Me. It feels targeted. EDIT: I cannot seem to embed images. Every time I hit edit and fix the image links and press save, they change to some kind of image proxy link. For now I have left them as links without embedding them.

    libertyhub Liberty Hub The dangerous game played by Biden-hating leftists
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    If "them" is intended to refer to Me, I use capitalised pronouns.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    The Zelda strategy to politics
    libertyhub Liberty Hub What's a "post-leftism"?
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    They are people who have left-wing views on policy, diversity, and economics, but who see "the left" as flawed and do not wish to be associated with them. Common complaints include that "the left" is too invested in organisation, identity politics, and morality. Max Stirner, the Egoism guy, is a central figure in post-leftism.

    Critics of post-leftists say that they're just leftists who want to seem different and hip and cool. The fundamental post-leftist assertion is that "the left" is a monolithic group of old fashioned people who never accomplished much good, and I disagree strongly. To Me, leftism cannot ever describe a single group, but instead describes a relation between a given group and a reference point; the left is a direction, not a place.

  • australia Australia 'Grow up': Rudd goes after Tenacious D for a Trump joke. It's 2024, baby!
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%
  • libertyhub Liberty Hub Apolitical queers don’t deserve to opt-out of discourse
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    I use capitalised pronouns, please refer to Me with My preferred pronouns.

    I frequently go to spaces that are made for and by trans people, where we avoid politics deliberately. Because we want to talk about other things, we want to talk about our lives, our own personal struggles. And not politics.

    I recommend you check out My other article on this subject, There is no such thing as “apolitical”, and claiming otherwise is dangerous. The TLDR is that the statement you just made is an act of violence. It's a transphobic dogwhistle. There is no non-politics. The ideology of "Apoliticism" is deeply political, and deeply dangerous. The online spaces you describe where people "avoid politics", they don't. What they do is platform a specific set of non-controversial politics, and claim these politics are not politics. This dishonest course of action provides short term gratification, but in the long term it contributes to transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, racism, and ableism.

    My purpose in creating the post here is to call for the destruction of such spaces. All queer spaces should be explicitly political at all times. And that is because the only alternative to explicit politics is implicit, unspoken, unconscious politics. Secret rules, self-contradictory aims, transphobic dogwhistles.

    For example, suppose a nonbinary person like Myself joins an "apolitical" safe space for queer people, a Discord which is full of trans girls who like to play War Thunder together. I, a new War Thunder player looking for friends and a queer person, join the community. My capitalised pronouns are respected by about 50% of the Discord regulars, but one trans girl in particular objects to My neopronouns and says I'm oppressing her by asking her to respect preferred pronouns. The rules of the server prohibit politics.

    If I or anyone else argues in favour of respecting trans people's preferred pronouns, I am in violation of the rules, and can fairly be banned. Now, so is the person kicking up an enbyphobic fuss, but you have to take human psychology into account. Moderators will think "Everything was fine before Grail arrived. We're only having this awful political conversation because of Them." If the moderators enforced the rules fairly, they'd ban everyone for every post they ever made, because everything is political. Since the mods believe in such a thing as apolitics, their impartiality is already compromised. They are already lying about the rules and enforcing them selectively according to personal bias. You cannot expect such people to make correct decisions about how to enforce the rules.

    Most people only change enough to accept themselves. Nobody is a perfect leftist. If I were to believe in apolitics, I would probably end up acting racist, because I am not a person of colour and I have all kinds of blind spots from My lack of lived experience on the subject. I have a duty to constantly challenge Myself on racial issues so that I don't fall into the trap of only changing enough to accept Myself. Everyone does. Most people are racist when they believe in apolitics. Most people, including most trans people, are transphobic when they believe in apolitics. An "apolitical" space can only ever be a huge trap for these kinds of attitudes to fester and become normalised.

    There are ways to have safe spaces that do not trigger or exhaust queer people, but they are not "apolitical" spaces, they are spaces which are fiercely political and fiercely allied with queer justice. The apolitical spaces are not safe for every queer person. They are only safe for white people with normal pronouns and mild or no disabilities.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub Apolitical queers don’t deserve to opt-out of discourse
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    Only people who are actually fighting deserve a rest. The people who are always resting and never fighting deserve to be kicked out of the resting places until they start pulling their weight.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Apolitical queers don’t deserve to opt-out of discourse
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    I was right about Rick and Morty doing soulist science
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Rick’s Spaghetti and the Soulist Scientific Method
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Wolves in Sheeple’s Clothing
    libertyhub Liberty Hub An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately AWS doesn't allow HTTPS for static sites like this. I'd have to use Cloudflare if I wanted the site to be accessible to HTTPS

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you. Is your app changing the http to https?

