• Aatube Aatube 5 months ago 100%

    I think you're confused. There is no warning letter, that's just the takedown notice sent at the same time as the takedown.

  • linux Linux Defences Down! ClamTk is No Longer Maintained - OMG! Ubuntu
  • Aatube Aatube 5 months ago 100%

    You can combine both widget toolkits in one app‽

  • programming Programming Remember GitHub complaining about an anti-pattern? Apparently, it still exists in an edge case!
  • Aatube Aatube 5 months ago 100%

    It's been two months sir

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I know how to buy xorg users
  • Aatube Aatube 5 months ago 20%

    have you tried plasma 6?

  • assholedesign AssholeDesign Could you please fuckıng not, Urban Dictionary?
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 50%

    By default, it's just undo text input when you either do a special swipe or tap the back, useful in e.g. the web browser. However applications can hook into this functionality to do their own stuff when the gesture is called.

  • assholedesign AssholeDesign Could you please fuckıng not, Urban Dictionary?
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 33%

    No, the camera and library permissions always have been separate, it's just that Apple's official camera app integrates them. Think about it, one's hardware and the other one's basically software.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    assuming you're serious: it's not

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    I've just realized a mistake by the signpost headline: It only wants admins and above to do that (which is better I suppose?). I've amended the post body.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 88%

    Also, reading the 3 pages of recommendations again, I don't think that's what it said:

    Transparent Editing History: Ensure that all changes to articles are transparent and traceable.
    This helps in identifying editors who may consistently introduce bias into articles.

    That sounds like normal editing history for everything to me.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 80%

    The Onion writes dumb soot on purpose to amuse people while including a disclaimer of "none of this is real".

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    A 'pedia written by invite only was Nupedia, which has been dead for a very long time. So basically you meant that the article suggests to add a forked history for a more neutral version? Not sure if that makes it dumber or smarter.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 66%

    I won't reply further if you can't separate bias from objective facts, especially those that are tangential to the bias, such as the history and key persons of a white supremacist group that doesn't involve Arabs.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    The ADL is used as a source for hate groups' backgrounds and way more than labeling their antisemitism, such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_(religion).

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Wanted Drug Kingpin Keeps Exposing His Location in Mundane Google Reviews
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    The revelation comes two years after a LinkedIn profile associated with Kinahan named “Christopher Vincent”—the same name on the Google account—was uncovered.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 50%

    Again, labels, especially of antisemitism, are considered opinions and attributed.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%


  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Again, Wikipedia's reliable source listings are only concerned about the quality of the source's factual reporting. Having a horrible bias in judgement does not preclude factual reporting.

    had the right to defend itself” before even being attacked

    And many people think that's wrong. Just saying that that's the reason Israel and most publications claim Israel did that is not claiming that it was justified.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Not exactly sure what you're arguing about the six-day war, but if you mean that it should be an unjustified invasion instead of "pre-emptive"... My first impression of "pre-emptive" is unjustified and at best marginally better than an invasion, and the UN seems to agree in Article 2 (4) of the UN charter. That "entirely different page" is also summarized in the six-day war–page's "Controversies" section, but I assume you're talking about the lede. "On 5 June 1967, as the UNEF was in the process of leaving the zone, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities, launching its war effort.[28] Egyptian forces were caught by surprise, and nearly all of Egypt's military aerial assets were destroyed, giving Israel air supremacy" does not give me an impression that Egypt planned to invade.

    The ADL is one of the biggest Zionist slander lobbies that call any criticism of israel “anti-Semitic”.

    Even if that were true, "there is consensus that the labelling of organisations and individuals by the ADL (particularly as antisemitic) should be attributed." That converts it into an opinion. Nowhere have you demonstrated that the ADL has a track record of falsifying facts, not opinions such as labeling people.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 50%

    Searching about it, the ADL seems to try and separate support of the Israeli government from Zionism, and defines Zionism as the belief that Jews should have a sovereign state to live together. If one thinks that Israel shouldn't be sovereign at all and being abolished tomorrow would be very good, I'd also agree that that is extremist.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Please elaborate why they are not reliable for things other than Israel/Palestine topics, for which WP:RSP already has a small warning about that area. Just having bias and doing advocacy doesn't necessarily mean that their reporting is unreliable, though as with other biased sources more objective sources are preferred.

