usa United States | News & Politics 111 Republican former officials endorse Harris because of Trump's disloyalty to America and unfitness to serve
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 day ago 100%

    True. I hope it bubbles up to those who have 'more to lose' and they put country over career and party.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 111 Republican former officials endorse Harris because of Trump's disloyalty to America and unfitness to serve
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 day ago 100%

    Fair point -- she had the courage and 100% deserves credit for that! I wish more had her strength.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 111 Republican former officials endorse Harris because of Trump's disloyalty to America and unfitness to serve
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 day ago 80%

    'former officials'

    ... it isn't courageous and won't mean anything until CURRENT officials do the same, en masse. They're mostly too scared of losing their cushy positions. Cowards.

  • pics Pics What's on it?
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 days ago 100%

    A GIF of a ship? Oh, and an MP3 of "Message In A Bottle" by The Police?

  • news News Georgia election deniers helped pass new laws. Many worry it’ll lead to chaos in November
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 weeks ago 100%

    Canada has always used paper, hand-counted ballots. Why anyone would trust their elections to machines which can be sabotaged is beyond me. Perhaps use them to check human-counted results, not the other way 'round.

    Takes too long? Recruit more volunteers. Or, heaven forbid, pay them. Something this important deserves the resources to do it transparently and accurately.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What do you guys do about usernames / passwords for your local services?
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 month ago 100%

    I put on my robe and wizard hat

  • technology Technology Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 month ago 100%

    When our last TV which was 'smart' died, we just bought a big lcd monitor at the pawn shop. We already were only using Kodi on an Android box, so a monitor with external speaker is fine. (Seemed spyware free last time I checked, but beware no-name android media boxes on=from eBay etc., use a tiny or old spare PC instead if you wish).

    One must 'sail the high seas' tovget content, of course...

  • technology Technology Waymo’s robotaxi depot is still honking its San Francisco neighbors awake
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 month ago 85%

    Hmm, nothing a little thermite on their hoods wouldn't fix?

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Parody religion
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 month ago 100%

    Praise "Bob"!

    Remember, the world is ending... and you may die! Stock up on SLACK while prices are low!

  • showerthoughts ShowerThoughts They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. Well what is doing the same thing over and over again and GETTING different results?
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 1 month ago 96%

    Debugging pretty much any multithreaded application..

  • hackernews Hacker News No Uptime Hosting – Guaranteed Server Downtime
    Showerthoughts Arghblarg 3 months ago 98%
    Would Sentinel Island still be untouched in the Star Trek Universe?

    If you haven't heard of it, this island has a population that the world has collectively decided to leave alone, mostly because they have proven, on multiple occasions, that they absolutely *do not want* visitors. Like, arrow-to-death anyone attempting to land or even visit near their shores. This probably cannot go on forever... but maybe, it could. Essentially, we are already implementing a 'Prime Directive' of sorts here. Would the 23rd, 24th, ... centuries in Star Trek canon still have this little island on Earth, isolated from not just from Earth's own unified Federation society, but from the greater Federation races? What steps would the Federation and Earth take to maintain their isolation and the ecosystem on which they depend? Would make for an interesting episode, or at least a cool side-note reference in one :)

    politics politics Ex-Trump Staffer Alleges Campaign Settled Seedy Suits in Bombshell Filing
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    Too little, too late :(

  • canada Canada After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 44%

    Reason #1 (or #2) why I will not vote for him. Never forget, once he was in power he suddenly decided FPTP was just dandy.

    (#2 is his other broken promise, to re-examine CSIS/CSE surveillance overreaches...)

  • imaginarydragons Imaginary Dragons Untitled by Robert Manns (1978)
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    Where are the consummate Vs??!

  • dogs Dogs US soldier during the Battle of the Bulge shaking hands with a local, Luxembourg, WW2, 1944 or early 1945
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    Good boy

    And the dog too.

    F*ck War, they both should've been warm and dry, at home.

  • education Education Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    .. as part of a comparative religious studies course, right? (Of course not, who am I kidding.)

  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 93%

    thank mr skeltal

  • technology Technology Multiple AI companies bypassing web standard to scrape publisher sites, licensing firm says
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    Sounds like we're all going to need to start putting the equivalent of Trap Streets in all our web content, source code, etc.

