
Magic: The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering lesnout27 10 months ago 100%
Are Phyrexia: All will be one still being produced?

Sorry if this question was asked before. I am currently waiting for a "Phyrexia: All will be one" Set Booster. I ordered from a site which in any way seems to be legit, as they got actual customer support, etc. The Display was marked with "new ones are already ordered, delivery may take longer" which is okay as i can wait. My question is, is there a chance that the store also just tried to get new displays and does not know if they'll get one or are these cards still produced and its safe to say i'll get my Display? Otherwise i'm thinking about buying from Amazon for 30 bucks more, before it's sold out there too. Is there a specific number of cards that are produced from one set or does it differ? Thanks in advance for your answers!

Magic: The Gathering Black616Angel 11 months ago 100%
Kaya exiles temporary Lockdown, what happens?

Okay, so today I had a weird interaction. My opponent played a temporary lockdown. I exiled it later with my Kaya, Intangible Slayer. This produces a 1/1 spirit token, that should theoretically exile itself. This did however not happen in Arena. Why is that? Is it a bug or is there a rule that I don't know?

Magic: The Gathering Jagermo 11 months ago 100%
Draft Booster: Are there handouts what kind of Decks make sense?

Hey all, I have not played MtG for about 20 years, but I did join an draft a few weeks back and it was really fun. We had the current Pyrexia-Box and it had this nifty handout at the top, showing you what kind of decks and color combination made sense (I went for a white/blue posion/artifact deck, went surprisingly well). Now, is there a place that has more of these handouts available? I got Zendikar Rising and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt to draft with some friends (who also have not played in ages) and that would probably help a ton. Thanks

Magic: The Gathering UnPassive 1 year ago 90%
What's a good site to build decks on?

For a while I've kept a text document for each deck I build (that I have to order cards for), I try separating by card type and organizing by mana cost but it would definitely be easier if I used a site made for this task. It'd be great if it also: - Supported other card games (Pokemon and Flesh and Blood) - Could export a deck to a text list (Mostly for proxying (are we allowed to talk about proxies here?))

Magic: The Gathering macji 1 year ago 100%
Rules Question: Lagrella the Magpie and Gandalf the White?

With Gandalf on the field, Lagrella enters the battlefield and takes two permanents from each player because she is a legendary creature and she is triggering a permanent (herself). However, when she leaves the battlefield and the other creatures return, her suspended ability puts two +1/+1 counters on those creatures if they enter under your own control (i.e. if you took your own creatures and now they are returning to the field). If Gandalf is still on the field, would those creatures get four +1/+1 counters instead? Would those creatures only get four counters if they themselves are legendary? Am I completely off the mark and those creatures only ever get two counters regardless of Gandalf? Thanks for the help!

Magic: The Gathering pleb_maximus 1 year ago 100%
The Strange History of The Jund Deck with Reid Duke

After his deep dive into [The Weird History of Red Deck Wins W/ Javier Dominguez](, Carl from Cardmarket tells the tale of Jund with Reid Duke in this ~half hour video.

Magic: The Gathering robotsheepboy 1 year ago 100%
favourite theme?

I'm relatively new to magic and I've been enjoying all the various tribes/types/groups/themes you can build around. I like that you can build a cat deck or a dragon deck or a crab deck or an angel deck or a vehicle deck and all work with lots of options. What's your favourite theme and what are some of your favourite cards for that theme?

Magic: The Gathering Bill 1 year ago 100%
MTG Wallpaper Scraper for Windows

Hi all. I developed a PowerShell script a while back to scrape the latest wallpaper from the MTG website and set it as my desktop background. I finally got around to updating it today since it hadn't worked for a while. My background changed to Frodo and I disabled the script. If you want that though, here you go: ``` Function Set-WallPaper { <# .SYNOPSIS Applies a specified wallpaper to the current user's desktop .PARAMETER Image Provide the exact path to the image .PARAMETER Style Provide wallpaper style (Example: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center, or Span) .EXAMPLE Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Default.jpg" Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Background.jpg" -Style Fit #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] # Provide path to image [string]$Image, # Provide wallpaper style that you would like applied [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet('Fill', 'Fit', 'Stretch', 'Tile', 'Center', 'Span')] [string]$Style ) $WallpaperStyle = Switch ($Style) { "Fill" {"10"} "Fit" {"6"} "Stretch" {"2"} "Tile" {"0"} "Center" {"0"} "Span" {"22"} } If($Style -eq "Tile") { New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 1 -Force } Else { New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 0 -Force } Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Params { [DllImport("User32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int SystemParametersInfo (Int32 uAction, Int32 uParam, String lpvParam, Int32 fuWinIni); } "@ $SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER = 0x0014 $UpdateIniFile = 0x01 $SendChangeEvent = 0x02 $fWinIni = $UpdateIniFile -bor $SendChangeEvent $ret = [Params]::SystemParametersInfo($SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, $Image, $fWinIni) } $result = Invoke-RestMethod '' $result -match "//(.*?)2560(.*?).png" $wallpaper = $Matches[0] $picfolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::MyPictures) $filename = $wallpaper.Split('/')[-1] $foldername = "MTG Wallpapers" $savefile = "$picfolder\$foldername\$filename" If (-not (Test-Path "$picfolder\$foldername")) { New-Item -Path $picfolder -name $foldername -ItemType "directory" } If (-not (Test-Path $savefile)) { Invoke-WebRequest http:$wallpaper -OutFile $savefile Set-WallPaper -Image $savefile -Style Fill } ``` Paste that into PowerShell ISE and run it and see if it works. If you like it, save it and put a shortcut in your startup folder. By default it downloads the 2560x1600 version but if you want a different one just replace the 2560 in the line $result -match "//(.*?)2560(.*?).png" with 1920 or 1280. It saves images in a folder under your Pictures folder called MTG Wallpapers. You can change that too if you want by editing the $picfolder and $foldername lines. Have fun.

Magic: The Gathering tymon 1 year ago 100%
I made 18 custom Angel token proxies for all to use (with bonus Human proxy!)

I've been making custom proxies for a while, and these are some of my favorites. Opponents' reactions are always either utterly confused or hilariously distracted.

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 87%
Secret Lair Summer Superdrop

We need someone posting the MTG news on Lemmy! Quick summary: - Bad to the Bone, featuring biker skeletons on discard-themed cards. Money card is [[Tinybones, Trinket Thief]]. - Death is Temporary, Metal is Forever, featuring metal-looking cards themed around [[Nekusar, the Mindrazer]]. Money card is [[Waste Not]]. - Goblin and Squabbin', featuring, um, Goblins. Money cards are [[Goblin Lackey]] and [[Goblin Recruiter]]. - The Stars Gaze back, featuring some funky-looking Elementals, including [[Omnath, Locus of Rage]]. They couldn't give us 4C Omnath? Well alright. - Artist Series: Ryan Alexander Lee, featuring big cool creatures. Money cards are [[Twilight Prophet]] and [[Worldspine Wurm]]. - More Adventures in Middle-Earth, featuring some LTR cards with art from the old animated movies. Nothing of value in terms of card prices, but maybe you'll like the art. - Featuring: The Mountain Goats, featuring basic Mountains with Lorwyn art/flavor text (no actual [[Mountain Goat]]).

Magic: The Gathering tymon 1 year ago 100%
The Orb | A History of Magic's Early Years

Rhystic Studies at it again with a wild examination of the loony years

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 100%
Custom Card x-post: Primeval Fury

cross-posted from: > I had the idea for making trample matter outside of combat too. I'm not sure how to balance the mana cost of this, since there isn't really a similar existing effect to compare it to besides Ram Through. It could certainly do some good things if you really build for it, but I don't think it can really get broken. Thoughts?

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 100%
Meta: CustomMagic Community?

I'd love to be able to just switch entirely away from Reddit, but we're missing a couple of key community pieces. Anyone know if there's a CustomMagic sub I'm not seeing, or any plans to make one? Also, we need a meme/circlejerk subreddit, especially since the Reddit one is protesting. Sorry to bring up Reddit but I figure most of us are probably from there anyway...

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 100%
What can we do with Last March of the Ents?

The new LTR card [[Last March of the Ents]] is an excellent Green "Ok I'm winning now" curve-topper. I doubt it'll see much play in Modern or anything (though I'll be happy to be proven wrong!) but for Commander/Historic Brawl where you can actually cast an 8 mana spell, fantastic. I'm a huge fan of [[Verdant Rejuvenation]] which is unfortunately Arena-only (though it would have been so easy to make the paper version [[Majestic Genesis]] on par by making it actually reveal until you get X nonland permanents). Last March of the Ents seems like an excellent sidegrade/possible upgrade depending on the deck. I'm thinking I'll run it in [[Tiamat]]. Cast Tiamat, then next turn you draw *seven* and can drop all the fetched Dragons in one turn without them being able to be countered. Any other decks that would be particularly synergistic, besides just high-toughness?

