RPGMemes KurtDunniehue 9 months ago 92%
[Satire] Hasbro Executives Report Their Gambling Habit is Under Control, Not Addiction.

When asked for comment, Hasbro Executives report that while they do gamble, what they're doing is a normal part of their job. "Listen, everyone in our industry and economy deals with growth, and the risks of growth. We need to make investments to attempt to grow or our stock prices will fall as investors chasing profits will put their money elsewhere. So when we spend billions of dollars in 2020 and 2021 to attempt to grow our brand, we do so with the sobering knowledge that this isn't a sure thing, but calculated risks need to be made." "But we manage those risks sufficiently, because we have other peoples' jobs as collateral. I mean, just imagine how we could possibly make these financial risks if we had to shoulder the responsibility for underperformance ourselves!" Unprompted by questions, the executives continued. "And don't you dare try to put this in a negative light. This is just how our civilization conducts its artistic output. What, do you want people to make fun things just for the joy of it? You sound like a stuttering gap-toothed simpleton. You need to grow up kid!" The Executives took this moment to pull out two Cigarettes, lighting them simultaneously before taking a series of quick drags. "WAKE UP!" They added before going eerily quiet to stare into the middle distance. At time of printing, Hasbro Executives have entered into negotiations with eldritch powers to obliterate all cultural knowledge of Dave Arneson to improve their next Financial Quarter's figures by half of a percentage. They are additionally hoping to leverage other cultural history of the hobby for tax breaks, stating "You know, like how streaming services destroy art. Can we do that?"

dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion Across the entire panoply of Warlocks patrons, there is incredible variety.
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Sure, but even then it doesn't make a lot of sense that all the different ways that Warlock patrons can present themselves, that they all are great about giving people raw damage potential as a cornerstone of their pact, regardless of how you flavor it.

  • dnd_memes
    Across the entire panoply of Warlocks patrons, there is incredible variety.

    cross-posted from: https://ttrpg.network/post/464263 > There are devils who scheme and wheedle souls. There are beings of ancient wills and unknowable intent. One may even have entreated elemental forces from the primal dawn of the world, or Genies who have within them a stunning variety of desires, wants, and whims. Alongside Archfey who encompass a dizzying variety of the beliefs and motivations. What unites them all? > > They all think Eldritch Blast is a pretty cool spell.

    dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion Across the entire panoply of Warlocks patrons, there is incredible variety.
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    "Child pure of heart and innocent of mind. You have caught my attentions, a Unicorn who wants nothing but to live and peace, and to see the joy and love of the innocent as yourself. For your purity of spirit, I shall grant a boon of this magic gun."

  • dndnext
    Across the entire panoply of Warlocks patrons, there is incredible variety.

    There are devils who scheme and wheedle souls. There are beings of ancient wills and unknowable intent. One may even have entreated elemental forces from the primal dawn of the world, or Genies who have within them a stunning variety of desires, wants, and whims. Alongside Archfey who encompass a dizzying variety of the beliefs and motivations. What unites them all? They all think Eldritch Blast is a pretty cool spell.

    ttrpgrecs What Should I Play? *Permanently Deleted*
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    If anything, they've made a move to ensure that the contract-artists who manually draw their art won't be replaced by AI artists. They just happened to do that move after one of their contract artists did so without their explicit permission.

  • ttrpgrecs What Should I Play? *Permanently Deleted*
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah this is clickbait.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes My brain hurts
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    The secret is to not work from what you'd like to do, but to work backwards from what your players want to do.

    Seriously, throw out all the prep you have that isn't landing, and just ask your players what kinds of things they want to do. Then, make stories inspired by the actions or accomplishments they want to undertake.

    ... This does require that your players have some idea of what they want to do, though. If you have checked out or uninvested players, there's essentially nothing you can do I'm afraid.

    So now I will soapbox to the players reading this: Your job is to be invested in the game. If you don't put energy into being invested, you're not fulfilling your side of the arrangement at the table.

  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion New Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook Contains AI Generated Art, with No Promise of Removal
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I had taken the artist's statement that the art is being reworked as evidence of the art being pulled, and at least future published books not containing them.


    I should have waited until the actual statement (linked below), as it's clear that the artist was making something of a lie of omission above, as I believe he purposefully wanted readers to believe that the art was changing in the books, not that he would redo the art to... essentially no promised effect. Maybe he was lying to himself with the hope that he could get another go at?


    I've updated the title of this post to reflect the info from the official WotC statement on the issue. I'm glad they won't be allowing AI "augmented" submissions from their artists going forward, but I would only be truly happy with a statement that they will be taking the massive inconvenience of making sure that the art is revised for future publications at a minimum (I think a recall would be asking a lot tbh).

  • dndnext
    New Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook Contains AI Generated Art, with No Promise of Removal gizmodo.com

    > A source at Wizards of the Coast has said that Shkipin’s use of AI art was not something that the team was aware of. Further, they state that no text in the book was AI generated. Wizards has said that they will update their guidelines to more explicitly prevent these sorts of incidents from happening in the future. > io9 has reached out to Ilya Shkipin for clarification and comment. Shkipin has further stated on social media today in light of his confirmation and the deletion of his prior posts that “the future of today[s] illustrations is being discussed.”

    onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think you picked up that I playtested both, though.

    The monks played okay, if rather awkward in my playtests of the rules. They should do more damage, but they were all suitably impactful in a fashion that this dance bard cannot replicate with the ribbon features it has been given.

    The bard was just a bard with what is effectively a free melee attack cantrip that doesn't scale with their casting stat. They do not step on the monk's toes, because they were too busy casting shatter, fireball, and other uses of their magic action.

    It's flavorful and fun, but the impact of the dance bard is not on their level 3 features. It's their level 6 features that give the class a tonne of impact.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Because I have playtested monks, and their ability to control and knock enemies around while punching more often and for more damage while being quicker than the dance bard.

    The dance bard in my playtest was awkward, and did less single target damage than the monks in my other playtest. It also was not able to attack and disengage for free, giving it much less of a skirmishing feeling.

    A bard without any subclass features is a strong and versatile character. With the dance bard subclass, the bard is actually playing suboptimally, and does not outperform the monk in my playtest.

