asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 days ago 100%

    I think that's polarising because using a weird incorrectly does not change its meaning; it's far more subtle than that

  • linux Linux I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 15%

    People who spell it "sike" probably aren't intelligent enough to attempt to use those other words.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What were or are your thoughts on the US Pres. Debate?
    linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux only has 0.3% market share in Antarctica unfortunately
    canada Canada Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
    linuxmemes linuxmemes Linux only has 0.3% market share in Antarctica unfortunately
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
    canada Canada Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 37%

    The only genuine hint to the real reason of the refusal was "minimal abstinence outside of hospital".

    Let me ask you bud, if you needed a liver transplant to continue living, would you have even one drink per week, or would you just quit completely?

    Very biased article.

    Plus, regardless of her husband being compatible, it still costs the state tens of thousands for the operation. In no way would it be ethical to put a new liver in someone who refuses to completely abstain from alcohol.

  • poetry
    Poetry z00s 2 weeks ago 100%
    [OC] A Teacher's Dream

    I was having a dream In which a plucky young female character Was technically homeless but had three or four safe places to sleep And was still going to high school But still had an income somehow To buy the things she needed And was going to rule the world. But I woke up because I needed to pee And I know that nothing counts unless you write it down And I didn't want the obnoxiously loud ticking from the second hand of my wristwatch To tick away the seconds for her as well as for me Until I die of lymphoma; I wanted at least one of us to survive So now this poem exists.

    techtakes TechTakes Don’t use AI to summarize documents — it’s worse than humans in every way
    techtakes TechTakes Don’t use AI to summarize documents — it’s worse than humans in every way
    techtakes TechTakes Don’t use AI to summarize documents — it’s worse than humans in every way
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 33%

    The problem is not the LLMs, but what people are trying to do with them.

    They are currently spoons, but people are desperately wishing they were katanas.

    They work really well for soup, but they can't cut steak. But they're being hyped as super ninja steak knives, and people are getting pissed when they can't cut steak.

    If you give them watery, soupy tasks they can do successfully, they can lighten your workload, as long as you're aware of what they are and aren't good at.

    What people want LLMs to be able to do, ie. "Steak" tasks:

    • write complex documents

    • apply complex knowledge/rules to a situation

    • Write complex code and create entire programs based on vague description

    What LLMs can currently do ie. "Soup" tasks:

    • check this document and fix all spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors

    • summarise this paragraph as dot points

    • write a python program that sorts my photographs into folders based on the year they were taken

    Half of Lemmy is hyping katanas, the other half is yelling "Why won't my spoon cut this steak?!! AI is so dumb!!!"

    Update: wow, the pure vitriol pouring out of the replies is just stunning. Seems there are a lot of you out there who have, in one way or another, tied your ego very strongly to either the success or failure of AI.

    Take a step back, friends, and go outside for a while.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee?
    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee?
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most useless skill you've mastered, and how did you end up getting so good at it?
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most useless skill you've mastered, and how did you end up getting so good at it?
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most useless skill you've mastered, and how did you end up getting so good at it?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 weeks ago 100%

    Target legit steals designs from lesser known artists, even here in Australia they've been caught doing it

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was the hardest part of schooling for you?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%

    I grew up in a time when autism was diagnosable, but only if you were in the extreme end of the spectrum. I don't even know if Asperger's was a thing.

    Many, many days of my adult life I've wondered if I'm on the (lighter) end of the spectrum. There's still at least a two year waiting period to find out. So many "clues" I can point to from my childhood, but they could also just be coincidences.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your unconventional productivity hack/tool
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%

    Do you mind if I send you a DM? I have more questions that probably don't need to be added to this thread :P

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most painful thing you've experienced ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%
    1. Full bowel blockage
    2. Ruptured appendix

    With number 1, by the time I got to the hospital my shirt was wringing wet with sweat, vomit, tears, and blood. I took it off and told the ambulance driver to just chuck it in the bin lol

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most painful thing you've experienced ?
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your unconventional productivity hack/tool
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%

    Oh, one other thing; I love the idea of having physical papers that I can spread out on my desk and re-order and play around with, but when you put them back in the boxes, how do you do it? Do you put them in chronological or alphabetical order? And when you want to find one again, do you have to search through hundreds of cards just to find the right one?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your unconventional productivity hack/tool
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%

    I chose obsidian for two basic reasons 1. Easy backups and 2. No physical storage space required. Those are really the biggest bonuses, especially the backups, using the 3-2-1 rule. If I'm going to invest in this system I want to make sure it won't just disappear one day, and with obsidian (or other zettelkasten programs) I can automate that process.

