memes Memes Music to my ears
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 83%

    Nah. Derision, public shaming, and ostracism are fundamental to the maintenance of the social contract. How else can we moderate extremists? The denazification of Germany was effective because they didn't shy away from these methods.

  • coffee Coffee I know it looks more like a butt than a heart...
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    I like looking at butts more than heart shapes anyway.

  • world World News It’s not just boomers, young people are voting far right too
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    And why they dismantle the systems they're tasked with protecting the moment they can.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I just wanted the workflow, ok?
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 88%

    Over the years of using Vim both professionally and for my own uses, I've learned to just install LunarVim and only add a handful of packages/overrides. Otherwise I just waste too much time tinkering and not doing the things I need to.

  • gaming Gaming You can't take it with you, but you can't leave it for someone else either: Valve says you aren't allowed to bequeath a Steam account in a will
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Most debt actually can't be inherited, instead debt collectors get first dibs on inheritance assets until they're made whole or the estate runs out of assets, whichever comes first.

    That doesn't mean that debt collectors won't try to convince family members to pay. Just tell them where they can shove it.

  • sneerclub SneerClub America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Fair. I always thought of Pennsyl-Tucky was more a state of mind/politics rather than an area, but I'm not a local and haven't been in the area for years so I'm inclined to believe you.

  • sneerclub SneerClub America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    City very much in the heart of Pennsyl-Tucky

  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    I have the same feeling.

    I think it's due to how knowledgeable, practical, and yet pessimistic Watney's inner monologue is through the book. It's one thing to see something go wrong on screen (they did show all of the major issues as far as I recall, and a few minor ones too), it's another to have the main character scientifically dissect exactly how fucked he is or will be if the next attempt at a solution fails.

  • technology Technology It looks a lot like VMware just lost a 24,000-VM customer • The Register
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Yes...? All are except Microsoft, which is why most companies I work with aren't looking that way.

  • technology Technology It looks a lot like VMware just lost a 24,000-VM customer • The Register
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    I know several large companies looking to Microsoft, Xen, and Proxmox. Though the smart ones are more interested in the open source solutions to avoid future rug-pulls.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy LLM queries for personal pdf libraries?
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 66%

    Look into RAG using a vector database, this is exactly what they're for.

  • movies movies Nicolas Cage film 'The Surfer' induces knee-buckling six minute standing ovation at Cannes
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    This link better be Surf Ninjas or you and I will have words.

    Edit- We good.

  • camping camping Any recommendations a two person backpacking tent? Preferably one during this REI sale?
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Marmot Tungsten is on sale and is generally well regarded.

    The half dome is great too.

    The Alps Zephyr is criminally underrated in my opinion, and it's normal price is very low.

  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    A double boiler, sometimes called a "hot water bath".

    Basically a container with what you're cooking inside over the top of a pot of heated water.

    It heats things up evenly and gently.

  • technology Technology The decline of Intel..
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 96%

    2009 era was also when Intel leveraged their position in the compiler market to cripple all non-Intel processors. Nearly every benchmarking tool used that complier and put an enormous handicap on AMD processors by locking them to either no SSE or, later, back to SSE2.

    My friends all thought I was crazy for buying AMD, but accusations had started circulating about the complier heavily favoring Intel at least as early as 2005, and they were finally ordered to stop in 2010 by the FTC... Though of course they have been caught cheating in several other ways since.

    Everyone has this picture in their heads of AMD being the scrappy underdog and Intel being the professional choice, but Intel hasn't really worn the crown since the release of Athlon. Except during Bulldozer/Piledriver, but who can blame AMD for trying something crazy after 10 years of frustration?

  • worldnews World News Biden quadruples tariffs on Chinese electric cars
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 57%

    When it's a documented scientific process and it's scaled up and used in the real world to displace the other methods, I'll be ready to acknowledge hydrogen as a valid part of energy infrastructure.

  • worldnews World News Biden quadruples tariffs on Chinese electric cars
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 92%

    Nope! And most hydrogen is fossil fuel (methane) derived and horribly energy inefficient. At this point it's green washing at best.

    Edit: adding data:
    Steam-Methane Reforming (SMR) accounts for about 95% of all hydrogen production on earth. It uses a huge amount of heat, water, and methane to produce hydrogen.

