asklemmy Ask Lemmy What weird false belief did you have as a kid?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 5 hours ago 100%

    When I was very young, my dad told me we were going to Miami. I thought he said "my Ami", which I assumed was a word for some kind of relative, like Auntie, Granny, etc.

  • news News CNN shows supercut of Trump calling Harris ‘fascist’ – after JD Vance said no one should be using the word
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 18 hours ago 100%

    The Democrats and Republicans agree that the world isn't fair. Idealistically, the Democratic response to that fact is trying to make things more fair (minimum wage increases, regulation and customer protections, social services, etc) while the Republican response is to exploit the unfairness for personal gain.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes 👌Consistency 👌
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 2 days ago 100%

    I don't like raw tomatoes because they're too spicy, my mouth gets all tingly

  • gardening Gardening Pineapples
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 3 days ago 100%

    "This is a prank, right?" Is my favorite set of plant morphologies.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 3 days ago 100%

    I've toyed with the idea of staffing the House by sortition. Maybe not entirely random, pooling from State and local offices might be more practical, political efficacy is a skill and a little experience is valuable.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 3 days ago 100%

    Victorian style top hat

  • memes Memes Feline!
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 4 days ago 100%

    Having this pop up in the middle of a dozen goofy 5 minute skits with guys in Garfield and Odie costumes was an unexpected surprise, but a welcome one.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 4 days ago 28%

    Sometimes, and Congress can override the President, as happened in the case I linked. If 2/3s of Congress decides to block the president on everything, there's not much the president can do.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 4 days ago 100%
  • usa United States | News & Politics Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 4 days ago 16%

    What good does voting for a presidential policy do when Congress just blocks it? Offering people things they actually want, but you have no ability to provide, is the oldest trick in politics.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy To people who choose not to swear (for non-religious reasons), what is your motivation to be that way ?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 5 days ago 100%

    Used to swear a lot, still swear but much less frequently.

    The effect of swearing is fairly diluted, they're used so often they don't really carry any weight when you use them. I find that there are typically better ways to emphasize a point, and using them more sparingly makes them more effective.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 5 days ago 33%

    Not particularly. She has basically no real experience in political office, despite running for several offices. Some of her policy positions sound fine, but without any way to actually implement those policies, they're just empty words. Plus there's some shady implications between her and Russia, and historically the Green party is funded by Republicans because they're an effective spoiler.

    So she sounds cool on the surface, but without more progressives in Congress her attractive policies aren't remotely actionable. If you want a useful progressive candidate, vote for progressive in local and state elections every chance you have. This presidential election is not an effective time to vote third party.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 5 days ago 80%

    Biden didn't drop out because some online leftists refused to vote for him, he dropped out because big donors that back the Democrats wanted him to.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 6 days ago 100%

    Back pocket for me. Even at my most active I've never had it fall out. Just have to remember to take it out when you sit down.

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Whoever owns this truck is pretty stable
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 6 days ago 100%

    I'm intrigued by the proposition implied in "step aside girls, the alpha males are back". Why are we telling the girls to step aside? Don't alpha males like girls?

  • skeptic Skeptic Trump Supporters Spread Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory Kamala Harris Wore Audio-Enabled Earrings at Debate
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 6 days ago 100%

    I heard he replaced his ear with a permanent earpiece

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes What's your radical opinion?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 6 days ago 100%

    This is a real thing people do. My wife is one of them. I tried it; it's not as bad as you'd think, but I'd still rather not.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes every generation loves it's brainrot
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 7 days ago 100%

    My nipples explode with delight

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes every generation loves it's brainrot
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 7 days ago 100%

    I somehow missed the MLG phase, but everything else makes sense to me

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 7 days ago 100%

    Vote progressives into local offices so they can get experience to work in state offices so they can get experience to work in Congress so they can get experience to be a good presidential candidate. Also to fill offices at every level with progressives.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favourite animal?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    Ducks. Masters of land, air, and water. Good ol' duck, nothing beats that

  • politics politics Harris trolls Trump by posting most of debate as ‘new ad’
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    Clearly she wasn't referring to the office of Vice President, but was acknowledging that he was a president beset with numerous vices

  • politics politics The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 50%

    Why should it? Why should anyone vote for a candidate with no political administration experience? Regardless of their stated positions, what evidence do voters have that any of the third party candidates have the skills necessary to execute the duties of the office effectively? Without progressives in Congress, how exactly is a progressive administration supposed to navigate gridlock better than the neo liberals?

  • politics politics The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    With the exception of Donald Trump, every single US President previously served as a Senator, or Governor, or a Major General, or Secretary of State, or Director of the CIA, or something. Some kind of higher office to prove their fitness in a political administrative role.

