technology Technology X rolls out new ad format that can't be reported, blocked
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 97%

    It’s a simple spell, but quite unbreakable

  • games Games Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 95%

    Activision Blizzard has become such a huge pile of disgusting shit that people are quite tempted to see what would happen if the devil Microsoft buys it.

    What a time to be alive

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Which prediction was supposed to happen already?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 60%

    Money will fall to zero value

    Have you been paying attention to the inflation recently though ?

  • opensource Open Source What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 100%

    Bitwarden is to me the simplest and most effective PW manager, just perfect at what it does. I however switched from Bitwarden to Proton Pass only because the latter has a mail aliases generation integrated (with Proton Unlimited)

  • memes Memes Opinions
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 58%

    And again, that’s enough internet for today. I’ll see you tomorrow, with hopefully better content

  • technology Technology VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 94%

    I did have motion sickness at first but got used to it quite quickly. It actually disappeared on the 2nd/3rd day of use I think. I have absolutely no problem driving race sims all day long if needed, I’ve been using my VR gear for 3 years now.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What item did you "buy for life?"
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 100%

    Don’t get me started on my guitars

  • france France En Espagne, des dizaines de collégiennes victimes de photos nues générées par IA
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 12 months ago 100%

    Certains n’ont plus aucune gêne. Je m’habille systématiquement après m’être vêtu.

  • memes Memes Enlightened Centrists
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    That’s it, enough internet for today.

  • memes Memes The Lemmy experience
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 80%

    I just hope the wait won’t be too long because as for now, we’re losing people.

  • apple Apple Just found out this Shortcut that adds iPhone-like frame around any screenshot
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Nice, thanks for sharing ! Hope they’ll add the dynamic island iPhones

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Indeed. The Ricard is the best seller when it comes to beverages in France. More than the bottled water Cristaline. Isn’t that surprising

  • pics pics I went to the zoo yesterday. This was my favorite picture that I took from the whole day.
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    No kink shaming in the zoo pls

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Bi-scuits I think

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 50%

    Do all jokes have to be factually correct ? Can you please provide some sort of notice so I can play joke the way it should be ?

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 50%

    Again, lots of assumptions. I just wasn’t pleased to read that my joke was labelled as a "gotcha I can use against trans people" (to quote it) as if it was my intention. It’s the internet and I shouldn’t have reacted. But feel free to assume what the hell you want, it seems you know me better than I do. All I see is a bunch of butt hurt people calling anything anti-trans/hate speech. What’s even funnier is that my joke is +/- exactly the same as the one posted in the meme.

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 60%

    Actually, it’s +/- the same as the one in the meme

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 66%

    How do you correct a joke ? Is a joke supposed to be corrected ?

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 47%

    My stance ? You guys assume a lot of shit.

  • memes Memes Well let's not do anything hasty
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 87%

    Holy cow, thank you. Guess I’m out then !

  • memes Memes Well let's not do anything hasty
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 75%

    B itch. That’s it. Not the first time I’m seeing this word removed automatically. It’s the same on

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 33%

    You didn’t understand, let me clarify for you : I don’t care if people find a joke good or not. None of my concern. I’m just reacting to people saying I’m using my comment against trans people. I really don’t know what’s up with those guys.

  • memes Memes Well let's not do anything hasty
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    I’ll just test it by myself : removed

  • memes Memes Well let's not do anything hasty
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Lemme guess, last word has been automatically censored ?

  • steam Steam How big is your guys' wishlists?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    I think I just have one game in my wishlist. I play games since childhood and I don’t think I’d be able to name 2022, even 1000.

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 20%

    Idk, I’m not from the US and don’t know what jokes you guys see on daily basis. Thing is, I couldn’t care less if you find that funny or not. What’s also funny is that the comment had +/- 10 upvotes and 0 downvotes till you guys came saying this is right leaning, trans hate and other utter crap. What was a simple joke (that you don’t find funny, I get it) is now labelled something way different. Gotta love this culture.

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 26%

    Jokes are not for everyone to laugh at and you don’t get to decide what’s a joke and what’s not. As you seem quite concerned if this is hate speech or not, let me reassure you : it’s not, I meant this as a joke. If you still want me to stop, feel free to block my account.

