science_memes Science Memes Happy Weekend, boyz
  • Jakylla Jakylla 2 weeks ago 100%

    "And next time, I'll make baby toys that glow in the dark with Uranium"

  • spaceflightmemes SpaceflightMemes Why is it always you three?
  • Jakylla Jakylla 3 weeks ago 100%

    Missing the Metric-Freedom conversion error

  • newcommunities New Communities Weekly active communities promotion thread - Science, learning and discovering things
  • Jakylla Jakylla 4 weeks ago 100%

    Ah en effet, my bad, je retire mon message ;)

  • newcommunities New Communities Weekly active communities promotion thread - Science, learning and discovering things
  • Jakylla Jakylla 4 weeks ago 100%


  • science_memes Science Memes Geohydtotypography
  • Jakylla Jakylla 2 months ago 100%

    Here's the sauce: xkcd/2803

    And here is another lemmy post about this commic: (on !

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor I meant to type "npm run dev"... What will happen now?
  • Jakylla Jakylla 2 months ago 100%

    Not sure CrowdStrike runs on npm, but still ruined it all for sure

  • xkcd xkcd xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • Jakylla Jakylla 4 months ago 100%

    As a non native English speaker, I had to read your comments to understand the "Hot potato" one... Seems that I'm not as fluent in English as I thought (my accent is shit)

  • Jakylla Jakylla 6 months ago 100%

    Twitter PR review

  • Jakylla Jakylla 6 months ago 100%

    Gotta use Lisp notation to be sure

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Computer components cheat sheet
  • Jakylla Jakylla 6 months ago 100%

    "No" is the most accurate I could ever have imagined for Inkjet Printers

  • linguistics Linguistics Esperanto: The artificial language that aimed to unite humanity
  • Jakylla Jakylla 7 months ago 100%

    Compared to current Global language that is English, that is still a better option according to this argument

  • tomscott
    All Things Tom Scott Jakylla 8 months ago 100%
    Two Drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff (2009)

    cross-posted from: [](

    videos Videos Two Drums and a Cymbal [Tom Scott]
  • Jakylla Jakylla 8 months ago 100%

    Old and gold, 15 May 2009

  • newcommunities New Communities BOINC on Lemmy ! donate your computing power to science
  • Jakylla Jakylla 8 months ago 100%

    Lemmy instance agnostic link: !

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Returns a sorted list in O(1) time
  • Jakylla Jakylla 8 months ago 100%

    inplace sort be like:

    def sort(list: list):
  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 8 months ago 98%
    xkcd #221: Random Number (9 Nov 2007)

    cross-posted from: ----- - [xkcd / 221]( - [Explain xkcd / 221]( Transcript: > [A computer program.] > ``` > int getRandomNumber() > { > return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll. > // guaranteed to be random. > } > ``` Hover Text: > RFC 1149.5 specifies 4 as the standard IEEE-vetted random number.

    xkcd xkcd xkcd #217: e to the pi Minus pi (31 Jan 2007)
  • Jakylla Jakylla 8 months ago 100%

    Comics are not only meant to present something that can happen IRL :P

    That kind of trolls happen occasionally in IT, where not everybody know well about maths and physics, they may easily fall into these kind of traps by taking granted that the maths you gave is more trustful than computer code they wrote (usual kind of joke to make your friend understand that he what was doing something wrong or without understanding)

    Also, in Uni, we were all little Satans, trying more to break others students works instead of trying to improve self (that was a true war among IT students). All means were used, this kind of troll (as depicted in this comics) to make the other loose time is truly expected

    Classical "type Alt+F4 before saving your code to automatically fix bugs" kind of joke