    If we want a progressive president, we need progressive members of Congress and State Governors. Not only so we have an experienced candidates to put forward, but by having a significant representation people will just psychologically consider a progressive candidate to actually be viable.

    And if we want progressive Governors and Congresspeople, we need progressive mayors and County Commissioners and Attorneys General to pull from. And if we want those, we need progressive City Council members and School Board members and all the other local elected offices.

    These third party candidates with no real political experience shooting straight for President are so counterproductive, it's difficult to imagine they're anything but bad faith, intentional spoilers.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 33%

    And they will not be progressive.

    20% of House reps are in the Progressive Caucus, we're not starting at zero here.

    And they will not make it into the party full time. Just see how vilified the Squad is.

    The Squad exists. The bigger they get, the harder they are to bully. Seat by seat.

    Building up dual power by organizing in Communist Parties, yes. That's what I recommend.

    Which is it? Can progressive candidates get elected, or not?

    -You don't stop fascism by voting it out, the conditions for it remain until Capitalism is overthrown.

    How, pray tell, does one overthrow Capitalism? If you lack the support and coordination to elect progressives, where are you finding support and coordination for the revolution? I feel like a broken record, you keep ignoring this.

    Again, even if everyone voted for PSL this election, they cannot beat the network of checks and balances. Capitalist States are designed against change.

    Again, the more pieces of those checks and balances you control, the looser their grip.

    The State must be smashed and replaced by a State-as-non-state, ie an organization of workers units in a syndicate

    Magic and vibes.

    The groundwork is organizing outside the bounds of Capitalist Electoralism, Congress will never shift progressive, you're trying to rewrite history.

    If it's impossible for Congress to shift progressive, progressives don't deserve to win.

    More magic and vibes, trying to beat the overhwhelming forces of Capital with hopes and dreams, rather than material efforts.

    If democratizing your workplace and directly engaging your local elections to generate more viable progressive representatives aren't "material efforts", I don't recognize your use of the term.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 16%

    Maybe the right way is to fix the reasons they feel that way in the first place, and pull them out of their echo chambers. Even the Nazis didn't try to kill half the voting population.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 25%

    The bad side of the Nazis was executing people.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 33%

    Every time a third party candidate is proposed, the very fact that they are third party is used against them despite popular policy.

    Proven, again, being the important distinction. Randos coming out of the woodwork every 4 years with swell official policies but no significant political administrative experience are not proven. Senators and governors are proven, they have a track record to look back on to see how effectively they actually implement their policies.

    And to get progressive senators and governors, we need progressive mayors, county commissioners, city councilors, etc to seed those higher offices with proven political administrators. These third party candidates are shooting too high too fast, and spoiling the vote in the process.

    In order to make it to the federal level, you must satisfy donors and wealthy Capitalists, and support their economic interests.

    And how exactly do you plan to implement revolution? A coordinated, distributed grassroots network of leftists supporting a cause? Maybe try that. Build unions, vote for pro-union candidates at every opportunity, draft referendums to empower unions. You want to coordinate the proletariat? Do it.

    You're pretending fascism is an idea that magically sprouts out of thin air, rather than a known phenomenon as a reaction to Capitalist failure.

    No, I'm not addressing the source of fascism at all, I'm purely concerned with its popularity. You need to change material conditions, which requires power, which requires support. If you have majority support, you have the votes. If you don't, the revolution wouldn't work anyway.

    The way you combat lots of money is lots of people. If you have the apparatus to lead a successful revolution by the majority, you have the apparatus to elect progressives. If you don't have it, you don't have a revolution by the majority, you have a revolution of the minority.

    Even if you could elect progressives, they still can't enact change. The structure of the US is designed to uphold Capitalism, and as long as it is, it will act against any change to the status quo. The "democratic" apparatus is filtered and controlled by wealthy Capitalists, you yourself are arguing against progressive candidates in this election, pretending you'll ever change your tone.

    Again, the answer is to stop trying to skip the groundwork. Get as many progressives into as many offices as possible as soon as possible. When Congress starts shifting progressive, suddenly a progressive president isn't so far fetched, and the general population is more likely to consider one. You can't jump straight to President.

    Engage your community, flood your local community boards with progressives. Get the ones who do well elected to city council. Prove that your policies work in your city, then your county, then your state. The presidency is the highest administrative office in the country. I don't consider anyone without experience at the level of at least governor to be a serious candidate.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 33%

    these candidates will not gain enough influence to make a difference at the federal level.

    "My policies are not popular enough to win elections"

    Neither the DNC nor the GOP will ever field progressive candidates.

    Vote lesser evil until you have proven progressive candidates

    Even if the party disappears, a new one will take its place that is just as fascist, because fascism is a response to crumbling Capitalism. This is such a well-studied phenomenon.