  • dndnext
    Bigby's Glory of Giants preivew. A practical demonstration of how to use the upcoming book. https://www.dndbeyond.com/claim/source/giants-of-the-star-forge

    I'm less interested in the contents of the linked free adventure, and the below design notes on the adventure. > # Design Note > If you have Glory of the Giants, you can follow along with the process we used to create this adventure. The basic adventure seed—“a fire giant captures a renowned Humanoid smith”—comes from the Fire Giant Skill table (chapter 2), with additional inspiration from the “Magnum Opus” adventure idea connected to the Star Forge (chapter 4). The name of the giant villain comes from the Giant Names table (chapter 2), and the encounters within the Star Forge are inspired by the Fire Giant Encounters table (chapter 3) and the Elemental Fire Encounters table (chapter 3). The map of the Star Forge is in chapter 4. The giant wrestlers of Fireside Monastery are firbolgs (chapter 6), and several other monsters in the adventure come from the bestiary in chapter 6 (cinder hulk; fire giant forgecaller; fire giant of Evil Fire). Information about fire giant bags (chapter 5) fills out the treasure characters might acquire along the way. WotC is demonstrating how to use this book to make your own adventures. They should have done the same for Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, then maybe people would have understood that it was tip-to-stern the best DM toolkit they released yet. ____ As always, I have posted this link to /r/dndnext, please feel free to [upvote it there to raise visibility.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/15fsuo6/bigbys_glory_of_giants_preivew_a_practical/?)

    onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    All I'm really hearing here is that casters are overtuned, and monks don't have a well defined niche.

    I agree with both. The Dance Bard is the least of their issue. Most of all because the Dance Bard would be LESS effective than another, more caster focused Bard.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    IMO it really, truly does not invalidate the Monk.

    1. Their unarmed strike isn't any better than Shocking Grasp.
    2. Their AC is better with Medium Armor Proficiency and a shield.

    If they got multiple attacks per turn, and a way to use them while also weaving in and out of enemy reach range without catching attacks of opportunities, then they would invalidate the monk.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Yet Another Hunter's Mark Shouldn't Be A Class Feature Post
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    That's a fne thought, I was just wondering if there was a way to explicitly link hunter's mark to the other various spells that improves how they should interact.

    I could even see something like being able to move your hunter's mark to a target you hit with any of the other strike/arrow/shot spells.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Yet Another Hunter's Mark Shouldn't Be A Class Feature Post
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I think the changes to the Paladin smites do present a neat way to change hunter's mark for the better, as there are a tremendous number of other attack-rider spells that should be able to be looped in to the typical ranger round, in addition to hunter's mark.

    In my own playtest with the ranger, I was absolutely floored with how much damage it can do, so I hesitate to make damage output even easier. It's not a bad idea to have rangers be the absolute Kings of ranged damage, but only if we're okay with them having a strictly ranged damage dealer class identity.

    However to your point, I think making each attack-rider spell into some permutation of hunter's mark is the way to go. Perhaps hunter's mark should be something that is automatically applied if you use any of the primal shots, but only for rangers (or maybe a particular ranger subclass)?

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion UA 6 Playtest Report: Rangers and Rogues are strange bedfellows
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Hunter’s Mark damage scales every other spell level, so it goes to 2d6 at level 9 if you use your highest spell slot at the time. No point in casting at 2nd level at all.

    Ah whoops I goofed on the scaling of hunter's mark! In my defense I was juggling a lot of new mechanics and the ranger was a last minute addition to one of my playtests.

    But looking at the general numbers, one fewer d6 per turn would have been a drop in the bucket to the damage they were outputting. It was sincerely surprising on how impressive they were, I expected them to perform worse based on my first impressions of reading the class. Actually playtesting revealed that they are in no way nerfed.

    I promise you, “Don’t group up when you fight things with breath weapons” is not a strategy unique to Rangers. That’s just something kind of busted with ranged builds in general.

    That's kind of my point, that Ranged builds having guaranteed high damage is an issue because there are so many perks, like ease of safe positioning. I think Rangers are doing great damage, and that might be a problem.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion UA 6 Playtest Report: Rangers and Rogues are strange bedfellows
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I'm honestly not as sold on the idea that resources are a balancing consideration, all told. Or at the very least they aren't as big of a consideration as many people presume. But perhaps you're right and rogues are fine, at the very least I don't think rogue players will generally notice that they are doing less damage due to how clutch they can be with their cunning strikes.

    As to Hunter's Mark damage, it's higher damage at level 5, when you miss once. Which means that the damage floor is higher in general starting at level 2 spellslots (character level 5), and the damage ceiling is lower only if you are able to make 3 attacks. At level 3 spellslots (character level 9) and onward, it's simply the same or higher damage, excluding gimmicky action surge builds.

    As to when it is useful to upcast, it's useful in any fight that you think is serious. The biggest problem is that the rest of the spellcasting toolkit is sitting there, doing very little for the most part (standout exception is Conjure Barrage which is fantastically powerful and fun).

    edit: Oh and to answer this...

    If the Ranger was optimized for being fast, and the Rogue was constantly tripping the enemies, why are you surprised it was hard to hit the Ranger?

    These were two different playtests, with different classes. The ranger and the rogue weren't in the same playtest group, so this wasn't the result of complementary kits. It's mostly a consequence of the the enemies having only average movement speeds, and the counters being somewhat melee heavy.

    But even in the encounter where I had 60 flight speed dragon wyrmlings, the situation constantly played out that this ranger was never grouped up with the rest of the party, so I couldn't hit them in the breath attacks. This amount of safety is a bit problematic with their higher damage output, IMO.

  • onednd
    UA 6 Playtest Report: Rangers and Rogues are strange bedfellows

    Please note: this feedback will mostly be focused from my own perspective as a forever GM. I am less concerned with how powerful X is against Y, as I am for the health of the game, and the ease of running encounters. During my playtests I was given the opportunity to see both a Rogue and a Ranger, and they both feel good and bad in opposite and complementary ways. In short, the Rogue is fun but a breakdown of damage spreadsheets reveal it’s in a bad spot. In contrast, the Ranger has a lot of moments that detract from its fun, but joyless math shows that it’s super-effective. # Rogues are affable & attractive idiots For the rogue’s part, being able to tactically choose what cunning strike to use at each given moment allowed for ranged rogues to opt into a controller role in combat, making one enemy’s life hell for a turn. When this works, it feels amazing as you are able to severely hamstring or simply exclude opponents from contributing at all on their turns. Unexpectedly, the Trip Attack with the Light Crossbow Weapon mastery allowed the rogue to make enemy melee bruisers get nailed to the ground, with a net -20 to their next movement due to being slowed, and having to use half of their reduced movement to stand up. This forced enemies to default to the party frontliner when able, or to use their action to dash instead of doing anything useful in the turn. However, their damage is quite low. The player didn’t really notice this at the time, but a look at their output showed that they were not really big contributors to damage, and there were circumstances where their Cunning Strikes really didn’t have any impact on enemies. # The Ranger is a high performance hot mess As for Rangers, they have so many problems that just amount to their spells all requiring concentration. There are so many toys that a Ranger simply can’t access because it would mess with their attempts at optimal damage output, and the mechanisms of bonus action to cast, concentrate, and then hit to apply the riders feels quite outdated, especially compared to the treatment that the Smite Spells received in this playtest. However they were the number 1 damage dealer at the table. Honestly I think it’s too much damage for a ranged class, particularly because my Hunter-Ranger optimized around getting 60 movement speed, and getting the ‘Hunter’s Leap’ level 7 subclass feature. I simply couldn’t get them in melee because of how elusive they are, using their reaction the moment an enemy closed to engage them, prior to me being able to put attack actions onto them. But this puts the dev team in a strange spot. If they fix how mutually exclusive all their damage increasing spells are, their damage output will skyrocket to preposterous levels. The solution is one that will be unpopular: Lower ranger damage quite a bit. Additionally, a raise to rogue's damage should be performed, particularly in Tier 2-4. Maybe increase the number of die they get starting at level 5, 11, etc, or increase the size of their sneak attack dies at those places. Finally, people who think that the new Hunter’s Mark is a nerf really need to actually give it a shot, because this feels much better. ____ As per usual, I have crossposted this to /r/onednd, [feel free to upvote it for higher visibility. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/15bby5u/ua_6_playtest_report_rangers_and_rogues_are/) Cheers!

