science_memes Science Memes Choose your fighter, chatters.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 month ago 100%

    Once a 7 broke down and I had to improvise the 5. Not a good day.

    Now which of these is the I have no energy for anything? Also 5?

  • news News For these voters, Tim Walz is a reminder of their dad - before they were lost to partisan division
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for that. Genuinely. I see sentiments like yours so often and I'm very happy for every person for whom this works but it's so dangerous to tell it to randos on the internet with so much certainty when we don't know their story and circumstances. I'm glad people slowly wake up to different people having different familys. Cheers

  • news News For these voters, Tim Walz is a reminder of their dad - before they were lost to partisan division
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 month ago 100%

    Tried talking to my family. Only got more trauma. Am very happy when they die and I feel safe. Maybe some sort of compromise works for you but not everyone works the same.

  • news News For these voters, Tim Walz is a reminder of their dad - before they were lost to partisan division
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 month ago 100%

    I think the idea many of these right wing people have about family is a very authoritarian one.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 83%

    Just worship cats.

  • animals Animals and Pets Legacy and Life Story of Keiko, orca star of "Free Willy"
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%

    Miami Seaquarium applies for a permit to capture Keiko and bring him to their tank in Miami, which is smaller than the tank he was saved from in Mexico City. The application is rejected on the grounds that Norway has jurisdiction and has stated flatly that Keiko will not be captured because he is just fine, and they don’t believe orcas should be held in captivity anyway.

    All these Aquariums and "experts"/media channels that spread misinformation have a lot to answer for. He may not have joined a pod but which pod is going to let a random middle aged guy with a weird accent around their calves? That would have taken time Keiko didn't have. I'm glad orcas are phased out of aquariums who can't care for them.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ ‘We are resilient’: Ghana’s LGBT+ community celebrates Pride month amid repression
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%

    Also guess who's also on the queer spectrum? Asexual people!

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 50%

    Somebody should whinge about the unborn being aborted via carpet bombing or similar. I'd like to see the cognitive dissonance.

  • damnthatsinteresting Damn, that's interesting! Should we just stop oil? Well, let’s look at what happens if we do!
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%

    There is absolutely no car that runs on anything other than oil. NONE 🙄

  • cats Cats More lap time
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%

    NEVER enough lap time!

  • cats Cats Pandora recently figured out the outside!
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 3 months ago 100%
    Pandora recently figured out the outside!

    It's scary, but if the human is nearby she can conquer it!

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most manipulative thing anyone has ever done to you?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 5 months ago 100%

    My exfather deliberately cooked food I didn't like to prove I actually like it and just do it for attention. He's a trained chef. It started when I was three and only stopped when I moved out and stopped eating his meals.

  • autism Autism Why self-diagnosis is valid, all the arguments in one video
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 6 months ago 100%

    The weirdest thing about this discourse is that people against it somehow seem to be very convinced self diagnosis is exclusively done based on internet memes or something along those lines. I spend years researching, reading multiple books by actual experts, reading scientific publications and hanging out in autism spaces to see if I fit in.

    ... Almost like somebody who tends to ... Oh idk have a special interest.

    And the contra side also dismisses privilege. It's known that autism is under diagnosed in minorities. And things like I'd need to travel 5 hours (one way) multiple times to get a diagnosis. Potentially staying overnight. They'd want to talk to my abusive parents. I'm chronically ill. It's not realistic and I live in a country that has reasonable health care. I wouldn't magically be employable afterwards anyway or have some other tangible benefit. I'd just get somebody in a 15 € white coat tell me what I already know. Or dismiss me because they read me as the wrong gender and yolo autistic people don't have humor.

  • autism Autism Why self-diagnosis is valid, all the arguments in one video
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 6 months ago 100%

    Same. What a dismissive person.