    "My policies are not popular enough to win elections"

    Nope, I got them.

    You keep ignoring the very simple math: if you have enough support for revolution, you have enough support to elect progressives; if you don't have enough support to elect progressives, you're the clear minority and imposing your policies on the country is undemocratic. How in blazes do you expect to coordinate a revolution if you can't coordinate a campaign?

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 33%

    Homie, I'm not gonna read two books because you can't explain your own political beliefs yourself.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 40%

    Revolution is inevitable, and it cannot happen without mass support in the first place.

    Of course, which is the central problem with your reasoning. What is this "mass support" which is both large enough to coordinate a revolution, but too small to elect representatives? What percentage of the population is willing to do what it takes to unseat the government, but not willing to fill out a piece of paper every couple years?

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 16%

    All your points boil down to "My positions are not popular enough to win elections".

    I repeat,

    Not getting what you want because the voters that disagree with you outnumber the ones that agree is the fundamental principle of democracy.

    If your candidates can't get support from voters, your revolution will be a dictatorship of unpopular positions. You're saying that your positions are in the minority, but they should be implemented anyway. Regardless of how correct you think those positions are, this approach is definitely undemocratic.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 25%

    Ah yes, peak anti-fascism: declaring your political opponents to be monolithically evil to justify their execution. Half of all American voters are subhuman scum that must be cleansed to bring about democracy.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 33%

    The problem is systemic, it can't be solved by one office in one election.

    Y'know the old saying about the best and second best times to plant a tree? Sweeping political change takes time. You need progressive candidates to prove themselves on local and state levels.

    It'll take 6 years to replace every governor and congressperson, and based on the landscape I see, at least 5-10 years to promote enough progressives to a position suitable to candidacy. 15-20 years of voting for capable progressives in every race from school board to governor will provide us with a rich crop of experienced candidates.

    That does mean voting lesser evil until you can get proven progressives on the ticket. That's just reality. If you don't vote for a candidate that wins, you didn't get even the most meager semblance of representation. Not getting what you want because the voters that disagree with you outnumber the ones that agree is the fundamental principle of democracy. Show up. Vote, for someone who might win.

    Republicans planted their tree 50 years ago. Progressives' best move in the next few elections is show up in droves to big tent blue wave, and then splinter when the Republican party is defunct.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 28%

    You can, if you stop abstaining or voting third party out of protest. You can't blame the electoral system for being ineffective if you don't use it right.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 30%

    If you can't reach your ideal democracy without executing dissidents, that's not democracy.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    There was a period of time in middle school where I was obsessed with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Definitely not my favorite film anymore (not even my favorite Monty Python film), but since I don't really rewatch things nowadays it maintains its record.

    Unless you count the one of the Disney movies my baby sister watched 3 times a day every day for months.

  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 30%

    As opposed to the very authentic progressivism of rounding up and shooting political opponents?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    I use a smart alarm app. It uses your mic to track your breathing, and uses that information to identify when you're in deeper and lighter phases of sleep. You set a range of time for the alarm, and when it detects you coming out of a deep cycle it starts the alarm. I've always slept through alarms, and this works like a dream.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Tabasco on pizza: Yay or Nay?
  • agamemnonymous agamemnonymous 1 week ago 100%

    Yes, but different heat works with different flavors

  • 3dprinting
    3DPrinting agamemnonymous 11 months ago 100%
    Bambu X1C Purge and Prime

    I'm considering pulling the trigger on an X1C but the waste is a huge turn-off. I know there are options for purging to infill or a sacrificial object, but last I heard there's still a considerable amount of purge/prime. Can someone who's played with the settings tell me honestly how much progress has been made in reducing waste?

    LocalLLaMA agamemnonymous 1 year ago 91%
    Setup for TTRPG GM assistant?

    Still pretty new to local LLMs, and there's been a *lot* of development since I dipped my toe in. Suffice to say I'm fairly swamped and looking for guidance to the right model for my use I want to feed the model sourcebooks, so I can ask it game mechanic questions and it will respond with reasonable accuracy (including page references). I tried this with privateGPT a month or two back, and it kinda worked but it was slow and wonky. It seems like things are a bit cleaner now

    GURPS agamemnonymous 1 year ago 100%
    Crunch Sweet Spot

    Let's kick off some activity here with a question: How much crunch do you, personally, like in your games? Ultra Lite? Lite? Basic Set? Every book you can get your hands on? Light on combat, heavy on skills? Vice-versa? Light overall with some aspects way more fleshed-out? Heavy overall with some aspects way more simplified? Are there specific mechanics you like to take full advantage of? Mechanics you like to gloss over? No wrong answers, let's just get some discussion going