    I heard someone has already had success placing nonsense in a white-on-white box of their site, later querying commercial AI to prove it was ingested w/o permission.

  • squirrels Squirrels McGill squirrel of the day
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    Is there an rss or atom feed for the squirrel of the day?

  • programming Programming Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 53%

    No, I know that -- I honestly want them both to die :p

    Both have been a blight on software development for decades.

  • bmoviebonanza B Movie Bonanza Mistress of the Apes (1979)
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 100%

    No movie link? :( :)

  • programming Programming Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 3 months ago 53%

    Can Oracle kill javascript as well, please? Please?

  • gmecanada
    GMECanada Arghblarg 4 months ago 83%
    DFV GME YOLO June 2, 2024

    Normally I avoid linking to the old sh$thole here ('cuz you know, f*ck u/Spez), but this is an exception. --- DFV posted DIRECTLY to 'stonk: Discussion over on the 'stonk sub: Twitter post tonight:

    star_wars Star Wars Star Wars' Phantom Menace Lightsaber Fight Was Decided By A Five-Year-Old - SlashFilm
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 37%

    I'm sorry, there were other movies besides ANH, TESB and ROTJ? Man, if they were any good I'd have thought I would remember them. :p

  • movies movies Robert De Niro has award withdrawn after calling Donald Trump 'monster' outside trial
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    I'm sure he'll wear this as a badge of honour, so that's a backfire for sure.

  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    As it should be! I hope in the long-term, that is proven to be true.

  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    I would like to say, for the record, that I wrote that late at night, and my phrasing probably came across incorrectly.

    It wasn't my intention to call you personally 'a peon'. I was trying more to adopt the voice, for argument's sake, of what an imagined President, using this supposed absolute immunity, might say to their critics -- 'who are you (out there, the people) to question my power?'

    My apologies for it coming out the way it did.

  • technology Technology Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    What? Oh no, I had not written down the recipe for using gasoline to cook my spaghetti! Whatever shall I do?

  • politics politics Lauren Boebert 14 points behind Democrat opponent in Colorado poll
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%


  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 50%

    Exactly. The Democratic party needs to push the issue and make the GOP see that the Leopards can eat their face too.

  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 75%

    Exactly. Maybe I didn't propose the "right" action -- the entire point is that if the SCOTUS won't rule a president does not have absolute immunity, and is subject to the law of the land, then really ANYTHING is possible isn't it?

  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 71%

    But Trump is currently asserting in court that he does have that power! Absolute immunity remember? Who are you to say, peon, that the POTUS cannot dissolve the SCOTUS? He has absolute immunity, remember? That means he has absolute power to do anything!

    What I was trying to say is that Biden should call the bluff, and force the SCOTUS to decide right now. Why not? If the POTUS really does have absolute immunity, why not? Do you see the insanity this road leads down?

  • news News Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 88%

    I'll say it again: since the SCOTUS intends to slow-walk a decision on presidential 'absolute immunity', Biden needs to announce RIGHT NOW that he's dissolving the SCOTUS effective 2 weeks from the time of the announcement, at midnight, intending to appoint an all-new roster of his choosing, as well as replacing all state-level judges, also of his administration's choosing.

    If the SCOTUS, on the other hand, suddenly finds they do have the time to make a decision on presidential immunity before that deadline, well maybe Biden won't do it, after all.

  • politics politics Roberts declines meeting with Senate Democrats about Alito controversy
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    Isn't the Senate supposed to have a Marshall who has authority to haul people in who ignore subpoenas and the like?

    The USA seems to have an awful lot of 'regulations' and 'laws' that have no real enforcement, it would seem.

    Enough of 'courtesy' and 'expectations' for all governmental things such as this. Anything that isn't mandatory apparently will be ignored. Close the loopholes. Amend every law and regulation with the full expectation that every person it might be brought to bear to is a slimy grifter wannabe-fascist that will only listen to the very real threat of incarceration and jailtime from this point forward.

    Oh, and give the President 2, maybe 3 pardons max and none exercisable in the last year of office. Or something. Geez, anything.

