mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating This grocery store charges a hefty handling fee and asks for a tip when using online ordering.
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 6 months ago 100%

    Then that's misleading to the customer. When you buy something online and have paid for it, it should be collected and delivered.

    When you need to pay a tip to get the omployers/contracters of the company to do business with to do their job, there is something terribly wrong with the situation. Tips should be for complementing employers with their good/excelent serice, not to ensure they have something to eat while the company earns enough and underpays their staff.

    That's how an open market should work, companies paying their straff living wages and charging what a product/service costs to be viable. When the product/service is good enough, the customers will come, when it isn't, they go out of business, freeing employers for work that is values correctly. The US market of underpaying employers and required tips from customers looks more like modern slavery/forced labour.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Seriously, why is the USA supporting Israel?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 40%

    Because they love their colonial overlords, the UK, and the UK gave part of palestina to the jews to create Israel?

    Must be something like that, or just plain longing to influence a tiny part of the world that is close to the area that has a tad of oil in the ground.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Seriously, why is the USA supporting Israel?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    As reliable as Trump?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes thanks for the transition, Emacs
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 92%

    Come to the vi side, no straights or drags. (And just as terrible to use for every starter as emacs is ;) )

    Sorry, had to have the 1st vi post. ;D

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you deal with the bottom sheet on your bed?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    We only wash the bed linnen and then hang it out to dry (mynwife hates a dryi r, we got rid of it more them 15y ago). When making the bed, bottom and top are fitted around the matress in 1 go (I'm to lazy to lift the matress twice).

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If Trump Wins... ?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    No matter if that criminal wins or not, EU needs to fend for themselves. The US is a lot more unreliable then Poetin (we know he's a bastard).

  • ukraine Ukraine Iran sends Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    I hope you're not right, but alas, it doesn't look good for us.

  • ukraine Ukraine Iran sends Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    This is turning into a system war, do you want dictatorship to win or democracy? (even the terrible ones from UK or US)

  • ukraine Ukraine Iran sends Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 50%

    Alas, it won't. Budget is nothing when there is no capacity to produce.

    Russia and it's allies (North Korea, Iran and China) increased weapon production capacity, EU and US haven't. However, the biggest issue will be raw materials, of which most rare metals come from... China.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Tips for falljng back to sleep
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    What helps here is to start reading. Most of the times I wake up with a book open, as I manage distract my mind from random thoughts.

  • ukraine Ukraine Ukraine's defeat would put European values at risk, which is why there is no alternative but for Europe’s support to continue, European Council President Charles Michel says
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    They all know exactly who they're dealing with, but some still think it won't be to bad. It's not to strange that Poland has spend most of their money on defence (2x nato guideline) and all others on the eastern border at least the guideline, while the rest is slacking... However, still no war economy, while Russia has one for over 2-3 years now.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Tipping culture in U.S.
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Exactly. When people work somewhere, they need to earn a living wage. When they give exceleny=t service, you can tip, no matter which business they're in.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's a thing that increased your power?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Interesting... time to dive into those books.

  • android Android What's a good phone now that doesn't force ads on me?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks, looks like I need to start saving, my Nokia 6.1 with Lineage will probably need replacing withing a year or 2.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How did you get your username?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    I was messing about in a fighter simulator (previous milenium) and the game told me I did an insane move. It sticked, so I called myself TheInsane. In an online game, that nick was already in use, so I got the suggestion to take TheInsane1... nah, there is only 1 answer to everything, so I added that. It stuck since then. I got me the matching domain in '22.

    I'm using KoffieNu as well, as it matched my domain (proud owner since '98), mainly on mastodon, git and some dutch lemmy instances.

  • android Android What's a good phone now that doesn't force ads on me?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Nice to read your experience with the fairphone. We're looking at it as well. It's expensive, but can at least be repaired when something breaks. I'm curious aboutt the custom roms though, as they are my main requirement, next to costs of max €100 per expected year of usability. (And as phone, it should be usable for a while)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Tipping culture in U.S.
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 94%

    Tipping should be to reward personel for excelent service, not to enable companies to underpay their workers. Every worker should earn a living wage. When a company goes bust when they have to pay workers a living wage, they have no right to exsist and should go bust.