    UA 6 Playtest Report: Rangers and Rogues are strange bedfellows

    Please note: this feedback will mostly be focused from my own perspective as a forever GM. I am less concerned with how powerful X is against Y, as I am for the health of the game, and the ease of running encounters. During my playtests I was given the opportunity to see both a Rogue and a Ranger, and they both feel good and bad in opposite and complementary ways. In short, the Rogue is fun but a breakdown of damage spreadsheets reveal it’s in a bad spot. In contrast, the Ranger has a lot of moments that detract from its fun, but joyless math shows that it’s super-effective. # Rogues are attractive idiots For the rogue’s part, being able to tactically choose what cunning strike to use at each given moment allowed for ranged rogues to opt into a controller role in combat, making one enemy’s life hell for a turn. When this works, it feels amazing as you are able to severely hamstring or simply exclude opponents from contributing at all on their turns. Unexpectedly, the Trip Attack with the Shortbow Weapon mastery allowed the rogue to make enemy melee bruisers get nailed to the ground, with a net -20 to their next movement due to being slowed, and having to use half of their reduced movement to stand up. This forced enemies to default to the party frontliner when able, or to use their action to dash instead of doing anything useful in the turn. However, their damage is quite low. The player didn’t really notice this at the time, but a look at their output showed that they were not really big contributors to damage, and there were circumstances where their Cunning Strikes really didn’t have any impact on enemies. # The Ranger is a high performance hot mess As for Rangers, they have so many problems that just amount to their spells all requiring concentration. There are so many toys that a Ranger simply can’t access because it would mess with their attempts at optimal damage output, and the mechanisms of bonus action to cast, concentrate, and then hit to apply the riders feels quite outdated, especially compared to the treatment that the Smite Spells received in this playtest. However they were the number 1 damage dealer at the table. Honestly I think it’s too much damage for a ranged class, particularly because my Hunter-Ranger optimized around getting 60 movement speed, and getting the ‘Hunter’s Leap’ level 7 subclass feature. I simply couldn’t get them in melee because of how elusive they are, using their reaction the moment an enemy closed to engage them, prior to me being able to put attack actions onto them. But this puts the dev team in a strange spot. If they fix how mutually exclusive all their damage increasing spells are, their damage output will skyrocket to preposterous levels. So clearly those fixes will need to come with nerfs to their damage output. At the same time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to raise rogue damage up as well, particularly in Tier 2-4. I think it would be fine if the number of sneak attack die per increase goes up in Tier 2-4, or if the sneak attack die increases in size, something to reward Rogues for going mono-class, as I think that should be the ideal design. Finally, people who think that the new Hunter’s Mark is a nerf really need to actually give it a shot, because the damage output is crazy good. _____ As per usual, I have crossposted this to /r/onednd, [please feel free to upvote it there to raise visibility. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/15bby5u/ua_6_playtest_report_rangers_and_rogues_are/?)

    onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion UA6 Retrospective: On Paladins, Find Steed, and Rule Specificity.
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 50%

    The amount of specificity of rules is not binary, it exists on a spectrum.

    I think that the amount of specificity we're seeing in the Playtest rules are beginning to encroach on an unsung virtue of 5e, with allowing for 'Rulings, not Rules.' Several times I have found that these specificities put more work on me, the GM, to sort out if a situation is clearly defined and doesn't require my ruling, as opposed to just entirely requiring me to make a ruling in the moment.

    To this end, PF2e does say this quite often. Where a situation that has many vague outcomes the rules will state 'the GM will determine the outcome.'

    It has felt like in 5e, that could be a general guideline in almost all cases without being explicitly stated. It feels like that's being chipped away.

  • onednd
    UA6 Retrospective: On Paladins, Find Steed, and Rule Specificity.

    An issue came up during our playtest, regarding Paladins and mounted combat that I think reveals a fraught issue with making rules more specific. One of my players decided to lean fully into the new Find Steed spell, and to make the most of it. This included pulling a lot of rulings from the following RPGBOT blog post. https://rpgbot.net/dnd5/characters/mounted_combat/ Before we get into it too far, I feel like purely Rules as Written (RAW) interpretations of the rules are quite silly, and do not make the most fun at the table. To that end, I try to make table rulings that are the best for the fun in the moment, rather than trying to obtain an ideal RAW. However, these playtest rules have been written with a lot more specificity in mind, taking a queue from PF2e’s conventions in several areas. With all that in mind, I see the above contents of the blog post as basically RAW in 5e… Until you encounter the specific rules for Find Steed. > **Combat.** The steed is an ally to you and your companions. In combat, it shares your initiative count, and it functions as a controlled mount while you ride it (as defined in the rules on mounted combat). If you have the Incapacitated condition, the steed takes its turn immediately after yours and acts independently, focusing on protecting you. In my read, the problem arises in trying to adjudicate what occurs when a rider dismounts their Mount willfully, in order to take advantage of the ‘intelligent mount’ capabilities as laid out in the aforementioned blog article. The spell specifies exactly how it behaves when you are riding it, and what happens when you are incapacitated. But it says precious little about if it is not being ridden, and the rider is not incapacitated. It clears the bar for 6 intelligence on the intelligent mount rules, so does it get to attack on your turn, effectively? Can you just ride up to an enemy, dismount, attack yourself, and have your mount attack? Can you then mount up to ride to the next enemy, and then dismount? I think RAW yes, but that is tremendously silly to a point that I think it's not Rules as Intended. Additionally during combat, if you are incapacitated until the end of your turn (By say, the breath of a Sapphire Dragon Wyrmling, which I was running) what happens? We’re taking RAW as far as we can go with it to allow for the potential attack of an intelligent mount just because you aren’t riding it. RAW, it will act *after* your turn if you are incapacitated in order to protect you. But the Incapacitating Breath lasts until the end of your turn. So RAW, does the summoned steed go to take its action, and then the condition required for it to do so directly after your turn (incapacitation) is no longer there, so it now isn’t able to act at all? I feel like this example reveals a big issue with trying to make rules more specific, in that you have to write a tremendous amount of rules to cover every situation. And even PF2e doesn’t accomplish that (e.g. There’s no RAW way to target an empty square with a splash weapon to hit adjacent enemies. I have gotten a Family Feud number of responses on how that should be ruled). I maintain that ‘rulings, not rules’ should be the guiding light for DMs in D&D, and that if you don’t like Rulings not Rules and would prefer a game closer to 3.5e, you should find another system that fits your style better. I think the level of specificity here, and in the stealth rules perversely introduce more vagaries that hurt the ‘rulings, not rules’ playstyle more than it helps empower DMs to make rulings. Oh btw the Paladin is fun and it looks neat having a toolbelt of neat riders on your attacks per turn that isn’t just raw damage is fun. ____ As with many other posts, this has been crossposted to the [/r/onednd subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/15ap6r1/ua6_retrospective_on_paladins_find_steed_and_rule/?). Please feel free to upvote it there to boost visibility.

