gaming Gaming Palworld developer has no idea why Nintendo’s suing over its Pokémon-like game
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 14 hours ago 100%

    Though Nintendo’s not going after Pocketpair because lamballs look uncomfortably similar to wooloos, we do know the company is famously litigious in protecting its brand.

    So no one really knows what exactly Nintendo is accusing them of yet.

    Here's an older video by an attorney that did a deep dive on Palworld and its legality: (Warning: long video).

  • voyagerapp Voyager Keyboard apps stop working correctly in Voyager comment section.
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 day ago 100%

    hmm doesn't seem to work for me.

    Only thing that works is to manually re-select the keyboard among my keyboard selection/input method.

  • voyagerapp Voyager Keyboard apps stop working correctly in Voyager comment section.
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 day ago 100%

    This has been driving me crazy.

    I'm using a Pixel with GrapheneOS and the FUTO Keyboard.

    Slight workaround for everyone on Android: Click the keyboard selector at the bottom right of your screen and just select the already active keyboard. This will temporarily fix it until you start to type up a different comment.

  • privacy Privacy Omnipresent AI cameras will ensure good behavior, says Larry Ellison
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 4 days ago 100%

    When you can get ticketed for speeding while your car is on the back of a tow truck:

    Or a red light traffic ticket when your car was stolen:

    And the police/courts won't help you because it's a problem from the private company running the cameras... I think we can see where some sort of AI backed camera network is headed.

    A bandaid to fix this might be to setup an easy way for someone to dispute the charge. For every day that it takes the company to review the dispute, they would need to pay back the accused the same amount that they are charging them (with a minimum of paying them back twice the amount of the fine).

    Even then, I'd rather cameras not be used in this way at all.

  • gaming Gaming Violent racing simulator turns force feedback up to 11 with an ejection seat — sim project debuts in crash and smash video
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 5 days ago 100%

    Direct link to the video:

    but the Tank Simulator also looked great:

  • gaming Gaming Flappy Bird’s original creator says he has nothing to do with the new game
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 5 days ago 100%

    Flappy Bird wasn't the first to even implement a game like this.

    I remember playing a very similar game with a helicopter and another one with a worm long before that app released for phones.

    Flappy Bird is just the game of this type that ended up going viral in its time.

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 5 days ago 100%
    Additional Feedback Surveys for 3.24

    Thanks to Camural for putting together this list with the links: Vehicle Balance: Group and Party System: Commodity Trading: Salvage Career: Arena Commander: Vehicle Features: Locations: New Player Experience: Inventory Management: Law and Criminality System: Game Economy: Environment Art and Audio: FPS Combat: Mining and Harvesting: Keybinds and Controls:

    technology Technology Be careful.
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 6 days ago 100%

    Just reported by Mohamed Aruham on Twitter

    The oldest tweets I could find that actually started reporting this are from ~16 days ago.

    They reference a page here that was posted on Aug 29th.

  • starcitizen Star Citizen Star Citizen Live: Cargo & Hangars
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 6 days ago 100%

    ATC is probably the oldest system in the game.

    Well, i guess that explains why the audio responses never seem to work correctly.


  • technology Technology Dell will continue to reduce its workforce amid push to focus on AI
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 7 days ago 100%

    I think this title is being easily misunderstood.

    Dell is not cutting jobs by having AI compensate for those positions, they're cutting down on sales teams and creating a new team that focuses on AI products.

    From the article:

    The latest job cuts appear to be part of a broader reorganization of Dell's sales teams, including the creation of a new group focused on AI products and services – an area where Dell plans significant growth. For instance, in June, Dell, alongside Supermicro, was selected to provide hardware infrastructure for Elon Musk's xAI startup's AI supercomputer.

  • news News My dead father is “writing” me notes again
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    Depends on what you're using.
    With local models you use something called a "negative prompt" to exclude anything that you don't want in the image.

  • news News My dead father is “writing” me notes again
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    If you really want this to work, you would have to train/fine tune a model by feeding it a bunch of images that show that person's handwriting.

    if you're just asking ChatGPT to do this for you then you're doing it wrong.

  • starcitizen Star Citizen Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24.2 - Zeus and MFDs
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    The Benny Vending Machine Tardis continues to make its cameo.

