chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Belly_Beanis' Shit-List
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 4 minutes ago 100%

    He recently came out publicly supporting trans rights and specifically the right for trans kids to transition, much to the chagrin of his redditor fanbase, so tbh I think he's not that bad

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Belly_Beanis' Shit-List
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 6 hours ago 100%

    Apart from using nazi dogwhistles a ton in his earlier videos (and to lesser extent in recent content) he also makes ableist and racist jokes out the ass. He was clearly raised on 4chan

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank big Joel more like big LOSER
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 days ago 98%

    Who would've thought that breadtubers are just liberals? Who could have possibly seen this coming? Stop paying attention to cOnTeNt CReAtoRs please

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank "That is an amazing audience score!"
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 5 days ago 100%

    I can't help trying to imagine what a "sinless" movie/show would look like by those standards.

    Probably like a Lolbertarian wet dream, ie. perfectly logical men (only men, no UnStaBLe FeeEEeeEmALeS) making perfectly logical decisions like fuckin robots for the fake nonsense conflicts they encounter, and the villain is either women or "The State(TM)" or WOKEness. so basically Atlas Shrugged lol

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank "That is an amazing audience score!"
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 5 days ago 100%

    Yeah I genuinely think CinemaSins did irreparable damage to media literacy in that sense, they've fueled an anti-intellectual movement trying to rigidly compartmentalize art into strict templates and categories based on what they think is the "correct" way vs the "incorrect". Some user here who I can't remember once said something like: media and art have become a puzzle to be solved or a game to be broken, instead of an experience for the viewer full of ideas and meaning. IMO that's the true "treat culture" and a byproduct of capitalism reducing art to a commodity instead of a genuine representation of the human condition and the emotional honesty it requires to fully engage with it

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank "That is an amazing audience score!"
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 5 days ago 100%

    we tend to hatewatch things a LOT less

    Tbf dunk_tank and by extension this comm are both basically hatewatching for social media posts. I'm not making a value judgment on that (I mod dunk_tank lol) but leftists absolutely have the same proclivity for ragebait, I think most terminally online people do, we're just not as publicly frothing as reactionaries are because leftists generally don't try to make careers/money off it

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank "That is an amazing audience score!"
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 5 days ago 100%

    You'd think with all their snobby affluence that these guys would be able to read but nope! They probably love CinemaSins too and think it's "epic bacon" lemmitor

  • gaming Gaming Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 6 days ago 94%

    Sounds like a great reason to not buy any of the DnD 2024 shit then. My players and I are perfectly happy with 5e

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Whats your guess on when americans will figure it out ?
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 7 days ago 100%

    Right I thought the average size of a congress approved defense budget was just under a trillion lol

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 1 week ago 100%
    Super cool that every art site and image search engine is completely saturated with AI slop now

    Wanna browse some dope creative art with a specific theme? Nah enjoy this unnaturally smooth looking zero effort fucking garbage made by a guy named ChillmasterArtgod69 who calls himself an "AI artist" in his profile ![kiryu-pain]( "emoji kiryu-pain")

    dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Drew Pablou OBSESSED with 9/11 as a kid
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 week ago 100%

    I've seen enough of this guy's posts that I'm convinced he's doing an elaborate bit. It's all way too on the nose. Either that or he is the stupidest motherfucker alive

  • movies movies A Minecraft Movie | Teaser: probably worst movie of the year
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    Two predictions:

    1. This will cost upwards of $300mil to make

    2. It will make $1bil+ because Minecraft is the best selling game of all time by far and every single child even remotely aware of it will want to go see it

  • games games This game designed for masochists should be made easier for me, because I allowed peer pressure to make me waste my time on a game I don’t like and I want to fit in instead of playing a game I like
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 93%

    God are we really doing this again? Accessibility in games is very good and "easy" modes are fine. This kind of passive-aggressive hand-wringing comes off as incredibly gatekeepy, mean-spirited and bad faith.