  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 8 months ago 97%
    xkcd #217: e to the pi Minus pi (31 Jan 2007)

    cross-posted from: ----- - [xkcd / 217]( - [Explain xkcd / 217]( Transcript: >**Cueball:** Hey, check it out: e^π^−π is 19.999099979. That's weird. > **Black Hat:** Yeah. That's how I got kicked out of the ACM in college. > **Cueball:** ...what? > > **Black Hat:** During a competition, I told the programmers on our team that e^π^−π was a standard test of floating-point handlers -- it would come out to 20 unless they had rounding errors. > > **Cueball:** That's awful. > **Black Hat:** Yeah, they dug through half their algorithms looking for the bug before they figured it out. Hover text: > Also, I hear the 4th root of (9^2^ + 19^2^/22) is pi.

    xkcd Jakylla 8 months ago 97%
    xkcd #173: Movie Seating (20 Oct 2006)

    cross-posted from: ----- Title text: > It's like the traveling salesman problem, but the endpoints are different and you can't ask your friends for help because they're sitting three seats down. Links: - [xkcd/173]( - [Explain xkcd/173](

    xkcd Jakylla 8 months ago 97%
    xkcd #156: Commented

    cross-posted from: ----- - [xkcd/156]( - [Explain xkcd/156]( Hover text: > Your IDE's color may vary.

    Linguistics Humor Jakylla 8 months ago 92%
    Deutschland Germany Allemagne Tyskland Vokietija Niemcy Nemecko Saksa...

    Source: Itchy Feet (

    Kurzgesagt Jakylla 8 months ago 100%
    Kurzgesagt videos translation spreadsheet

    You know, Kurzgesagt is not only an English channel, but it also provide video translated in multiple other languages on others translated Kurzgesagt channels. I was looking for something to help me find Kurzgesagt video in other languages, and found this spreadsheet. I don't know if there is a more official website or tool for that, but this is the only thing I found. I thought it may be interesting for you too It isn't fully complete though, for example the "Portugese" column is almost empty, and recent videos are not present. But it's open to edition, so we can participate to keep it up to date ----- If you have a more official list, I'll be interested (and I'll edit this post to prefer sharing the official list). For now I'll be using this spreadsheet as it's mostly filled and as I didn't find anything else

    programmer_humor Programmer Humor What you are according to you fav language
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 100%

    HTML: You are not a nerd

    Edit: OH MY GOD what did you just share !!!

  • notjustbikes Not Just Bikes Not Just Bikes — What it's REALLY Like to Cycle in Montréal
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 100%

    Not hard

    Not hard, that's true, I agree 100%

    However the problem here is to have the idea to do so. It seems obvious to you, but I can't see why. Nothing told OP to do anything for posting that link (neither neither this community rules). He may just not had the idea to precise that this content was needing a paid subscription to be accessed

    Less misleading

    You know, Nebula is where NJB post most of their videos (if you watched any of his video on Youtube in the last 2 years you should know). It's just logical at some point to get Nebula content shared on this very community.

    And yes I can't access it because I haven't got Nebula subscription. But I'll still enjoy discussing about it, see what others thought about it, the good, the bad, what's around the subject... Like any discussion about a recent movie or Netflix series that I obviously need to pay to watch; do we need to precise that it isn't free ?

    If you didn't know it wasn't free, once you open any Nebula link, it will be written in big. All explained and understandable by everyone. I can't see where anyone have been mislead

    This kind of content is fully expected and there is no rule to tell us to do something about it for now

  • notjustbikes Not Just Bikes Not Just Bikes — What it's REALLY Like to Cycle in Montréal
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 66%

    Why would we not expect someone to share a video from a payed platform ? Maybe the problem is the expectation; nowhere in any rule of any kind is it written that Lemmy is to share Free content only.

    Do you suggest to add some kind of "[Paywall]" to the title of the post as community often do with news articles requiring subscription for example ?

  • notjustbikes Not Just Bikes Not Just Bikes — What it's REALLY Like to Cycle in Montréal
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 71%

    So don't watch it, what is the problem ?