    For inputs:

    • 6.2MWh of Heat
    • 2.2 tons of Methane
    • 4.9 tons of pure water

    The outputs are:

    • 6 tons of CO2
    • 1.1 tons of H2

    The overall energy in vs energy out is at most 85% efficient.

    Hydrolysis, the main competing method, and the one most touted by hydrogen backers, accounts for about 4% of hydrogen production.
    This method takes in only pure water and electricity, but it's efficiency is abysmal at some 52%. In every case, a modern kinetic, thermal, or chemical battery will exceed this efficiency.

    Other methods are being looked into, but it's thermodynamically impossible for the resulting H2 to produce more energy than it takes to create the H2. So at best today we could use H2 as a crappy battery, one that takes a lot of methane to create.

  • games Games Homeworld 3 Reviews [opencritic - 80% average, 79% recommended]
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    It’s a tough pivot to make, but what else are fans of the genre gonna play hahahah

    Sins of a Solar Empire 1

    And hey, we get to hope Sins 2 remains great.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Nothing to see here, keep scrolling
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!

  • science_memes Science Memes Huh? It's not that big
    evs Electric Vehicles A customized version of Canoo's electric delivery van for the USPS has been spotted in the wild
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Agree to disagree. I like the USPS Canoo, and that micro bus just looks silly to my eyes.

  • news News U.S. to Announce New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicle - Considering rates of 100%
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 94%

    I mean, that's precisely the ideal case and goal of many tariffs.

  • linux Linux Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    That's called 'privilege escalation', and replacing system level calls with user level calls is closely watched for and guarded against with many different security measures including SELinux.

    You've already outed yourself multiple times in this thread as someone who doesn't understand how security in the real world works. Take the L and try to learn from this. It's okay not to understand something. But it's very important to recognize when that happens and not claim to understand better than someone else.

  • linux Linux Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    I strongly disagree with your premise. Separating authentication and privilege escalation adds layers of security that are non-trivial and greatly enhance resilience. Many attacks are detected and stopped at privilege escalation, because it happens locally before a user can stop or delete the flow of logs.

    If I get into your non-privileged account I can set up a program that acts like sudo

    No you cannot. A non privileged user doesn't have the access necessary to run a program that can accomplish this.

    And even if they do it’s too late anyway because I’ve just compromised root and locked everybody out and I’m in there shitting on the filesystems or whatever. Because root can do anything.

    Once again, you didn't privilege escalate, because once you have a foothold (authentication) you don't have the necessary privileges, so you must perform reconnaissance to identify an exploitable vector to privilage escalate with. This can be any number of things, but it's always noisy and slow, usually easy to detect in logs. There is a reason the most sophisticated attacks against well protected targets are "low and slow".

    And if I can’t break into your non-privileged account then I can’t break into a privileged account either.

    You're ignoring my points given regarding the risks of compromised keys. If there are no admin keys, there are no remote admin sessions.

    These artificial distinctions between “non-privileged” and “superuser” accounts need to stop. This is not good security, this is not zero trust. Either you don’t trust anybody and enforce explicit privilege escalation for specific things, or just accept that you’re using a “super” paradigm and once you’ve got access to that user all bets are off.

    Spoken like someone who has never red teamed or purple teamed. Even admin accounts are untrusted, given only privileges specific to their role, and closely monitored. That doesn't mean they should have valid security measures thrown away.

  • linux Linux Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    Wouldn’t separate SSH keys achieve the same?

    Separate ssh keys for the user and the admin? Yeah, see point 2, admins should not be remotely accessible.

    Really? How, exactly? Break the ssh key authentication? And wouldn’t that apply to all accounts equally?

    Keys aren't perfect security. They can easily be mishandled, sometimes getting published to GitHub, copied to USB drives which can easily be lost, etc.

    Further, there have been attacks against SSH that let malicious actors connect remotely to any session, or take over existing sessions. By not allowing remote access on privileged accounts, you minimize risk.

    Forcing a non privileged remote session to authenticate with a password establishes a second factor of security that is different from the first. This means a cracked password or a lost key is still not enough for a malicious actor to accomplish administrative privileges.

    A key is something you have

    A password is something you know

    So, by not allowing remote privileged sessions, we're forcing a malicious actor to take one more non-trivial step before arriving at their goals. A step that will likely be fairly obvious in logs on a monitored machine.

  • linux Linux Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 4 months ago 100%

    On a server, it allows you to track who initiates which root season session. It also greatly minimizes the attack surface from a security perspective to have admin privileged accounts unable to be remotely connected to.