  • games games EVE Online's devs have always been bumbling, corrupt, greedy assholes. Some of this may not make sense to you, but hope enough does to see that here.
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fredrik Knudsen's video on EVE is really fascinating stuff, though more focused on in-universe events. I don't recall him even bringing this up in the vid which seems like a huge miss, I just recall various claims of admins giving benefits to certain users unchecked for a while. Also tracks with the monetization changes the devs made that universally pissed off their whole playerbase, unironic lolbertarians are wild ancap-good

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Kill the sportsball redditor inside your head
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'll give you that, baseball is dull and slow 90% of the time. It's slightly better since they added pitch timers to the MLB but other sports are much more exciting

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Kill the sportsball redditor inside your head
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    People who shit on sports fans have never tried seriously watching a sports game. Go to an NBA game in person and tell me with a straight face that it sucks and is boring

  • earth earth Termites - New General Megathread for the 2nd-4th of September 2024
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    The tag was regarding the treats discourse, not to imply you're a nihilist, my bad

  • earth earth Termites - New General Megathread for the 2nd-4th of September 2024
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    100-com it's clearly part of capital's strategy to overwhelm people with content and stimuli to distract them with endless treats that prey on FOMO and the working class' general desire to escape from bourgeois hell. Not to mention how well that works on the middle-class suburban nihilists (

  • earth earth Termites - New General Megathread for the 2nd-4th of September 2024
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    Can anyone find a link to the thread in /c/games around Oct 17 2023 about 3x3 grid style personal fav games of all time? I can't find it nor my grid I posted there and I wanna refresh my memory and also update it

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse I never heard nor read anything good about this game
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    Only good thing about League is ARAM, summoners rift is legalized torture

  • memes memes I am 35 years old and understand this shit.
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    Skibidi toilet makes more sense than 95% of SFMs from back in the day. Like there's an ongoing storyline and everything. People who hate on it but watched other sfm/ytp nonsense back in the day just have boomer ass mindsets

  • anime
    anime MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%
    Anyone watch that new Terminator anime?

    I absolutely love the first 2 movies and have been routinely disappointed by everything after them, Zero seems to be getting good reviews but I'm curious what the hexfolk think

    games games Take Two killing another indie franchise
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    Hard agree on the soundtrack, imo the SotS music is probably Chris' best work on the franchise so far and he brought in a couple collaborators who elevate it further. I Should Build the Man a Statue is a highlight, esp once the the riff starts popping off around 2:16

  • games games Take Two killing another indie franchise
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    There are third party tools that let you do that, not officially supported though. So yeah you can revert the game to its previous fully functional state at least. Just a shame it doesn't work properly out of the box atm ya know? It's a hassle

  • games games Take Two killing another indie franchise
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    RoR2 is one of my all-time favorite games, just a masterpiece of coding, art design and extremely addictive gameplay. It sucks ass how badly Gearbox butchered it, but yeah the general consensus is that suits rushed the development process and now one of the best roguelikes ever made is almost unplayable. Like ffs the final boss' AI glitches out and he becomes invincible so you can't even beat the base game currently. All signs so far point to them investigating the bugs and actually fixing shit eventually but that could take months based on what modders have discovered about the new code. Another causality of the slow painful decline of the mainstream gaming industry in capitalist hell

  • dredge_tank
    The Dredge Tank MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%
    [CW: nazism, homophobia] Truly stimulating fash infighting

    No link because the nazi cowards deleted their posts lmao ![fash-bash]( "emoji fash-bash")

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Tim Walz is my dad
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    This hurts me so much I have half a mind to remove it. But I will be strong family-guy-death-pose

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank BadEmpanada is mad Hasan went to the DNC, I guess.
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    Streamers aren't revolutionaries, at their absolute best they can serve as a piece of the pipeline to the left. It's good that Hasan's audience (the majority of whom are basically kids) is being exposed to consistent and principled anti-imperialism. I wish that didn't come with all the baggage of making his millions off of that same audience but I don't think its a net negative considering we live in a society etc etc.

    That being said BadEmpanada is a drama-seeking childish weenie who contributes very little that other minor internet celebrities don't already do better and more consistently

  • electoralism electoralism USians who are voting 3rd-party in November, who and why?
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 4 weeks ago 100%

    I just found that her NATOpedia article is surprisingly thorough on her positions. She claimed at one point that wifi signals damage peoples' brains (that's the main thing I was remembering) but waved it off later, and at one point was flirting with anti-vax stuff but seems to have backpedaled on that. She's also staunchly anti-nuclear-power which seems silly though I'm not very informed about that subject. She's way more based than I thought tbh but PSL is a better party

  • electoralism
    electoralism MiraculousMM 4 weeks ago 98%
    USians who are voting 3rd-party in November, who and why?