  • agora The Agora [Vote] Should we pre-emptively defederate Threads?
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 83%


  • Kurzgesagt
    Kurzgesagt Jakylla 9 months ago 100%
    The Egg - A Short Story

    Also available in other languages here: - EN: - ES: - FR: - JP: - KR:

    videos Videos The Egg - A Short Story
  • Jakylla Jakylla 9 months ago 100%
  • linguistics_humor
    Linguistics Humor Jakylla 10 months ago 90%
    videos Videos The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong
  • Jakylla Jakylla 10 months ago 100%

    I was like "Hum... That should do like more than 3.5, but 4 at maximum..."

    Then he shows options, and I was like "What ? There's nothing between 3.5 and 4"; then thought about it a bit more, and found Exactly 4 as an answer; then continued to watch the end of the video to see why my calculations were wrong (they wer'nt)

  • tournesol Tournesol (Français) [FAQ] Questions à propos du projet Tournesol et de cette communauté
  • Jakylla Jakylla 11 months ago 100%

    Oui, c'est la partie perturbante, beaucoup d'utilisateurs râlent qu'ils préfèreraient un système de notation classique avec genre une échelle d'étoiles ou de note à mettre sur une vidéo unique

    Le gros avantage du système de comparaisons, c'est que ça réduit énormément les risques de biais. Tu peux te dire "tiens cette vidéo j'y mettrais bien 10/10", mais finalement quand tu la compare avec d'autres, tu préfères toujours (ou presque) recommander l'autre à celle-ci. Ce genre de biais est corrigé par cette approche

    Par contre ça prends beaucoup de comparaisons (donc de temps) pour que la qualité de tes comparaisons commencent vraiment à prendre une bonne forme

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor *Permanently Deleted*
  • Jakylla Jakylla 12 months ago 100%

  • animemes Animemes All waifus deserve love and headpats.
  • Jakylla Jakylla 12 months ago 100%

    I vote for Rem doing the Chuunibyou thing:

    Rem doing circles with her thingers

  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Used that alien package with some python library I've found on the dark web to be able to use it as css

  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    BAM! I got that div centered on this display!

  • internetisbeautiful InternetIsBeautiful Umami: You never say its name, yet you taste it every day
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 75%

    Fish & Tomato & Cheese & Meat*

  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    $ rm -rf /
    Removing /etc/passwords...
    Removing /home/user...
    Removing /bin/bash...
  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor The lengths we have to go to
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Not any standard (and actually not at all something to do for real), but try it, it works

    def magic(a, b, c):
        if a > 0:
        	if b > 0:
        	   		if c > 0:
        	   		  return 'All positive'
        return 'Not all positive'

    (you should be able to verify I used both tab and spaces f*cking bad way in this example, like I described)


    All positive
    Not all positive
    Not all positive
    Not all positive
    ** Process exited - Return Code: 0 **
    Press Enter to exit terminal
  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    xkcd #2820: Inspiration

    Title text: An apple fell on Isaac Newton's head and gave him the idea that the moon might be a tasty apple, though this turned out not to be true--the Apollo program eventually determined that it was just a desolate and bland Red Delicious. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Cueball sits under a tree. An apple falls from the tree and hits him on the head.] Bonk [The view zooms out, showing the moon, which Cueball looks up at.] [Closeup on Cueball.] Cueball: ... \ Cueball: We should grow apples on the moon. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2820]( - [Explain xkcd/2820](

    programmer_humor Programmer Humor The lengths we have to go to
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 57%

    4 Spaces, then one tab, then 3 spaces, then 2 tabs, then 2 spaces, then 3 tabs...

    Python supports that (and I hate this)

  • linguistics_humor Linguistics Humor To name the Months
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Going to memorize the elements

    ::: spoiler Traditional week

    • Sunday
    • Moonday
    • Fireday
    • Waterday
    • Woodday
    • Goldday
    • Soilday :::

    But a new version just dropped:

    ::: spoiler Modernized week

    • Hydrogenday
    • Heliumday
    • Lithiumday
    • Berylliumday
    • Boronday
    • Carbonday
    • Nitrogenday :::
  • linguistics_humor Linguistics Humor To name the Months
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    "clearing the forest of trees for field month"