    rpgmemes RPGMemes Evolution of the drow
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 66%

    They shouldn't have included the 2nd picture then. It's the lightest of all of them.

  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion DM Advice: How to railroad without railroading
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    There is an undue expectation of high performance that many GMs feel, and admittedly my post here isn't helping that! So I absolutely endorse your response to making sure that GMs don't feel the need to do that much work.

    In that case it would be helpful to give the players options of backgrounds to select that would be appropriate for the adventure at hand.


  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion DM Advice: How to railroad without railroading
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    And this is absolutely enough for most groups tbh!

    The method I described is a lot of extra work than the normal expectation, but it is work that does not go to waste due to it being built around you players and their characters. It should be used as a tool to make sure that extra efforts are less likely to be discarded.

    But of course, following with slyflourish's advice, be prepared to abandon anything the players do not engage with.

  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion DM Advice: How to railroad without railroading
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 75%

    It is railroading in the fashion that you are setting out a constructed plot ahead of time.

    It is not railroading on the fact that you are not taking actions that nullify your players' choices, which is the bad part of railroading.

    And yes, this is explicitly involving the players in the writing process in a way that makes a bespoke plot they will enjoy while ensuring little of your effort goes to waste.

  • dndnext
    DM Advice: How to railroad without railroading

    I have been DMing for a while, but I have recently come across a method of worldbuilding that has transformed how I create campaigns. This method also allows me to make shorter campaigns that have a end-point trajectory, rather than one that is open ended, and helps me to create satisfying stories. Additionally, this helps to reduce the amount of effort that needs to be performed from session-to-session, by frontloading the most important parts of the campaign preparation before the start of the game. In short, the process has 3 phases # Phase 1 You get the idea for the kind of world the adventure will take place in. The general story themes and concepts you would like to play around with as well. Write a 1 page treatment for what the world is like and what the broad locations in the world appear to be, and send it to your players. 1 page is important, because it forces you to distill down what is unique and interesting about this world. For example, in my most recent campaign prep I made a treatment of what the factions in the world are, the virtues of the different areas of the world, and a statement of what is common historical knowledge versus what are secrets that are not commonly known. I ended with a statement of what the themes are going to be for this world as well. NOTE: You should not know what the plot of the actual game is at this stage. # Phase 2 After the players have read your brief 1 page treatment of the world, ask them what kinds of characters they want to play. Work with them on their backstories to make sure they bookend with eachother for a matter of convenience, and ask them to provide information about their families and what aspirations and goals their characters have, or what kinds of stories they want for their characters. This allows players to either lean into, or purposefully away from the elements of your world. As long as they do one or the other, this process has worked, as they can be part of the established culture of the world, or part of the counter-culture. Either way, you have material and character motivation to work with. The only way this does not work, is if they clearly did not actually engage with the world in some fashion during their character creation. If you notice that, try to gently encourage it with additional requests for information from them. # Phase 3 Use all the information your players gave you to worldbuild and plot out your campaign. Did you have a player who wrote a lot? GREAT! The NPCs will become major plot NPCs, the events depicted will become common knowledge, with some hidden truths that player didn’t know. But before you know what your players want to do, you can't know what kind of plot will engage them. This is where the actual plot for your campaign is written. This makes your players into collaborators for your story, which will make them invested in the goings on. Additionally, if you know exactly who their characters are and what they want, then you simply need to place obstacles within the plot between them and their desires. Or better yet, present them with interesting decisions or bespoke antagonists that challenge their sense of self. This allows you to be INCREDIBLY detailed and plan out plot beats ahead of time because you are essentially building a railroad to exactly where the players want to go. Railroading is bad because it usually doesn’t honor the choices of the players. This is railroading, but it honors the players’ decisions. Finally, I should credit where this idea came from, as this is the method that Brennan Lee Mulligan of Dimension 20 fame has described in multiple instances. My latest games have actually been the easiest to prep from session to session, because I have done a lot of the hardest work prior to the start of the campaign. And as for the game-to-game prep, I have to credit Slyfourish. His 'Lazy DM Guide' series also keeps my 'procrastinating' work down to a minimum as I focus on what is the most important for the game sessions. _______ As with many of my other posts, I have crossposted this to the [/r/dndnext subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/155m6c3/dm_advice_how_to_railroad_without_railroading/). Feel free to upvote it there for higher visibility.

    DM Advice: How to railroad without railroading.