  • linuxphones Linux Phones Here's a way to support linux mobile development even if you're forced to use android or ios
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    If it's not new-in-box, yeah, pretty much. I'm happy with my OnePlus-5T.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 92%

    But immigration <> birth rate. Within 1 or 2 generations those new people will also not want to have kids since they won't be able to afford anything either.

  • linuxphones Linux Phones Here's a way to support linux mobile development even if you're forced to use android or ios
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    I refuse to buy any phone new, I always look for one 2-3 years old with verified stable support for lineageOS.

    Also a good way to do a little to reduce e-waste. Many slightly older models have stock remaining new-in-box so it isn't always an issue of buying 'used' hardware.

  • politics politics Former Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis’ law license suspended after guilty plea in Georgia election interference case | CNN Politics
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    Because the infection of Fascism and White Christian Nationalism has too many others in power who were in a position to soften her judgement; or too many are still in denial and aren't willing to mete out definitive judgements to stop things before they can go further.

    The rot goes deep and is nowhere near to being rooted out, and the US legal system seems to be locked in 'kid gloves' mode in dealing with these people.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?
    technology Technology Microsoft outage took down Copilot, DuckDuckGo, and ChatGPT search features
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 90%

    Wow, too much consolidation.

    Duckduckgo, how far you've fallen. :(

  • forgottenweapons Forgotten Weapons Ceremonial warhammer, Germany, 16th century AD
  • Arghblarg Arghblarg 4 months ago 100%

    Missing a spoon attachment

  • gmecanada
    GMECanada Arghblarg 4 months ago 84%
    GME still climbing in Robbinghood's 24-hr market! $40.06+


    GMECanada Arghblarg 4 months ago 80%
    GME climbs over 22.5% in German Market 2024-05-13

    --- 🟩 70 minutes in: $21.40 / 19,86 € (volume: 168513) 🟩 65 minutes in: $21.18 / 19,65 € (volume: 160236) 🟩 60 minutes in: $21.07 / 19,55 € (volume: 157020) 🟩 55 minutes in: $21.02 / 19,51 € (volume: 149683) 🟩 50 minutes in: $20.98 / 19,46 € (volume: 140442) 🟩 45 minutes in: $20.95 / 19,43 € (volume: 133779) 🟥 40 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 127291) 🟩 35 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 123795) 🟥 30 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 116641) 🟥 25 minutes in: $20.78 / 19,28 € (volume: 108008) 🟩 20 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 101356) 🟩 15 minutes in: $20.49 / 19,01 € (volume: 90143) 🟩 10 minutes in: $20.43 / 18,95 € (volume: 75814) 🟩 5 minutes in: $20.31 / 18,85 € (volume: 57289) 🟩 0 minutes in: $19.56 / 18,15 € (volume: 43187) 🟥 US close price: $17.46 / 16,20 € ($17.39 / 16,13 € after-hours) US market volume: 36.83 million shares ---

    Synthesizers Arghblarg 7 months ago 100%
    The Musician's Guide to MIDI

    Best book for learning the ins and outs of MIDI I've ever encountered. Relatively obscure, but an invaluable reference book for anyone wanting to dig into the details of how MIDI works.

    DRS Your GME Arghblarg 10 months ago 83%
    ABC News piece on tracking and exposing Congressional stock trades

    Nothing we apes don't already know (at least those of us who've been here for 84 years or so), but an interesting take from the MSM on it. The system is rigged, this is one of the reasons why I Buy, HODL, DRS!

    Homestead Arghblarg 11 months ago 100%
    Wood pellet stove servicing on Vancouver Island?

    A wire broke off the ignitor element in our Harman unit. I have ordered a replacement and it looks simple enough to fix myself. But before sourcing the part I had called about 5 different fireplace companies in the area, and it seems *everyone* has dropped all support for pellet stoves in recent years! Not only does no one sell them any more (other than Canadian Tire), but they all outright refused to even consider sending a repairperson to help. It's a bit infuriating. I am calling them, literally saying "please come take my money at your standard hourly rate". One would think "struggling businesses" would be more willing to take on what should be profitable work. Is it such a liability issue for them that they're actually afraid to take on the work? What if something bigger fails someday on my pellet stove? Why is no one on the island now willing to work on one? If you know of someone who *does* still service wood pellet stoves on the island (Courtenay/Comox), please reply here or DM me. Thanks. EDIT: formatting

    GMECanada Arghblarg 12 months ago 85%
    OSC Appoves *permanent* "Exemption from Disclosure of a Specified Financial Measure" for federal financial institutions

    What does this mean? New levels of ass-covering for bank malfeasance, or just the regular sort of opacity? Also see the original 'interim' declaration: and Thanks to re⊃⊃it user JackTheTranscoder for links.