    Favorite month for Amazon forest

  • xkcd xkcd xkcd #657: Movie Narrative Charts
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, I've edited the picture in the post to use the large one few minutes ago, thanks :)

  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #657: Movie Narrative Charts

    Title text: In the LotR map, up and down correspond LOOSELY to northwest and southeast respectively. ----- Transcript too long for lemmy, check [Explain xkcd wiki]( to get one ;) > These charts show movie character interactions. The horizontal axis is time. The vertical grouping of the lines indicate which characters are together at a given time. ----- - [xkcd/657]( - [Explain xkcd/657](

    xkcd xkcd xkcd #2821: Path Minimization
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    If like me you can't see the picutre of the post, here is the original image:

    ::: spoiler reveal xkcd #2821 :::

  • xkcd xkcd xkcd #2818: Circuit Symbols
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Not sure that this transcription is useful for person with vision disabilities unfortunately, would need some description of the symbols I think

  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #2818: Circuit Symbols

    Title text: A circle with an A in it means that the circuit has committed a sin and has been marked as punishment. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [A chart of various circuit symbols and their (mostly) fictitious meanings based off of their drawings, captioned:] Circuit Symbols [Symbol for a switch, labelled:] Drawbridge [Symbol for a capacitor, labelled:] Overpass [Symbol for a connection to ground, labelled:] Pogo Stick [Symbol for a resistor, labelled:] Earthquake [Symbol for an inductor, labelled:] Sheep [Symbol for a transformer, labelled:] Two Sheep in Love, Trapped on Opposite Sides of a Fence [Symbol for a battery, labelled:] Battery [Symbol for a battery, sorted, labelled:] Baertty [Symbol for a battery, with far too many short lines, labelled:] Battttttttttttery [Symbol for a photodiode, labelled:] Check Out This Really Cool Diode [Symbol for an oscillator, labelled:] Wave Pool [Symbol for a transistor, labelled:] Trolley Problem ::: ----- - [xkcd/2818]( - [Explain xkcd/2818](

    europe Europe How I competed in Europe's first ever Extreme Relaxing Championships
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    Chuunibyou moment

  • linguistics_humor
    Linguistics Humor Jakylla 1 year ago 94%
    XKCD #2819: Pronunciation

    cross-posted from: Title text: I pronounce the 'u' in 'pronunciation' like in 'putting' but the 'ou' in 'pronounce' like in 'wound'. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [The word "Tuesday", with each letter labeled by a box with an arrow:] T: As in buffet u: As in minute e: As in record s: As in use d: As in moped a: As in bass y: As in gyro [Caption below the panel:] Pet peeve: Ambiguous pronunciation guides ::: ----- - -

    fakehistoryporn Fake History Porn An aide interrupts Bush's impromptu geography lesson to tell him that the G in Niger is soft (2001)
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    This one is so wild...

  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 96%
    xkcd #2817: Electron Holes

    Title text: They tried to report me to the authorities, but because I had the device they couldn't charge me. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Ponytail, who has her fists clenched and a black smoke cloud above her head, is standing in front of a desk, a beam of electron holes is being fired at a printer on the desk; the beam is shown reacting to the printer, dispersing lightning bolts and 'particles' but causing no obvious damage. There are little '+' signs distributed along the beam and in the circles around the printer, though they're much easier to see in the higher-resolution version of the strip that's displayed if one zooms in on the original comic page.] Ponytail: This doesn't even make sense! They're quasiparticles, not real- \ Off-panel voice: Pew pew pew \ Ponytail: Stop it! [Caption below the panel:] Physicists got really mad about my device that fires a beam of electron holes. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2817]( - [Explain xkcd/2817](

    asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite quote of all time?
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 85%

    Not as positive, but definitely one of the quotes that gave me chills (and made more popular due to recent movie, I hope this is in the movie):

    Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    - Robert Oppenheimer, 1965 (quoting the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita: Vishnu)