    ::: spoiler Tap for specific timestamp/spoiler :::

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%
    RMQ Meshing Test is Live. Potentially testing up to 1k players per Shard

    cross-posted from: > A few more details here, but definitely read through the known issues if you decide to hop in: > > > We are intending to leave this build up for up to 24 hours but could come down sooner if blocking issues occur.\ > This test will have each Stanton shard split into many authoritative zones. We are planning to start the test out at 1 DGS with 100 players as a baseline and increase this to add more DGS with 500 and then as high as 1000 players Edit: An easy way to download this is just to rename your "LIVE" folder to "TECH-PREVIEW".

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%
    RMQ Meshing Test is Live. Potentially testing up to 1k players per Shard

    A few more details here, but definitely read through the known issues if you decide to hop in: > We are intending to leave this build up for up to 24 hours but could come down sooner if blocking issues occur.\ This test will have each Stanton shard split into many authoritative zones. We are planning to start the test out at 1 DGS with 100 players as a baseline and increase this to add more DGS with 500 and then as high as 1000 players Edit: An easy way to download this is to rename your "LIVE" folder to "TECH-PREVIEW". Edit2: If they make it to 1000 players, this will be handled by 6 dedicated game servers (DGS) being meshed together into a shard. The 500 player count will be achieved with 3 DGS Global Chat will work, but will only show players in your DGS and not everyone in the shard:

    starcitizen Star Citizen 3.24 Mastermodes Survey - Please participate
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    But the previous flight model seemed to work fine?
    What were the issues you noticed with it?

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%
    3.24 Mastermodes Survey - Please participate

    cross-posted from: > Link to Spectrum Thread about Feedback: > > > Direct link to the survey: > > > Deep dive video by Avenger One about Master Modes/combat: >

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%
    3.24 Mastermodes Survey - Please participate

    Link to Spectrum Thread about Feedback: Direct link to the survey: Deep dive video by Avenger One about Master Modes/combat: Edit: Some awesome suggestions to fix racing (even with mastermodes) I really like his idea of performance components and the benefit/drawback ideas he comes up with.

    starcitizen Star Citizen CIG working on a new game? - Star Citizen Spectrum
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    Since "Arena Commander" also shows up on that list, this could just be a smaller mini game that ends up in the verse somehow.

    For all we know this could be one of the first arcade games implemented on one of those arcade machines in-game.

    But there's still a chance that they are working on building out a different game.

    Best to wait until we have more info...

    That or let rampant speculation run free! Sounds like a Karaoke game to me!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could time travel, what would you change ?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 1 week ago 100%

    Well, I don't think anyone is really sure just how exactly time travel can mess with stuff. I would probably take a page from some time travel movie I saw. I would want to avoid any sort of temporal paradox and avoid too many changes.

    So, I would probably remove myself from the equation as much as possible. Go to a hotel or somewhere where I can avoid accidentally running into anyone I might know. Leave all electronics behind, but take a book or something. Spend the whole day avoiding TV/News/People and just reading or work on perfecting a skill. At the end of the day I would call up a broker from the hotel room and find out which stock had the greatest percentage gain that day. Just enough information for one good trade.

    Then I would go back to that morning, buy up a ton of that stock, live out life normally, then sell the stock at the end of the day.

    Rinse and repeat for a short time.

    I would absolutely avoid something like winning the lottery, but for those of you who would use time travel to win the lottery, you might want to follow the advice from this comment here:

  • gaming Gaming Would you recommend any of the Star Trek games?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I see "TOS point and click" and can only think of "Terms of Service point and click"... what does this actually stand for?

    The other side? TOp Side? It's definitely not "Thoracic outlet syndrome"...

    edit: The Old School?

  • technology Technology Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I just want to be able to set alarms with their calendar app (where it currently only sends notifications).

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 66%
    3.24.1 PTU ATLS griefing - Destroying ships in armistice zones

    cross-posted from: > I'm hoping they implement a way to assign crimestat to players that "flick" cargo at other players or ships in armistace zones.

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    3.24.1 PTU ATLS griefing - Destroying ships in armistice zones

    I'm hoping they implement a way to assign crimestat to players that "flick" cargo at other players or ships in armistace zones.

    starcitizen Star Citizen 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Benoit did a deep dive on a bunch of stuff during this last SCL.

    He talks about NMQ (Network Message Queue) and RMQ around here:

    Sounds like half of the live servers are still using NMQ while the other half are using RMQ.

  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Maybe if artists didn't post their art to Instagram where they give out a royalty free license to it (so that it could legally be sold and used in model training) it wouldn't have ended up in so many datasets used for training.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 [SPOILER] Shadowheart in daylight
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Must be a client issue, I'm using Voyager. Thanks for pointing that out!