  • science_memes Science Memes launch him anyway
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 6 months ago 100%


  • goodoffmychest
    Off My Chest Pandoras_Can_Opener 6 months ago 96%
    an essay about Aaron Carter that won't stop bugging me

    So I've followed Aaron Carter's public life since some time in 1998 and since his death I've tried to find a way to grieve my first parasocial relationship and understand what on earth went one with him, his life and his family. It's slowly coalescing so now I need to get it out of my head by writing it down. I've chosen this community to share these random ramblings. A short introduction about me: I come from a dysfunctional family. Aaron has helped me stay alive during my teenage years. Abusive people don't allow their offspring to develop an identity if they can help it. This was the one bit I clung to. Everybody made fun of me for it similar to how people made fun of early Justin Bieber fans. But this helped me hold on until I could get out. I stopped calling myself a fan around 2005 ish when I started to cotton on that Aaron liked to play the victim. Figuring out Aaron Carter is so difficult because a) people in the entertainment business aren't known to be honest in general b) lies are a very common occurrence in drug addicts and dysfunctional families and c) the Carters in particular are very obviously changing their stories all the time. Figuring out what is actually true, what was hidden and what is a lie is thus difficult. As a result I tend to watch how all the Carters act around each other and look for stories being corrobated ideally by multiple family members multiple times. Aaron himself has been known to lie in interviews when he was 9 already. His mother Jane complained about this in the fan book she wrote about her son 3 years later. In the beginning it was obvious lies. Aaron claimed he already broke his fingers multiple times and the draconian punishment dealt by his mother. Quickly corrected by Jane. Even back in the 90s these stories always were about medical issues or perceived slights. And it shows how normal lying was in this family. The irony of Jane complaining about Aaron lying still is something to behold. But three stories from this time do stick out. The first is about a scar Aaron had above his nose. Apparently toddler Aaron was unsupervised when he fell into a pool and barely survived. Jane has corroborated this story. What sticks out is that when telling the story Nick is always framed as the one who should have watched Aaron. Nick was all of 10? 12? Even this early on Nick was made to carry adult responsibilities and no one in the family questions where the actual parents were. Another story that sticks out is that Aaron said in multiple interviews his mother was strict without elaborating. Indeed in the first home video that was commercially released Aaron is seen goofing off with everyone but Jane. I think that was his 10 year old way of verbalising being verbally and emotionally abused and the very demanding way of being worked like an adult. A former moderator once saw Jane yell at and manhandle Aaron before a concert when he didn't want to do the show. He did do the show not showing any signs of turmoil. 10 years old and well versed in hiding his emotions and pretending to enjoy it. A skill sadly familiar to me as well. How much worse it must be when there's thousands of people cheering you on like this. The third story that sticks out is that Aaron often said he and Nick had playful fights. Jane disapproved but Aaron back then always said it was in good fun. And early on Aaron and Nicks relationship when seen in public was filled with mutual teasing, cuddles, hugs, Aaron clearly looking up to Nick and Nick often playing the role of a parent still by teaching Aaron various skills and looking out for him. There seems to have been a growing rivalry between the brothers that wasn't as well publicised. All 5 Carter siblings also say their communication was always dysfunctional. The father Bob ruled by fear, apparently he randomly shot his gun into the air at times, the parents fought in front of the children and angrily demanded the children pick one parent over another in a divorce that wouldn't come for a few more years. Both Jane and Bob had a history with drugs already. In the House of Carter show we certainly see the siblings as adults with no conflict solution skills other than to yell at each other and occasionally become violent. Bob seems to have been a very absentee father. Jane went hard on getting her sons into musical education hoping to turn them into famous singers early on. Bob did not agree, the lessions were too expensive. Jane clesrly won out tho and Nick was grateful for the early encouragement even after he be came estranged from Jane. Throughout the early careers of both sons Bob tends to stay home and avoid the media while Jane pushed especially Aarons career hard in classic stage mom fashion. From what little we've seen from Bob I always wondered about how he felt about not being the main breadwinner in the family. Somebody who rules by fear doesn't tend to rejoice when their victims get fanatic levels of encouragement and a fleet of managers, bodyguards and minders. But clearly in the end he enjoyed the money too much to sabotage it. He also was home with three daughters with no fellow adult to mitigate his worst behaviour. There's bitter claims about Bob sexually abusing middle daughter Leslie and/or Aaron. When Bob visited on House of Carters Leslie certainly does not react like a daddy's girl. To be continued. Maybe.