  • europe Europe Percent of births outside marriage in Europe.
  • Jakylla Jakylla 1 year ago 100%

    The map yes, but the data source not really

    For France again, only information is that the percentage is sourced "From Civil Status", and I don't know if this "Civil status" account for marriage only or others unions also. Only source I've found on Insee (French civil status public data) accounts only for civil Marriage, and not for other unions:

    SITU_MATRI : Situation matrimoniale des parents (Status of parents)

    • DM : Enfants nés dans le mariage (Children are born within Marriage)
    • HM : Enfants nés hors mariage (Children are born outside Marriage)
    • ENS : Ensemble (some children born within and some outside marriage)
  • xkcd
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 97%
    xkcd #743: Infrastructures

    Title text: The heartfelt tune it plays is CC licensed, and you can get it from my seed on JoinDiaspora\.net whenever that project gets going. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript 2003: [Cueball approaches a bearded fellow.] Cueball: Did you get my essay? \ Bearded Fellow: Yeah, it was good! But it was a .doc; You should really use a more open- \ Cueball: Give it a rest already. Maybe we just want to live our lives and use software that works, not get wrapped up in your stupid nerd turf wars. \ Bearded Fellow: I just want people to care about the infrastructures we're building and who- \ Cueball: No, you just want to feel smugly superior. You have no sense of perspective and are probably autistic. 2010: Cueball: Oh my God! We handed control of our social world to Facebook and they're DOING EVIL STUFF! \ Bearded Fellow: Do you see this? [Inset, the bearded fellow rubs his index and middle fingers against his thumb.] Bearded Fellow: It's the world's tiniest open-source violin. ::: ----- - [xkcd/743]( - [Explain xkcd/743](

    Linguistics Humor Jakylla 1 year ago 95%
    Simple to say but hard to solve

    (Inspired by Reddit post of the last month)

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 99%
    xkcd #1597: Git

    Title text: If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Cueball points to a computer on a desk while Ponytail and Hairy are standing further away behind an office chair.] Cueball: This is git. It tracks collaborative work on projects through a beautiful distributed graph theory tree model. \ Ponytail: Cool. How do we use it? \ Cueball: No idea. Just memorize these shell commands and type them to sync up. If you get errors, save your work elsewhere, delete the project, and download a fresh copy. ::: ----- - [xkcd/1597]( - [Explain xkcd/1597](

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 97%
    xkcd #2811: Free Fallin'

    Title text: Their crash investigation team had some particularly harsh words for Dave Matthews. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Map of San Fernando Valley, California, with dotted line labeled “flight path” and several other features marked on and around the line:] - Tom Petty home [in Reseda] - vampires [on Ventura Boulevard, with an arrow pointing west] - boys (bad) [mountains south west of Reseda] - girls (good) (sad) [plains north east of Reseda] - glide phase [arrow pointing towards flight path, over Mulholland Drive, south east of Reseda] - skywriting incident [near Van Nuys, east of Reseda, loops in flight path] - ? [at end of flight path, near Burbank, east of Reseda] [In the top left of the map, the logo of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)] [Caption below the panel:] Due to an obscure law, if you download a song onto a flight data recorder and send it to the NTSB, they have to do a report on it. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2811]( - [Explain xkcd/2811](

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #2700: Account Problems

    Title text: My password is just every Unicode codepoint concatenated into a single UTF-8 string. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Cueball carries an open laptop over to Ponytail, holding it in both hands. The screen shows a box filling the screen with some text on lines. Ponytail is sitting in an office chair with her laptop at her desk. She has turned her head away from the computer looking at Cueball's screen.] Cueball: Can you help me with my account? \ Ponytail: Oh no. [Cueball holds his laptop up in front of Ponytail who has turned the chair so she faces him, with her hands in her lap. Her table is not drawn.] Cueball: No no, I promise it's a normal problem this time. \ Ponytail: Okay. Fine. What is it? [Cueball holds both hands out palm up towards Ponytail who is sitting with his laptop in her lap typing on it.] Cueball: I included a null string terminator as part of my password, and now I can't- \ Ponytail: How?! \ Cueball: They said to use special characters! ::: ----- - [xkcd/2700]( - [Explain xkcd/2700](

    Tournesol (Français) Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    [Top🌻recommendation] Philoxime: IA: comment réagir à la Fin du travail ?