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    I recommend Donald Hoffman's TED talk, which I'm pretty sure is linked on My website Hoffman is a cognitive scientist who literally wrote the book on why our perceptual reality cannot be objective truth. And he doesn't speak to any kind of religion or vague philosophy, his findings are 100% science.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    I use capitalised pronouns. I came out as trans quite a while ago, and I went through the usual egg_irl to estrogen pipeline as a self-identifying trans woman. But eventually I discovered I was nonbinary. I'm not a woman, I'm a goddess. I had been openly trans at that point to everyone I knew, and I surrounded Myself with trans accepting people. But when I came out as goddessgender, as goddesskin, as a being who cannot exist within the confines of a physical, atheistic consensus reality, most of My trans accepting friends turned on Me. I went through a period of intense trauma that I'm still recovering from today. I couldn't work full time for years because of the flashbacks. My career was permanently impacted and it led to Me experiencing homelessness.

    I had a relatively easy time of being a trans woman, relative to a lot of other stories I've heard. But being otherkin was too far for most trans allies, and My identity caused Me to suffer horrendous abuse.

    Why would a trans ally, a trans person themself, be kinphobic? The answer is realism. These allies had accepted that trans people are part of reality. That gender is a social construct. But they hadn't accepted that reality is a social construct. They weren't willing to bend the rules all the way. In the soulist community, we bend the rules ALL the way. We accept everyone, and it's not lip service. For example, I believe in the gods of ALL religions. So that when I respect the beliefs of marginalised religions, it's not the liberal "they're allowed to be wrong in their unique cultural way". Instead I say "their beliefs are literally true. There is a world composed of their beliefs that literally exists, and it must be preserved."

    I'm tired of people accepting trans but not otherkin. I'm tired of people accepting autism but not NPD. I'm tired of people accepting religions but dismissing their truth. I'm tired of liberalism. I'm tired of moderate leftists betraying people when our identities and lived experiences step outside the boundaries of permissible diversity. So no more boundaries! No more objective truth! No more "too far". Soulists will go all the way to the left. We will not compromise on diversity, equity, or freedom. Enforcing the conditions of capitalism upon our very reality is oppressive. Realism is fundamentally neoliberal. Excluding marginalised groups from the freedom to be as "real" as the privileged classes is genocide. Realism is fundamentally fascist. No more! We don't need reality, it's only ever been a justification for the extermination of the different.

  • libertyhub Liberty Hub An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    I disagree. I think that failing to recognise humanity as a choice leads to greater dehumanisation of marginalised humans. The white supremacist's argument is always "They are less than human, intrinsically. It is their nature. It is reality." When we accept that humanity is a feature of nature and not of society, we cede ground to white supremacists. We should not be arguing whether people of colour meet some criteria that make them human. We should be arguing that white supremacists' dehumanisation is a choice, a choice to be evil, not an inevitable reality.

    A core theme of soulist philosophy is responsibility. The white supremacist denies responsibility, saying that the essential nature of those they oppress is not their doing. They wield power irresponsibly. The power to control reality will always exist in the hands of the powerful. And a people who deny this power will not be able to see their oppression clearly. There have always been people of colour who knew their deserved rights and knew their oppression is wrong, but there have also historically been people of colour who bought into the propaganda, and accepted they were less than human. Such a belief can only be the result of realism, of ignoring society's responsibility in all this. The soulists say "this reality we find ourselves in, where people are separated by class and race, was built. It is not natural, and it is not inevitable. It is our choice. All of our choice. And we must choose to be better to each other. Or I'm going to bash some white supremacist heads in."

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    An Anarcho-Antirealist Manifesto
    libertyhub Liberty Hub Why Reactionaries Hate Pride (And Narcissists)
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 100%

    American style white supremacists don't want there to be nonwhite races, because a race is a people, and they don't want slaves to be considered people. Nobody cares about the ethnic identity of a cow. They only care about its pedigree for good meat or good milk. This isn't race in the human sense of the word. American style white supremacists want to be able to think of people of colour like that. They want white to mean human being, and black to mean animal.