    If those things aren't an issue for you then I would recommend that you stick with what you know. Yes, there are lots of fancy things you can do with plugins and so forth on the computer, but the system was designed to work with paper, so I don't see why you can't stick with that, if it's what you prefer.

    Plus, the time cost of switching may not be worth it if you already have an extensive system in place.

    I'm still not 100% sure I'm doing it right but it has definitely helped me organise and refine what's in my head and see connections and possibilities that I didn't see before, which makes me happy 😊

    I might look up some tutorials next, but I don't want to overcomplicate things. With any system there's a point where you end up spending more time fussing with the scaffolding rather than just building the building, if you know what I mean.

  • memes Memes I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 weeks ago 100%

    Really feel sorry for the guy. Apparently the drinking was the only way to ease the physical pain he was in so much of the time.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy z00s 1 month ago 95%
    How do you pronounce zsh? Sudo? Ssh?

    Ok, going for full controversy here. zsh = "zoosh" ssh = "shoosh" sudo = sue-dough Before you achktually me, I know it's supposed to be "sue-DO", because the acronym stands for "superuser do", but for the life of me, when I see those letters together it just seems wrong to pronounce it that way.

    Ask Lemmy z00s 3 months ago 98%
    What's your "back pocket" wish?

    A few years ago I felt kinda lame whenever I had to "make a wish" blowing out birthday candles or whatnot and the only thing I could think of under pressure was "world peace". Since then, I've kept a wish ready to blurt out if I ever see a falling star or toss a coin into a fountain etc For me, it's sending my mind, with all my current knowledge and experience, back in time into my body at the moment I graduated high school, so I could re-live my life with more confidence, less anxiety and get straight into doing the cool bits of my life much earlier. What would be your "back pocket wish"?

    Linux z00s 5 months ago 69%
    Using ChatGPT with Linux

    Last night I was nearly tearing my hair out trying to get a crappy inkjet printer installed when I turned to ChatGPT for help; 5 minutes later it was done (driver issues). I realised that I use it a lot for all sorts of things but haven’t really seen any posts on here about it, and was wondering if other people do the same. I’ve used it to create bash scripts, write small, niche python programs (eg sort photos into separate folders based on their orientation), and create cron jobs among other things. In particular, I find it useful when I want to use a command line program that has a complicated set of options / syntax, but I might only ever want to use it once, or very infrequently. So I tell it what I want to accomplish, and ask it to give me the correct command to run with the options I specify in plain language. Example: User Give me the correct rsync command to recursively copy all files in /home/user/Documents that are image files of any type but were created more recently than 1/1/2024. The destination is /home/user/foo ChatGPT `rsync -avm --include='*/' --include='*.jpg' --include='*.jpeg' --include='*.png' --include='*.gif' --include='*.bmp' --include='*.tiff' --include='*.svg' --exclude='*' --prune-empty-dirs --min-age=$(date -d '2024-01-01' +%s) /home/user/Documents/ /home/user/foo/` User Break down the command and explain each part of it in dot point format. ChatGPT `- `rsync`: Invokes the rsync program, which is used for efficiently transferring and synchronizing files across systems or within a system. - `-avm`: - `-a`: Archive mode, which preserves permissions, symlinks, modification times, group, and ownership. Implicitly includes recursion. - `-v`: Verbose mode, which provides detailed output of what rsync is doing. - `-m`: Prune empty directory chains from the file-list. - `--include='*/'`: Include directories themselves, which is necessary for recursion. - `--include='*.jpg' --include='*.jpeg' --include='*.png' --include='*.gif' --include='*.bmp' --include='*.tiff' --include='*.svg'`: Include files that match these image file extensions. - `--exclude='*'`: Exclude all other files that do not match the previously stated include patterns. - `--prune-empty-dirs`: Exclude empty directories that result from the inclusion/exclusion pattern. - `--min-age=$(date -d '2024-01-01' +%s)`: Exclude files that are older than the timestamp for January 1, 2024. This uses `date -d` to convert a date string into a timestamp, which `rsync` uses to filter files. - `/home/user/Documents/`: Source directory from which files are being synchronized. - `/home/user/foo/`: Destination directory to which files are being synchronized.` It’s also really good for explaining concepts / commands in plain language. It’s like having a 24 hour on call Linux expert :) #Things to note: **- Get the subscription.** ChatGPT 3.5 is pretty useless. ChatGPT4 is fine, but I’m pretty sure you need the subscription to access it. **- Give it pre-instructions.** I have told mine what distro, what shell I’m using and the make and model of my laptop. If you have a subscription you can add these as permanent pre-instructions, so to speak. That way it will be much more likely to give you correct answers. **- It’s not magic** In order to get what you want, you have to be able to ask the right questions. It will boost your ability but won’t turn you in to a 1337 haxx0r **-Ask questions** As always, don’t run any commands that you don’t understand. Ask it to break down any commands it tells you to run if you don’t understand them. **-Sometimes it goofs** For various reasons, sometimes it will ask you to install a package that no longer exists, or will give you a command that doesn’t work. When that happens, I just feed the error message back into ChatGPT and it usually is able to correct itself. **-Ask “Is there a better or easier way to do this?”** This is probably the most valuable question I’ve found to ask chatGPT. Sometimes it gets so far in the weeds looking for a solution to a problem that you need to pull back and start fresh.