    Even if ADL were unreliable, that's just one source, and I don't see how that exemplifies that "Wikipedia is a compromised Zionist dumpsterfire". Organizations and individuals are allowed to submit requests to edit pages for which they have a conflict of interest, and I don't see why Wikipedia being open to review them means it's now Israeli-ran from the top-down.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Primary sources and research cannot be cited to support objective facts. However, they can be used to cite criticism from a group. The only difference with your original reply is that being cited as criticism instead of fact does not magically make the source secondary.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    That's correct, except it's still considered a primary source, which can be cited to see what a group said if due.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 66%

    (I meant to quote from the article but forgot to style it as a blockquote)

    (speaking of which, Wikipedia's editors hate decoration, which they consider to be juvenile and include that little pastel vertical line on the left of blockquotes, in favor of the browser default of indenting the quote on both sides)

  • linux Linux [Solved] Prettier top tool that was posted on the lemmyverse some time ago?
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    ::: spoiler poiler

  • technology Technology Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Don't give them ideas

  • nottheonion Not The Onion 19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    The present report does not seem intended to be an academic publication, although it has already been used as a citation in the article Wikipedia and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

  • nottheonion
    Not The Onion Aatube 6 months ago 97%
    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles https://signpost.news/2024-03-29/Special_report

    The crying "History" button at the top right sends its regards. Yes, the World Jewish Congress has published a report that demands Wikipedia add a feature to *view the history of articles*, see what actions were performed by whom, and "host forums and discussions within the Wikipedia community to address concerns about neutrality and gather feedback for policy improvements". It also wants to force all admins and above to reveal their real names.

    Kotlin Aatube 6 months ago 100%
    Put part of a LazyColumn under a Card

    I have a screen where I want a lazy-loading card of various items below some necessary information, all of which will scroll down. My initial approach was to nest the lazycolumn under the card which is nested under a Column with a calculated nested height based on the size of the `calls` list. However, I can't do that, and neither can I do the following. ``` @Composable @Preview fun mockup() { val calls = mutableStateListOf(Pair(1..418, 418 downTo 1)) MaterialTheme { LazyColumn(Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState())) { item { Text("Text and some necessary UI elements") Slider(value = .418f, onValueChange = {}) } Card(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) { items(calls.asReversed()) { Row { Text(it.first.toString(), Modifier.fillMaxWidth(0.5f), fontWeight = FontWeight.Black) Text(it.second.toString(), Modifier.fillMaxWidth(0.5f)) } } } } } } ``` I found [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68182413/compose-lazylist-section-background](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68182413/compose-lazylist-section-background), for which the only viable solution found was to hack a special composable widget so that when combined, it looks like a continuous card. Still, I want to see if there's a "proper way" of doing this...

    kbinMeta /kbin meta A minor thing impacting usability
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%
  • technology Technology YouTube stops recommending videos when signed out of Google
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    They kinda don't! It'd be trending videos near your IP locations + your watch history for this browser session

  • technology Technology To buy no longer means anything :(
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Are there like hobby Minecraft servers not related to Microsoft? I’m thinking like the Library map and such.

    Maps aren't servers. They're just maps as in any other videogame. You can play maps offline and with local multiplayer.

    Most servers aren't related to Microsoft, but they also use the default server software which requires proper authentication. Now that Mojang account servers are down you can't log in with them anymore. One'd have to use patched server software that completely turns authentication off or uses an alternative authentication server to allow people without Microsoft accounts to join.

  • technology Technology Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    Consumers can also pay for extended Windows 7 updates, of course. I also don't see why just that (consumers can also pay) part is bad and much worse than a stupid requirement to force users to pay.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts why don't people say mega meters
  • Aatube Aatube 6 months ago 100%

    But that is like a giant difference in what they usually measure

  • til Today I Learned TIL: The ancient Greek philosopher Plato has a IMDB page and is credited as a writer (and actor for some reason)
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    IMDb is user generated, and he stars in "The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick" (?) from 1990.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts why don't people say mega meters
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 50%

    SI also does meter instead of cm, so it overall checks out.

