steamdeck Steam Deck The Steam Deck Crushed It In 2023
  • Vorthas Vorthas 9 months ago 100%

    Right now I'm mostly playing Pokemon Prismatic Moon (a difficulty ROMhack of Ultra Moon) but I got Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Xenogears, Xenosaga (all three), Xenoblade Chronicles, and a good number of other Nintendo games and games not on Steam.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck The Steam Deck Crushed It In 2023
  • Vorthas Vorthas 9 months ago 100%

    The Steam Deck was an amazing purchase for me. I put on EmuDeck and a bunch of ROMs and can play those from the Steam interface while also playing many of my Steam games and it's now a great all-arounder.

  • linux Linux what caused you to get into Linux?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 10 months ago 100%

    Once Windows got rid of the gorgeous Aero theme starting in Windows 8, plus the shitty UI/UX that Windows got again starting in Windows 8, pushed me to Linux.

  • vim VIM - Vi Improved Let’s kickstart this community: what are your favorite config options and plugins?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 10 months ago 100%

    I always like to remap Y to yank from current position to end of line, so it works just like D.

    nnoremap Y y$

  • anime Anime What have been your favourite animes you've seen?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 10 months ago 100%
    • Black Lagoon
    • Slayers
    • Canaan
    • Kara no Kyoukai
    • Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex
    • Hellsing Ultimate
    • Outlaw Star
    • Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

    That would be my list.

  • linux Linux Your chosen desktop Linux defaults?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 11 months ago 100%

    Honestly because it's quite customizable, that's about it. Being able to customize my software to look and work the way I want them to is a big reason why I use certain programs over others.

  • linux Linux Your chosen desktop Linux defaults?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 11 months ago 100%

    EndeavourOS as the distro of choice for easy installation and AUR access.

    Depending on the DE, if it's not MATE, I almost always install Caja, Engrampa, and MATE Calculator since they just have the most sane look and UX to them for my use cases.

    • Waterfox as my browser of choice (reason over Firefox is that it offers tabs below address bar as an option in Preferences rather than mucking about in userChrome.css files that often break on updates)
    • Vivaldi as a secondary browser for websites that only render right in Chromium
    • Kitty as my terminal of choice.
    • Clementine as my music player of choice
    • yt-dlp for downloading Youtube videos as mp3s
    • htop over top, also have gotop for a more graphical look
    • exa over ls
  • linux Linux What's your preferred DE?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 11 months ago 81%

    MATE as is or Xfce with some MATE software (swapping Thunar for Caja, swapping the XFCE calculator program for MATE's calculator, using Engrampa instead of whatever Xfce uses for a file archive manager, etc.). I like things simple and following roughly the same paradigm that I've used for years.

    And for the love of god, PLEASE KEEP MENU BARS AS THEY WERE IN THE PAST! Stop removing menu bars from programs in favor of "hamburger buttons" or whatever nonsense modern programs like to use! That's honestly one of my biggest gripes with "modern" software, they keep changing the paradigm to something that I haven't used and I can't be bothered to relearn everything.

  • linux Linux Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • Vorthas Vorthas 12 months ago 66%

    I disagree. I actually like the LibreOffice, non-tabbed, UI. It's a UI/UX that I'm used to from Office 2003 and honestly prefer. The 2007+ ribbon interface makes things harder for me to find.

  • technology Technology Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak
  • Vorthas Vorthas 12 months ago 83%

    Anything after 7 is bad in my eyes. I HATE the direction Windows went with the UI style, doing away with the Vista and 7 Aero look. Plus Windows 10 drives me up the wall trying to find the proper settings (is it Settings or Control Panel? Why do we have both?!).

  • linux Linux Ask Lemmy: Traditional vs natural mouse scrolling; which do you use?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 12 months ago 100%

    Traditional for everything. Scrolling down means the view goes down. The mouse controls the camera (the reason why I always invert Y axis on controllers).

  • linux Linux What is your favorite terminal emulator.
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Been using kitty for a while now, though honestly any terminal emulator works for me.

  • linux Linux Wayland or X11? Why?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    X11. It just works for me, no reason to switch. Plus I exclusively use Xfce or MATE which as far as I know do not have Wayland support.

  • pf2general Pathfinder 2e General Discussion How do you decide what treasure to give players?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Usually I would swap out some existing loot for different but equivalent in level and power (roughly) to better fit the party in this case. Still leave normal loot in for the party to either figure out how to use or sell, but throw them a bone or two as needed.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Nope, never learned. I'm 31 in the US. Never had the need to learn as I was raised with automatics only.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON runs well on Steam Deck and desktop Linux
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Plays somewhat well, but I get an amdgpu gfx_timeout crash within seconds of starting the Baltheus fight. This is apparently a known issue with the game itself (something about shaders not being calculated properly, which given the boss has a ton of particle effects, makes sense) so I'll have to wait til that gets fixed.