    Ask Lemmy z00s 6 months ago 95%
    What would you do if you had six months left to live?

    Assume that you only have the resources and money that you've acquired up to this point in your life, and you still have to pay rent, bills etc. You are basically physically capable of everyday activities but extreme feats (eg running marathons, climbing everest) are not realistic.

    Pi-hole z00s 7 months ago 87%
    Mozilla Location Services

    Hi all, I used to have pihole on an actual rasperry pi for a long time with no problems, and have recently switched to docker. However, a couple of weeks after doing so I noticed that there are now an excessive amount of requests to - nearly 86000 in the last 24 hours alone. I have always used Firefox, but this seems like weird behaviour. I have Pihole set up as the DNS server in the router settings, but am not using the pihole as a DHCP server. Let me know what logs to post, if any. Thanks.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Surviving Past 40 z00s 8 months ago 100%
    Estate planning - yes, you

    Hi Lemmy, I like the idea of this sub so I thought I'd contribute the first post. I'm 40, and I have cancer. I don't know if I'll survive or not. Being in this position though has forced me to get all my "life stuff" in order, and boy, I can tell you there's a lot more of it than you realise. Start now. Especially if you're healthy, double especially if you have a spouse and/or kids. I get it that nobody wants to think about their own mortality, but consider that what you're actually doing is making things easier for your family. 1. Get a properly done will from a lawyer. Not one of those "write your own will" kits. It's not just about who gets what, but also burial vs cremation, who will be your executor, any special gifts/request, who is next in line if your beneficiary dies etc. 2. Organ donation? Tell your relatives AND register. 3. Insurance. Get life insurance as its the only insurance with a guaranteed payment BUT calculate yearly cost vs how much you would have if you just put that money in the bank. Amount should cover all outstanding debts. Get separate insurance for house and vehicles. 4. Superannuation (retirement savings). Where I'm from they need a form filled out that tells them who your executor will be. If they don't have this, your executor will have to go to court and it's a real pain in the arse. 5. Photos. Get them off your phone and back them up using the [3, 2, 1 backup rule]( Make sure someone else has access if you pass away. Photos are one of those things that doesn't seem important until someone dies and that's all you have left of them. 6. Power of attorney. Who will make financial and health decisions for you if you're in a coma? 7. Advanced health directive. If you're in a coma, do you want someone to pull the plug, or keep you alive no matter what? Read about [Terry Schiavo]( to see why this is so important. Again, tell your relatives AND fill out the documents. 8. Consider prepaying for your funeral. Especially if your family doesn't have a lot of money. They're more expensive than you think. It may take weeks or months before your relatives can access your savings or insurance money, and they'll still have to pay for it in the meantime. Hot tip: caskets are a waste of money; get the cheapest you can. I am friends with a mortician, and he tells me that most of them are cheap crap made in China with 1000% price markups. They get away with it because frankly, nobody's going to bring one back for a refund. 9. Write letters to the people you care about. If you die suddenly, they'll have a heartfelt letter as your last words to them instead of a text saying "Do we need more cheese?" 10. Relax. We all die eventually, but at least now you know that everything is taken care of. Your friends and family will still be sad, but at least your death won't be any harder on them them it has to be.

    Asklemmy z00s 8 months ago 94%
    Environmentally friendly balloons?