  • opensource Open Source Looking for a script processor that's completely foss and maintained
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    KIT Scenarist seems good to me, despite its creators ditching it for starc.

    or filled with commercial and AI tools (Story Architect)

    Why not just ignore these tools and use the free ones?

  • opensource Open Source Radicle: Open-Source, Peer-to-Peer, GitHub Alternative
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 50%

    @pcouy Don't confuse crypto with cryptography; I don't see anything about cryptocurrencies here

    @opensource @andrew

  • technology Technology Yuzu is gone.
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    I meant that the Japanese use the Chinese word for Pomelo to call the Yuzu

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    @TheOctonaut What do you mean by aquarium?

    @degoogle @ajsadauskas @Johannab

  • theonion The Onion U.S. Airdrops Rubble Into Gaza
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    At press time, Israel had announced a new set of restrictions on the rubble it would allow into Gaza, limiting shipments to mud and sand.

  • opensource Open Source Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • Aatube Aatube 7 months ago 100%

    SourceHut actually had a really nice UI! I'll consider it. I currently don't have problems with GitLab save for the UI learning curve (and their EE is source-available) but I'll consider what you've said.

  • technology
    Technology Aatube 7 months ago 85%
    Yuzu is gone. https://yuzu-emu.org/

    [They settled for $2.4M and shut everything down.](https://www.polygon.com/24090351/nintendo-2-4-million-yuzu-switch-emulator-settlement-lawsuit) > > > We write today to inform you that yuzu and yuzu’s support of Citra are being discontinued, effective immediately. > >

    News Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Paramedic Sentenced to Five Years in Death of Elijah McClain http://archive.today/2024.03.02-012946/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/us/paramedic-sentenced-elijah-mcclain.html

    > > > The convictions of the two paramedics shook the world of emergency workers who have typically been shielded from criminal prosecution — and it forced questions about the dynamic between the police and paramedics at a scene. > > > > > Though Mr. McClain was visibly distressed and in handcuffs, paramedics never spoke to him, touched him or checked his vital signs before diagnosing him with excited delirium, a controversial condition characterized by agitation and exceptional physical strength. Paramedics then injected him with what authorities later said was a dose of ketamine inappropriate for Mr. McClain’s body weight. > >

    World News Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Paramedic Sentenced to Five Years in Death of Elijah McClain http://archive.today/2024.03.02-012946/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/us/paramedic-sentenced-elijah-mcclain.html

    > > > The convictions of the two paramedics shook the world of emergency workers who have typically been shielded from criminal prosecution — and it forced questions about the dynamic between the police and paramedics at a scene. > > > > > Though Mr. McClain was visibly distressed and in handcuffs, paramedics never spoke to him, touched him or checked his vital signs before diagnosing him with excited delirium, a controversial condition characterized by agitation and exceptional physical strength. Paramedics then injected him with what authorities later said was a dose of ketamine inappropriate for Mr. McClain’s body weight. > >

    News Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Paramedic Sentenced to Five Years in Death of Elijah McClain http://archive.today/2024.03.02-012946/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/us/paramedic-sentenced-elijah-mcclain.html

    > > > The convictions of the two paramedics shook the world of emergency workers who have typically been shielded from criminal prosecution — and it forced questions about the dynamic between the police and paramedics at a scene. > > > > > Though Mr. McClain was visibly distressed and in handcuffs, paramedics never spoke to him, touched him or checked his vital signs before diagnosing him with excited delirium, a controversial condition characterized by agitation and exceptional physical strength. Paramedics then injected him with what authorities later said was a dose of ketamine inappropriate for Mr. McClain’s body weight. > >

    196 Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    The Onion Aatube 7 months ago 94%
    Top 10 Movies That Have A Climax Involving a Giant Beam in the Sky hard-drive.net

    Why was Hollywood so obsessed with sky beams? I mean they cared more about making sky beams evil than making sure we knew how evil their producers were.

    Today I Learned Aatube 7 months ago 93%
    TIL Spurious Correlations now uses AI to generate explanations, papers, and images for the best correlations https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious/correlation/5837_the-number-of-movies-nicolas-cage-appeared-in_correlates-with_the-number-of-transportation-security-screeners-in-north-dakota

    The heightened state of unease over the possibility of a 'Con Air' sequel resulted in an influx of security personnel. It just goes to show, when it comes to Nic Cage, the need for increased security is always 'Raising Arizona.'

    Free and Open Source Software Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Waterfox × TreeStyleTab: A Collaboration for the Waterfox Sidebar www.waterfox.net

    Waterfox is integrating Tree-Style Tabs as a vertical tabs solution, complete with image tab previews and optimizations for tabs outside the scrolling.

    internet funeral Aatube 7 months ago 98%
    World News Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Russia’s Advances on Space-Based Nuclear Weapon Draw U.S. Concerns http://archive.today/2024.02.14-230158/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/us/politics/intelligence-russia-nuclear.html

    The intelligence was made public, in part, in a cryptic announcement on Wednesday by Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He called on the Biden administration to declassify the information without saying specifically what it was. His committee took the unorthodox move of voting on Monday to make the information available to all members of Congress — a step that alarmed some officials because it is not clear in what context, if any, the intelligence in the panel’s possession was presented. In a note to lawmakers, the House Intelligence Committee said the intelligence was about a “destabilizing foreign military capability.” Representative Jim Himes, Democrat of Connecticut and the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the issue was “serious” and that Mr. Turner was right to focus on it. But he added that the threat was “not going to ruin your Thursday.”

    News Aatube 7 months ago 93%
    Russia’s Advances on Space-Based Nuclear Weapon Draw U.S. Concerns http://archive.today/2024.02.14-230158/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/us/politics/intelligence-russia-nuclear.html

    The intelligence was made public, in part, in a cryptic announcement on Wednesday by Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He called on the Biden administration to declassify the information without saying specifically what it was. His committee took the unorthodox move of voting on Monday to make the information available to all members of Congress — a step that alarmed some officials because it is not clear in what context, if any, the intelligence in the panel’s possession was presented. In a note to lawmakers, the House Intelligence Committee said the intelligence was about a “destabilizing foreign military capability.” Representative Jim Himes, Democrat of Connecticut and the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the issue was “serious” and that Mr. Turner was right to focus on it. But he added that the threat was “not going to ruin your Thursday.”

    Shower Thoughts Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    I haven't been ricrolled since the start of the year.

    Unless you count my ringtone (for a specific app)

    Not The Onion Aatube 7 months ago 98%
    ‘It’s That Simple’: Mark Meckler Says The Only Way To Secure The Border Is By Invading Mexico www.rightwingwatch.org

    Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation and a leading proponent of the right-wing movement to get state legislatures to call for a dangerous Article V convention that will consider constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government now does unconstitutional. “I don’t think there’s any way to solve this permanently without military action,” Meckler declared. “[We need a buffer zone] like the DMZ between the Koreas. It needs to be a kilometer of cleared territory that is a no man zone; you come in here and we believe you have hostile intent, we’re going to clear you out.” “We need to exterminate the cartels and that means going into Mexico,” Meckler asserted. “Now people would say, ‘You’re violating a sovereign country’s territory.’ Well, Mexico is not a sovereign country any longer. Mexico is a failed narco state. The federal government is not in control of their military. The federal government is not in control of their police Their state governments are not, their local governments are not in control of their police forces. That is a failed narco-terrorist state and so we have to treat it as such.” “To me, this is like Gaza. They’re invading our country. They’re invading our country every day. They’re killing our people, and we have to go in and use maximum force to oust them and create a buffer zone along the border. If we do that, we’ll have border security. It’s that simple.”

    Technology Aatube 7 months ago 97%
    Microsoft: Introducing Sudo for Windows! devblogs.microsoft.com

    Shipped in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052. [https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2024/02/sudo-on-windows-quick-rundown.html](https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2024/02/sudo-on-windows-quick-rundown.html) claims it has a big security problem that makes the program accept calls to elevate from anywhere once first run Edit: 1. The security problem has been internally fixed and will be available in the next release 2. [It's not just an alias for 'runas'.](https://github.com/microsoft/sudo/blob/main/scripts/sudo.ps1) It seems to be able to configurably block user input for sudo'd commands, retain the existing environment, ditch it and open a new window, and remember that you've sudo'd in the last minute or so. 3. It brings up UAC instead of having you input the password

    Technology Aatube 7 months ago 88%
    Microsoft: Introducing Sudo for Windows devblogs.microsoft.com

    Shipped in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052. [https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2024/02/sudo-on-windows-quick-rundown.html](https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2024/02/sudo-on-windows-quick-rundown.html) claims it has a big security problem that makes the program accept calls to elevate from anywhere once first run Edit: 1. The security problem has been internally fixed and will be available in the next release 2. [It's not just an alias for 'runas'.](https://github.com/microsoft/sudo/blob/main/scripts/sudo.ps1) It seems to be able to configurably block user input for sudo'd commands, retain the existing environment, ditch it and open a new window, and remember that you've sudo'd in the last minute or so. 3. It brings up UAC instead of having you input the password

    World News Aatube 7 months ago 100%
    Silicon Valley county becomes first in U.S. to declare loneliness a health emergency www.nbcnews.com

    A mountain of research has linked loneliness to an increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease, stroke and early death. The Board of Supervisors of San Mateo county, which includes part of Silicon Valley, passed a resolution on Tuesday that declared loneliness a public health crisis and pledged to explore measures that promote social connection in the community. Relative to white people, Black people face a higher risk of premature death linked to social isolation. Older adults have a higher risk of loneliness in general, since they are more likely to live alone or have chronic illnesses that limit their mobility or leave them homebound.

    The Onion Aatube 7 months ago 93%
    Predicting World Events That Will Happen Before Metroid Prime 4 Releases hard-drive.net

    As humanity continues to live underground, nature begins to heal itself. The surface becomes more habitable and the humans decide it’s time to rebuild. Luckily there’s a large collective of Fallout 4 fans who know just what to do. Using the knowledge they gained from building their settlements and following their own true God Preston Garvey, they’re able to get to work rebuilding the world for human repopulation. They’ll build towns, they’re build farms, they’ll build New Vegas. It was Joever but with their help, it is so back. Metroid fans will be hoping that *Metroid Prime 4* will be revealed at the end of the rebuilding process. It won’t be.

    Modded Minecraft Aatube 8 months ago 85%
    Hey @modrinth, any chance you guys could apply your Adrinth ads to the Acceptable Ads program? I'd love to add it to my patched exclusion filterlist!

    Hey [@modrinth](https://floss.social/@modrinth), any chance you guys could apply your Adrinth ads to the Acceptable Ads program? I'd love to add it to my patched exclusion filterlist!

    Today I Learned Aatube 8 months ago 95%
    TIL JSFuck, an esoteric subset of JS that only uses operators, could be used to hack eBay customers by injecting it into item listings. As JSFuck obfuscated the actual code, attackers were able to get arstechnica.com

    This news is from almost exactly 8 years ago. [Softpedia](https://news.softpedia.com/news/jsf-ebay-xss-bug-exploited-in-the-wild-despite-the-company-s-fix-500651.shtml) reported 13 days later that eBay partially patched it, but the patch was insufficient. I could not find further updates, but I do know that eBay has since removed more advanced JavaScript (incl. JSFuck) from all listings in 2017. "An attacker could target eBay users by sending them a legitimate page that contains malicious code," Check Point researcher Oded Vanunu wrote in a [blog post published Tuesday](https://blog.checkpoint.com/research/ebay-platform-exposed-to-severe-vulnerability). "Customers can be tricked into opening the page, and the code will then be executed by the user's browser or mobile app, leading to multiple ominous scenarios that range from phishing to binary download." To exploit this vulnerability, all an attacker needs to do is create an online eBay store. In his store details, he posts a maliciously crafted item description. eBay prevents users from including scripts or iFrames by filtering out those HTML tags. However, by using JSF\*\*k, the attacker is able to create a code that will load an additional JS code from his server. This allows the attacker to insert a remote controllable JavaScript that he can adjust to, for example, create multiple payloads for a different user agent. eBay performs simple verification but only strips alpha-numeric characters from inside the script tags. The JSF\*\*k technique allows the attackers to get around this protection by using a very limited and reduced number of characters. eBay has no plans to fix a "severe" vulnerability that allows attackers to use the company's trusted website to distribute malicious code and phishing pages, researchers from security firm Check Point Software said. In an e-mail sent to Ars after [their article] went live, eBay officials wrote: " "eBay is committed to providing a safe and secure marketplace for our millions of customers around the world. We take reported security issues very seriously, and work quickly to evaluate them within the context of our entire security infrastructure. We have not found any fraudulent activity stemming from this incident.” The e-mail added: > > > Also, it's important to understand that we have been in touch with the researcher and have implemented various security filters based on his findings to detect this exploit. Since we allow active content on our site it's important to understand that malicious content on our marketplace is extraordinarily uncommon, which we estimate to be less than two listings per million that use active content on the eBay marketplace. > >

    Linux Aatube 8 months ago 93%
    [Solved] Prettier top tool that was posted on the lemmyverse some time ago?