    I have been DMing for a while, but I have recently come across a method of worldbuilding that has transformed how I create campaigns. This method also allows me to make shorter campaigns that have a end-point trajectory, rather than one that is open ended, and helps me to create satisfying stories. Additionally, this helps to reduce the amount of effort that needs to be performed from session-to-session, by frontloading the most important parts of the campaign preparation before the start of the game. In short, the process has 3 phases # Phase 1 You get the idea for the kind of world the adventure will take place in. The general story themes and concepts you would like to play around with as well. Write a 1 page treatment for what the world is like and what the broad locations in the world appear to be. For example, in my most recent campaign prep I made a treatment of what the factions in the world are, the virtues of the different areas of the world, and a statement of what is common historical knowledge versus what are secrets that are not commonly known. I ended with a statement of what the themes are going to be for this world as well. NOTE: You should not know what the plot of the actual game is, or what the adventure will hing on at this stage. # Phase 2 Send out a small summary to your players, and ask them what kinds of characters they want to play. Work with them on their backstories to make sure they bookend with eachother for a matter of convenience, and ask them to provide information about their families and what aspirations and goals their characters have, or what kinds of stories they want for their characters. This allows players to either lean into, or purposefully away from the elements of your world. As long as they do one or the other, this process has worked, as they can be part of the established culture of the world, or part of the counter-culture. Either way, you have material and character motivation to work with. The only way this does not work, is if they clearly did not actually engage with the world in some fashion during their character creation. If you notice that, try to gently encourage it with additional requests for information from them. # Phase 3 Use all the information your players gave you to worldbuild and plot out your campaign. Did you have a player who wrote a lot? GREAT! The NPCs will become major plot NPCs, the events depicted will become common knowledge, with some hidden truths that player didn’t know. But before you know what your players want to do, you can't know what kind of plot will engage them. This is where the actual plot for your campaign is written. This makes your players into collaborators for your story, which will make them invested in the goings on. Additionally, if you know exactly who their characters are and what they want, then you simply need to place obstacles within the plot between them and their desires. Or better yet, present them with interesting decisions or bespoke antagonists that challenge their sense of self. This allows you to be INCREDIBLY detailed and plan out plot beats ahead of time because you are essentially building a railroad to exactly where the players want to go. Railroading is bad because it usually doesn’t honor the choices of the players. This is railroading, but it honors the players’ decisions. Finally, I should credit where this idea came from, as this is the method that Brennan Lee Mulligan of Dimension 20 fame has described in multiple instances. My latest games have actually been the easiest to prep from session to session, because I have done a lot of the hardest work prior to the start of the campaign. And as for the game-to-game prep, I have to credit Slyfourish. His 'Lazy DM Guide' series also keeps my 'procrastinating' work down to a minimum as I focus on what is the most important for the game sessions. _______ As with many of my other posts, I have crossposted this to the [/r/dndnext subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/155m6c3/dm_advice_how_to_railroad_without_railroading/). Feel free to upvote it there for higher visibility.

    dm_academy DM Academy *Permanently Deleted*
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    The way to find that middle ground by default is to do three phases to your worldbuilding and campaign prep.

    edit: I wrote up so much that I decided to make it into its own post!


  • rpgmemes RPGMemes I could write for WotC
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    A tale that is perpetually dark in tone becomes tiresome very quickly. It needs to feature the occasional ray of light for contrast and to create a sense of hope. Monsters and other terrors must be offset with creatures that are kind and lovable, giving the characters even more reasons to stand against the darkness. Here are a couple of ways to add glimmers of light to a tragic tale:

    • In a land as dreary as Barovia, take the time to describe the occasional scene of beauty, such as a pretty flower growing atop a grave.
    • Make sure that the heroes have contact with NPCs who are honest, friendly, and helpful, such as the Martikovs in Vallaki or the Krezkovs in Krezk.

    -Curse of Strahd, Introduction. Marks of Horror. 2016.

  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse book details
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Structuring an adventure with skipping Tier 3 entirely sounds interesting, NGL. It's not something we have seen before.

  • videos
    Videos KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%
    Milo Rossi: In Turkiye www.youtube.com

    Youtube playlist of an Archeologist's exploration of ancient Archeological sites in Turkey

    Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse book details www.dndbeyond.com

    It looks like this will also follow the template of the Spelljammer books, with some player options, setting information, and DM facing content (adventure & creature statblocks).

    dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion Monster Deep Dive | Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants | D&D
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    A happy tradition of taking inspiration from all of larger pop-culture.

  • videos
    Videos KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 92%
    "I Watched Ancient Apocalypse So You Don't Have To" (full playlist) www.youtube.com

    A breakdown and debunking of an ancient aliens Netflix 'archeology' series

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What are tankies? What does sea-lioning mean?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 83%

    But there are people who identify as left-wing who will support China and Russia while downplaying their authoritarianism.

    That's not something being invented as a boogeyman. Anyone can go to lemmygrad.ml right now to see it in action.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [War Gamer] Kobold Press slashes prices of monster DnD books
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Most of that is being fixed by dilating the amount of damage output that players can output in 5e in a variety of changes in OneD&D.

    My playtests have had really gripping & close fights, even with people optimizing their hearts out.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What are tankies? What does sea-lioning mean?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I've seen Sealioning used quite a bit in a particular Lemmy instance that would self describe themselves as Pro-Russia & Pro-China, as a way of shutting down discourse between people who disagree with them. There are people who disagree with a particular narrative, and they're discounted immediately for wanting to know how someone would arrive at a pro-Russian & pro-China position.

    Also they'll just "whatabout!" and change the subject whenever unassailable critiques of these regimes come up. As if its is only possible to hold outrage in a single direction at a time.

    I'll have you know I'm capable of disliking EVERYONE mentioned in a given conversation.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What are tankies? What does sea-lioning mean?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah and as smart as anyone is, they aren't right all the time. As much as you can agree with his messaging, it's important to critically assess everything said, regardless of who is saying it.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Eat the Dragons
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Modern capitalism as we know it began forming in the Renaissance, particularly in colonial European powers who were getting to the Colonization of the rest of the world game earlier than their peers. This notably includes Portugal and the Netherlands, followed swiftly by most everyone else.

    There were promissory notes that were carried by travelers prior to this, in the form of Crusaders traveling from Europe to Jerusalem, in the relatively brief period of time that it was conquered. But this did not interact with market economies as we'd know it, and is directly analogous to traveler cheques, meant to make you less of an appealing robbery target on the road.

    No, these kinds of shenanigans were concocted rather recently, and are not reflective of baseline normal human behavior. It's mostly a system that was created by accident, with conventions that were forming being purposeful altered during creation by the people with money, for their own benefit.

  • dndnext
    GameMasters: Annam & Othea youtu.be

    This is a tiny YouTube channel of an old hand in this hobby who typically has an even kneeled and optimistic outlook on the new releases. His enthusiasm for this subject matter always feels sincere, I hope you guys enjoy!

    dnd Dungeons and Dragons [War Gamer] Kobold Press slashes prices of monster DnD books
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! They look quite slick and have a lot going on. Particularly the void dragons you sent my way.

    Each would be more or less perfect for a single-monster encounter, as they are dense with fairly novel mechanics.

    Many people think that the WotC statblocks are a bit too boring, but I consider them a good entry point for new GMs. This is clearly a nice way to up your game.


  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [War Gamer] Kobold Press slashes prices of monster DnD books
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 80%

    Can someone give a good example if what makes these books good? I'd love to see a single great example of the level of quality that these books bring.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Nobody Told Me It Got This Gay!
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 71%

    The NSFW posts.

    IDK if they're exactly merited in these spaces outside of a protest context. I'm also not sure they were really needed in that context either but ce'st la vie!

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons Baldur’s Gate 3 - Official Release Teaser Trailer
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    For the people who have a lot of hours on this game, how well does it play for co-op?

    My spouse and I actually dated doing Star Wars the Old Republic co-op, where we could play two different characters going through bespoke personal quest lines while being able to help each other out on their journies.

    How easily could we get that experience with this game?