    I figure I'll vote PSL again like I did last time since they seem to be among the most principled leftist parties we have in this hellscape. I've seen a lot of support for Jill Stein but iirc she has some very weird reactionary conspiracy-brained views. How we feeling? Is ![supreme]( "emoji supreme") running this time around? edit: to be clear I assume most of the based parties will not be on the ballot in most states, I've written in my picks before and I'll do it again KKKopmala ![knifecat]( "emoji knifecat")

    labour labour John Maclean - New General Megathread for the 23th-25th of August 2024
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 4 weeks ago 100%

    "are you free or are you tied up?" dean-neutral kitty-birthday-sad

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Vance tells a joke.
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 4 weeks ago 100%

    Tbh you'll probably be much happier not using Bluesky. It's got most of the same ragebait as Twitter and is not a good use of anyone's time

  • history history Iran coup d'état (1953) - New General Megathread for the 19th-20th of August 2024
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    If I knew how to code I would make a "BOTH_SIDES_DETECTOR" bot like the whataboutism bot and unleash it on all the shitlib instances to endlessly piss off cowardly radical centrists

  • privacy Privacy Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    Firefox supremacy validated once again

  • games games More free Steam keys from Humble Bundles! CRPGs, Bandai Namco, and other random slop inside!
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%


  • games games More free Steam keys from Humble Bundles! CRPGs, Bandai Namco, and other random slop inside!
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    Yall are cleaning me out, hallelujah waow-based

  • games games More free Steam keys from Humble Bundles! CRPGs, Bandai Namco, and other random slop inside!
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    Someone else claimed that one literal minutes before you posted, sorry kitty-birthday-sad

  • games
    games MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%
    More free Steam keys from Humble Bundles! CRPGs, Bandai Namco, and other random slop inside!

    Comment below or DM me if you're interested in any of the below. Anything not crossed out is still available. Only 1 key available per game ----- ~~**See-Arr-Pee-Gees**~~ ![very-smart]( "emoji very-smart") ~~Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition~~ ~~Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition~~ ~~Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass~~ ~~Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition~~ ----- ~~**![ban-hammer]( "emoji ban-hammer")-dai Namco**~~ ~~Code Vein~~ ~~GOD EATER 3~~ ~~.HACK/G.U. LAST RECODE~~ ~~Tales of Vesperia™: Definitive Edition~~ ~~TEKKEN 7~~ ----- **Other SLOP** ![yummy]( "emoji yummy") ~~Dear Esther: Landmark Edition~~ ~~Expeditions: Rome~~ ~~Souldiers~~ The Legend of Tianding ~~The Pale Beyond~~ ~~Unpacking~~ ~~WWE 2K23~~

    science_memes Science Memes The age of wood
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    AI-generated ass response

  • memes memes [CW: nazi and genocide imagery] Another day another SLAMMER banger
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%


  • politics politics Democrats and being wet blankets with a losing fetish, name a more iconic duo
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    Wait the couch thing isn't real? shrek-pixel-despair

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from August 5th to August 11th, 2024 - LGBT - COTW: Iraq
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%


  • askchapo askchapo Classic rock hate thread
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    What is the most overrated band or artist?

    Every shitty hair metal band that only sings about misogyny and doing drugs lol

  • chat chat I miss UlyssesT complaining about Game of Thrones
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    He was also terrible about using CWs, just throwing out ::: spoiler CW: SA "rape" and "pedo" ::: nonstop like it was nothing even after being told off many times

  • chat chat I miss UlyssesT complaining about Game of Thrones
  • MiraculousMM MiraculousMM 1 month ago 100%

    His best contribution to the site was this exchange that gave us the incredible tagline:

    how do you expect anyone to connect "booba waifu" to Katherine Oppenheimer

  • movies
    movies MiraculousMM 3 months ago 98%
    [Rant] The Star Wars fandom has become even more extremely normal over The Acolyte (spoilers I guess)