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 [SPOILER] Shadowheart in daylight
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I wish that spoilers actually blurred the image on Lemmy...

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 91%
    Star Citzen Added Mechs?! - Morphologis

    cross-posted from:

    technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Ok, but the most important part of that research paper is published on the github repository, which explains how to provide audio data and text data to recreate any STT model in the same way that they have done.

    See the "Approach" section of the github repository:

    And the Traning Data section of their github:

    With this you don't really need to use the paper hosted on arxiv, you have enough information on how to train/modify the model.

    There are guides on how to Finetune the model yourself:

    Which, from what I understand on the link to the OSAID, is exactly what they are asking for. The ability to retrain/finetune a model fits this definition very well:

    The preferred form of making modifications to a machine-learning system is:

    • Data information [...]
    • Code [...]
    • Weights [...]

    All 3 of those have been provided.

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't understand. What's missing from the code, model, and weights provided to make this "open source" by the definition of your first link? it seems to meet all of those requirements.

    As for the OSAID, the exact training dataset is not required, per your quote, they just need to provide enough information that someone else could train the model using a "similar dataset".

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I did a quick check on the license for Whisper:

    Whisper's code and model weights are released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for further details.

    So that definitely meets the Open Source Definition on your first link.

    And it looks like it also meets the definition of open source as per your second link.

    Additional WER/CER metrics corresponding to the other models and datasets can be found in Appendix D.1, D.2, and D.4 of the paper, as well as the BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) scores for translation in Appendix D.3.

  • technology Technology The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 78%

    The STT (speech to text) model that they created is open source (Whisper) as well as a few others:

  • starcitizen Star Citizen 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is for testing server meshing and the new networking system (RMQ) they're putting in place to handle transferring information across the shards.

    So this sounds like they'll probably have 4+ server nodes for the shard that's dedicated to stanton.

    The last time we did this test, they opened it up for 400 players, the servers fell apart around 350 or so players. If they're able to handle closer to 800 players this time then they've definitely made improvements... They could also be adding on more server nodes for this test.

  • videos Videos Darth Vader's original voice done by David Prowse. I think they made a wise decision overdubbing him with James Earl Jones.
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    They also gave him a fake line to deliver and didn't reveal that Darth Vader was actually Luke's father during the filming of that scene:

    It's such a great moment! The fake line that was put in there just to try and keep the secret was "You don't know the truth: Obi-Wan killed your father!" But as much as I enjoyed leaking false information, it was a wonderfully hard secret to keep because (Irvin) Kershner, the director, brought me aside and said "Now I know this, and George knows this, and now you're going to know this, but if you tell anybody, and that means Carrie or Harrison, or anybody, we're going to know who it is because we know who knows.". -Mark Hamill

  • starcitizen Star Citizen 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    soulcrush for sure... time to take the day off tomorrow!

  • starcitizen Star Citizen 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    will appear as "Tech-Preview" in dropdown.

    For a quicker download just rename your "LIVE" folder to "TECH-PREVIEW"

    Looks like they found a crash last second so they're holding off for a bit to investigate.

    UPDATE: looks like they're cancelling for tonight and going to try to fix it in the morning.

  • starcitizen Star Citizen 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, looks like missions aren't enabled yet as there's a bug with missions and server meshing, but we've been given the greenlight so the tech preview should be available shortly.

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 77%
    800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: found a last second issue, delaying until tomorrow morning)

    cross-posted from: > From Wakapedia in SC-Testing-Chat: > > > @Wakapedia-CIG: > > > > We're getting closer. QA team is checking the build. Goal is 2x800 player meshed shards. Will update here shortly as we are hoping for sometime in the next 30 minutes if QA gives the greenlight! > > Update: Wakapedia-CIG: >   TECH-PREVIEW will be opening up shortly for a RMQ/Meshing Playtest! <>

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 84%
    800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)

    From Wakapedia in SC-Testing-Chat: > @Wakapedia-CIG: > > We're getting closer. QA team is checking the build. Goal is 2x800 player meshed shards. Will update here shortly as we are hoping for sometime in the next 30 minutes if QA gives the greenlight! Update: Wakapedia-CIG: >   TECH-PREVIEW will be opening up shortly for a RMQ/Meshing Playtest! <> update 2: Last second issue found, test delayed until tomorrow (morning at earliest).

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 66%
    Sneak Peak of the Titan Suit

    cross-posted from: > And for those that haven't heard of the Titan Suit before: >

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    Sneak Peak of the Titan Suit (update: argo cargo loading mech, not titan)

    And for those that haven't heard of the Titan Suit before:

    starcitizen Star Citizen Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 4.0 - Creatures and Characters
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Well, they've continued to churn out features and develop the game, so people keep supporting them.