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 92%
    Crosspost: Excellent Quick Summary of the Last Couple of Years

    Good video by Richard Newton updating the whole GME story from the start up to today.

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 90%
    The 'old site' censorship gets even worse. Can't even mention lemmy in a comment.

    This occurred today when I tried updating/deleting old comments via the Redact tool, on the old super-stonk sub. Guess they're afraid of losing their captive Apes!

    Help back up the Great 78 Collections before the Record Companies force The Internet Archive to take them down!

    See linked posting. I've commented there with a link to [a CLI tool in Python]( that allows downloading of IA collections. I've submitted [a patch]( to enable specifying start and end points so that it's easier to resume downloading a huge collection, or to allow multiple people to split up the work. F*ck the RIAA and absurdly long copyright. --- EDIT: There is more than one collection of 78s on IA, so I updated the title. --- The issue with these collections are that they're absolutely HUGE. And yes, IA offers torrents for them, but as a separate torrent for every. single. album. And the torrents have *all* data in them -- FLAC, fixed-rate MP3, VBR MP3, PDF liner notes, etc. etc... there may be some extremely hardcore data-hoarders out there who want *everything*, but IMHO as these are scratchy old 78 records, FLAC is overkill to just save the audio in a listenable format. The George Blood collection, just the VBR MP3s, is looking to be about 6TB. With ALL data it might be over 40TB! I can't afford *that* many hard drives :) --- So, my approach at the moment is to save just the VBR MP3s (they seem to be done at up to 320kbps VBR) and the JPEG album cover. If I have a chance and any storage left afterwards, I can make a separate pass to get the album liner PDFs... --- Tool used: --- Patch to allow setting start and end item indices for downloads: --- Example usage to grab just the VBR MP3 and record label JPG for each (note the --start-idx and --end-idx arguments): #ia download --start-idx=4001 --end-idx=8000 -a -i --format="VBR MP3" --format="JPEG" --search collection:georgeblood I'm going to concentrate on the George Blood collection for now.. I'm starting at item 1. It would be great if others started at index 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, ... and others started at the end and worked backwards in similarly-sized chunks, so that it's assured someone gets each of them.

    DRS Your GME Arghblarg 1 year ago 95%
    Luxury Homes Hitting the Canadian Market

    cross-posted from: > (Credit to rexxit user u/JackTheTranscoder) > > Could this be the start of a big foreign ownership dump?

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 92%
    Luxury Homes Hitting the Canadian Market

    (Credit to rexxit user u/JackTheTranscoder) Could this be the start of a big foreign ownership dump?

    Homestead Arghblarg 1 year ago 90%
    Our cat found a dead rat. ... 'things' emerged from it. Should we be concerned?

    Our girl cat brought a rat she'd either killed or found already dead to our patio (she hasn't done this for a few years). As the wife and I discussed how best to dispose of it, we saw to our horror 3 large, purplish-black (2cm x 1.5cm?) fat larval things emerge from the rat's abdomen. A quick web search ('Vancouver Island rat botfly') shows matching images. Eyyyyyych. I bagged the carcass and captured the larvae in a jar for the moment... there's a burn ban at the moment, so I can't do that, but I don't just want to throw them in the trash either so - Is burying them sufficient? - Are our two cats in any danger of infection? (I phoned our vet, no answer from them yet) - Should we notify the town pest control dept.? There are lots of cats in the area besides our own, so we thought rats weren't a big problem on our street. Now I'm not so sure. EDIT: We didn't want to wait any longer to deal with it, so I dug the deepest hole I could under some back bushes and squashed every larva I could find, in and out of the carcass, then buried everything. I hope that's the end of that. Yuuuuuuuck.