    Everyone knows how rabidly reactionary and shitheaded the SW fandom became after the Disney acquisition but I'm finally at my breaking point with this latest wave of chud whining. The Acolyte got review bombed before it even aired because [the showrunner is a lesbian]( and [the leading actress is a gay enby]( Also a clip of Stenberg from like 6 years ago made the rounds where she says the goal of a completely different project she was working on was to make white men cry and chuds who get all their news from youtubers thought she was talking about the Acolyte. Fast forward to the show's release, the chuds continue to whine about woke Star Wars despite the show's first several episodes being pretty bland and mid in every regard. To disguise their actual reasons for hating the show (diverse cast and queer showrunner) they pull out the absolute most ridiculous reasons to bash it, including but not limited to: - "The writing is awful and the story sucks!" (the dialogue is genuinely quite bad at times but no worse than 95% of star wars projects. The general story is a mystery-thriller that's compelling enough. Also these same people turn around and say the prequels are incredible so ![funny-clown-hammer]( "emoji funny-clown-hammer")) - "The show contracts and ruins the prequels!" alright time to put on my nerd cap because the media literacy of these fucking shitbags is nonexistent. "Dark side user" =/= Sith, Red-lightsaber-user =/= Sith, there are tons of darkside users in the galaxy but the Sith area very specific order that the jedi warred with for thousands of years before they were almost completely wiped out. Also half the point of the prequels was to show the Jedi are blinded by their hubris and waning connection to the force, the Sith were right under their nose the entire time and they were just too arrogant to see it, silly Darth Teeth man doesn't ruin shit in your dog ass shit fuck childrens movies. - "The show RETCONS CANON in an **UNACCEPTABLE WAY**" this is because a prequel side character's DOB was retconned and he's a lot older now and appears in the show. These worthless fucks are [sending death threats to Wookiepedia editors who change the character's DOB]( and screaming that it's *vile* yes that's right it's ***VILE*** to change a fictional background character's birthday. Just take a look at the replies on that post, yes I know it's the bird hellsite filled with ragebait but the responses like "oh well I thought that GATEKEEPING was a BAD THING ![nerd]( "emoji nerd")" are just so bleak. Art and media mean nothing to these people, their hobby is not watching Star Wars, its watching ragebait youtubers and getting *violently* angry about mundane things in shows they've never watched and aren't interested in ![democracy-manifest]( "emoji democracy-manifest") Also these screaming manbabies keep referencing non-canon books and shit as "proof" of the show retconning things The discourse around TLJ was bad but I think I'm finally done engaging with the SW fandom in any way shape or form. My brain has finally been broken by the chuds. I don't think I'll even tell people I like SW anymore because these shitbrains have just ruined it. And yes I know I need to ![touch-grass]( "emoji touch-grass") but if you don't spend a decent amount of time in these SW fandom circles I promise you don't know how bad it actually is /rant

    memes MiraculousMM 3 months ago 100%
    Just some silly little guys

    ::: spoiler spoiler Their Pokedex entry numbers spell out 1, 3, 1, 2 ![acab-3]( "emoji acab-3") :::

    memes MiraculousMM 4 months ago 100%
    You see, homegrown spyware is infused with Freedominum[TM] and Libertarium[TM], you insolent tankies wouldn't understand :smuglord:

    ![smuglord]( "emoji smuglord") ![xi-gun]( "emoji xi-gun") If they wanna ban tiktok okay sure fine, let's ban **all** corporate social media platforms. At least tiktok isn't in bed with the NSA ![snowden]( "emoji snowden") Also I gotta say, I know a disturbing number of people (ie. americans) who genuinely think the CPC is deeply invested in their personal data or what they do or believe. Like do these fuckers not realize the US govt [can fuck up your shit infinitely more]( than the Chinese govt ever could?

    memes MiraculousMM 4 months ago 98%
    peanits phun

    peanits phun

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 5 months ago 99%
    Reminder: dunk posts go in /c/the_dunk_tank and /c/cth is NOT for low-hanging-fruit that's removed from dunk_tank

    We've seen an uptick in people posting dunks in here that belong in dunk_tank, as well as low-hanging fruit that gets removed from or isn't allowed in dunk_tank anymore. For context, rule 8 of dunk_tank: >Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this. There's a reason that dunks are cordoned off to their own comm, some users rightfully don't want to see reactionary nonsense all the time, even if we're making fun of the person who said it. /c/cth is a general-purpose comm but it's NOT for posting some random nobody asshole twitter user's bad takes, the absolute best course of action to take when you see that stuff out in the wild is to either directly shit on them yourself, or ignore them and don't give them more attention. From this point on I'm going to be more stringent about moderating this. I get it, it's fun to dunk on the libs and the blue checks and the ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash") and that's why **we have a whole dedicated comm for that**. Any post that's obviously meant to be "hey look at this piece of shit, let's laugh at how bad their opinions are, upbears to the left and emojis in chat" belongs in [the_dunk_tank]( And any super low-hanging fruit doesn't belong on this site, period (see TDT rule 8 above). We have better things to do with our time than give unearned attention, time and energy to low-follower-count nobodies yelling into the void. Thanks for your discretion comrades, stay sicko ![sicko-jammin]( "emoji sicko-jammin") edit: as others have pointed out, [/c/]( is a good place for any and all dunking content not allowed here. Post that ragebait to our comrades at the 'grad, they'll make good use of it. Also, per rule 9 of TFT **dunking on fediverse users is still explicitly allowed** so it's still open season on those in our own backyard.

    music MiraculousMM 5 months ago 100%
    Rodney Munch - It's Time To Take a Shit on the Company​’​s Dime