    Apparently there's been a patch made here: so I'll try that out.

  • firefox Firefox Stop using Brave Browser
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    That's why you install an adblocker like uBlock Origin in Firefox. The browser isn't responsible for blocking ads, that's what add-ons are for.

  • linux Linux What's your favorite Linux Desktop software?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    The Caja file manager. Hell the MATE desktop environment in general is just perfect for me. Xfce is acceptable too, though the inclusion of CSD in recent Xfce releases has made me a bit more wary of it when it comes to theming.

    I also use Waterfox as my browser. A Firefox fork that has the option to put tabs below address bar (where they belong imo) out of the box without needing to muck around with the userChrome.css file.

  • unixporn Unixporn Xfce4 rice from the mid2000s
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah the term comes from the same one used for customizing cars. As to why it's been used for desktop customization, I have no idea, but that's where it's from.

  • unixporn Unixporn Xfce4 rice from the mid2000s
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    It basically means customizing your desktop to look pretty in some way.

  • linux Linux Is there really no viable alternative for Photoshop on Linux?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    This exists, but it has the downside of being a web app rather than a native application. Can't use it offline for instance.

  • anime Anime What OP/EDs do you consider underrated?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Canaan's OP Mind as Judgement is really really good and I rarely hear people talking about it, much less about the anime itself.

  • pokemon Pokémon I guess I should begin my time here with a classic: what's everyone's favorite Pokemon game(s)?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, because it has the most available Pokemon (no Dexit). It has Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves. It has a fun Battle Tree and good breeding mechanics. For what I like to do in Pokemon post-game (breeding competitive for battle facilities), it offers the best selection.

    For running through the game itself, probably HGSS (big fan of gen 2 since I started with Silver) or Black/White.

  • memes Memes What's your "old person" trait?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    It's just what I grew up with and am used to mainly, plus it's a shorter mouse distance to reach the tabs from the content than having it at the top. And before you mention Fitt's Law, I have my taskbar on top so that law doesn't apply to me for tabs anyways.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What operating system do you use on your main computer?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    EndeavourOS on my desktop and Pop!_OS on my laptop (it's a System76 laptop).

  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Nope, the bottom right quadrant is the acceptable one. Z is up and follows the right-hand rule. I will die on this hill.

  • linux Linux Share your favorite Linux Desktop Environment
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Xfce overall, but I like MATE a lot as well. Just give me a traditional desktop experience, I don't need mobile-like options on a desktop.

    I actually switched to MATE primarily because I like its suite of software a bit more (calculator, file manager, file archiver) than Xfce's, though I use some of MATE's stuff (Caja mainly) on Xfce on my laptop.

  • memes Memes What's your "old person" trait?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 80%

    Tabs belong below the address bar on a browser, not above. Also the menu bar should always be a thing and there should be a title bar as well, not merging the two or three (including tabs) into one single bar.

  • linux Linux What's your opinion on Snap/Flatpak, and why?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not a fan of either. Native packages or build from source are the way to go for me. Since I run EndeavourOS and thus have access to the AUR, I have no real desire to run Snaps, Flatpaks, or AppImages (though I do have one program installed via AppImage but only cause it wasn't packaged any other way) in general. I feel like they are a solution in search of a problem for my use case.

    No doubt they are useful for some Linux distros, particularly ones that don't have as large a collection of software in their repos or their own version of the AUR, but on an Arch-based distro with AUR access, I see no point.

  • edh MTG: EDH / Commander You folks building anything right now? Any LOTR Commanders you're planning on building around?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I'm currently finishing up a pair of Atraxa decks (one infect, one superfriends). I'm considering starting a Ramos, Dragon Engine charm tribal deck too but unsure if I'll go through with it.

    As far as LoTR commanders go, I want to build Aragorn, the Uniter (thinking dragon tribal + Dragon's Approach) and Saruman of Many Colors (not sure on this one yet) as those were the only two commanders that really seemed interesting to me.

  • linux Linux What *is* a good boot time? (What's yours?)
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%
    Startup finished in 5.254s (kernel) + 9.783s (userspace) = 15.037s reached after 9.749s in userspace.