    Hi Lemmy, I'm organising a funeral, and one of the ideas that has come up is for people to write memories on a balloon and let them go. However, I've also heard that they often end up in trees etc and are terrible for the environment. Is there such a thing as environmentally safe balloons? Other suggestions are also welcome.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux

    # How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux ### For models not supported by [lvfs]( ### Completed successfully on a Dell Inspiron 3595 running Manjaro This fix does not require Manjaro, it should work on any distro. It took me a looong time to figure out how to do this for various reasons, and there are a _lot_ of forum posts on the net about this exact problem. So for posterity I offer up this guide for any future googlers. **TLDR for advanced users:** Use Ventoy to boot the Windows 10 installer and open the command prompt in the "Repair my PC" menu to launch the Dell BIOS update executable from a second USB. 1. Grab two USBs that are at least 8 GB in capacity. 2. Download the BIOS update file from the Dell support website. 3. Copy it to the first USB. Mine was formatted as NTFS but I don't think it's critical to the process. 4. Download [Ventoy]( If you've never heard of this, spend a minute reading about it. It's a cool tool. 5. Flash Ventoy to your **second** USB. 6. Acquire an .iso of Windows 10. I chose Windows 10 because Windows 7 didn't boot on my laptop (not sure why), and Windows 11 was too heavy for the CPU. I also tried Freedos but my laptop only has UEFI boot enabled, and no legacy option, which is apparently not supported. **Note - you don't actually need to install or activate Windows in any way** so I didn't feel it was necessary to be too picky about how I acquired the image. 7. Copy the Windows 10 .iso file to your Ventoy USB. 8. Boot from the Ventoy USB and select Windows 10. (F12 on most Dell laptops to interrupt the boot sequence) 9. Click "Repair my PC" in the bottom left hand corner - DO NOT install. 10. Click on the "Use command prompt" option which should be in the "Troubleshoot" menu. 11. Insert your first USB with the Dell BIOS update file on it. 12. Change directory to your first USB. It automatically mounted mine as `D:` Simply type the name of the drive to change to it. 13. Type the name of the BIOS update file to execute. For example: `Inspiron_3595_1.5.0.exe` If you forget the name of the file, type `dir` to get a list of files in the current directory. 14. Watch the magic happen and don't freak out if it reboots more than once - just let it do its thing until it's finished. 15. (Optional) boot into the BIOS to confirm that the update has been successful (check the version number). The entire process was fairly quick, less than 5 mintes, and it automatically rebooted twice. The only indication I had that it was finished was that on the third reboot it booted back into Linux. I went back into the BIOS later to confirm that the BIOS version number matched the version number on the Dell website (in this case, 1.5.0).

    Linux z00s 9 months ago 75%
    How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux

    # How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux ### For models not supported by [lvfs]( ### Completed successfully on a Dell Inspiron 3595 running Manjaro This fix does not require Manjaro, it should work on any distro. It took me a looong time to figure out how to do this for various reasons, and there are a _lot_ of forum posts on the net about this exact problem. So for posterity I offer up this guide for any future googlers. **TLDR for advanced users:** Use Ventoy to boot the Windows 10 installer and open the command prompt in the "Repair my PC" menu to launch the Dell BIOS update executable from a second USB. 1. Grab two USBs that are at least 8 GB in capacity. 2. Download the BIOS update file from the Dell support website. 3. Copy it to the first USB. Mine was formatted as NTFS but I don't think it's critical to the process. 4. Download [Ventoy]( If you've never heard of this, spend a minute reading about it. It's a cool tool. 5. Flash Ventoy to your **second** USB. 6. Acquire an .iso of Windows 10. I chose Windows 10 because Windows 7 didn't boot on my laptop (not sure why), and Windows 11 was too heavy for the CPU. I also tried Freedos but my laptop only has UEFI boot enabled, and no legacy option, which is apparently not supported. **Note - you don't actually need to install or activate Windows in any way** so I didn't feel it was necessary to be too picky about how I acquired the image. 7. Copy the Windows 10 .iso file to your Ventoy USB. 8. Boot from the Ventoy USB and select Windows 10. (F12 on most Dell laptops to interrupt the boot sequence) 9. Click "Repair my PC" in the bottom left hand corner - DO NOT install. 10. Click on the "Use command prompt" option which should be in the "Troubleshoot" menu. 11. Insert your first USB with the Dell BIOS update file on it. 12. Change directory to your first USB. It automatically mounted mine as `D:` Simply type the name of the drive to change to it. 13. Type the name of the BIOS update file to execute. For example: `Inspiron_3595_1.5.0.exe` If you forget the name of the file, type `dir` to get a list of files in the current directory. 14. Watch the magic happen and don't freak out if it reboots more than once - just let it do its thing until it's finished. 15. (Optional) boot into the BIOS to confirm that the update has been successful (check the version number). The entire process was fairly quick, less than 5 mintes, and it automatically rebooted twice. The only indication I had that it was finished was that on the third reboot it booted back into Linux. I went back into the BIOS later to confirm that the BIOS version number matched the version number on the Dell website (in this case, 1.5.0).