    🌻 Recommendation: +66 \ 📊 128 comparisons par 35 utilisateurs \ 👆 Recommandé particulièrement car important et actionnable (+64) À ce jour, **18e** vidéo en Français la mieux recommandée sur Tournesol, sortie dans les 12 derniers mois.

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #1172: Workflow

    Title text: There are probably children out there holding down spacebar to stay warm in the winter! YOUR UPDATE MURDERS CHILDREN. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Changelog for version 10.17 of a piece of software.] One change listed: "The CPU no longer overheats when you hold down the spacebar"\ Comments: LongtimeUser4 writes: This update broke my workflow! My control key is hard to reach, so I hold spacebar instead, and I configured Emacs to interpret a rapid temperature rise as "control".\ Admin writes: That's horrifying.\ LongtimeUser4 writes: Look, my setup works for me. Just add an option to reenable spacebar heating. Every change breaks someone's workflow. ::: ----- - [xkcd/1172]( - [Explain xkcd/1172](

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #2807: Bad Map Projection: ABS(Longitude)

    Title text: Positive vibes/longitudes only ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [There is a map of the world with positive longitudes and negative longitudes overlapping. Caption above the map:] Bad Map Projection #152: \ Longitude=ABS(Longitude) \ Whoops, made all longitudes positive [The land masses are represented in white, and the oceans in light grey. Some capital cities, countries and geographical features are labeled.] [Near Siberia, among the other city names, is indicated:] Franklin's very lost expedition ::: ----- - [xkcd/2807]( - [Explain xkcd/2807](

    Rance Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    L'angle interdit
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 94%
    xkcd #2806: Anti-Vaxxers

    Title text: The vaccine stuff seems pretty simple. But if you take a closer look at the data, it's still simple, but bigger. And slightly blurry. Might need reading glasses. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript [Cueball, White Hat and Megan walking] Cueball: I try to meet people where they are, but I have such a hard time with anti-vaxxers. [Zoom out; a tree to the right is visible] Cueball: The pandemic brought with it so much confusing stuff. \ Cueball: Ambiguous data, weird tradeoffs, disagreements, dilemmas, and uncertainty. [Zoom in on Cueball] Cueball: It just feels like a miracle that the best and most effective intervention to reduce suffering also turned out to be one of the easiest and simplest. \ Cueball: That never happens! [Cueball, White Hat and Megan sitting around the tree] Cueball: I hate that people are working so hard to make it complicated when it's one of the few things in this world that isn't. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2806]( - [Explain xkcd/2806](

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    xkcd #2805: Global Atmospheric Circulation

    Title text: Refs generally say that you can exercise enough altitude control to avoid the ground, but if you start strategically choosing air layers to steer yourself, that's traveling. ----- - [xkcd/2805]( - [Explain xkcd/2805](

    Tournesol (Français) Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    Comparaison Challenge: Tzitzimitl - Esprit Critique

    Pour chacune des comparaisons qui leur ont été faites, les deux vidéos ci-dessous ont toujours gagné face à leur adversaire. Il est temps de les départager ! [Lien vers le Challenge (comparison Tournesol)]( Opposants: - Tzitzimitl - Esprit Critique: Le propre de l'homme - #EspritCritique - +21🌻, 52min, actuellement 8 comparaisons par 4 utilisateurs, toutes en sa faveur - Tzitzimitl - Esprit Critique: Le Rassemblement National (RN/FN) ou l'œcuménisme d'extrême-droite - #EspritDeParti 5 - +27🌻, 18min, actuellement 5 comparaisons par 4 utilisateurs, toutes en sa faveur Il est l'heure de les départager ! Que la meilleure gagne ! N'hésitez pas à partager vos arguments en faveur de l'une ou l'autre de ces vidéos ci dessous Le résultat du challenge la semaine prochaine (après la publication des scores actualisés de Tournesol)