    I don't reboot often, 64 GB RAM and a 1TB Samsung 850 EVO-series SSD as the boot drive. Computer was built in 2019 so a tad bit old but still doing well.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy speaking of alternatives, what brand do people hate that actually has a decent alternative?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    Sort of. I personally a more engaged with the system if it's more mechanically intensive and provides a lot of character customization options (such as feats at every level or every other level from leveling up), with lots of actual hard rules to follow and not just guidelines.

    5e is not mechanically intensive enough for me.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy speaking of alternatives, what brand do people hate that actually has a decent alternative?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 85%

    Hell even just D&D 3.5e is better than 5e imo. Though I mostly play Pathfinder 2e nowadays (I'd be happy with Pathfinder 1e as well).

    Just 5e is boring as hell to both DM and to play.

  • memes Memes If people use it and they don't post or comment, it could go dark
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I'm a bit out of the loop, does just lurking mean you lose your account after a while or something?

  • endeavouros EndeavourOS Which desktop do you prefer?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I use MATE as my DE of choice. I happen to like the old classic style of desktop. In particular I have a taskbar at the top of all my screens with all my window buttons, and a launcher bar at the bottom of my middle screen.

  • zelda The Legend of Zelda What would YOU like to see in the next Zelda game.
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 50%

    Bring back old-style dungeons that have to be done in a specific order (at least for clusters of dungeons, like do first three in any order, then a fourth, then do next two in any order, then the last two in order), that have puzzles that build upon dungeon items obtained from previous dungeons. I also do NOT want to be given all the main "items" or powers at the start of the game, as that just limits what you can do as far as progression of puzzles.

    More linear storytelling that takes place in the present, rather than everything interesting happening in the past via memories.

    An overworld that isn't completely open from the start. You need to progress through some dungeons or towns to open up new areas of the world.

    Basically I just want the old Zelda formula back.

    For something a little out there, I want actual RPG mechanics like stats and actual leveling up in Zelda. Especially if it remains this BoTW/ToTK open air design. Just to give me a sense of progression.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Pathfinder 2e Homebrew Vorthas 1 year ago 100%
    Bestiary of Hyrule: A Legend of Zelda bestiary for Pathfinder 2e

    Just wanted to start up this Homebrew community by sharing a link to a bestiary I've been working on for PF2e filled with monsters from the Legend of Zelda series. It's still very much a work in progress but I already have several dozen monsters ranging from levels -1 to level 18 so far.

    pf2general Pathfinder 2e General Discussion What kind of official AP would you like Paizo to make?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I would like to see a PF2e AP focused on the serpentfolk, much like Serpent's Skull (which I'm DMing a sort of conversion of to PF2e, with significant changes to the lore to incorporate the Sumerian/Babylonian gods as ancient aliens that ruled over the ancient serpentfolk empire), but...better, since I know that AP wasn't super well received iirc.

  • mtg Magic: The Gathering What's your favorite tribe to build around?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    I've been considering making a Gishath dinosaur tribal deck, got a list I could look at? I only have one Naya deck built (Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner equipment voltron) and wouldn't mind building a second.

  • linux Linux What distro(s) do you use?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%


    Basically Arch Linux with a nice installer, simple and easy to set up. Hopped to it from Manjaro a few months back and been enjoying it ever since.

  • programming General Programming Discussion What's your favourite naming case system in programming?
  • Vorthas Vorthas 1 year ago 100%

    PascalCase or camelCase (note the capitalization of the first letter, that's the difference between the two) basically always.

  • mtg
    Magic: The Gathering Vorthas 1 year ago 100%
    What's your favorite tribe to build around?

    Can be any format. For Commander decks, I have at least 5 Dragon tribal decks already and am planning to try to build a dragon tribal deck out of every possible multi-color combination plus mono-red eventually. But Slivers and Eldrazi are up there too as two of my favorite tribes to build around.

    Lemmy Vorthas 1 year ago 100%
    Wide-screen mode for Lemmy on desktop?

    Is there a way to have Lemmy instances render in wide-screen mode (sort of like old reddit or older themes of Wikipedia)? I really dislike the default look of everything being in the center with tons of blank space on both sides (I use 1440p monitors). For what it's worth, I came up with the following Stylus css script to work on the (also works on for what it's worth if you so choose): ``` .container, .container-lg, .container-md, .container-sm, .container-xl { max-width: 2560px !important; } .col-md-8 { flex: 0 0 85% !important; max-width: 85% !important; } .col-md-4 { flex: 0 0 15% !important; max-width: 15% !important; } ``` Can just adjust max-width under the .container* options to whatever you want (I chose to set it to my monitor's width). The col-md-8 and col-md-4 are for the main content and sidebar respectively, so I have main content at 85% of the width and sidebar at 15% of the width. Result looks similar to this: Published my style here for use on Stylus:
