xkcd xkcd xkcd #2914: Eclipse Coolnesss
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    If you go north/west, the eclipse will take place a bit higher over the horizon. If you go to the eastern part/coast of Spain, it will be very low to the horizon, which would maybe suck inland but might be cool over the ocean.

  • xkcd xkcd xkcd #2914: Eclipse Coolnesss
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    If you are in the path of totality, go find a spot early on and just kind of hang out - bring snacks and water and a book. If you aren't familiar with the area, download a map on your phone because the cell network might be slammed with people. Don't look at the sun without solar glasses until totality. The moon takes a while to move in front of the sun and the light level gradually drops, but you won't notice it until probably 90% of the sun is covered. Once totality occurs, you can look at the eclipse with the naked eye.

    It is beautiful and indescribable and I was profoundly moved when I watched the 2017 eclipse. I will watch the upcoming one, provided the clouds don't cover it.

    Once the eclipse is over, prepare to wait for traffic. It might be a while to get out because so many people go to such a small area.

  • general General Discussion Does this plan make sense? v4
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 75%

    Specifically, Nordic Model for prostitution.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux Gender?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    You mean every laptop or desktop machine pre-System76?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux Gender?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    Erm AKSHUALLY, I was making a reference to the fact that different operating systems run on hardware.

  • creepywikipedia Creepy Wikipedia TIL about "Swill milk" where cows were fed distillery waste causing cow teeth rot and disease. It was also adulterated with raw eggs, burn sugar, etc. Swill milk lead to over 8,000 infant's deaths
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 57%

    Aaaand this is why my milk costs $10/gallon. Animals need to be treated well.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux Gender?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 96%

    No. Linux is an operating system. So is Windows. Hardware is hardware. They are not people.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions When will the floss stop hurting
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    Electric toothbrush is amazeballs.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions When will the floss stop hurting
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    That's frustrating, sorry to hear that.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions When will the floss stop hurting
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    Important question: are you bleeding from the gums when you floss?

    Healthy gums can handle normal flossing without bleeding. I floss once a day, before bed. Normal flossing does not involve super hard scrubbing, just enough force to scrape off stuff stuck between the teeth and dislodge stuck particles. You might also want to add some antiseptic mouthwash to your routine after flossing until your gums stop bleeding.

  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 6 months ago 100%

    This is happening today. My poor bulbs!

  • kde KDE KDE believes in the power of diversity and inclusion. Women* enrich our community, shaping more inclusive and accessible tech.
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 54%

    Love how being a woman always gets you an asterisk.

  • aww aww Teeeeefs
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    Checking in here with my user icon.

  • technology Technology Microsoft Word’s Subtle Typeface Change Affected Millions. Did You Notice?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 97%

    I fucking hate Aptos. It makes my work emails (Outlook) look "quirky" and that is NOT what is needed.

  • relationship_advice Relationship Advice My partner has too many clothes
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 50%

    Is it actually too many clothes, is it that you are judging them (given your note about your own wardrobe at the bottom), or a mix of both?

    You need to avoid moral judgement. Focus on practicalities - is your partner meeting shared living expenses targets, are they meeting their savings goals; and how the clothes are or are not overrunning the space, resulting in obvious opportunity costs for you or the both of you.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where have you witnessed Scrum being used outside of the IT industry?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    I had the unpleasant experience of being in a group that applied SCRUM to research. Yes, the work involved software implementation, but research is largely antithetical to SCRUM. Yes, you need good research practices but a key aspect is that you don't know where you will end up. The stand up meetings became 30 minutes twice a week. Arrrg.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you were sent back to the roman era and could only bring a backpack of goods. What would you bring?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    And, you know, boil the water. Or bring chlorine tablets or a water filter.

  • canada Canada Poilievre says 'biological males' should be banned from women's sports, change rooms and bathrooms
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 23%

    There is a cohort of women (biological) who are very in favor of sex-separated bathrooms. Women are vulnerable to sexual assault when having to take care of bodily functions and have the unique risk of being impregnated from said assault. This article discussed issues with public toilet access and usage for women in India, for example. If a group of women in fact want sex-separated bathrooms, then I think logically that should win out over those who don't care. Men's bathrooms should also be safe for gender non conforming people and could in fact be the default bathroom for everyone.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation It's a very special anniversary for me: I haven't had solid food in my stomach for six months as of 9:30 this morning. [This is a very long rant, please no medical advice.]
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 75%

    You could thin it out with water too. Soylent comes as a premixed beverage or as a powder if you want it cheaper.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Your username has suddenly become your only means of staying alive. How bad is it?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    So glowy!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Your username has suddenly become your only means of staying alive. How bad is it?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    I'm fucked.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    I have ended up in a "view all and block" mode rather than a "subscribe to a curated list" mode because of the smaller community. That means I need to block a lot more communities I am not interested in and users that are just... Outside my window of civility or politics that I can handle. Raging tankies, for example.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Target practice on U.S. national forest and BLM land needs to be regulated and confined.
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 90%

    I was up in Montana near Kalispell in August 2008 and definitely experienced people target practicing and the rounds were uncomfortably close to where I had previously pitched my tent. That was scary.

    I think that having the opportunity for live fire + hikers/campers in the same space is a recipe for disaster. No one ever walks across a gun range.

    At least BLM could make zones that are designated live-fire areas so campers know to keep out, and hopefully rangers don't have to do much enforcement.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Lemmy users lack nuace and it stops actual discussion.
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%

    I have blocked a lot of users and communities. I don't need to see a ton of stuff about <thing> and I don't need to deal with people who lack critical thinking skills. The "permit all and block" strategy works better with Lemmy being small and federated to keep learning about new communities.

  • ultralight
    ultralight CherenkovBlue 7 months ago 100%
    Logbook, February 2024. Stop by and say hi!

    Happy February, ultralighters! Here’s a place to catch up and chat and discuss things that might not warrant their own post.

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Whats the best way to remove mold stains from clothes?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 22%

    Who pissed on your Wheaties this morning? Got a little mold on your favorite pants?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Whats the best way to remove mold stains from clothes?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 68%

    A little off topic, but your laundry should never be in a condition to allow mold growth. Stuff should be allowed to dry out if it got wet (if you don't intend to wash it soon) and washed laundry should be promptly dried. If you are doing that and it still happened, you might have a mold problem in your home. The shirt might not be saveable, but this might be the lesson to avoid more expensive mistakes in the future.

  • fediverse Fediverse Is the bot/troll situation getting worse?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 50%


  • shitposting shitposting Prove me wrong
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 71%

    Maybe go touch some grass...

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes It do be like that
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 90%

    Methinks some folks need to go out and touch grass for a while.

  • fediverse Fediverse Is the bot/troll situation getting worse?
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 93%

    Out of curiosity, can you specify the topics or give specific examples of this shitty behavior you speak of? Without examples it is impossible to determine if you are discussing behavior that is straight-up pathological (e.g. name-calling) or people having a different opinion.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life 15 years has passed - it's time for a new mattress
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 100%

    They are so frickin heavy, though!

  • news News Ohio bans gender-affirming care and restricts transgender athletes despite GOP governor's veto
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 100%

    Neat, just remove actual facts. Very nice.

  • news News Ohio bans gender-affirming care and restricts transgender athletes despite GOP governor's veto
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 28%
  • news News Nuclear power output expected to break global records in 2025
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 58%

    Let's gooooo!

  • ultralight ultralight What should I look for in a thermos? Simple hikes and EDC
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 100%

    I've never done a thermos on a hike, although maybe I will start for winter. I would recommend a cup to drink out of, because otherwise you run the possibility of burning yourself on too-hot liquid. However, if you already have an insulated cup, you could get away with a simpler thermos.

    How much volume do you want? How long do you want it to be warm? What is the use case (liquid only, or chunky soup)? A travel coffee container might be sufficient.

  • personalfinance Personal Finance The 'old American Dream died,' Realtor details salary needed to buy a home, afford a middle class life in 2024
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 75%

    Not sure why you are getting down voted. It's true, house size has inflated significantly, and it drives cost. My first home was built in the 1970s and was 1500 sqft, bought for $136k in 2017 (Zestimate is about $200k now). My current one is about 3000 sqft and it's stupidly big, but it's what was available that's not a total fixer upper.

    I saw an article in WaPo the other day about house size and affordability, with one couple having a baby on the way and deciding not to move despite "needing" more space. Their house was crammed to the gills with stuff. So. Much. Stuff. I think removal of a lot of the stuff would help free up living space (so did the WaPo commenters).

  • personalfinance Personal Finance Americans can no longer afford their cars
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 100%

    Ford's only car on offer is the Mustang, everything else is some kind of compact SUV, full size SUV, or truck. Other automakers are similar (some offer more sedans and hatches still). Guess I won't be buying a Ford when I need a new car.

  • world World News World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 25%

    Lol okay. I am apparently a bad actor for simply adding information to the discussion that always rapidly devolves into simple "eat the rich" rhetoric. Sure, go on with your sanctimonious lecturing, I'm here all day.

  • world World News World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 33%

    Jfc, you are angry.

    I point it out because most people here don't seem to understand how it works when announcements like this are made.

  • world World News World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer
  • CherenkovBlue CherenkovBlue 8 months ago 17%

    Important to point out that their wealth is largely unrealized gains, that is, only exists in theory. If the stock market / bond market / whatever market crashed, this wealth would largely vaporize. Stock prices are essentially a mass agreed-upon hallucination, as they can be extremely divorced from real assets like industrial machines. It does mean that by controlling these stock etc assets, other people have a harder time getting into this slice of pie and they can do dumb shit like buying Twitter and summarily running it into the ground.

  • ultralight
    ultralight CherenkovBlue 9 months ago 100%
    Logbook, January 2024. Stop by and say hi!

    Happy New Year, ultralighters! Here’s a place to catch up and chat and discuss things that might not warrant their own post. Did you do anything cool or get any nifty gift this holiday? Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 9 months ago 100%
    Happy holidays!

    Hi everyone! Wishing you all a happy holiday season, whatever it is you celebrate. For me, it's the solstice. Do you have a holiday in particular? What do you do to celebrate?

    ultralight CherenkovBlue 10 months ago 80%
    Logbook, December 2023. Stop by and say hello!

    Here's a place to catch up and chat and discuss things that might not warrant their own post.

    ultralight CherenkovBlue 10 months ago 85%
    How do we make it though this winter?

    Title. I'm moving into late fall for the Valley weather, and looking down the barrel of winter. What is your coping strategy?

    Six word stories CherenkovBlue 11 months ago 100%
    Doggo fell down again. Arthritis sucks.

    Doggo fell down again. Arthritis sucks.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 12 months ago 92%
    Fuck COVID

    That is all. Everyone I know who has gone on travel without a mask (including myself) in the USA is catching COVID. Mask up, y'all.

    ultralight CherenkovBlue 12 months ago 95%
    Alaska Basin (Tetons, WY, USA) September 2023

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/1294232 > So we did the trip! Winter gear shakedown in place of a Wind River trip that got weather'd out. We did 8 miles in to Alaska Basin (9500', trailhead at 7100') in the rain/snow on Friday. Stayed up in the basin overnight, temperature dipped to 30 F (at least - maybe was colder overnight, but I moved the thermometer into the tent). Weather was overcast but no precipitation on Saturday for the hike back out. > > > Lower elevations still have autumn > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8680ce3d-0afa-4338-862b-d32fccdd7daf.jpeg) > > > Beautiful weather > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/39cbf705-ebb2-4cb8-b551-9586324ad043.jpeg) > > > Fresh black bear tracks (I think) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/2d2c9a48-dd1a-4a16-be28-77fcf6655cd3.jpeg) > > > Basin lake > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ef03a106-e1c4-4c5f-811f-a67dbfb0ceff.jpeg) > > More Alaska Basin > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/1bc45a21-b700-4f64-b509-b83a258e2be8.jpeg) > > Good morning snow > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8d285e70-efd4-472e-86d2-23134758cb6c.jpeg) > > Some kind of pawed critter (coyote?) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/6a07f34f-727e-4c89-b605-9f0762de3ecd.jpeg) > > Gorgeous day back out > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/86fe7fa8-c335-4df0-890a-436c0dc63745.jpeg) > > Things I learned for backpacking in the rain/slush/snow: hell yeah dry bags kept the gear from getting damp from a day's worth of rain and snow. I need a better fleece solution. I also need a better puffy solution and a better camp shoe situation. My boots were waterlogged (which was fine while hiking, they are not waterproof, but no way am I going to wear them around camp) and the Crocs flats I brought did Not provide any protection from cold/wind/snow. My random Columbia Sherpa fleece is way overkill for hiking and doesn't dry quickly. My (non technical) down jacket got soaked in the back when I put it over the fleece. My wool gloves also got wet and became useless. Yikes. > > Other things I learned: it was really nice being out there in different weather, in a different season, with no one else (except my husband) around. I loved it. Would do again. Also I am glad we nixed the Winds trip, the weather would have been worse and we would have had a much harder time of it. Getting this experience was good, before we got hit with it on the trail unexpectedly.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Wilderness Backpacking CherenkovBlue 12 months ago 91%
    Alaska Basin (Tetons, WY, USA) September 2023

    So we did the trip! Winter gear shakedown in place of a Wind River trip that got weather'd out. We did 8 miles in to Alaska Basin (9500', trailhead at 7100') in the rain/snow on Friday. Stayed up in the basin overnight, temperature dipped to 30 F (at least - maybe was colder overnight, but I moved the thermometer into the tent). Weather was overcast but no precipitation on Saturday for the hike back out. Lower elevations still have autumn ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8680ce3d-0afa-4338-862b-d32fccdd7daf.jpeg) Beautiful weather ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/39cbf705-ebb2-4cb8-b551-9586324ad043.jpeg) Fresh black bear tracks (I think) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/2d2c9a48-dd1a-4a16-be28-77fcf6655cd3.jpeg) Basin lake ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ef03a106-e1c4-4c5f-811f-a67dbfb0ceff.jpeg) More Alaska Basin ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/1bc45a21-b700-4f64-b509-b83a258e2be8.jpeg) Good morning snow ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8d285e70-efd4-472e-86d2-23134758cb6c.jpeg) Some kind of pawed critter (coyote?) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/6a07f34f-727e-4c89-b605-9f0762de3ecd.jpeg) Gorgeous day back out ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/86fe7fa8-c335-4df0-890a-436c0dc63745.jpeg) Things I learned for backpacking in the rain/slush/snow: hell yeah dry bags kept the gear from getting damp from a day's worth of rain and snow. I need a better fleece solution. I also need a better puffy solution and a better camp shoe situation. My boots were waterlogged (which was fine while hiking, they are not waterproof, but no way am I going to wear them around camp) and the Crocs flats I brought did Not provide any protection from cold/wind/snow. My random Columbia Sherpa fleece is way overkill for hiking and doesn't dry quickly. My (non technical) down jacket got soaked in the back when I put it over the fleece. My wool gloves also got wet and became useless. Yikes. Other things I learned: it was really nice being out there in different weather, in a different season, with no one else (except my husband) around. I loved it. Would do again. Also I am glad we nixed the Winds trip, the weather would have been worse and we would have had a much harder time of it. Getting this experience was good, before we got hit with it on the trail unexpectedly.

    ultralight CherenkovBlue 12 months ago 93%
    How El Nino will affect the US this winter abcnews.go.com

    Welp, this is an interesting forecast for the 2023-2024 winter in the USA. Hiking season may start earlier in the Northern Rockies, later in the SoCal region. All a probability forecast though, so we shall have to see.

    ultralight CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 90%
    Yellow Belly Lake to Spangle Lakes, Sawtooth Mountains, ID USA, July 2023

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/1047974 > In late July, I took what was intended to be a four-day, three-night hike in the Sawtooth Wilderness area in Idaho, USA. We intended to take the trip in early July, but the snow over Sand Mountain pass was still quite bad according to the ranger. > > > The trip was to start from the west Yellow Belly Lake trailhead (7076’), pass by Farley lake (7745’), go up the pass by Edith lake (8720’), past that knot of passes and by Sand Mountain and down the pass (9219’) to Rendezvous lake (8861’) for Day 1, with a total of 8.6 miles and about 2950’ climbing elevation. Day 1 started late, around 2 pm (yay driving) and we hiked in the hottest part of the day; but we did it! Unfortunately we had to tack on 2 more miles hiking because Google was not reliable in getting us to the intended trail access point and sent us to the farther one. Live and learn… Total mileage, 10.6 mi. > > Edith lake > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/784bf2db-508f-4715-97c4-dae6d5d95c5f.jpeg) > > > Rendezvous lake from the pass > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/e76c71eb-452e-45f9-9b38-237b4af44c88.jpeg) > > > Sand mountain (it's not sand, but it's super eroded and looks like it), with the final knife-edge pass > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/a8529177-95bb-4504-8756-60c1f08a6f48.jpeg) > > > Day 2 was to be the lake tour! Starting from Rendezvous lake, pass by Edna lake (8404’), Vernon lake (8460’), Ardeth lake (8288’), Spangle lake (8585’), Rock slide lake, Benedict Lake, and finally camp at Everly lake, in the shadow of Mount Everly. This involved a ton of up-and-down bouncing us between about 8050’ and 8700’, and would have entailed 3 full passes and a final climb up to Everly lake over 11.2 miles total. However, my knee was starting to complain about the repetitive stress injury I’d sustained earlier in the season. In the interest of safety, DrBohr and I decided to stop at Spangle Lake and chill out for the day, explore the area, and enjoy the quiet. Total distance: 6.3 mi, 1449’ climbing elevation. > > > Rendezvous lake at sunrise > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/46243a6a-8e30-4fef-a5b8-90e64ff23320.jpeg) > > > Looking down from a pass toward Edna and Vernon lakes > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/140a90c4-1b09-4a9d-bcdc-cddae220eb4e.jpeg) > > > I don't remember which lake this was... > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ab48216-7ddb-4c39-86ca-9727907f23fb.jpeg) > > > Little Spangle Lake > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/00011805-21f5-4ae3-a2bc-bcf958de27b5.jpeg) > > > Day 3 was supposed to be a descent from Everly Lake down to Smith Falls and then back to Rendezvous lake or one of the other nearby lakes on the western side of the pass for a total of 12.5 miles and 2700’ of ascent. However, that didn’t happen due to bailing out early at Spangle lakes. Instead, we retraced our path from Spangle Lake. We intended to stop at Edith Lake or Farley lake that day, leaving us with 6-8 miles to hike out on the last day. That really seemed like it would happen given that my knee started getting pissed off on the descents again. > > > Big Spangle lake > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/d56e12c1-2bd3-4ee2-a55e-0a67d20640e8.jpeg) > > > One of the small lakes at one of the wide, flat passes > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ef55d9a-4828-4ef3-b88f-3030ff051610.jpeg) > > > However, I decided to try something: ibuprofen and Tylonol together - I’d heard this was a pretty great painkiller combination. Heck yeah it is! It was amazing. My knee pain…disappeared. I think I was getting some nerve involvement along with the inflammation. I thought I would be able to hobble out to Edith or Farley lake, but it turns out… we hiked out the entire rest of the way, 16.3 miles, 2862’ ascent. We were motivated to get home back to our two dogs. Never have I ever been so glad to see the car! > > > Looking down towards Farley lake (near) and Yellow Belly lake (far), with the White Cloud mountains in the background and remaining snow in the foreground > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/dd259e70-4ab2-4f7a-83c0-59cc1f93e2b9.jpeg) > > > I was afraid I’d have trashed my knee, but the pain meds and shifting my weight more forward for the descents gave me just general knee fatigue the next day. Success!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Yellow Belly Lake to Spangle Lakes, Sawtooth Mountains, ID USA, July 2023

    In late July, I took what was intended to be a four-day, three-night hike in the Sawtooth Wilderness area in Idaho, USA. We intended to take the trip in early July, but the snow over Sand Mountain pass was still quite bad according to the ranger. The trip was to start from the west Yellow Belly Lake trailhead (7076’), pass by Farley lake (7745’), go up the pass by Edith lake (8720’), past that knot of passes and by Sand Mountain and down the pass (9219’) to Rendezvous lake (8861’) for Day 1, with a total of 8.6 miles and about 2950’ climbing elevation. Day 1 started late, around 2 pm (yay driving) and we hiked in the hottest part of the day; but we did it! Unfortunately we had to tack on 2 more miles hiking because Google was not reliable in getting us to the intended trail access point and sent us to the farther one. Live and learn… Total mileage, 10.6 mi. Edith lake ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/784bf2db-508f-4715-97c4-dae6d5d95c5f.jpeg) Rendezvous lake from the pass ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/e76c71eb-452e-45f9-9b38-237b4af44c88.jpeg) Sand mountain (it's not sand, but it's super eroded and looks like it), with the final knife-edge pass ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/a8529177-95bb-4504-8756-60c1f08a6f48.jpeg) Day 2 was to be the lake tour! Starting from Rendezvous lake, pass by Edna lake (8404’), Vernon lake (8460’), Ardeth lake (8288’), Spangle lake (8585’), Rock slide lake, Benedict Lake, and finally camp at Everly lake, in the shadow of Mount Everly. This involved a ton of up-and-down bouncing us between about 8050’ and 8700’, and would have entailed 3 full passes and a final climb up to Everly lake over 11.2 miles total. However, my knee was starting to complain about the repetitive stress injury I’d sustained earlier in the season. In the interest of safety, DrBohr and I decided to stop at Spangle Lake and chill out for the day, explore the area, and enjoy the quiet. Total distance: 6.3 mi, 1449’ climbing elevation. Rendezvous lake at sunrise ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/46243a6a-8e30-4fef-a5b8-90e64ff23320.jpeg) Looking down from a pass toward Edna and Vernon lakes ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/140a90c4-1b09-4a9d-bcdc-cddae220eb4e.jpeg) I don't remember which lake this was... ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ab48216-7ddb-4c39-86ca-9727907f23fb.jpeg) Little Spangle Lake ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/00011805-21f5-4ae3-a2bc-bcf958de27b5.jpeg) Day 3 was supposed to be a descent from Everly Lake down to Smith Falls and then back to Rendezvous lake or one of the other nearby lakes on the western side of the pass for a total of 12.5 miles and 2700’ of ascent. However, that didn’t happen due to bailing out early at Spangle lakes. Instead, we retraced our path from Spangle Lake. We intended to stop at Edith Lake or Farley lake that day, leaving us with 6-8 miles to hike out on the last day. That really seemed like it would happen given that my knee started getting pissed off on the descents again. Big Spangle lake ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/d56e12c1-2bd3-4ee2-a55e-0a67d20640e8.jpeg) One of the small lakes at one of the wide, flat passes ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ef55d9a-4828-4ef3-b88f-3030ff051610.jpeg) However, I decided to try something: ibuprofen and Tylonol together - I’d heard this was a pretty great painkiller combination. Heck yeah it is! It was amazing. My knee pain…disappeared. I think I was getting some nerve involvement along with the inflammation. I thought I would be able to hobble out to Edith or Farley lake, but it turns out… we hiked out the entire rest of the way, 16.3 miles, 2862’ ascent. We were motivated to get home back to our two dogs. Never have I ever been so glad to see the car! Looking down towards Farley lake (near) and Yellow Belly lake (far), with the White Cloud mountains in the background and remaining snow in the foreground ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/dd259e70-4ab2-4f7a-83c0-59cc1f93e2b9.jpeg) I was afraid I’d have trashed my knee, but the pain meds and shifting my weight more forward for the descents gave me just general knee fatigue the next day. Success!

    backpacking CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 83%
    Bighorn Crags, Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, ID (2023)

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/417724 > I day-hiked in to the Bighorn Crags area a couple of weeks ago. The Bighorn Crags are named for their bighorn sheep and really cool craggy granite mountains. They are quite old and eroded, with lots of cirques, crags, and towers. I would recommend getting to the trailhead and camping, then backpacking in for a few days. > > Getting to the trailhead is a 2.5 hour drive from Salmon, Idaho through forest service roads. The first 1.5 hours are fine - well maintained dirt roads with easy grades. The last 18 miles takes an hour on a really crappy road deep into the mountains. Tire popper rocks abound, so be careful and be prepared! There is a campground at the trailhead. > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/441f82df-1eec-4410-9dbe-09244ba8491a.jpeg) > > The trail system is such that you hike along a ridge line for about six miles until you reach the major crags. > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9ab62b3d-c27c-455a-8221-4a1c1574e910.jpeg) > > From the trailhead you almost immediately hit the Frank Church Wilderness boundary. You will pass some trails to go to a couple of lakes but they are some distance away and a hike down from the ridge line. The ridge line is dry, so bring water. > > The first lakes you reach in the crags are Wilson Lake and Harbor Lake at about mile 7.1. > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/0f8dc8ee-b796-4ca3-bf2c-220da9f8b2ba.jpeg) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/41680eca-c2ef-4372-8339-9e89dd5f4ea3.jpeg) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/70f52b1f-b035-4b5d-afd5-31241799c4da.jpeg) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ef5eafde-8a6e-457d-a00a-2277ffd891af.jpeg) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/d2a408f7-cf03-4e0d-b335-cc2634184e32.jpeg) > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9d849a41-c7ab-4254-b767-b540b452d531.jpeg) > > The trail bounces around between about 8500' and 9200' elevation. However, one way is about 1700' of ascent, meaning we had 3400' ascent and 3400' descent in 14 miles round trip. > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8bd1b748-708c-4745-a603-0c1ce264d8ed.png)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Bighorn Crags, Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, ID (2023)

    I day-hiked in to the Bighorn Crags area a couple of weeks ago. The Bighorn Crags are named for their bighorn sheep and really cool craggy granite mountains. They are quite old and eroded, with lots of cirques, crags, and towers. I would recommend getting to the trailhead and camping, then backpacking in for a few days. Getting to the trailhead is a 2.5 hour drive from Salmon, Idaho through forest service roads. The first 1.5 hours are fine - well maintained dirt roads with easy grades. The last 18 miles takes an hour on a really crappy road deep into the mountains. Tire popper rocks abound, so be careful and be prepared! There is a campground at the trailhead. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/441f82df-1eec-4410-9dbe-09244ba8491a.jpeg) The trail system is such that you hike along a ridge line for about six miles until you reach the major crags. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9ab62b3d-c27c-455a-8221-4a1c1574e910.jpeg) From the trailhead you almost immediately hit the Frank Church Wilderness boundary. You will pass some trails to go to a couple of lakes but they are some distance away and a hike down from the ridge line. The ridge line is dry, so bring water. The first lakes you reach in the crags are Wilson Lake and Harbor Lake at about mile 7.1. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/0f8dc8ee-b796-4ca3-bf2c-220da9f8b2ba.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/41680eca-c2ef-4372-8339-9e89dd5f4ea3.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/70f52b1f-b035-4b5d-afd5-31241799c4da.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ef5eafde-8a6e-457d-a00a-2277ffd891af.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/d2a408f7-cf03-4e0d-b335-cc2634184e32.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9d849a41-c7ab-4254-b767-b540b452d531.jpeg) The trail bounces around between about 8500' and 9200' elevation. However, one way is about 1700' of ascent, meaning we had 3400' ascent and 3400' descent in 14 miles round trip. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/8bd1b748-708c-4745-a603-0c1ce264d8ed.png)

    backpacking CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 83%
    Bear Basin to Thompson Lake, Lee Metcalf Wilderness, MT USA (2022)

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/277201 > I took this out-and-back hike in August 2022. It was a 9.3 mile hike one way. You start in relatively populated national forest land and then as you rise through the mountains, reach the Wilderness area. The trail climbs through Bear Basin, switch backing up the bowl of the basin to the first pass, which is stunning. The descent down the pass is rough with lots of steep gravel. The trail splits and you take the high trail to the east, over the next pass to Summit Lake, which is nestled between two mountains, then over the lass tiny pass and down into the last, big basin. Hike along the meadow until you reach Thompson Lake at the foot of Gallatin peak. You can summit the peak, but I didn't. I surely didn't see a reasonable trail up it! > > ![Elevation](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9b609ea6-adbb-4910-b7ab-168f33b6ab0d.png) > > ![Trail on quad chart](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/f46a81ea-7cf7-428b-ae19-a04a8fa1aaef.png) > > > Looking into Bear Basin > ![Looking into Bear Basin](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/00a318d2-f4e0-44be-a956-789f2d3254ca.jpeg) > > > Wildflowers > ![Wildflowers](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/592e2c1f-a33f-42b1-929b-0228a2172389.jpeg) > > > Looking down into Bear Basin from the pass > ![Looking down into Bear Basin from the pass](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/dbef04f6-7438-4925-b174-9c9e4a6248e2.jpeg) > > > Summit Lake > ![Summit Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/312e2088-43c4-4aaf-acc7-0617770221fe.jpeg) > > > Towards Thompson Lake > ![Towards Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/11574210-1ef8-4252-9b05-05adc0f74858.jpeg) > > > Thompson Lake > ![Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/0d45b99a-f14e-46df-b518-0f0ac293bc8a.jpeg) > > > Sunrise at Thompson Lake > ![Sunrise at Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/2e75588e-9b1f-4a2b-82f5-1f7bc7f4ad6f.jpeg) > >

    backpacking CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 85%
    Palisades hike to Waterfall Canyon, Idaho 2023

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/66105 > As promised, here is a trip report! > > Trailhead: Palisades campground > Path: hike past Lower Palisades lake (4 mi), Upper Palisades lake (7 mi) and into Waterfall Canyon (end at 11 miles). > > The snow has melted and the Palisades are in full growth mode! Tons of flowers are blooming or preparing to bloom in the next couple of weeks. Patches of snow still exist in Waterfall Canyon starting at about 7400 ft elevation. There were two waterfalls flowing at the end of the canyon. We camped in some nice established campsites to the west of the trail by one of the lakes at the end of the canyon. It was a quiet day with no other people out past Upper Lake. > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/f1986b7d-4ed4-48cc-9f47-e6be15989353.jpeg) (Palisades creek is super fast this year!) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b2f34510-5b02-4539-827d-41ad83ca1cf2.jpeg) (Upper Palisades Lake is beautiful) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b041bb31-a9e3-4dbd-bcb9-3ebf212044fd.jpeg) (The main waterfall) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ca319be-8923-4b60-95f1-13e405f2184f.jpeg) (The other waterfall) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b6fa9df2-3f2a-407f-a00a-301a2ff16be3.jpeg) (Lake we camped by)

    backpacking CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 88%
    Goldbug Hot Springs, near Salmon, ID (2023)

    cross-posted from: https://iusearchlinux.fyi/post/354323 > Did a quick day hike last weekend to Goldbug Hot Springs in Elk Bend, ID. It's a little under 2 miles one way, and about 900' elevation gain - half of it in the last quarter-mile. You start at a trailhead next to private land and hike about a quarter-mile through private land (it's allowed but stay on trail, dogs on leash and keep your noise level down). > > It was very hot in the afternoon and there is little cover, it improves as you approach the hot springs. The springs actually spring cold water and hot water, and some pools are hotter than others, so explore! > > > The map > ![The map](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ea4f3b40-3e0a-4efe-a86f-ce9e4255ee0d.png) > > > The approach - the springs are up in the mountains > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/e91124bd-7a41-47ed-92ca-047eb442b55f.jpeg) > > > The vew from the springs back down > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/c6ecb564-ea4f-426b-bd8b-9e35faa9a149.jpeg) > > > The hot springs > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ae1fdbd9-a7e2-4993-b336-641832490f37.jpeg) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b4c52479-8bb5-45c5-a3ef-d430c6bd969e.jpeg) > > > > ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/623ad639-0d36-4b3c-af77-5dd1877d4e2f.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Goldbug Hot Springs, near Salmon, ID (2023)

    Did a quick day hike last weekend to Goldbug Hot Springs in Elk Bend, ID. It's a little under 2 miles one way, and about 900' elevation gain - half of it in the last quarter-mile. You start at a trailhead next to private land and hike about a quarter-mile through private land (it's allowed but stay on trail, dogs on leash and keep your noise level down). It was very hot in the afternoon and there is little cover, it improves as you approach the hot springs. The springs actually spring cold water and hot water, and some pools are hotter than others, so explore! The map ![The map](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ea4f3b40-3e0a-4efe-a86f-ce9e4255ee0d.png) The approach - the springs are up in the mountains ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/e91124bd-7a41-47ed-92ca-047eb442b55f.jpeg) The vew from the springs back down ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/c6ecb564-ea4f-426b-bd8b-9e35faa9a149.jpeg) The hot springs ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ae1fdbd9-a7e2-4993-b336-641832490f37.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b4c52479-8bb5-45c5-a3ef-d430c6bd969e.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/623ad639-0d36-4b3c-af77-5dd1877d4e2f.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 90%
    Had to cross-post this iusearchlinux.fyi

    Still figuring out how cross-posting works, please forgive me if I bork it up. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/f650b2f7-7690-4c25-8c33-02edaadc9b15.webp)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Bear Basin to Thompson Lake, Lee Metcalf Wilderness, MT USA (2022)

    I took this out-and-back hike in August 2022. It was a 9.3 mile hike one way. You start in relatively populated national forest land and then as you rise through the mountains, reach the Wilderness area. The trail climbs through Bear Basin, switch backing up the bowl of the basin to the first pass, which is stunning. The descent down the pass is rough with lots of steep gravel. The trail splits and you take the high trail to the east, over the next pass to Summit Lake, which is nestled between two mountains, then over the lass tiny pass and down into the last, big basin. Hike along the meadow until you reach Thompson Lake at the foot of Gallatin peak. You can summit the peak, but I didn't. I surely didn't see a reasonable trail up it! ![Elevation](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9b609ea6-adbb-4910-b7ab-168f33b6ab0d.png) ![Trail on quad chart](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/f46a81ea-7cf7-428b-ae19-a04a8fa1aaef.png) Looking into Bear Basin ![Looking into Bear Basin](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/00a318d2-f4e0-44be-a956-789f2d3254ca.jpeg) Wildflowers ![Wildflowers](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/592e2c1f-a33f-42b1-929b-0228a2172389.jpeg) Looking down into Bear Basin from the pass ![Looking down into Bear Basin from the pass](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/dbef04f6-7438-4925-b174-9c9e4a6248e2.jpeg) Summit Lake ![Summit Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/312e2088-43c4-4aaf-acc7-0617770221fe.jpeg) Towards Thompson Lake ![Towards Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/11574210-1ef8-4252-9b05-05adc0f74858.jpeg) Thompson Lake ![Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/0d45b99a-f14e-46df-b518-0f0ac293bc8a.jpeg) Sunrise at Thompson Lake ![Sunrise at Thompson Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/2e75588e-9b1f-4a2b-82f5-1f7bc7f4ad6f.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 50%
    It's Thursday, so that means...time to start thinking about the weekend! Anyone got plans?

    In the USA we are approaching July 4 (Independence Day), which is a major holiday. People tend to string together a few days of vacation and take off a nice chunk of time (I am!). My husband finally comes home this evening, we have Friday off (we work a 9/80 schedule with every other Friday off) and then we will (EDIT: NOT BE go on a 4 day trip in the Sawtooth mountains, due to snowpack, but we will be working on our teardrop trailer)! How about you all? I know some of you are in Europe, and it's also vacation season there. What's shakin'?

    camping CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 90%
    Come join over at Wilderness Backpacking for all your wilderness trips!

    Hi friends! I wanted to tell you about a community I created: [!wilderness_backpacking@iusearchlinux.fyi](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/c/wilderness_backpacking) It's focused only on trips into the wilderness with non-motorized transport and away from human establishment. I hope you enjoy it and share your trips there too!

    backpacking CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 63%
    Come join the Wilderness Backpacking community!

    For all your wonderful hikes out in the wilderness, come join !wilderness_backpacking@iusearchlinux.fyi ! Remember to follow Leave No Trace principles on your travels :)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 50%
    Anyone else having trouble posting images?

    I get the perpetual "waiting" icon on the browser interface and some kind of JSON string error in Jerboa (I would have to screen shot it, it flashes up and disappears). Is it the server? Lemmy in general? Something else?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    [UPDATE - now with pictures!] Alaska Basin Trail (partial), Teton mountains, June 2023

    I went for a quick out-and-back hike this weekend along the Alaska Basin Trail near Alta, WY, USA. Accessible by Teton Canyon trailhead, Alaska Basin trail is about 9 miles long and ends in Alaska Basin, approximately 9500' altitude. Alaska Basin is near the backside of the Teton mountains and the views are amazing. I was unable to hike the whole thing because the snow is still melting after a heavy winter and cold spring. That's ok though, since I needed to take it easy as my right knee is still recovering from overuse the week previously. I hiked four miles in and camped overnight, then hiked out in the morning. The first three miles are very gentle rise through Teton Canyon with gorgeous meadows, forest, Teton Creek, and views. Right now there are a ton of waterfalls, which is amazing! At mile 3 is the trail break for Devils Staircase, which was clear of snow by now, that rises to Teton Shelf. I continued on the left fork to stay on Alaska Basin trail and hiked another mile, which is rockier and steeper. There is an excellent campsite above Teton Creek right around mile 4 and an elevation of about 7800'. Patches of snow are still around and the trail is wet, but things should be excellent in the next few weeks. It's so early in the season there that the greenery is just getting started, lots of tender shoots and leaves and no flowers yet. It felt like the Pacific Northwest in terms of temperature and humidity, which was a really nice different experience as the summers are hot and dry. Oh, and I saw black bear, deer, and moose tracks in the mud. Thankfully I did not encounter any of them. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/cd04e9e5-b23d-4c32-a7a8-e2e8a26f781c.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ee6870cd-be1f-4acb-a3f2-fd02b3b9308d.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/06b3e19d-0d63-471b-b3a3-e22f0e923e21.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/34221798-6af9-4648-b809-76da7c3a068d.jpeg) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/555f11a3-e9f5-4fc2-928b-b271aa590ba4.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 50%
    What are y'all up to today?

    Just felt like getting to know our little community a bit better. I got up extra early today to take my husband to the airport this morning after his flight was rebooked from yesterday evening. He's headed to Germany for a big birthday celebration with his peers from growing up. I think it's super cool they are all still friends with each other! I'm also working from home using a computer that unfortunately isn't running Arch, but if it were running Arch, I would definitely tell you.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Cirque of the Towers, Wind River Range USA, September 2022

    I did a three-day, two-night backpacking trip for the Cirque of the Towers loop in the Wind River Range, WY USA. It was a 26.1 mile loop total, starting at about 9100' and maxing out at 11300' crossing over the Continental Divide on Texas Pass. I don't recommend going over Labor Day weekend. Everyone comes out to do it, so it is quite busy. But it's a beautiful hike and quite challenging! ![Trail map](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/2a53580b-bb07-4cce-b7e0-a471bda641db.png) ![Zoom in of the Cirque](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/ab37996c-3df1-42b5-b58d-9043a4edae00.png) ![Dad's Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/7d50ae9e-adc8-41eb-beb2-a98e3d04872e.jpeg) ![Shadow Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/02cc3118-214a-4f24-b967-6187e8437c36.jpeg) ![Shadow Lake at sunset](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/fed4b72e-abfd-4f27-96b2-2ddfa04ffeaa.jpeg) ![Cirque of the Towers - Texas Pass](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/0f17fb5e-9163-4a32-b489-15e7a08d50e8.jpeg) Hoo boy was that a scary pass. There is no official trail for the pass, but people have created one. It's incredibly steep and somewhat unstable, more of a scramble than a hike. But once over it, it's incredible! ![Lonesome Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/4ba44e92-cbe3-4958-b53d-090c6a4d9e74.jpeg) ![Jackass Pass](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b85a708e-3c68-4403-88c1-931afe7057e2.jpeg) Jackass Pass is the second crossing of the Continental Divide on this loop. ![Jackass Pass towards Arrowhead Lake](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/a44ef4f9-217f-4166-a39f-ba774c1c42af.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    Palisades hike to Waterfall Canyon, Idaho 2023

    As promised, here is a trip report! Trailhead: Palisades campground Path: hike past Lower Palisades lake (4 mi), Upper Palisades lake (7 mi) and into Waterfall Canyon (end at 11 miles). The snow has melted and the Palisades are in full growth mode! Tons of flowers are blooming or preparing to bloom in the next couple of weeks. Patches of snow still exist in Waterfall Canyon starting at about 7400 ft elevation. There were two waterfalls flowing at the end of the canyon. We camped in some nice established campsites to the west of the trail by one of the lakes at the end of the canyon. It was a quiet day with no other people out past Upper Lake. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/f1986b7d-4ed4-48cc-9f47-e6be15989353.jpeg) (Palisades creek is super fast this year!) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b2f34510-5b02-4539-827d-41ad83ca1cf2.jpeg) (Upper Palisades Lake is beautiful) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b041bb31-a9e3-4dbd-bcb9-3ebf212044fd.jpeg) (The main waterfall) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/5ca319be-8923-4b60-95f1-13e405f2184f.jpeg) (The other waterfall) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/b6fa9df2-3f2a-407f-a00a-301a2ff16be3.jpeg) (Lake we camped by)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearUL
    ultralight CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 80%
    Ultralight dog bed / sleeping solution?

    I have a 55 lb possibly McNab dog (so he's not small) and he definitely needs something to keep him warm at night. Any recommendations for ultra light dog sleeping bags and maybe pads? I got a cheap bag on Amazon but it's poly fill and heavy for what it is.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWI
    2023 season getting started on the Intermountain West!

    Super stoked for my first first hike of 2023. It's not exactly deep wilderness but it will be beautiful nonetheless. It's a hike in the Palisades in eastern Idaho up to Waterfall Canyon. Here's the Alltrails screenshots for it. I will post pictures upon return. ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/9504711e-6ea0-4d6f-bf28-e243bc3a74c3.png) ![](https://iusearchlinux.fyi/pictrs/image/a674a6f1-4376-4710-b5c4-5382d7ed26ee.png)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCH
    chat CherenkovBlue 1 year ago 100%
    How do you all feel about creating more communities here?

    I'd love to have more local communities to discuss about things, but I don't want to 1) spam a bunch of new communities that get no traffic and/or are duplicates of communities on other instances and 2) I have very little time to moderate. What do you think? What kind of topics might we want to add, if we do?