  • dndnext D&D Next - 5e Discussion The Origin of Grognard
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Of course not! In fact I love this video because it's such a sympathetic look at the term, and its place in culture.

    Just maybe make sure we keep it cool it on social media.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    That's my take as well ultimately.

    This post was more in response to the reaction to this subclass, which was broadly 'wow how dare they do this to the monk?'

    This is in no way a replacement for a monk. It's a bard who gets to do dance moves.

    Also, I've since realized another thing about the melee attack of this bard: Shocking Grasp exists, and scales better.

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Treantmonk: "One D&D Rogue: Yes, it's fantastic"
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's a touch silly to put off-turn sneak attacks into the damage optimization, but it's only 5.3 DPR contribution so that's easy to take out.

    Overall that's not looking too bad!

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    Well it's not that 16 is awful on its own. It's awful when there aren't any mechanisms to get out of melee without catching attacks of opportunity, and your kit wants you to be in melee.

    However I have fixed one of the problems with this subclass! There's an edit in the main post now as well attesting to this, but with Tavern Brawler, this subclass gets to swat people away from themselves all the dang time. Also, going in on Speedster at level 4 allows a dex focused Dancing Bard have that extra mobility that monks get for free, and helps them play keep-away from baddies.

    The playtest itself starts in about 2 hours, and I'm quite excited to see what the player thinks... They couldn't be bothered to do any of the character building with UA material, unfortunately.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Our humanity in a capitalist system (or lack thereof)
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%

    You really should look at the homelessness crisis in more detail, because it cannot be on private citizens to shoulder that burden. There simply isn't enough for individuals, even if they all miraculously organized together in this effort, to fix the issue.

    It's systemic, and we need top-down action. Housing people affordably is a scale issue, and larger institutions should be the ones to gather the equity and resources at a scale that individuals simply cannot, especially in the middle of a housing crisis.

    For examples of public housing that works quite well, I'd suggest you read into Greek's post World War 2 Social Housing programs, and Singapore's state controlled housing programs.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Start filming when the cops pop their hoods to block dash cams.
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 0%

    At whose expense?

    Also, trust in the police is at an all-time low, especially among young liberal-leaning Americans.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism It always boils down to this
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 25%

    It's one of those things where I look at it, and say 'wow that sucks... But you can't argue with the results damn, can we workshop a better version of that?'

  • onednd OneDnD - 5e UA Material/Discussion Is the Dance Bard all that good?
  • KurtDunniehue KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 66%

    You're being rather belligerent for someone who is gliding over the fact that the highest resting AC you can get at level 1 is 18, using standard character creation rules.

    For level 1, it's S-Tier.

  • onednd
    Is the Dance Bard all that good?

    As always, I've crossposted this over to the OneD&D subreddit in the link below. Feel free to upvote there to raise visibility. https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/14ufvvq/is_the_dance_bard_all_that_good/ ______ As part of preparing player characters on behalf of my less UA invested friends for a one-shot I'm running tomorrow, I made a Dance Bard. The player was excited to hear the concept, and I thought it was a really neat idea when I first read over it. But the act of actually making it lead to a conclusion that this isn't *that* great. Yes, Charisma + Dex armor is neat, but since ~~Shield + Light Armor would get you to the same level of AC, it isn't an upgrade over the baseline Bard starting out.~~ (For some reason I thought Bards got shield proficiency. This is still sub-par AC for anyone going into melee, especially without an on-turn disengage or shove) Later on when you can max out your Dex and Charisma to 20, it would be eventually higher AC, but full casters typically don't want to put a lot of investment outside of their casting stat. "Okay," I thought to myself, "then let's look at this as not a caster, but as a melee combatant who prioritizes Dexterity." Well that's not *great* either. You get to use your bonus action to cast a spell to help your attack damage, but that is limited to the 1d6/level Smite spells^1^, or Zephyr Strike. Shadow Blade isn't on any spell list now either, and if it was it doesn't bookend with any of these features anyhow so you can't play it like a Bladesinger who is able to dump spell slots into single-target damage. But even if you did do this, that's in direct competition to your free attack on a Bardic Inspiration. The fact that this subclass doesn't get a second attack at 5th or 6th level really torpedoes any sense that you'll be getting that much out of their 'bardic-martial-art' die damage. Not even to mention they don't get to pierce Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing resistance. So what's left? A bard who can get an extra hit in if they're next to an enemy when they inspire an ally, as well as use their reaction to reposition allies and get another hit in.^2^ This is the only reason to close to melee range on your own turn. The bard as a fullcaster would be better off using spellslots that don't require being in melee range with their action, most of the time. What that effectively means is that you can use your attack action in lieu of a cantrip, so you get essentially 1 extra cantrip. In tier 2, they can boost their party's initiative by an impressive amount. That kit is flavorful, but it will be playing very much like a very normal Bard with some neat features. This feels like a faint shadow of what a Monk can do, not a replacement. Almost every Monk subclass has some way to avoid getting hit while darting in and out of combat^3^, while also having high movement speed. This Bard doesn't do any of that. Of anything that I mentioned, the repositioning of the ally and the initiative boosts are the best thing about this subclass. Everything else are ribbon abilities. If you think I'm off base, please feel free to let me know how. I'll also be posting a followup after my playtest, but having just playtested [a neat session with two monks](https://ttrpg.network/post/74828), conceptually this doesn't feel all that exciting. edit: I just realized that taking Tavern Brawler at 1st level fixes this subclass's (and Way of Mercy's) problem with engaging in melee, and is actually quite powerful. Each time you hit someone with your unarmed strike, you can push them away. I think that it could be a mandatory feat on anyone who wants to really lean into the dance-fighting vibe of this class. _____ ^1^ Altho Searing smite might be OP since you get two instances of the damage before the target gets to save and negate the burn. Which means its the best scaling Smite in the game, and exceeds what a Paladin with half-caster progression can achieve if the target fails its save once. ^2^ And note that Bardic Inspiration is tied to your Charisma modifier. So as resource hungry as the Monk is, this is worse. ^3^ Way of Mercy is the odd one out.