  • news News As China and Iran hunt for dissidents in the US, the FBI is racing to counter the threat
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 87%

    Whataboutism? Really? That's the game we're playing?

    Sure, okay, I'll bite.

    Edward Snowden: He's a hero, no doubt in my mind. But from this perspective, no one has attacked him since his departure from the US. Formal requests have been made to extradite him and they've been turned down. Once on foreign soil the US respected Russian sovereignty.

    Julian Assange: Okay personally I find Assange to be a piece of shit, but that aside, the extradition process has been followed legally.

    Chelsea Manning: Broke the law. And while her initial imprisonment situation was absolutely concerning, it was legal. The legal process was followed, and the sentence given was far short of the maximum. Her sentence was commuted by a sitting president. No foreign governments were involved, so no sovereignty was violated.

    Drake and Binny: Always were on US soil. No foreign involvement whatsoever. They were raided and Drake was changed with crimes. He received probation and community service. Once again, the legal process was followed and no foreign sovereignty violated.

    Boeing Whistleblowers: What the fuck is this arguement? You think the US is happy one of it's biggest military manufacturers and transportation providers has serious quality issues? You think the US is taking action against the whistleblowers? Be serious.

    Basically: you're saying the US charges people who violate the laws around information handling as criminals. Yes, that's true. Now, I personally am sympathetic to most of these cases. I assume you are too. Whistleblowers should be better protected, but at the same time some information, like the names and personal information of government assets abroad, reasonably should be protected. It's a delicate balance, and one I think the US could greatly improve.

    However, these are not similar to the cases in question. The cases in question are actions by governments on foreign soil or against US citizens. This is an enormous violation of sovereignty, legality, and due process. That's the issue at hand.

  • opensource Open Source TIL: FairCode is the software model Redis, ElasticSearch, etc. use
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    They even literally have a section of the article that says they "see Fair Software as an alternative model to the free and open source software model", and they think it's superior because the "developers can profit".

    Newsflash: the developers usually see fractions of those cents while most of the money goes to the management and shareholders of the company that employs them. Hmm, doesn't seem fair to me.

    Also, developers can and do profit from FOSS in many ways, but the most popular models are with commercial support, SaaS offerings, and additional functionality (like providing a web interface, clustering manager or other external piece of the puzzle to solve the problem at scale in enterprise).

    Like you said so succinctly: propaganda website to make rug pullers like Elastic and Hashicorp look better.

  • technology Technology The Verge shows how Google search is useless
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    I host my own to avoid running into timeouts, fairly easy

  • opensource Open Source systemd Rolling Out "run0" As sudo Alternative
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%
  • technology Technology Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    MRSA infection following hospital admittance for Pneumonia. That shit is serious and way more prevalent than people think, it's just that it usually kills people who are already terminally ill.

    Unlikely to be an assassination. But not impossible. Either way, looks very bad.

  • technology Technology Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    The recommendation to shareholders from the independent advisor who proxies Boeing is to vote out several board members who are responsible for safety and QA. Crazy to see at a Fortune 100.

  • opensource Open Source systemd Rolling Out "run0" As sudo Alternative
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    Accurate, but not bad, yes. It turns out standardized base systems and ABIs are important to an ecosystem.

    Linux tried the disorganized free-for-all for two decades, and what we got was fragmented "Ubuntu admins", "debian admins", "redhat admins", "suse admins", and a whole shitload of duplicated effort in the packaging ecosystem, only for half the packages out there to be locked to Ubuntu or RHEL. So the corporate interests, and a fair number of the community efforts, centralized their problems and solutions into a small standardized suite in Mesa+Wayland+systemd+Pipewire+flatpak, etc

    The result is a ton more interoperability, a truly open ecosystem where switching your distro doesn't mean hiring different people and using different software, and a lot more stability and maturity.

    And hey, if a user or distro wants to do their own thing, they can make and own their niche, same as before. Nothing lost.

    It's been kind of wild to watch over the past 15 years or so, makes me very hopeful for the next 15.

  • opensource Open Source Freenginx: A Fork of NGINX
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    No no you don't understand. The evil corporate overlords abused their power to force a choice on a developer, even though that choice was objectively the right choice and the developer was throwing a tantrum.