    DRS Your GME Arghblarg 1 year ago 100%
    Overwriting and Deleting all my r/Superstonk comments. Feels good man.

    cross-posted from: > [This]( is a great tool to overwrite your posts with random words and a link to get others to consider doing so as well. > > Once my comments are all gone, I'm gonna delete the posts too. EDIT: ..and I'm perma-banned :). Guess they don't like mentioning ("... attempting to pillage the community to start another"). Yeah, that's kinda the point. Buh-bye rexxit.

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 69%
    Overwriting and Deleting all my r/Superstonk comments. Feels good man.

    [This]( is a great tool to overwrite your posts with random words and a link to get others to consider doing so as well. Once my comments are all gone, I'm gonna delete the posts too. EDIT: ...and I'm perma-banned :) They didn't like me mentioning in my farewell blurbs.

    Superstonk Arghblarg 1 year ago 88%
    Wow, rexxit Superstonk censorship has reached a new level.

    One cannot even mention 'SS' much less 'why not drs'. I am so F'ing glad we're moving off of that shithole platform.

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 80%
    Bank of America accused of opening fake accounts, charging illegal junk fees

    Credit to rexxit user RedditIsOwendByTheWS *(Text below, linked site has annoying auto-play videos.)* July 11, 2023 / 12:00PM / CNN By Matt Egan and Jeanne Sahadi, CNN NEW YORK - Federal regulators said Tuesday they found that Bank of America harmed customers by double-dipping on fees, withholding credit card rewards and opening fake accounts, all of which are violations of various consumer financial protection laws. As a result, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered Bank of America (BAC) to pay more than $100 million to customers and $90 million in penalties. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency also ordered Bank of America (BAC) to pay $60 million in fines. The bank is the second largest in the United States, serving 68 million individuals and small businesses. Some of the charges are reminiscent of the Wells Fargo scandal last decade that involved opening millions of bank accounts without customer authorization. "Bank of America wrongfully withheld credit card rewards, double-dipped on fees, and opened accounts without consent," CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said in a statement. "These practices are illegal and undermine customer trust. The CFPB will be putting an end to these practices across the banking system."

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner's Main Community Arghblarg 1 year ago 62%
    CSS messed up today?

    Anyone else seeing this?

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 77%
    HONP FOR THE STONP sign, refiled on Google Maps :P

    Now as a Tourist Attraction rather than an Historical Landmark. Let's see if they take it down again.

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 71%
    u/crlogic is Doing His Part

    MapleApes are Everywhere

    DRS Your GME Arghblarg 1 year ago 89%
    Road Trip Anyone? :)

    I know the sign's not there anymore, but it's fun that it has been preserved for posterity in Google Maps (*and* Google accepted my edit for the website link to point to!) EDIT (July 26 2023): Reposted yet again, as a tourist attraction. If you leave a review, please keep it relevant to the actual site and the reason it's there (mr boost's sign), not random meme pics like last time :) Hopefully it'll stick this time.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Microcontroller Arghblarg 1 year ago 66%
    Idea: MCU/parts swap or school donation postings?

    Hi, just found this community. The inaugural post here showing a desk top full of miscellaneous boards reminded me of the random bits I have in boxes, stored away and not being hacked on like they should be :/ I wonder if there would be interest here in a sort of swap-by-mail thing where we post boards or parts we feel bad about not using and swap them for other things, that we might want to use instead.. maybe an MCU dev kit for some sensors, or a even box of nice cookies if the hacking spirit is snoozing right now (as it is for me -- so many other things in life to do at the moment...) I find it actually harder to focus on doing a project because there are too many bits in my boxes sometimes. I think the idea of donating bits to schools for students to use would be cool as well, but haven't looked into it much (would they get used? Which schools have good programs with teachers that could actually use donations?)

    Jerboa Arghblarg 1 year ago 66%
    List of my subscribed communities?

    Hi, I like Jerboa so far, new user. One thing I miss from the desktop lemmy UI is a way to see all my subscriptions (of 'favourites') in a list, to quickly tap and jump to a particular one. Is this somewhere hidden in the current UI, or an upcoming feature? Thanks, I appreciate the work!