  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    open gmail and see ublock report >1k trackers blocked What tracker bust?

    Oh wait, torrents and stuff... never mind.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's a thing that increased your power?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 83%

    Relying on a basic understanding how things/situations work.

    At a new school, I really messed up a math test. I was studying like crazy, learned all formulas that I would need and managed to apply them all in each question on the test, combining all off them each question. Lowest score possible (1 out of 10), as I really messed up. Next test I didn't study, I jusy flipped trough the book, checked 1 situation I didn't understood and made the test. On handing out the teacher asked what I did different then the previous test. I told him I didn't study, I just checked if it was logically to me and decided I understood as much as I could. He told me to do just that on all tests and I'd have no problems with education and gave me the result, a perfect score. (10 out of 10)

    That was 34y ago and still I want to understand things and see the logic behind it. Works perfectly on almost everything. (Humans behavious still mostly eludes me though, totally illogical 🤨)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why did it used to be so fun to be on the computer?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    For me the old internet was an escape from real life. I hate crowds, so I preferred the internet in '94. It was fun, new and all other nerds were just like me, so I understood them (ok, most of them). Now 'normals' have taken over as well as companies.

    Yea olde internet was for sharing useful information, learning and communicating with like minded, now internet is primarily for earning cash (companies) and having opinions sent out/manipulated. To much noice, not enough information.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why did it used to be so fun to be on the computer?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    I'm still active on loads of specific fora, not on Facebook or Reddit (which now looks like Facebook, yuck). 'Yea olde internet' is still out there, you just need to know where to find those small communities. To be honest, I still prefer the subject specific websites and fora.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's Your Preferred Server Monitoring Method?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    At home, nagios, at work colleagues. (I finally escaped the admin rat race)

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    UTC is most universal, as it's kinda constant (by lack of/knowing a better word). GMT has DST, so that time changes twice a year, UTC is used as base for all timezones, no matter if and when they have DST.

    In the military Zulu is used as name for UTC.

  • homeautomation Home Automation ArsTechnica: I was wrong to ignore Zigbee and Z-Wave. They’re the best part of my smart home.
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    I'm still using rf433, but zigbee is on the wishlist.

  • android Android Is there any guides on rooting android, specifically tablets
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Same here, especially as it was the Samsung S2 of my employer.

    However, when you don't try (prefferably on an expendable device) you never learn.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ How are you watching the the Super Bowl
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 83%


  • linuxmemes linuxmemes A Linux user lives here
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    You forgot something...

    • firewalld
    • network manager

    My work is done... 666

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ How are you watching the the Super Bowl
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 62%

    Not watching at all.

    1. Not watching sport, ever.
    2. Not in US, so don't care.
    3. It's weekend, when we listen to the radio and don't watch TV. (Nothing on anyway)
  • selfhosted Selfhosted Looking for a music solution
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    I have a Squeezebox Classic, so I started with Logitech Media Server. It'snnow slimserver (open source), so I use that. However, it's pretty end of live, so I'm lookingbfora replacement as well for my player. (Love the device)

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What is a GPG signature? Does it help us stay protected against deep fakes misinformation, and if so, how?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    To nit-pick a tad more, when they have access to my key and have my passphrase so they can sign with it...

    That's why you set the passphrase on keys, gpg, ssh,... Never use a encryption without a key. That way you need posession (key) and knowledge (passphrase) to identify yourself. When you use ssh, use the ssh agent, when you have automated login which would be better to use without keyphrase, use a different pair (specify wuth -i option) and limit access with that to a fixed ip.

    And always protect your key. No cloud backup...

    Edit: GPG keys also can be signed. Not by specific companies (there is probably a service for that, but it's not by design), but by other people knowing each other. That way you have a trust based on who knows who, not who has more cash...

    Same with ssh keys, you can sign those as well and set sshd to accept anybody with a certificate signed by 'x' to access the server on the same account name the cert was issued for.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What is a GPG signature? Does it help us stay protected against deep fakes misinformation, and if so, how?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It's signed with the private key and verified with the public key.