    This is truly awful. We must not let evil corporations, no matter their credentials, expertise, and decades of beneficial partnership with open source, tell immature and short sighted developers how to develop.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What DNS address do you recommend to replace adguard.dns?
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%


  • formula1 Formula 1 Kevin Magnussen summoned to the stewards in relation to alleged unsportsmanlike behaviour
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    Yes, this in particular is something they need to bring the hammer down on now before others see this as a valid strategy. After the first 10s penalty he was out of the points and obviously consciously decided that if he was out any way, more penalities wouldn't sting as much as his team bringing home another zero point weekend.

    It was egregious and unsportsmanlike. And I say this as someone who generally likes KMag.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    I use FreshRSS. Can't say I love the interface, but with the open and standardized API, there are dozens of beautiful front ends to choose on any device.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik 3.0 GA Has Landed: Here's How to Migrate
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    For real? Damn it that's going to be painful.

  • linux Linux No one is being ‘marooned’ by Debian focus - TrueNAS
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    If you're trying to use it as a workstation or a laptop, you won't find much compelling. It's built with the intent to act as a server. In fact, as a web server or networking server it's second to none.

    Administrating BSD is lovely. It's well documented and everything is very stable, understandable, and predictable.

  • linux Linux No one is being ‘marooned’ by Debian focus - TrueNAS
  • Kata1yst Kata1yst 5 months ago 100%

    “We had a huge chunk of our engineering staff spending time improving FreeBSD as opposed to working on features and functionalities. What’s happened now with the transition to having a Debian basis, the people I used to have 90 percent of their time working on FreeBSD, they’re working on ZFS features now … That’s what I want to see; value add for everybody versus sitting around, implementing something Linux had a years ago. And trying to maintain or backport, or just deal with something that you just didn’t get out of box on FreeBSD.”

    I still hold much love for FreeBSD, but this is very much indicative of my experience with it as well. The tooling in FreeBSD, specifically dtrace, bhyve, jails, and zfs was absolutely killer while Linux was still experiencing teething problems with a nonstandard myriad of half developed and documented tools. But Linux has since then matured, adopted, and standardized. And the strength of the community is second to none.

    They'll be happier with Linux.

  • evs
    Electric Vehicles Kata1yst 10 months ago 100%
    Automakers must build cheaper, smaller EVs to spur adoption, report says

    16.5% of new car sales are compact crossovers, but only 6% of those are EVs.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Selfhosting Kata1yst 10 months ago 100%
    What would you all like to see from this magazine?

    As I'm sure some of you noticed, very shortly after Ernest posted the update to KBin that allowed for abandoned magazine adoption, I took over this magazine. After a quick flurry of activity kicking the former moderator and owner who hadn't logged in in over 3 months and using a spammer as some target practice for my shiny new ban hammer, I haven't done much aside from contribute a pair of crossposts. It's been quiet, which is totally okay of course. There are other great Threadiverse selfhosted communities I hope all who are interested have already found. But I'd ideally like to find a niche for this community to fill. My small contribution back to the community at large I've been benefitting from for over a decade now. Do any of you have cool ideas? We could do themed days, giveaways, weekly posts, a wiki, a matrix server, whatever really. Or we could simply update the sidebar to redirect to other selfhosting communities. Any and all ideas welcome!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Selfhosting Kata1yst 10 months ago 100%
    What to use as offsite backup? - Divisions by zero

    Good conversation here. I migrated from Duplicati/B2 to Kopia/B2, happy with it so far!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Selfhosting Kata1yst 10 months ago 100%
    Ditching MyQ for OpenGarage - Open Source Garage Door Control - Lemmy.World

    Not your typical selfhosting, but a very cool use case.

    The Onion Kata1yst 11 months ago 100%
    ‘The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That

    The past week has shown humanity at its worst: A horrific terrorist attack left at least 1,300 Israelis dead, among them peace activists and even innocent children. The fates of many more kidnapped civilians still lie in the balance. Meanwhile, statements from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggest retaliation…

    The Onion Kata1yst 1 year ago 98%
    Naïve Toddler Getting Awfully Attached To 90-Year-Old Grandmother

    DAVENPORT, IA—Perplexed by the toddler’s affection for the nonagenarian, sources confirmed Tuesday that local 2-year-old Ava Kerper was getting awfully attached to her 90-year-old grandmother. “She knows the average life expectancy is like, 77, right?” said the sources, who scoffed while watching the child demonstrate her complete and embarrassing obliviousness, wrapping her arms around her grandmother and announcing, “You’re my favorite!” “Personally, if I were going to choose a favorite person in the whole wide world, I’d choose someone with more than six months to live, tops, but hey, you do you, I guess. Christ, this is not going to end well. If this kid’s not careful, Grandma will die with Ava on her lap, and then she’ll live with that regret.” At press time, sources confirmed it was Kerper’s own fault for not learning her lesson with her 98-year-old grandfather.