    Monk and Rogue playtest report - 1st blush

    This post is crossposted to /r/onednd [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/14sfh9f/rogue_monk_playtest_report_1st_blush/) . Please feel free to upvote it there for higher visibility. ______ This post is a brief overview of my takeaways from running a playtest game which included the latest 1 Arcane Rogue and 2 Monk(Mercy & Elements).There was also a Frenzy Barbarian, rounding out the group to a solid 4 characters, but since the Barbarian’s playtest came and went, I’ll be only touching on them briefly. All characters were level 6 The game was cut a little short, so we didn’t get too much combat in. However, what little we did had a great set of fascinating moments. This is written mostly from a GM (my) perspective, but I will be peppering in player takeaways wherever I can. # Elements monk = FUN The Warrior of Elements Monk was a skirmishing speed demon. With the +15 movement speed from their monk feature and the +10 movement speed from their level 4 feat, this character had 55 feet of movement. There was some theory crafting that the max possible speed could be 70 feet of movement, with Wood Elves +5 movement bonus and Longstrider, but that seems like gilding the lily. But even with just 55 feet of movement, the ability to have 10 minutes of 15 foot ranged strikes let this Monk contribute fully without needing to put themselves at risk. Additionally the ability to make enemies struck move backwards or forwards by 10 feet on each attack roll means that they were able to punt enemies around the battlefield, sometimes chasing targets down on follow up attacks to send them careening 20-40 feet across the map. This also translated to being able to take enemies that had closed distance to push them well away, before disengaging beyond their movement. Without ever having to spend a ki point on ‘step of the wind’ this Monk was fairly untouchable, and was only ever in melee range of enemies at the beginning of a surprise combat. # Mercy Monk is situational The Mercy monk had a bit less of a rip-roaring time. The one notable enemy in the playtest so far had poison immunity, which made their lives a bit harder. However, it was agreed that the ability to simply inflict Poison without a saving throw seems strong. Further playtesting will tell, but it feels like a hold-over from 5e. This monk took the Charger feat, which let them deal upwards of 5d8+Mod(4) unarmed attack damage on a perfect round of combat. If they use their Way of Mercy 1/turn damage boost, this rises to 6d8+Mod(4), which felt hefty and contributed well at the table. # Ranged Rogue feels solid, but not exciting While the Ranged Rogue didn’t have much time to shine, the new Cunning Attacks combined with Shortbow Weapon Mastery allowed them to trip enemies while reducing their movement speed. This effectively nailed most enemies down to only having a 10 foot range on their turn, making the loss of 1d6 damage feel more than worthwhile when it worked. However, this simply resulted in the enemies attacking people who had already closed to melee instead. It hemmed me in as the DM, and did force me to attack the party’s preferred frontliners, so it wasn’t without impact, but the rogue player themselves didn’t really feel too excited by their contribution. This would have been better if the rogue wasn’t at the bottom of the initiative, and the most threatening enemies at the very top of the order in our combats, as the Rogue couldn’t delay their turn to go just after the enemy to make sure they were prone for the rest of our melee damage dealers. Also to be honest, our table isn’t sure what the utility of Disarm is supposed to be. If there’s a MacGuffin, it’s quite clear that it’s a great way to take it off an enemy. But to take the weapon off an enemy has a few problems. 1. If another player doesn’t use their free object interaction to pick up the weapon, AFAIK the disarmed creature can just pick it up with a free object interaction. This isn’t a new issue, it’s been a problem with Disarm since the beginning of 5e. 2. If you do allow disarming-and-swiping of a weapon, as a DM I don’t know how to feel about that. For verisimilitude, it feels fine, but from a CR balance perspective it means that I have to contrive reasons why the target’s damage output doesn’t immediately crater, thus throwing off the CR fight balance. It feels like Disarm needs to have a more well defined mechanical consequence if this will be a common effect achieved by any Rogue player. Otherwise, the rogue felt like they fell far behind in damage, which is a known issue. # Barbarians have toolkit & a high damage floor The Barbarian in our group was able to swap between Cleave, Graze, and Topple weapon masteries as required. The end result is that they were able to feel like they were making conscious decisions each round of combat. And even on the round of combat where all they could do was throw hand-axes, they were able to deal an impressive amount of damage on what would have otherwise been an unimpressive turn. Before factoring in damage die, the Barbarian deals 2d6 (avg 7) Frenzy +2 Rage +4 STr Mod damage on a hit. If they use graze, then that’s a guaranteed +4 if they miss once, raising a single-hit damage round’s damage floor to an average of 17 damage. Simply put, our Barbarian did not feel bad about a single round of combat. This player is typically quite loss averse, and gets annoyed when they whiff on their turn, and they felt like they never had a ‘down’ turn. # Musings on Damage Resistance One notable fight was with a Water Elemental Myrmidon. The Myrmidon deals Force Damage, and it has resistance to Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing (BSP). The legacy version of the Myrmidons had magical weapons, which specifically mentioned how they pierce through magical resistance to BSP. Also note that none of my players had magical weapons. It was rated as a medium encounter, and it felt like a medium fight. It lasted 3 rounds, and everyone was able to contribute to its defeat in a number of ways, each player making conscious tactical decisions. The rogue and Barbarian were dealing half damage, while the Monks were cutting straight through the damage resistance. Even though the Monks would be doing less damage than the damage optimized Barbarian typically, they were the number 1 & 2 contributors to the total damage on the creature, and this served as a GREAT spotlight moment for those players. This made me wonder: SHOULD every martial character get magic weapons that bypass BSP resistance? I could use more datapoints, but this combat came in solidly at a Medium fight by general eyeballing and feel at the table. It didn’t feel like a token encounter to blast through, and while the Monks weren’t lighting the world on fire with their fight contribution in other combats, this one made them feel rather impactful. Additionally, the Barbarian didn’t feel like they were laughing off the damage, and I was able to make sure everyone felt suitably tested without flirting with rocket-tag like I would otherwise have to do in 5e. I have a theory that could use more testing, but I believe that Damage Resistance is currently an underutilized tool in 5e, and that we should not expect that all Martials will be able to bypass it. Additionally the ability of some creatures to bypass Barbarian Rage BSP resistance seems like a net positive for the game. Edit: I had forgotten my other takeaway! Full disclosure for this next section, one Monk player is my spouse, and we really workshopped optimizing their Mercy Monk. We tried finding a way to get Weapon Masteries integrated into their build, but none of the options really seemed like a better choice than simply using the d8 Martial arts die. # Weapon Mastery feels vestigial on Monks The only weapon that can match the d8 in damage output is the Staff, and the Flex mastery that it possesses is incredibly dubious in terms of potential impact. You cannot use an offhand attack with the Light or Nick properties unless the mainhand is Light. So you will never have a moment where you wouldn’t be able to wield a Staff with two hands. In fact, the only weapon mastery that seemed to have any purpose at all was a dart’s Vex mastery allowing their monk to have limited ranged options while setting up their next melee attack roll with advantage. Additionally the other monk saw no need to have any masteries whatsoever. The only masteries that MIGHT fit into their kit are Offhand Nick and Vex from a mainhand light weapon, but by level 5 you are lowering your damage of your mainhand attack (necessary to trigger offhand) in order to unlock a +1d4 nick attack. With an average of 2.5 damage, that is a net increase of 1.5 raw damage, which is so little for a lot of bother.