    There are definitely ups and downs, but overall they've made a lot of progress in the past few years.

    A small group of players have been able to use jump gates to jump over to the Pyro system and back. That's supposed to be released to everyone by the end of the year, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just a PTU release, with it finally going live a few months later.

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes Because that would be silly
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I personally like the fan theory that Padme's life force was transferred to Anakin with the help of Palpatine.

  • astroturfing Against Astroturfing and Social Media Manipulation Page 1 of Russia's "Guerrilla media campaign in the US" memo [Translated] Exhibit 9A
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'm guessing it's because Lemmy doesn't support multiple images on a single post.
    You would have to post the image, then include any additional images in the body text.
    However, with the app I use at least, I have had issues doing this where the images in the body did not show up at all.

    Either way, I agree it's a little frustrating especially because this fractures the discussion across multiple posts.

  • technology Technology If you're struggling with convincing someone (particularly out-of-the-loop and less-tech-savvy folks) why AI is a potential huge threat, I'd recommend sharing this FutureProof video with them
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think this is specifically an "AI" problem as much as it's a privacy issue with the way companies are buying and selling our info for targeted advertising. These models are definitely enabling them to do more with the data that they have as well as to collect more information from us in new ways.

  • technology Technology Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, the other thing I could see happening is a similar tactic used by scammers where they use Mules who pick up mail from various Airbnbs throughout whatever country, but this would definitely limit most bot operations... Unless some organization specializes in this and just offers some service to create a bunch of accounts for anyone willing to pay.

    Also, how many accounts would you limit to a single address, and how long would you lock up an address before it could be used again (given that people do move around from time to time).


  • technology Technology Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's a good point. I didn't know about the USPS Form 1583 for virtual mailboxes... Although that is a U.S. specific thing, so finding a similar service in a country that doesn't care so much might be the way to go about that.

  • technology Technology Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yep, exactly this. It might deter some small time bot creators, but it won't stop larger operations and may even help them to seem more legitimate.

    If anything, my favorite idea comes from this xkcd:

  • technology Technology Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Easy way to get around that with "virtual" addresses:

    Just pay $10 for every account that you want to create.... you may as well just go with the solution of charging everyone $10 to create an account. At least that way the instance owner is getting supported and it would have the same effect.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Is a detection-proof ad blocker theoretically possible?
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    "Just download our app on the Microsoft Store/App Store!" /s

  • gaming Gaming Blue Protocol's western release has been cancelled and its Japanese servers will shut down early next year
  • QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%

    Released last year, and going to be shut down by January 18, 2025

    Looks like a free to play MMO with microtransactions and a season pass. No refunds will be given out.

    It's not the best example for the Stop Killing Games movement, but it at least highlights the trend of studios that are releasing games and then dropping all support soon after.

    It would be great if studios started planning for an end of life transition where players could spin up their own servers, or at least allow some sort of offline mode so that the game doesn't just become completely unplayable.

  • starcitizen
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    MotD Update: RMQ/Meshing Test this week - Goal is for it to be open to all backers

    cross-posted from: > MOTD > > 🕹️(Tuesday) Goals for the week: We are currently working on further stability hotfixes for 3.24 LIVE with plans to roll out server hotfixes throughout the week. We are also currently putting together a new build for a Tech-Preview RMQ/Meshing test later this week! > > Additional context: > > I'll give more details once we have it all locked in for the test but goal is to be all backers tech-preview > > -Waka (sc-testing-chat) >

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    Citizencon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack

    cross-posted from: > CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack Now Available - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 > > The goodie pack for last year's Citizencon was heavily Pyro themed. > > The rewards this time around are tied to Citizen Day which (to me) is feeling a lot more Squadron 42 focused. > > > > If we're lucky we might even get a potential release date, but I could easily see them specifying this as a "goal" rather than a hard release date... > > Edit: A fellow org mate pointed out that the P8-AR was originally a SQ-42 campaign exclusive rifle.