    There aren't many people who feel pride because they're smarter or stronger than an animal. There's lots of animal abusers who relish their power over animals, but I wouldn't call the thing they get out of their abuse pride. It's about having the power, not about reflecting on who one is as a person. It's not "I am awesome because I kick puppies." Likewise, the goal of American white supremacists is to have a society where people of colour are slaves, and white people get to think they're the only kind of human being in existence.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Young people these days only use the word "slut" in dirty talk, such that calling someone a slut in polite company is now unacceptable. The sluts stole the word for themselves. Great job, sluts!
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 9%

    It used to be. Politeness is a social construct and changes over time. I could name all sorts of horrible things that used to be polite. And even today it's polite to casually talk about paying for a dead body to be cooked at a restaurant.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Young people these days only use the word "slut" in dirty talk, such that calling someone a slut in polite company is now unacceptable. The sluts stole the word for themselves. Great job, sluts!
  • Grail Grail 2 months ago 16%

    It used to mean a woman who has sex with lots of people, and it was derogatory. You'd call a woman a slut to shame her, because old people hated sex.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Why Reactionaries Hate Pride (And Narcissists)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    John Wick is a communist masterpiece
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 2 months ago 100%
    Did trolls go extinct? — commentary on Partisan Realism
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 3 months ago 100%
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 3 months ago 100%
    The need for solidarity between leftist movements
    LGBTQ+ Grail 3 months ago 100%
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns

    [Alternate frontend](

    Beehaw Support Grail 3 months ago 100%
    Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence

    c/neurodivergence isn't being moderated at all lately. Three months ago there was the great post from concerning ableism against people with NPD, and the amount of toxicity I saw in that thread was shocking. Some great people pushing back on the ableism and hate there, but I couldn't believe those hateful comments were being left up, or the sheer volume of them. Yesterday I posted a new article I wrote also concerning NPD, hoping I would get the same kind of positive response I've gotten from Beehaw in the past when talking about neurodiversity. But instead I saw nothing but hate, personal attacks, and vicious toxicity. This isn't the kind of discourse I come to Beehaw to see, and I don't think I'm alone. Looking at the community history, it looks like the post volume has dramatically reduced since immediately before that first NPD post. I'm not surprised people are avoiding the community, I don't intend to use it anymore either if what I received yesterday is going to be the norm. The modlog of this community hasn't been touched in 7 months, and the only comment removal visible at all is tagged with the removal reason "stupid comment", which I frankly find quite ironic. Can we please have some actual moderation on this community? If there is absolutely nobody else who can volunteer their time then I'd even be happy to do it Myself.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub Grail 3 months ago 100%
    Introducing Disrespectability Politics
    Transfem Grail 4 months ago 100%
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns

    This was the biggest trans community I could find with the search function, and I am transfem (male to goddess), so hope it fits

    AI Generated Images Grail 7 months ago 92%
    Excrucian Strategist

    Been playing around with trying to get Bing AI to make an excrucian strategist. This one turned out pretty good! Some images of Strategists drawn by an actual people:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support Grail 7 months ago 58%
    Ansible finished with no errors but Lemmy isn't running

    I just finished running Ansible-Lemmy. 24 tasks OK, 3 changed, 7 skipped, 0 failed. And I don't know what to do next to access my server. The guides stop there. According to the docker-compose file generated by Ansible on my server, the port should be 8536. When I go to my server's address at that port, it gets stuck loading. Same story on every common port I tried. Same with no port input. When I `curl localhost` on the server, I get this: ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href=""></a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> ``` But when I curl (from the server or anywhere else), I get this instead: ``` <html> <head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head> <body> <center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html> ``` Before, when I was midway through getting Ansible to run and it was failing at the docker compose step, I was able to get the same curl result from localhost and from the domain, and I could even see the welcome to nginx page in my browser. Something changed and I don't know what. Did Ansible actually fail? Is there a bash command to start Lemmy from the server that I'm missing? What's up? EDIT: Inspected the lemmy-UI task in docker. It's showing as unhealthy, because curl localhost:1234 is getting a connection refused. The port is listed correctly in the docker container, it's open on iptables, and it's open on oracle cloud. EDIT EDIT: I got to the Lemmy page, but it's an error page. curl -I requests return error 500 internal server error. Health checks are only waiting 0ms for a response even though I have the timeout set to 10s in the docker-compose.yml

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support Grail 7 months ago 66%
    Can I run Lemmy-Ansible with only one linux machine?

    The instructions for Lemmy-Ansible say to install Ansible on my local machine, not on my destination server. My destination server is running ubuntu, but my local machine is windows, so Ansible won't work on it. Do I need two Linux machines in order to use the Ansible installation?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support Grail 7 months ago 84%
    Why does hosting Lemmy require a display?

    I'm trying to set up my own Lemmy server with Docker. I think I have everything set up, but I'm getting an error `Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY`. This error kind of makes sense, because I'm SSHing into my server and have not forwarded D-Bus connections, so $DISPLAY is undefined. But why does a Lemmy server need a display in the first place? Is this a bug and a display isn't actually needed? If I set $DISPLAY to whatever, will it still run okay?