    Community Promo Arghblarg 1 year ago 100%
    Access Virus

    The legendary Access Virus synthesizer is the pinnacle of Virtual Analog synthesizers, emulating analog at a precision unmatched by other VAs, and going further than any analog can with its ‘Total Integration’ series. The Access Virus is used by artists such as Butch Vig, Hans Zimmer, Deadmau5, Deftones, Dr. Dre, Lou Reed, Nine Inch Nails, No Doubt, Stevie Wonder, Tool, Depeche Mode, Dido, Gary Numan, Paul Oakenfold, Radiohead, and Pet Shop Boys, as well as many notable others. Please post anything Virus-related, such as news, questions, tips and techniques, videos, interviews, etc. (Or your own music of course!)

    Community Promo Arghblarg 1 year ago 66%
    When the username checks out ...


    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 71%
    Canucks Know How To DRS (According to this List of CS Accounts)

    (credit to reddit u/Resologist and u/L3theGMEsbegin) 11,237 Canadian accounts! And, only the Yanks have more? []( Thank you, u/L3theGMEsbegin .

    UsernameChecksOut Arghblarg 1 year ago 66%


    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 60%
    The Canadian Governments seems to be preparing to Bail Out failing Canadian Banks

    --Credit to reddit u/JackTheTranscoder [Money can't buy me happiness...]( BACKGROUND The [Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation]( insures [Canadian bank deposits]( just like the FDIC does in the US, [to the tune of $100,000 per person per type of account]( The CDIC is empowered by the [Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act](, with [Section 10 of the Act]( describing the Powers of the Corporation and the Powers of the Canadian Minister of Finance. COLLAPSE OF SVB AND SPILLOVER TO CANADA When Silicon Valley Bank went bust, the [OSFI seized control of SVB's Canadian Assets]( The CDIC [received a flood of phone calls and emails inquiring about insurance on Canadian Deposits]( The CDIC, being the proactive and not-at-all ridiculous Crown Corporate that it is,[ tried to calm Canadian nerves by "reaching out to "influencers" it has worked with in the past."]( The Bank of Canada, in their[ Annual Financial System Review](, assured Canadians that the [Canadian Banking System Remains Robust]( However, [sections of that Financial Risk Review provided to Global News were redacted citing economic harms to the country]( I wonder what it could be referring to? BILL C-47 Bill C-47 -[ An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023]( is the legislative authority that implements the 2023 Federal Budget. There's of course been lots of news coverage of the Bill, but very little about the amendments to the CDIC Act. Lexology [provides a nice little summary]( of the main legislative objectives and changes made by C-47,[ including changes to the CDIC Act]( The [Minister of Finance]( will be temporarily empowered to "increase the amount of CDIC deposit insurance coverage from the current $100,000 to any greater amount, including full coverage. This amendment to the CDIC Act is structured such that the Minister's discretionary power will operate only until April 30, 2024." What struck me was that the Minister of Finance (with the Federal Cabinet) will be able to adjust the CDIC Coverage of deposits on-the-fly - which would usually required a regulatory amendment - but only until April 30, 2024. It seems like the Canadian Government knows something is coming that will fuck Canadian Banks within the next 10 months, and is preparing for it. Granting only temporary power to the Minister of Finance is unusual, as normally they would just enshrine the change into legislation. For a bit of background of the Minister of Finance, let's just say [she is very much old-money establishment and is not on our side]( 2008 REDUX If this all seems like a weird and roundabout way of doing things, that's because it is. Canadians are told to take pride in our world-class banking system, but the Canadian Government [has used roundabout methods to secretly bailout Canadian Banks in 2008]( Without getting all political on you, I'll just say that the political climate in Canada right now would not allow the Federal Government to openly bail out banks, so it seems like roundabout methods are again necessary. Routing "liquidity" through the CDIC to prop up banks rather than openly bailing them out is subtle enough that the average lumberjack in Canada will have no idea it's happening. TO BE CONTINUED There is more to share on the proposed changes in C-47, but the next post in a day or 2 will be more speculative in nature. Until then, let's focus on the fact that the Canadian government is preparing for bank failures. Oh, and just FYI, Bill C-47 [came into force on June 22...](