    Linux z00s 9 months ago 83%
    How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux

    # How to update the BIOS on a Dell laptop running Linux ### For models not supported by [lvfs]( ### Completed successfully on a Dell Inspiron 3595 running Manjaro This fix does not require Manjaro, it should work on any distro. It took me a looong time to figure out how to do this for various reasons, and there are a _lot_ of forum posts on the net about this exact problem. So for posterity I offer up this guide for any future googlers. **TLDR for advanced users:** Use Ventoy to boot the Windows 10 installer and open the command prompt in the "Repair my PC" menu to launch the Dell BIOS update executable from a second USB. 1. Grab two USBs that are at least 8 GB in capacity. 2. Download the BIOS update file from the Dell support website. 3. Copy it to the first USB. Mine was formatted as NTFS but I don't think it's critical to the process. 4. Download [Ventoy]( If you've never heard of this, spend a minute reading about it. It's a cool tool. 5. Flash Ventoy to your **second** USB. 6. Acquire an .iso of Windows 10. I chose Windows 10 because Windows 7 didn't boot on my laptop (not sure why), and Windows 11 was too heavy for the CPU. I also tried Freedos but my laptop only has UEFI boot enabled, and no legacy option, which is apparently not supported. **Note - you don't actually need to install or activate Windows in any way** so I didn't feel it was necessary to be too picky about how I acquired the image. 7. Copy the Windows 10 .iso file to your Ventoy USB. 8. Boot from the Ventoy USB and select Windows 10. (F12 on most Dell laptops to interrupt the boot sequence) 9. Click "Repair my PC" in the bottom left hand corner - DO NOT install. 10. Click on the "Use command prompt" option which should be in the "Troubleshoot" menu. 11. Insert your first USB with the Dell BIOS update file on it. 12. Change directory to your first USB. It automatically mounted mine as `D:` Simply type the name of the drive to change to it. 13. Type the name of the BIOS update file to execute. For example: `Inspiron_3595_1.5.0.exe` If you forget the name of the file, type `dir` to get a list of files in the current directory. 14. Watch the magic happen and don't freak out if it reboots more than once - just let it do its thing until it's finished. 15. (Optional) boot into the BIOS to confirm that the update has been successful (check the version number). The entire process was fairly quick, less than 5 mintes, and it automatically rebooted twice. The only indication I had that it was finished was that on the third reboot it booted back into Linux. I went back into the BIOS later to confirm that the BIOS version number matched the version number on the Dell website (in this case, 1.5.0).

    UFOs z00s 1 year ago 92%
    What you would like to see happen VS what you think will happen

    Regarding the UFO sessions being held in the US currently, what would you like to see happen, and what do you think will actually happen? Personally I'd like to see: -Any proof that conclusively shows that this isn't some kind of weird disinfo / smoke show by the US -Actual physical evidence of living or deceased aliens or their craft -Details of communication that has occurred (if any) I think we'll actually see: -Talk -Claims -Discussion

    AI Art & Image Generation z00s 1 year ago 33%
    Memento Mori


    Why does this sub have the snoo feelers on its icon?

    This isn't R. R is shit. That's why you left. Stop trying to make this place like R. R still exists. If that's what you want, go back there. R sucked because of the hive mind mentality and pandering for (pointless, imaginary) upvotes. Don't try and recreate that. R trained you to write and post in a certain way so that the owners of that private company could get maximum engagement for their advertisers and make money off of your eyeballs. Let it go. Be free. Let the weird web flourish.

    Linux z00s 1 year ago 95%
    Any closer to getting Linux on old iPads?

    I know there was some project about this but haven't heard of anything for a while. Ewaste is such a crime; all of my devices are used or older purchases that are past their "cool by" date. I have an iPad 2 and iPad mini that function perfectly but aren't supported by apple anymore. Would love to get a second life for them instead of having to get rid of them for no good reason.