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    MotD Update: RMQ/Meshing Test this week - Goal is for it to be open to all backers

    MOTD > 🕹️(Tuesday) Goals for the week: We are currently working on further stability hotfixes for 3.24 LIVE with plans to roll out server hotfixes throughout the week. We are also currently putting together a new build for a Tech-Preview RMQ/Meshing test later this week! Additional context: > I'll give more details once we have it all locked in for the test but goal is to be all backers tech-preview -Waka (sc-testing-chat)

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack Now Available - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    The goodie pack for last year's Citizencon was heavily Pyro themed. The rewards this time around are tied to Citizen Day which (to me) is feeling a lot more Squadron 42 focused. If we're lucky we might even get a potential release date, but I could easily see them specifying this as a "goal" rather than a hard release date... Edit: A fellow org mate pointed out that the P8-AR was originally a SQ-42 campaign exclusive rifle.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Videos QuadratureSurfer 2 weeks ago 100%
    MOONTIPEDES (Part 1) - AI Mockumentary
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Videos QuadratureSurfer 3 weeks ago 71%
    The Cop Files (Part I)
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 4 weeks ago 100%
    REC has been increased in the EPTU to allow for testing of more ships in AC.

    From a spectrum thread: --- > Is there any chance we could get more REC for future EPTUs?\ \ it would make specific ship testing alot easier in AC Nurseman --- > Hi, thanks for feedback, totally agree.\ \ The starting REC for PTU has just been increased to 10,000,000 to ease with testing!\ \ See you out there o7\ \ ps. we're still working on reducing REC prices overall (see: <>), unfortunately the tool used for this is experiencing issues in the 3.24 stream so will most likely not make it for 3.24.0; we'll continue to push to resolve for the next. TheDJBuntin-CIG ---

    Privacy QuadratureSurfer 1 month ago 98%
    Schrodinger's Privacy: Best Buy Needs Your Data to Stop Selling Your Data

    cross-posted from:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Videos QuadratureSurfer 1 month ago 50%
    The Fast and The Furryous - Fast & Furious (2001) Tribute
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 month ago 80%
    MotD: New PTU build today and Blockade Runner test over the weekend

    cross-posted from: > > Message of the day > > > > 🕹️ (Tysdagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for a Wave 1 PTU release later today.\ > Current goal is to run Blockade Runner on PTU over the weekend. > >

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 1 month ago 100%
    MotD: New PTU build today and Blockade Runner test over the weekend

    > Message of the day > > 🕹️ (Tysdagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for a Wave 1 PTU release later today.\ Current goal is to run Blockade Runner on PTU over the weekend.

    Cursed AI QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 100%
    Unanswered Oddities - Episode 4: America

    cross-posted from:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Videos QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 100%
    Unanswered Oddities - Episode 4: America
    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 83%
    MotD Update: Potential 3.24 Wave 1 Release Tonight

    MotD > 🕹️ (Thor's Day) We are currently building a new PTU candidate for a 3.24 Evocati release later today. This build is a Wave 1 candidate and we are looking to potentially open up to Wave 1 late tonight If it goes well for a couple hours with Evocati. Some of my own thoughts: Yesterday's test went a lot more smoothly compared to the previous builds. I still have some major concerns about 3.24, but hopefully the biggest things get addressed before it goes Live. (Let's just say it's way too easy to steal things from other players in armistace right now). They fixed most of the ship spawning issues in the hangar, as well as some nasty teleporting bugs. They've focused on trying to make it so that, if the hangar doors are closed in the view of either the server or the client, at least one layer of the doors will appear closed to the player (hopefully no more destruction for flying into invisible hangar doors). There are some amazing fixes for ultra-widescreen users (no more massively overscaled ui icons on your HUD, and inventory scales correctly now).

    Videos QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 88%
    Europeans can save gaming!

    cross-posted from:

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 100%
    Some of the Pyro Pits and Turrets by one of CIGs 3D Artists


    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 83%
    MotD Update: New 3.24 Evo Build Today, RMQ Testing Later This Week

    > Message of the day > > 🕹️ (Tysdagr) We are currently working on a new 3.24 build for release to Evocati later today.\ We also have a goal to run an RMQ Tech Preview later this week with an audience based on the current PTU wave. > 🕹️ (Frjádagr) A new 3.24 PTU build is now open to Evocati Testers! [VERSION 3.24.0-PTU.9261418](

    Star Citizen QuadratureSurfer 2 months ago 75%
    Star Citizen Free Fly Week - July 12 to July 19

    Star Citizen is allowing anyone who wants to try out the game to play for free for this week. There are a few of these free flights throughout the year. If you're new, definitely use the "Guide System" to request help from other players. They can help you to avoid the current bugs and should know workarounds to be able to help you get some actual gameplay in quickly without having to waste too much time trying to figure out everything on your own. During this particular event you will get permanent rewards for every 30 minute guide session.