    Tournesol (Français) Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    [Top🌻recommendation] AmnestyFrance: Facebook et les violations contre les Rohingyas

    🌻 Recommendation: +67 \ 📊 103 comparisons par 40 utilisateurs \ 🌐 Recommandé particulièrement car encourage la diversité et l'inclusion (+69) À ce jour, **17e** vidéo en Français la mieux recommandée sur Tournesol, sortie dans les 12 derniers mois.

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    xkcd #2804: Marshmallow

    Title text: The increasing number of graham crackers and chocolate bars in orbit has created a growing risk of Kessler s'mores. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript: xkcd comics picture [A space capsule beginning reentry into Earth's atmosphere is shown. There are four versions of this as it moves deeper and deeper into the atmosphere, but shown in a single panel.] [The first version is shown to the left with just a bit air resistance shown with thin dotted lines around and behind it. The capsule looks pretty standard with the broad bottom with the heat shield pointing forwards, and the capsule above it narrowing in a pyramid shape. There are a circular shapes (windows?) and some other lines indicating either doors or access panels. The one special feature is on the left, a stick is held back along the edge of the capsule from a extrusion near the bottom of the capsule. At the top of the stick a white square is located. From inside the capsule one of the unseen astronauts is speaking, possibly with ground control. All speech texts are located in rectangular frames with jagged arrows pointing towards the capsule.] Astronaut voice: We're approaching atmospheric entry. \ Astronaut voice: All systems nominal. [In the second version air resistance has increased a lot, with many more and thicker lines indicating the air resistance. At this point the arm with the white square turns on its pivot so it is now sticking straight out from the capsule far outside the heat shield below. Two lines indicate the circular movement and the release of the stick makes a loud noise:] Fwip [In the third version air resistance continues to increase, but now also the stick and particular the white square at the end begins to heat up, smoke coming of from the white square. Two small lines on either side of the top of the capsule indicates it is shaking.] [In the forth version the air resistance is about the same, but there are now six larger lines at the top of the capsule, two on either side and two above indicating more violent shaking of the capsule. The white square on the stick seems to be burning.] Astronaut voice: Houston, we're experiencing some oscillations. Vehicle is becoming difficult to control. \ Astronaut voice: Smith, retract that stupid arm. \ Astronaut Smith's voice: No! It's not ready yet! [Caption below the panel:] In retrospect, the reentry marshmallow toasting module was a mistake. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2804]( - [Explain xkcd/2804](

    Typography & fonts Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    Comic Sans MS - The most controversial font of all time

    What can we talk about on this new Community about fonts, others than the most controversial font of all time ? What do you think about Comic Sans MS ? Do you use it ? Did you use it in the past ? Will you use it in the future ? Why ? What do you like or dislike about this font ?

    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 98%
    xkcd #2803: Geohydrotypography

    Title text: The Atlantic is expanding at about 10 ppm (points per month). ----- ::: spoiler Transcript: xkcd comics picture [A depiction primarily of the Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding landmasses. The land is black, leaving the oceans and seas white except for the following words written in sixteen lines of text (from just below the tip of Greenland/Arctic Ocean down to slightly above the Falkland Islands/Southern Ocean) that are, for the most part, wrapped between the Atlantic coastline 'margins' (as defined by the Americas on the left and Europe/Africa on the right, or significant island groups:] If you \ covered \ the surface of \ the Atlantic Ocean \ with twelve-point \ printed text, \ with the lines \ wrapping at \ the coasts, the \ expansion of \ the ocean basin \ due to plate \ tectonics would \ increase your word \ count by about 100 \ words per second. [Caption below the panel:] \ My Hobby: Geohydrotypography ::: ----- - [xkcd/2803]( - [Explain xkcd/2803](