    animals Animals and Pets What's your recent pet news?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Dodo had all her teeth pulled because of this too. Nerve wrecking but she seems rather well adjusted now. 💚

    May buster live pain free now!

  • animals Animals and Pets What's your recent pet news?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    I love this post idea!

    I've recently commited the unforgivable crime of leaving Dodo for two nights. She had other favorite two leggers show up but how dare!!! When I came back she tried very hard to be mad at me but she just loves cuddles too much.

    For your champ: have you tried anti anxiety music for dogs? It's free on YouTube and Dodo likes the cat variety a lot.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the best example or implementation of the expression "Let food be thy medicine"
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    I have two chronic illnesses. Hashimoto, an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid and endometriosis, a VERY painful under researched condition that for me affects the lower belly.

    I've researched the shit out of both conditions in a way that autistic people with a biology degree do. I follow the TH1/TH2 immune imbalance research to support my immune system via foods that balance this (avoid peanuts, mushrooms, melissa (the plant, I hope thats the English name), eat tomatoes, onions, turmeric, garlic). Also gluten triggers my autoimmune response. No gluten for me.

    As a result my thyroid looks A LOT healthier than it should be at this stage and still has retained a good bit of functionality. Which is a minor miracle.

    For endometriosis I'm lucky enough that the visanne pill works for me. That in addition to avoiding estrogen in food means I'm nearly pain free. There's some people for whom nothing helps, they've had dozens of surgeries and they still often enough can't think straight due to pain. Being comparatively pain free is at least a medium sized miracle.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How did people tell time at night before clocks?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Germany enters the chat.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If we can ban trans medical procedures, why haven't we banned circumcision?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 91%

    Personally I find it a lot more disturbing that intersex babies are still assgined a binary gender by a doctor and then get surgery to shape their genitals. The parents are often scaremongered and pressured into consenting and the affected people don't know it was done to them until firmly into adulthood. It's often a sterilising surgery too.

    If you are against doctors doing gender changing surgery, please start with the babies? But oh no! Then the argument that there are only two genders falls apart.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What do you think would improve your Lemmy experience?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 66%

    True. But I'd also like to see a reduction of seemingly general purpose down voting. There seem to be users who do nothing but down vote everything in sight.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy At what age do you think is too old to be living with parents?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 66%

    Or malice.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy At what age do you think is too old to be living with parents?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 80%

    It depends a lot on the situation. My exparents lived with my paternal exgrandparents until I was 8. Completely seperate households tho. Just in the same house.

    If theres a partner and kids it's important that everyone negotiates boundaries and communicates well. If it's one household the chores and finances need to be shared in a way that works and so on.

    Personally I moved out as early as I could because these people are abusive. I find it awe inspiring that you manage to coexist peacefully when everyone is an adult. If it works for you it works for you. In many cultures living with your parents is normal. I think worrying about what other people think, those that won't pay your rent and don't interact with your family isn't productive. You're the one who has to live with the decisions you make.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    If this person doesn't have white skin, isn't christian or gender conforming there's a whole host of other horror stories that apply tho.

  • cat cats Buying in bulk
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Jokes on you. Now you buy twice as much and neither likes it. 😂😂

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Neurotypicals, what do autistic people look like to you?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    flicks tongue

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What band/music artist do you wish would make a comeback this year?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    You and me both.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    In Europe the US healthcare system is seen as a joke and medieval. Same for most social services I'm the US. Like somebody else said I stopped feeling sympathy a while ago.