    The Onion Kata1yst 1 year ago 97%
    Study: More Americans Buying AR-15s To Defend Selves From Toddlers Who Found Their Guns

    WASHINGTON—Shedding light on the enduring appeal behind assault rifle ownership, a Pew study released Monday revealed that more Americans were buying AR-15s to defend themselves from toddlers who found their guns. “Many Americans stressed that they felt safer knowing they had an AR-15 at the ready in case their toddler stumbled across a shoebox holding a loaded gun on the floor of a closet and started firing away,” said researcher Jonathan Lieu, noting that the majority of AR-15 owners told his team they purchased the lightweight rifle due to their recurring fears about waking in the night to their 2-year-old giggling as they shot bullet holes through the bedroom door. “One response we often heard was that it was a Second Amendment right for gun owners to defend themselves against their own young children. They also stressed that a baseball bat or pepper spray simply wasn’t enough firepower to take down their gun-toting kids.” Lieu added that many Americans also rushed out to purchase tear gas grenades after their children inevitably got their hands on the AR-15s.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    The Biden administration proposes new rules to push insurers to boost mental health coverage

    President Joe Biden’s administration has announced new rules meant to push insurance companies to increase their coverage of mental health treatments.

    Technology Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    The Wildly Unconstitutional New Laws Trying to Criminalize Filming Cops

    On July 1, an Indiana law went into effect making it a crime to come within 25 feet of an on-duty police officer if ordered to stay back.

    Technology Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    Signal president Meredith Whittaker rejects ‘mass surveillance’ U.K. law

    Whittaker said Signal would not abide by the proposed law, and highlighted concerns about privacy and the need for tech leaders to take a stand against socially accepted surveillance.

    Technology Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    In Battle With Microsoft, Google Bets on Medical AI Program to Crack Healthcare Industry

    The search giant is fine-tuning chatbot technology via medical licensing exams.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people

    A bill that would allow police in France to spy on suspects by remotely activating cameras, microphone including GPS of their phones has been passed.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 0%
    White House announces $40 billion in broadband funding

    States will receive at least $100 million

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    US firm 'breached GDPR' by reputation-scoring EU citizens

    TeleSign and Belgian parent did almost everything wrong, alleges Max Schrems

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    Supreme Court ruling complicates Navajo Nation's fight for more water

    A Supreme Court ruling this week will make it harder for the Navajo Nation to get water from the Colorado River. No one disputes that century-old treaties give them a right to water flowing through their reservation. The court found that the federal government isn't responsible for securing that water for the 170,000 tribal members who live there. It's a win for Arizona, Nevada and California. They said requiring them to accommodate the Navajo Nation's needs would upend negotiations over water supplies for 40 million people and a $15 billion-a-year industry that grows most of the nation’s winter vegetables.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    Facebook to end news access in Canada over incoming law on paying publishers

    Meta Platforms Inc plans to end access to news on Facebook and Instagram for all users in Canada once a parliament-approved legislation requiring internet giants to pay news publishers comes into effect, the company said on Thursday.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    Amazon faces Senate probe over warehouse safety

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, who chairs the HELP committee, wrote a letter to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy on Tuesday regarding the company's warehouse safety record.

    News Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    Climate change leads to growing risk of mosquito-borne viral diseases, EU agency says

    European Union officials say there is a growing risk of mosquito-borne viral diseases such as dengue and chikungunya in Europe due to climate change. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said Thursday that because heat waves and flooding are becoming more frequent and severe, conditions are more favorable for invasive mosquito species. Ways to control mosquito populations include eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed, using eco-friendly larvicides and promoting community awareness about mosquito control. The agency says personal protective measures include the use of mosquito bed nets, wearing clothes that cover most of the body and using mosquito repellent.

    Opensource Kata1yst 1 year ago 100%
    GCC Adopts A Code of Conduct

    While a few years late compared to many other open-source projects adopting a Code of Conduct, the GCC Steering Committee has now adopted a Code of Conduct 'CoC' for this open-source compiler project.