    It is in no way a method to verify if the information is correct or rubbish. I can tell you the earth is flat and sign it, but all you know on verifying the signature is that the info was unaltered, not if it's correct or not.

  • cat cats Should I be concerned?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    As long as the earth isn't flat, nop. 😹

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Bind 9.18.18 dnssec key location and privileges?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Sorry, totally forgot apparmor. On debian that thing can be nasty, I had to fix those rules as well for bind That was years ago and was added to my Puppet module, so I forgot.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Ironically Ubuntu is more popular…
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    It's a better way, but not fool proof. I always keep root available for console login. (Saves booting from external media when there is an issue) For the rest, sudo is perfect though, but it doesn't replace root login in 100% of the situations.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Can someone explain to me what makes Taylor Swift so popular?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Those aren't to many. I can't name many though that made good music 2 decades ago and still do. Only the Stones spring to mind. I never even heard of Taylor Swift until last year.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy in your opinion, what would meet the definition of "broke the Internet?"
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    In my defence, internet was setup to share information, openly. That's broken now.

    It's ruined as well, but you're right, semantics is important.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    Then those disks should have been wiped at the company before they were allowed to leave the building.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted If you were to suddenly come into possession of 12+ enterprise-grade SAS hard drives, how would you go about incorporating them into your homelab?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 100%

    In defence, the power prizing here is a tad different, €0.45/KWh was the prize here. Also, when those disks are given away, they are usually smaller then the current standard and less efficient. On the other hand, those enterprise grade disks generate some heat, saving on the heating bill.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America?
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 7 months ago 75%

    Some external group doing a terrorist attack? Nah, they don't need to. The US can attack themselves easily and will. With the coming high court ruling coming about Trump being withheld from voting slips (correct term? Not being alowed to be on the list during election) will be a huge thing. Either the very conservative judges he appointed will rule he incited a riot and should not be allowed in office again (according to the intention of article 14 of the US constitution, which those judges say they adhere), or they will say it's not up to us.

    In the 1st case, the Trump adepts will start the 2nd civil war, in the 2nd case, who knows. Leaving it to the states could result in problems in some.

    However you look at it, the USA is on it's way to a massive implosion. With a destabalised political system like that, which state needs enemies. No real democratic system has only 2 parties.

  • support Support *Permanently Deleted*
  • TheInsane42 TheInsane42 8 months ago 50%

    All those sites were ditched here because they're terrible (and white). A site needs to pick a default between light and dark, for me defaulting to dark is a way to stand out and not be the same as the rest. (Giving new users the hope not to end up in another internet sewer)

    A sites theme should not stimulate the mind, it's content should. (And most communities here do just that)

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy TheInsane42 8 months ago 94%
    Liftoff alternative

    Ok, I admit, I've been lazy and kept using liftoff until the last moment, but that is coming soon with moving to 0.19.x soon. I totally like how liftoff feels, very lifghtweigth and dark, so looking for a replacement that can manage multiple accounts, has a dark mode, runs in landscape and isn't to big. Any tips other then boost? I have boost and hate it's interface.

    Ask Lemmy TheInsane42 9 months ago 94%
    Best/usable free Evernote alternative

    Ok, Evernote committed hara-kiri, so time to move on. (no way I'll pay for ransomware) Any tips for good alternatives for Linux/Android platform? My wife used Nimbus note a while back, recovered her account there, ColorNote pops up when looking for alternatives as well. Also, my wife has about 15k of recepies in evernote, is there an option to export them all and recover them? If not, she knows the most important ones by heart and/or where she found them. We both run Linux, but I haven't found an evernote application that is still maintained for Linux. (I have a Windows VM somewhere to battle shenanigans like this)

    guitars TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    What do you consider your bad decisions when starting?