    Linguistics Humor Jakylla 1 year ago 97%
    No Kiki, only Boba

    source: ~~Twitter~~ X: [Snufkin - 2022-05-09](

    Tournesol (Français) Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    Comparaison Challenge: Chez Anatole 🆚 El Jj

    A vous qui êtes utilisateurs de tournesol, je vient recommender quelques comparaisons à réaliser. Les videos listés ci-dessous ont toutes reçus UNIQUEMENT des recommendations positives jusqu'à maintenant (elles n'ont jamais été comparé avec meilleures qu'elles). Mon idée est donc de les challenger, les comparer les unes contre les autres, afin de faire fortement monter le score des meilleures, et d'affiner le score des secondes. ----- [Lien vers le Challenge (comparison Tournesol)]( Opposants: - Chez Anatole: La Crise de la BIODIVERSITÉ Expliquée Simplement ! - +21🌻, 11min, actuellement 11 comparaisons par 4 utilisateurs, toutes en sa faveur - El Jj: Aux origines du nombre d'or - Deux (deux ?) minutes pour... - +12🌻, 29min, actuellement 16 comparaisons par 5 utilisateurs, toutes en sa faveur Il est l'heure de les départager ! Que la meilleure gagne ! Le résultat du challenge, et un prochain challenge la semaine prochaine... ----- Que pensez-vous de ce genre de suggestions de comparisons ? Si ça vous dit, je peux proposer une liste du genre de temps en temps. J'ai aussi moyen de calculer ces "Challenges" par utilisateurs de Tournesol (pour affiner vos scores personnels), dites moi si ça vous intéresse, je vous enverrai vos listes personnalisés par MP

    Tournesol (Français) Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    [Top🌻recommendation] Stupid Economics: CRISE DU LOGEMENT : On finira tous dans la rue 📉✊

    🌻 Recommendation: +69 \ 📊 139 comparisons par 55 utilisateurs \ 👆 Recommandé surtout car le sujet est important et actionable (+66) ----- Que pensez-vous de cette video ? Est-elle bien expliquée ? \ La recommanderiez-vous à vos amis ? À votre famille ? À des personnes qui seraient d'un avis opposé à ce que présente cette vidéo ? Vaut-elle sa **14e place** de video la plus recommandée en Français sortie dans les 12 derniers mois ? \ Devrait-elle être plus haut dans le classement ? \ Auriez-vous vu une autre vidéo meilleure que celle-ci à la place ?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Urban Planning Jakylla 1 year ago 50%
    Parking Laws Are Strangling America | Climate Town ft. NotJustBikes
    xkcd Jakylla 1 year ago 100%
    xkcd #2802: Fireflies

    Title text: I feel bad for Earth 2 and their shadowflies. ----- ::: spoiler Transcript: xkcd comics picture [Cueball and Megan are seen in silhouette (drawn in white against a black background) throughout the strip. They are walking to the right.] Cueball: So where is this spot? \ Megan: It's just up ahead. [Cueball and Megan continue walking.] Megan: You know, \ Megan: fireflies didn't have to exist. [Closeup on Megan.] Megan: The ocean has lots of bioluminescence, but it's less common on land. \ Megan: Creatures that glow are pretty rare here. [Cueball and Megan continue walking. The light of one firefly is seen to their right.] Megan: So it's not some niche whose exploitation was inevitable. \ Megan: If insects hadn't stumbled on their fatty acid enzyme trick, Earth just wouldn't have fireflies. \ Megan: Ooh, look! \ Megan: They're starting! [A panel as wide as the first four combined. Cueball and Megan stand in the tall grass, at night, and many stars can be seen in the sky above them. Above and below them, to their left and right, the lights of dozens of fireflies can be seen.] Cueball: I'm glad we got a planet that has these. \ Megan: Yeah, it's a good one. ::: ----- - [xkcd/2802]( - [Explain xkcd/2802](