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 32%

    It seems you’ve been offended by a simple joke.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Languages in the EU
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Shh, not too loud. Our plan to take over Europe is slowly unfolding

  • memes Memes Totally make sense
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 32%

    Wait till you guys find out what the B in LGBT stands for

  • science Science Genetically modified bacteria may eat up ocean plastic waste
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 83%

    Yeah, we see these kind of news since the beginning of the internet.

  • pics pics Goose in a park.
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Eh, love that song from Ozzy Osbourne

  • technology Technology What if public transit was like Uber? A small city ended its bus service to find out
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Wait what ?

  • technology Technology Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Come on, it’s good

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    While I agree it’s way better than the US on this matter, it’s really not that simple at all lol

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 76%

    Growing up without the adrenaline rush when crossing school’s gates is indeed a tragedy. Heckin boring

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    Idk about Berlin, but I’m from the french riviera and we do put ice cubes everywhere.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 42%

    Tbh I’d rather have a nicotine problem than a crack problem. Never seen so many crackheads than in the US. It seems to be also quite a problem in the UK/Ireland, but in France it’s really uncommon. There are a few places in Paris but that’s about it.

  • technology Technology Apple's new iPhone 15 is an underwhelming 'slap in the face,' say disappointed fans
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 57%

    hOw Is ThAt PoSsIbLe???

    All the YouTubers invited at Apple’s are saying this is an incredible and revolutionary phone. How can it be otherwise ?

  • technology Technology France bans iPhone 12 sales over radiation levels: Here’s what to know
  • Disgusted_Tadpole Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 100%

    I believe it’s not a matter of is it harmful or not ? Just that there are rules and they’re not Apple’s to change. Until governments and societies decide to change them, they must comply.

  • voyagerapp
    Voyager Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 95%
    [SUGGESTION] Sharing comment as an image

    Something I’ve been missing from the Apollo days is the comment sharing option. We were able to convert any thread into a picture for us to share anywhere. It was super handy ! Lemma, another quite nice app I’m using for the two screenshots, has this feature and I’d love to see it coming on Voyager. We could also, on Apollo, hide the usernames and/or the subreddit. That was really nice. Thanks for everything !

    [SUGGESTION] Allow users to display downvotes

    Sorry if it has already been suggested, but I’d love to see an option to separate and display the downvotes. A little switch in the settings menu would be perfect, so people could choose if they do or do not want this displayed. It’s atm what’s keeping me from using Lemma all the time. Lemmy has been a source of informations for many interests I have and downvotes help me a lot when it comes to reading comments. If a comment has 76 upvotes and 74 downvotes, it will be displayed as (+)2 which isn’t helpful in many cases. Of course, I believe users should be able to turn this on/off at will. I know some of us don’t like seeing downvotes. _Screenshots : - Left : Lemma - Right : Voyager_

    Watches Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 97%
    Seiko Astron 8x82

    First post here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Astron in this community, or even on r/Watches. I know those ones might not be everyone’s favourite, but I find some of them truly beautiful. It's a dial to be savoured in three dimensions, where you can't help but appreciate the magnificent work done by Seiko on the aesthetics of these watches. Some may find their avant-gardiste side uninteresting but I find that to be at least intriguing. The fact that a brand as big as Seiko is still pushing interesting innovations in a relatively conservative sector is something I particularly like.

    Avelon App Disgusted_Tadpole 1 year ago 80%
    Pics and captions in comment

    Hi folks, First, thank you for giving us Avelon. I (almost) only use it to browse Lemmy and it’s, in my opinion, the best app available on iOS. So, I know it’s not possible yet to submit new post (I’m using Voyager to post this one) and add pic/text formatting on comments yet. But I also noticed two different behaviours between Avelon and Voyager when it comes to display comments with pic. Here is the same comment displayed on Avelon and Voyager : [Voyager]( [Avelon]( (Custom caption is "Why are you booing me", to replace the link) Voyager only displays my custom caption without showing the pic. Avelon does the opposite, it displays the pic without its custom caption/link. To me, the best way to do it would be to show the link/custom caption _and_ the pic in the comment. I believe Avelon’s way isn’t quite relevant atm as we just can’t see if there’s a custom caption. What do you think ? Sorry if it has already be pointed out !