    On System changes and balance changes

    This discussion has been linked on the r/OneDND subreddit. Please feel free to [upvote it there](https://www.reddit.com/r/onednd/comments/14oyn2q/on_system_changes_and_balance_changes/) for more visibility over here. _____ I had made a [previous post](https://ttrpg.network/post/706) in this community regarding how I predict that the 2024 revision of D&D5e will be vastly improving CR. In that post, I laid out a lot of ideas on how I think the future playtests will go, and so far I haven't been wrong yet. If you want to read it all, you can find it here. For everyone else, I will now provide a brief summary. All the changes so far should not be looked at in terms of individual abilities and their power compared to each other individual ability, because that has not been the focus of the playtests so far. Instead, the focus has been in standardizing how damage output functions, with the purpose of closing loopholes. This includes making par (or arguably sub-par) spells like 'Spiritual Weapon' now requiring concentration. THis isn't because Spiritual Weapon was doing too much damage, but because it was a persistent spell that dealt damage each turn, and did not require concentration. It doesn't matter that the damage was low, because it functioned in a non standard fashion, so balancing it was needlessly harder to do and it was a potential loophole to place more damage than intended into a Divine spellcaster's round. Other examples can be found in the previously mentioned post. However, I'm making this post now to unpack what I see as frustraitingly shallow takes on how the playtest is progressing. I will link the following PackTactics video not as endorsement of the views (altho he has several observations I agree with), but as an example of what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/40D0-Ezxlho This is a rigorous look at Monk in isolation, and in this video he is obsessed with the idea that each ability needs to be assessed in terms of a buff or nerf. I believe that focus immediately stops him from considering further on what the possible motives behind the changes are. The best example of this tunnel vision, is his assessment of the level 6 feature, Empowered Strikes. This allows the Monk to deal force damage instead of normal damage types with their unarmed strikes. He calls this a nerf, because it is now a damage type that can sometimes be resisted where before it was damage that could go through resistance trivially. He makes this judgement, without acknowledging that this is the new system standard. All features that once would go through magical Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing (BSP) resistance, both on Monster statblocks and UA material, now change the damage type away from BSP. So this isn't a nerf, it's the new normal for everyone and a sign of a shift in system design. I'm writing this post with the hopes that someone who is performing this same reflexive reaction to changes in a strict comparison of higher or lower performance will now take a moment to consider. Why would intelligent game designers who want to do a good job and like the hobby make a bad decision on purpose? Because I don't think it's a rational position to think that the development team at WotC are not earnest. _______ As a closing thought & followup on my previous post, I believe that what will come next are spell nerfs that will bring their effects and capabilities in line with the current slate of controller abilities we've seen introduced. Most afflicted conditions will become 1 turn in duration, or will end on a repeated save. This will rein in how warping to fight balance controller spellcasters are on the battlefield. After this is done, numeric balancing will begin, at about the dead-end of the playtest. This is in part because I don't think WotC devs require the internet's opinion on what is essentially a set of Math problems. Additionally, they couldn't know how much to really change the numeric content of abilities and spells until they had standardized how damage and conditions are applied, because the non-standard methods that we have in 5e are rife for optimization abuse (say hello to my Gloomstalker/Fighter build).


    I told people that this would happen! But now we just have a precious small amount of time to SPECULATE as to how extensive the revision of the spells in the next UA. There are spells that I hope they simply remove (or drastically change) without comment or recourse for feedback. Such is my distaste for Shield, Counterspell, and many others. Shield should just give resistance to damage if it has to stay around. The +5 to AC is a problem. If Counterspell has to hang around, it should either impose disadvantage on the spell attack, and have saving throws be performed at advantage for the duration of the spell while causing no damage to be taken on a successful save. Forcecage, Hypnotic Pattern, and other crazy powerful spells need to come down in potency as well. I hope we see it, as this is another big step towards getting a CR system that works.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear3D
    3d6 KurtDunniehue 1 year ago 100%
    D&D5e - What is the ultimate support?

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    OneD&D is going to fix Challenge Rating

    Challenge Rating (CR) as it stands, is not a useful tool for GMs. At the very least, it’s much less useful than the difficulty calculations in PF2e. Those who defend CR^1^ will be quick to point out that it’s decent at determining if you have a fight that can down a player or not. However, CR should be able to calibrate a challenge, and at the moment it isn’t great at that. So why is that? The ability for CR to accurately create a threat to downing a player means that the system IS working in having monsters generally do enough damage. What’s missing here is that Monster statblocks die too quickly, and thus don’t actually stand up against optimized players who make use of optional rules, such as feats and multiclassing… And monoclass Paladins.^2^ So what has WotC done so far? # Damage boosts are now once a turn. Every single place that a feature can deal damage, WotC has reduced the number of times it can deal that damage to once per turn/round. This can be seen in the following changes so far: 1. Paladins can only smite, or cast a spell, once a turn. And never both. 2. Rogue change was targeted at making sure they couldn’t double-stack sneak attack in a single round.^3^ 3. Twinned Spell no longer gives an advantage of two actions worth of spellcasting in a single round. 4. Action surge can no longer cast spells, or perform any action outside of specifically straightforward ‘martial’ actions. 5. All damage boosting features and spells are limited to 1 attack/Turn. 6. Great Weapon Master & Sharp Shooter no longer give big boosts to damage per attack will not incentivize burst damage by stacking as many attacks as can be managed into a single turn.^4^ # The Forest for the Trees. I see so many posts looking at each one of those changes above, and state ‘how dare they nerf this class!’ I think those commenters are not seeing these changes as necessary for the health of the game. More specifically, this will patch the biggest weakness and challenge for GMs: Setting up well calibrated fights.^5^ That’s good for the game! Tl;dr - The promised changes to higher level CR creatures combined with the changes to limit player damage output will result in the necessary conditions that allows WotC to make CR much more accurate. These nerfs aren’t aimed at individual classes, but are part of a system-wide revision to fix CR, which everyone should keep in mind when they see a class or spell nerf. ____________________ ^1^ I am one of these people! ^2^ 3 smites in one turn without any min-maxing? Seems legit. ^3^ Jeremy Crawford said this was to 'speed up the game' as things that occur while off your turn slow down the game. This is also true, but I don't think that was the only reason for the change. I expect this to be rolled back due to the poor reception in its current UA form, but altered to become a ‘once per round’ ability while they add more damage and utility in other rogue features. ^4^“My level 11 Gloomstalker-EchoKnight-Assassin just autocrit on their 9 attacks on their first turn... Why is CR so busted?!?” ^5^ But if that gets fixed, what will PF2e players bang on about?

    Issues with initial account setup

    If you are reading this post as someone who just made their account and cannot log in, I am making this post for you. I had created my account, but I could not log in. Progress would continue without error message or timeout, which appears to be the case for anyone who has created an account but not verified their email yet. However, I had not received the email to verify my signup mailbox. It appears that this can take a long time to be received, over 2 hours in my case. So if you are attempting to sign up and log in, you may need to wait a while for an email to come in from admin@ttrpg.network I hope this helps, cheers!