    I remember there being a post here that I've boosted/saved that highlights a pretty \*top tool. I also had a minor argument with someone about how this might be useful. Now, I can't find it. Any ideas? Edit: [It's btop.](https://photon.lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/lemmy.dbzer0.com/7580253)

    Free and Open Source Software Aatube 8 months ago 100%
    Komac, the Kotlin program for creating Winget packages, has now been rewritten in Rust github.com

    In other news, URLs are now delimited by a space rather than a comma when updating manifests. Komac uses a very small amount amount of memory and has been heavily optimised to minimise memory usage (especially heap allocations). Updating Android Studio (a 1GB+ binary) consistently took just \~3.5mb memory. Komac now has a significantly more accurate way of checking if an installer was created with Inno/NSIS instead of just checking for some magic bytes. As of this release, the uncompressed x64 portable binary stands at just \~7.5mb and doesn't require runtimes like the JVM. The Windows installers add Komac to path (allowing you to just run `komac` in a terminal) and stand at less than 3.5mb.

    Programming Aatube 8 months ago 90%
    Komac, the Kotlin program for creating Winget packages, has now been rewritten in Rust github.com

    In other news, URLs are now delimited by a space rather than a comma when updating manifests. Komac uses a very small amount amount of memory and has been heavily optimised to minimise memory usage (especially heap allocations). Updating Android Studio (a 1GB+ binary) consistently took just \~3.5mb memory. Komac now has a significantly more accurate way of checking if an installer was created with Inno/NSIS instead of just checking for some magic bytes. As of this release, the uncompressed x64 portable binary stands at just \~7.5mb and doesn't require runtimes like the JVM. The Windows installers add Komac to path (allowing you to just run `komac` in a terminal) and stand at less than 3.5mb.

    Technology Aatube 8 months ago 87%
    Komac, the Kotlin program for creating Winget packages, has now been rewritten in Rust github.com

    In other news, URLs are now delimited by a space rather than a comma when updating manifests. Komac uses a very small amount amount of memory and has been heavily optimised to minimise memory usage (especially heap allocations). Updating Android Studio (a 1GB+ binary) consistently took just \~3.5mb memory. Komac now has a significantly more accurate way of checking if an installer was created with Inno/NSIS instead of just checking for some magic bytes. As of this release, the uncompressed x64 portable binary stands at just \~7.5mb and doesn't require runtimes like the JVM. The Windows installers add Komac to path (allowing you to just run `komac` in a terminal) and stand at less than 3.5mb.

    Today I Learned Aatube 8 months ago 46%
    TIL Joseph Stalin was struck by a sport carriage and severely injured at age 12, which a certain source cited by the Simple English Wikipedia took as his father dying in a drunken brawl en.wikipedia.org

    [The incorrect book](https://archive.org/details/pictorialhistory0000blun/page/8/mode/2up). Note that his father only died in 1909 of liver issues. Jughashvili was upset when he learned that Keke had enrolled Ioseb in school, instead hoping his son would follow his path and become a cobbler. This led to a major incident in January 1890. Ioseb had been struck by a phaeton, severely injuring him. Ioseb is the former name of Stalin.