    **GETTIN PAID TO SHIT, GETTING PAID TO WIPE, THE BEST 45 MINUTES OF MY FUCKIN LIIIIIIFE** ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![kirby-jammin]( "emoji kirby-jammin")

    memes MiraculousMM 6 months ago 98%
    TFW you're smelling of semen

    ![volcel-kamala]( "emoji volcel-kamala")

    memes MiraculousMM 6 months ago 100%
    I only consent to daddy Zuck spying on me :bottom-speak:

    ![snowden]( "emoji snowden")

    videos MiraculousMM 7 months ago 100%
    When all the AI stuff is moving too fast

    ![melon-musk]( "emoji melon-musk") ![frog-no-pretext]( "emoji frog-no-pretext")

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 7 months ago 100%
    Vintage ad for birth control

    ![jesus-cleanse]( "emoji jesus-cleanse") ![bird-mad]( "emoji bird-mad")

    chat MiraculousMM 8 months ago 100%
    [CW: depression] Going through a really rough time right now. I'm not doing well

    I have constant stress/fixation over a costly fuckup I made (don't really want to get into specifics) and its just compounding my existing depression and dread over the state of the world. I'm just miserable every moment of every day and feel like I can't enjoy anything. I'm at the lowest I've felt in a long time and I'm so afraid of the future, I'm afraid this is never going to get better. The only thing that actually makes me feel normal and joyful again is drinking but I can't do that a ton due to health issues. I used to smoke some weed but lately that's been making my stress worse so I've had to quit that. I feel so trapped and hopeless. I don't want to talk to anyone in my life about this because I hate feeling like a burden to others and I don't think it will help my situation at all and it'll make me feel like I've lost control even though I know I've already lost control. I wish I could just run away from everything and find peace somehow away from all this. Things don't have to be perfect because they're never going to be perfect in this hellworld but I just don't want to be completely miserable. Idk what else to do so I'm venting to Hexbear. I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this before I completely break

    traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns MiraculousMM 8 months ago 100%
    Batman says respect pronouns

    ![up-yours-woke-moralists]( "emoji up-yours-woke-moralists") ![meow-knife-trans]( "emoji meow-knife-trans") ![does-he-know]( "emoji does-he-know")

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 8 months ago 100%
    [CW: transphobia, anti-vax] The slow shitty death of Twitter is wild to watch

    ![libertarian-approaching]( "emoji libertarian-approaching") [Continued in the replies](

    games MiraculousMM 9 months ago 100%
    Uh thanks but I'll pass

    "Those who buy the Landlord Sim game will not see the light of heaven" - Mao or someone idk

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 10 months ago 100%
    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 10 months ago 100%
    "Sounds like you're not ready for that yet. But your great-great-grandkids will love it"

    [nitter link](

    memes MiraculousMM 12 months ago 100%
    Such a god deserves no worship and should in fact be killed

    ![jesus-cleanse]( "emoji jesus-cleanse")

    music MiraculousMM 1 year ago 100%
    Mastodon - Divinations

    ![sicko-charging]( "sicko-charging")

    memes MiraculousMM 1 year ago 100%
    Average NYT editorial
    movies MiraculousMM 1 year ago 0%
    more like Christopher NATOlan

    Read Graeber's [article on capeshit]( where he talks about exactly this [tweet](

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 1 year ago 0%
    Mood.jpg every hour of every day

    Why can't people just be less awful ![sadness-abysmal]( "sadness-abysmal") Why can't we resurrect Lenin, Stalin, John Brown, Rosa and Castro and give them mechs

    movies MiraculousMM 2 years ago 0%
    Which universally-loved "classic movies" are actually fuckin awesome and worth watching?

    This is partially inspired by [@UsedJavelin's thread about Seven Samurai]( I watched a lot of the Western "film canon" when I was younger, and lately I've just been craving some good "artistic" movie content. But I don't trust the :reddit-logo: crowd nor the letterboxd nerds for serious recommendations, so I turn the question to my comrades

    chapotraphouse MiraculousMM 2 years ago 0%
    Skullboi doesn't miss


    music MiraculousMM 2 years ago 0%
    Weird Al Yankovic - Party In The CIA

    when funny music parody man is more based than almost all of his peers :stalin-approval: :amerikkka:

    games MiraculousMM 3 years ago 100%
    Based Sid Meier


    games MiraculousMM 3 years ago 100%

    "AAA" publishers can suck off me. making your devs do crunch? more like crunch your heads into the Minecraft guillotine you fucks

    music MiraculousMM 3 years ago 100%
    Aesop Rock - Kirby

    it's a song about a dope cat :cat-vibing:

    christianity MiraculousMM 4 years ago 100%
    Based agender Quaker friend

    :rainbow-has: :trans-heart: :rainbow-has: :trans-heart: :rainbow-has: :trans-heart:
