fahrrad Fahrrad [DE] Rund 500.000 Fahrräder werden jedes Jahr gestohlen. Die Aufklärungsquote mickrig. Dabei ist das Fahrrad für viele das Hauptverkehrsmittel für Familie, Alltag und Beruf.
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 12 months ago 100%

    Musst du das an dem Tag Posten, an dem ich ausnahmsweise unser Fahrradparkhaus nicht nutzen konnte und mangels sicherer Alternativen mein Fahrrad in einem "Hochrisikogebiet" für Diebstähle abschließen musste? :(

  • games Games Modder Behind Oblivion Fan Remake Vows to See It Through Whether Bethesda Releases a Remaster or Not
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 12 months ago 100%

    in a modern engine.

    Well, at least more modern than oblivion, Skyrim's is 12 years old...

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Human Brain Project: Die Vision vom simulierten Hirn
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    (Die den Antragstellern heute möglicherweise peinlich sind. )

    Nee, das ist niemandem peinlich, so funktioniert einfach Forschungsfinanzierung. Man sucht raus, auf welche Schlagworte die Geldgeber gerade abfahren, schreibt irgendein wildes Projekt zusammen, benennt Methoden um, damit sie trendy klingten (zB. Klassifizierung in Künstliche Intelligenz) und das Geld verschwindet dann irgendwo in der Abteilung. Wenn Berichte fällig werden, schreibt man über irgendwelche halbwegs passenden Projekte, egal worüber die finanziert wurden.

    Wir haben auf Neurowissenschaftlichen Konferenzen gerne rumgefragt, wer eigentlich an den Projekten arbeitet, für die er offiziell angestellt und bezahlt wird. Tage an denen die Quote 50:50 war, waren da noch gut...

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org IG Metall fordert Einstieg in die Viertagewoche und mehr Lohn
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Fachkräftemangel in vielen Bereichen ist aber wiederrum auch nur das Fehlen von Leuten die zu den aktuellen Konditionen in den Berufen arbeiten möchten und ein Unwillen neue Leute anzulernen.

  • videos Videos The lack of gloves at this pre-packaged sandwich factory is concerning
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 80%

    For a second I thought they wear masks the wrong way, then I realized that those are hair nets for their beards.

    But yeah, especially seeing the rest of their clothing the lack of gloves is weird.

  • de_edv de_EDV REWE: Anmeldung für den eBon in der App
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Ginge sicher irgendwie, aber die Daten sind pures Gold wert. Bisher musste man dafür teuer Payback oder einem anderen Anbieter beitreten, warum also nicht zugreifen, wenn man das durch eine Bonapp, die man noch als Nachhaltig bewerben kann, günstiger in House bekommt.

    Lidl regelt das übrigens auch bereits über eine eigene App. Ein Kollege strahlte mich letztens auch an, als mir beim gemeinsamen Mittagessen holen ein Bon überreicht wurde "Ich helfe der Natur, ich bekomme keine Bons mehr!".

  • gaming Gaming Why Baldur’s Gate III is an accidental PS5 console exclusive
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    The GPU of the series S is simply a lot worse, socutting quality by a bit won't cut it. I also suspect that since they always quote the split screen as problem, it might be about the number of textures to be loaded in when the game is kind of running twice, not the quality.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy in a general sense, how would you feel about people having their pet dog(s) in the workplace?
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Personally I don't mind, but I find it problematic mostly because not everyone can be around dogs, be it because of allergies or past experiences.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Jugendliche aus reichen Familien haben häufiger einen Nebenjob
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 95%

    Weil das 1:1 so in der Studie steht:

    Ausschlaggebend hierfür dürften die sozialen Ressourcen der Eltern sein.


  • gaming Gaming Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    A quick search doesn’t find it in either the Canada or United States versions, for example. I wonder if that’s due to better consumer protection laws in some jurisdictions than others.

    Now that I think about it, it might not even be consumer protection but instead a GDPR issue. I'm in Europe. Users becoming inactive can actually force companies to delete their data. Ubisoft might not have any other choice than to completely delete inactive users and of course they'll do what is best for them, not for the inactive users.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Gaming: Das sind die bestverkauften Spiele in Europa in der 1. Jahreshälfte 2023
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Es ist halt Schade, dass die Leute heutzutage nur noch auf große, bekannte Namen anspringen und nicht unabhängig davon Spiele nach Qualität und Kreativität kaufen. Das führt halt zu der Spirale die wir jetzt haben, dass die Studios dann halt auch nur noch das produzieren möchten und alles irgendwie in bestehende Franchises gezwänkt wird. Franchise statt Qualität. Guck dir Gollum an. Platz 6 der UK-Verkaufscharts. Nichts an dem Spiel rechtfertig das, selbst für "muss man gesehen haben" ist es zu teuer, aber es steht Herr der Ringe drauf.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Gaming: Das sind die bestverkauften Spiele in Europa in der 1. Jahreshälfte 2023
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Was ist mit Hogwarts Legacy?

    Das Harry Potter-Franchise ist deutlich älter als 10 Jahre. Genauso wie Barbie und Dune.

  • deutschland Deutschland Lindner will mehr Menschen für Arbeitsmarkt aktivieren
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Die IT hat vor allem einen Engpass an hochqualifizierten Leuten, die für wenig Geld arbeiten möchten.
    Die Leute frisch von der Uni werden abgelehnt, weil sie keine Erfahrung haben, die erfahrenen werden abgelehnt, weil zu teuer, die ausländischen Bewerber werden abgelehnt, weil sie nicht fließend Deutsch sprechen. Keine Bewerber mehr über?! Fachkräftemangel in der IT! Die guten Fachkräfte tun sich das oft gar nicht mehr an, wenn sie bereits vermuten können, dass sie eh nicht das bekommen, was sie möchten. Bei Unternehmen erweckt das zusätzlich den Eindruck, dass erfahrene Leute Mangelware sind, weil "die bewerben sich gar nicht auf unsere Juniorstelle mit 10 Jahren Erfahrung!!!".

    Zusätzlich fallen Werkstudenten da raus, weil sie allgemein eine eigene Nische füllen sollen: Arbeiten, für die Facharbeiter zu Schade sind, wenig Vorerfahrung brauchen und oft nicht dringend erledigt werden müssen. Da viele Studiengänge an Hochschulen Industriepflichtpraktika enthalten, ist es da allgemein nicht sehr schwer ein Menge an Bewerbungen zu erhalten, denen man teils sogar deutlich weniger als den Mindestlohn zahlen darf. Und da kann man dann wählerisch sein und nur Leute die halt doch irgendwelche Vorerfahrungen haben einladen, die sind meiner Erfahrung nach immer früher oder später im Bewerberstapel.

  • gaming Gaming Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    They indeed just "license" the games to us:

    The Services and Content are licensed to you, not sold. This means we grant you a personal, limited, non-transferable and revocable right and license to use the Services and access the Content, for your entertainment, non-commercial use, subject to your compliance with these Terms.

    For termination, it's not any reason but a lot of reasons, including the here discussed:

    for any other reason in relation to your actions in or outside of the Services; upon notification, where your Account has been inactive for more than six months.

    The first one opens a lot of options for them to find a reason. None of those would trigger any reimbursement, though.

    Consequences of the Termination/Suspension of an Account.

    You cannot use the Services and Content anymore.
    In the event of termination of your Account or of Service(s) associated with your Account, no credit (such as for unused Services, unused subscription period, unused points or Ubisoft Virtual Currency) will be credited to you or converted into cash or any other form of reimbursement.


  • technology Technology Twitter adding daily limits to DMs for users without Blue
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    I didn't want to say that Twitters execution of it is perfect, it's just why Elon comes up with all these seemingly insane ideas. He has a huge userbase that won't leave, he had advertisers who he thought wouldn't want to leave and now he's trying to squeeze. The problem is that he obviously didn't have his grasp as tightly around the advertisers as he thought, which is why step 3 of Enshittitication entirely fails, at least from what is known to us. The idea is to keep everyone kind of hostage while you squeeze and while it seems to work with a huge chunk of the userbase, a bigger portion of the advertisers simply move on.

  • technology Technology Twitter adding daily limits to DMs for users without Blue
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Putting a name on a century-old concept isn't the worst idea because now we can easily refer to it when it happens once again. And yes, the old age of that problem is why I consider it a bit of a rabit-hole. It's not just something Twitter does now or that tech companies do now because they copy from each other. It's a quite old concept you'll hear about again and again and can read up on quite a bit, if you really are interested into more than the basic concept or why companies keep trying even though the outcome does not always see positive (from an outside, users perspective).

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org „Wir alle essen infiziertes Fleisch“: Sat.1 deckt Missstände bei Tönnies auf
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Für wen produziert Tönnies

    Wie erkenne ich, ob ein Produkt von Tönnies stammt?

    Ob ein Fleisch- oder Wurstprodukt von Tönnies stammt, lässt sich außerdem an einem Code auf der Verpackung erkennen, wie die Verbraucherzentrale NRW der Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung (WAZ) berichtet. Tönnies-Produkte im Supermarkt sind mit den folgenden Nummern gekennzeichnet:

    NW 20202 EG,
    NW 20028 EG,
    NW 20045 EG

    Als Marken werden genannt:

    Landjunker – Eigenmarke von Lidl,
    Meine Metzgerei – Eigenmarke von Aldi Süd,
    Zur Mühlen Gruppe

  • technology Technology Twitter adding daily limits to DMs for users without Blue
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Look up enshittitication, it's an interesting rabbit hole.

    Basically, the idea is that there is a path companies go along where they first please users to build a user base, once you are bound to a platform and don't want to leave (because "everyone" is there) they instead start to shift towards pleasing advertisers until they also feel trapped (because "everyone" advertises there). The final move is trying to squeeze as much as possible out of all these trapped people and companies. It's not just social media, although this of course makes it most obvious at least for a trapped user base. But this also applies for any other big thing that "evryone" uses.

  • cybersecurity /c/cybersecurity - Cybersecurity News & Discussion Humble "Cybersecurity Zero to Hero" Bundle
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    All 22 are:

    • The Beginners 2023 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
    • Writing Secure Code in ASP.NET
    • The Complete Guide to Android Bug Bounty Penetration Tests
    • Intermediate Ethical Hacking Hands-on Training
    • Offensive Hacking Unfolded - Become a Pro Pentester
    • Burp Suite Unfiltered - Go from a Beginner to Advanced
    • Web Hacking Expert - Full-Stack Exploitation Mastery
    • Fundamentals of Secure Software
    • Practical Cyber Hacking Skills for Beginners
    • Risk Management for Cyber Security Managers
    • The Complete Ethical Hacking Course
    • Software Security Testing
    • Pentesting Fundamentals for Beginners
    • Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v1
    • Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v2
    • Web Hacker's Toolbox - Tools Used by Successful Hackers
    • Becoming a Cyber Security Professional - A Beginner's Career Guide
    • The Absolute Beginners 2023 Guide to Cybersecurity - Part 3
    • Cyber Security for Absolute Beginners - 2022 Edition - Part 01
    • Cyber Security for Absolute Beginners - 2022 Edition - Part 02
    • Learn Man in the Middle Attacks from Scratch.
    • Learn Ethical Hacking From A-Z: Beginner To Expert Course
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCY
    Humble "Cybersecurity Zero to Hero" Bundle www.humblebundle.com

    geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/1475295 > Bundle Description: > > Become a cybersecurity champion > > > Want to train up to take on today’s biggest cybersecurity challenges? Go from zero to hero with this comprehensive bundle of courses from Packt. Focus on the fundamentals, and build up advanced skills through hands-on training. Learn how to write secure code, test your systems’ defenses, how to be an ethical hacker, and more—and help support World Wildlife Fund with your purchase! > > Pay at least €1 for 4 items, > Pay more than the average for 9 items, > Pay at least €22.75 for 22 items > > > Does anyone has experience with Packt's courses? Anything good in there?

    cybersecurity Cybersecurity Humble "Cybersecurity Zero to Hero" Bundle
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    All 22 are:

    • The Beginners 2023 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
    • Writing Secure Code in ASP.NET
    • The Complete Guide to Android Bug Bounty Penetration Tests
    • Intermediate Ethical Hacking Hands-on Training
    • Offensive Hacking Unfolded - Become a Pro Pentester
    • Burp Suite Unfiltered - Go from a Beginner to Advanced
    • Web Hacking Expert - Full-Stack Exploitation Mastery
    • Fundamentals of Secure Software
    • Practical Cyber Hacking Skills for Beginners
    • Risk Management for Cyber Security Managers
    • The Complete Ethical Hacking Course
    • Software Security Testing
    • Pentesting Fundamentals for Beginners
    • Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v1
    • Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v2
    • Web Hacker's Toolbox - Tools Used by Successful Hackers
    • Becoming a Cyber Security Professional - A Beginner's Career Guide
    • The Absolute Beginners 2023 Guide to Cybersecurity - Part 3
    • Cyber Security for Absolute Beginners - 2022 Edition - Part 01
    • Cyber Security for Absolute Beginners - 2022 Edition - Part 02
    • Learn Man in the Middle Attacks from Scratch.
    • Learn Ethical Hacking From A-Z: Beginner To Expert Course
  • cybersecurity
    Cybersecurity LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%
    Humble "Cybersecurity Zero to Hero" Bundle www.humblebundle.com

    Bundle Description: > Become a cybersecurity champion > Want to train up to take on today’s biggest cybersecurity challenges? Go from zero to hero with this comprehensive bundle of courses from Packt. Focus on the fundamentals, and build up advanced skills through hands-on training. Learn how to write secure code, test your systems’ defenses, how to be an ethical hacker, and more—and help support World Wildlife Fund with your purchase! Pay at least €1 for 4 items, Pay more than the average for 9 items, Pay at least €22.75 for 22 items Does anyone has experience with Packt's courses? Anything good in there?

    196 196 Twitter is dying rule
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    He is no longer CEO, not that it actually makes a difference.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Hosentaschen-Notrufe stressen die Leitstelle der Münchner Feuerwehr
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Das es Notruf-Möglichkeiten gibt ist auch nicht neu, die Anzahl der unbeabsichtigten Auslösungen aber halt schon.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Jerboa noch immer tot?
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%
  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Jerboa noch immer tot?
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Alle Dateien und Cache in den Einstellungen zu löschen hat das Problem bei mir gelöst.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Hosentaschen-Notrufe stressen die Leitstelle der Münchner Feuerwehr
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Das ist sicher so, die Frage bleibt, welche dieser Funktionen sind jetzt durch das genannte Android13-Update angeblich kaputt gegangen ist. Die genannten Funktionen sind ja schon sehr unterschiedlich und ob ich das Stoßerkennung kaputt gepatched habe, ist ein komplett anderer Fehler als aus Versehen die Empfindlichkeit des Startbuttons runter zu setzen oder den Lockscreen-Notruf so umzuplatzieren, dass Leute den neuerdings öfter mit dem Po auslösen. Das könnte natürlich alles in einem Super-GAU-Update auf einmal passiert sein, wäre dann aber sicherlich eine extra Nennung wert.

    Ich denke eher, man hat die News gefunden "Update führt zu zusätzlichen Notrufen", eine sehr schnelle Recherche gemacht, "Android Notruf Wo?" und jeder Journalist hat den erstbesten Treffer als Auslöser hingenommen, weswegen meist nur eine Technologie pro Artikel genannt wird.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Hosentaschen-Notrufe stressen die Leitstelle der Münchner Feuerwehr
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 94%

    Golem spricht von [5x Einschaltknopf drücken](Eine Android-Funktion ist verantwortlich für Hosentaschenanrufe beim Notruf der Feuerwehr: Fünfmaliges Drücken des Ein-Schalters wählt die 112.), in OPs Artikel steht ja Stoßerkennung, T-Online spricht nur von einer neuen Funktion die vereinzelt verfügbar ist und der MDR gibt die Schuld dem Notrufknopf, der teils auf dem Entsperrbildschirm ist .

    Oder anders gesagt: man scheint es gar nicht zu wissen bzw jeder Journalist interpretiert da etwas anderes hinein.

  • biology Biology Parasitic Eels Found Inside The Heart of a Shark, And We Will Never Unsee The Pics
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    This story gives me some Junji Ito vibes. shudders

  • main Haupteingang Why we need to move on from kbin.social - RedditMigration - kbin.social
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Here's the Mail from Meta in question: Kec Quirk via Fosstodon.

  • technology Technology As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not really surprised, I'd actually assume that sexy John Oliver and the other protests created a lot of additional traffic. People post like crazy and a lot of people want to see that, especially since it got some coverage on news sites. Add to that the big majority of people who do not care (remember that 80% of traffic was still reached) plus some who may have been sympathetic enough to join the two day protest but don't care enough to continue to stay away. It's really not surprising that we're back to normal numbers.

    Thankfully this isn't the only impact people currently still make, so this isn't over. The real question now will be how else it might change Reddit.

  • greenspace Nature and Gardening This little fella hung out with me at work last night
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Your Hand must be tiny D:

    Cool pics, thanks for sharing!