    196 Aatube 8 months ago 100%
    In conclusion
    196 Aatube 8 months ago 100%
    jungle rule
    Not The Onion Aatube 8 months ago 100%
    Mark Zuckerberg raising cows by feeding them dry fruits and beer, says he wants to create world's best beef ground.news

    Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s next passion is cows and beef. And to start with his passion, he has said that he is raising cows on an island in Hawaii by feeding them macadamia nuts and beer. The idea is, according to Zuckerberg, to create best beef in the world. Critics call cattle-raising project on Hawaii ranch ‘a billionaire’s strange sideshow’ and bad for the environment.

    aww Aatube 8 months ago 100%
    Mouse secretly filmed tidying man’s shed every night www.theguardian.com

    Video included! Of course they picked the worst thumbnail lol

    Today I Learned Aatube 9 months ago 93%
    TIL Microsoft Paint has a "feature" where the mouse will move when you press an arrow key, even if Paint isn't in the foreground. superuser.com

    this is why wayland will never be used /s > > > Apparently it's got a feature that allows moving the mouse pointer using arrow keys, and for some reason sometimes it doesn't stop listening when the window loses focus, so Paint was running in the background since I often use it and it was still doing its job of moving the mouse. > >

    Uplifting News Aatube 9 months ago 94%
    Cats Filled the Prison. Then the Inmates Fell in Love. www.nytimes.com

    Some say they were first brought in to take out the rats. Others contend they wandered in on their own. What everyone can agree on — including those who have lived or worked at Chile’s largest prison the longest — is that the cats were here first. Known simply as “the Pen,” the 180-year-old main penitentiary in Santiago, Chile’s capital, has long been known as a place where men live in cages and cats roam free. What is now more clearly understood is the positive effect of the prison’s roughly 300 cats on the 5,600 human residents. The felines’ presence “has changed the inmates’ mood, has regulated their behavior and has strengthened their sense of responsibility with their duties, especially caring for animals,” said the prison’s warden, Col. Helen Leal González, who has two cats of her own at home, Reina and Dante, and a collection of cat figurines on her desk. Prisoners informally adopt the cats, work together to care for them, share their food and beds and, in some cases, have built them little houses. In return, the cats provide something invaluable in a lockup notorious for overcrowding and squalid conditions: love, affection and acceptance. “Sometimes you’ll be depressed and it’s like she senses that you’re a bit down,” said Reinaldo Rodriguez, 48, who is scheduled to be imprisoned until 2031 on a firearms conviction. “She comes and glues herself to you. She’ll touch her face to yours.” Formal programs to connect prisoners and animals became more common in the late 1970s, and after consistently positive results, they have expanded across the world, including to Japan, the Netherlands and Brazil. They have become particularly popular in the United States. In Arizona, prisoners train wild horses to patrol the U.S. border with Mexico. In Minnesota and Michigan, prisoners train dogs for the blind and deaf. And in Massachusetts, prisoners help care for wounded or sick wildlife, like hawks, coyotes and raccoons. Connecting inmates and dogs has repeatedly been shown to lead to “a decrease in recidivism, improved empathy, improved social skills and a safer and more positive relationship between inmates and prison officials,” said Beatriz Villafaina-Domínguez, a researcher in Spain who reviewed 20 separate studies of such programs. Dogs have been the most common animal used by prisons, followed by horses, and in most programs, animals are brought to the inmates, or vice versa. In Chile, however, the inmates developed an organic connection to the stray cats who live alongside them. Yet there was a time when the relationship was not so positive. A decade ago, the cat population was expanding uncontrolled and many cats were getting sick, including developing a contagious infection that left some cats blind. The situation “even stressed out the inmates themselves,” said Carla Contreras Sandoval, a prison social worker with two cat tattoos. So in 2016, prison officials finally allowed volunteers to come care for the cats. A Chilean organization called the Felinnos Foundation has since worked with Humane Society International to systematically collect all of the cats to treat, spay and neuter them. They have now reached nearly every one. Like the inmates, the cats’ living conditions vary by section of the prison. During a recess period in one of the most crowded areas, where 250 prisoners share 26 cells, prisoners packed a narrow passageway, with clothes drying overhead and cats darting between their feet. Eduardo Campos Torreblanca, who is serving three years for aggravated robbery, said each cell cared for at least one cat, but his kitten had recently died. “He was tiny, a baby,” he said. “And someone stepped on him.” When the volunteers first arrived in 2016, they counted nearly 400 cats, a figure that left out newborn kittens and a large cat colony that mostly stuck to the roof. Now that number has been steadily declining. Why? Consider Mr. Nuñez, the home-burglary convict with two years left on his sentence. When he is freed, what would happen to his cat, Ugly? That was easy, he said. “She’s coming with me.”