    Superstonk Arghblarg 1 year ago 84%
    [NEWS] UPDATE on BCG lawsuit against GameStop: Court Wipes Away Half of BCG's Shitty Claims Against GameStop

    (credit to reddit u/lawdog7) This is a long overdue update on BCG's lawsuit against GameStop. The last update discussed Gamestop's pending motions to transfer venue and to dismiss the case. The Court has since ruled on both. While the Court denied Gamestop's venue motion, it granted--in part--the motion to dismiss. The Court dismissed all claims other than the breach of contract based on a "Type II preliminary agreement." [Source]( The Court did give BCG an opportunity to replead, which [they did]( Gamestop has [now moved to dismiss the claims]( as replead. Both sides have filed briefs and the Court should rule on the new motion to dismiss soon. ✌

    AccessVirus Arghblarg 1 year ago 50%
    "Endorphins", by Marc Schlaile (Virus A/B OS2.8)

    Posted for posterity because this might be the best god-frakking-damn factory demo track a god-frakking-damn awesome piece of gear ever had. And it's hard to find the audio for it. ["Endorphins", by Marc Schlaile]( [Soundcloud recording, from the DSP56000 emu using extracted OS2.8 ROM]( Alternate mixes: [Marc Schlaile - Endorphins (Electrosmog Mix)](

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 33%
    Canadian Securities Regulators don't want to hear about FTD's

    Reposted here with permission, from Credit to u/JackTheTranscoder Be sure to read the []( link for complete content Summary: BACKGROUND Canada doesn't have a single National Securities Regulator like the SEC. Instead we have 13 Provincial and Territorial Securities Regulators who only recently (in the past 10 years) began to cooperate to harmonize securities regulations across the country. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) and the British Columbia Securities Committion (BCSC) are the 2 big boys, and pretty much set the tone for the rest of the country. Quebec's is pretty big too but none of us know what they're doing so we will ignore them. ... [Fucking Canada](

    Community Promo Arghblarg 1 year ago 100%
    AccessVirus - Analogue Modelling Synth Users Forum

    In case reddit implosion causes collateral damage, I've started the community here with the main links and a patch thread ready to go, copied from the subreddit of the same name. Welcome virologists!

    AccessVirus Arghblarg 1 year ago 50%
    Share Your Access Virus Patches Here!

    (credit to u/willi_werkel) So finally, a patch-sharing thread! Here are mine. Bank A is incomplete so far, so dont worry :)

    AccessVirus Arghblarg 1 year ago 50%
    Free Soundbanks

    (captured June 20, 2023 from reddit r/AccessVirus -- credit to u/willi_werkel) --- I made this list because lots of the lists you find online have a lot of dead links, all of these here should work: [Alan Marcero - Trance Patches]( [Access' Website - House, Electronic, Hardstyle, Trance and more Patches]( [Icon of Coil - Patches by the Band]( [The CS Pads]( [The CS Plucks]( [Rhythm-Lab]( [Summasounds]( [Innerportalstudio Tarekith Elemental]( [Innerportalstudio rEalm Mythology]( [VTGMusic]( [Sounds of Revolution (Demo Packs)]( [SoR Teaser]( [ Audigy Series (Demo Plucks)]( [ Audigy Series (Demo Strings)]( [ Audigy Series (Demo Leads)]( [ Audigy Series (Demo Bass)]( [ Audigy Series (Demo Synths)]( [Howard Scarr Complete - Tutorial Sounds (including real Instruments)]( [Synthmorph Dark Cinematics Demo Pack]( [Synthmorph FM Power Demo Pack - FM Patches]( [Per Kristian Risvik KB Patches]( [Virus A / Rack Soundset]( [Sonic Sirius 1-4]( [Please share your own patches in this thread :)]( If you find any more free Banks (including Demo Packs) I will edit them into this list, if you find this post after this has been archived and still have questions, want to add something or report a broken link, just PM me :) Edit 1: formatting Edit 2: more soundsets added Edit 3: Patch Descriptions added

    GMECanada Arghblarg 1 year ago 50%
    Some hype to get you through Juneteenth market being closed in the US

    Up, down, sideways, backwards... doesn't matter. Be zen, BUY HODL DRS BOOK.