  • cat cats Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Oh dodo understands. She frequently attempts to burn her whiskers because runny nose. Which got massively better since we started infrared. And by now she also understands that it's pain relief. She seeks out warm spots a lot more since this started. 💚

  • cat cats Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Its an infrared lamp. As a fellow chronically ill person I've found accupressure and binaural beats to help with some issues. Wish you as little pain as possible!

  • cat cats Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Oh intresting. Thanks!

  • cat cats Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 90%

    Do you also shine the light on the wrong body part? Its the weirdest thing. She also gets chiropractic treatment but her insistence that the warmth has to go to her belly really flabbergasts me.

  • cat cats Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 87%


  • cat cats she squirrel
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Darn. The jerboa app really is a pain to upload from.

  • cat
    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 99%
    Pandora has back pain. she loves the infrared that helps... on her belly.


    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 98%
    her zodiac is squirrel


    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 13%
    she squirrel
    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions the agent's argument in the matrix
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    I find my perspective changing a bit as I age. As a species I still think we are a net negative, at the very least since industrialisation started. But no cog in the wheel individual holds responsibility for the species. The big decision makers, the big polluters, yes that's different. And I think it's our duty to hold them accountable as much as we can. Obviously the system is stacked against accountability. Difficult position to be in and no easy answers.

    On an individual level tho there are also a LOT of humans who do a lot of good. Collecting plastic, renaturalising wilderness, combating the various poverty related issues, improving medical procedures, advocating for human rights, inventing new ways to connect and learn... There's a very long list.

    For myself, I'm chronically ill. I can do some limited waste reduction, attempt as ethical a consumption as possible and love my rescue cat. I don't have the energy for much more. But I've found it helps to follow people and focus on projects that do good rather than what can't be helped. If you have the ability and capacity to volunteer or donate all the better. Holding yourself accountable and living the best life you can life is really all you have control over after all.

  • cat cats Fat little turkey
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 100%

    Mine does that too sometimes. She's a good normal weight but sometimes she sits just weird and looks spherical. It's the weirdest thing.

  • cat cats another discussion about sleeping arrangements
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 87%

    Whether the white one wants it or not. 😂

  • cat cats another discussion about sleeping arrangements
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 90%

    Mostly wounded pride I think. They both haven't quite figured out how claws work.

  • cat cats another discussion about sleeping arrangements
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 94%

    No cat was permanently harmed ;)

  • cat
    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 97%
    another discussion about sleeping arrangements

    ![]( ![](

    cat cats attempting to defend her bed from her sibling
  • Pandoras_Can_Opener Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 93%

    I keep joking she spent all her skill points on looks.

  • cat
    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 7 months ago 99%
    attempting to defend her bed from her sibling

    ![]( ![](

    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 98%
    This is her happy face, I swear!

    It got cold enough to restart her job as a sun worshipper again.

    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 98%

    It's too warm and we both do our best to cope.

    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 95%
    I visited a friend with a big garden. This is what Pandora chose to do there.

    She later complained it was boring and to indoorsy too.

    Science Memes Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 96%
    Evo-Devo (Despacito Biology Parody) | A Capella Science

    I just love this video! Not sure if it counts as a meme tho. 😅

    cats Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 97%
    contemplating the big philosophical questions

    Why do humans have ears but never listen? What is water? How is my bowl always empty!

    Do It Yourself Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 100%
    New to DIY. Are multi tools recommended?

    See title. I have only very little tools so far, screwdriver with plenty of bits, hammer, drill. I've been thinking of buying more tools for general purpose home improvement. I like to work with wood, unsure what I will expand into later. Is a multitool a good fit for me? If yes any recommendations what I want to look out for when buying one? If no any alternate recommendations?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    kpop Pandoras_Can_Opener 1 year ago 90%
    FIFTY FIFTY sueing their company