    Programming Horror Aatube 9 months ago 90%
    Wikipedia's "official" newspaper's formatting

    Jesus Christ, just add an if statement for even or odd!

    Today I Learned Aatube 9 months ago 28%
    TIL "npm" officially stands for "npm is not an acronym" https://twitter.com/npmjs/status/105690425242820608

    > > > Why not "NINAA"? Because then it would be an acronym. > >

    Technology Aatube 9 months ago 97%
    Stackoverflow Mod proposes prohibiting questions from being closed as duplicates to catch-all questions meta.stackoverflow.com

    The original post uses "roll-up" instead of "catch-all" for some reason. I meant to crosspost this hours ago but something happened, sorry. There is a long-festering problem in some tags where some questions are closed by dupehammers, using a single roll-up question as the duplicate target. A "roll-up" question is defined here as a question trying to cover multiple minor topics within one question and a set of answers. So [this Java question about null pointer exceptions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/218384/what-is-a-nullpointerexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) does not qualify, as it is about a single topic. A prime example would be [this regex roll-up](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22937618/reference-what-does-this-regex-mean) which has [a large number of duplicates](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/linked/22937618?lq=1). This was [by design](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252868/regex-reference-and-its-fate). > > > Questions that are clear duplicates, but you can't find one quickly. > > To be fair, PHP and other tags have such roll-ups ([example](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3737139/reference-guide-what-does-this-symbol-mean-in-php-php-syntax)), and I have participated in hammering them as such. And there are a lot of questions that are low quality, where the temptation is to simply close them as the duplicates of the roll-up. I mean, it answers the question, doesn't it? The problem is that this has started to promote two undesirable community actions: Lazy closure ========== Dupehammers are a "one and done" action. Moreover, there is a belief is that these questions answer all the "core" elements and are therefore "useful" in low quality situations. The question for regex theoretically covers all symbols used within, so why isn't that useful? But this type of closure assumes that the roll-up covers all cases. The danger of dupehammers has always been that the target question doesn't really cover a specific use case. Lazy closure doesn't even bother to find that out first. Thus it becomes the action of choice for dupehammer users. It's problematic, but the community largely self-regulates this so it's not been a major issue. A low quality question can be closed for many other reasons beyond duplicate. Tag gatekeeping ========== This action is the more problematic one. What we've been seeing for some time are "brigades" (for lack of any better term) of users who are committed to ensuring that only questions they see fit in a tag are open. Thus we get a number of these: [Dupehammer 40000](https://i.stack.imgur.com/IzmE7.png) What this has turned into is not laziness, but deliberate actions, where we see the same users doing this over and over. Or, to quote a comment under the question I got the screenshot from: > > > I invite readers to examine the earlier question and ask themselves if any question could possibly be a duplicate of that question. If the answer is "no", please vote to reopen (and leave a comment giving your reasons for doing so). Closing this question, in this way, is sending a clear message to Peter, the OP (the polite version): "get lost". This catch-all closing of questions having a "regex" tag must stop. > > I don't know that it sends a "get lost" message, as much as it sends another message moderators have been fighting against for years: RTFM. What these roll-ups have become, in essence, is another "fine" manual for users to read. Duplicate closure like this is basically throwing a volume of information at users and telling them "Figure out what, in this giant pile of information, answers your question." That's not useful. It also effectively acts as a veto for anything any dupehammer user sees fit to close it as. Roll-up questions worked well as a philosophy for a long time, but (as the old saying goes), this is why we can't have nice things. The rule ========== The rule would be as follows: > > > Roll-up questions are useful in general, but may not provide enough guidance to users with specific questions, and serve as poor signposts to users looking for specific answers. Please use only specific questions for duplicate closure. > > FAQ ========== * Moderators would enforce this new rule. No system changes would be made. * Moderators would find out about violations via flags. Moderators already get an autoflag for closure disputes, and users could flag instances of this rule being violated. * Enforcement would follow standard enforcement: A warning on the first offense and suspension for subsequent violations. * Any other duplicate closure would still be allowed. If someone feels strongly enough that it's a duplicate, they should go find that specific question. Moderators [will still not solve duplicate disputes](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/419709/2370483), but the list of roll-up questions isn't long, and it's a fairly objective standard to enforce.