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Bis zu 30 Prozent der Belegschaft: Bild will Mitarbeiter durch KI ersetzen
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 95%

    "Zukünftig 30% mehr Intelligenz bei Bild"

  • academia
    Academia LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%
    Postdocs and staff researchers go on strike at the University of Washington https://www.science.org/content/article/postdocs-and-staff-researchers-go-strike-university-washington

    Postdocs and staff researchers go on strike at the University of Washington After months of negotiations, 2400 postdocs and staff researchers at the University of Washington went on strike today, arguing that the university's proposed contract terms don't amount to a fair wage. The strike comes on the heels of a change in state law on 1 January, which mandated that overtime-exempt salaried employees at organizations with 51 or more employees be paid at least $65,484 annually-which is more than what many UW postdocs made previously. UW President Ana Mari Cauce argued in a 31 March letter to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries that the minimum salary thresholds, which will increase annually and are set to exceed $80,000 by 2026, "Are not financially feasible" and that postdocs should be exempt based on rules for medical residents and fellows. The university increased the pay of some postdocs and staff researchers at the start of the year to comply with the law. "Most postdocs are paid from our grants, putting us in the strongest position to appreciate the pressure these high wage standards put on our research budgets. We are also best positioned to understand the ways in which making postdocs overtime eligible would negatively impact our work at UW.". The letter writers argued that forcing postdocs to track their hours and ask for overtime pay could "Further exacerbate the power imbalance between postdocs and PIs, who may pressure postdocs to work overtime without reporting extra hours." They also argued that it would create an administrative burden and that it's often not practical for postdocs to track their hours. "If everybody at the University of Washington is asking for a different arbitrary number, I think we're not going to be successful in getting anything beyond the for our postdocs," she says. Reduced By: 67% by smmry.com

    maliciouscompliance Malicious Compliance r/steam (maliciously) complies with the call to open again
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    That though process won't even cross their mind. More like "See? The reopened communities are very active and actually generate MORE clicks now. We were right to force them open!". Only if the new direction would produce less clicks or advertisers are bothered by it ("I wanted to advertise my camera in r/pics but the new direction makes it unprofitable") they might look into where that "sabotage" is coming from and care about it.

  • maliciouscompliance Malicious Compliance Won't let me use someone else's (free) rewards card? No problem, i'll make you sign me up for another card!
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Ah, yes, they don't allow it because it muddles their data. Never forget that whatever rewards they give you aren't free, you sell your data to them for that reward. They want to know which age group or gender buys which products how often, so card sharing messes with their data because suddenly all the "young lady" purchases are on the card of an old man or whatever. It's actually not a huge problem if it happens once because they anyways need hundreds if not thousands of data points to learn anything from it (because they look at "average" purchases), but the cleaner the data set the easier it gets.

    There were already trials where shops could predict if you are pregnant based on your purchases. How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did This card data is pure gold (if enough people participate), which is why stores love starting their own program to collect or join a big card provider who will share that data with them.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How common is it to fly your country's flag, and how is it seen by others?
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    It's not perceived as sad because it's just something most people have no desire to do. Flags just aren't a super common decoration you see outside of store advertisements and official government buildings. "I should install a flag pole on my property" is already a rare thought in most places and a lot of people then rather put a flag about something that is special to them on there. In line with that thought, being German in Germany obviously isn't that special, so it's usually not your choice of "displaying something that is special to me" unless you have a right-wing mindset. You'll more often see football teams, maybe music bands and the more rare political issue here and there, like "stop nuclear power plants".

  • ukcasual UKCasual Cows exploit cycle-friendly cattle grids to roam free - BBC News
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Found the cow

  • nomanssky No Man's Sky Weekly free Emergency Signal Scanners are back
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the heads up!

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Reddit stellt gelöschte Kommentare einfach wieder her
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Wobei ich mich frage, ob hier nicht einfach nur das Rate Limit getroffen wurde, weswegen die Anfragen nicht alle korrekt durch gegangen sind. Ich habe einige Beiträge gesehen, wo gewarnt wurde, dass nicht alle Tools das korrekt händeln.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Reddit stellt gelöschte Kommentare einfach wieder her
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Laut obigen Bild hatte der Nutzer überschrieben und gelöscht. Scheint also auch nicht zu helfen.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Hah. Nett. - Heute in Flensburg gesehen
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    Die Stückchen auf der Scheibe überzeugen mich, dass du Recht hast.

  • technology Technology Can this not be the way? Please....?
  • LittlePrimate LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%

    ...why are there eyeballs on the glasses below her eyes? Like, what am I actually looking at?

  • herpetology
    It's Wednesday, my dudes

    cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/837026 Hoppshugo wishes you a nice day!

    Es ist Mittwoch, meine Duden

    Schönen Feierabend wünscht Hoppshugo.

    Technology LittlePrimate 1 year ago 100%
    Packt is giving away free ebooks every day to read on their website https://www.packtpub.com/free-learning

    In case you did not know: Packt is giving away free ebooks each day. The main downside is that you can not download them. You have to access them via their home page but on there, you can ~~keep them forever~~ access them on their page as long as it exist.