Magic: The Gathering borb4000 1 year ago 100%
Trying to make equipments work in Pauper

I hope crossposting like this is allowed or even appreciated <3 here is the Body of my post: Hey! I've been trying to make an equipments list work recently. Obviously not to play at the top of the meta but to be kinda competetive at least. The deck is trying to play cheap equipments quick and stack them on top of [Goblin Gaveleer]( or [Champion of the Flame]( I realized that I fizzle hard if my only threat gets handled and am trying to get a bit more staying power with 4 [Reckless Impulse/Wrenn's Resolve]( I am also playing [some 1 offs]( just to feel out their impact when I draw them to see which direction I want to take the deck in. I usually side them out after game 1, though. 🙈 I am also eyeing [Resolute Strike]( and [Bladegraft Aspirant]( but I feel my equip costs are low enough on their own. [Benevolent Blessing]( is really putting in work preventing removal, blocks, and also pumping champion. Any ideas on what to change with the list?

Magic: The Gathering yads 1 year ago 87%
Is there an Arena focused community?

I haven't been able to find an MTGA focused community. Anybody able to point me in the right direction?

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 100%
Tips for Momir?

Midweek Magic on Arena is Momir this week. I've never played it before, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it optimally. I've had multiple opponents just pass turn for the first few turns, and I'm wondering if they're just confused or if there's a strategy I'm not seeing. It seems worth it to use the emblem every turn if you're not doing anything else, right?

Magic: The Gathering pancakes 1 year ago 100%
What format do people play in Arena?

I'm primarily a paper edh player, but I've been dabbling in arena lately. There's so many different formats, it's hard to know where to start and I don't want to waste my wild cards on a standard deck only to realize I like historic or brawl more. So my question is what formats do you all play in MTGA and why?

Magic: The Gathering jake_eric 1 year ago 100%
Sharing some of my Brawl decks — advice welcome

I like building random Brawl decks on Arena (if you're not familiar with Brawl, it's like Commander but 1v1 on Arena). I like tribal decks and I recently made Phyrexian tribal with Atraxa, it's working ok so far but I think it could be better. I feel like it needs a more consistent way to get and build up poison counters besides just Atraxa herself. I'll also share a few more decks I've made to get some more discussion in here. Advice is welcome but I am a bit low on rare/mythic wildcards to craft new stuff. [Atraxa Phyrexians]( [Prismatic Bridge Angel tribal]( [Krydle Rogues/Ninjas]( [Imoti]( [Nissa combo](

Magic: The Gathering Izzent 1 year ago 100%
EDH / Commander -

New EDH community, feel free to join!

Magic: The Gathering robotsheepboy 1 year ago 100%
cheapest format?

I'm looking to play casually (in person) with some friends and we were wondering what the cheapest format to start buying for would be? And what might be some good pick ups (we have the starter decks but want some more variety) thanks

Magic: The Gathering Stweaner 1 year ago 100%
Any plans for a card fetcher bot like r/magictcg

Was a long time user of reddit and all the magic communities on there. One of my favorite things was easily being able to find information about cards that people were discussing thanks to u/cardfetcherbot. Are there any plans to implement a similar bot?

Magic: The Gathering robotsheepboy 1 year ago 100%
key cards for beginners?

I'm very new to mtg and have only been playing arena a little, but I've ordered some physical decks. I was wondering if there were some famous cards that a beginner should know? For any reason really, gameplay, lore, etc. Thanks in advance! PS. is there anything like the Reddit bot that fetches the cards here?

Magic: The Gathering Mandy 1 year ago 26%
Aragorns design

like, im not one to usually say stuff, but uh, tolkien was very direct with how aragorn looked, from the books: "As Frodo drew near he threw back his hood, showing a shaggy head of dark hair flecked with grey, and in a pale stern face a pair of keen grey eyes."

Draftsim now has LOTR

My favorite draft practice tool just got LOTR set uploaded.

Magic: The Gathering JollyRoberts 1 year ago 100%
Here’s Everything You Need to Know About MTG Arena on Linux - Draftsim

Found a good round up for running Arena on linux. I've used the Lutris method before successfully.

Magic: The Gathering Vorthas 1 year ago 100%
What's your favorite tribe to build around?

Can be any format. For Commander decks, I have at least 5 Dragon tribal decks already and am planning to try to build a dragon tribal deck out of every possible multi-color combination plus mono-red eventually. But Slivers and Eldrazi are up there too as two of my favorite tribes to build around.

Magic: The Gathering Raincloud 1 year ago 100%
What's your favourite format?

What format do y'all enjoy playing the most? I love the deckbuilding freedom in Commander and I'm kinda addicted to optimizing my decks. Some week I put more cantrips in all of my decks, another time I'm thinking I need more graveyard hate and slot more Scavenger Grounds in my decks.

Magic: The Gathering espersentinel 1 year ago 100%

Whos excited for it? The prices are ridiculous but the card reveals have been pretty cool so far. Hoping they add more dwarves than have been shown