    At the moment I've dusted off a guitar and a bass I bought close to 20 years ago, an Ibanez EDB300 bass guitar ![Ibanez]( and my FrankenFender ![FrankenFender]( a modified/mutilated Fender MusicMaster. Without more experience then just messing about with a bad accoustic I thought those weren't to bright purchases, but at least I had a chance on getting to learn to play them, although I just started last month. (after fixing the FrankenFender, the added pickup is dead) When shopping for some useful additions (tuner, neckband, stand) I however found the Fazley FMB218NT ![fretless]( at a very low cost, so I just added it to the basket before checking out. I think for now, buying a fretless bass when just learning to play tops it (for now), although I hope it manages to force me to concentrate more on the left hand. I guess I'm not the only one that was a tad to enthusiastic when starting, what do you all consider as your (initially) bad decisions and how did they turn out? Edit: Layout corrections and used my own pick for the Fazely instead of a static one from the shop (that didn't work in [!](

    Home Automation TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    RF433 - E27 socket adapter, available for Europe ?

    Hi, Now I've automated mt lamps that can work via the socket with [kaku]( units (old and new type mixed) and domoticz with rflink unit, I'm looking to add the light in the hall in the same, easy plug'n'play method. However, kaku only has units you have to build into the circuit instead of just place them between the E27 fitting and the lightbulb. Is something like this bukeer unit available for Europe and would it work with domoticz and the rflink (rf433)?

    No Stupid Questions TheInsane42 1 year ago 85%
    Why would you use a virtual assistant?

    As most of the Lemmy users are security/privacy minded, after a question about alternative voices I'm wondering. Why would you allow a virtual assistance to spy on you constantly? (Especially when you don't need to due to other limitations) And as a side note, is there a way to kill Siri completely on IOS (not just go trough all app settings and disable siri there)? (company phone, so alas not jail broken, Android is rooted and GA has been removed, as is the Google app itself)

    Koffie klets TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    Hoi vanaf

    Eens kijken of dit wil werken.

    support Support TheInsane42 1 year ago 83%
    See subscribers in community as mod

    I was wondering, I've created 2 communities (game related) and I see I have a few subscribers. Is it possible to see who subscribed?

    Liftoff! TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    [Feature request] - Configurable opening instance

    At the moment you can select which list to open, subscribed, local or all. However, when you have multiple accounts, you can't pick on which server. I have accounts on, and configured in that order and selected subscribed as prefered community list. With as top instance in the list I'd expected that to be the 1st to open. However, it's that's opened at the start. I'm guessing that's due to alphabetical ordering. I think it would be useful to be able to select the instance as well as community list. This either by selecting it or ordering the instance list (start with the top one)

    Coffee TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    Oh oh... found the coffee corner

    As owner of domain ( for the non Dutch), I need to peek around here. Currently owning a Jura D6 for my daily shots. Currently testing Picnic 'intenso dark'. It is acceptable, but a tad to strong for the long run I guess. Usually we use the Perla biological, as it tastes ok (better then filtered) and is affordable. (inflation is a tad in the way for better coffee, with the amount of pets we have)

    guitars TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    Recommended tuners... for setting up guitar and bass

    I'm working on setting up my dusted-off guitar and bass and for intonation I need a better quality tuner then the Korg GT-3 I have. Which ones will help with the intonation? One that shows how much any note is off, not just the one of the open string.

    guitars TheInsane42 1 year ago 100%
    FrankenFender - worth a rescue?

    I bought this Fender in 2003/2004 as I wanted a guitar and a colleague had one collecting dust. As it was a Fender, I paid probably to much for it (€ 400), but I could spare it. It had a not much better future here, as I stored it and totally forgot about it. I looked a tad closer to it today and I can't place a lot of parts. It has a pickup to many for a Musicmaster, for a Duosonic the layout (and parts) is incorrect, I'm missing screws, pitchguard is off (self made?), but the body, neck and headstock look correct. (tuning nobs and posts are ibanez) Is it worth it to restore the guitar? Would it be better to keep this FrankenFender in this state,... I'm currently working on my Ibanez EDB400 which I bought around the same time, setting it up with the help of Bassbuzz on youtube. (I now know why I didn't like playing it, the setup was way off... and it has a battery that was dead since '06) ![](
